History of Architecture 1 Syllabus
History of Architecture 1 Syllabus
History of Architecture 1 Syllabus
Course Code: HOA 111 Course Title: HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE – 1
To become an ASEAN premier state university in 2020
The Pangasinan State University, through instruction, research, extension and production commits to develop highly principled morally upright, innovative
and globally competent individuals capable of meeting the needs of industry, public service and civil society.
The Pangasinan State University Institutional Outcomes (PSU IO) are the qualities that PSUnians must possess. These outcomes are anchored on the following
core values: Accountability and Transparency, Credibility and Integrity, Competence and Commitment to Achieve, Excellence in Service Delivery, Social and
Environmental Responsiveness, Spirituality – (ACCESS). Anchored on these core values, the PSU graduates are able to:
1. Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms, systems, policies, and processes which are reflective of transparency, equity, participatory decision making,
and accountability;
2. Engage in relevant, comprehensive and sustainable development initiatives through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that build personal and
professional credibility and integrity.
3. Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which provide continuous improvement and producing quality output leading to
inclusive growth;
4. Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, innovative mindset,
research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry requirements of local, ASEAN and international human capital market through
relevant comprehensive programs;
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
5. Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which ensures higher productivity among the university constituents and elevate the
welfare of the multi-sectoral communities and;
6. Practice spiritual values and morally upright which promote and inspire greater harmony to project a credible public image.
1. Provide access to information affecting the welfare and interest of the faculty and students.
2. Develop relevant and responsive science and technology-based curricular programs that enhance intellectual competence, civic and moral responsibility.
3. Strengthen and promote the welfare and interest of faculty through scholarship grants and salary increases to fully develop capabilities and potentials that will
redound to the best interest of the students.
4. Provide quality and relevant Engineering and Architecture education designed to fully exploit the potentials of every student consistent to the needs of the
construction and manufacturing industry and commensurate to global competitiveness.
5. Instill a sense of social and environmental responsibility so as to be able to readily respond to the needs of the community and the country as a whole during
6. Promote spiritual mindedness by integrating spiritual and moral values in the delivery of lectures.
Course Code: HOA 111 Course Title: HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE 1 Lecture: Labortory: Credit: 2 units lecture/2 hrs. per
2 units week
Course Description: Architecture manifestation of thoughts from the beginning of civilization to the Byzantine.
Course Pre-requisite: None Course Schedule: ARCHI 1A – W Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
Course Co-requisite: None Time Frame: 18 weeks (36 hrs)
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
1. Make the students understand the evolution of architecture from the Prehistoric times to the
Byzantine Period.
3. Make a comparative analysis of the architectural styles during the periods covered.
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
Course Coverage:
Week MODULE/TOPICS Handout Methodology and Evaluation Actual # of
No. Strategy tools Days/Weeks
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
1. Preliminary Exams 15%
2. Quizzes 30%
3. Class Participation/ Library/Home works 25%
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
a. Grading System:
Passing: see Grading Scale below
Rating Scale:
The university requires that the student’s academic performance be graded through the use of the numerical 5 – point system, number grades
from 1.00 to 5.00 where 1.00 is the highest.
Grades are visible measures of the academic performance of the students, as a matter of policy, the work of the students shall be graded at
the end of each term in accordance with the following 5 – point numerical grading system. (PD 1497 PSU code)
al Rating Equivalent
Equivale Equivalent
1.0 A+ 97& above Student’s work is of exceptional quality and the
solutions to problems show a depth of
understanding of the program requirements. Design
1.25 A 94-96 Project is fully developed and presented well – both
orally and graphically. Student has developed a
1.50 A- 91-93 strong and appropriate concept that clearly
enhances the overall solution. The full potential of
the problem has been realized and demonstrated.
1.75 B+ 88-90 Student’s work shows above average understanding
2.0 B 85-87 and clear potential. All program Requirements are
2.25 B- 82-84 fulfilled and clearly and concisely presented.
2.50 C+ 79-81 Student’s work meets minimum objectives of course
and solves major problem requirements. Work
2.75 C 76-78
shows normal understanding. Quality of project as
3.0 C- 75 well as the development of knowledge
and skills is average
5.0 Failure Below 71 Student’s whose class standing throughout the
semester is passing but fails to take the final
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
Other References
A “Course Book” (gathered by the instructor) containing at least 18 handout materials will be provided to support readings of the students. It will come in a
plastic-ring binder so that the student can use it as a study guide during the term and to serve as a reference for him/her after completion of the course. And
other supplementary reading materials will be provided in class.
Course Materials Made Available:
1. Course goals and instructional objectives
2. Course syllabus
3. Student assessment, grades every Midterm and Final grading period
Revised and Updated By:
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta Campus,
Urdaneta City
Date Implemented: Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Page:
Second Sem. 2017
Faculty - Architecture Department Ar. Simeon C. Rico Jr. MScm Dr. Victor Sherwin G. Galamgam, Ph.D. Engr. Resurreccion V. Garrote, MSCE
Date Revised: Contact # - _________________ Chairman –Architecture Department College Dean Campus Executive Director /6
Nov. 12, 2017 Contact # -__________________ Contact # -____________________