Hydrodynamic Loading On River Bridges: Stefano Malavasi and Alberto Guadagnini
Hydrodynamic Loading On River Bridges: Stefano Malavasi and Alberto Guadagnini
Hydrodynamic Loading On River Bridges: Stefano Malavasi and Alberto Guadagnini
Abstract: During a flood, a bridge may be partially or entirely submerged by the flow and the subsequent loading of fluid plays a major
role in assessing the vulnerability of the structure. We have performed laboratory experiments to quantify the hydrodynamic loading on
a bridge deck with rectangular cross section. We measured the time-varying hydrodynamic forces acting on the obstacle for various
submergences and Deck Froude numbers. The experimental results have been analyzed via dimensional analysis and relationships
between time-averaged force coefficients 共drag, lift, and moment coefficients兲, the Deck Froude number and geometrical parameters of the
problem are discussed and compared against relevant literature. Due to the presence of a free surface, force coefficients can be either
larger 共by more than a factor of 2兲 or lower than the corresponding values of the unbounded domain. The experimental drag coefficients
are then compared with the results obtained by the momentum equation.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2003兲129:11共854兲
CE Database subject headings: Hydrodynamic pressure; Bridges; Drag coefficient; Hydraulic models; Lift coefficients.
⬘ ⫽D nh
CD 冋 1 V 2
sin ␣ 2 冕冉 冊 册
冉 冊
FHWA suggested a constant value within the range 2⭐C D*
F b ᐉ hb kb kc hu
⭐2.2. This equation has also been quoted in more recent publi- C F⫽ ⫽fI , , ,i, , ,␣, ,RS ,FS (5)
cations 共Hamill 1999兲 without any additional detail. 0.5V 2u sb s s s s s s
We present and discuss the results of an experimental study of where Rs ⫽V u s/, and Fs ⫽V u / 冑gs are respectively, the Rey-
the interaction between a free surface flow and a bridge deck. The nolds and the Froude number referring to the thickness of the
latter is modeled as a cylinder of rectangular cross section, with bridge deck, hereinafter, respectively, called Deck Reynolds num-
no piers in the river, since a simple geometry is more suitable for ber and Deck Froude number, to make a clear distinction from the
the basic understanding of the mechanisms governing the phe- Reynolds and Froude number of the flow. As will be detailed in
nomenon. This nominally restricts our analysis to a particular type the Experimental Setup section, we carried out the experiments
of structure. The study offers interesting practical and phenom- with constant geometry 共i.e., constant s, h b , ᐉ, b), channel slope
enological aspects in that: 共1兲 it gives an original quantification of (i⫽0), average surface roughness (k b ,k c ), and with ␣⬇0.
the relative weight of the various parameters controlling the prob- Under these conditions, Eq. 共5兲 can be expressed as
lem; 共2兲 the final results may be used as a starting point to evalu-
ate the necessity of extending the analysis to other shapes 共to
further address this question, we propose a comparison between
C F ⫽ f II 冉 h u ⫺h b
,RS ,FS 冊 (6)
our results and those obtained in literature on girder bridges兲; and
We note that there is a direct proportionality between Rs and Fs
共3兲 our experimental methodology may be used to extend the
when the fluid and the bridge geometry do not change within the
analysis to different situations. First, we set the problem and iden-
experiments. Thus, one could 共in principle兲 eliminate one or the
tify the controlling dimensionless groups. Then, experiments are
other from the functional relationship 共6兲. Furthermore, relying on
performed in a laboratory flume and the hydrodynamic forces
the Deck Froude number produces some experimental advan-
acting on the obstacle are directly measured by means of built-in
tages, since the influence of the depth of the flow and of its mean
dynamometers. The results are given in terms of time-averaged
velocity is well identified in the dimensionless groups. On this
drag, lift, and moment coefficients as a function of the identified
basis, the following functional relationships can be introduced for
dimensionless controlling groups. Finally, experimental drag co-
the drag and lift coefficients, C D and C L , respectively
efficients are compared with the results obtained by the direct
application of the momentum equation. This makes it possible to
assess the relative importance of the different levels of simplify-
ing assumptions usually adopted to solve the latter.
C D ⫽ f VI 冉 h u ⫺h b
,FS ; 冊 C L ⫽ f VII 冉 h u ⫺h b
,FS 冊 (7)
Our experimental work and analysis lead to the following major
conclusions: The work was supported by the Italian Ministero dell’Universita’
1. The force and moment coefficients are significantly influ- e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica 共MIUR-research title:
enced by h * 共which summarizes the relative importance of Ricerca di base sulle vibrazioni indotte da fluidi su strutture
the depth of the free surface flow, the thickness of bridge snelle兲. The writers thank A. Deantoni and M. Lanfranconi for
deck, and its elevation from the floor of the channel兲 and Fs , contributions to experimental work and Professor Francesco Bal-
the Deck Froude number. lio for useful discussions and comments.
2. In the fluid-dynamic range tested, the dependence of the
forces and moment coefficients against h * displays a maxi-
mum 共either positive or negative兲, which changes mildly Appendix I. Force Coefficient Uncertainty
with Fs 共Figs. 2, 5, and 8兲. We evidenced a value of C D
⫽3.40 as an upper limit for the drag coefficient under a The uncertainty determination of the force coefficients was pro-
range of flow conditions of practical interest for river–bridge vided in respecting to the International Organization of
decks. Since the adopted shape factor ᐉ/s⫽3 can be consid- Standardization-GUM 共1995兲. If X is a quantity depending on y i
ered as a lower boundary for real scale cases, our values can parameters, the uncertainty of X can be evaluated as
reasonably represent an upper boundary for hydrodynamic
loading on cylinders of rectangular cross section with shape
factor ᐉ/s⬎3. The validity and practical usefulness of this uX⫽ 冑兺 冉 冊
y i
uy i2 (11)
conclusion are strengthened by comparison with results from
literature, obtained for different bridge shapes. It is also Upon considering Eq. 共5兲, the uncertainty of the force coefficient
demonstrated that the widely used FHWA 共1995兲 recommen- was evaluated by considering the contributions of each term
dations, which are valid for h * ⬍1, are consistent with our weighting its influence by the appropriate sensitivity coefficients.
results and generally overestimate them. For each measurement input, these coefficients were obtained by
3. In the experimental range, the module of the dynamic con- calculating the partial derivative of Eq. 共5兲 with respect to all
tribution to the lift exceeds that of the buoyancy force only parameters.
when Fs ⫽0.8, so that the resulting force acting on the bridge For the quantities that were treated as constant during the ex-
deck is directed downward 共Fig. 7兲. Our study shows that the periments as the specific weight, ␥, the flow density, , the chan-
dynamic component of the vertical force tends to equilibrate nel length, b, the bridge thickness, s, and the weir height, p, we
buoyancy forces acting on the bridge deck for increasing Fs assumed the following extended uncertainties: u␥⫽3%; u