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I.D. Number : K0235+235
Project Duration : 103 CALENDAR DAYS
ABC: : 14,209,020.00


A.1.1(8) Provision of Field Office for the Engineer (Rental Basis) 3.43 mo.
Materials & Labor
3.43 mo. Provision of Field Office for the Engineer (Rental Basis) 15,000.00 51,450.00

Contractor's profit 6,174.00
OCM 3,601.50
Taxes 5,287.66
SUB-TOTAL P 66,513.16
Unit Cost 19,391.59

Provision of 4X4 Pick Up Type Service Vehicle for the Engineer on Bare Rental Basis
A.1.2(2) (Including Fuel and Driver twice (2x) a month) 3.43 mo.
Materials & Labor
Provision of 4X4 Pick Up Type Service Vehicle for the
Engineer on Bare Rental Basis (Including Fuel and Driver
3.43 mo. twice (2x) a month) 50,000.00 171,500.00

Contractor's profit 20,580.00
OCM 12,005.00
Taxes 17,625.52
SUB-TOTAL P 221,710.52
Unit Cost 64,638.64



B.5 Project Billboard/ Signboard 3.00 each
Materials & Labor
3.00 each Project Billboard/ Signboard 10,000.00 30,000.00

CP 3,600.00
OCM 2,100.00
Tax 3,083.18
SUB-TOTAL P 38,783.18
Unit Cost 12,927.73

B.7(2) Occupational Safety and Heallth Program 1.00 ls.

a. Materials
35.0 pcs Helmet 420.00 14,700.00
35.0 pcs Reflectorized Vest 220.00 7,700.00
15.0 box Dusk Mask 205.00 3,075.00
100.0 pcs Working Gloves 75.00 7,500.00
15.0 pcs Safety Shoes 450.00 6,750.00
1.0 set First Aid Kit 1,000.00 1,000.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1 Safety and Health Officer 103 days 750.00 77,250.00
One 1 First Aider 103 days 450.00 46,350.00

CP 19,719.00
OCM 11,502.75
Tax 16,888.13
SUB-TOTAL P 212,434.88
Unit Cost 212,434.88

B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s.

1 l.s. Mobilization/Demobilization 100,000.00 100,000.00

CP 12,000.00
OCM 7,000.00
Tax 10,277.27
SUB-TOTAL P 129,277.27
Unit Cost 129,277.27

B.8(2) Traffic Management 1.00 ls.

a. Materials
1.00 mo. Roadworks Saftey Gears and Devices 10,000.00 10,000.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1 Safety and Health Officer 103 days 750.00 77,250.00
Four 2 Traffic Aide 103 days 450.00 92,700.00

CP 21,594.00
OCM 12,596.50
Tax 18,493.95
SUB-TOTAL P 232,634.45
Unit Cost 232,634.45

SUB-TOTAL FOR PART B. 613,129.79

100(1) Clearing and Grubbing 0.16 ha.
a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 1.0 days 750.00 750.00
Three 3 Laborers 1.0 days 450.00 1,350.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Crawler Backhoe 1.0 cum 138 HP 1.0 days 25,000.00 25,000.00
2 unit Dumptruck 1.0 days 12,000.00 24,000.00

Contractor's profit 6,132.00
OCM 3,577.00
Taxes 5,531.39
SUB-TOTAL P 66,340.39
Unit Cost 414,627.41

100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees, Small (150-300mm dia. small) 10.00 each
a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 3.0 days 750.00 2,250.00
Three 3 Laborers 3.0 days 450.00 4,050.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Chain Saw 3.0 days 1,200.00 3,600.00
1 unit Dump Truck 3.0 days 12,000.00 36,000.00

Contractor's profit 5,508.00
OCM 3,213.00
Taxes 4,717.27
SUB-TOTAL P 59,338.27
Unit Cost 5,933.83

100(3)a2 Individual Removal of Trees, Small (301 - 500mm dia. small) 2.00 each
a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 1.0 days 750.00 750.00
Three 3 Laborers 1.0 days 450.00 1,350.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Chain Saw 1.0 days 1,200.00 1,200.00
1 unit Dump Truck 0.8 days 12,000.00 9,600.00

Contractor's profit 1,548.00
OCM 903.00
Taxes 1,325.77
SUB-TOTAL P 16,676.77
Unit Cost 8,338.38

101(3)c1 Removal of Structures/Obstruction (Existing ACP, 50mm. Thk ) 793.00 sq.m.

a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 2.0 days 750.00 1,500.00
Three 3 Laborers 2.0 days 450.00 2,700.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Backhoe with Breaker 2.0 days 25,000.00 50,000.00
2 unit Dumptruck 2.0 days 12,000.00 48,000.00
Contractor's profit 12,264.00
OCM 7,154.00
Taxes 10,783.07
SUB-TOTAL P 132,401.07
Unit Cost 166.96

102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 666.01 cu.m.

a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 3.0 days 750.00 2,250.00
Three 3 Laborers 3.0 days 450.00 4,050.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Backhoe with Breaker 3.0 days 25,000.00 75,000.00
2 unit Dumptruck 3.0 days 12,000.00 72,000.00

Contractor's profit 18,396.00
OCM 10,731.00
Taxes 16,034.76
SUB-TOTAL P 198,461.76
Unit Cost 297.99

103(1)a Structure Excavation (Common Soil) 511.73 cu.m.

a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 2.0 days 750.00 1,500.00
Three 3 Laborers 2.0 days 450.00 2,700.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Backhoe with Breaker 2.0 days 25,000.00 50,000.00
2 unit Dumptruck 2.0 days 12,000.00 48,000.00

Contractor's profit 12,264.00
OCM 7,154.00
Taxes 10,783.07
SUB-TOTAL P 132,401.07
Unit Cost 258.73

104(1)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation 387.72 cu.m

a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 2.0 days 750.00 1,500.00
Three 3 Laborers 2.0 days 450.00 2,700.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Road Grader 2.0 days 26,000.00 52,000.00
1 unit Vibratory Road Roller 2.0 days 16,000.00 32,000.00
1 unit Water Truck 2.0 days 11,500.00 23,000.00

Contractor's profit 13,344.00
OCM 7,784.00
Taxes 11,428.33
SUB-TOTAL P 143,756.33
Unit Cost 370.77

105(1)a Subgrade Preparation (Common Materials) 3,995.90 sq.m.

a. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 2.0 days 750.00 1,500.00
Three 3 Laborers 2.0 days 450.00 2,700.00

b. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Road Grader 2.0 days 26,000.00 52,000.00
1 unit Vibratory Road Roller 2.0 days 16,000.00 32,000.00
1 unit Water Truck 2.0 days 11,500.00 23,000.00

Contractor's profit 13,344.00
OCM 7,784.00
Taxes 11,428.33
SUB-TOTAL P 143,756.33
Unit Cost 35.98

SUB-TOTAL FOR PART C. 893,131.98

200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 715.72 cu.m.
a. Materials
824 cu.m. Item 200 500.00 412,000.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 2.0 days 750.00 1,500.00
Three 3 Laborers 2.0 days 450.00 2,700.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Road Grader 2.0 days 26,000.00 52,000.00
1 unit Vibratory Road Roller 2.0 days 16,000.00 32,000.00
1 unit Water Truck 2.0 days 11,500.00 23,000.00

Contractor's profit 62,784.00
OCM 36,624.00
Taxes 53,770.69
SUB-TOTAL P 676,378.69
Unit Cost 945.03

SUB-TOTAL FOR PART D. 676,378.69


311(1)c1 PCC Pavement unReinforced,(0.23m thick, 14 Days) 25.00 sq.m.
a. Materials
52.00 bags Portland Cement 290.00 15,080.00
5.75 cu.m Gravel 1,200.00 6,900.00
2.88 cu.m Sand 900.00 2,587.50
2.00 pcs 16mmØ RSB 380.00 760.00
2.0 length Fab. Steel Forms, side edge, 0.30mx3m 1,750.00 3,500.00
1.0 kls Assorted CW Nails 65.00 65.00
1.0 kls #16 Tie Wire 60.00 60.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1.0 Construction Foreman 0.1 days 750.00 75.00
Three 1.0 Steelman/Carpenter 0.1 days 600.00 60.00
Five 1.0 Mason 0.1 days 600.00 60.00
Eight 1.0 Laborers 0.1 days 450.00 45.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

Two 1.0 Units Transit Mixer 0.1 days 8,000.00 800.00

Two 1.0 Units Concrete Vibrator 0.1 days 600.00 60.00
One 1.0 Unit Concrete Cutter 0.1 days 1,350.00 135.00
One 1.0 Unit Bar Cutter 0.1 days 700.00 70.00
One 1.0 Units Concrete Screeder 0.1 days 1,250.00 125.00
One 1.0 Pay Loader 0.1 days 12,000.00 1,200.00
One 1.0 Units Water Truck 0.1 days 12,000.00 1,200.00

Contractor's profit 3,933.90
OCM 2,294.78
Taxes 3,369.15
SUB-TOTAL P 42,380.32
Unit Cost 1,695.21

311(1)f1 PCC Pavement unReinforced,(0.30m thick, 14 Days) 3,146.50 sq.m.

a. Materials
8,496.00 bags Portland Cement 290.00 2,463,840.00
943.95 cu.m Gravel 1,200.00 1,132,740.00
471.98 cu.m Sand 900.00 424,777.50
100.00 pcs 25mmØ RSB 420.00 42,000.00
110.00 pcs 16mmØ RSB 380.00 41,800.00
15.0 length Fab. Steel Forms, Centerline, 0.30mx3m 2,150.00 32,250.00
15.0 length Fab. Steel Forms, side edge, 0.30mx3m 1,750.00 26,250.00
10.0 kls Assorted CW Nails 65.00 650.00
15.0 kls #16 Tie Wire 60.00 900.00

b. Itemized Labor
1.0 Construction Foreman 3.0 days 750.00 2,250.00
2.0 Steelman/Carpenter 3.0 days 600.00 3,600.00
3.0 Mason 3.0 days 600.00 5,400.00
6.0 Laborers 3.0 days 450.00 8,100.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1.0 Unit Batching Plant 1.0 lot 10,000.00 10,000.00
2.0 Units Transit Mixer 3.0 days 8,000.00 48,000.00
1.0 Units Concrete Vibrator 3.0 days 600.00 1,800.00
1.0 Unit Concrete Cutter 3.0 days 1,350.00 4,050.00
1.0 Unit Bar Cutter 3.0 days 700.00 2,100.00
1.0 Units Concrete Screeder 3.0 days 1,250.00 3,750.00
1.0 Pay Loader 3.0 days 12,000.00 36,000.00
1.0 Units Water Truck 3.0 days 12,000.00 36,000.00
Contractor's profit 519,150.90
OCM 302,838.03
Taxes 444,621.28
SUB-TOTAL P 5,592,867.71
Unit Cost 1,777.49

311(2)f1 PCC Pavement, Reinforced,(0.30m thick, 14 Days) 27.45 sq.m.

a. Materials
75.00 bags Portland Cement 290.00 21,750.00
8.24 cu.m Gravel 1,200.00 9,882.00
4.12 cu.m Sand 900.00 3,705.75
8.00 pcs 25mmØ RSB 420.00 3,360.00
10.00 pcs 16mmØ RSB 380.00 3,800.00
2.0 length Fab. Steel Forms, Centerline, 0.30mx3m 2,150.00 4,300.00
2.0 length Fab. Steel Forms, side edge, 0.30mx3m 1,750.00 3,500.00
1.0 kls Assorted CW Nails 65.00 65.00
1.0 kls #16 Tie Wire 60.00 60.00

b. Itemized Labor
1.0 Construction Foreman 0.2 days 750.00 150.00
2.0 Steelman/Carpenter 0.2 days 600.00 240.00
1.0 Mason 0.2 days 600.00 120.00
2.0 Laborers 0.2 days 450.00 180.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1.0 Units Transit Mixer 0.2 days 8,000.00 1,600.00
1.0 Units Concrete Vibrator 0.2 days 600.00 120.00
1.0 Unit Concrete Cutter 0.2 days 1,350.00 270.00
1.0 Unit Bar Cutter 0.2 days 700.00 140.00
1.0 Units Concrete Screeder 0.2 days 1,250.00 250.00
1.0 Pay Loader 0.2 days 12,000.00 2,400.00
1.0 Units Water Truck 0.2 days 12,000.00 2,400.00

Contractor's profit 6,995.13
OCM 4,080.49
Taxes 5,990.90
SUB-TOTAL P 75,359.28
Unit Cost 2,745.33

SUB-TOTAL FOR PART E. 5,710,607.31


506(1) Stone Masonry 825.85 cu.m.
a. Materials
992.0 cu.m. Boulders 1,400.00 1,388,800.00
1,984.0 bags Portland Cement 290.00 575,360.00
496.0 cu.m. Washed Sand 900.00 446,400.00
1.0 lot Consummable 2,000.00 2,000.00

B. Itemized Labor
One 1.0 Construction Foreman 10.0 days 750.00 7,500.00
Six 6.0 Mason 10.0 days 600.00 36,000.00
Ten 10.0 Laborers 10.0 days 450.00 45,000.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

One 1.0 Units Stake Truck 5.0 days 8,000.00 40,000.00

Contractor's profit 304,927.20
OCM 177,874.20
Taxes 261,151.67
SUB-TOTAL P 3,285,013.07
Unit Cost 3,977.74

SUB-TOTAL FOR PART G. 3,285,013.07

600(7) Curb and Gutter (Precast) 642.00 pc.
a. Materials
642.00 pc. Curb and Gutter (Precast) 900.00 577,800.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 1.0 days 750.00 750.00
Three 3 Mason 1.0 days 600.00 1,800.00
Three 3 Laborers 1.0 days 450.00 1,350.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Stake Truck 1.0 days 8,000.00 8,000.00

CP 70,764.00
OCM 41,279.00
Tax 60,605.08
SUB-TOTAL P 762,348.08
Unit Cost 1,187.46

601(1) Sidewalk, 100mm thk. 834.60 sq.m.

a. Materials
1,503.0 bags Portland Cement 290.00 435,870.00
83.5 cum Gravel 1,200.00 100,152.00
41.7 cum Sand 900.00 37,557.00
35.00 length RSB 135.00 4,725.00
1.0 lot Consummable 250.00 250.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 1.0 days 750.00 750.00
Three 3 Mason 1.0 days 600.00 1,800.00
Three 3 Laborers 1.0 days 450.00 1,350.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 units One-Bagger Mixer 1.0 days 2,000.00 2,000.00
1 units Concrete Vibrator 1.0 days 600.00 600.00

CP 70,206.48
OCM 40,953.78
Tax 60,127.60
SUB-TOTAL P 756,341.86
Unit Cost 906.23

603(3)a1 Metal Guardrail (Metal Beam) Including Concrete Post 353.00 l.m
a. Materials
148.0 pcs Guardrail Metal beam 3,200.00 473,600.00
18.0 bags Portland Cement 290.00 5,220.00
2.0 cu.m. Gravel 900.00 1,800.00
2.5 cu.m. Washed Sand 600.00 1,500.00
1.0 lot Other Accessories 1,500.00 1,500.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 4.0 days 750.00 3,000.00
Two 2 Mason/Carpenter 4.0 days 600.00 4,800.00
Three 3 Laborers 4.0 days 450.00 5,400.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Stake Truck 4.0 days 8,000.00 32,000.00

Contractor's profit 63,458.40
OCM 37,017.40
Taxes 54,348.27
SUB-TOTAL P 683,644.07
Unit Cost 1,936.67

603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece (Fish Tail) 10.00 ea

a. Materials
10.0 pcs Metal Beam End Piece (Fish Tail) 1,200.00 12,000.00
1.0 lot Other Accessories 100.00 100.00

b. Itemized Labor
One 1 Construction Foreman 1.0 day 750.00 750.00
One 1 Steelman 1.0 day 600.00 600.00
Two 2 Laborers 1.0 day 450.00 900.00

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

1 unit Stake Truck 1.0 day 8,000.00 8,000.00

Contractor's profit 2,682.00
OCM 1,564.50
Taxes 2,296.97
SUB-TOTAL P 28,893.47
Unit Cost 2,889.35

Warning Sign (600mm, Horizontal Alignment-

605(1)d1 2.00 each
Reverse Curve l or R, W1-4A)
Warning Sign (600mm, Horizontal Alignment-Reverse Curve l
2.00 sets or R, W1-4A) 5,500.00 11,000.00
2.00 length Gi pIpe 75mm. dia 750.00 1,500.00
1.00 lot Consummable 1,000.00 1,000.00

One 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 days 750.00 750.00
Two 2 Mason 1.00 days 600.00 1,200.00
Four 4 Laborer 1.00 days 450.00 1,800.00

CP 2,070.00
OCM 1,207.50
Tax 1,772.83
SUB-TOTAL P 22,300.33
Unit Cost 11,150.16

605(1)ar1 Warning Sign (600mmx400mm, Suplementary Signs- Advisory Speed, W8-1A) 2.00 each
Warning Sign (600mmx400mm, Suplementary Signs- Advisory
2.00 sets Speed, W8-1A) 5,500.00 11,000.00
2.00 length Gi pIpe 75mm. dia 750.00 1,500.00
1.00 lot Consummable 1,000.00 1,000.00

One 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 days 750.00 750.00
Two 2 Mason 1.00 days 600.00 1,200.00
Four 4 Laborer 1.00 days 450.00 1,800.00

CP 2,070.00
OCM 1,207.50
Tax 1,772.83
SUB-TOTAL P 22,300.33
Unit Cost 11,150.16

605(6)e1 Hazard Markers ( Chevron Signs 450x600mm) 5.00 each

10.00 sets Hazard Markers ( Chevron Signs 450x600mm) 5,500.00 55,000.00
5.00 length Gi pIpe 75mm. dia 750.00 3,750.00
1.00 lot Consummable 1,000.00 1,000.00

One 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 days 750.00 750.00
Two 2 Mason 1.00 days 600.00 1,200.00
Four 4 Laborer 1.00 days 450.00 1,800.00

CP 7,620.00
OCM 4,445.00
Tax 6,526.07
SUB-TOTAL P 82,091.07
Unit Cost 16,418.21

605(2)ai2 Regulatory Sign (Pedestrian Crossing R6-8B 600mm) 2.00 each

2.00 sets Regulatory Sign (Pedestrian Crossing R6-8B 600mm) 5,500.00 11,000.00
2.00 length Gi pIpe 75mm. dia 706.00 1,412.00
1.00 lot Consummable 1,000.00 1,000.00

One 1 Construction Foreman 0.60 days 750.00 450.00
Two 2 Mason 0.60 days 600.00 720.00
Four 4 Laborer 0.60 days 450.00 1,080.00

CP 1,879.44
OCM 1,096.34
Tax 1,609.63
SUB-TOTAL P 20,247.41
Unit Cost 10,123.70

612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Marking (White) 185.02 sq.m.

a. Materials
185.02 sq.m. Reflective Thermoplastic Material 1,250.00 231,275.00

b. Itemized Labor
185.02 sq.m. Reflective Thermoplastic Painting 120.00 22,202.40

c. Equipment (Operated Basis)

One 1.0 Applicator Machine 1.0 days 7,000.00 7,000.00
One 1.0 Kneeding Machine 1.0 days 1,800.00 1,800.00

Contractor's profit 31,473.29
OCM 18,359.42
Taxes 26,954.96
SUB-TOTAL P 339,065.07
Unit Cost 1,832.59

SUB-TOTAL FOR PART H 2,717,231.68

TOTAL BID AMOUNT P 14,183,716.19


Authorized Managing Officer,
Woodland Construction & Supply, Inc.
Construction Foreman 750.00
Skilled 600.00
Unskilled 450.00
Safety Officer 600.00
First Aider 450.00

Dump Truck 12,000.00
Water Truck 11,500.00
Road Grader 26,000.00
Vibratory Roller 16,000.00
Transit Mixer 8,000.00
Backhoe 18,500.00
Backhoe with Breaker 25,000.00
Bulldozer/Payloader 12,000.00
Concrete Vibrator 600.00
Concrete Cutter 1,350.00
Bar Cutter 700.00
Screeder 1,250.00

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