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Published at https://ijate.net/ https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ijate Research Article
Fuzzy logic expert system for evaluating the activity of university teachers
1,*, 2
Vasile Florin Popescu Marius Sorin Pistol
National Defense University, Faculty of Security and Defense, Dep. Information Systems and Cyber Defense
European Commision, European Asylum Support Office, Malta
Fuzzy systems are an alternative to the traditional methods of dealing with affiliation and logic,
which have their origins in ancient Greek philosophy and applications in the field of artificial
intelligence. Despite its long-lived origins, it is a relatively new field and therefore there is still
plenty of room for research. The application of fuzzy logic as a simple method for deciding on
an unambiguous evaluation of university teachers based on ambiguity, vagueness, imprecision,
or lack of input information requires several numerical parameters to work in terms of what is
considered "significant error" and "error variation," but the exact values of these numbers are
not critical unless good performance is required. Fuzzy logic does not require very precise
numerical inputs, in terms of evaluating university teachers, is inherently robust, and can handle
any reasonable number of inputs, but the complexity of the system increases significantly with
the number of inputs and outputs. Rules based on simple language, such as IF X and Y THEN
Z, are used to describe the desired response of the system in terms of linguistic variables rather
than mathematical formulas. Their number depends on the number of inputs and outputs and
the goals of the designer in controlling the response. Fuzzy systems, including fuzzy logic and
Popescu & Pistol
fuzzy set theory, represent a rich and important extension of standard logic used in higher
education assessment. The mathematics developed based on these theories is consistent, and
fuzzy logic can be a generalisation of classical logic. Applications that can be generated from
or adapted to fuzzy logic are widespread and provide the ability to model conditions that are
vaguely defined despite the concerns of classical logicians. Many systems can be modelled,
simulated and even physically implemented using fuzzy systems, such as the present study.
On many websites, in many scientific articles, or in talks at scientific symposia and conferences,
many of us have read or heard terms such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic
algorithms, genetic programming, evolutionary computation, expert systems, gravity
algorithm, ant algorithm, particle group optimization, multiagent systems, and others. All of
these terms are concepts that describe various methods and techniques for solving problems of
moderate and high complexity based on the simulation of intelligent behavior, and they are
grouped under the umbrella of two terms that sound similar but usually refer to different things:
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Computing. Although there are supporters of the idea that
the two terms actually refer to the same thing, most opinions hold that Artificial Intelligence
and Intelligent Computing, while having similar goals, have fundamental elements that
distinguish them. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the older of the two terms. The term was first
used in its current meaning in 1956 at a scientific symposium at Dartmouth College in Hanover,
USA. The Father IA, John McCarthy, defined it as "the science and technology of creating
intelligent machines" (McCarthy, 1959) in the form of hardware or software. One of the most
commonly cited definitions is that of the study and development of intelligent agents, where an
intelligent agent is understood to be an autonomous entity that observes and interacts with the
environment in an attempt to achieve goals.
The second term, Intelligent Computing (CI) or Computational Intelligence, was first used in
1990 by the IEEE Neural Networks Council, founded ten years earlier, which became a IEEE
society in 2001 and later changed its name to IEEE Computational Intelligence Society to
include new areas of interest such as fuzzy systems and evolutionary computing. The field of
AI can be defined as a collection of natural inspiration techniques and computational methods
that are distinct from the traditional techniques associated with AI and intended for the creation
of intelligent systems. This collection includes subfields such as artificial neural networks,
fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, machine learning, Bayesian reasoning and so on. The
core technologies of IC include artificial neural networks (RNA), fuzzy systems (SF), and
evolutionary computation (EC), as well as hybrid intelligent systems that incorporate these
technologies and other related paradigms. A taxonomy of intelligent systems, with the main
research areas and components that define them, is shown in Figure 1.
Sources of uncertainty:
✓ Imperfection of the rule
✓ Uncertainty of the evidence
✓ Confidence in the conclusion must be scaled
✓ Use of vague, imprecise language
Ways to express uncertainty:
✓ Probabilities
✓ Fuzzy logic
✓ Bayes' theorem
✓ Dumpster-Shafer theory
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
Popescu & Pistol
The model of fuzzy logic applied to the evaluation of university professors is an approximation
method that can be used to formally model vague "knowledge" stored in a base of rules. The
application of fuzzy logic in the evaluation of university employees at different levels is due to
the advantages it offers in the following specific situations:
• Enables modelling of non-linear, complex, or imprecisely known processes for evaluation
of university personnel, according to level;
• allows the implementation of the human experience of the evaluators, in this case in the
construction of the inference rules, using the linguistic variables explained in the theoretical
2.1. Brief Description of the Concept of Fuzzy Logic, Mandami Model
The theoretical foundations of fuzzy logic were laid in 1965 by Lofti A. Zadeh, a professor at
Berkely University in California. The term fuzzy logic was introduced by Zadeh at the same
time as the proposal of fuzzy sets, but elements of fuzzy logic have been studied since 1920
(Garrido, 2012), reminiscent of the work of Łukasiewicz and Tarski, in which the so-called n-
valued logic is proposed. However, the logic and fuzzy sets as they are known and used today
are those proposed in the research of Zadeh.
In classical mathematics, an element is part of a set or not, whether it belongs to that set or not.
In other words, the membership of elements in a given set is treated on a binary basis. Zadeh's
theory of fuzzy sets, on the other hand, defines classical sets and their associated values in terms
of crisp. Moreover, the new theory offers the possibility to evaluate step by step the membership
of an element to a set by quantifying it using the so-called membership functions, which take
values in the range [0,1].
In fuzzy logic, the discrete values of Boolean logic (false and true) are replaced by a continuous
membership function that takes values in the range [0,1], where 0 stands for absolutely false
and 1 for absolutely true. Consequently, an imprecise formulation has an associated truth value
between 0 and 1.
For the new fuzzy sets, it was necessary to define the elementary operations for which it was
proposed to use the complement against 1 for negation, the max operator for union and the min
operator for intersection (Zadeh, 1996). Then fuzzy numbers, elementary algebraic operations
with fuzzy numbers, fuzzy intervals and relations between fuzzy quantities were defined.
Moreover, in order to maintain the connection with natural language and to allow a simple
mathematical representation, the notion of modifier or qualifier, an equivalent to adjectives or
adverbs in grammar, was introduced; thus, qualifiers are used such as: close, very, extremely,
possible, with certainty, and so on.
The following are some important moments in the history of fuzzy systems. After the first
moment in 1965, Professor Zadeh proposed the use of fuzzy algorithms in 1968 (Zadeh, 1968)
and fuzzy decision systems in 1970 (Bellman & Zadeh, 1970). In 1971, he published the work
Quantitative Fuzzy Semantics (Zadeh, 1971), in which he proposed the formal elements on the
basis of which the methodology and the various types of applications of fuzzy logic were later
developed. In 1973, he published a reference work (Zadeh, 1973) in which he defined linguistic
variables and IF-THEN rules for the formation of knowledge bases. The first fuzzy controller
for controlling an engine and a steam boiler was designed by Ibrahim Mandani in the mid-1970s
(Mamdani & Assilian, 1975).
1987 is the year when the first commercial applications for different types of fuzzy controllers
are developed and built, such as the fuzzy controller developed by Hitachi for the famous
Japanese train Sendai, or those developed by Omron, another Japanese company that developed
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
the fastest fuzzy controller or the first fuzzy chip for microcomputers SUGE. Later, in 1993,
the first application of fuzzy logic was registered for controlling a water treatment plant - also
in Japan, of course.
In the mid-1980s, there were the first attempts at the theoretical foundation and practical
development of fuzzy control systems based on fuzzy data sets combined with fuzzy learning.
The foundations of fuzzy control systems are due to Professors Tomohiro Takagi of Meiji
University (Tokyo) and Michio Sugeno of Doshisha University (Takagi & Sugeno, 1985).
Since the 1990s, applications of crowds and fuzzy logic in daily life have become more present
and have developed rapidly. Numerous applications of this type can be found in the profile
industry, the most famous being control systems for washing machines (Ahmed & Toki, 2016),
ABS systems for braking (Subbulakshmi, 2014), autofocus systems for video cameras, elevator
control systems (Patjoshi & Mohapatra, 2010) or philtres against spam messages (Vijayan et
al., 2011).
The realisation of a flexible method for solving indeterminacy problems has been achieved
through the development of fuzzy systems, which are based on fuzzy logic and are a special
case of expert systems. Fuzzy logic works with the elements A = {x / x [0,1]} and assigns a
degree of belonging to the set to the object. The robustness of fuzzy logic is emphasised by the
simultaneous control of numerical data and lexical knowledge (linguistic variables) by
interpreting quantitative terms qualitatively.
The linguistic variable is a property and as a structure it includes (Chennakesava, 2008):
a. The linguistic value u is an adverb, an adjective associated with the linguistic variable,
indicating the name of the associated fuzzy set;
b. The representation field U is a classical set on which fuzzy sets are defined. The set U is also
called representation field, discourse universe or reference set;
c. The membership function μF assigns to each element u the degree of membership in the
fuzzy set F;
d. The degree of membership μ represents the extent to which an element belongs to a fuzzy
In order to understand the theory of fuzzy logic and the fuzzy set, it is necessary to present the
elements on which it is based (Chuen, 1990). Let U be a set of objects with the general name
{u}, which can be discrete or continuous. U is called the representation domain (universe of
discourse) and u represents the generic elements of U. Denotation 1. Fuzzy set: a fuzzy set F
contained in the representation domain U is characterized by the membership function µF which
takes values in the range [0, 1], i.e. F: U [0,1].
The stages of the construction of a fuzzy logic system, the Mamdani model, are shown in Figure
2. The theory of possibility, and implicitly Fuzzy Logic, is based on the following concepts:
• Generalization of Boolean logic
• Manipulates the concept of partial truth
o Classical logic - everything is expressed in binary terms
o 0 or 1, white or black, yes or no
o Fuzzy logic - the gradual expression of a truth.
o Values between 0 and 1
The basic idea of this pilot study on the evaluation of academics using Fuzzy logic systems is:
• In accordance with the theory of certain information:
o Florin Popescu is an associate professor
Popescu & Pistol
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
Popescu & Pistol
After determining the fuzzy set induced by an inference rule, in some applications a singular
strict value must be determined based on this set. This process is called defuzzification. The
most commonly used defuzzification technique is the centroid method (or centroid method):
In Figure 4, the program uses intervals (0,100) as universes of discourse. In the figure on the
right, the blue bounded set is B, the pink bounded set is B 'and the red marked value on the x-
axis is the centroid.
Figure 4. Mamdani type inference and defuzzification.
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
Figure 5. Mandami type fuzzy inference system with two rules and two strict inputs.
Popescu & Pistol
are combined with the fuzzy operator OR to obtain the output set shown in the lower right
It is often desirable to get a strict outcome. For example, if you are trying to classify handwritten
letters on a blackboard, the fuzzy inference system must produce a strict number that can be
interpreted. This number is obtained after the defuzzification process. The most commonly used
defuzzification method is the Center of Gravity method, which is illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Defuzzification using the center of gravity method.
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
surfaces; functions for the FIS generation command (by fusing - defining a FA for each variable
involved in fuzzy rules, by mitigation based on the estimation of fuzzy inferences, and by
transferring parameters between functions and variables, respectively. by generic evaluation of
FA and visualization of the control surface); functions for implementation of other routines
(FIS of Sugeno type, clusters of C-means type, etc.).
• Operations related to the difference of two FAs with different shapes (sigmoidal, Gaussian,
pi, trapezoidal, triangular, Z, S, including their combinations), to concatenate matrices, to
discretize the FIS, to evaluate multiple FAs, to edit lines of text, including active auxiliaries.
The FUZZYDEMOS Deputy Director (FUZZY LOGIC TOOLBOX DEMOS) contains several
demonstration applications for basic fuzzy functions and operations, as well as complete fuzzy
models of intelligent control systems.
Examples of functions and operations:
• Control functions for the graphical user interface with FUZZY for FIS editing
• MFEDIT for editing membership functions
• RULEEDIT for editing SURFVIEW rules viewing control surfaces
• RULEVIEW visualization of rules (RULEVIEW (FIS) and fuzzy inference diagrams for a
In the construction and simulation of the Fuzzy model for evaluating university teachers, the
following steps were:
Step 1: Set up the following diagrams in FIS Editor:
✓ block diagram of the fuzzy system for the evaluation of the didactic activity (see Figure 7),
which has as variables the following:
• Teaching Method;
• Additional Resources;
• Student Interactions;
• Teaching Skills;
• Implication.
The input variable “Explanations” and its sets are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 7. Printscreen with block diagram of the fuzzy system for the evaluation of the didactic activity.
Popescu & Pistol
Figure 8. Printscreen with the input variable “Explanations” and its sets.
✓ The block diagram of the fuzzy system for the evaluation of the administrative activity (see
Figure 9), which has as variables the following:
• Committee Membership;
• Corporate Contribution;
• Co-curricular.
Figure 9. Block diagram of the fuzzy system for evaluating administrative activity.
✓ Block diagram of the fuzzy system for evaluating the research activity (Figure 10), which
has the following variables:
• Research Projects;
• Research Guidance;
• Book Publications;
• Reserch Paper.
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
All these variables underlie the evaluation related to ReasearchSkills and Knowledge Transfer
of each university professor (see Figure 10).
Figure 10. Block diagram of the fuzzy system for evaluating the research activity.
Within the main graphical interface screen (see Figure 11), there is a separation by color code,
from top to bottom as follows: blue - data entry, green - results achieved, red - assessment of
academics with minimum requirements. The minimum values for each university teaching position
used in this simulation are presented within Table 1.
Figure 11. Graphical interface of the evaluation tool.
Popescu & Pistol
Step 2: Simulation of the minimum values for each teaching position university:
In this way, a minimum accepted score was established for each category of university
employee: University Professor, Associate University Professor, University Lecturer and
University Assistant.
The rule of fuzzy evaluation system for didactic activities (see Figure 12): if (Explanations is
average) and (StudentInteraction is good) and (AdditionalResources is high) and
(TeachingMethod is average) and (ExamDuties is average) then (TeachingSkills is average)
(Implication is good).
Figure 12. The rule of the fuzzy activity evaluation system.
There are 2 situations with the afferent results of the simulation and validation phase: one in
which the minimum conditions are met and the other in which they are not. The print screen in
Figure 13 shows us a simulation with the results of the ideal model in which a teaching assistant
meets the minimum requirements. Also in this pilot study, a situation was simulated in which a
lecturer /assistant Professor does not meet the minimum requirements (see Figure 14).
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
Figure 14. Situation when are NOT met the minimum requirements.
Popescu & Pistol
Int. J. Assess. Tools Educ., Vol. 8, No. 4, (2021) pp. 991–1008
• allows the implementation of the human experience of the evaluators, in this case in the
construction of the inference rules, using the linguistic variables explained in the theoretical
The authors consider that the results obtained with the methods proposed in this study can be
used in other directions. For example, one of these directions can be the selection of a field of
study of universities. In this case, the attitude of students closest to the maximum satisfaction
level should be studied.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests and Ethics
The authors declare no conflict of interest. This research study complies with research
publishing ethics. The scientific and legal responsibility for manuscripts published in IJATE
belongs to the author(s).
Authorship Contribution Statement
Authors are expected to present author contributions statement to their manuscript such as;
Vasile Florin Popescu: Writing original draft, Methodology, Supervision, and Validation.
Marius Sorin Pistol: Resources, Visualization, Software.
Vasile Florin Popescu http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9972-9904
Marius Sorin Pistol https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1172-3637
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