Dental Articulators
Dental Articulators
Dental Articulators
Dental Articulators
1. Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
2. Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
3. General dental practitioner, Private dental practice, Amman, Jordan.
4. General physician, Ministry of health, Amman, Jordan.
Advancements in dental materials and techniques enabled dentists to provide complex
prosthetic treatments to patients. Dental articulator is an indispensable tool to enhance the quality
of the delivered work and increase patient satisfaction1.
It is the purpose of this paper to present an overview of dental articulators, their different types,
indications, advantages and limitations. A practical guide for selecting the right articulator for
individual clinical situations is provided.
Review (J Int Dent Med Res 2021; 14(4): 1629-1638)
Keywords: Articulators; instruments; cast; temporomandibular joints.
Received date: 17 April 2021 Accept date: 30 August 2021
Requirements of a dental articulator4:
The glossary of prosthodontic terms 1. Maintain the inter-maxillary relationship
defines the dental articulator as a mechanical accurately
instrument that represents the 2. It should have an incisal pin and table that
temporomandibular joints and jaws, to which allow adjustment of the vertical relationship
maxillary and mandibular casts may be attached 3. Allow free rotational movement
to simulate some or all mandibular movements 2. 4. It should have adjustable anterior and
The idea of copying the relationship posterior guides and accept facebow record
between upper and lower teeth is not new; it 5. It should be made of strong, corrosion, light-
goes back to Phillip Pfaff (1756) who introduced weight and wear-resistant material
the concept of taking impressions of teeth, 6. The upper and lower members should be
pouring them in plaster and relating teeth using sufficiently separated to allow evaluation of
wax bite registration. Gariot (1805) was the first occlusion posteriorly
to use the term ”articulator” referring to plaster It should allow protrusive and laterotrusive
casts with posterior extensions indexed in a movements
plaster board (Fig 1) 3.
It is the purpose of this paper to present
an overview of dental articulators, their different
types, indications, advantages and limitations. A
practical guide for selecting the right articulator
for individual clinical situations is provided.
*Corresponding author:
Rawan Abu Zaghlan Figure1. Gariot's articulator.3
DDS, MSc, MFDS RCS(Ire), M(Endo)RCS(Ed)
Assistant professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry, The mandibular movements
School of Dentistry, The University of Jordan
Consultant endodontist, University of Jordan Hospital The articulatory system is composed of
PO Box Amman, 11942, Jordan two temporomandibular joints (TMJ) connected
E-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
at the symphysis, occlusal surfaces of teeth,
masticatory muscles and periodontal
proprioceptive nerve fibres 5.
Hinge articulators have limited diagnostic value
and may be used for the construction of a single
unit that conforms to the existing ICP. A
functionally-generated bite record could be used
to reduce interferences on lateral and protrusive
movements 7
b. Verticulators
Figure 3. Simple hinge articulator.12 Consists of lower and upper members. The
latter glides vertically on metallic rods which
brings the mounted casts into ICP (Fig 5) 5.
• Hinge articulators are inexpensive and do
not demand much time and skill to use 8.
Figure 5. Verticulator.5
The disadvantages of hinge articulator outweigh
its advantages:
• Only the static ICP could be visualised using
• Very easy to use and allow more accurate
this articulator 13
positioning of the casts compared with the
• It does not permit adjustments of elements of
hinge articulator 5.
protrusive and laterotrusive movements and Disadvantage:
no facility to change the vertical dimension
• It is incapable of simulating any occlusal
accurately 7
Volume ∙ 14 ∙ Number ∙ 4 ∙ 2021 Page 1631
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X Dental Articulators Rawan Abu Zaghlan and et al
relationship apart from the ICP. No excursive will need intra-oral adjustments on excursions
movements are allowed 5. 14
Uses: Uses13:
• Occasionally, it can be used to fabricate • Fabrication of single-unit anterior or posterior
single intra-coronal restoration5 restorations.
• Fabrication of short span posterior prostheses
3. Average value (fixed condylar path) for patients having prominent canine
articulators guidance.
These articulators, as their name indicates,
have fixed condylar and incisal angles (30° and Fabrication of anterior bridges for patients
15° respectively) and a fixed inter-condylar with minimal overjet and overbite (≤1mm).
distance (110 mm) 14, which makes them
superior to simple hinge articulators only if these 4. Semi-adjustable articulators
fixed values coincide with patient’s values (Fig 6) Semi-adjustable articulators are the most
. commonly used for advanced restorative
treatments and are satisfactory for most
prosthetic work 15.
They are manufactured to match the
anatomical size of the structures they simulate
and can accept facebow record which permits
transferring the relation between a patient’s hinge
access and maxillary teeth to the articulator 5.
Broadly speaking, semi-adjustable
articulators come in two main designs: Arcon and
nonarcon (Table 1).
Advantages 8:
• Does not require complicated equipment and
user friendly
• Affordable cost
• Limited protrusive and laterotrusive Figure 7. The mechanical condyle of A: Arcon,
movements are possible on these articulators. B: Nonarcon articulators (Lee Culp, 2005).
These movements bear little resemblance to
actual patient’s movements as facebow It was shown that there is no difference in
cannot be used with average value the accuracy of restorations fabricated on either
articulators 12 type 11. However, some believe that the arcon
• Restorations fabricated on these articulators type is superior for the following reasons:
mouth (m) are exactly reproduced on the Setting the mechanical incisal table at a
articulator (a) when the intercondylar width of the steeper angle than that of the patient increases
articulator equal to that of the mandible. the vertical overlap between teeth and thus the
B: The lateral movement paths of the articulator fabricated posterior restorations may have taller
are mesial to those of the patient when the cusps and positive error will exist resulting in
intercondylar width of the articulator is less than occlusal interference during protrusion and
that of the mandible. laterotrosion 5.
C: The lateral movement paths of the articulator 5. Semi-adjustable articulator accepts
are distal to those of the patient when the facebow record
intercondylar width of the articulator is greater Advantage of using semi-adjustable
than that of the mandible. articulator
Restorations can be made to function in
4. Incisal angle harmony with the existing teeth in both centric
The incisal guidance is determined by the and eccentric movements without the need for
steepness of the palatal surface of the upper extensive intraoral occlusal adjustments 8.
anterior teeth. It has two components: the The disadvantages of using semi-
horizontal and the vertical overlap between the adjustable articulator
upper and the lower anterior teeth. Adjustment of • Time consuming during facebow transfer
the incisal guidance table influences the and eccentric records registration. However,
protrusive and laterotrusive movements of the it saves the time needed for later intraoral
mandible and can be done by raising the lateral adjustments 8
wings of the incisal table. Alternatively, a • Expensive 8
customized incisal guide table can be fabricated • The condylar track of these articulators is
using mouldable auto polymerizing resin that is straight so they can reproduce the curvilinear
carved according to the patient’s jaw movements eccentric condylar movements along the
(Fig 10) 16. curved walls of the glenoid fossa in a straight
path simulation. This entails some intraoral
refinement of eccentric contacts on the final
restoration (Fig 11) 16.
Uses 10:
• Treatment planning for orthognathic
• Complex restorative work with multiple
missing teeth or full dentures Alteration of the
vertical dimension Occlusal analysis.14
5.Fully-adjustable articulator
Fully-adjustable articulators are very
sophisticated. It allows a wide range of
adjustments including condylar angle, immediate
and progressive side-shifts, the exact
Figure 10. Customized incisal guide table.16 intercondylar distance (Fig 13) and working