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Water and Environment Journal.

Print ISSN 1747-6585

Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water,

sediments and plants of a coastal zone of Mexico
Juan Miguel Gómez-Bernal 1
, Esther Aurora Ruiz-Huerta 2
, María Aurora Armienta Hernández 3
Patricia Ramírez Romero 1
& Margarita Elizabeth Gallegos-Martínez 1

 Departamento de Hidrobiología, División de Ciencias Básicas y de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, Iztapalapa,

Mexico; 2 Departamento de Peligros y Riesgos por fenómenos Naturales, Instituto de Geofísica Unidad Michoacán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Michoacán, Mexico; and 3 Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coyoacan, Mexico

Keywords Abstract
accumulation; coastal zones; heavy metals;
mangrove; seagrass; sediments. A preliminary environmental assessment of four heavy metals (Mn, Pb, Zn and
Fe) on the coast of Campeche, Mexico was carried out. Surface sediments (0–
Correspondence 10 cm), water and plants were collected in four sites of the coastline to obtain
Juan Miguel Gómez-Bernal, Departamento de information about the levels and spatial distribution of the selected elements.
Hidrobiología, División de Ciencias Básicas y The bioconcentration factor (BCF) was calculated for plants, where the BCF of
de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma
Mn (3.375–3.558) and Zn (0.291–0.888) were high for Conocarpus erectus (button
Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, Iztapalapa
09340, Mexico.
mangrove) and the BCF of Fe ranged from 0.022 to 0.023 in Laguncularia rac-
Email: [email protected] emosa (white mangrove). This study showed that a significant source of metal
contamination in the coastline of Campeche could be the discharge of municipal
doi:10.1111/wej.12655 sewage. The relationship among metals, water, sediments and plants revealed a
distinct behaviour of metals transportation in the marine environment. Mangroves
operated as excluder species for nonessential metals (Pb) and accumulators for
essential metals (Zn). Results showed that mangroves could be employed as a
phytostabiliser of heavy metals.

Introduction biodiversity and as an effective sink for wastewater.

Mangroves may be under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,
The coastal zones of Mexico have been subjected for sev-
contribute considerably to metals removal from wastewater
eral years to humans pressure by the direct or indirect and can increase the content of heavy metals in sediments
deposit of wastes, thereby contributing to the detriment (Wang et al., 2011). The ability of some plant species to
of their ecological values. Therefore, it is essential to per- accumulate high concentrations of heavy metals in roots,
form analyses on sediments, plants and water in order to stem, leaves or fruits, represents an important strategy in
assess the quality of coastal environments. These environ- the remediation of sites polluted by heavy metals. The
ments are potentially at risk because of high concentrations identification of plants growing in metals polluted sites
of metals in sediments (Jayaprakash et al., 2015). Similarly, represents an interesting model for studying heavy metal
other pollutants that modify the quality of water are organic mechanisms of tolerance and accumulation. This accumula-
matter, nutrients, fats and oils, detergents and pesticides, tion of heavy metals depends on the concentration and
among others, which can affect the environment (Ramos availability of the soil type, solubility in water and plant
et al., 2003). Sediments can be important indicators for species. Some plant species have developed strategies for
monitoring contaminants in aquatic environments (Atgin avoiding toxic concentrations buildup of metals within the
et al., 2000). Sediments pollution with various types of cell. These heavy metals cannot be degraded in the envi-
hazardous and toxic substances has been reported (Fukue ronment, so they are continuously deposited in water bodies
et al., 1999; Zabetoglou et al., 2002); trace elements and and soil. Although some metals are absorbed and accu-
hydrocarbons, among others, can accumulate via disposal mulated by plants, these can be stored in leaves, stem
of liquid effluents. Therefore, the evaluation of metal dis- and roots, which represents an essential strategy in the
tribution in surface sediments is useful to assess pollution remediation of contaminated sites with heavy metals.
in the marine environment (Bellucci et al., 2002; Buccolieri Metals are dangerous pollutants for their toxicity, persis-
et al., 2006). tence in nature and ability to be incorporated into food
Mangroves prosper along the coastline throughout most chains (Sakan et al., 2009); these enter the environment
of the tropical and subtropical zones (Lin, 1999). This forest in two ways: from natural and anthropogenic sources. The
play essential ecological roles in coastline protection, bioconcentration factor is used to establish the translocation
606 Water and Environment Journal 35 (2021) 606–616 © 2020 CIWEM.
J. Gómez-Bernal et al. Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico

and the magnitude of metal pollution in the environment. and to compare the metals contamination levels with others
The identification of plants growing in contaminated sites sites in Mexico.
with heavy metals represents an interesting model for
researching metals mechanisms of tolerance, accumulation Materials and methods
and removal. Some studies have been carried out in
Campeche on water quality for human consumption and
Study area
some studies about sediments and organisms. However, the
impact of metals in plants growing in the coastal zone has Plants were collected in a coastal zone (along 2.850 km)
not been assessed (Vázquez et al., 1992; Gold et al., 1993). of Campeche, Mexico (Fig. 1). Campeche is a city located
The aquatic ecosystem gets affected by the decay of plants at 19.84 latitude and −90.53 longitude and 4 meters above
and vegetation, atmospheric particulates and discharge of sea level. Approximately 899 931 inhabitants live in
municipal waste. Mangrove and seagrass plants comprise a Campeche. The annual temperature varies between 26.4°C
group of plants that dominate the coastlines of many tropi- and 27.8°C, and the range of annual precipitation is 800–
cal and subtropical regions. Campeche is a region that has 1100 mm (Rico-Gray, 1982). The composition of the rocks
a complex ecosystem and is influenced by anthropogenic in the study area are limestones, which are divided into
activities, including tourism (boat rides, seafood restaurants), three: the calcareous armor, soft sub-superficial limestone
fishing, as well as commercial and domestic wastewater and coastal calcareous sand. The compositions of the
discharges. The present study aimed to determine the con- dominant soils of Campeche are vertisol, letosol and phae-
centration, distribution and source of selected metals (Mn, ozem. The coastal vegetation of this area includes coastal
Pb, Zn and Fe) in sediments, water and plants of a coastal dune vegetation, mangrove swamp, low flood forest, pasture
zone in Campeche, México to assess the contamination status land, tular and medium forest sub-caducifolia (Barrera, 1982;
as well as the possible influence of anthropogenic activities Rico-Gray, 1982; Durán, 1987; Yáñez-Arancibia, 1996). The

Fig. 1. Distribution of sample points of water, sediments and plants species in the coastline of Campeche, México. [Colour figure can be viewed at

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Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico J. Gómez-Bernal et al.

Table 1  Water’s physicochemical parameters in the sample points and maximum limits (mg/L) of pollutants in wastewater discharges into water and
national properties (NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996)

Sampling point pH Ω µs/cm CO2−

3 HCO−3 SO2−
4 Cl− F− Na+ K+

P1-1 7.88 40 900 19.5 183 2344.1 17 350 0.822 6750 311
P1-2 7.91 41 000 16.5 192.15 2286.3 17 500 0.819 6700 310.5
P2-1 7.5 23 100 326.96 1066.5 10 087 0.553 6185 237
P2-2 7.77 32 800 275.72 1788.1 13 400 0.69 6215 245.3
P3-1 8.13 39 100 25.2 175.68 2260.7 15 362 0.784 6200 292.5
P3-2 8.19 39 100 21.6 180.56 2237 16 550 0.806 6280 290
P4-1 7.97 2570 419.38 102.69 650.5 0.232 329 14.05
P4-2 8.12 3040 18 381.25 103.33 830.5 0.204 329.5 14.03

Sampling point Ca2+ Mg2+ Balance NO3− Mn Zn Cd Cu Fe

P1-1 376.66 1048.74 −14.2 * ND ND ND ND ND

P1-2 405.63 1042.48 −14.7 * ND ND ND ND ND
P2-1 328.37 814.07 4 18.7 ND ND ND ND ND
P2-2 347.68 831.64 −7.3 * ND ND ND ND ND
P3-1 415.3 1001.5 −11.9 * ND ND ND ND ND
P3-2 405.63 995.63 −14.87 * ND ND ND ND 0.14
P4-1 146.8 56.22 −1.4 * ND ND ND ND 0.1
P4-2 160.32 51.54 −8.3 * ND ND ND ND 0.19
permissible maximum 10 0.1 4

main economic activities are oil extraction, tourism, wood (1987) and APHA (2005). Metals concentrations were deter-
industry, agriculture and fishing. mined by atomic absorption spectrometry (Perkin Elmer
AAnalyst 200).
Sediment samples were dried, homogenized and sieved
Sampling sites
through 0.063 mm. Half a gram of each sample was weighed,
Four sampling sites were selected in the coastline area of 10 mL aqua-regia (HNO3 and HCl 3:1) were added and the
Campeche: close to a retail store (P1), boat area (P2), mixture was digested during 30 min in a microwave oven
restaurant area (P3) and mangrove area (P4) (Fig. 1). The CEM, MARSXpress. The digestions were taken to 100 mL
selection of each sampling point was designed according with deionized water and filtered through Whatman 40
to the following methods: sediment collection was carried paper. Triplicates of each sample were treated in this way.
out where the most abundant plant species were observed Concentrations of Mn, Pb, Zn and Fe in sediments were
in each sampling point at a depth of 10 cm, water samples determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
were taken next to one side of the plants (Fig. 1). Leaves (Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 200). High purity standards (Certified
were collected from the plant samples for species identi- reference materials NIST traceable) and NIST Montana soil
fication by the Metropolitan Herbarium at the Universidad 2711 were used for calibration. The percentage of heavy
Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa in November of 2017 metals recovery of the certified reference material Montana
(UAM-I). soil was: 81.87% for Mn, 93.76% for Pb, 79% for Zn and
82.72% for Fe.
Four plant samples were randomly collected; these were
Analytical methods
carefully washed in the laboratory with running tap water,
Water samples were collected in 250 mL polyethylene bot- followed by three rinses with deionized water (18 MΩcm-1,
tles previously washed with HCl (1 N) and rinsed with Milli-Q Millipore) and a rinse of tri-distilled water. All plants
deionized water. Temperature and pH were measured with were carefully divided into roots and leaves. A dry weight
portable multiparametric equipment (HANNA, HI 9829). of the collected plants was obtained after heating at 60°C
Water samples were also collected at each point acidifying for 75 h in an oven; samples were then crushed, sieved
with HNO3 (0.1 M), filtered through a 0.45 μm pore mem- (<325  μm), homogenized and weighed. The digestion of
brane and stored under refrigeration until laboratory analy- plant parts was performed by adding concentrated HNO3
sis. The analysis of main cations and anions were carried to 0.5 g of each part and heating during 30 min in a
out using the described techniques by Armienta et al. microwave oven CEM, MARSXpress. The accuracy of the

608 Water and Environment Journal 35 (2021) 606–616 © 2020 CIWEM.

J. Gómez-Bernal et al. Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico

procedure was determined by analysing the certified refer- Mn and Zn were below the detection limit complying
ence material peach leaves (SRM 1547). Concentrations of with the protection of aquatic life freshwater and wetlands
Mn, Pb, Zn and Fe in plants were determined by flame (LFDMA, 2019), which is 0.02 mg/L for Zn, 0.004 mg/L
atomic absorption spectrometry (Perkin Elmer AAnalyst Cd, 0.05 mg/L Cu. The range of Fe was from 0.1 to
200). The percentage of recovery in heavy metals of the 0.19 mg/L in only three sampled points, complying with
certified reference material of peach leaves was 96.62% the protection of aquatic life freshwater and wetlands
for Mn, 122.70% for Zn and 73.79% for Fe. The QA/QC (LFDMA, 2019), which is 1 mg/L. The limit for Zn proposed
protocol included the regular control of standards by routine by WHO (1980) is 5 and 0.02 mg/L by LFDMA (2019).
analysis of SRMs; determination and minimization of sample The limits proposed by WHO (1980) and LFDMA (2019)
contamination by frequent analysis of blank samples and were not exceeded.
control of uncertainty induced because of detection limits The highest values of sulphates, chlorides, fluorides,
of Mn ( 0.1 mg/L), Pb (0.2 mg/L), Zn (0.05 mg/L) and Fe sodium, potassium and manganese were observed at sam-
(0.3 mg/L). pling point P1 and those of pH, carbonates and calcium
The metals concentration values were used to estimate at sampling point P3. Sampling point P4 presented the
the Bioconcentration Factor (BCF). The BCF was defined highest bicarbonate concentrations. In contrast, the P2
as the average of the concentration of the metal in plant sampling site had no high concentrations, which can be
tissues divided by the concentration of the metal in soil assumed was because of the transit of boats that move
(Ruiz-Huerta and Armienta-Hernández, 2012; Gómez-Bernal the water and remove the sediments. For the sampling
et al., 2014). point P1, the anthropogenic activity could be the factor
BCF = Concentration of metals in roots/Concentration influencing the measured parameters. These parameters
of metals in the sediments. could be originated mainly from domestic sewage, industrial
wastewater and agricultural fertilizers.
Ayala-Pérez and Can-González (2009) reported the tem-
Statistical methods poral and spatial behaviour of temperature, salinity, dis-
SPSS 17 software was used for all statistical analysis (SPSS solved oxygen and pH in the littoral portion of Campeche.
Inc. Released 2008). A correlation matrix was created with The temperature registered its maximum values in August
data on physicochemical parameters in water, heavy metals and the minimum values in December (35.48°C and
in sediments and plants; P < 0.05 was used to determine 23.85°C, respectively). Salinity ranged between 26.17 UPS
statistical significance. and 42.17 UPS (with minimum values in October and
maximum values in May), for dissolved oxygen minimum
values of 3.24 mg/L and maximum values of 12.87 mg/L
Results and discussion
(in June and May, respectively) were recorded; finally,
Physicochemical parameters values are presented in the pH presented values between 7.61 in September and
Table 1. The pH of the water ranged from 7.5 to 8.19, 8.55 in July, finding the highest values near the man-
complying with Mexican threshold values for the protec- groves. In our study, the highest values were found in
tion of aquatic life in freshwater and wetlands (LFDMA, sampling point P3, where T. testudinum grows in a waste-
2019), which is 6.5 to 8.5, also with USEPA´s (1986) ambi- water discharge area.
ent quality criteria that establishes mean pH values Previous studies of the coastal zone of Campeche have
between 6.5 and 9.0 for the protection of aquatic life. focused on the determination of hydrocarbons, polychlorin-
The carbonates (CO2− 3 ) varied from 16.5 to 25.2 mg/L and ated biphenyls (BPCs) and organochlorine pesticides (Rivera
bicarbonates (HCO−3 ) from 175.68 to 419.38 mg/L (Table 1). et al., 2012). Thus, to have a better evaluation of the
These parameters are important for a variety of biological contamination status of this area, it was necessary to carry
processes. The sulphates (SO2− 4 ) in water ranged from out the quantification of metals in different environmental
102.69 to 2344.1 mg/L. Chlorides varied from 650.5 to matrixes.
17 350 mg/L. Fluoride ranged from 0.204 to 0.822 mg/L, Chemical determinations were carried out to understand
complying with the protection of aquatic life freshwater the accumulation mechanisms of metals in the coastline,
and wetlands (LFDMA, 2019), which is 1 mg/L. Sodium where mangrove, seagrass and other aquatic plants grow;
in water varied from 329 to 6750 mg/L and potassium with these numbers, the BCFs were calculated to evaluate
from 14.03 to 311 mg/L. Calcium (Ca2+) ranged from 146.8 the relationship between sediments and plant species.
to 415.3 mg/L and magnesium from 51.54 mg/L to Metals’ contents are reported in Table 2 expressed as mil-
1048.74 mg/L. Nitrates (NO−3 ) varied from the below the ligram per kilogram on a dry basis except for Fe (these
detection limit to 18.7 mg/L in only one sample (Table 1). values are reported as percentages). Mn ranged at the
The concentrations of heavy metals in water for Cu, Cd, sediment sampling points from 32.99 to 589.76 mg kg−1.

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Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico J. Gómez-Bernal et al.

The highest concentration was found in P3-2 only rarely. SQuiRTs does not propose a limit for Mn in
(589.76 mg kg−1) (Table 2). Total metal dry weight concen- sediments.
trations were compared with marine sediment screening Zn concentrations did not exceed Alloway’s (1995) pro-
values reported by NOAA SQuiRTs, which are associated posed limit of 70 to 400 mg kg−1 in soils in any of the
with several probabilities of adverse biological effects sampling points. The concentration of Zn in the present
(Buchman, 1999). Threshold Effects Levels (TELs) represent study was lower than the proposed TEL (124 000 mg kg−1)
the level below which adverse effects are expected to occur for sediments (Buchman, 1999). The sampling site with the
highest concentration of Zn was P4-2 (159.92 mg kg−1)
Table 2  Concentrations of Mn, Pb, Zn (mg kg−1) and Fe (%) in sediments of (Table 2). Pb concentrations ranged from 15 to 23.99 mg kg−1
the coastline to Campeche, México in the sediments (Table 2); these values did not exceed the
Sampling point Mn Pb Zn Fe (%) SQuiRT limit of 30 240 ppm; neither Alloway’s (1995) limit
for soils of 100 to 400 mg kg−1. The highest Pb concentra-
P1-1 52.97 21.49 94.94 3.77
tion was found at sample points P3-2 (23.99 mg kg−1) (Table 2).
P1-2 56.98 20.49 94.97 4.12
Fe concentration varied from 4.20 to 18.37% in sediments.
P2-1 36.99 23.49 67.47 5.00
P2-2 32.99 21.50 59.99 4.62 The highest concentration was found at sampling point
P3-1 68.47 23.49 134.93 18.37 P3-1 (18.37%) (Table 2); this could be related to the con-
P3-2 589.76 23.99 109.96 13.24 centrations present in the water (Table 1). Iron and man-
P4-1 57.49 15.00 134.99 3.75 ganese in the water can form complex hydroxy compounds
P4-2 69.47 16.99 159.92 4.20
that may eventually precipitate (Riley and Chester, 1971).
Standard 510.05 118.51 337.53 32.50
SQuiRTs proposed a limit for 30 240 mg kg−1 in Fe in sedi-
Recovery 81.87% 93.76% 79.00% 82.72%
ments, which was exceeded in all samples (Buchman, 1999).

Fig. 2. Distribution maps of concentration of heavy metals (mg kg−1), Fe (%) in sediments of the coastline of Campeche, México. [Colour figure can be
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

610 Water and Environment Journal 35 (2021) 606–616 © 2020 CIWEM.

J. Gómez-Bernal et al. Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico

The distribution patterns of heavy metals shown in Fig. 2 Zn (322 µg/g) and Fe (3.77%). The previous studies show
(Mn, Pb, Zn and Fe), were depicted through the interpola- similar characteristics to those found for the Campeche
tion of metal concentrations using Surfer 15.0 software. coastline, except for Fe that in this study was higher at
As shown, heavy metals concentrations increase towards all sampling sites. The distribution of heavy metals depends
the central part (P3) of the study area (Fig. 2). This behav- on their physical and chemical properties and those of
iour could be because of the City´s wastewater discharge, the environment; they can be mobilized and transported
where pH and carbonates play an essential role as sinks in the ecosystems causing damage to the biota; therefore,
for Mn, Pb and Fe. metals monitoring and control are necessary to protect
Raj and Jayaprakash (2008) found in marine sediments and preserve the environment, as well as to define mitiga-
of Bay of Bengal at Ennore, southeast coast of India values tion policies and actions for conservation. These monitoring
of Mn (248–460 µg/g), Pb (24.9–40 µg/g) and Zn (71.3– of heavy metals concentrations in the organs of living
201 µg/g) higher than this study, except for Fe (1.7–3.7%), organisms could provide direct information of the contami-
in all sampling points (Table 2). These authors showed that nants fraction with direct ecotoxicological relevance, for
the primary sources of metal contamination in the Ennore example, the bioavailable forms, and also could detect
shelf are land-based anthropogenic ones, such as industrial early signs of environmental disturbance in coastal zones
and municipal wastewater discharges and run-off. Jonathan in mexico altering the distribution of the vegetation and
et al. (2004) found the following values in the Gulf of Mannar being able to reduce it (Fig. 3).
for Mn (305 µg/g), Pb (16 µg/g), Zn (73 µg/g) and Fe (1.26%). The plants collected in sampling point P1were identified
In China shelf sea, Zhao and Yan (1992) found the follow- as Laguncularia racemosa (mangrove); Conocarpus erectus
ing concentrations of Mn (530 µg/g), Pb (20 µg/g), Zn (mangrove) in P2; Thalassia testudinum (seagrass) in P3
(65 µg/g) and Fe (3.1%). In Tokio Bay, Fukushima et al. and Avicennia germinans (mangrove) in P4. All mangrove
(1992) found values for Mn (1098 µg/g), Pb (50.68 µg/g), species are subject to special protection in Mexico,

Fig. 3. Distribution maps of the studied vegetable species in México. (a) Avicennia germinans; (b) Laguncularia racemosa; (c) Conocarpus erectus and (d)
Thalassia testudinum. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

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Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico J. Gómez-Bernal et al.

Table 3  Concentrations of Mn, Pb, Zn (mg kg−1) and Fe (%) in plants of the coastline to Campeche, México

Sampling points Plants Mn Pb Zn Fe (%)

P1-1 Laguncularia racemosa 22.46 ND 17.47 0.087

P1-2 Laguncularia racemosa 22.44 ND 17.45 0.092
P2-1 Conocarpus erectus 124.81 ND 59.91 0.076
P2-2 Conocarpus erectus 117.38 ND 17.48 0.75
P3-1 Thalassia testudinum 63.75 ND 25.00 0.096
P3-2 Thalassia testudinum 76.14 ND 28.71 0.106
P4-1 Avicennia germinans 29.90 ND 18.69 0.030
P4-2 Avicennia germinans 29.89 ND 24.91 0.036
Standard Peach leaves 94.49 ND 22.05 0.162

ND, not detectable.

according to NOM-059-SEMANART-2010. Mangrove ecosys- Zinc is an essential element that is related to physiologi-
tems are highly productive and large quantities of nutrients cal and metabolic processes in all plants. However, in high
are deposited on the coastal coastline, these forest, stabilize concentrations, it can be toxic. The normal range in plants
the coastal zone and provide security for seagrasses and proposed by Reeves and Baker (2000) is of 20–400 mg kg−1,
a variety of fish, that have commercial importance. Some which was not exceeded at any sampling point. Zn ranged
studies have found metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Fe, Mn and Cd) in the studied plants from 17.45 to 59.91 mg kg−1. C. erec-
accumulated predominantly in the root tissues, rather than tus presented the highest Zn in sampling point P2-1 with
in the foliage of numerous mangrove species such as 59.91 mg kg−1 (Table 3). This accumulation of Zn is higher
Avicennia spp., Aegiceras spp., Rhizophora spp. and than that measured in sediments (Table 2). The possible
Kandelia spp. (Said and Zaidi, 1994; Lacerda, 1997; Peters physiological mechanism responsible for variations in uptake
et al., 1997; Chen et al., 2003) collected at other sites. and translocation at the root level include processes at
Iron is an essential element for plants (Wintz et al., 2002) the root´s rhizosphere.
and plays a vital role in enzymatic processes such as chlo- In contrast, the high concentration of Zn in sediment
rophyll and protein biosynthesis as well as in cellular res- from sampling point P4-2 (159.92 mg kg−1) was not observed
piration. On the contrary, excessive accumulation of this in plant accumulation (24.91 mg kg−1) (Table 3). This behav-
element damages tissues through free radicals production iour indicates the low availability of Zn to the plants at
(Bienfait, 1988; Engin et al., 2015). Markert (1992) proposed the sampling point (Table 2). The concentration of Pb in
5–200 mg kg−1 as phytotoxic concentrations for Fe; this plants was below the detection limit at all points.
range was exceeded in the sampled aquatic plants. The potential exposure to metals contaminated sediments
Maximum concentrations of Fe occurred in points P3-1 and was not reflected in mangroves; they appear to be highly
P3-2 (0.096 and 0.106%, respectively) in the leaves of T. resistant to metals; therefore, the concentrations of metals
testudinum (Table 3), these high Fe concentrations may required to impart significant adverse effects on mangroves
be because of the reduction of Fe (III) to Fe (II) in the may be several orders of magnitude higher than those
rhizosphere as a product of microbial activity in the envi- that can be accumulated by these plants. This tolerance
ronment, increasing Fe bioavailability. The low accumulation has been attributed in part to the ability of mangroves to
of Fe in A. germinans leaves (0.030 to 0.036%) could be exclude metals uptake at the root restricting its accumula-
because of the large number of plants growing in the area. tion in the shoot (MacFarlane and Burchett, 2002). However,
Manganese is an essential element for plants and is used the absence of monitoring and control of contaminats at
in photosynthesis and many redox enzymatic processes
Table 4 Bioconcentration factors of heavy metals in plants growing in
(Carranza-Álvarez et al., 2008), in contrast with Pb, Cd or
the coastline in Campeche, México
Cr. However, Mn concentrations over 300 mg kg−1 are toxic
for plants (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 2001); this value was BCF Mn Pb Zn Fe
not exceeded at the sampling points. The highest concentra-
L. racemosa 0.424 0.000 0.184 0.023
tions of Mn occurred in points P2-1 and P2-2 (124.81 mg kg−1 L. racemosa 0.394 0.000 0.184 0.022
and 117.38 mg kg−1, respectively) in the leaves of C. erectus C. erectus 3.375 0.000 0.888 0.015
(Table 3), these Mn values are higher than those measured C. erectus 3.558 0.000 0.291 0.016
in sediments (Table 2). In contrast, at sampling point P3-2, T. testudinum 0.931 0.000 0.185 0.005
the high concentration of Mn in the sediment (589.76 mg kg−1) T. testudinum 0.129 0.000 0.261 0.008
A. germinans 0.520 0.000 0.138 0.008
was not reflected in the concentrations measured in the
A. germinans 0.430 0.000 0.156 0.009
plant, although these are not low (Table 3).

612 Water and Environment Journal 35 (2021) 606–616 © 2020 CIWEM.

Table 5  Correlation matrix (r) of physicochemical parameters in water, heavy metals in the sediments (S) and plants (P) of the coastline of Campeche, Mexico. Significant r values have been highlighted in

pH Ω µs/cm CO2−
3 HCO−3 SO2−
4 Cl− F− Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ FeP MnP PbP ZnP FeS MnS PbS ZnS

pH 1
Ω µs/cm −0.008 1
J. Gómez-Bernal et al.

0.565 0.31 1

HCO−3 −0.22 −.966** −0.416 1

0.068 .996** 0.339 −.979** 1

Cl− −0.043 .998** 0.247 −.957** .991** 1

F− −0.023 .999** 0.309 −.960** .994** .998** 1

Water and Environment Journal 35 (2021) 606–616 © 2020 CIWEM.

Na+ −0.297 .948** 0.283 −.852** .918** .955** .952** 1

K+ −0.161 .983** 0.298 −.922** .965** .987** .985** .986** 1

Ca2+ −0.05 .982** 0.406 −.943** .969** .980** .982** .964** .987** 1

Mg2+ −0.158 .981** 0.316 −.921** .963** .985** .984** .987** 1.000** .989** 1

FeP 0.039 .959** 0.442 −.946** .950** .960** .962** .930** .962** .984** .965** 1

MnP −0.546 0.15 0.788 0.02 0.09 0.152 0.163 0.391 0.257 0.265 0.267 0.253 1

ZnP −0.557 −0.119 0.559 0.195 −0.186 −0.091 −0.102 0.149 0.053 0.037 0.063 0.08 0.627 1

FeS 0.534 0.419 .935* −0.534 0.447 0.376 0.416 0.314 0.38 0.5 0.393 0.556 0.176 0.066 1
MnS 0.511 0.265 0.25 −0.354 0.286 0.274 0.282 0.171 0.22 0.289 0.23 0.44 0.095 0.046 0.47 1

PbS −0.172 .809* 0.713 −.760* .778* .810* .814* .890** .867** .886** .875** .905** 0.576 0.414 0.569 0.371 1

ZnS .780* −0.508 0.217 0.276 −0.447 −0.538 −0.525 −.711* −0.601 −0.518 −0.599 −0.449 −0.649 −0.293 0.268 0.097 −0.536 1

It can not be calculated because at least one variable is constant.
*The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral); **The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (bilateral).

Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico
Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico J. Gómez-Bernal et al.

the coastal environments, urbanization and industrialization correlated among them (Table 5). In the plants, Fe presented
are putting mangroves at risk because there is no real a high correlation with many of the physicochemical param-
implementation in the regulations. In addition to this, the eters, with Ec (0.959), HCO−3 (−0.946), SO2−
4 (0.950), Cl (0.960),

few research studies of mangroves and coastal areas in F (0.962), Na (0.930), K (0.962), Ca (0.984) and Mg2+
− + + 2+

Mexico. Therefore, this study provides a guideline to con- (0.965) (Table 5).

tinue investigating the importance of coastal ecosystems In sediments, the correlation matrix showed a high cor-
in Mexico and to apply the laws (Fig. 3). relation between Fe and CO2− 3 (0.935); Pb with Ec (0.809),
Table 4 shows the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of all the HCO−3 (−0.760), SO2− 4 (0.778), Cl− (0.810), F− (0.814), Na+
studied plants. The highest BCFs were obtained in C. erectus (0.890), K (0.867), Ca (0.886), Mg2+ (0.875) and Fe in
+ 2+

for Mn in points P2-2 and, P2-1 (3.558 and 3.375, respec- plants (0.905); Zn with pH (0.780) and Na+ (−0.711) (Table 5).
tively); and, for Zn (0.888 and 0.291) in L. racemose. Different The correlation of Pb with physicochemical parameters in
plant uptake rates explain the Zn bioaccumulation differences water reveals a significant source of contamination, reflect-
and physical processes such as root intrusion, water and ing a common origin: the wastewater effluents. This influ-
ion fluxes and their relations with the metal solubilization ence was significant in P2-1 by the presence of nitrates
kinetics in sediment and biological differences among plants in water. The differences in correlations between the metals
(age, height, diameter). All plants also presented the highest in sediments, plants and water depend on physical, chemi-
Fe BCF at points P1-1 and P1-2 (0.023 and 0.022, respec- cal and biological processes in the aquatic environment
tively) (Table 4). The previous BCFs indicate the accumulation as well as discharging of contaminants through anthropo-
of metals, mainly Mn in C. erectus (Table 4). A high biocon- genic activities and their effects on the portioning of metals
centration factor for metals at low external concentrations in the aquatic system (Kumar et al., 2010).
is essential for phytoremediation because this process is a
more efficient cost option than other conventional techniques Conclusions
for treating large volumes of wastewater with low concentra-
tions of contaminants. C. erectus can act as a filter for the (1) The direct discharge of untreated wastewater in the
capture of Mn and Zn from anthropogenic activities and coastal zone is the leading cause of pollution. In the
thereby improve the quality of water and sediments. All of City of Campeche, the sanitary infrastructure for the
these results confirm the ability of mangrove species and collection and treatment of municipal waters is insuffi-
seagrasses to accumulate heavy metals in different parts of cient. At point P3, the highest values for Mn, Pb and
the plant. However, it seems to depend significantly on the Fe were found in a residential area nearby, which could
specific type of aquatic plants species and the physicochemi- explain these values; in P4 Zn concentrations were high
cal characteristics of the sediments. and this can be correlated with the plants’ metabolic
Albers and Camardese (1993) reported that macrophytes, processes because it is a natural nonpolluted zone. In
compared with other plant species, accumulate metals with the case of the plants, the P2 point was the highest
a similar capacity. Also, seagrasses have a high metal bio- for Mn and Zn and P3 for Fe. The BFC was high in
accumulative capacity since they interact directly with both C. erectus for Mn and Zn and in L. racemosa for Fe.
the water column through the leaves and the sediment (2) C. erectus could be used in phytoremediation of Mn
pore water through the roots (Ralph et al., 2006). and Zn contaminated coastal zones. The studied plants
Mejías et al. (2013) studied three species of mangrove did not accumulate Pb in their tissues, which suggests
at Las Cucharillas Marsh in Puerto Rico; these are Rhizophora that they are plants that exclude this metal because
mangle, Laguncularia racemose and Avicennia germinans. there was evidence of Pb in sediments. Therefore, pro-
The study suggests that A. germinans is the only species tection, restoration and conservation of coastal ecosys-
to significantly bioconcentrate Hg (10%), Al (5%) and Fe (5%). tems must be encouraged, as well as enforcing the
Usman et al. (2013) reported the ability of A. marina existing wastewater discharges criteria. This study con-
to bioaccumulate heavy metals on the coast of the Red tributes to the knowledge of the patterns of metal accu-
Sea, Saudi Arabia; Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn had BCF values mulation and translocation in mangroves. More research
of leaf range from 0.12–2.36, 0.33–6.43, 1.25–9.08, 0–1.02 should be done concerning the transport of pollutants
and 0.20–4.71, respectively. These results suggest that A. by groundwater in the coastal zone of Campeche.
marina can bio-accumulate Cu and Cr.
Table 5 shows the correlation of sediments and plants
metal content with water’s physicochemical parameters,
indicating a high negative correlation between CO2− 3 and
Dr. Gomez-Bernal appreciates the postdoctoral fellowship
Ec (−0.966); and HCO−3 negatively with conductivity and all at the Posgrado en Energía y Medio Ambiente (PEMA),
the main anions and cations. The other ions were positively Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa,

614 Water and Environment Journal 35 (2021) 606–616 © 2020 CIWEM.

J. Gómez-Bernal et al. Evaluation of the accumulation of heavy metals in water, sediments and plants of Mexico

granted by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología sediments of Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, southern Italy).
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Aguayo and Olivia Cruz for their technical support in pro- Protection and Restoration Division, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration.
cessing sediments and water samples. We express sincere
Carranza-Álvarez, C., Alonso-Castro, A.J., Alfaro-De La Torre,
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