Kinds of Media

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Kinds of media

various forms of media have been used to convey instruction and to support learning. Examples of
instructional media include traditional means of delivering instruction (chalkboards, textbooks,
overhead projectors, and teachers), mass media used for education (newspapers, movies, radio, and
television), and the newer "electronic" instructional media (computers, interactive video, and
multimedia systems). All instruction requires the selection and use of at least one medium to deliver
instruction. Many alternative media and mixtures of media may be chosen for any given learning goal
and group of students. Thus, research questions have compared the learning benefits of various media
and mixes of media for different types of learning goals and students at different ages and aptitude
levels. Thousands of studies have been and continue to be conducted.

Before diving head-first into the different types of media, it’s important to first dip your toes in the
water and learn what media is. Media is a communication tool used to deliver information. The three
types of media are commonly known as news media, social media, and web media, but you might also
see them referred to as earned media, shared media, and owned media. Some other forms of modern
media are print media, television, movies, and video games.

News media (earned media)

News media takes mass media elements and uses them to deliver news to a target audience or the
general public. It’s any material or content that is written about you or your company that you didn’t
create or pay for yourself. For example, your company can earn a story in Forbes as opposed to paying
for advertising. In today’s world, earned media can come in a variety of new forms, such as being
featured in a review (even bad yelp reviews) or through a tweet about your business that was liked and

Social media (shared media)

Social media is a digital tool, such as a website or app, that allows users to quickly and easily create and
share content with the public. It’s the “evolving” media because the definition of it is constantly
changing. Shared media is best defined as content posted to social media regarding your brand, such as
posts on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This is also known as the most cost
effective platform for PR.
Web media

Web media is a form of communication that uses audio, text, and visuals on the web. Some examples of
web media are videos, photos, and graphics. It’s content you own by personally creating it. Some
examples of owned content that are popular today include podcasts, websites, blog posts, and videos.
Owned media can also be content your employees created as long as that content is put into a contract
signed by both parties.

Print media

This is the media that your parents grew up with, and it’s still around today. Also known as traditional or
even “old-fashioned” media, print media includes magazines, newspapers, books, and comics. In more
recent years, print media is used with desktop publishing software and electronic book reading
technology, such as the Amazon Kindle.

Other forms of media

Television is a form of entertainment that has been catching the attention of Americans for more than
fifty years. Originally, there were limited options for TV channels, and audiences had to watch programs
at a specifically broadcasted time. Now with streaming apps, you can watch a variety of movies and
television shows on demand. Movies are the oldest form of entertainment; back in the day, you could
only watch movies at the theater. But now with new technology, you can stream or rent movies to
watch on the television, your phone, or the computer.
Video games have been available for purchase since the 1980s. Now with life-like graphics, advanced
processors, and highly realistic simulations, you can feel like you’re in the game. If you want to learn
how to reach a certain audience, video games are a great way to do this. Video games are promoted by
the media, and they are targeted to specific audiences. A business can create a product for a video game
that includes a message that targets mass audiences.

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