Ser Caminhoneiro No Brasil
Ser Caminhoneiro No Brasil
Ser Caminhoneiro No Brasil
MESSIAS, João Carlos; et all. Being a truck driver in Brazil: From implicit self-stereotypes
to system justification (Ser caminhoneiro no Brasil: dos autoestereótipos implícitos à
justificação de sistema). In: Revista Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), vol. 36. Campinas-
SP, 20 set. 2019. Disponível em:
166X2019000100403&lng=en&nrm=iso>. Acesso em: 14 abr. 2021. ISSN 1982-0275.
Close to two million people currently work in Brazil's road transport sector, the
country's leading logistical area. Most are self-employed individuals. The objective of
this research project was to garner an understanding of the perceptions that Brazilian
truck drivers hold regarding themselves. Eight experienced drivers were interviewed,
starting from the question â"What is it like being a truck driver in Brazil?", and their
responses were analyzed in accordance with social discourse studies. Five main
categories – with specific subdivisions – were identified, relating to motivations to
work in this area, contextual elements, and positive, group, and negative self-image.
It is concluded that self-stereotypes play an important role in maintaining the situation
of disadvantage and precarious working conditions that affect truck drivers.
The road logistics sector currently accounts for 61% of freight and 95% of passenger
transport in Brazil. Further complexity is added by the continent-spanning size of the
country, with the vast contrasts that this implies. The Brazilian road network includes
212,866 km of paved roads as well as 1,365,426 km of unpaved roads, with many
stretches in an extremely poor state of preservation and infrastructure. The World
Economic Forum places Brazil 103rd out of 137 countries in terms of infrastructure,
trailing behind its Latin American peers – Chile (24th), Ecuador (29th), Uruguay
(95th), and Argentina (96th) (Confederação Nacional do Transporte, Servião Social
do Transporte, & Servião Nacional de Aprendizagem do Transporte, 2017).
Although truck driving is a profession that goes back many decades, it was first
regulated in 2012. The Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO, Brazilian
Classification of Occupations) defines the role as the activity of individuals who
transport, collect, and deliver freight, pick up broken-down vehicles, provide
mechanical assistance, verify documentation, plan routes, and oversee safety
procedures and regulations (Ministério do Trabalho, 2014). They may be employees of
transportation companies or self-employed truck drivers.
Many studies exist describing truck drivers’ working conditions in a wide range of
countries. Williams Jr., Thomas, and Liao-Troth (2017) have identified four main categories of
workplace stressors: (1) loneliness and missing their families, which has a severe
impact on their personal feelings; (2) health-related issues, in terms of both
infrastructure-related security and not enough medical care; (3) a feeling of lacking
respect, from people in general or related workers such as shipping professionals;
and (4) government regulations.
take part in small secondary tasks such as checking social networks on their
cellphones, changing the music they are listening to, looking at documents, and other
similar activities, in a bid to break the monotony of the road (Iseland, Johansson, Skoog, &
Daderman, 2018
Health issues have been investigated with a range of outlooks and contexts. Even
developed countries such as the United States have been found to lack adequate
infrastructure along their roads (Lincoln et al., 2018), with severe limitation on sites offering
bathing facilities, exercise equipment, or healthy food. Concerns about sleep quality
linked to stress (Guglielmi, Magnavita, & Garbarino, 2017) sexual behavior, culture, and AIDS
prevention campaigns (Sobrinho-Santos, Silva, Malheiros, Trindade, & Pagan, 2015) have also received
attention from the perspective of other studies.
Martins and Agli (2014)
conducted a study into truck drivers’ values, classifying them into
three categories: (1) with no moral content, such as maintaining a good appearance
(trimmed beard and combed hair, for example); (2) with moral content, values relating
to prudence, responsibility, and respect for driving regulations; and (3) with ethical
content, more closely linked to honesty, collaboration, and professionalism. Many
truck drivers therefore resent the lack of respect that they experience in everyday
Apart from the contractual regulations mentioned above, requirements for a person to
become a professional driver in Brazil are less strict the ones in the United States,
Canada, the United Kingdom, or Australia. A person can start driving heavy duty
vehicles at an early age (around 20), which may constitute a risk factor, as evidence
shows that more experienced (and more mature) professionals have a lower accident
rate (Girotto, Andrade, González, & Mesas, 2016).
Many sociologists have spent significant energy in efforts to explain how social
arrangements are validated or legitimized by the people who participate in them
(Berkel, Crandall, Eidelman & Blanchar, 2015; Sidanius, Levin, Federico, & Pratto, 2001). In a sense, the
sociological explanation describes the source of this validation as an interplay
between groups in a position of advantage, power, or privilege, and others that are at
a comparative disadvantage. The groups that hold a position of power are believed to
generate mechanisms that can in some way pressure others to accept the legitimacy
of their own subordination (Moscovici, 1996; Greenwald & Banaji, 2017; Sidanius, Cotterill, Sheehy-Skeffington,
Kteily, & Carvacho, 2017
More classical and individual psychology has also made inroads into exploring how
individuals generate strategies for accepting disadvantageous situations,
mechanisms for eliminating psychological conflict as investigated with the theory of
cognitive dissonance, or defense mechanisms developed through psychoanalysis;
more extreme theories like learned despair also show how people can come to
accept clearly disadvantageous situations (Friesen, Kay, Eibach, & Galinsky, 2014; Heiphetz, Spelke, &
Banaji, 2014
The comprehensive readings described above represent what in the field of social
sciences have come to be known as biases; on the one hand, sociological
explanations provide their own perspective in which individuals appear to be largely
The system justification theory proposed by Jost and Banaji studies how the
operation of people’s implicit self-stereotypes within groups can generate negative
self-images that validate their position of disadvantage, which the subjects are not
conscious of being at, and that may be linked to what has been dubbed as false
conscience. False conscience is seen as a suite of implicit self-stereotypes that may
be capable of supporting social inequalities from the perspective of those who are at
a disadvantage (Jost & Banaji, 1994; Jost, Gaucher, & Stern, 2015).
This theory proposes that a stereotype can serve as a source of justification on three
levels, as a means of justifying behavior (Haack & Sieweke, 2018). The interpersonal level:
the subject’s own stereotype operates to explain personal behavior, in line with
individual psychological mechanisms such as those linked to cognitive dissonance,
when an item becomes intolerable or incoherent with the individual’s self-image,
tending to look for an explanation for the action in other factors and not in
themselves, as in the case of projection as a defense mechanism.
The inter-group level: the stereotype now justifies actions not by the individual but
rather by the group, such as discriminatory attitudes derived from prejudice, when the
group engaged in discrimination tends not to “see”or accept itself as a discriminatory
collective, but rather the stereotype of the group subject to discrimination allows it to
explain and cast its conduct, with prejudice underpinning discriminatory actions as
something natural, something that the other group deserves (Haack & Sieweke, 2018).
The system level: the stereotype explains not only inter-group behavior but also the
system as a whole; indeed, beyond simply addressing an element of inter-group
relations, it explains the framework that underpins inter-group relations in general,
bringing implications in the legitimization of the social order (Haack & Sieweke, 2018).
The system level thus operates on groups that are at a clear position of disadvantage
and that therefore require more extreme mechanisms to justify their position, in order
to be able to maintain a favorable self-image; this means that they will necessarily
have content items that work in practice, but with implications of which the individuals
themselves are unaware (Jost, Banaji, & Nosek, 2004; Sidanius et al., 2001; Jost et al., 2015).
This psycho-social and inter-group theory best allows for a deeper understanding of
social categories and self-descriptions around which the collective of people labeled
as truck drivers build implicit stereotypes that can legitimize their position of social
disadvantage. The model is applied in the ways in which the group in question can
be seen as a collective, as its members can be observed to see themselves as a
group, thus suggesting that certain elements of their personal self-esteem are linked
to belonging to the group of truck drivers.
Meanwhile, this proposed characterization could be seen to indicate that the group is
at a clear social disadvantage, even in terms of the legal structure that underpins its
members’ working life. Finally, from a theoretical perspective, a contribution can be
gained by examining the phenomenon through the lens of psycho-social frameworks
linking individual and collective elements simultaneously.
The research perspective is based on a qualitative methodology, and the study was
conducted within the framework of social discourse research (Cottet, 2006). This
approach is built on the theory that discourses represent the social position of the
speakers, as a core element of the psycho-social understanding that supports the
theory of system justification, in which social positions of advantage and
disadvantage are held to mark differences in the ways in which stereotypes operate.
Data were collected using open interviews, with the goal of allowing subjects to
expound on and explain their social positions (Ortí, 1996). The objective of
understanding the perceptions that Brazilian truck drivers hold regarding themselves
led to all interviews starting with the question “what is it like being a truck driver in
Brazil?”All interviews were recorded and transcribed for subsequent analysis.
The project included interviews with eight drivers (Table 1), all of them over 40 years
old (with a mean age of 52), with at least ten years of experience in the profession
and a mean of 27 years of experience, making them seasoned workers. Seven of the
eight drivers are married with children, and all have attained only low levels of formal
The conversations were held at a supply depot where drivers wait to receive their
loaded trucks (a process that can sometimes take days) and took place during a two-
week period in July 2018, just after the end of an eleven-day truck drivers’ strike that
had repercussions throughout the country. Drivers were calling for better working
conditions, review of contractual issues, costs (such as toll and fuel costs), and
freight tariffs. Although the functioning of the country suffered severe impacts, the
truck drivers failed to achieve significant results.This study was approved by the
Research Ethics Committee of PUC-Campinas (CEP# 35508214.3.0000.548). All
participants signed the Informed Consent Term, and pseudonyms were used for
ethical reasons.
Data gathered from the interviews with truck drivers were organized into five major
categories, with certain specificities or subcategories (Table 2). A brief explanation of
each item is presented below.
Categories Subcategories
Low formal education and lack of opportunities
Reasons for taking the job
Personal preference
External, political, economic context
Contextual elements
Psychological context of high demand
Anonymous hero
Positive image
Driving the economy
Group image Lack of union
Discriminatory actions
Structural aspects of exclusion
Negative image
Subjective aspects of exclusion
The first category addresses the subjects’ reasons for working as truck drivers –
curiously, their responses can be divided into two apparently opposite subcategories.
One carries a negative tone of a lack of opportunities: “I’m here because I don’t know
how to do anything else; if I did, I wouldn’t be driving”(Nilton); while the other one is
linked to a kind of love for the profession: “The first thing is liking it, you have to do
what you enjoy or else you’d quit on the first trip”(Maurício).
The category of contextual elements also shows varying visions, with one centered
on political, economic, and setting-based elements: “No, no, no... they make the laws
and there are no conditions at all... The government doesn’t offer conditions, it has to
be them, them and congress, but they don’t do anything”(José Augusto). The other
group focuses on the psychological context, with an emphasis on pressure and
stress: “The moment when the truck gets going, loaded or empty, the psychological
pressure starts” (Leonel).
The third category relates to the interviewees’ positive elements of self-image. These
self-images are associated with a somewhat romantic and at times altruistic
vision: “You do whatever it takes to help human beings” (Euclides), or heroically
resigned: “A trucker’s life is the life of a hero ... you have to be everything, a puncture
repair man, a mechanic, and an assistant, a real Jack-of-all-trades, and you have to
do it to survive” (Mauricio).
Another facet relates to the economic importance of their work: “Drugstores, malls,
butchers, bakers, liquor stores, everything. You know, everything depends on
trucks” (Leonel). Truck drivers hold a very strong perception about themselves as a
union of workers, built on the idea of disunity: “Disunity. That’s all. Because if the
truckers were united, things would have changed a long time ago. But there’s no
union. Truckers fight with each other to get a load to haul”(Nilton), “Every man for
himself, and God for all” (Leonel).
The last category is the largest and perhaps the most present in discourse: negative
self-image, broken down into four subdivisions. In general, these elements are
related to material aspects, as well as subjective concepts such as discrimination and
exclusion. The first subdivision – discriminatory actions – concerns specific cases of
mistreatment and experiences of degrading working conditions: “Often the water is
cold, and you still have to pay the same for using the bathroom” (Maurício).
The second subcategory draws together structural aspects of exclusion, the more
concrete ways in which these processes operate: “When you’re there in the air
conditioning of the supermarket, doing your shopping, the storage room is out there
at the back: that’s where the truckers are roasting in the sun, waiting to unload. No
bathroom, no water, no food” (Leonel). These two subcategories are associated with
the more material elements.
The final subcategory concerns stereotypes that truck drivers hold about themselves,
although some of these are at times nebulous, such as the idea that they are drug
users: “And people on the outside say ’he’s a junkie, he’s a drug addict, because
they don’t know, they’re not stuck sitting there as night falls... try living the life of
people who have to work to support their families...” (Maurício), lazy or
old: “Nowadays there are no young people who want to drive trucks, you can look
around at truck stops, most are older guys” (Leonel).
The profile of the interviewees seems to constitute a fairly close reflection of the
characteristics of workers in the sector, according to information published by the
National Transport Confederation (CNT, 2016), in terms of formal education, sex,
connection with the job, and workload. However, these subjects are somewhat older
and more experienced than the average truck driver.
It is possible that the profession’s poor working conditions are making it less
attractive for young people, as Leonel observed, particularly those who obtained
greater opportunities to complete their education, thus pushing average ages up.
Nonetheless, one positive aspect of this phenomenon is that more experienced
drivers tend to have fewer accidents, as noted by Girotto et al. (2016). There is also a link
here with the first category listed, covering motivation from a paradoxical perspective:
drivers mention a lack of options to do other things, and yet, at the same time, a
contrasting and romantic vision of freedom and adventure.
The contextual aspects are in line with the findings shown in other publications.
Participants frequently spoke of deep-seated dissatisfaction with political and
economic issues, together with a recurring desire for the government to do
something for them. Governmental regulations constitute one of the sources of stress
found by Williams Jr. et al. (2017). This area is also linked to the concept of a work-related
locus of control (Zigarmi, Galloway, & Roberts, 2018). In this case, truck drivers have been found
to hold a general perception of an external locus (government, God, luck) regarding
the decisive issues in their everyday lives, which constitutes a factor in wearing them
A high demand defines the psychological facet of the contextual elements. It is clear
that the pressure associated with tight delivery deadlines has major repercussions on
quality of work life amongst truck drivers. This stress makes them more likely to take
stimulant substances, as they engage in a job that entails boredom and loneliness,
as found by Belan et al. (2016) and Iseland et al. (2018).
One significant item that can be noted in this analysis relates to both implicit and
explicit stereotypes in the categories identified. The explicit stereotypes are the
conscious self-descriptions that are generally attributed to perceptions amongst
people who are not truck drivers themselves: the out-group, the other, as explained
by Jost and Banaji (1994), and Jost et al. (2004). This can be noted in the categories of self-image
(positive, group, and negative) that include interpersonal or inter-group aspects to a
certain extent in terms of classification (Jost et al. 2015).
While truck drivers are aware of these stereotypes, they do not share them, and
generally consider them to be rooted in a lack of awareness of their actual situation.
Indeed, and in line with the observations of Jost et al. (2004), implicit stereotypes can be
noted in the categories that truck drivers are not aware of possessing, or at least
when the drivers themselves are not aware of the implications of these self-
perceptions to legitimize their disadvantaged social position, within the framework of
a social order that disadvantages them.
These theories take on relevance when it is noted that trucks drivers are, as a group,
placed in a situation of clear social disadvantage, raising the question of how the
group manages to overcome the situation in their everyday lives, to make sense of a
job that exists within the framework of the described context complexities (Cavieres-
Higuera & Cheyre-Triat, 2016
In this case, such considerations center on the categories shown for positive self-
image amongst the individuals. The idea that they are a driving force for the
economy, casting them as anonymous heroes, endows them with a significant social
task that encourages them to overload themselves. Once again, drugs and
stimulants are cast as common resources for achieving
something superhuman (Girotto, Mesas, Andrade, & Birolim, 2014).
In contrast, the negative self-image also restricts drivers, who collaborate in allowing
the mechanisms of discrimination and exclusion to take full effect. Indeed, Lincon et al.
described the very weak infrastructure conditions that exist in the United States,
a highly developed country. The contemporary conditions in Brazil are even worse:
mistreatment, prejudice, and disrespect spark a severe resentment, which is echoed
in the findings of Martins and Agli (2014) or Williams Jr. et al. (2017).
Truck drivers represent an extremely numerous group of workers who play a crucial
role in the Brazilian economy, which relies heavily on road transport. Despite their
numbers and the contributions made by their work, which play a vital role in the
country’s routine, they face extremely difficult working conditions. Long workdays,
debts, the risk of accidents, hijackings, loneliness, and disrespect are common
factors. Shortly before these interviews, they held a strike that had nationwide
repercussions, but little change was achieved.
The question therefore arises as to what makes them keep on working despite the
problems they face. The system justification theory offers a means of understanding
the justification power of explicit notions in the structural conditions of their work lives,
which also depends on their own actions and attitudes, and is seen as something
that has almost no chance of changing at all. This context of self-image operation
strengthens conceptions of the social surroundings, thus generating a scenario with
no margin for modifying the extant situation, inhibiting any possibility of change to
their setting, which is restricted to current conceptions, giving rise to a need for
implicit self-stereotypes that validate a social position of disadvantage.
This study set out to analyze meaningful elements that could clarify the reasons for
acceptance of degrading working conditions amongst members of this group, which
is recognized as being deeply disunited. Whether they are positive or negative,
stereotypes can be observed to hamper the emergence of any more realistic means
of calling for a fairer and more humane situation. Perhaps if truck drivers were able to
see themselves not as heroes or bad guys, but rather as workers, they might be able
to raise awareness for more dignified conditions and rights.
As this research project was qualitative in nature, its results cannot be taken as
conclusive, but it is hoped that these findings may be relevant for raising awareness
regarding the topic. In addition to economic aspects, it is important to analyze issues
of road safety as well as quality of life for these workers. Further qualitative studies
focusing on the perspectives perceived amongst different stakeholders in this
process – such as truck drivers themselves, highway police, contracting parties, and
shipping professionals, for example –, could be useful and are to be encouraged.
Messias, J. C., Cavieres-Higuera, H., Silva, R. A., Facundo, G. N. S., & Lessa, R. T.
(2019). Being a truck driver in Brazil: from implicit self-stereotypes to system justifi
cation. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 36,
Where is read
Should read
Belan, T. O., Oliveira, C. G. A., Machado, S. H. M., Brandão, P. S., & Silva, J. R. G.
da. (2016). Prevalência do uso de anfetaminas por caminhoneiros. Acta Biomedica
Brasiliensia, 8, 71-82. [ Links ]
Berkel, L. V., Crandall, C. S., Eidelman, S., & Blanchar, J. C. (2015). Hierarchy,
dominance, and deliberation: egalitarian values require mental effort. Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(9), 1207-1222. [ Links ]
Friesen, J. P., Kay, A. C., Eibach, R. P., & Galinsky, A. D. (2014). Seeking structure
in social organization: Compensatory control and the psychological advantages of
hierarchy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 590-609 [ Links ]
Girotto, E., Andrade, S. M., González, A. D., & Mesas, A. E. (2016). Professional
experience and traffic accidents/near-miss accidents among truck drivers. Accident
Analysis and Prevention, 95, 299-304.
[ Links ]
Girotto, E., Mesas, A. E., Andrade, S. M., & Birolim, M. M. (2014). Psychoactive
substance use by truck drivers: A systematic review. Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, 71(1), 71-76.
[ Links ]
Greenwald, A. G., & Banaji, M. R. (2017). The implicit revolution: Reconceiving the
relation between conscious and unconscious. American Psychologist, 72(9), 861-
871. [ Links ]
Guglielmi, O., Magnavita, N., & Garbarino, S. (2017). Sleep quality, obstructive sleep
apnea, and psychological distress in truck drivers: A cross-sectional study. Social
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Haack, P., & Sieweke, J. (2018). The legitimacy of inequality: integrating the
perspectives of system justification and social judgment. Jour. of Manage. Stud., 55,
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Heiphetz, L., Spelke, E.S., Banaji, M.R. (2014). The Formation of Belief-Based Social
Preferences. Social Cognition, 32(1), 22-47. [ Links ]
Iseland, T., Johansson, E., Skoog, S., & Daderman, A. M. (2018). An exploratory
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Jost, J. T., Banaji, M. R., & Nosek, B. A. (2004). A decade of system justification
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Lincoln, J. E., Birdsey, J., Sieber, W. K., Chen, G. X., Hitchcock, E. M., Nakata, A., &
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Sidanius, J., Levin, S., Federico, C., & Pratto, F. (2001). Legitimizing ideologies: The
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Sidanius, J., Cotterill, S., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Kteily, N., Carvacho, H. (2017).
Social dominance theory: Explorations in the psychology of oppression. In C. Sibley
& F. K. Barlow (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice (pp.149-
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Sobrinho-Santos, C. K., Silva, A. V., Malheiros, A. F., Trindade, R. A., & Pagan, A. A.
(2015). Relatos de caminhoneiros sobre a prevenção do HIV e o material
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Williams Jr., D. F., Thomas, S. P., & Liao-Troth, S. (2017). The truck driver
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Zigarmi, D., Galloway, F. J., & Roberts, T. P. (2018). Work locus of control,
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