Hit Points - Armor Class - +
Hit Points - Armor Class - +
Hit Points - Armor Class - +
Armor______________________Bonus________ _______________________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Magic Items________________________________
Gold:________ Silver:________ Other:___________
Cleric Basics: Starting HP 12 + Constitution, gain 5 HP per level. Starts with 4 level 1 or 0 prayers. Gains per level
gained equal to level. Can use any armor except plate. Can use simple weapons. Must be careful using too many
prayers. Gets 3 extra skills.
Character Name:__________________________________________ Race:_________________ Age:_____
Character Class: Rogue
Hit Points_______ Armor Class_____ +____
Level__________ XP__________
Rogue Basics: Starting HP 12 + Constitution, gains 5 HP per level. Gains 4 more skills. Can use daggers, short sword
and hand crossbow. Gains +1 attack bonus with daggers. Gains extra damage if he does a sneak attack 2d6 (3d6 at
level 10).
Character Name:__________________________________________ Race:_________________ Age:_____
Character Class: Fighter
Hit Points_______ Armor Class_____ +____
Level__________ XP__________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Fighter Basics: Starting HP 15 + Constitution, gains 6 HP per level. Gains 3 skills. Can use any weapon, any armor.
+2 attack bonus on one preferred weapon.
Character Name:__________________________________________ Race:_________________ Age:_____
Character Class: Ranger
Hit Points_______ Armor Class_____ +____
Level__________ XP__________
Ranger Basics: Starting HP 12 + Constitution, gain 5 HP per level. Can use cloth. leather or hide armor. Can use
simple melee weapons, all ranged. Get 5 extra skills. Gains. Gains +1 bonus on ranged attacks. Does 1d6 extra damage
on ranged attacks. At level 10 it goes to 1d8) Can speak to common animals.
Character Name:__________________________________________ Race:_________________ Age:_____
Character Class: Wizard
Hit Points_______ Armor Class_____ +____
Level__________ XP__________
________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Dagger____________________________________ _______________________________________________
Staff______________________________________ _______________________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Magic Items______________________________
Wizard Basics: Starting HP 10 + Constitution, gain 4 HP per level. Starts with 4 level 1 or 0 spells. Gains spells
equal to level (level 2 gets 2 new spells, 3 gets 3…) Can only use cloth armor. Gets +2 AC against spells. Gets 2
extra skills.
Player Cheat Sheet
Starting Ability Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16
Ability Scores and Modifiers:
Level: 12-13 +1 Level: 14-15 +2 Level: 16-17 +3 Level: 18-19 +4……..
Starting Armor Class 10 + armor and dexterity bonus
Characters heal their level (level one heals one HP) per 8 hours of rest plus their Constitution bonus. If they can rest
uninterrupted for 24 hours they heal all HP.
Race Modifiers:
Human: +2 to one of your abilities. Lives to 70. Speaks common and one other.
Elf: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Nature, Elven Accuracy (can re-roll an attack roll, must use second roll). Speaks common
and Elven. Proficient with all bows. Lives to 300.
Dwarf: +2 Wis +2 Con, +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Endurance, Proficient with all hammers. Speaks common and
Dwarven. Lives to 200 years old.
Halfling: +2 Dex, +2 Cha +2 Acrobatics, +2 Thievery. Common and one other.
Half-Elf +2 Con, +2 Cha. + 2 insight, +2 Diplomacy. Speaks common, eleven and one other. Lives to 80.
Skills. If trained in a skill, character gains a +5 to their roll.
Strength skills: Athletics. Dexterity Skills: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Thievery. Intelligence Skills:
Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion. Wisdom Skills: Animal Handling, Dungeoneering, Medicine,
Perception, Survival Charisma Skills: Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, Diplomacy Constitution Skills:
Attack Rolls:
Roll 20d. Add Class, ability and weapon bonuses to number. If over the opponents AC you hit. Roll weapon damage
and add any special damage to number.
Skills Rolls:
Roll 20d, Add race and skill bonuses, if over difficulty number (set by DM) you succeed.
Ability Rolls:
Roll 20d, add ability bonus to roll. If over difficulty number (Set by DM) you succeed.
Saving throws:
When non attacking (doesn’t do HP damage) magic is being used on you, you roll the 20d. If over the attacker’s
Intelligence the spell doesn’t work.
Gaining XP
1,000 XP level 2, 3,000 level 3, 6,000 level 4, 10,000 level 5, 15,000 level 6, 21,000 level 7, 28,000 level 8, 36,000
level 9 and 45,000 level 10.