125 Labor Positions To Rock Your Labor

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Effective Moves to Help You Rock Your Labor

1 Right side lunge on a ball

2 Birth ball squats against wall

3 Hands and knees over peanut ball in bed

4 Tailer sitting in tub

5 Hip squeeze with rebozo on birth ball

67 Supported squat with rebozo

89 Dancing
Flying cowgirl left side
Sitting backward on toilet
10 Kneeling over back of bed, head of bed elevated

1112 Kneeling over chair, one knee up, one down

13 Supported sitting on bottom of bed, partner behind, upper bed elevated

Crawling on all fours
14 Hands and knees rocking, knees apart, ankles together

15 Hanging squat with rebozo over closed door

16 Right foot on low stool, standing

1718 Asymmetric standing lean, left leg on bed
Supported squat facing support person in chair
19 Standing belly lift, pelvic tilt, using hands

20 Sitting on peanut ball in shower

Great for back labor

BirthNurseAcademy.com Mandy Irby, RN, LCCE

Effective Moves to Help You Rock Your Labor
21 Straddling peanut ball, leaning over small ball
22 Tailer sitting in bed

23 Fire hydrant with peanut ball

24 Hip squeeze while leaning over bedside table

Figure eights on birth ball
27 Squatting over birth bar in bed

28 Right side lying in bed, pillow support

29 Flying cowgirl right side

Hands and knees over bean bag

30 Semi-sitting with peanut ball under right leg

3132 Kneeling in bed over ball, ankles apart, knees close

33 Standing supported squat

Pelvic tilt against wall
34 Belly lift, standing next to bed, bed under abdomen

35 Lunge on stairs

36 Left side lunge on ball

3738 Climbing stairs
Rocking with birth ball against wall
39 Park bench sitting on XL peanut ball

40 Child's pose, leaning over peanut ball

Great for back labor

BirthNurseAcademy.com Mandy Irby, RN, LCCE

Effective Moves to Help You Rock Your Labor
41 Rebozo sifting while on back in bed

42 Standing, leaning over ball on bed

43 Hanging from rebozo while sitting on peanut ball

44 Butterfly knees with peanut ball while in bed

45 Throne in the bed

47 Kneeling in bed, right knee up, left knee down

48 Left side lying in bed, pillow support

49 Right tuck using peanut ball between legs

Sitting reclined, leaning against bean bag

50 Left knee down, right knee up while in tub

52 Sitting on toilet

53 Left tuck using peanut ball between legs

Rocking chair
54 Abdominal lift while walking

55 Throne in bed, leaning forward over birth ball

56 Forward inversion on bed, facing foot of bed

5758 Rebozo sifting kneeling over couch
Right knee down, left knee up while in tub
59 Sitting on birth stool

60 Left tilt in bed

Great for back labor

BirthNurseAcademy.com Mandy Irby, RN, LCCE

Effective Moves to Help You Rock Your Labor
61 Sitting in throne in bed, leaning over birth ball
62 Lunges while walking

63 Kneeling over birth ball in shower

64 Rocking side to side on birth ball

Throne in the bed leaning back against birth ball
67 High fowlers position in bed

68 Sitting up in chair

69 Far left semi-prone, supported with pillows

Sitting on birth ball in shower

70 Hands and knees, pillow or pad under knees

72 Sitting backwards in chair

73 Belly dancing, hoola hooping

Lunge with left foot on chair
74 Sitting on bean bag, leaning over birth ball, in bed, knees supported

75 Standing leaning over elevated bed

76 Forward inversion on couch

7778 Semi-sitting with peanut ball under left leg

Abdominal lift with rebozo while standing
79 Semi-sitting with peanut ball in tub

80 Supported sitting with partner on stairs

Great for back labor

BirthNurseAcademy.com Mandy Irby, RN, LCCE

Effective Moves to Help You Rock Your Labor
81 Cat, cow
82 Walking

8384 Kneeling over birth ball

Standing, leaning over bedside table

85 Hands and knees in the tub

87 Right tilt in bed

88 Far right semi-prone, supported with pillows

89 Left foot on low stool

Supported low squat against birth ball on wall

90 Lunge with right foot on chair

92 Toe squat on floor or in tub

93 Supported squat facing away from sitting support person

Standing in shower, leaning over birth ball
94 Knee chest in bed while sifting

95 Hanging on squat bar with rebozo while squatting

96 Back to back sitting in bed with support person

9798 Asymmetrical standing with one foot on the bed
Knee press in chair
99 Epidural squat in bed

100 Straddling sitting on XL peanut ball

Great for back labor

BirthNurseAcademy.com Mandy Irby, RN, LCCE

Effective Moves to Help You Rock Your Labor
101 Butterfly sitting, slight forward lean
102 Knee chest

103 Kneeling in bed, right knee down, left knee up

104 Right side-lying release

Low squat facing birth ball for support
107 Standing and swaying hips side to side

108 Walcher's position

Left curled position, right foot on birth bar
109 Quick hip circles while sitting on a birth ball

110 Belly and chest support leaning into a birth swing

112 Slow dancing, leaning or hanging on partner

113 Asymmetric kneeling in bed, support over peanut ball

Standing in front of partner, partner hugs and performs belly lift
114 Hands on door handles, leaning away from open door

115 Standing and leaning forward on birth ball against wall

116 Tushie sifting while kneeling over birth ball

117 Child's pose type kneel in tub

118 Tug of war squat in the tub

119 Hands and knees in bed, leaning over birth ball

Left side-lying release
Great for back labor

BirthNurseAcademy.com Mandy Irby, RN, LCCE

Effective Moves to Help You Rock Your Labor
121 Sitting and rocking in aerial birth hammock
122 Supported low squat in the bed

123 Right curled position, left foot on birth bar

Semi-sitting with peanut, legs parallel
124 Reclined position in birth sling

Great for back labor

BirthNurseAcademy.com Mandy Irby, RN, LCCE

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