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1. Industrial development is an important constituent in our pursuits for economic

growth, employment generation and betterment of the quality of life. At the same time,
industrial activities, unless carried out with due regard to environmental protection and
pollution control has the potential to cause severe damage to public health. That is
why, regulations based on “polluter pays” principle have been introduced. The
industrialists need to discharge not only their legal responsibility but also their moral
responsibility to prevent pollution. Their activity must not deprive the right of people to
enjoy a clean environment, guaranteed by the Constitution.

2. The action points listed in this Charter are addressed to all those who run
industrial units in the State. This Charter is a road map for progressive improvement in
environmental management systems. Thus, it is not necessarily limited to compliance
of emission standards but going beyond minimum compliance as per law, to bring
about real time improvement in management of the environment.

3. The Hon.Supreme Court of India has directed to clean up air pollution in major
cities including Ahmedabad. Accordingly, Government of Gujarat in consultation with
GPCB has prepared an Air Action Plan and submitted to EPCA which is empowered
to oversee the implementation of the Action Plan and EPCA has directed all concerned
to go ahead with the implementation of the Plan with immediate effect to bring about
qualitative change in the air quality of Ahmedabad City.

4. The industrial hubs in Ahmedabad city are Narol, Vatva, Naroda, Odhav and
other scattered locations which were initially beyond the periphery of city but now very
much part of Ahmedabad city. There is predominance of small scale units engaged in
manufacturing of textile processing, chemicals, foundries, dyes, dye-intermediates,
engineering, steel rolling mills etc. GPCB has over the past three years taken up
campaign to bring all units causing air pollution under the ambit of Air Act, 1981 and
accordingly, as many as about 1893 units have been covered under the purview of Air
Act, 1981. The Consent granted to these units stipulate the threshold limits for various
pollutants. As per the records available, approximately 337 units are found to be non-
operative. Hence, 1556 units have the potential to causing air pollution. The
distribution of industries size and location wise are as under:


Narol 5 14 119 192
Naroda 5 13 174 138
Odhav 5 13 116 134
Vatva 10 40 414 464
Other Areas 16 29 583 628
of AMC
41 109 1406 1556



1 LIGNITE 768.60 MT/DAY 106
2 WOOD 506.24 MT/DAY 444
3 COAL 644.65 MT/DAY 224
4 COKE 34.75 MT/DAY 123
5 AGRO WASTE 132.08 MT/DAY 14
6 FO 281.38 KL/DAY 263
7 LDO 469.26 KL/DAY 357
8 HSD 31.12 KL/DAY 29
9 CBFS 12.61 KL/DAY 19

The EPCA meeting held on 21-12-2004 took note of the extent of air pollution
caused by Industries in Ahmedabad. The quick stack monitoring carried out by
GPCB brought out that majority of the larger units particularly those using coal
and lignite for boilers are not complying with stack standards. The situation was
further reviewed by the EPCA in the review meeting held on 21-12-04, when
EPCA flagged the need for bringing emission from industrial units under control.
It is, therefore necessary that all round efforts are made to correct the situation
by all concerned. That is why this Charter has become a matter of urgency.

1. Implementation of Environmental Standards (Emission Standards) as per

individual Consent granted to the respective unit with immediate effect.
The industrial unit will provide adequate air pollution control devises like
cyclone separator/multi cyclone separator followed by water scrubber,
lime addition system to reduce SO2 in flue gas, bag filters, ESP and shall
operate them to fully meet with the norms.

2. Stack height for emission must be as per the norms prescribed in

individual Consent Order and must be raised if found inadequate with
immediate effect.

3. Coal, Lignite and Ash handling system:

(a) Unloading of coal trucks shall be carried out with proper care avoiding
dropping of materials from height. It is advisable to moist the material by
sprinkling water while unloading.

(b) Pulverizing of coal shall be carried out in an enclosed place and

water sprinkling arrangement shall be provided at coal/lignite heaps,
crushing area and on land around the coal/lignite handling area.

(c ) Work areas surrounding the plant shall be asphalted or concreted to

avoid dust formation caused by movement of vehicles.

(d) Green belt shall be developed around the boundary of industry.

4. The printed log-books shall be maintained and got them certified for

- Energy/Fuel Consumption/Timing of start up/duration of boilers/heaters

- Gaseous flow at inlet and outlet of air pollution control measures

- Laboratory analysis/reports for each of the specified parameters of

gaseous discharge - for large scale industries

Respective associations will certify these log-books / data.

5. Unit (having boilers > 5 MT/hr capacity) shall put up a Black Board
showing the following information for each boiler/heater near Boiler

Boiler Capacity
“ Start-up Date/Time
“ Temp. oC
“ Pressure kg/cm2
Fuel - Coal/Lignite/Wood etc.
“ Quantity MT/Day
APCM – Cyclone/Multi-cyclone/etc.
“ - Dust remover Date/Time
“ - Quantity : Ash in MT

6. Adequate in house supervision should be provided to check the

continuous operation of feeding of coal/lignite into boiler and under no
circumstances, there may be charging of excess coal/lignite, which may
ultimately lead to excess emission. Appropriate care should be taken to
control the feeding rates of coal/lignite to avoid shock load of emission.

7. Fugitive emissions should be controlled, regularly monitored and data


8. Ambient air quality monitoring stations should be set up individually or

jointly in the downwind direction as well as at locations where maximum
ground level concentrations are anticipated. These locations should be
fixed in consultation with GPCB. The number of air quality monitoring
stations and frequency of monitoring should be selected on the basis of
mathematical modeling to represent short term ground level
concentrations, human settlements, sensitive targets etc., stack
emissions from the boiler and heater should be monitored for SO2, NOx,
Hydrocarbon and SPM and records maintained. On line continuous
stack monitoring equipments should be provided for measurement of
PM, SO2 and NOx by large scale units.

9. Data on ambient air quality and stack emission from boiler and heater
should be submitted to this Board quarterly along with the statistical
analysis and interpretation by large scale units.
10. Good house keeping shall be maintained within the factory and
industrial premises. All pipes, valves and port holes etc. shall be leak-

EPCA has already directed GPCB to prepare a Plan of Action for the
Industrial Units to switch over to CNG for reducing pollution. Draft Plan in this
regard has already been discussed with Industrial Associations etc. and
comments invited. EPCA has now extended the time limit for submission of
the Plan till 31-3-2005. GPCB in consultation with Industries Associations will
finalize this Plan and submit as per the time limit. All stake-holders will be
responsible and commit themselves to implement that Plan as directed by
EPCA/Supreme Court.

It is reiterated that implementation of these Charter points is not a

substitute for compliance of Consent issued under the Air Act or the
EPCA’s future directions regarding switching over to CNG or any other
directive for controlling air pollution in Ahmedabad. They shall be
adhered to as directed by the competent authority.


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