Directsoft32: Programming Software

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DirectSOFT32 Programming
Software single-user licenses
have been designed to make PLC
programming and machine mon-
itoring easier than ever before.
The 32-bit Windows-based
package provides simple menu
and icon choices that operate
similarly to those found in most
standard Windows packages.
Now you can have the power of
Windows on the factory floor!
Number of users Of course, this means you cannot
For more information and to legally keep a copy once you have
The packages listed above are
download a demo version, transferred the original. Some
really “single-station” packages.
please visit the Web site at machine builders and OEMs are
That is, you can legally install You required to ship a copy of the PLC
them on only one computer.
can view or download the Quick programming software with every
However, if there is only one
Start manual. machine. If this describes your
person who primarily uses the
Which package is right for you? situation, then see our OEM
computer (over 80% of the time),
The programming software licenses. The OEM license allows
then you can install the software
packages share the same general you to ship an inexpensive copy of
on a laptop, home office, or any
features, but there are a couple of the software with every machine
other single backup computer. If
key differences. you sell.
you need more flexibility, or you
• PC-PGMSW programs all of our need to install multiple copies in
CPUs (DL05, DL105, DL205,
many areas, then check out our
DL305, and DL405). If you’re a You can receive maintenance
system integrator or OEM who uses
Site Licenses.
releases at no charge by down-
one or more of our product lines, loading them from our Web site.
then this package is the right
Laptop/portable computers
and off-site usage These do often include some
feature enhancements along with
• PC-PGM-305, PC-PGM-205 and Many of you may be using laptop
PC-PGM-105 only programs their
software corrections. Any release
computers for field service work.
respective product families except that contains major feature
This is perfectly acceptable as
for the PC-PGM-105 which pro- enhancements will be subject to
long as it adheres to the guide-
grams both the DL05 and DL105. the normal upgrade charge in
lines described above.
That is, PC-PGM-105, programs the effect at that time. Note: the
DL05/105 Micro PLC, PC-PGM-205 Can I ship a copy to my customer? upgrade will only update any
only programs the DL205 CPUs, No, except for a single backup packages that are already
and the PC-PGM-305 programs the installed on your system.
copy, you cannot make, install, or
D3-350 CPU only.
Please note, you cannot upgrade the PC-PGM-350, distribute any additional copies.
PC-PGM-205 or PC-PGM-105 packages to support You can transfer the original copy
any other product families.
(original cd, any applicable
upgrades, and any documenta-
tion) with our written consent
prior to the transfer.
he world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliveT
408 Section
1 a.m., just by clicking 7 — The
a mouse. Software Tools
world’s most Toll-free
practical automation products, ordersprices,
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delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation pro
t almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The w
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m
Program editing features Printing features Online operation features
• Full-screen Point & Click Editing • Print any available view, including • DSLaunch as a central manager for
with the mouse and icons ladders, charts, and mnemonics all projects, links, and applications
• Edit Tool Box contains icons and • Print multiple columns • Automatically build & store com-
hot key equivalents for all elements • Use zoom to enlarge or reduce munication links to the PLC, even
• Browsers help you find proper print size using modems or Ethernet.
addresses, contacts, coils, • Preview the printouts before you • Visible indication of PLC communi-
and box instructions. send them to the printer cation link status
• Neat Win95/98/NT features (tear-off • Create custom printouts by • Status mode provides visible power
toolbars, ToolTips, long filenames, selecting exact items to include for flow condition for program ele-
common file browsers) each view ments, current values for timers and
• Project Information data with each • Print program documentation, counters, and current values for
project including creation and save including nicknames, descriptions, V-memory or Data Register loca-
dates, links, PLC type, project rung comments, etc. tions. Even status for Drum steps,
description and version, and • Print program Cross Reference or outputs, event and/or time transi-
company/department/programmer. Element Usage Table tions, etc.
• On-screen Cross Reference • Print PLC V-memory or Data • Custom configure Data View win-
• On-screen Element Usage in groups Register contents dows to monitor various elements
of 8, 10, or 16 points per line • Display nicknames in Data View
• Predefined aliases for common Display and viewing features • Save and store Data View windows
items, such as timer & counter • View program ladders by name
current values. • View program mnemonics • Choose data format for Data View
• Enter your program with nicknames • Stage view available for programs Window display (BCD, binary,
and assign them later created with RLL PLUS instruction Hexadecimal, etc.)
• Access V-memory (Data Registers) • Choose rung number or addresses • Choose status symbol (switch, text,
with fill-in-the-blank Memory Editor for ladder view etc.) for discrete points in Data
• Easily cut & paste program • View multiple programs at the View windows
elements, single rungs, or groups same time • Change PLC values from Data
of rungs. • Use split screen to view different View windows
• Cut & Paste rungs (with documenta- sections of the same program • View multiple PLCs simultaneously
tion) between programs • Use zoom to enlarge or reduce the (not available with OEM packages)
• Search for program elements by screen area for better viewing
name, address, rung number, or • Customize display colors for edit- Maintenance and debugging
instruction type ing, unsaved changes, documenta- • Automatic error checking during
• Search for constants tion, etc. program entry
• Program syntax check
Documentation features System setup features • Monitor PLC scan time
• Grid-based documentation editor • Set up PID loops with easy-to-use • Perform PLC I/O diagnostics
for easy access dialog boxes • View PLC errors and/or user error
• 16-character nicknames for • Configure DV-1000 messages
addresses make troubleshooting • Change PLC mode of operation
and programming easier • Clear PLC memory by type or all
• 16-character writing information • Select or change retentive memory
allows you to tie PLC addresses to ranges
panel wiring numbers • Read PLC I/O configuration
• 6-line x 18-character description • Change I/O configuration (if
provides more detailed information allowed by the PLC)
about the program element • Set PLC communication parameters
• Rung comments can be up to 20 through PC ports, through modems,
lines of 69 characters each or Ethernet
• Cut, copy, and paste documentation • View PLC firmware revisions
between program elements
• Free-form program title page can be
selected at time of printing
• Import/Export feature for documents

The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliv
11 a.m., Fax orders
by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, 1-770-889-7876
at almost-free Section
prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse.7The
— world’s
Software 409
Tools automation p
most practical
at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a
Click to start
The launch
Utilities, such as
The Launch Window is a central-
DSData Server ized location to view not only all
of your DirectSOFT32 applica-
tions and projects, but also any
Documents — additional applications such as
Projects most recently Operator Interface software,
used listed first
Program Conversion packages,
etc. This window is also used to
Installed Support create and manage PLC pro-
Communication Links to PLCs
grams and the communications
between your pc and the PLC.

Point and click editing

Once you have started a new project, there are a
few different ways to start building your program.
The Ladder Palette, which is floating and can be Choose your elements or instruc-
resized and repositioned anywhere on your tions using the tool bar or browser
desktop, contains most of the instructions. Simply
click on the icon or use the Hot Key associated with
that icon. Some instruction have to be accessed
through one of the Browser icons. The Browsers ToolTips provide the Hot Keys
contain all of the necessary information from and shortcuts for icons
various boxes, coils, and contacts.

Wiring Info
Documentation is the text associ-
Enter Documentation information for each instruc-
tion/element. Edit and review all documentation
ated with the components and
Element structure of your program. It
helps to clarify the representation
of elements by assigning 4 differ-
ent fields: Description,
Wiring,Info, Nickname, and

he world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliveT
410 Section
1 a.m., just by clicking 7 — The
a mouse. Software Tools
world’s most Toll-free
practical automation products, ordersprices,
at almost-free 1-800-633-0405
delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation pro
t almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The w
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m
On-screen views
DirectSOFT32 allows you to keep
different views to track program
functions. You can have multiple
windows open that provide you with;
all of the addresses used in the
program, Mnemonic view of the
program instructions, all of the
instructions used, just to name a few.

You can have multiple views of

your project visible at the same
time.. This screen shows the
Ladder View, Usage View,
Mnemonic View and XRef View.

Support for drum instructions

If your PLC supports Drum Instructions, you will
like this feature of the programming software.
Simply fill in the top of the drum with outputs and
configure each step with an event and/or
time-based element. Click on the output boxes to
choose the proper output states for each step and
you are finished.

PID view
DirectSOFT32 offers and excellent PID
feature. The loop and trending screens
are very easy to configure. This feature
has all of the views, trending, and
tuning that you need to easily and suc-
cessfully setup your PID loop.

The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliv
11 a.m., Fax orders
by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, 1-770-889-7876
at almost-free Section
prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse.7The
— world’s
Software 411
Tools automation p
most practical
at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a
Programming versions OEM and site PLC compatibility
DirectSOFT32 Programming licenses If you’re using our DirectLOGIC
Software is available in several products, then compatibility is
If you are an OEM supplier who
different packages. You can select not an issue. Make sure the
needs to ship a copy of the soft-
the fully loaded package or one package you choose supports the
ware with the machines that you
that is tailored just for a specific CPU you are using. Our software
have built, we offer several differ-
CPU. also supports many compatible
ent OEM packages. Or, if you
The fully-loaded version will products that were offered by
have a need for multiple copies at
program all of our DirectLogic previous vendors of the
one location, there are several site
PLCs, some GE Series 1, and Koyo-designed PLCs. If you’re
license packages available. Refer
TI305/405 SIMATIC PLCs. Refer buying the software to program a
to the table below to verify the
to the chart below to verify compatible CPU, check the follow-
packages for your application.
compatibility. ing table to make sure your CPU
The single family versions were is supported. (Sorry, but if your
designed to provide a lower cost, PLC is not shown, then it is not
more streamlined version for supported.)
some of the PLC families. The
table below provides a listing of
available single user versions.

DirectSOFT DirectSOFT
Programming DirectSOFT DirectSOFT DirectSOFT
Family CPU Programming Site Licenses OEM License DDE Server
PC-PGMSW Single Family
DL05 (requires Rel. 2.4 or later) ✔ PC-PGM105 ✔ ✔
DL105 F1-130** (requires Rel. 2.0 or later) ✔ PC-PGM105 ✔ ✔
DL-230 ✔ PC-PGM205 ✔ PC-D2OEM ✔
DL205 D2-240 ✔ PC-PGM205 ✔ PC-D2OEM ✔
D2-250 (requires Rel. 2.1 or later) ✔ PC-PGM205 ✔ PC-D2OEM ✔
D3-330*, D3-330P* ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
DL305 D3-340 ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
D3-350 (requires Rel. 2.3 or later) ✔ PC-PGM350 ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
D4-430 ✔ ✔ PC-D4OEM ✔
DL405 D4-440** ✔ ✔ PC-D4OEM ✔
D4-450** (requires Rel 2.0 or later) ✔ ✔ PC-D4OEM ✔
IC610CPU105* ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
GE® Series 1
IC10CPU106* ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
325-07*, PPX:325-07* ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
330-37*, PPX:330-37* ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
SIMATIC® 325S-07 (or 325 with Stage Kit) ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
TI305™ 330S-37*, PPX:330S-37* ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
335-37, PPX:335-37 ✔ ✔ PC-D3OEM ✔
425-CPU, PPX:425-CPU** ✔ ✔ PC-D4OEM ✔
TI405™ 435-CPU, PPX:435-CPU** ✔ ✔ PC-D4OEM ✔
*Requires Data Communications Unit (D3-232-DCU) ** also DC versions Note: In general, the compatible products listed offer similar features and are even identical in some cases. However, DirectSOFT has not been com-
pletely tested with the compatible products. There may be some aspects of system operation that may not be supported, or that may not work the same as previous software packages.

he world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliveT
404 Section
1 a.m., just by clicking 7 —The
a mouse. Software Tools
world’s most Toll-free
practical automation products, ordersprices,
at almost-free 1-800-633-0405
delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation pro
t almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The w
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m
Basic system compatibility
Windows 95/98/2000/NT
Pentium 133 or higher
32mB RAM
11mB hard drive space
Color Monitor

2 Built-in ports
Setup for Drum Sequencer
Max. baud = 9.6K

DL205 CPUs
Built-in ports
Requires RS232/422 converter if multidrop
Max. baud = 38.4K

DL105 CPUs
1 Built-in ports
Setup for Drum Sequencer
Max. baud = 9.6KK

DL305 CPUs
Built-in ports
Requires RS232/422 converter if multidrop
Max. baud = 38.4K

DL405 CPUs
2 or 3 Built-in ports
Max. baud = 19.2K
DCM offers higher performance with baud
rates up to 38.4K.

The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliv
11 a.m., Fax orders
by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, 1-770-889-7876
at almost-free Section
prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse.7The
Software 405
Tools automation p
most practical
at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a
Programming Cables
Since CPUs provide many different communication communications cable is required. Use the table
port possibilities, it is helpful to know exactly which below to choose the proper cable.

Family CPU (or other device) Port Cable Supported Protocol

DirectNET K-sequence ECOM
Port 1 D2-DSCBL • •
DirectLOGIC DL05 All versions
Port 2 D2-DSCBL • •
DirectLOGIC DL105 DL130 (all versions) Only one D2-DSCBL •
D2-230 Only one D2-DSCBL •
Top port D2-DSCBL •
Bottom port D2-DSCBL • •
DirectLOGIC DL205 Top port D2-DSCBL • •
Bottom port D2-DSCBL-1 • •
D2-DCM (module) Only one D3-DSCBL-2 • •
H2-ECOM /-F (modules) Only one ** • • •
D3-330/D3-330P Requires DCU* D3-DSCBL-2 •
Top port D3-DSCBL-1 •
Bottom port D3-DSCBL-1 •
DirectLOGIC DL305
Top port D2-DSCBL-1 • •
Bottom port D3-DSCBL-2 • •
D3-DCM (module) Only one D3-DSCBL-2 • •
Top port (15-pin) D4-DSCBL •
Bottom port (25-pin) D3-DSCBL-2 • •
Phone jack D2-DSCBL • •
D4-450 Top port (15-pin) D4-DSCBL •
DirectLOGIC DL405
Bottom port-1 (25-pin) D3-DSCBL-2 • •
D4-DCM (module) Only one D3-DSCBL-2 • •
H4-ECOM (module) Only one ** • • •
Slice I/O (module) Only one D4-DSCBL •
GE® Series 1 IC610CPU105/106 Requires DCU* D3-DSCBL-2 •
325-07, PPX:325-07 Requires DCU* D3-DSCBL-2 •
330-37, PPX:330-37 Requires DCU* D3-DSCBL-2 •
325S-07 (or 325 with stage kit) Requires DCU* D3-DSCBL-2 •
TI305™/SIMATIC® TI305™
330S-37, PPX:330S-37 Requires DCU* D3-DSCBL-2 •
Phone jack D3-DSCBL-1 •
335-37, PPX:335-37
If DCU is used* D3-DSCBL-2 •
425-CPU, PPX:425-CPU Only one D4-DSCBL •
Top port (15-pin) D4-DSCBL •
N/A, PPX:430-CPU
Bottom port (25-pin) D3-DSCBL-2 • •
TI405™/SIMATIC® TI305™
Top port (15-pin) D4-DSCBL •
435-CPU, PPX:435-CPU
Bottom port (25-pin) D3-DSCBL-2 • •
Smart slice Only one D4-DSCBL •
* requires RS232 Data Communications Unit (D3-232-DCU) **requires standard Ethernet twisted pair cable (HX-ECOM) or standard fiber optic cable (HX-ECOM-F)

he world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliveT
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1 a.m., just by clicking 7 —The
a mouse. Software Tools
world’s most Toll-free
practical automation products, ordersprices,
at almost-free 1-800-633-0405
delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation pro
t almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The w
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m
Pin labeling conforms to IBM DTE and DCE standards


D2--DSCB L --1 PLC DL250
Pers onal Computer DL230, DL240, DL450 (port 2) Personal Computer (bottom port)
CPU Ports R S 232C
R S 232C
2 R XD 4 TXD 2 R XD 2 TXD
3 TXD 3 R XD 3 TXD 3 R XD
7 RTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RTS
6-pin Phone Plug
9-pin D--Connector (female) 9-pin D--Connector (female) 15-pin HD--connector (male)

D3--DSCB L --2
P ersonal Computer Personal Computer
CPU Ports
R S 232C R S 232C
2 R XD 2 TXD 2 R XD 2 TXD
3 TXD 3 TXD 3 R XD DL405 CPU
1 R XD ( bottom port)
1 DCD 1 DCD 4 RTS or
6 DS R 6 DSR or
7 RTS 1 2 3 4 7 RTS DL305 x/DCU
8 CTS 8 CTS RS --232
4-pin Phone Plug
9-pin D--Connector (female)
9-pin D--Connector (female) 25-pin D--Connector (male)

Personal Computer
R S 232C 1 YOP
2 R XD 2 TXD
3 TXD 3 R XD DL405 CPU programming port
1 DCD 7 CTS or
6 DS R 13 0V DL405 Slice I/O
7 RTS 14 0V
8 CTS 15 0V

9-pin D--Connector (female) 15-pin D--Connector (male)

Straight-through Patch hCable

Straig ht--throug P atch Cable


TD-- 2 2 TD--
R D+ 3 3 R D+
4 4
5 5
GR N GR N 6 R D-- 1 2 3 4 5 67 8
R D-- 6
7 7 8-pin RJ 45 Connector
8 8 (8P8C)
R J 45 R J 45
Crossover Patch Cable
Crossover P atch Cable
All Ethernet and ECOM patch cables should be Category 5,
OR /WHT GRN/WHT UTP Cable. The diagram illustrates the appropriate wire
TD+ 1 OR GR N TD+ 1 position in the RJ 45 connector.
TD-- 2 OR /WHT TD-- 2
R D+ 3 R D+ 3
4 4
5 5
R D-- 6 R D-- 6
7 7
8 8
R J 45 R J 45

The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, deliv
11 a.m., Fax orders
by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, 1-770-889-7876
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at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The
most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a.m., just by clicking a mouse. The world’s most practical automation products, at almost-free prices, delivered by 11 a

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