Fugenesys - A Fuzzy Genetic Neural System For Fuzzy Modeling
Fugenesys - A Fuzzy Genetic Neural System For Fuzzy Modeling
Fugenesys - A Fuzzy Genetic Neural System For Fuzzy Modeling
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Marco Russo
University of Catania
Similar considerations hold for GA’s, with certain clari- accurate among all hybrid fuzzy learning methods
fications. Their learning speed is usually slower. However, present in literature.
they have two great advantages over NN’s. The functions The tool’s learning capacity is also demonstrated by the
that can be used in GA’s can be much more general in various research activities the author has taken part in and in
nature and knowledge of the gradient of the functions is not which FuGeNeSys has been used. The fields of application in
usually required. Finally, as these algorithms explore in several which successful use has been made of FuGeNeSys range from
directions at the same time, they are affected much less than pharmacology [3], [16] to telecommunications [4]–[8], from
NN’s by the problem of local extremes; that is, a GA has Hw-Sw codesign [9], [10] to high-energy physics [11]–[13],
far less likelihood than an NN of finding a local extreme and from the design of Hopfield Networks [14], [15] to
rather than a global one. Even if the extreme found is not robotics [2].
a global one, it is likely to correspond to a less significant FuGeNeSys has also been used to show the effect in [17]
learning error. of an incorrect choice of the performance index for any
On the basis of these considerations, it is the author’s supervised learning method in order to determine the validity
opinion that a technique which makes use of a combination of of the learning method adopted.
SC aspects, i.e., GA’s, NN’s, and FL, would be an interesting The paper is organized as follows. Section II gives a detailed
prospect. A hybrid technique, in fact, would inherit all the introduction to GA’s. Section III is an introduction to FL
advantages, but not the less desirable features of the single and Section IV is a detailed description of FuGeNeSys. In
SC components. Section V, FuGeNeSys performance is analyzed with varying
It has to possess a good learning capacity, a better learning user-defined parameters. There is also a subsection comparing
time than that of pure GA’s, and less sensitivity to the FuGeNeSys with other techniques. Finally, Section VI gives
problem of local extremes than NN’s. In addition, it has the author’s conclusions.
to generate a fuzzy knowledge base, which has a linguis-
tic representation and a very low degree of computational II. GENETIC ALGORITHMS
GA’s are a vast class of stochastic algorithms used to solve
This paper will give a detailed illustration of a tool devel-
optimization problems. They use models based on the natural
oped by the author called FuGeNeSys [2], which is based on
process of adaptation of living species, the first concepts of
a mixed technique GA’s NN’s FL.
which were introduced by Darwin [18] in 1859 with his theory
The tool allows supervised learning of fuzzy rules from
significant examples. The main features of FuGeNeSys are as of the evolution of species.
follows. Various authors have proposed algorithms that simulate
genetic systems [19]–[21]. Interesting overviews can also be
• The number of necessary rules is always very low. In
found in [19], and [22]–[25].
the various author developed applications [2]–[15], this
number has almost always been below ten. This means
A. The Natural Processes Behind Darwin’s Theory
that is not tied to the number of inputs as in the
previous coding methods, but only to the complexity of Behind the theory of evolution there are only four basic
the application itself. In the Section V-C he will explicitly processes:
show this peculiarity. • selection;
• The original genetic coding method proposed does not • reproduction;
explode as the number of input variables and the • mutation;
number of outputs increase. The total number of bits • competition.
is proportional to and and not to the power of . Selection is the natural process whereby individuals that
• Simplified fuzzy knowledge bases can be generated, i.e., can reproduce are chosen.
the tool is capable of eliminating the unnecessary an- Reproduction is the mechanism nature uses to transfer the
tecedents in any rule. This is proved in all fuzzy in- genes of an individual to its offspring.
ferences showed in the paper and in those presented in Mutation is the phenomenon by which, because of nondeter-
author’s previous works. ministic factors, the process of reproduction does not transfer
• Significant features are correctly identified. A whole genetic characteristics faithfully; that is, the resulting genes
section (V-B) is devoted to show this characteristic. contain a number of “copying” errors.
• The tool can be used in both classification and interpola- Competition is a direct consequence of the growth of pop-
tion problems (see Sections V-A and V-C). ulations in environments with a limited number of resources.
a) The misclassification error is comparable to, if not
better than, that of other similar techniques described B. Standard GA’s
in literature. In this section, a summary of the basic steps on which
classical GA’s are based will be made.
b) Also, the function approximation error is very good.
Let us assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the function
The author compared his results with neuro fuzzy
to be optimized is
techniques. In the author’s opinion, with this kind of
problem, the neuro fuzzy approaches are the most (1)
Fig. 2. An example of crossover with two “cuts.”
case, the GA fails as the search proceeds very slowly. The selection is conceived of in such a way that the parents
crossover operator is, in fact, of no use as the individuals are extracted step by step and the offspring are gradually
are very similar and evolution only proceeds thanks to the introduced into the population.
mutation operator. The GA thus degenerates into a Monte
Carlo-type search method. This phenomenon is known as F. Nonstandard Genetic Operators
premature GA convergence.
At times, to improve performance in terms of both conver-
2) Selection by Linear Ordering: Linear selection [24],
gence speed and accuracy, nonclassical genetic operators are
[29] [often called linear ranking selection (LRS)] was first
introduced. A large number of such operators are described
suggested by Baker [30] to eliminate some of the problems
in literature, but the best-known would seem to be the hill-
inherent in the fitness-proportional selection.
climbing operator. Given a certain individual, this operator
In the LRS, the individuals are sorted according to their
finds an alternative similar individual who represents a local
fitness values. The maximum rank is assigned to the best
minimum close to the original individual in the space of
individual and the lower rank (1) to the worst. The selection
solutions. Typical techniques are gradient descending ones.
probability is linearly assigned to the individuals according to
The author has used this algorithm and objectively confirmed
their rank
its importance (see Section V).
G. Previous Fuzzy Logic Genetic Coding Methods
where is a real number comprised in the interval [0,2]. In Park et al. [33], only the conclusion part of the fuzzy
3) Tournament Selection: An additional selection method, inference and some control gains are coded. The total number
called tournament selection [19], [25] combines the idea of of rules is a power of the number of inputs.
ranking in a very interesting and efficient way. In Karr and Gentry [34], GA’s are used to alter just the
According to this method, first it needs to select individu- fuzzy set shapes of a predefinite rule base.
als and then the best one among those. This process is repeated They adopt the so-called concatenated, mapped, unsigned
a number of times equal to the population size. binary coding. They use seven bits for each parameter. They
It is clear that large values of increase selective pressure work with trapezoidal membership functions (four parameters)
of this procedure; typical value accepted by many applications or triangular membership functions (three parameters).
is (so-called tournment size). They fix the number of the linguistic terms for each
of the inputs and the one for each output. In the
triangular membership function case, the number of bits in
E. Classification of Selection Models
each individual is .
A scheme classifying the various selection models can The number of rules is equal to . This number
be found in [31]. Using the same taxonomy, the following increases dramatically with the number of the inputs.
orthogonal classes emerge. In [35] and [36], there is another interesting genetic rep-
• Dynamic static—static selection is when the probability resentation. They use the Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK) fuzzy
of selection depends on the fitness value, as in the model [37] where the consequent part of a fuzzy rule is a
case of fitness-proportional selection. Dynamic selection, weighted linear combination of the input values. For each
on the other hand, is represented by ordering or local rule with inputs, it needs membership functions for the
tournament; antecedent part and weights for the consequent part.
• Preservative Extinctive—preservative selection guaran- They fix the maximum number of triangular fuzzy
tees that each individual will have a probability other sets for each input variable. For each one, they defined the
than zero of being selected. This category includes fitness- membership function chromosome (MFC), which contains the
proportional selection (if it is strictly positive) and selec- parameters of a triangular shape. These are the eight bits of
tion by linear ordering if . In extinctive selection, on left base and right base and the distance from the previous
the other hand, some individuals are precluded from the center point (see Fig. 4).
possibility of reproducing. This is the case in selection by For the consequent part, they introduce the rule–consequent
local tournament and linear ordering when . parameters chromosome (RPC) that contains eight bits of each
• Elitist Pure—elitist selection guarantees selection of the rule weight.
fittest individual, while in pure selection the same indi- The total number of bits in each individual is
vidual may be discarded. It is important here to mention .
the work of Rudolph [32]: classical algorithms based on The maximum number of rules is . This number
pure selection never converge, regardless of the type of increases dramatically with the number of the inputs as well.
crossover or mutation operators, the fitness value, or the In the fitness function, they included an additional term
type of initialization. Elitistic selection, on the other hand, to penalize systems according to the number of rules of the
allows convergence to the absolute extreme being sought. system.
• Generational Stationary State—in generational selection, In Ishibuchi et al. [38], GA’s are used to select fuzzy
the set of parents is determined only once until a new rules from a given fuzzy database. Starting from the work
population of offspring is determined. Stationary-state in [39], they generate multiple fuzzy rule tables. Each table
B. Fuzzy Reasoning
In general, a fuzzy conditional rule is made up of a premise
and a conclusion
The premise is made up of a number of fuzzy predicates
(henceforth, also called antecedents) of the general form (Tom
IS fast) that are eventually negated or combined by different
operators such as AND or OR computed with t-norms or
In the latter example, Tom is the value of the linguistic
variable defined in the universe of the discourse of men and
fast is one of the names of the term set of the linguistic variable
Fig. 4. Takagi and Lee’s membership function representation.
(for example ).
The following is an example of a fuzzy conditional rule
corresponds to a different fuzzy partition. They start from using such operators:
a very coarse partition—only two membership functions per
input—and continue with finer partitions. They consider a (8)
three values coding for each rule. where, for example
• 1 denotes that that rule belongs to the compact final
fuzzy inference.
• 1 denotes that that rule does not belong.
• Zero denotes a dummy rule; that is, a rule that does not
include any pattern and therefore is not useful.
Therefore, the final fuzzy inference is that composed of all the
rules with its coding equal to one. A fuzzy inference is made up of several rules with the same
The main drawback of this method is that the number of output variables. The inference procedure [41] establishes how
starting fuzzy rules increases dramatically with the number the conclusions are to be inferred from this set of rules.
of inputs, so the method cannot work with high-dimensional Fig. 5 gives a practical example of an inference, known as
pattern spaces. The total number of bits is , where the max–min method. The figure outlines the calculation of
is the finest partition of the input term set and is the number the two rules
of inputs. For example, with only two inputs and a partition
equal to six, they need bits. If and
, they need bits.
assuming that is and is we obtain is .
By this method the membership function of the fuzzy output
set (still with reference to Fig. 5) is obtained as [42]
A. Fuzzy Sets
In classical set theory, given a value and a subset
of , the element either belongs to the set or
not. So it is possible to associate a Boolean numerical value where
(that is one belonging to the set ) to each of the elements
of , specifying whether or not it belongs to . (10)
If we consider some of the most common adjectives used
in daily conversation such as tall, intelligent, tired, ill, etc., we
see that none of them is particularly precise: they are not used
in terms of classical logic but in terms of a generalization (11)
with multiple values.
The concept of a fuzzy set is a step toward this kind of
In (9), we can see an operation to aggregate the results (max)
generalization. A fuzzy set [40] is a set whose membership
of the whole rulebase, preceded by an implication operation
function can assume all the values in the closed interval
(min) based on the degree of activation of the single rules
. A fuzzy subset of a generic set called the
[see (10)] . This value is obtained by applying the logical
universe of discourse has the following membership function:
connector min to the activation values of the single
(6) antecedents (11).
C. Fuzzification and Defuzzification Besides the classical methods, based on the concept of fuzzy
In a fuzzy system, the desired inputs and outputs are usually output sets, there are a number of computationally simplified
numerical values. It is, therefore, necessary to make a sort defuzzification methods by which it is possible to combine
of “translation” from numerical inputs to fuzzy inputs and aggregation and defuzzification into a single phase.
then from fuzzy outputs to the desired numerical outputs One of them is the weighted-mean (WM) method in which
(crisp values). The first transformation is universally called
fuzzification and the second defuzzification.
1) Fuzzification: Fuzzification consists of building the re-
lation for the fuzzy input. (15)
Inputs are normally crisp so this phase is necessary. Given
values of crisp inputs in a fuzzy system, it is necessary
to construct the same number of fuzzy sets , i.e., a fuzzy
operator is needed for which where is the number of rules, is the degree of activation
of the th rule, and is a numerical values associated with
(12) the consequent of the rule. This value is usually calculated
The fuzzification operation is often greatly simplified. In using another defuzzification method. In the Yager method
such cases, the numerical value is associated with the corre- [43], the value is the mean value of the alpha-level set equal
sponding singleton to ; that is, is the mean point of the segment obtained as
f the intersection between the fuzzy set of the consequent and a
(13) line parallel to the universe of discourse with a height of .
The fuzzy sets are, of course, assumed to be convex.
At times, fuzzy numbers [40] are used to model uncertainty
The weighted-sum (WS) method [44] is even less compu-
and imprecision.
tationally onerous, but this time the output of the single rule
2) Defuzzification Methods: There are various defuzzifica-
is relative, not absolute. The contributions of all the rules are,
tion methods.
in fact, simply summed
Defuzzification is usually achieved by average calculation.
One of the best-known methods is the center of gravity (COG)
method, which is the method used to calculate the barycenter (16)
of a mass.
A discrete representation of COG is
where the symbols used are the same as those used to describe
The membership functions are Gaussian of the following Using the defuzzification method shown in (20), two sepa-
form: rate values were again stored for each consequent, both coded
with 16 bits.
It became apparent that the learning capacity of FuGeNeSys
Therefore, to code these functions we need two kinds of did not deteriorate significantly if a single value—the output
information: the center and the sigma . singleton—was coded for each consequent. The defuzzification
In FuGeNeSys, it was decided to code and the inverse of method in this case is still of the centroid type, but the formula
. This was done for two different reasons. The first was to is
eliminate the division operation and thus optimize the learning
time. The second was to eliminate the annoying singularity in
the equation of the Gaussian in the proximity of . From
the point of view of implementation, the Gaussian function
considered is written as
This method is clearly a WM defuzzification and is similar to
For each antecedent it is therefore necessary to code infor- the Yager method. So for each consequent a single value is
mation concerning a center and the width value . A 16-bit coded using 16 bits. With this coding it is also possible to use
coding was chosen for each of them. If the value of is equal a more simple defuzzification method such as WS
to zero, it is assumed that in the rule in question the antecedent
relating to the null is missing.
FuGeNeSys only considers crisp inputs, so the degree (23)
of membership of the th antecedent of the th rule
corresponding to the th crisp input will be given by Currently, one of these two methods can be chosen. In the
various applications in which FuGeNeSys has been used, it
(19) has been found that the second one works better as far as the
Various versions of FuGeNeSys have been implemented. approximation of functions is concerned, while the first one is
Substantially, the difference between them is in calculation of preferable in classification problems.
the conclusion and the method used for defuzzification. It is important to note that the first method (22) has the
The consequents have been coded in two different ways. The advantage that the knowledge base learned seems easier for a
first, which proved to be the most computationally complex, human to understand.
was used in the early versions of FuGeNeSys [3], [6]–[8], [10]. The WS defuzzification method, however, uses on average
In the second type of coding, two defuzzification methods less time for a genetic iteration than the other methods as it
are possible, one of which is computationally quite simple. is computationally less onerous.
The first method for coding the information about the Currently, each individual in the genetic population is
consequents is based on the use of a sort of weighted mean represented by words, each of 16 bits. , ,
which additionally associates a weight to each rule and and are, respectively, the number of inputs, outputs, and
consequent. The following formula was used for defuzzifica- rules. words are required to store the fuzzy sets of
tion: all premise of all rules .
words are required to store each consequrnt of each rule
, .
B. The Evolution Algorithm Used
To implement FuGeNeSys, an apomictic, continuous, and
fine-grain evolution algorithm was used. This was to allow
where is the degree of activation of the premise of the th the user to choose to slow down the process of genetic
rule, is the weight of the th consequent of the th rule, homogenization.
and is the output singleton. This formula coincides with In practice, the individuals are assumed to be on a rectan-
the MAX–DOT method if it is assumed that the parameters gular grid and are selected from a deme with a user-defined
and are, respectively, the center and area of any fuzzy radius. The selection is static, preservative, elitist, steady-state,
set symmetrical with . and fitness proportional.
It is useful to note here that to calculate the degree of truth As mentioned previously, in fine grain models there are
of a generic premise, it was assumed that all the connectors in two types of selection—global and local. In this case, global
the premises were AND’s for which the algebraic minimum selection is fitness-proportional as in (4) and identifies the
operator was chosen, The degree of activation of a rule is center of the subpopulation deme. Local selection uses the
thus given by the minimum degree of truth of the various same equation but only in a subgrid with a pre-established
antecedents in the rule radius.
(21) Two parents generate a single offspring using a crossover
operator with a single cut. Then the mutation operator is
Fig. 7. Examples in which it doesn’t need to utilize the option f (f2) and
where it can help (f1).
Fig. 9. Percent learning and testing error in function of the iteration number and grid dimension (WS defuzzification method).
Fig. 10. Percent learning and testing error in function of the iteration number and grid dimension. (WM defuzzification method).
Fig. 13. Testing results using WM.
Table I gives the learning examples in detail. Of course, a
learning program that can detect features correctly has to be
able to eliminate the three completely random inputs. It also
happens, the best solution obtained is kept. The weights of has to eliminate three more of the five remaining features so
each type of parameter to be learned are dynamically adapted as to end up with only two independent ones.
by means of an automatic procedure. Various runs were performed and each time the result
Fig. 14 shows the results of ten runs without the hill- obtained was as expected.
climbing operator, using a grid of 10 10, five rules, 5000 Table II gives the results of three different runs (1000
iterations, and WS as the defuzzification method. The function iterations) using WS as the defuzzification method. As can
to be approximated is still (27) The results obtained (using be seen, only two independent features are selected. Once
WS) are on average five to six times worse (see Fig. 9). again, the error is a monotonically decreasing function of the
number of rules. The values attributed to the fitness function
are the same, specifically
B. Learning with Features Detection and .
This section will illustrate how FuGeNeSys is able to Fig. 15 gives the results obtained with three rules. The
identify features correctly. universes of discourse of the three variables, , , and ,
As a significant example, we chose to construct some in the figure are [0,200], [60 300] and [0,17 000] respectively.
patterns to extract a fuzzy knowledge base which approximates For , the singleton corresponding to the crisp output value
the function is shown.
(28) C. Comparisons
Some comparisons were made between the performance
The 50 patterns generated to teach FuGeNeSys this pattern obtained with FuGeNeSys and that described in the literature.
were built as follows. Each pattern has eight inputs 1) Classification Problems: There are a lot of methods for
and one output . Two of the inputs correspond generating fuzzy rules, but only a few approaches deal with
to the independent variables and , both randomly and classification tasks.
uniformly generated in the interval [0,100]. Three inputs are Typically, the generation method consists of two phases.
linear combinations of and . The other three were generated The first is the fuzzy partition of the input pattern space
Fig. 17. Ten runs arranged according to testing error. The ordinate value is
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[11] A. Gabrielli, E. Gandolfi, M. Masetti, and M. Russo, “Design of a VLSI [42] R. Jager, “Fuzzy logic in control,” Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Delft, Delft,
very high speed reconfigurable digital fuzzy processor,” in Proc. ACM The Netherlands, 1995.
Symp. Appl. Comput., Nashville, TN, Feb. 1995, pp. 477–481, invited [43] M. Figueiredo, F. Gomides, A. Rocha, and R. Yager, “Comparison of
talk. Yager’s level set method for fuzzy logic control with Mamdani and
[12] G. V. Russo, C. Petta, D. Lo Presti, N. Randazzo, and M. Russo, “Silicon Larsen methods,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 2, pp. 156–159, May
drift detectors readout and ON-LINE data reduction using a fast VLSI 1993.
[44] Y. Lin and G. A. Cunningham, III, “A new approach to fuzzy-neural Marco Russo received the “laurea” degree in elec-
system modeling,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 3, pp. 190–198, May tronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
1995. tronics, computer science and telecommunications
[45] H. Narazaki and A. L. Ralescu, “An improved synthesis method for engineering both from the University of Catania,
multilayered neural networks using qualitative knowledge,” IEEE Trans. Italy, in 1992 and 1996, respectively.
Fuzzy Syst., vol. 1, pp. 125–137, May 1993. He is currently an Assistant Researcher at the
[46] R. A. Fisher, “The use of multiple measurements in toxonomic prob- University of Catania. His research areas are in
lems,” Ann. Eugen., vol. 7, pp. 179–188, 1936. fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms,
[47] M. Grabish and F. Dispot, “A comparison of some methods of fuzzy hybrid systems, dedicated hardware, signal process-
classification on real data,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Fuzzy Logic Neural ing, high-energy physics, and artificial intelligence
Networks, Iizuka, Japan, July 1992, pp. 659–662. applications. He is on the editorial board of the
[48] A. Homaifar and E. McCormick, “Simultaneous design of membership International Journal of Knowledge–Based Intelligent Engineering Systems.
functions and rule sets for fuzzy controllers using genetic algorithms,”
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 3, pp. 129–139, May 1995.
[49] C. J. Lin and C. T. Lin, “Reinforcement learning for an ART-based fuzzy
adaptive learning control network,” IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, vol.
7, pp. 709–731, May 1996.