Theory of Abel Grassmann's Groupoids
Theory of Abel Grassmann's Groupoids
Theory of Abel Grassmann's Groupoids
Columbus ▌ 2015
Madad Khan ▌Florentin Smarandache ▌Saima Anis
Theory of Abel Grassmann's Groupoids
Peer Reviewers:
Educational Publisher
Columbus ▌2015
Madad Khan ▌Florentin Smarandache ▌Saima Anis
Theory of Abel Grassmann's Groupoids
Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics & Science, University of New Mexico, Gallup, New Mexico, USA
[email protected]
ISBN 978-1-59973-347-0
Preface 7
It is common knowledge that common models with their limited boundaries
of truth and falsehood are not su¢ cient to detect the reality so there is a
need to discover other systems which are able to address the daily life
problems. In every branch of science problems arise which abound with
uncertainties and impaction. Some of these problems are related to human
life, some others are subjective while others are objective and classical
methods are not su¢ cient to solve such problems because they can not
handle various ambiguities involved. To overcome this problem, Zadeh [67]
introduced the concept of a fuzzy set which provides a useful mathematical
tool for describing the behavior of systems that are either too complex or are
ill-de…ned to admit precise mathematical analysis by classical methods. The
literature in fuzzy set and neutrosophic set theories is rapidly expanding
and application of this concept can be seen in a variety of disciplines such as
arti…cial intelligence, computer science, control engineering, expert systems,
operating research, management science, and robotics.
Zadeh introduced the degree of membership of an element with respect
to a set in 1965, Atanassov introduced the degree of non-membership
in 1986, and Smarandache introduced the degree of indeterminacy (i.e.
neither membership, nor non-membership) as independent component in
1995 and de…ned the neutrosophic set. In 2003 W. B. Vasantha Kan-
dasamy and Florentin Smarandache introduced for the …rst time the I-
neutrosophic algebraic structures (such as neutrosophic semigroup, neutro-
sophic ring, neutrosophic vector space, etc.) based on neutrosophic num-
bers of the form a + bI, where ‘ I ’is the literal indeterminacy such that
I 2 = I, while a; b are real (or complex) numbers. In 2013 Smarandache
introduced the re…ned neutrosophic set, and in 2015 the re…ned neutro-
sophic algebraic structures built on sets on re…ned neutrosophic numbers
of the form a + b1I1 + b2I2 + : : : + bnIn, where I1; I2; : : : ; In are types of
sub-indeterminacies; in the same year he also introduced the (t; i; f)-
neutrosophic structures.
In 1971, Rosenfeld [53] …rst applied fuzzy sets to the study of algebraic
structures, and he initiated a novel notion called fuzzy groups. This pio-
neer work started a burst of studies on various fuzzy algebras. Kuroki [28]
studied fuzzy bi-ideals in semigroups and he examined some fundamental
properties of fuzzy semigroups in [28]. Mordesen [37] has demonstrated a
theoretical exposition of fuzzy semigroups and their application in fuzzy
coding, fuzzy …nite state machines and fuzzy languages. It is worth noting
that these fuzzy structures may give rise to more useful models in some
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 8
Congruences on Inverse
In this chapter we discuss idempotent separating congruence de…ned as:
a b if and only if (a 1 e)a = (b 1 e)b, in an inverse AG -groupoid S. We
characterize in two ways and show (a) that S= ' E; (E is the set of
all idempotents of S) if and only if E is contained in the centre of S, also
it is shown; (b) that is identical congruence on S if and only if E is
self-centralizing. We show that the relations min and max are smallest
and largest congruences on S. Also we show that the relation de…ned
as: a b if only if a 1 (ea) = b 1 (eb), is a maximum idempotent separating
1.1 AG-groupoids
The idea of generalization of a commutative semigroup was …rst introduced
by Kazim and Naseeruddin in 1972 (see [24]). They named it as a left almost
semigroup (LA-semigroup). It is also called an Abel-Grassmann’s groupoid
(AG-groupoid) [47].
An AG-groupoid is a non-associative and non-commutative algebraic
structure mid way between a groupoid and a commutative semigroup.
This structure is closely related with a commutative semigroup, because
if an AG-groupoid contains a right identity, then it becomes a commuta-
tive semigroup [43]. The connection of a commutative inverse semigroup
with an AG-groupoid has been given in [39] as: a commutative inverse semi-
group (S, ) becomes an AG-groupoid (S, ) under a b = b a 1 ; for all
a; b 2 S. An AG-groupoid (S; :) with left identity becomes a semigroup (S,
) de…ned as: for all x, y 2 S, there exists a 2 S such that x y = (xa)y
An AG-groupoid is a groupoid S whose elements satisfy the left invertive
law (ab)c = (cb)a, for all a; b; c 2 S: In an AG-groupoid, the medial law [24]
(ab)(cd) = (ac)(bd) holds for all a; b; c; d 2 S. An AG-groupoid may or may
not contains a left identity. If an AG-groupoid contains a left identity, then
it is unique [43]. In an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the paramedial law
(ab)(cd) = (db)(ca) holds for all a; b; c; d 2 S: If an AG-groupoid contains
a left identity, then it satis…es the following law
1 2 3
1 2 2 3
2 2 2 2
3 2 2 2
Clearly S is non-associative and non-commutative because 2 = (1 1) 3 6=
1 (1 3) = 3 and 1 3 6= 3 1. (S; ) is an AG -groupoid without left identity.
Thus a b:
1 1
Conversely, If a b; then aa = bb : Then
a a = a 1 ((aa 1 )a) = (aa 1 )(a 1 a) = (bb 1
)(a 1
= (aa 1 )(b 1 b) = (bb 1 )(b 1 b)
= ((b 1 b)b 1 )b = b 1 b:
Hence a b:
Corollary 5 If is congruence on an inverse AG -groupoid, then (a; b) 2
, if and only if (a 1 ; b 1 ) 2 :
Proof. It is same as in [15].
Example 6 Let S = f1; 2; 3; 4g and the binary operation “ ” de…ned on S
as follows:
1 2 3 4
1 4 1 2 3
2 3 4 1 2
3 2 3 4 1
4 1 2 3 4
Clearly (S; ) is non-associative, non-commutative and it is an AG -groupoid
with left identity 4. Every element is an inverse of itself and so a 1 a =
aa 1 , for all a in S.
The following lemma is available in [47].
Lemma 7 The set E of all idempotents in an AG -groupoid forms a semi-
lattice structure.
1 1 1
(cc )e (cc )(aa ) = (ca)(c 1 a 1 )
= (ca)(ca) 1 , where (cc 1
)e 2 E, and
1 1
((cc )e)(ca) = ((cc )c)(ea)
1 1
= ((cc )c)(eb) = ((cc )e)(cb):
Therefore ca min ca:
1 1 1
Again let a min b then by de…nition aa bb ; e aa and ea = eb
(ac)(ac) = (ac)(a 1 c 1 )
= (aa 1 )(cc 1 ) (bb 1 )(cc 1 ) = (bc)(bc) 1
e(cc 1 ) (aa 1 )(cc 1 ) = (ac)(a 1 c 1 )
= (ac)(ac) 1 , where e(cc 1 ) 2 E
1 1 1 1
(e(cc ))(ac) = (ea)((cc )c) = (eb)((cc )c) = (e(cc ))(bc):
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 15
Thus a 2 E :
Conversely, assume that a 2 E : Then for all e in E; ae = ea; so
(a e)a = (ae)a 1 = (ea)a 1 = (ea)((a 1 a)a 1 )
= (a 1 a)((ea)a 1 ) = (a 1 a)((a 1 a)e)
= (e(a 1 a))(aa 1 ) = ((aa 1 ) 1 e)(aa 1 ):
Thus a aa and so a 2 Ker . Hence E = Ker .
Theorem 12 Let E be the set of all idempotents of S and let be the
idempotent separating congruence on S: Then (a; b) 2 if and only if
a 1 a = b 1 b; and ab 1 2 E . Dually (a; b) 2 if and only if aa 1 = bb 1
and a 1 b 2 E :
Proof. Let (a; b) 2 , then (a 1 e)a = (b 1 e)b which implies that (ae)a 1
(be)b 1 for all e in E:
Now ((a 1 e)a)((ae)a 1 ) = ((b 1 e)b)((be)b 1 ) which implies that
1 1 1 1
((a a)e)(aa ) = ((b b)e)(bb ): (6)
Therefore we get
a a = ((a 1 a)a 1 )((aa 1 )a) = ((a 1 a)(aa 1 ))(a 1 a)
= ((a 1 a)(aa 1 ))(aa 1 ) = ((b 1 b)(aa 1 ))(bb 1 )
= ((aa 1 )(b 1 b))(bb 1 ) = ((bb 1 )(b 1 b))(aa 1 )
= ((b 1 b)(b 1 b))(aa 1 ) = (b 1 b)(aa 1 ) = (a 1 a)(b 1
Now we obtain
1 1
(a((ae)a ))b = ((ae)(aa 1 ))b 1 = (b 1 (aa 1 ))(ae)
= (a(b 1 a 1 ))(ae) = (ea)((b 1 a 1 )a)
= (ea)((aa 1 )b 1 ) = (e(aa 1 ))(ab 1 ); and
1 1
(a((be)b ))b = ((be)(ab 1 ))b 1 = (b 1 (ab 1 ))(be)
= (b 1 b)((ab 1 )e) = (aa 1 )((ab 1 )e)
= (ab 1 )((aa 1 )e) = (ab 1 )(e(aa 1 )):
Hence ab 1 2 E :
Conversely, let a 1 a = b 1 b and ab 1 2 E , then e(ab 1 ) = (ab 1 )e for
all e 2 E, which implies that (a 1 (e(ab 1 )))b = (a 1 ((ab 1 )e))b: Now we
1 1
(a (e(ab )))b = (b(e(ab 1 )))a 1 = (e(b(ab 1 )))a 1
= (e(a(bb 1 )))a 1 = ((ee)(a(aa 1 )))a 1
= (((aa 1 )a)(ee))a 1 = (ae)a 1 = (a 1 e)a;
1 1
(a ((ab )e))b = (a 1 ((ab 1 )(ee)))b = (a 1 ((ae)(b 1 e)))b
= ((ae)(a 1 (b 1 e)))b = (((b 1 e)a 1 )(ea))b
= (((b 1 e)e)(a 1 a))b = ((eb 1 )(a 1 a))b
= ((eb 1 )(b 1 b))b = (b(b 1 b))(eb 1 )
= (b 1 e)((b 1 b)b) = (b 1 e)((bb 1 )b)
= (b 1 e)b:
Therefore (a 1 e)a = (b 1 e)b. Hence a b:
Let a b then by de…nition a 1 e a = b 1 e b: Now as a 1 a = b 1 b so
aa 1 = bb 1 :
Now as a 1 e a = b 1 e b which implies that (a 1 (a 1 e a))b =
(a 1 ( b 1 e b))b:
So we get
1 1 1 1 1 1
(a (a e a))b = a e a a b= a e b b b
1 1 1 1
= b b b a e = ea bb b
1 1 1
= ea b = ba e = ba (ee)
1 1
= (ee) a b =e a b ; and
Now we get
1 1 1 1 1 1
(a ( b e b))b = (b( b e b))a =( b e (bb))a
1 1 1 1
= ( b b (eb))a = (e (bb b))a
1 1
= (eb)a = (a b)e:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 18
Hence a b2E :
= (x 1 y)(x 1 y) = x 1 y:
Also we get
x = (xx 1 )x = (yy 1
)x = (xy 1
= (x 1 y)y = (xx 1
)y = (yy 1
)y = y:
Hence = 1S :
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 19
(ab) e = (ab) (ee) = (ae) (be) = (ea) (eb) = (ee) (ab) = e (ab) :
Therefore E is a subgroupoid of S.
1 1 1
Now let a 2 E then ae = ea implies that (ae) = (ea) or a e=
1 1
ea ; so a 2 E : Hence E is an inverse subgroupoid.
Theorem 18 Let S be an inverse AG -groupoid with semilattice E and
let be the maximum idempotent separating congruence on S then S= is
Proof. Every idempotent in S= has the form e . Let us suppose that
1 1
(a ; b ) 2 S= then for every e in E (a ) ((e ) (a )) = (b ) ((e ) (b ))
which implies that a 1 (ea) = b 1 (eb) ; consequentlya 1 (ea) b 1 (eb)
but is idempotent separating so a 1 (ea) = b 1 (eb) that is a b implies
that a = b so S= is identical. Thus S= is fundamental.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 21
Structural Properties of
-AG -groupoids
In this chapter we discuss gamma ideals in -AG -groupoids. We show
that a locally associative -AG -groupoid S has associative powers and
S= , where a b implies that a bn = bn+1 , b an = an+1 8 a; b 2 S, is a
maximal separative homomorphic image of S. The relation is the least
left zero semilattice congruence on S, where is de…ne on S as a b if
and only if there exists some positive integers m, n such that bm 2 a S
and an 2 b S.
x (y z) = y (x z): (3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 23
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9
It is easy to prove that S is a -AG-groupoid because (a b) c = (c b) a for
all a, b, c 2 S and , 2 . Clearly S is non-commutative and non-
associative because 8 9 6= 9 8 and (1 2) 3 6= 1 (2 3).
Example 28 Let S = f1; 2; 3; g. The following Cayley’s table shows that
S is an AG-groupoid.
1 2 3
1 2 3 1
2 1 2 3
3 3 1 2
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 3
a 2 S = S S = (a S) S = (S S) a = S a:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 24
Thus S a = S holds for all a 2 S and therefore it follows from above that
S is an intra-regular.
Corollary 30 If S is a -AG -groupoid such that a S = S holds for all
a 2 S; then S a = S holds for all a 2 S:
Theorem 31 If S is an intra-regular -AG -groupoid, then (B S) B =
B \ S; where B is a -bi-( -generalized bi-) ideal of S.
Proof. Let S be an intra-regular -AG -groupoid, then clearly (B S) B
B \ S. Now let b 2 B \ S which implies that b 2 B and b 2 S; then since
S is an intra-regular -AG -groupoid so there exist x; y 2 S and ; ; 2
such that b = (x (b b)) y: Now we have
Hence A = A A holds.
(ii) =) (i) is obvious.
Theorem 38 In an intra-regular -AG -groupoid S, the following condi-
tions are equivalent.
(i) A is a -(1; 2)-ideal of S.
(ii) (A S) (A A) = A and A A = A:
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Let A be a -(1; 2)-ideal of an intra-regular -AG -
groupoid S; then (A S)(A A) A and A A A. Let a 2 A, then since
S is an intra- regular so there exist x; y 2 S and ; ; 2 such that
a = (x (a a) y: Now
Hence A A = A:
(ii) =) (i) is obvious.
Theorem 39 In an intra-regular -AG -groupoid S, the following condi-
tions are equivalent.
(i) A is a -interior ideal of S.
(ii) (S A) S = A:
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Let A be a -interior ideal of an intra-regular -AG -
groupoid S; then (S A) S A. Let a 2 A, then since S is an intra- regular
so there exist x; y 2 S and ; ; 2 such that a = (x (a a)) y: Now we
Thus (S A) S = A:
(ii) =) (i) is obvious.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 28
y = (a s) (b b) = b ((a s) b) 2 A S A:
(i) A is a -bi-ideal of S:
(ii) A is a -interior ideal of S:
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Let A be a -bi-ideal of an intra-regular -AG -
groupoid S; then (A S) A A: Let p 2 (S A) S; then p = (s a) s for
some a 2 A, s; s 2 S and ; 2 . Since S is an intra-regular so there
exist x; y 2 S and ; ; 2 such that a = (x (a a)) y: Now we have
0 0
p = (s a) s = (s ((x (a a)) y)) s
0 0
= ((x (a a)) (s y)) s = (s (s y)) (x (a a))
= ((a a) x) ((s y) s )
0 0
= (((s y) s ) x) (a a) = ((x s ) (s y)) (a a)
0 0
= (a a) ((s y) (x s )) = (((s y) (x s )) a) a
= (((s y) (x s )) ((x (a a)) y)) a
= (((s y) (x (a a))) ((x s ) y)) a
= ((((a a) x) (y s)) ((x s ) y)) a
= ((((x s ) y) (y s)) ((a a) x)) a
= ((a a) ((((x s ) y) (y s)) x)) a
= ((x (((x s ) y) (y s))) (a a)) a
= (a ((x (((x s ) y) (y s))) a)) a
2 (A S) A A:
Thus (A S) A A:
A A A S = A (S S) = S (A S) = (S S) (A S)
= (S A) (S S) = (S A) S A:
S A = S (A A) = S ((A A) A)
= (A A) (S A) = (A S) (A A) A:
A S = (A A) S = ((A A) A) S = (S A) (A A) = (S (A A)) (A A)
= ((S S) (A A)) (A A) = ((A A) (S S)) (A A)
= (A S) (A A) A:
(A S) (A A) = (A A) (S A) A (S A) = S (A A) S A:
(A S) (A A) = (A A) (S A) A (S A) = S (A A)
= (S S) (A A) = (A A) (S S) A S:
(viii) A is a -bi-ideal of S.
(ix) A is a -interior ideal of S.
Proof. (i) =) (ii) and (ii) =) (iii) are easy.
(iii) =) (iv) is followed by above Lemma and (iv) =) (v) is obvious.
(v) =) (vi) It is easy.
(vi) =) (vii) : Let A be a -(1; 2)-ideal of an intra-regular -AG -
groupoid S, then (A S) (A A) A. Let p 2 (A S) A; then p = (a s) b
for some a; b 2 A, s 2 S and ; 2 . Now since S is an intra-regular so
there exist x; y 2 S and ; ; 2 such that such that b = (x (b b)) y
then we have
p = (a s) b = (a s) ((x (b b)) y)
= (x (b b)) ((a s) y) = (y (a s)) ((b b) x)
= (b b) ((y (a s)) x) = (x (y (a s))) (b b)
= (x (a (y s))) (b b)
= (a (x (y s))) (b b) 2 (A S) (A A) A:
a 2 (S a) (S a) = ((S a) (S a)) (S a)
= ((S S) (a a)) (S a) (S (a a)) (S S)
= (S (a a)) S.
Hence S is intra-regular.
Lemma 48 If I and J are -two-sided ideals of an intra-regular -AG -
groupoid S , then I \ J is a -two-sided ideal of S:
Proof. It is simple.
Lemma 49 In an intra-regular -AG -groupoid I J = I \ J, for every
-two-sided ideals I and J in S.
Proof. Let I and J be any -two-sided ideals of S, then obviously I J
I \ J. Since I \ J I and I \ J J, then (I \ J) (I \ J) I J, also,
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 34
a 2 S a = (S a) (S a) = ((S a) (S a)) (S a)
= ((S S) (a a)) (S a) (S (a a)) (S S)
= (S (a a)) S.
Hence S is intra-regular.
Lemma 51 In an AG -groupoid S, the following conditions are equiva-
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) A = (S A)(S A); where A is any -left ideal of S.
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Let A be a -left ideal of an intra-regular -AG -
groupoid S; then S A A and then, (S A)(S A) = S A A: Now
A = A A S A = (S A)(S A); which implies that A = (S A)(S A):
(ii) =) (i) : Let A be a -left ideal of S; then A = (S A)(S A) A A;
which implies that A is -idempotent and so S is an intra-regular.
Theorem 52 A -AG -groupoid S is called -totally ordered under in-
clusion if P and Q are any -two-sided ideals of S such that either P Q
or Q P .
A -two-sided ideal P of a -AG -groupoid S is called -strongly irre-
ducible if A \ B P implies either A P or B P , for all -two-sided
ideals A, B and P of S.
Lemma 53 Every -two-sided ideal of an intra-regular -AG -groupoid
S is -prime if and only if it is -strongly irreducible.
Proof. It is an easy.
Theorem 54 Every -two-sided ideal of an intra-regular -AG -groupoid
S is -prime if and only if S is -totally ordered under inclusion.
Proof. Assume that every -two-sided ideal of S is -prime. Let P and
Q be any -two-sided ideals of S, so , P Q = P \ Q, and P \ Q is a
-two-sided ideal of S, so is prime, therefore P Q P \ Q; which implies
that P P \ Q or Q P \ Q; which implies that P Q or Q P . Hence
S is -totally ordered under inclusion.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 35
I=I I I J P.
(A B) S = (A B) (S S) = (A S) (B S) A B.
Also S (A B) = (S S) (A B) = (S A) (S B) A B.
S (S a \ a S) \ (S a \ a S) S
= S (S a) \ S (a S) \ (S a) S \ (a S) S
(S a \ a S) \ (S a) S \ S a S a \ a S:
I \a S S a\a S Q;
S a S Q S I I; gives
S a = I:
0 0 0
S Q \Q S S Q\Q S Q; also S Q S I I
and Q S J S J.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 37
0 0 0
S S Q = (S S) S Q = Q S (S S)
0 0 0
= Q S S = (S S) Q = S Q
implies that S Q is a -left ideal and hence a -two-sided ideal. Similarly
Q S is a -two-sided ideal of S.
But since I and J are minimal -two-sided ideals of S, so
0 0
S Q = I and Q S = J:
But Q = I \ J; which implies that,
0 0 0
Q=S Q \Q S Q:
Which give us Q = Q . Hence Q is minimal.
(a b)2 = (a b) (a b) = (a a) (b b) = a2 b2 :
(a b)k+1 = (a b)k (a b) = (ak bk ) (a b) = (ak a) (bk b) = ak+1 bk+1 .
Let n 2. Then by (3) and (1), we get
(a b)n = an bn = (a an 1 ) (b bn 1 ) = b ((a an 1 ) bn 1 ))
= b ((bn 1 an 1 ) a) = b ((b a)n 1 a) = (b a)n 1 (b a)
= (b a)n = bn an .
(am+1 )n = (am a)n = (am )n an = amn an = amn+n = a :
bn m (a bm ) = bn m bm+1
a (bn m bm ) = bn m+m+1
a bn m+m = bn+1
a bn = bn+1 .
b cm = cm+1 , c bm = bm+1 .
Let k = (n + 1)(m + 1) 1, that is, k = n(m + 1) + m. Thus we get,
n(m+1)+m n(m+1)
a ck = a c = a (c cm ) = a f(cm+1 )n cm g
= a f(b cm )n cm g = a f(bn cmn ) cm g = a (c bn )
m(n+1) m(n+1) m(n+1)
= c (a bn ) = c bn+1 = (cm b)n+1 = bn+1 c
= (b cm )n+1 = ck+1 .
which implies that b a2m+1 = a2m+2 . Also (a b) (b2 )n = (b2 )n+1 , implies
that b2n+1 a = b2n+2 . Also, we get
b2n+2 b2 = (b2n+1 a) b2 ,
Hence, a b.
Suppose k > 3.
(a bk 1 2
) = (a bk 1
) (a bk 1
) = a2 b2k 2
= (a a) (bk 2
bk )
= (a bk 2
) (a bk ) = (a bk 2
) bk+1
(a bk 2
) (a bk ) (a bk 2
) bk+1 .
Thus we get
(a bk 2
) bk+1 = (bk+1 bk 2
) a = b2k 1
a = (bk bk 1
) a = (a bk 1
) bk .
k 1 k 1 2k 1 k 1
Also (a b ) bk = (bk b ) a=b a = (b bk ) a
k 1
= (a bk ) b ,
implies that
(a bk 1 2
) (a bk ) bk 1
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 41
(a bk 1 2
) (a bk 1
)bk (bk )2 .
a bk 1
bk .
b ak 1
ak .
Thus if (13) holds for k, it holds for k 1.
Now obviously (13) yields
a b3 0
b4 and b a3 0
a4 .
Also, we get
(a b3 ) a2 0 b4 a2 and (b a3 ) b2 0 a4 b2
(a2 b3 ) a 0 b4 a2 and (b2 a3 ) b 0 a4 b2
(b3 a2 ) a 0 a2 b4 and (a3 b2 ) b 0 b2 a4
a3 b3 0 a2 b4 and b3 a3 0 b2 a4
a3 b3 0 a2 b4 and a3 b3 0 b2 a4 ;
(a2 b) a 0 (b2 a) a
(a b) a2 0 a2 b2
a2 (b a) 0 a2 b2
b a3 0 a2 b2 but b a3 0
a4 ;
(x y) z = (z y) x = x (y z).
Hence Q is a commutative subsemigroup of S.
Theorem 69 Let and be separative congruences on locally asso-
ciative -AG -groupoid S and x2 a = x2 (a = a2 ) for all x in S. If
\ (Q Q ) \ (Q Q ), then .
Proof. If x y then,
(x2 (x y))2 (x2 (x y) (x2 y 2 ) (x2 y 2 )2 .
It follows that (x2 (x y))2 , (x2 y 2 )2 2 Q . Now by (2), (1), (3); respec-
tively, we get,
(x2 (x y)) (x2 y 2 ) = (x2 x2 ) ((x y) y 2 ) = (x2 x2 ) (y 3 x)
= x4 (y 3 x) = y 3 (x4 x) = y 3 x5 and
(y 3 x5 ) a = (y 3 x5 ) (a a) = (y 3 a) (x5 a) = y 3 x5 .
So x2 (x y) (x2 y 2 ) 2 Q. Hence (x2 (x y))2 (x2 (x y) (x2 y 2 ) (x2 y 2 )2
implies that
x2 (x y) x2 y 2 :
Since x2 y 2 x4 and (x2 y 2 ), x4 2 Q. Thus x2 y 2 x4 and we get
(x2 )2 x2 (x y) (x y)2 which implies that x2 x y. Finally, x2 y 2
and x2 , y 2 2 Q, implying that x2 y 2 , x2 x y y 2 . Thus x y because
is separative.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 43
b3 = (b b) (a x) = a (b2 x) 2 a S.
(b c)m = bm cm = (a x) cm = (a x) (c cm 1 )
= (a c) (x cm 1 ) = (a c) y, where y = x cm 1
Thus a c b c and c a c b.
Now to show that is a semilattice congruence on S, …rst we need to
show that a b implies a b a.
Let a b, then bm = a x and an = b y for some x and y 2 S. So
Now we get,
Hence is separative.
Theorem 73 Let S be a locally associative -AG -groupoid. Then S
is a maximal semilattice separative image of S.
Proof. By Theorem 6, is the least semilattice congruence on S and
S is a semilattice. Hence S is a maximal semilattice separative
image of S.
Embedding and Direct Product
of AG-groupoids
3.1 Embedding in AG-groupoids
In this chapter we prove that under certain conditions a right cancellative
AG -groupoid can be embedded in a cancellative commutative monoid
whose special type of elements form an abelian group and the identity of
this group coincides with the identity of the commutative monoid.
An element a in an AG-groupoid S is called left cancellative, if ab = ac
implies that b = c. Similarly, c is right cancellative, if ac = bc implies that
a = b.
In this chapter we shall consider that S is a right cancellative AG -
groupoid with left identity and T is a subgroupoid of S such that elements
of S commute with elements of T 2 . A relation has been introduced on
the subset N of S T 2 , so that we obtain an AG-groupoid with right
identity. We have proved that N= is a cancellative commutative monoid.
A mapping from S to N= has been de…ned to show that it is in fact an
epimorphism from S to a commutative sub-monoid A, of N= . At the end
it has been shown that special type of elements of N= form an Abelian
Lemma 75 If S is an AG -groupoid, then (ab) = a2 b2 = b2 a2 , for all
a; b in S.
Proof. By (2) and (4), we get (ab)2 = (ab)(ab) = (aa) (bb) = a2 b2 , also
(ab)2 = (ab)(ab) = (ba)(ba) = b2 a2 .
as follows:
1 2 3 4
1 1 2 3 4
2 4 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
4 2 3 3 3
It is non-commutative and non-associative because 4 = 1 4 6= 4 1 = 2;
2 = (2 1) 1 6= 2 (1 1) = 4. (S; ) is an AG -groupoid. The subset
A = f2; 4g, of S, is a commutative sub-semigroup of S.
((si t2j )(sp t2q ); t2k t2r ) ((sl t2m )(sp t2q ); t2n t2r )
that is,
(si t2j ; t2k )(sp t2q ; t2r ) (sl t2m ; t2n )(sp t2q ; t2r ):
This shows that is right compatible. Similarly we can show that is
left compatible. Hence is a congruence relation on N .
Let M = N= = f[(si t2j ; t2k )] : si 2 S and tj ; tk 2 T g where [(si t2j ; t2k )]
represents any class in N= . Then it is easy to see that M is an AG -
groupoid. Clearly [(t2o ; t2o )] is the right identity in M , where t0 is an ar-
bitrary element of T , because if [(si t2j ; t2k )] is an arbitrary element in M ,
then ((si t2j )t2o )t2k = (si t2j )(t2k t2o ). Therefore ((si t2j )t2o ; t2k t2o ) (si t2j ; t2k ) which
implies that (si t2j ; t2k )(t2o ; t2o ) (si t2j ; t2k ) or [(si t2j ; t2k )][(t2o ; t2o )] = [(si t2j ; t2k )].
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 49
Proof. It is easy.
Since S contains the left identity so it is easy to see that [(t2j ; t2k )] 2 M .
Now we prove the following theorem.
Proof. Let us suppose that (si t2j ; t2k )(sp t2q ; t2r ) (sl t2m ; t2n )(sp t2q ; t2r ), that is,
[(si t2j ; t2k )][(sp t2q ; t2r )] = [(sl t2m ; t2n )][(sp t2q ; t2r )]
[(si t2j )(sp t2q ); t2k t2r )] = [(sl t2m )(sp t2q ); t2n t2r )];
Then we get,
[(si sp )(t2j t2q ); t2k t2r )] = [(sl sp )(t2m t2q ); t2n t2r )]
((si sp )(t2j t2q ))(t2n t2r ) = ((sl sp )(t2m t2q ))(t2k t2r ):
((si sp )(t2n t2j ))(t2r t2q ) = ((sl sp )(t2k t2m ))(t2r t2q );
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 50
now since S is right cancellative so we get (si sp )(t2n t2j ) = (sl sp )(t2k t2m )
which by lemma 75 implies that sp ((t2n t2j )si ) = sp ((t2k t2m )sl ), therefore by
lemma 79, we get (t2n t2j )si = (t2k t2m )sl , using we get,(si t2j )t2n = (sl t2m )t2k .
Thus (si t2j ; t2k ) (sl t2m ; t2n ). Hence M is right cancellative. Similarly we can
show that M is left cancellative. Now using lemma 75, we can easily
see that (t2i t2j )t2o = (t2j t2i )t2o which implies that (t2i t2j ; t2o ) (t2j t2i ; t2o ), that is,
[(t2i ; t2j )][(t2j ; t2i )] = [(t2o ; t2o )]. Thus [(t2i ; t2j )] is the inverse of [(t2j ; t2i )]. Hence
all the cancellative elements [(t2i ; t2j )] of M form an Abelian group G in M .
We note that the product of two cancellative elements of G, is in G. We
have proved in theorem 1, that [(t2o ; t2o )] is the identity element of M , since
G contains elements of the form [(t2x ; t2y )], therefore [(t2o ; t2o )] is in G which
is unique since G is a group.
: a b c
a c c c
b c c a
c c c a
. a b c d e f . g h i j k l
a a a a a a a g g g g g g g
b a b b b b b h g h h h h h
c a b f f d f i g h l l i l
d a b f f c f j g h i j k l
e a b c d e f k g h l l l l
f a b f f f f l g h l l j l
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 52
Thus S1 S 2 is intra-regular.
(ii) =) (i) It is easy.
some t 2 S. Now
And we have
(a; b)
= ((a2 x)(aa); (b2 m)(bb))
= ((aa)(xa2 ); (bb)(mb2 ))
= ((aa)((ex)(aa)); (bb)((em)(bb)))
= ((aa)((aa)(xe)); (bb)((bb)(me)))
= ((aa)(a2 t); (bb)(b2 s))
= (((a2 t)a)a; ((b2 s)b)b)
= ((((aa)t)a)a; (((bb)s)b)b)
= ((((ta)a)a)a; (((sb)b)b)b)
= (((aa)(ta))a; ((bb)(sb))b)
= (((at)(aa))a; ((bs)(bb))b)
= ((a((at)a))a; (b((bs)b))b)
= ((ay)a; (bn)b); where xe = t 2 S1 ;
me = s 2 S2 and (at)a = y 2 S1 ; (bs)b = n 2 S2 :
Thus S1 S 2 is left regular, right regular and regular, so S1 S 2 is com-
pletely regular.
(ii) =) (i) Assume that S1 S 2 is a completely regular AG-groupoid
with left identity, then for any (a; b) 2 S1 S 2 there exist x; y; z 2 S1 and
l; m; n 2 S2 such that (a; b) = ((ax)a; (bl)b); (a; b) = (a2 y; b2 m), (a; b) =
(za2 ; nb2 ): Now
(a; b) = ((ax)a; (bl)b)
= (((a2 y)x)(za2 ); ((b2 m)l)(nb2 ))
= (((xy)a2 )(za2 ); ((lm)b2 )(nb2 ))
= (((za2 )a2 )(xy); ((nb2 )b2 )(lm))
= (((a2 a2 )z)(xy); ((b2 b2 )n)(lm))
= (((xy)z)(a2 a2 ); ((lm)n)(b2 b2 ))
= (a2 (((xy)z)a2 ); b2 (((lm)n)b2 ))
= ((ea2 )(((xy)z)a2 ); (eb2 )(((lm)n)b2 ))
= ((a2 ((xy)z))(a2 e); (b2 ((lm)n))(b2 e))
= ((a2 ((xy)z))((aa)e); (b2 ((lm)n))((bb)e))
= ((a2 ((xy)z))((ea)a); (b2 ((lm)n))((eb)b))
= ((a2 ((xy)z))(aa); (b2 ((lm)n))(bb))
= ((a2 t)a2 ; (b2 s)b2 ); where (xy)z = t 2 S1 and (lm)n = s 2 S2 :
This shows that S1 S 2 is (2; 2)-regular.
Lemma 90 Every weakly regular AG-groupoid S1 S 2 with left identity
(AG -groupoid) is regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 57
Thus S1 S 2 is regular.
The converse of above Lemma is not true in general, as can be seen from
the following example.
. 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8
1 2 2 4 4 5 6 6 6 6
2 2 2 2 2 6 5 6 7 8
3 1 2 3 4 7 5 6 5 6
4 1 2 1 2 8 6 6 8 8
. a b c d e f g
a b d f a c e g
b e g b d f a c
c a c e g b d f
d d f a c e g b
e g b d f a c e
f c e g b d f a
g f a c e g b d
Ideals in Abel-Grassmann’s
In this chapter we introduce the concept of left, right, bi, quasi, prime
(quasi-prime) semiprime (quasi-semiprime) ideals in AG-groupoids. We in-
troduce m-system in AG-groupoids. We characterize quasi-prime and quasi-
semiprime ideals and …nd their links with m systems. We characterize
ideals in intra-regular AG-groupoids. Then we characterize intra-regular
AG-groupoids using the properties of these ideals.
4.1 Preliminaries
Let S be an AG-groupoid. By an AG-subgroupoid of S; we means a
non-empty subset A of S such that A2 A.
A non-empty subset A of an AG-groupoid S is called a left (right) ideal
of S if SA A (AS A) and it is called a two-sided ideal if it is both
left and a right ideal of S.
A non-empty subset A of an AG-groupoid S is called a generalized
bi-ideal of S if (AS)A A and an AG-subgroupoid A of S is called a
bi-ideal of S if (AS)A A.
A non-empty subset A of an AG-groupoid S is called a quasi-ideal of
S if SA \ AS A:
Note that every one sided ideal of an AG-groupoid S is a quasi-ideal and
right ideal of S is bi-ideal of S.
A non-empty subset A of an AG-groupoid S is called semiprime if
a2 2 A implies a 2 A:
An AG-subgroupoid A of an AG-groupoid S is called a interior ideal of
S if (SA)S A.
An ideal P of an AG-groupoid S is said to be prime if AB P implies
that either A P or B P; where A and B are ideals of S. A left ideal P
of an AG-groupoid S is said to be a quasi-prime if for left ideals A and
B of S such that AB P; we have either A P or B P:
An ideal P of an AG-groupoid S is called strongly irreducible if A \
B P implies either A P or B P , for all ideals A, B and P of S.
If S is an AG-groupoid with left identity e then the principal left ideal
generated by a …xed element “a” is de…ned as hai = Sa = fsa : s 2 Sg.
Clearly, hai is a left ideal of S contains a. Note that if A is an ideal of
S, then A2 is an ideal of S. Also it is easy to verify that A = hAi and
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 62
A2 = hA2 i.
If an AG-groupoid S contains left identity e then S = eS S 2 . Therefore
S = S 2 . Also Sa becomes bi-ideal and quasi-ideal of S. Using paramedial,
medial and left invertive law we get
((Sa)S)Sa (SS)(Sa) = (aS)(SS) = (aS)S = (SS)a = Sa,
It is easy to show that (Sa)(Sa) S(Sa). Hence Sa is a bi-ideal of S. Also
S(Sa) \ (Sa)S S(Sa) Sa.
Therefore Sa is a quasi-ideal of S. Also using medial and paramedial laws
and (1), we get
(Sa)2 = (Sa)(Sa) = (SS)a2 = (aa)(SS) = S((aa)S)
= (SS)((aa)S) = (Sa2 )SS = (Sa2 )S.
Therefore Sa2 = a2 S = (Sa2 )S.
Example 100 Let S = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g, and the binary operation “ ” be
de…ned on S as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 x x x x x x
2 x x x x x x
3 x x x x x x
4 x x x x x x
5 x x x x x x
6 x 2 x x x x
Where x 2 f1; 3; 4; 5g. Then (S; :) is an AG-groupoid and f2; xg is an ideal
of S.
A subset M of an AG-groupoid S is called an m-system if for all a; b 2 M ,
there exists a1 2 hai, there exists b1 2 hbi such that a1 b1 2 M [50].
Example 101 Let S = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8g, the binary operation “ ” be
de…ned on S as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 8
2 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
8 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Then (S; ) is an AG-groupoid. The set f1; 2; 4; 8g is an m-system in S,
because if 1; 2 2 M , then 4 2< 1 >, 8 2< 2 > and 4 8 = 4 2 M .
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 63
Lemma 102 Product of two right ideals of an AG-groupoid with left iden-
tity is an ideal.
Proof. Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity, therefore S = S 2 . Now
using medial law, we get
Lemma 103 Product of two left ideals of an AG-groupoid with left identity
is a left ideal.
Proof. Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity, therefore S = S 2 . Now
using medial law, we get
Note that every right ideal of an AG-groupoid S with left identity be-
comes an ideal of S.
Theorem 108 (a) Each m-system is an sp-system.
(b) A left ideal I of an AG-groupoid S is quasi-semiprime if and only if
SnI is an sp-system.
Proof. (a) Let a 2 M , then there exists a1 , b1 2 hai, such that a1 b1 2 M
implying that M is an sp-system.
(b) A left ideal A of an AG-groupoid S with left identity and let a 2 SnA
which implies that a 2 = A. Now let a1 ; b1 2 hai which by lemma 106(iv),
implies that a1 b1 2 [hai]2 but [hai]2 * A. Therefore a1 b1 2 = A. Hence
a1 b1 2 SnA, which shows that SnA is an sp-system.
Conversely, assume that SnA is an sp-system. Let a 2 = A, then a 2 SnA.
Now there exists a1 and b1 in hai, such that a1 b1 2 SnA which implies that
= A, which further implies that [hai]2 * A. Hence by lemma 106(iv),
a1 b1 2
A is a quasi-semiprime ideal.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 4 5 6 1 2 3
2 3 4 5 6 1 2
3 2 3 4 5 6 1
4 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 6 1 2 3 4 5
6 5 6 1 2 3 4
Example 110 Let S = fa; b; c; d; eg, and the binary operation " " be de-
…ned on S as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 3 4 5 6
4 1 1 6 3 4 5
5 1 1 5 6 3 4
6 1 1 4 5 6 1
Hence A = (AS)A:
(iii) ) (ii) : Clearly RL R \ L holds. Now
S(R \ L) \ (R \ L)S = SR \ SL \ RS \ LS = RS \ SL \ SR \ LS
R \ L \ (SR \ LS) R \ L. And
R \ L = ((R \ L)S)(R \ L) = (RS \ LS)(R \ L)
(R \ LS)(R \ L) RL:
Hence R \ L = RL:
(ii) ) (i) : Assume that R \ L = RL for every right ideal R and every
left ideal L of S. Since a2 2 a2 S, which is a right ideal of S and as by given
assumption a2 S is semiprime which implies that a 2 a2 S. Now clearly Sa
is a left ideal of S and a 2 Sa, Therefore by using left invertive law, medial
law, paramedial law and medial law with left identity, we have
Hence S is intra-regular.
Hence S is intra-regular.
Theorem 113 For S the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) For quasi-ideals Q1 and Q2 , Q1 \ Q2 = (Q1 Q2 )Q1 .
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Let Q1 and Q2 be quasi-ideals of S. Now Q1 and Q2 be-
come ideals of S. Therefore (Q1 Q2 )Q1 (Q1 S)Q1 Q1 and (Q1 Q2 )Q1
(SQ2 )S Q2 . This implies that (Q1 Q2 )Q1 Q1 \ Q2 . We can easily see
that Q1 \ Q2 becomes an ideal. Now, we get,
2 2
Q1 \ Q2 = (Q1 \ Q2 ) = (Q1 \ Q2 ) (Q1 \ Q2 )
= ((Q1 \ Q2 ) (Q1 \ Q2 )) (Q1 \ Q2 ) (Q1 Q2 )Q1 :
Hence S is intra-regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 68
AB \ BA AB SB B and AB \ BA BA SA A:
Hence S is intra-regular.
Theorem 120 For S the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) For bi-ideal B, two sided ideal I and quasi-ideal Q,(B \ I) \ Q
(BI)Q and I is semiprime.
(iii) For bi-ideal B, right ideal I and quasi-ideal Q,(B \ I) \ Q (BI)Q
and I is semiprime.
(iv) For generalized bi-ideal B, interior ideal I and quasi-ideal Q,(B \
I) \ Q (BI)Q and I is semiprime.
Proof. (i) =) (iv) : Let B be a generalized bi-ideal, I be an interior ideal
and Q be a quasi-ideal of S respectively. Let a 2 (B \ I) \ Q. This implies
that a 2 B; a 2 I and a 2 Q. Since S is intra-regular so for a 2 S there
exists x; y 2 S such that a = (xa2 )y. Now B; I and Q become ideals of S.
Therefore using left invertive law, medial law, paramedial law and (1) we
a 2 Sa2 . Therefore using paramedial, medial laws and left invertive law we
Hence S is intra-regular.
Theorem 121 For S the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) For quasi-ideals Q and bi-ideal B, Q \ B QB.
(iii) For quasi-ideal Q and generalized bi-ideal B, Q \ B QB.
Proof. (i) =) (iii) : Let Q and B be quasi and generalized bi-ideal of S.
Let a 2 Q \ B. This implies that a 2 Q and a 2 B. Since S is intra-regular
so for a 2 S there exists x; y 2 S such that a = (xa2 )y. Now, Q and B
becomes ideals of S. Therefore using and left invertive law, we get,
Hence S is intra-regular.
Theorem 122 For S the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) For every quasi-ideal Q of S; Q = (SQ)2 \ (QS)2 .
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Let Q be any quasi-ideal of S. Now it becomes an
ideal of S. Now using medial law and paramedial law we get
Hence S is intra-regular.
(SQ)2 Q \ (QS)2 Q Q:
Hence S is intra-regular.
Hence S is intra-regular.
Example 129 Let us consider the set (R; +) of all real numbers under the
binary operation of addition. If we de…ne a b = b a r; where a; b; r 2 R;
then (R; ) becomes an AG-groupoid as,
The converse is not true in general. It is easy to see that form Example
128 that fa; b; f g is an interior ideal of an AG-groupoid S with left identity
e such that (SB)S = B \ S but S is not an intra-regular because d 2 S is
not an intra-regular.
Theorem 140 For a left invertible AG-groupoid S with left identity, the
following conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) R \ L = RL; where R and L are any left and right ideals of S
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Assume that S is intra-regular AG-groupoid with left
identity and let a 2 S; then there exist x; y 2 S such that a = (xa2 )y:
Let R and L be any left and right ideals of S respectively, then obviously
RL R \ L: Now let a 2 R \ L implies that a 2 R and a 2 L: Now by
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 79
using medial law with left identity, medial law and left invertive law, we
so there exist x; y 2 S such that a = (xa2 )y: Now by using medial law with
left identity; left invertive law; medial law and paramedial law; we have
Thus (AS)A = A holds. Now by using medial law with left identity; left
invertive law; paramedial law and medial law; we have
Hence A = A2 holds.
(ii) =) (i) is obvious.
Now let qy 2 QS; then by using left invertive law, medial law with left
identity and paramedial law; we have
Hence QS = SQ: As by using medial law with left identity and left
invertive law; we have
Thus (SA)S = A:
(ii) =) (i) is obvious.
Thus (AS)A2 = A: Now by using medial law with left identity; left
invertive law; paramedial law and medial law; we have
a = (xa2 )y = (x(aa))y = (a(xa))y = (y(xa))a
= (y(xa))((xa2 )y) = (xa2 )((y(xa))y) = (x(aa))((y(xa))y)
= (a(xa))((y(xa))y) = (((y(xa))y)(xa))a = ((ax)(y(y(xa))))a
= ((((xa2 )y)x)(y(y(xa))))a = (((xy)(xa2 ))(y(y(xa))))a
= (((xy)y)((xa2 )(y(xa))))a = ((y 2 x)((x(aa))(y(xa))))a
= ((y 2 x)((xy)((aa)(xa))))a = ((y 2 x)((aa)((xy)(xa))))a
= ((aa)((y 2 x)((xy)(xa))))a = ((aa)((y 2 x)((xx)(ya))))a
= ((((xx)(ya))(y 2 x))(aa))a = ((((ay)(xx))(y 2 x))(aa))a
= ((((x2 y)a)(y 2 x))(aa))a = (((xy 2 )(a(x2 y)))(aa))a
= ((a((xy 2 )(x2 y)))(aa))a = ((a(x3 y 3 ))(aa))a
2 ((AS)A2 )A AA = A2 :
Hence A2 = A:
(ii) =) (i) is obvious.
Lemma 147 [38]Every non empty subset A of an intra-regular AG-groupoid
S with left identity is a left ideal of S if and only if it is a right ideal of S.
Theorem 148 In an intra-regular AG-groupoid S with left identity, the
following conditions are equivalent.
(i) A is a (1; 2)-ideal of S.
(ii) A is a two-sided ideal of S:
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Assume that S is intra-regular AG-groupoid with left
identity and let A be a (1; 2)-ideal of S then, (AS)A2 A: Let a 2 A, then
since S is intra-regular so there exist x; y 2 S such that a = (xa2 )y: Now
by using medial law with left identity; left invertive law and paramedial
law; we have
sa = s((xa2 )y) = (xa2 )(sy) = (x(aa))(sy) = (a(xa))(sy)
= ((sy)(xa))a = ((sy)(xa))((xa2 )y) = (xa2 )(((sy)(xa))y)
= (y((sy)(xa)))(a2 x) = a2 ((y((sy)(xa)))x)
= (aa)((y((sy)(xa)))x) = (x(y((sy)(xa))))(aa)
= (x(y((ax)(ys))))(aa) = (x((ax)(y(ys))))(aa)
= ((ax)(x(y(ys))))(aa) = ((((xa2 )y)x)(x(y(ys))))(aa)
= (((xy)(xa2 ))(x(y(ys))))(aa) = (((a2 x)(yx))(x(y(ys))))(aa)
= ((((yx)x)a2 )(x(y(ys))))(aa) = (((y(ys))x)(a2 ((yx)x)))(aa)
= (((y(ys))x)(a2 (x2 y)))(aa) = (a2 (((y(ys))x)(x2 y)))(aa)
= ((aa)(((y(ys))x)(x2 y)))(aa) = (((x2 y)((y(ys))x))(aa))(aa)
= (a((x2 y)(((y(ys))x)a)))(aa) 2 (AS)A2 A:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 83
Sa \ aS SQ \ QS Q\Q Q.
Sa SQ SI I; gives Sa = I:
0 0 0 0 0 0
S(SQ ) = (SS) (SQ ) = (Q S) (SS) = (Q S)S = (SS) Q = SQ ;
which implies that SQ is a left ideal and hence a two-sided ideal. Similarly
Q S is a two-sided ideal of S. Since I and J are minimal two-sided ideals
0 0
of S, therefore SQ = I and Q S = J: But Q = I \ J; which implies that,
0 0 0 0
Q = SQ \ Q S Q : This give us Q = Q and hence Q is minimal.
Example 153 Let S = fa; b; c; d; eg, and the binary operation " " be de-
…ned on S as follows:
a b c d e
a a a a a a
b a b a a a
c a a e c d
d a a d e c
e a a c d e
Hence Q1 \ Q2 is a quasi-ideal of S:
Theorem 159 [38]For an intra-regular AG-groupoid S with left identity
the following statements are equivalent.
(i) A is a left ideal of S.
(ii) A is a right ideal of S.
(iii) A is an ideal of S.
(iv) A is a bi-ideal of S.
(v) A is a generalized bi-ideal of S.
(vi) A is an interior ideal of S.
(vii) A is a quasi-ideal of S.
(viii) AS = A and SA = A.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 86
Theorem 160 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity e then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) Every left ideal is idempotent.
Proof. (i) =) (ii)
Let L be a left ideal of an intra-regular AG-groupoid S with left identity.
Obviously L2 L. Now let l 2 L. Since S is intra-regular therefore for l
there exists x and y in S such that l = (xl2 )y. Then using left invertive
law, we get
Therefore L L2 . Hence L = L2 .
(i) =) (ii)
Since Sa is a left ideal contains a. Therefore using (ii) we get, a 2 Sa =
(Sa)2 = Sa2 = (Sa2 )S.
Theorem 161 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) Every quasi-ideal of S is idempotent.
Proof. (i) =) (ii)
Let Q be a quasi-ideal of S. Let a 2 Q which implies that a2 2 Q then
since S is intra-regular so there exist x; y 2 S such that a = (xa2 )y. Now
by theorem 159, Q is an ideal and Q2 becomes an ideal. Therefore
a = (xa2 )y 2 (SQ2 )S Q2 .
Hence Q = Q2 .
(ii) =) (i)
Clearly Sa is a quasi-ideal. Now by (ii) Sa is idempotent. Therefore
a 2 Sa = (Sa)2 but (Sa)2 = (Sa2 )S. Hence a 2 Sa = (Sa2 )S.
Theorem 162 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) Q = (SQ)2 \ (QS)2 , for every left ideal Q of S:
(iii) Q = (SQ)2 \ (QS)2 , for every quasi-ideal Q of S:
Proof. (i) =) (vi)
Let Q be a quasi-ideal of an intra-regular AG-groupoid S with left iden-
tity so by theorem 159, Q is an ideal and by theorem 161, Q is idempotent,
then medial law we get
Theorem 163 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity e then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) A (AS)A; for every quasi-ideal A and A = A2 :
Theorem 164 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity e then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) R \ L = RL; for every right ideal R and every left ideal L and R is
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 88
Theorem 165 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity e; then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) B = (BS)B; for every bi-ideal B and B = B 2 .
Proof. (i) =) (ii)
Let B is bi-ideal of S then B is an ideal and B = B 2 . Let b 2 B, now since
S is intra-regular therefore for b there exists x; y in S such that b = (xb2 )y.
Also since S = S 2 , therefore for y in S there exists u; v in S such that
y = uv. Now using medial law and left invertive law, we get
Therefore B = (BS)B.
(ii) =) (i)
Since Sa is a bi-ideal contains a. Therefore using (ii) we get
Theorem 166 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity e; then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) Every bi-ideal is idempotent.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 89
Theorem 167 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity e; then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) L \ R = LR; for every right ideal R and every left ideal L and R is
r = (ur2 )v 2 (SR)S R.
Hence R is semiprime.
(ii) =) (i)
Clearly Sa2 is a right ideal contains a2 , therefore by (ii) it is semiprime.
Thus a 2 Sa2 . Also we know that Sa is a left ideal of S. Therefore using
paramedial and medial law we get
Theorem 168 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) A \ B = (AB)A, for every bi-ideal A and every quasi-ideal B of S.
(iii) A \ B = (AB)A, for every generalized bi-ideal A and every quasi-
ideal B of S.
Proof. (i) ) (iii)
Let A and B be a generalized bi-ideal and quasi-ideal of an intra-regular
AG-groupoid with left identity. Now by theorem 159, A and B are ideals of
S. Then (AB)A (AS)A A and (AB)A (SB)S B; which implies
that (AB)A A \ B. Next let a 2 A \ B; which implies that a 2 A and
a 2 B: Since S is intra-regular so for a there exist x; y 2 S; such that
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 90
a = (xa2 )y; then using (1) and left invertive law, we get
Thus A \ B = (AB)A:
(iii) =) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i)
Since Sa is both bi and quasi-ideal. Therefore by medial law, we get
a 2 Sa \ Sa = ((Sa)(Sa))(Sa) = ((SS)(aa))(Sa)
= (Sa2 )(Sa) (Sa2 )S.
Theorem 169 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) (A \ B) \ C = (AB)C, for every left ideal A; every two-sided ideal
B and every left ideal C of S and B is semiprime.
(iii) (A \ B) \ C = (AB)C, for every left ideal A; every right ideal B
and every left ideal C of S and B is semiprime.
(iv) (A \ B) \ C = (AB)C, for every left ideal A; every interior ideal B
and every left ideal C of S and B is semiprime.
Proof. (i) ) (iv)
Let S be a intra-regular AG-groupoid with left identity. Let A, B and C
be left, interior and left ideal of S respectively. Now by theorem 159, A, B
and C become ideals of S. Then
Theorem 170 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) A \ B = (AB) \ (BA), for every bi-ideal A and B of S.
(iii) A \ B = (AB) \ (BA), for every bi-ideal A and every generalized
bi-ideal B of S.
(iv) A \ B = (AB) \ (BA), for every generalized bi-ideals A and B of S.
Theorem 171 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) B \ G = (BG)B; for every bi-ideal B and every quasi-ideal G.
Therefore B \ G (BG)B.
Next (BG)B (BS)B B and (BG)B (SG)S G. Therefore
(BG)B B \ G. Hence B \ G = (BG)B.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 92
(ii) =) (i)
Sa is both bi and quasi-ideal of an AG-groupoid S with left identity.
Therefore by medial law we get
a 2 Sa \ Sa = ((Sa)(Sa))(Sa) = ((SS)(aa))(Sa)
= (Sa2 )(Sa) (Sa2 )S.
Theorem 172 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) B \ I = BI(B \ I BI); for every bi-ideal B and every quasi-ideal
Proof. (i) =) (ii)
Let B and I be bi and quasi ideals of an AG-groupoid S with left identity.
Then by theorem 159, B and I become ideals of S. Now clearly BI B \I.
Next let a 2 B \ I. Now since S is intra-regular so for a there exists x; y in
S such that a = (xa2 )y. Now using left invertive law we get
Theorem 173 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity the following con-
ditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) Every left ideal of S is idempotent.
(iii) A \ B = AB; for every ideals A, B of S and A; B are semiprime.
(iv) A \ B = AB; for every ideal A, every bi-ideal B of S and A; B are
(v) A \ B = AB; for every bi-ideals A; B of S and A; B are semiprime.
(vi) The set of left ideals forms a semilattice structure.
Proof. (i) () (ii)
It is same as theorem 160.
(i) =) (v)
Let A; B are bi-ideals of an intra-regular AG-groupoid S with left iden-
tity. Then by theorem 159, A and B are ideals of S. Now clearly AB
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 93
Example 174 Let S = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5g, the binary operation \ " be de…ned
on S as follows:
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 4 4 5
2 5 4 4 4 4
3 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 2 4 4 4 4
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 94
SR = (SS)R = (RS)S RS R:
Therefore AS = S:
(viii) ) (vii) ) (vi) ) (v) are same as in [38].
(v) ) (iv)
Let A be a generalized bi-ideal of S. Let a; b 2 A, and since S is intra-
regular so there exist x, y in S such that a = xa2 y; then we have
Hence A is a bi-ideal of S.
(iv) ) (iii) is same as in [38]
(iii) ) (ii) and (ii) ) (i) are obvious.
Proof. It is an easy.
Proof. Assume that every ideal of S is prime. Let P and Q be any ideals
of S, so, P Q = P \ Q, where P \ Q is ideal of S, so is prime, therefore
P Q P \ Q; which implies that P P \ Q or Q P \ Q; which implies
that P Q or Q P . Hence S is totally ordered under inclusion.
Conversely, assume that S is totally ordered under inclusion. Let I, J
and P be any ideals of S such that IJ P . Now without loss of generality
assume that I J then
I = I 2 = II IJ P.
a 2 (Sa) (Sa) = ((Sa) (Sa)) (Sa) = ((SS) (aa)) (Sa) Sa2 (SS) = Sa2 S.
Hence S is intra-regular.
Hence S is intra-regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 100
(ii) ) (i)
Let B be a bi-ideal of an AG-groupoid S, then by (ii), medial law, para
medial law, left invertive law and (1), we get
B = (SB)2 B \ (BS)2 B = (SB)2 B = (S 2 B 2 )B = (B 2 S)B
= (BS)(BB) = B[(BS)B] B 2 .
Thus B B 2 but B 2 B. Therefore B = B 2 and hence by corollary
189, S is intra-regular.
Theorem 199 Let S be an AG -groupoid such that S = S 2 ; then the
following are equivalent
(i) S is intra-regular,
(ii) Every ideal of S is semiprime.
(ii) Every quasi-ideal of S is semiprime.
Proof. Let Q be a quasi-ideal of an intra-regular AG -groupoid S and let
a2 2 Q. Then using paramedial and medial laws we get
a = a2 ((y2 y1 )x) = (x(y2 y1 ))a2 2 QS \ SQ Q.
Therefore a 2 Q. Hence Q is semiprime.
Converse is same as (ii) =) (i) of theorem 195.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 101
Some Characterizations of
Strongly Regular AG-groupoids
In this chapter, we introduce a new class of AG-groupoids namely strongly
regular and characterize it using its ideals.
1 2 3
1 1 2 3
2 3 1 2
3 2 3 1
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 102
y = (xa)x = (ax)x = x2 a 2 SL L.
Theorem 207 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity the following are
(i) S is strongly regular,
(ii) B \ A BA and B is strongly regular AG-subgroupoid, where B is
any bi ideal and A is any subset of S.
then using left invertive law, paramedial and medial law, we get
Theorem 208 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity the following are
(i) S is strongly regular,
(ii) Q \ A QA and Q is strongly regular AG-subgroupoid, where Q is
any quasi ideal and A is any subset of S:
Thus ax 2 QS \ SQ Q.
Also a = (ax)a 2 QA. Let a 2 Q, thus a 2 S and since S is strongly
regular so there exists an x in S such that a = (ax)a and ax = xa. Let
y = (xa)x, then using left invertive law, paramedial, medial law, we get
y = (xa)x = (xa)(ex) = (xe)(ax) = a[(xe)x] 2 QS:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 105
Theorem 210 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity the following are
(i) S is strongly regular,
(ii) S is left regular, right regular and (Sa)S is a strongly regular AG-
subgroupoid, of S for every a 2 S:
(iii) For every a 2 S; we have a 2 aS and (Sa)S is a strongly regular
AG-subgroupoid, of S:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 106
a = (ax)a = (xa)a = a2 x:
This implies that S is right regular. Now using medial law and paramedial
law, we get
(iii) =) (i)
Let a 2 aS so there exists some t 2 S such that a = at, also a 2 Sa so
there exists some z 2 S such that a = za.
a = at = (za)t 2 (Sa)S;
and as (Sa)S strongly regular so there exists some x in S such that
a = (ax)a and ax = xa. So S is strongly regular.
Theorem 211 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity the following are
(i) S is strongly regular,
(ii) (Sa)S is strongly regular and S is left duo.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 107
Fuzzy Ideals in
Abel-Grassmann’s Groupoids
In this chapter we introduce the fuzzy ideals in AG-groupoids and discuss
their related properties.
A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called a fuzzy AG-subgroupoid
of S if f (xy) f (x) ^ f (y) for all x, y 2 S: A fuzzy subset f of an
AG-groupoid S is called a fuzzy left (right) ideal of S if f (xy) f (y)
(f (xy) f (x)) for all x, y 2 S. A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S
is called a fuzzy two-sided ideal of S if it is both a fuzzy left and a fuzzy
right ideal of S. A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called a fuzzy
quasi-ideal of S if f S \ S f f . A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S
is called a fuzzy generalized bi-ideal of S if f ((xa)y) f (x) ^ f (y), for all
x, a and y 2 S. A fuzzy AG-subgroupoid f of an AG-groupoid S is called a
fuzzy bi-ideal of S if f ((xa)y) f (x) ^ f (y), for all x, a and y 2 S. A fuzzy
AG-subgroupoid f of an AG-groupoid S is called a fuzzy interior ideal of
S if f ((xa)y) f (a), for all x, a and y 2 S.
Let f and g be any two fuzzy subsets of an AG-groupoid S, then the
product f g is de…ned by,
8 _
< ff (b) ^ g(c)g , if there exist b; c 2 S, such that a = bc:
(f g) (a) = a=bc
0; otherwise.
1, if x 2 A;
CA (x) =
0, if x 2
= A:
The proof of the following three lemma’s are same as in [29].
Example 219 Let S = f1; 2; 3; 4g, the binary operation " " be de…ned on
S as follows:
1 2 3 4
1 4 4 2 2
2 4 4 4 4
3 4 4 2 4
4 4 4 4 4
Then (S; ) is an AG-groupoid.
Proof. Let f be any subset of F (S), and for any a 2 S, since e is left
identity of S. So, a = ea, then we have
_ _
(S f )(a) = fS(e) ^ f (a)g = f1 ^ f (a)g = f (a):
a=ea a=ea
Now for uniqueness, suppose S and S 0 be the two left identities of F (S),
then S S 0 = S 0 , and S 0 S = S. Now by using (1), we have S = S 0 S =
(S 0 S 0 ) S = (S S 0 ) S 0 = S 0 S 0 = S 0 .
S f = (S S) f = (f S) S = f S = f.
f g = (S f ) g = (g f ) S = g f , and
(f g) h = (h g) f = (g h) f = f (g h).
Proof. Let f 0 and f be any fuzzy subsets of S and f 0 is the right inverse
of f . Then by using (1), we have
f 0 f = (S f 0 ) f = (f f 0) S = S S = S,
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 112
which implies that f 0 is left inverse of f . Now for uniqueness, let f 0 and
f be the two left inverses of f . So f 0 f = S and f 00 f = S. Now by
(iii) f (a) = f (a2 ), for all fuzzy interior ideal f of S, for all a 2 S.
Proof. (i) ) (iii)
Let f be any fuzzy interior ideal of an intra-regular AG-groupoid S. Now
for any a 2 S, there exist x, y 2 S, such that a = (xa2 )y. Then we have
f (ab) = f (ab) = f ((ab) (ab)) = f ((ba) (ba))
= f ((e (ba)) (ba)) = f ((ab) ((ba) e))
= f ((a (ba)) (be)) f (ba) = f (ba)
= f ((ba) (ba)) = f ((ab) (ab))
= f ((e (ab)) (ab)) = f ((ba) ((ab) e))
= f ((b (ab)) (ae)) f (ab):
Proof. Let n be any positive integer and f be any fuzzy interior ideal of
S, then we have
f (an ) f (an ) = f (a2n ) f (a4n ) = f (an+2 a3n 2
= f ((aan+1 )a3n 2
) f (an+1 ).
(2; 2 _q) and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
Bi-ideals of AG-groupoids
In this chapter we characterize intra-regular AG-groupoids by the proper-
ties of the lower part of (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy bi-ideals. Moreover we characterize
AG-groupoids using (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy.
Let f be a fuzzy subset of an AG-groupoid S and t 2 (0; 1]. Then xt 2 f
means f (x) t, xt qf means f (x) + t > 1, xt _ f means xt f or xt f ,
where ; denotes any one of 2; q; 2 _q; 2 ^q. xt ^ f means xt f and
xt f , xt f means xt f does not holds.
Let f and g be any two fuzzy subsets of an AG-groupoid S, then for
k 2 [0; 1); the product f 0:5 g is de…ned by,
8 _
< ff (b) ^ g(c) ^ 0:5g , if there exist b; c 2 S, such that a = bc:
(f 0:5 g) (a) = a=bc
0; otherwise.
The following de…nitions for AG-groupoids are same as for semigroups
in [56].
De…nition 250 A fuzzy subset of an AG-groupoid S is called an (2
; 2 _q)-fuzzy AG-subgroupoid of S if for all x; y 2 S and t; r 2 (0; 1], it
xt 2 , yr 2 implies that (xy)minft;rg 2 _q .
De…nition 251 A fuzzy subset of S is called an (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy left
(right) ideal of S if for all x; y 2 S and t; r 2 (0; 1], it satis…es,
xt 2 implies (yx)t 2 _q (xt 2 implies (xy)t 2 _q ).
De…nition 252 A fuzzy AG-subgroupoid f of an AG-groupoid S is called
an (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy interior ideal of S if for all x; y; z 2 S and t; r 2 (0; 1]
the following condition holds.
yt 2 f implies ((xy)z)t 2 _qf .
De…nition 253 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called an (2
; 2 _q)-fuzzy quasi-ideal of S if it satis…es, f (x) min(f CS (x); CS
f (x); 0:5), where CS is the fuzzy subset of S mapping every element of S
on 1.
De…nition 254 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called an (2; 2
_q)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal of S if xt 2 f and zr 2 f implies ((xy) z)minft;rg 2
_qf , for all x; y; z 2 S and t; r 2 (0; 1].
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 120
r = (xr2 )y 2 (SR)S R:
Therefore, R is semiprime.
Conversely, assume that R \ L = RL and R is semiprime, for any left
ideal L and right ideal R of S. We need to show that S is intra-regular. To
see this, note that for any a 2 S, Sa2 is a right ideal and Sa is a left ideal
of S. Clearly, a 2 Sa. Since Sa2 is semiprime and a2 2 Sa2 , we also have
a 2 Sa2 . Hence it follows that
1 2 3 4 5
1 4 5 1 2 3
2 3 4 5 1 2
3 2 3 4 5 1
4 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 1 2 3 4
at 2 f ) ((xa)y)t 2 _qf;
Proof. It is easy.
Now, we have
_ _
(h Cs )(a) = h(b) ^ Cs (c) = h(b) ^ 1
a=bc a=bc
h(bc) = h(a):
Theorem 278 For AG-groupoid S with left identity e; the following con-
ditions are equivalent:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 130
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) A \ B AB, for every bi-ideal B and left ideal A of S.
(iii) (f ^ g) (f g) for every (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy bi-ideal f and (2; 2 _q
)-fuzzy left ideal g of S.
(iv) (f ^ g) (f g) for every (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal f
and every (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy left ideal g of S.
Furthermore, we have
That is, (f ^ g) (f g) .
(iv) ) (iii): Straightforward.
(iii) ) (ii): Assume that S is an AG-groupoid with left identity such that
(f ^g) (f g) for every (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy bi-ideal f and (2; 2 _q )-fuzzy
left ideal g of S. Let A and B be bi-ideal and left ideal of S, respectively.
Then CA and CB are (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy bi-ideal and (2; 2 _q)-fuzzy left ideal
of S. Thus by hypothesis we get
Note. It is obvious from (2) that the results for intra-regular AG-groupoid
with left identity is signi…cantly di¤erent from those of semigroups and
The characteristic function CA for a subset A of an AG-groupoid S is
de…ned by
1, if x 2 A;
CA (x) =
0, if x 2
= A:
A fuzzy subset f of S is called an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy subgroupoid of S if
for all x; y 2 S and t; r 2 (0; 1] the following condition holds.
xt 2 f and yr 2 f implies that (xy)minft;rg 2 _qk f:
A fuzzy subset f of S is called an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left(right) ideal of S
if for all x; y 2 S and t; r 2 (0; 1] the following condition holds.
yt 2 f implies that (xy)t 2 _qk f (yt 2 f implies that (yx)t 2 _qk f ) :
A fuzzy subset f of S is called an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy two sided ideal of S
if it is both (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy right ideal of S.
A fuzzy subset f of S is called an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal of S if for all
x; y; z 2 S and t; r 2 (0; 1] the following condition holds.
xt 2 f and zr 2 f implies that ((xy) z)minft;rg 2 _qk f:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 133
8 _
< 1 k
f (b) ^ g(c) ^ , if there exist b; c 2 S, such that a = bc:
(f k g) (a) = 2
: a=bc
0; otherwise.
Example 285 Let S = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g, and the binary operation " " be
de…ned on S as follows.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 5 6 3 4
4 1 1 4 5 6 3
5 1 1 3 4 5 6
6 1 1 6 3 4 5
Clearly 1 = (1 12 ) 1; 2 = (2 22 ) 2; = 3(3 32 ) 5; 4 = (6 42 ) 3; 5 =
(5 52 ) 5; 6 = (4 62 ) 3. Clearly f1g ; f1; 2g; f1; 2; 3g ; f1; 2; 3; 4g ; f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; g
and f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g are ideal of S. De…ne a fuzzy subset f : S ! [0; 1] as
follows: 8
> 0:9 for x = 1
> 0:8 for x = 2
0:5 for x = 3
f (x) =
> 0:5 for x = 4
> 0:5 for x = 5
0:5 for x = 6
Then, clearly f is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal of S.
Theorem 286 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity, the following are
(i) S is intra-regular. (ii) For bi-ideals B1 and B2 of S, B1 \ B2 =
(B1 B2 )B1 . (iii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideals f and g of S; f ^k g
(f k g) k f . (iv) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals f and g of
S; f ^k g (f k g) k f .
Proof. (i) =) (iv) : Let f and g be (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals
of an intra-regular AG-groupoid S. Since S is intra-regular therefore for
a 2 S there exists x; y 2 S such that a = xa2 y. Now, by using left
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 135
((f k g) k f )(a)
_ 1 k
= (f k g)(p) ^ f (q) ^
( ) !
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= f (u) ^ g(v) ^ ^ f (q) ^
a=pq p=uv
2 2
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ f (q) ^
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ f (q) ^
a=(((a((x(y 2 x2 ))y))a)a)a=(uv)q
1 k
f (a((x(y 2 x2 ))y)))a) ^ g (a) ^ f (a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ ^ g(a) ^ f (a) ^
2 2
1 k
= ff (a) ^ g(a)g ^ f (a) ^
1 k
= f (a) ^ g(a) ^ f (a) ^
1 k
= (f ^ g) (a) ^ = (f ^k g) (a) :
So, f ^k g (f k g) k f .
(iv) =) (iii) : is obvious.
(iii) =) (ii) : Assume that B1 and B2 are bi-ideals of S. Then (CB1 )k
and (CB2 )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideals. Thus we have, (CB1 \B2 )k =
(CB1 ^k CB2 ) (CB1 k CB2 ) k CB1 = (C(B1 B2 )B1 )k : Hence, B1 \ B2
(B1 B2 )B1 :
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 136
Hence, S is intra-regular.
Theorem 287 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity; the following are
(i) S is intra-regular. (ii) For left ideals, L1 ; L2 of S; L1 \ L2 L1 L2 \
L2 L1 : (iii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideals, f; g of S; f ^k g f k g ^g k f .
Proof. (i) =) (iii) : Let f and g be (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideals of an intra-
regular AG-groupoid S respectively. Since S is intra-regular therefore for
a 2 S there exists x; y 2 S such that a = xa2 y. Now, using left invertive
law we get,
a = xa2 y = (x (aa)) y = (a (xa)) y = (y (xa)) a. Therefore,
_ 1 k
(f k g) (a) = f (p) ^ g (q) ^
_ 1 k
= f (p) ^ g (q) ^
1 k
f (y (xa)) ^ g (a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ ^ g (a) ^
2 2
1 k
= f (a) ^ g (a) ^ = (f ^k g) (a) :
Thus, f ^k g f k g. Similarly, we can show that f ^k g g k f . Thus,
we have f ^k g f k g \ g k f:
(iii) =) (ii) : Assume that L1 and L2 be any left ideals of S. Then,
(CL1 )k and (CL2 )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideals of S therefore, we have,
Hence, S is intra-regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 137
Theorem 288 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity; the following are
(i) S is intra-regular. (ii) For bi-ideal B, right ideal R ,and left ideal
L of S; B \ R \ L (BR)L and R is semiprime. (iii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
bi-ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy right ideal g, and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal h of
S; (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h and g is (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy semiprime. (iv)
For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy interior ideal g, and (2; 2
_qk )-fuzzy left ideal h of S; (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h and g is (2; 2 _qk )-
fuzzy semiprime. (v) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-
fuzzy generalized interior ideal g, and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal h of S;
(f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h and g is (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy semiprime.
Proof. (i) =) (v) : Let f ,g; h are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi, fuzzy
generalized interior and fuzzy left ideals of an intra-regular AG-groupoid S
respectively. Now, as S is an intra-regular AG-groupoid so for a 2 S there
exists x; y 2 S such that using left invertive law we get,
a = xa2 y = (x (aa))y = (a(xa))y = a x( xa2 y ) y
= a xa2 (xy) y = y xa2 (xy) a = (y ((x(aa)) (xy))) a
= (y ((a(xa)) (xy))) a = ((a (xa)) (y (xy))) a = (((y (xy)) (xa))a)a
= (aa) ((y(xy)) (xa)) :
((f k g) k h) (a)
_ 1 k
= (f k g) (p) ^ h (q) ^
( ! )
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= (f (u) ^ g (v)) ^ ^ h (q) ^
a=pq p=uv
2 2
_ 1 k
= (f (u) ^ g (v)) ^ h (q) ^
_ 1 k
= (f (u) ^ g (v)) ^ h (q) ^
(f (a) ^ g (a)) ^ h((y(xy)) (xa)) ^
1 k 1 k
= (f (a) ^ g (a)) ^ h(a) ^ ^
2 2
1 k
(f (a) ^ g (a)) ^ h(a) ^
= ((f ^k g) ^k h) (a) :
Thus, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h. As given that S is intra-regular so
for a 2 S there exists x; y 2 S such that a = xa2 y: This implies that
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 138
g (a) = g xa2 y g a2 :
(v) =) (iv) =) (iii) : are obvious.
(iii) =) (ii) : Assume that B be any bi, R be right and L be left ideal of
S respectively. Now (CB )k , (CR )k and (CL )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi, right
and left ideals of S respectively. Now, by (iii) (CR )k is fuzzy semiprime.
Therefore R is semiprime. Thus we have
(C(B\R)\L )k = (CB ^k CR ) ^k CL (CB k CR ) k CL = (C(BR)L )k :
Hence, (B \ R) \ L (BR)L:
(ii) =) (i) : We know that Sa is both bi and left ideal and Sa2 right
ideal of S containing a and a2 , respectively. And by (ii) Sa2 is semiprime.
So„a 2 Sa2 : Thus, using (ii) ; medial law we have,
a 2 Sa \ Sa2 \ Sa ( Sa)(Sa2 )Sa = ( Sa)S)((Sa2 )S
= ( SS)S)((Sa2 )S = SS)((Sa2 )S = S((Sa2 )S
= (Sa2 )(SS) = (Sa2 )S:
Hence, S is intra-regular.
1 2 3
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 3
3 1 2 1
It is easy to check that f1; 2g is the quasi-ideal of S. Clearly S is regular
because 1 = 1 1, 2 = (2 3) 2 and 3 = (3 2) 3. Let us de…ne a fuzzy
subset f on8 S as follows:
< 0:9 for x = 1
f (x) = 0:8 for x = 2
0:6 for x = 3
Then clearly f is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal of S.
Theorem 294 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For bi-ideal B, ideal I and left ideal L of S; B \ I \ L (BI) L:
(iii) B [a] \ I [a] \ L [a] (B [a] I [a]) L [a] ; for some a in S:
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 295 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2; 2
_qk )-fuzzy left ideal h of S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
(iii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g,
and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal h of S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
law we have,
(a [ Sa) \ (a [ Sa [ aS) \ (a [ (Sa \ aS))
((a [ Sa) (a [ Sa [ aS))
(a [ (Sa \ aS))
f(a [ Sa) Sg (a [ aS)
= faS [ (Sa) Sg (a [ aS)
= (aS) (a [ aS)
= (aS) a [ (aS) (aS)
= (aS) a [ a2 S:
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 297 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2; 2
_qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal h of S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
Proof. (i) ) (ii)
Assume that f , g and h are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal, (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of a regular AG-groupoid S, respec-
tively. Now since S is regular so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that using
left invertive law; we have, a = (ax) a = (((ax) a) x) a = ((xa) (ax)) a =
(a ((xa) x)) a. Thus,
((f k g) k h)(a)
_ 1 k
= (f k g)(p) ^ h(q) ^
( ) !
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= f (u) ^ g(v) ^ ^ h(q) ^
a=pq p=uv
2 2
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
1 k
ff (a) ^ g ((xa) x)g ^ h(a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ g(a) ^ ^ h(a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
= ff (a) ^ g (a) ^ g ^ h (a) ^
2 2
= ((f ^k g) ^k h) (a) :
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 143
Therefore (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h:
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that L, I and Q are left ideal, ideal and quasi-ideal of S re-
spectively. Thus (CL )k , (CI )k and (CQ )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal,
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of S respectively.
Therefore we have, (CL\I[Q )k = (CL ^k CI ) ^k CQ (CL k CI ) k CQ =
(C(LI)Q )k = (C(LI)Q )k : Therefore L \ I \ Q (LI) Q: Hence S is regular.
Theorem 298 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For bi-ideal B, ideal I and quasi-ideal Q of S; B \ I \ Q (BI) Q.
(iii) B [a] \ I [a] \ Q [a] (B [a] I [a]) Q [a] ; for some a in S.
Proof. (i) ) (ii)
Assume that B, I and Q are bi-ideal, ideal and quasi-ideal of regular AG-
groupoid S. Let a 2 B \ I \ Q: This implies that a 2 B; a 2 I and a 2 Q:
Now since S is regular so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that using left
invertive law and (1) ; we have, a = (ax) a = (((ax) a) x) a = ((xa) (ax)) a =
(a ((xa) x)) a 2 (B ((SI) S)) Q (BI) Q: Thus B \ I \ Q (BI) Q:
(ii) ) (iii) is obvious.
(iii) ) (i)
Since B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a; I [a] = a [ Sa [ aS and Q [a] = a [
(Sa \ aS) are principle bi-ideal, principle ideal and principle quasi-ideal of
S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii) and medial law and left invertive
law we have,
a [ a2 [ (aS) a \ (a [ Sa [ aS) \ (a [ (Sa \ aS))
( a [ a2 [ (aS) a (a [ Sa
[aS)) (a [ (Sa \ aS))
(S(a [ Sa [ aS)) (a [ aS)
= (Sa [ S (Sa) [ S (aS)) (a [ aS)
= (Sa [ S (Sa) [ S (aS)) (a [ aS)
= (aS [ Sa) (a [ aS)
= (aS) a [ (aS) (aS) [ (Sa) a [ (Sa) (aS)
= (aS) a [ a2 S [ a (aS) :
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 299 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2; 2
_qk )-fuzzy quasi ideal h of S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 144
(iii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal f , (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g,
and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi ideal h of S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
((f k g) k h)(a)
_ 1 k
= (f k g)(p) ^ h(q) ^
( ) !
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= f (u) ^ g(v) ^ ^ h(q) ^
a=pq p=uv
2 2
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
1 k
ff (a) ^ g ((xa) x)g ^ h(a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ g(a) ^ ^ h(a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
= ff (a) ^ g (a) ^ g ^ h (a) ^
2 2
= ((f ^k g) ^k h) (a) :
Therefore (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that B, I and Q be bi-ideal, ideal and quasi-ideal of S re-
spectively. Then (CB )k , (CI )k and (CQ )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal,
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of S respectively.
Therefore we have, (CB\I[Q )k = (CB ^k CI ) ^k CQ (CB k CI ) k CQ =
(C(BI)Q )k = (C(BI)Q )k : Therefore B \ I \ Q (BI) Q: Hence S is regular.
Theorem 300 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For an ideals I1 ; I2 and I3 of S, I1 \ I2 \ I3 (I1 I2 ) I3 .
(iii) I [a] \ I [a] \ I [a] (I [a] I [a]) I [a] ; for some a in S:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 145
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 301 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For quasi-ideals Q1 ; Q2 and ideal I of S; Q1 \ I \ Q2 (Q1 I) Q2 .
(iii) Q [a] \ I [a] \ Q [a] (Q [a] I [a]) Q [a] ; for some a in S.
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 302 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideals f; h, and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g,
of S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
Proof. (i) ) (ii)
Assume that f , h are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal and g is (2; 2 _qk )-
fuzzy ideal of a regular AG-groupoid S, respectively. Now since S is regular
so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that using left invertive law; we
have, a = (ax) a = (((ax) a) x) a = ((xa) (ax)) a = (a ((xa) x)) a. Thus,
((f k g) k h)(a)
_ 1 k
= (f k g)(p) ^ h(q) ^
( ) !
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= f (u) ^ g(v) ^ ^ h(q) ^
a=pq p=uv
2 2
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
1 k
ff (a) ^ g ((xa) x)g ^ h(a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ g(a) ^ ^ h(a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
= ff (a) ^ g (a) ^ g ^ h (a) ^
2 2
= ((f ^k g) ^k h) (a) :
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 147
Therefore (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h:
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that Q1 and Q2 are quasi-ideals and I is an ideal of S respec-
tively. Thus (CQ1 )k , (CI )k and (CQ2 )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal,
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of S respectively.
Therefore we have,
(CQ1 \I[Q2 )k = (CQ1 ^k CI ) ^k CQ2 (CQ1 k CL ) k CQ2
= (C(Q1 I)Q2 )k = (C(Q1 I)Q2 )k :
Therefore Q1 \ I \ Q2 (Q1 I) Q2 : Hence S is regular.
Theorem 303 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For bi-ideal B; B = (BS) B.
(iii) For generalized bi-ideal B; B = (BS) B.
Proof. (i) ) (iii)
Assume that B is generalized bi-ideal of a regular AG-groupoid S: Clearly
(BS) B B: Let b 2 B: Since S is regular so for b 2 S there exist x 2 S
such that b = (bx) b 2 (BS) B: Thus B = (BS) B:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
Since I [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a is a principle bi-ideal of S generated by a
respectively. Thus by (ii), we have,
a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= a [ a2 [ (aS) a S a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= f aS [ a2 S [ ((aS) a) S a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= aS [ a2 S [ a (aS) a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= (aS) a [ (aS) a2 [ (aS) ((aS) a)
[ a2 S a [ a2 S a2 [ a2 S ((aS) a)
[ (a (aS)) a [ (a (aS)) a2 [ (a (aS)) ((aS) a)
= (aS) a [ a2 S [ (aS) a [ a2 S [ a2 S [ a2 S
[ (aS) a [ (aS) a [ (aS) a
= a2 S [ (aS) a:
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 304 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , of S, fk = (f k S) k f .
(iii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal f , of S, fk = (f k S) k f .
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 148
((f k S) k f )(b)
_ 1 k
= (f k S)(p) ^ f (q) ^
( ) !
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= f (u) ^ S(v) ^ ^ f (q) ^
2 2
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ S(v)g ^ f (q) ^
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ S(v)g ^ f (q) ^
1 k
ff (b) ^ S (x)g ^ f (b) ^
1 k
f (b) ^ 1 ^ f (b) ^
1 k
= f (b) ^ = fk (b) :
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 149
((f k S) k f )(b)
_ 1 k
= (f k S)(p) ^ f (q) ^
( ) !
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= f (u) ^ S(v) ^ ^ f (q) ^
2 2
( ) !
_ _ 1 k
= f (u) ^ 1 ^ f (q) ^
_ _ 1 k
= f (u) ^ f (q) ^
( )
_ _ 1 k
= f (u) ^ f (q) ^
_ 1 k
f ((uv)q) ^
1 k
= f (b) ^ = fk (b) :
This implies that (f k S) k f fk : Thus (f k S) k f = fk :
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that B is a bi-ideal of S. Then (CB )k , is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-
ideal of S. Therefore by by (ii) and, we have, (CB )k = (CB k CS ) k CB =
(C(BS)B )k : Therefore B = (BS) B: Hence S is regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 151
Interval Valued Fuzzy Ideals of
In this chapter we discuss interval valued fuzzy ideals of AG-groupoids.
8.1 Basics
De…nition 305 An interval value fuzzy subset fe on AG-groupoid is called
an interval value (2; 2; _qk) fuzzy AG-subgroupiod of S if xet 2 fe and yse 2 fe
this implies that (xy)minft~;~sg 2 _qk fe for all x; y 2 S and t~; s~ 2 D[0; 1]:
Lemma 309 If L is a left ideal if and only if (Cl )k is (2; 2 _qk ) fuzzy left
ideal of S:
Proof. (i) Let x 2 L and s 2 S this implies that xs 2 L now by de…nition
we have (CL )k (x) [1; 1] and (CL )(xs) [1; 1] therefore
1 k
(CL )k (xs) minf(CL )k (x); g
(ii)If x 2
= L and s 2 S This implies that xs 2 = L. Then by de…nition we
have (CL )k (x) [0; 0] and (CL )k (xs) [0; 0]
1 k
(CL )k (xs) minf(CL )k (x); g:
Conversely let x 2 L; y 2 S Now we have to prove that xy 2 L Then by
de…nition we get (CL )k (x) [1; 1] and now we get
1 k 1 k 1 k
(CL )k (xy) f(CL )k (x); g f[1; 1]; g ;
2 2 2
so we have
1 k
(CL )k (xy) :
This implies that xy 2 L:
Theorem 310 An interval valued fuzzy subset fe of an AG-groupiod S is
an interval value (2; 2 _qk ) fuzzy left ideal if and if
1 k
fe(xy) minffe(y); g:
Proof. Let x; y 2 S and t~; s~ 2 D[0; 1]. Let fe be an (2; 2 _qk ) fuzzy AG-
groupiod of S on contrary we assume that x; y 2 S Such that fe(xy) fe(y)
we choose t~ 2 D[0; 1] such that
1 k
fe(xy) < t~ minffe(y); g:
Then we have fe(y) t~ This implies that yt~ 2 fe and fe(xy) < t~. This implies
that (xy)t~ 2 _qk fe but this is contradiction due to our wrong supposition
1 k
fe(xy) minffe(y); g:
e Now by de…nition we
Conversely let x; y 2 S and t~; s~ 2 D[0; 1] and yt~ 2 f:
1 k
fe(xy) minft~; g:
Here we consider two cases:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 153
This implies that (xy)t~ 2 qk fe. From both cases we have to prove (xy)t~ 2
_qk fe
Proof. Assume that fe is an (2; 2 _qk ) fuzzy left ideal of S: Let us consider
y 2 U ( fe; t~) then fe(y) t~. Then we write fe(xy) minf fe(y); 1 2 k g
minft~; 2 g t~ this implies that fe(xy) t~; this implies that xy 2 U ( fe; t~):
1 k
Proof. (i) =) (iii) Assume that S is intra regular AG-groupiod and fe and
g~ are interval-valued (2; 2 _qk ) fuzzy left and interval-valued (2; 2 _qk )
be any fuzzy subset of S: Since S is intra regular therefore for any a in S
Then their exist x; y 2 S such that
1 k
(fe k g~)(a) = _a=uv (fe(u) ^ g~(v) ^ )
1 k 1 k
ffe(y(xa) ^ g~(a) ^ g^
2 2
1 k 1 k
ffe(xa) ^ g~(a) ^ g^
2 2
1 k
fe(a) ^ g~(a) ^
1 k
= (fe ^ g~)(a) ^
= (fe ^k g~)(a):
1 k
(fe k g~)(a) = _a=uv (fe(u) ^ g~(v)) ^
k 1
1 k
ffe(a) ^ g~((x2 y 2 )a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
ffe(a) ^ g~(a) ^ g^
2 2
e 1 k
= (f ^ g~)(a) ^
= fe ^k g~(a)
fe ^k g~ fe k g~:
(iii) =) (ii) Now let us assume that I be any subset of S and L be any
left ideal of S: Now (CI )k and (CL )k are the (2; 2 _qk ) fuzzy subset and
(2; 2 _qk ) fuzzy left ideal of S: Therefore
Proof. Assume that fe is an interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy semi prime
so let xe2t 2 fe. This implies that fe(x2 ) t~ Therefore we have fe(x) f
e 2 1 k ~ e ~
f (x ); 2 g = t so f (x) t This implies that xt~ 2 f : e
Conversely let us assume that fe(x) < minf fe(x2 ); 1 2 k g; for all x 2 S:
Then we choose t~ 2 (0; 1]. Now let us assume that fe(x) < t~ minf
fe(x); 1 2 k g then we have fe(x) < t~: This implies that fe(x) + t~ + k < [1; 1]:
Further implies that xet 2 _qk fe and then minf fe(x2 ); 1 2 k g t~ here we
consider fe(x2 ) t~. This implies that x2 2 fe or x2 2 _qk fe. But this implies
t e
that xet 2 _qk fe: This contradiction arises due to our wrong supposition thus
we have …nal result fe(x) minf fe(x2 ); 1 2 k g:
Example 315 Let S = f1; 2; 3g, and the binary operation “ ”be de…ne on
S as follows:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 156
1 2 3
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 2 1
1 2 3
1 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
3 1 2 2
Theorem 317 Let S be an AG -groupiod with left identity then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra regular.
(ii) For any left ideal L and for any subset A of S so A \ L (AL)A:
(iii) For every interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy subset fe and every in-
terval valued (2; 2 _qk ) -fuzzy left ideal g of S then fe ^k ge ( fe k ge) k
Proof. (i) =) (iii) Let fe be the interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy subset
and ge be the interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of an intra regular
AG-groupoid S with left identity then for any a in S their exist x,y 2 S
such that so we use medial law and paramedial law and (ab)c = b(ac)
( fe k ge) k fe(a)
_ 1 k 1 k
= (( fe ge)(u)) ^ fe(v) ^ )^
2 2
1 k 1 k
(( fe ge)(a(y 2 x2 )a) ^ fe(a) ^ )^
2 2
1 k 1 k
= (_a((y2 x2 )a)=pq ( fe(p) ^ ge(q)) ^ fe(a) ^ )^
2 2
1 k 1 k
(( fe(a) ^ ge(y 2 x2 )a) ^ fe(a) ^ )^
2 2
1 k 1 k
( fe(a) ^ ge(a)) ^ fe(a) ^ )^
2 2
= ( fe ^k ge)(a) so we have
( fe ^k ge) ( fe k ge) k fe:
(iii) =) (ii) Let A be any subset and L be the left ideal of S then we get
(CA )k are interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy subset and (CL )k are interval
valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of S then we get
Hence(A \ L) (AL)A:
(ii) =) (i) Since a is any subset and Sa be the left ideal containing a
so we get the result
Theorem 318 Let S be an AG-groupiod with left identity then the follow-
ing condition are equivalent.
(i) S is intra regular.
(ii) A \ B AB, for every two sided A and for every bi-ideal B of S:
(iii) For every interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy two sided fe and for every
interval value (2; 2 _qk ) -fuzzy bi-ideal ge then fe ^k ge fe k ge:
Proof. (i) =) (iii) Let us assume that S is intra regular AG-groupoid and
fe be interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy two sided and ge be interval valued (2
; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal of S. Since S is intra regular AG-groupoid therefore
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 158
(CA\B )k = CA k CB CA k CB (CAB )k :
Hence A \ B AB:
(ii) =) (i) Sa is bi-ideal of an AG-groupoid S containing a and
fag [ fa2 g [ (aS)a is an ideal of S then we get
(ii) =) (i) Let Q and L are the quasi and left ideal of S. Now
Theorem 320 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity then the follow-
ing condition are equivalent.
(i) S is intra regular.
(ii) (L1 \ L2 ) \ Q (L1 L2 )Q,L are the fuzzy left ideal and Q are the
fuzzy quasi ideal of S:
(iii) (fe ^k ge) ^k e
h (fe k ge) k e
h; for all interval valued (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
left ideals fe and ge and quasi ideal e
h of S:
((fe k ge) k
_ 1 k
= (fe k ge)(u) ^ e
h(v) ^
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= ( fe(p) ^ ge(q) ^ )^e
h(v) ^
a=uv u=pq
2 2
_ 1 k 1 k
= (fe(p) ^ ge(q) ^ )^e
h(v) ^
2 2
_ 1 k 1 k
= (fe(p) ^ ge(q) ^ )^e
h(v) ^
2 2
((a(y 2 x))(ax)a
1 k 1 k
(fe(a) ^ fe(a) ^ ge(a) ^ )^e
h(a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
((fe(a) ^ ) ^ ge(a)) ^ e
h(a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
= (fe(a) ^ fe(a) ^ )^e
h(a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
= (fe(a) ^ ge(a) ^ )^e
h(a) ^
2 2
1 k
= ((fe ^k ge)(a) ^k e
h(a) ^
1 k
= ((fe ^k ge)(a) ^k e
h(a) ^
1 k
= ((fe ^k ge)(a) ^k e
h(a) ^ :
Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of
Abel-Grassmann’s Groupoids
In this chapter we characterize a Abel-Grassmann’s groupoid in terms of
its (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideals.
maxff (xy); g minff (y); g (respt maxff (xy); g minff (x); g).
Then maxff (xy); g < t this implies that (xy)t 2 f which further
implies that (xy)t 2 _q f . As minff (y); g t > which implies that
f (y) t > , this implies that yt 2 f . But (xy)t 2 _q f a contradiction
to the de…nition. Thus
Then maxff ((xy)z); g < t which implies that f ((xy)z) < t this im-
plies that ((xy)z)t 2 f which further implies that ((xy)z)t 2 _q f . Also
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 166
minff (x); f (z); g t > ; this implies that f (x) t > , f (z) t >
implies that xt 2 f , zt 2 f . But ((xy)z)t 2 _q f; a contradiction. Hence
Theorem 334 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) B [a] \ I [a] \ L [a] (B [a] I [a]) L [a] ; for some a in S:
(iii) For bi-ideal B, ideal I and left ideal L of S; B \ I \ L (BI) L:
(iv) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal h of S.
(v) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized
bi-ideal f , (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal h of
(vi) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized
bi-ideal f , (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy right ideal g, and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal
h of S:
Thus f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h:
(vi) =) (v) is obvious.
(v) =) (iv) is obvious.
(iv) =) (iii)
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 168
Assume that B, I and L are bi-ideal, ideal and left ideal of S respectively.
Then B ; I and L are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi-ideal, (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy
ideal and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal of S respectively. Therefore we have,
(B\I\L) = ( ; ) B \ I \ L _q( ; )( B I) L
= ( ; )( BI ) L =( ; ) (BI)L :
Therefore B \ I \ L (BI) L:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a; I [a] = a [ Sa [ aS and L [a] = a [ Sa are
principle bi-ideal, principle ideal and principle left ideal of S generated by
a respectively. Thus by (ii), left invertive law, paramedial law and using
law a(bc) = b(ac): we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 335 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) L [a] \ I [a] \ Q [a] (L [a] I [a]) Q [a] ; for some a in S:.
(iii) For left ideal L, ideal I and quasi-ideal Q of S; L \ I \ Q (LI) Q
(iv) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal f , (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi- ideal h of S.
(v) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal f , (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy right ideal g, and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi- ideal h of S.
Hence f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h:
(v) ) (iv) is obvious.
(iv) ) (iii)
Assume that L, I and Q are left ideal, ideal and quasi-ideal of S re-
spectively. Then B ; I and L are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal, (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of S respectively.
Therefore we have,
(L\I\Q) = ( ; ) L \ I \ Q _q( ; )( L I) Q
= ( ; )( LI ) Q =( ; ) (LI)Q :
Therefore L \ I \ Q (LI) Q:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
L [a] = a [ Sa, I [a] = a [ Sa [ aS and Q [a] = a [ (Sa \ aS) are left
ideal, ideal and quasi-ideal of S generated a respectively. Thus by (iii) and
medial law we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 170
Theorem 336 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) B [a] \ I [a] \ Q [a] (B [a] I [a]) Q [a] ; for some a in S.
(iii) For bi-ideal B, ideal I and quasi-ideal Q of S; B \ I \ Q (BI) Q.
(iv) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal h of S:
(v) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized
bi-ideal f , (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal g, and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal h
of S:
Proof. (i) ) (v)
Assume that f , g and h are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal, (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of a regular AG-
groupoid S, respectively. Now since S is regular so for a 2 S there exist
x 2 S such that using left invertive law and also using law a(bc) = b(ac);
we have,
a = (ax) a = (((ax) a) x) a = ((xa) (ax)) a = [af(xa) xg]a:
max f((f g) h)(a); g
( )
= max f(f g)(b) ^ h(c)g ;
maxf(f g)[af(xa) xg] ^ h(a); g
= maxf (f (p) ^ g(q)) ^ h(a); g
(B\I\Q) = ( ; ) L \ I \ Q _q( ; )( B I) Q
= ( ; )( BI ) Q =( ; ) (BI)Q :
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 171
Therefore B \ I \ Q (BI) Q:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
Since B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a; I [a] = a [ Sa [ aS and Q [a] = a [
(Sa \ aS) are principle bi-ideal, principle ideal and principle quasi-ideal of
S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii) and using law a(bc) = b(ac)
medial law and left invertive law we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 337 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) I [a] \ I [a] \ I [a] (I [a] I [a]) I [a] ; for some a in S:
(iii) For an ideals I1 ; I2 and I3 of S, I1 \ I2 \ I3 (I1 I2 ) I3 .
(iv) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideals f ,g
and h of S.
Thus f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h:
(iv) ) (iii)
Assume that I1 , I2 and I3 are any ideals of regular AG-groupioud of S
respectively. Then I1 ; I2 and I3 are any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideals of
S respectively. Therefore we have,
= ( ; )( I1 I2 ) I3 =( ; ) (I1 I2 )I3 :
Therefore I1 \ I2 \ I3 (I1 I2 ) I3 :
(ii) ) (iii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
Since I [a] = a [ Sa [ aS is a principle ideal of S generated by a. Thus
by (ii), left invertive law, medial law and paramedial law we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 173
Theorem 338 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) Q [a] \ I [a] \ Q [a] (Q [a] I [a]) Q [a] ; for some a in S.
(iii) For quasi-ideals Q1 ; Q2 and ideal I of S; Q1 \ I \ Q2 (Q1 I) Q2 .
(iv) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideals f
and h, (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal g of S.
Thus f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h:
(iv) ) (iii)
Assume that Q1 and Q2 are quasi-ideals and I is an ideal of a regular
AG-groupoid S. Then Q1 and Q2 are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal,
I is (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal of S. Therefore we have,
= ( ; )( Q1 I ) Q2 =( ; ) (Q1 I)Q2 :
Thus Q1 \ I \ Q2 (Q1 I) Q2 .
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 174
Q [a] = a[(Sa \ aS) and I [a] = a[Sa[aS are principle quasi-ideal and
principle ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (iii), left invertive
law, medial law and we have,
(a [ (Sa \ aS)) \ (a [ Sa [ aS) \ (a [ (Sa \ aS))
((a [ (Sa \ aS)) (a [ Sa [ aS))
(a [ (Sa \ aS))
f(a [ aS) Sg (a \ aS)
= faS [ (aS) Sg (a \ aS)
= (aS [ Sa) (a \ aS)
= f(aS) a [ (aS) (aS) [ (Sa) a [ (Sa) aSa
= (aS) a [ a2 S [ a (aS) :
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 339 For an AG-groupoid S with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii)For principle bi-ideal B[a]; B[a] = (B[a]S) B[a].
(iii)For bi-ideal B; B = (BS) B.
(iv) For generalized bi-ideal B; B = (BS) B.
(v) For (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , of S f =( ; ) (f S) f:
(vi) For (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal f , of S, f =( ; ) (f S) f:
Proof. (i) ) (vi)
Assume that f is (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal of a regular
AG-groupoid S. Since S is regular so for b 2 S there exist x 2 S such that
b = (bx) b. Therefore we have,
max f((f S) f )(b); g
8 9
<_ =
= max f(f S)(x) ^ f (y)g ;
: ;
Hence f =( ; ) (f S) f:
(vi) ) (v) is obvious.
(v) ) (iv)
Assume that B is a bi-ideal of S. Then B , is an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy
bi-ideal of S. Therefore we have,
B = ( ; )( B S) B
= ( ; )( BS ) B =( ; ) (BS)B :
Therefore B = (BS) B:
(iv) ) (iii) is obvious.
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
Since B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a is a principle bi-ideal of S generated by a
respectively. Thus by (ii), we have,
a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= [fa [ a2 [ (aS) agS] a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= [aS [ a2 S [ f(aS) agS] a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= aS [ a2 S [ a (aS) a [ a2 [ (aS) a
= (aS) a [ (aS) a2 [ (aS) ((aS) a)
[ a2 S a [ a2 S a2 [ a2 S ((aS) a)
[ (a (aS)) a [ (a (aS)) a2 [ (a (aS)) ((aS) a)
= (aS) a [ a2 S [ (aS) a [ a2 S [ a2 S [ a2 S
[ (aS) a [ (aS) a [ (aS) a
= a2 S [ (aS) a:
Hence S is regular
Theorem 340 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) B[a] \ Q [a] (B [a] S) Q [a] ; for some a in S.
(iii) For bi-ideal B and quasi-ideal Q of S; B \ Q (BS) Q.
(iv) f \ g _q( ; ) (f S) g: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi-ideal f , and
(2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal g of S:
(v) f \ g _q( ; ) (f S) g: for (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal
f and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal g of S:
Proof. (i) ) (v)
Assume that f and g are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal and (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of a regular AG-groupoid S, respectively. Now
since S is regular so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that using left invertive
law and also using law a(bc) = b(ac); we have, a = (ax) a = [f(ax) agx]a:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 176
Thus f \ g _q( ; ) (f S) g
(v) ) (iv) is obvious.
(iv) ) (iii)
Assume that B and Q are bi-ideal and quasi-ideal of regular AG-groupioud
of S respectively. Then B and Q are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi-ideal and
(2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of S respectively. Therefore we have,
(B\Q) = ( ; ) B \ S \ Q _q( ; )( B S) Q
= ( ; )( BS ) Q =( ; ) (BS)Q :
Therefore B \ Q (BS) Q:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
Since B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a and Q [a] = a [ (Sa \ aS) are principle
bi-ideal and principle quasi-ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by
(ii) ; law a(bc) = b(ac); medial law and left invertive law we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 177
Then, we have
Proof. It is easy.
Proof. (i) Using left invertive law, paramedial law, medial law and 1 we
(ii) now using paramedial and medial laws, and using (i) of this lemma
we get:
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 178
Sa2 = (SS)a2 = (a2 S)S = f(a2 )(SS)gS = f(SS)(a2 )gS = (Sa2 )S.
Proof. It is easy.
maxf(f X S ) g(a); g
" #
= max (f X S )(b) ^ g(c) ;
max (f X S )(a(ax)) ^ g(xa);
= max min (f X S )(a(ax)); g(xa) ;
2 8 9 3
< _ =
= max 4min f(f (p) ^ X S (q)g; g(xa) ; 5
: ;
Thus f \ g _q( ; ) (f X S ) g.
(iv) =) (iii) Let B and L are bi and left ideals of S. Then X B and X L
are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi and left ideals of S. Now by (iv)
X B\L = X B \X L _q( ; ) (X B X S) X L
= ( ; )
_ q( ; ) (X BS ) X L =( ; )
_q( ; ) X (BS)L .
Thus B \ L (BS)L.
(iii) =) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i) Using left invertive law, paramedial law, medial law, we get
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 349 If S is an AG-groupoid with left identity then the following
are equivalent
(i) S is regular,
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 180
maxf(f X S ) g(a); g
" #
= max (f X S )(b) ^ g(c) ;
" #
= max (f X S )(ae) ^ g(xa) ;
max (f X S )(ae) ^ g(xa) ;
= max min (f X S )(ae); g(xa) ;
" ( ) #
= max min ( f (p) ^ X S (q); g(xa) ;
Thus f \ g _q( ; ) (f X S ) g.
(iv) =) (iii) Let I and L are ideal and left ideal of S respectively. Then
X I and X L are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy ideal and left ideal of S respectively.
Now by (iv)
X I\L = X I \X L _q( ; ) (X I X S) X L
= ( ; )
_ q( ; ) (X IS ) X L =( ; )
_q( ; ) X (IS)L .
Thus I \ L (IS)L.
(iii) =) (ii) is obvious.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 181
(ii) =) (i) Using left invertive law, paramedial law, medial law, we get
Hence S is regular.
Thus B (BS)(SB).
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 182
Thus f \ g _q( ; ) (f X S) g.
(iv) =) (iii) Let L and B are ideal and left ideal of S respectively. Then
X L and X B are (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal and bi-ideal of S respectively.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 183
Now by (iv)
X L\B = X L \X B _q( ; ) (X L X S) X B
= ( ; )
_ q( ; ) (X LS ) X B =( ; )
_q( ; ) X (LS)B .
Thus L \ B (LS)B.
(iii) =) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i) Using left invertive law, paramedial law, medial law, we get
Hence S is regular.
X L\J\I = X L \X J \X I _q( ; ) (X L X J) X I
= ( ; )
_ q( ; ) (X LJ ) X I =( ; )
_q( ; ) X (LJ)I .
Hence S is regular.
maxff (f g)(a); g
"( ) #
= max f (b) ^ f g(c) ;
max [ff (ax) ^ f g(a)g ; ]
= max [min ff (ax); f g(a)g ; ]
" ( ( )) #
= max min f (ax); f (p) ^ g(q) ;
max [min ff (ax); ff (p) ^ g(q)gg ; ]
= max [min ff (ax); min ff (ax); g((ax)a)gg ; ]
= min [maxff (ax); g; max ff (ax); g; maxfg((ax)a); g]
min [minff (a); g; min ff (a); g; minfg(a); g]
= min ff \ g; g .
X I\B = X I \X B _q( ; ) (X I ) (X I X B)
= ( ; )
_ q( ; ) (X I ) X IB =( ; )
_q( ; ) X I(IB) .
Thus I \ B I(IB).
(iii) =) (ii) is obvious.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 186
(ii) =) (i)Using left invertive law, paramedial law, medial law, we get
(a [ Sa [ aS) \ fa [ a2 [ (aS)ag
(a [ Sa [ aS)[(a [ Sa [ aS)fa [ a2 [ (aS)ag]
= (a [ Sa [ aS)[Sfa [ a2 [ (aS)ag]
= (a [ Sa [ aS)fSa [ Sa2 [ S((aS)a)g
= a(Sa) [ a(Sa2 ) [ a[Sf(aS)ag] [ (Sa)(Sa)
[(Sa)(Sa2 ) [ (Sa)[Sf(aS)ag] [ (aS)(Sa)
[(aS)(Sa2 )(aS)[Sf(aS)ag]
(aS)a [ (Sa2 )S.
Hence S is regular.
Thus f _q( ; ) ff (f X S )g f.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 188
Thus L [fL(LS)gL]:
(ii) =) (i) is obvious.
a 2 Sa [(Sa)f(Sa)Sg](Sa)
= [fS(Sa)g(aS)](Sa)
= a[fS(Sa)gS](Sa)
= (aS)(Sa)
Hence S is regular.
Proof. (i) =) (iv) Let a 2 S, then since S is regular so using left invertive
law we get
maxff (X S g); g
"( ) #
= max f (p) ^ (X S g)(q) ;
X I\B = X I \X B _q( ; )X I (X S X B)
= ( ; )
_ q( ; ) X fI(SB)g :
Thus I \ B I(SB).
(iii) =) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i)Using fS(Sa)g (Sa) and we get
Hence S is regular.
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 191
On Fuzzy Soft Intra-regular
Abel-Grassmann’s Groupoids
In this chapter we characterize intra-regular AG-groupoids in terms of (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft ideals.
Generally, the soft set, i.e, a pair (F; A) with A B and F : A ! P (S):
De…nition 357 Let (F; A) and (G; B) be soft sets over S, then (G; B) is
called a soft subset of (F; A) if B A and G(b) F (b) for all b 2 B:
A soft set over S is a soft ideal if it is both a soft left and a soft right
ideal over S.
De…nition 362 Let hF; Ai and hG; Bi be two fuzzy soft sets over U. We
say that hF; Ai is an ( ; )-fuzzy soft subset of hG; Bi and writehF; Ai ( ; )
hG; Bi if
(i) A B;
(ii) For any " 2 A; F (") _q( ; ) G("):
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 192
De…nition 363 For any fuzzy soft set hF; Aiover an AG-groupiod S, 2 A
and r 2 ( ; 1], denote F ( )r = fx 2 S jxr 2 F ( )g, hF ( )ir = fx 2 S jxr 2 q F ( )g,
[F ( )]r = fx 2 S jxr 2 _q F ( )g :
De…nition 364 Suppose f be a fuzzy subset of an AG-groupoid S; A 2
[0; 1] : De…ne the map F : A ! P (S) as
F ( ) = fx 2 S : f (x) g for all 2 A:
Indeed F ( ) is parameterized family of -level subsets, corresponding
to f: Therefore (F; A) is a soft set over S.
We also de…ne another map, Fq : A ! P (S) as follows
Fq ( ) = fx 2 S : f (x) + > 1g for all 2 A: Then (Fq ; A) is a soft
set over S:
De…ne a map F : A ! P (S) as follows
F ( ) = fx 2 S : f (x) > g for all 2 A: Therefore (F ; A) is a soft
set over S:
Example 365 Let S = fa; b; c; dg and the binary operation " " de…nes on
S as follows:
a b c d
a a a a a
b a d d c
c a d d d
d a d d d
Then (S; ) is an AG-groupoid. Let E = f0:3; 0:4g and de…ne a fuzzy soft
set hG; Ai over S as follows:
2 if x 2 fa; bg
G( )(x) = 1
2 otherwise
Then hG; Ai is an (20:2 ; 20:2 _q0:4 )- fuzzy soft left ideal of S.
Let E = f0:6; 0:7g and de…ne a fuzzy soft set hF; Ai over S as follows:
if x 2 fa; bg
F ( )(x) = 1
2 otherwise
Then hF; Ai is an (20:3 ; 20:3 _q0:4 )- fuzzy soft bi-ideal of S.
Theorem 366 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is fuzzy interior ideal
if and only if (F; A) is a soft interior ideal of S where A = [0; 1] :
Proof. Let f be a fuzzy interior ideal of S then for all x; a; y 2 S; f ((xa) y)
f (a) : Now let a 2 F ( ) this implies that fa 2 S : f (a) g for all 2 A:
This implies that f (a) implies that f ((xa) y) f (a) implies that
((xa) y) 2 F ( ) implies that F ( ) is an interior ideal implies that (F; A)
is soft interior ideal.
Conversely, let (F; A) is soft interior ideal of S we show that f is fuzzy
interior ideal of S. Let f ((xa) y) < f (a) for some x; y; a 2 S and choose
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 193
De…nition 376 The restricted product (H; C) of two soft sets (F; A) and
(G; B) over a semigroup S is de…ned as the soft set (H; C) = (F; A) (G; B)
where C = A \ B and H is a set valued function from C to P (S) de…ned
as H(c) = F (c) G(c) for all c 2 C:
De…nition 380 A pair hF; Ai is called fuzzy soft set over U , where A E
and F is a mapping given by F : A ! F(U ):
De…nition 381 Let hF; Ai and hG; Bi be two soft sets over U . We say
that hF; Ai is a fuzzy soft subset of hG; Bi and write hF; Ai b hG; Bi if
(i) A B;
(ii) For any " 2 A; F (") G("):
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 197
hF; Ai and hG; Bi are said to be fuzzy soft equal and write hF; Ai =
hG; Bi if hF; Ai b hG; Bi and hG; Bi b hF; Ai:
De…nition 382 The extended intersection of two fuzzy soft sets hF; Ai and
hG; Bi over U is called fuzzy soft set denoted by hH; Ci; where C = A [ B
< F (") if " 2 A B;
H(") = G( ") if " 2 B A;
F (") \ G(") if " 2 A \ B;
Proof. It is same as in .
Proof. It is easy.
Proof. It is easy.
Theorem 396 Let S be an AG-groupoid and hF; Ai a fuzzy soft set over
S. Then
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 199
Proof. It is easy.
Proof. Let S be an intra-regular and hF; Ai and hG; Bi are any two (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft bi-ideal of S . Now let x be an element of S, " 2 A [ B
and hF; Ai \ hG; Bi = hH; A [ Bi: We consider the following cases.
Case 1: " 2 A B: Then H(") = F (") = (F G)("):
Case 2: " 2 B A: Then H(") = G(") = (F G)("):
Case 3: " 2 A\B:Then H(") = F (")\G(") and (F G)(") = F (") G("):
Now we show that F (")\G(") b _q( ; ) F (") G("): Since S is intra-regular,
Theory of Abel Grassman's Groupoids 200
therefore for any a in S there exist x and y in S such that a = (xa2 )y:
Then we have
hF; Ai \ hG; Bi b( ; ) hF; Ai hG; Bi:
Conversely assume that the given condition hold. Let B be any bi-ideal
of S then (B; E) is an (2 ; 2 _q ) fuzzy soft bi-ideal of S. Now by the
assumption, we have (B; E) \ (B; E) b( ; ) (B; E) (B; E). Hence
we have
B = ( ; ) (B\B) =( ; ) B \ B q( ; ) B B
= ( ; ) BB =( ; ) B2 :
Proof. It is easy.
Theorem 401 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity then the follow-
ing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) For all left ideals A; B; A \ B BA:
(iii) For all (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideals f and g, f ^k g g k f:
(iv)For all (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideals f and g, f ^k g g k f:
(v)For all (2; 2 _qk )- generalized fuzzy bi-ideals f and g, f ^k g g k f:
Proof. It is easy.
Then we have
hF; Qi \ hG; Ri b( ; ) hG; Ri hF; Qi:
Conversely assume that the given condition hold. Let L1 and L2 are any
two left ideal of S then, (L1 ; E) and (L2 ; E) are
(2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft left ideal of S. Now by the assumption, we have
(L1 ; E) \ (L2 ; E) b( ; ) (L2 ; E) (L1 ; E):Hence we have
(L1 \L2 ) = ( ; ) L1 \ L2
q( ; ) L2 L1 =( ; ) L2 L1
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