The Witcher Class

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The Witcher

Witcher Level Progression

Saving Throws Spells
Level XP HD THACO D W P B S 1 2 3 4
1 0 1d8 19[0] 8 9 10 13 12 1 - - -
2 4.000 2d8 19[0] 8 9 10 13 12 2 - - -
3 8.000 3d8 19[0] 8 9 10 13 12 2 1 - -
4 16.000 4d8 17[+2] 6 7 8 10 10 2 2 - -
5 32.000 5d8 17[+2] 6 7 8 10 10 2 2 1 -
6 64.000 6d8 17[+2] 6 7 8 10 10 2 2 2 -
7 120.000 7d8 14[+5] 4 5 6 7 8 3 2 2 1
8 250.000 8d8 14[+5] 4 5 6 7 8 3 3 2 2
9 400.00 9d8 14[+5] 4 5 6 7 8 3 3 3 2
10 600.000 9d8+3* 12[+7] 2 3 4 4 6 3 3 3 3
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply D: Death/poison; W: Wands;
P: Paralysis/petrify; B: Breath attaccks
S: Spells/rods/staves
Requirements: Minimum CON 12 Due to the side-effects of the process
Prime Requisite: INT and STR of transormation, Witcher are almo-
Hit Dice: 1d8 st emotionless individuals and they
Maximum Level: 10 can only be of Neutral Alignment.
Armour: Leather, Chainmail, no Prime Requisite: A Witcher with at
shields least 13 in INT and STR gains a 5%
Weapon: Any bonus to experience. A Witcher
Languages: Common, any other with an INT of at least 16 and a STR
monster language allowed by the of at least 13 receives a +10% XP bo-
Referee nus.
Witchers are a rare breed of humans Combat
created through painful arcane
Witchers can use all types of wea-
practices and alchemy. Due to the
pons and can use leather armour,
ordeals they withstood, and their
chainmail but no shields.
extensive knowledge, they are able
to efficently hunt down the mon- Awareness
sters that dwells in the dark corners The trials they’ve been through
of the world … for the right price of sharpened the Witchers senses so
they can only be surprised with a provides are left for the Referee to
chance of 1-in-6. decide, but only if the party use the
informations to develop some kind
Steel and Silver of strategy.
All Witchers carries a couple of
swords, one made from meteoric Signs and Potions
iron and one made from the finest Witchers are able to use a kind of
silver, specially crafted for their pro- rudimentary arcane knowledge that
fession. While fighting with one of manifest through the use of Signs
these weapons, a Witcher gains cer- and Potions to somehow replicate
tain benefits according to the school the effect of certain spells.
he follows: In Game terms the use of both of
▶ School of the Bear: +1 AC bonus. them works in the same way as the
▶ School of the Cat: +1 Initiative Arcane Magic with the following
bonus. differences:
▶ School of the Wolf: +1 Damage ▶ A Witcher doesn’t need a Spell-
bonus. book but he knows all the Signs and
Starting at 6th level, the swords are Potion availables for each level he
considered magical for the purpose can Cast.
of overcoming a monster special de- ▶ To memorize them, he simply
fense. have to meditate for an hour or so
In case a Witcher lose one of these after an 8-hours rest.
swords, he could replace it at a cost ▶ Due to their training in withstan-
varying from ten to twelve times the ding various types of drugs and to-
normal cost of a common two-han- xines, only Witchers can use the po-
ded sword and this will equire an tions brewed with this method.
amount of time at the Referee di- Anyone else who will try to drink
screction. one of them must succeed a ST ver-
sus poison or suffer some kind of
Witcher’s Lore bad collateral effect at the Referee
Starting at 1st level, a Witcher has a discrection.
2-in-6 chance of knowing some- ▶ Lastly, due to the unstable and vo-
thing about the specific nature of a latile nature of the components used
monster, a sorcery or a curse. The to brew these potions, they only last
exact nature of this informations for a day before losing their effecti-
and the eventual advantages they veness.
Witcher Spell List
1st Level 3rd Level
1. Detect Evil (P) 1. Cure Disease (P)
2. Hold Portal (S) 2. Dispel Magic (S)
3. Protection from Evil (S) 3. Haste (P)
4. Resist Cold (P) 4. Infravision (P)
5. Shield (S) 5. Striking (S)
6. Sleep (S) 6. Water Breathing (P)
2nd Level 4th Levelc
1. Bless (S) 1. Neutralize Poison (P)
2. Cure Light Wounds (P) 2. Confusion (S)
3. Detect Invisible (P) 3. Remove Curse *(S)
4. Knock (S) 4. Wall of Fire (S)
5. Resist Fire (P) (S) = Sign; (P) = Potion; * = Specific
conditions must be met for this to work
6. Wizard Lock (S)

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