Quarter 2 - Worksheet No. 1 - Melc: S9Mtiib-14

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Quarter 2 ____ WORKSHEET NO.

1 _ MELC: S9MTIIb-14

NAME: ____________________________________________ SCORE: _____________________

SECTION ____________________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: _____________________



Explain how the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom describes the energies and positions of
the electrons.

The Quantum Mechanical Model determines the energies an electron have and how likely it is to find
the electrons in various locations around the nucleus. Each energy level is subdivided into sublevels
corresponding to one or more orbitals. Electrons in each orbit have a definite energy which increases
as the distance of the orbit from the nucleus increase. When an electron of an element absorbs
extra energy (from flame or electricity), this electron moves to a higher energy level. At this point the
electron is unstable. The same electron can return to any of the lower energy levels releasing energy
in the form of light with a particular color and definite energy or wavelength.

Activity 1: Complete the table

Summary of Principal Energy Levels and Sublevels

Maximum number of Maximum number of

Energy Level (n) and
Type of Sublevel electrons each electrons in energy
sublevel can hold level

1 (K) s

2 (L)

3 (M) p

4 (N)

Electron Configuration is the summary of the arrangement of electrons distributed among the
orbital shells and subshells. The formula 2n2 determines the maximum number of electrons present in
Quarter 2 ____ WORKSHEET NO. 1 _ MELC: S9MTIIb-14
an orbit. The symbol used for writing the electron configuration start with the shell number (n)
followed by the type of orbital and the superscript indicates the number of electrons in the orbitals.

Number of
1s electrons
Type of

The order in which electrons are placed into the orbitals is based on the order of their energy. The
Aufbau Principle states that in the ground state of an atom, electrons fill atomic orbitals of the lowest
available energy levels before occupying higher energy levels

Electron Configuration mnemonic

Activity 2: Write the electron configuration of the following elements.

Element Atomic Number Electron Configuration

Oxygen (O)

Aluminum (Al)

Calcium (Ca)

Iron (Fe)

Bromine (Br)
Quarter 2 ____ WORKSHEET NO. 1 _ MELC: S9MTIIb-14

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