Chapter 3: Creating Investigators: 1. Characteristics
Chapter 3: Creating Investigators: 1. Characteristics
Chapter 3: Creating Investigators: 1. Characteristics
1. Characteristics
TT Roll 3D6 x 5 for STR, CON,
DEX, APP, and POW.
TT Roll 2D6+6 x 5 for
SIZ, INT, and EDU.
TT Before writing these
results onto the sheet,
decide the age of the
investigator (page 32).
TT Now write in the full,
half, and fifth values for
each characteristic in
the boxes on the sheet.
2. Derived Attributes
TT Sanity equals POW.
TT Magic Points equal
one fifth of POW.
TT Roll 3D6 x 5 for Luck.
TT Hit Points equal SIZ + CON
divided by 10 (round down).
TT Look up Damage Bonus
& Build (page 33).
6. Determine Finances
TT Look up Credit Rating (page
47) to determine Spending
Level, Cash, and Assets.
8. Additional Background
and Portrait
TT Name investigator, and
write in other relevant info.
Quick Reference
Half & Fifth Values
Chapter 4: Skills
Skill Points: What
do they mean?
Combined Skill
Rolls (page 55)
TT A roll against more
than one skill.
TT Only one dice roll is made.
TT Result is compared with
each of the skills named.
TT Keeper specifies if
success is required for
both (or one) skills.
Quick Reference
TT Fighting specializations:
page 64.
TT Firearms specializations:
page 64.
TT First Aid: page 65.
TT Medicine: page 69.
Chapter 5:
Game System
Making a Skill Roll (page 82)
TT Agree a goal before
rolling dice.
TT Determine the difficulty
level for the roll.
TT Make roll.
TT Failed? Push the roll: can
the player justify it?
TT Check skills when
used successfully.
Investigators whose
characteristics were not used
to reduce the opposing factor
may now make a skill roll, with
an Extreme, Hard, or Regular
difficulty level, as determined
by the value of the opposing
Chapter 6: Combat:
TT Using Firearms (page 112)
TT Readied Firearms
go at DEX + 50.
TT Use attacker’s Firearms skill.
TT The firearms skill roll
is not opposed.
TT Range determines
Difficulty level:
Base range: Regular
Long range: (x 2 base
range) Hard
Very long range: (x 4 base
range) Extreme
Note: At very long range,
when only an Extreme
success will hit the target,
impales only occur with a
roll of 01.
TT Other factors grant
either penalty or bonus
dice (see Modifiers).
TT A failure never
deals damage.
TT Attack roll result equal
or higher than weapon’s
malfunction number :
weapon malfunctions
and does not fire.
Chapter 7: Chases
Chases (page 132)
Side-effects of Insanity
(page 159-164)
TT Phobias: while insane,
must fight/flee or take a
penalty die on skill rolls.
TT Manias: while insane, must
submit to mania or take a
penalty die on skill rolls.
TT Delusions and Reality
Checks: make a Sanity
roll to test for delusions:
Failure: lose 1 Sanity point
(and undergo a bout of
madness if insane).
Success: dismiss delusions.
TT Cthulhu Mythos: +5%
Cthulhu Mythos skill
with first bout of madness
inspired by a Mythos
related event. Add 1% on
subsequent occasions.
Recovery (page 164)
TT Temporary insanity: after
1D10 hours or a good rest.
TT Indefinite insanity: roll
at the end of each month
of treatment; Keeper may
allow automatic recovery
during the next investigator
development phase.
TT Treatment with private/
home care (roll 1D100
per month):
01–95: success: +1D3 SAN.
Make a Sanity roll—if
successful, insanity is
96–100: failure: –1D6 SAN.
TT Treatment at institution
(roll 1D100 per month):
01–50: success: +1D3 SAN.
Make a Sanity roll—if
successful, insanity is
51-95: no progress.
96–100: failure: –1D6 SAN.