Fuzzy Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Fuzzy Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Fuzzy Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Columbus ▌ 2015
Madad Khan ▌Florentin Smarandache ▌Tariq Aziz
Educational Publisher
Columbus ▌2015
Madad Khan ▌Florentin Smarandache ▌Tariq Aziz
Fuzzy Abel Grassmann Groupoids
second updated and enlarged version
Peer Reviewers:
ISBN 978-1-59973-340-1
Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics & Science, University of New Mexico, Gallup, New Mexico, USA
[email protected]
1 Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids 7
1.1 Introduction / 7
1.2 Abel Grassmann Groupoids / 8
1.3 Preliminaries / 9
1.4 (∈; ∈ ∨ 𝑞k )-fuzzy Ideals in AG-groupoids / 13
1.1 Introduction
Fuzzy set theory and its applications in several branches of Science are
growing day by day. Since paci…c models of real world problems in var-
ious …elds such as computer science, arti…cial intelligence, operation re-
search, management science, control engineering, robotics, expert systems
and many others, may not be constructed because we are mostly and un-
fortunately uncertain in many occasions. For handling such di¢ culties we
need some natural tools such as probability theory and theory of fuzzy
sets [42] which have already been developed. Associative Algebraic struc-
tures are mostly used for applications of fuzzy sets. Mordeson, Malik and
Kuroki [27] have discovered the vast …eld of fuzzy semigroups, where the-
oretical exploration of fuzzy semigroups and their applications are used in
fuzzy coding, fuzzy …nite-state machines and fuzzy languages. The use of
fuzzi…cation in automata and formal language has widely been explored.
Moreover the complete l-semigroups have wide range of applications in the
theories of automata, formal languages and programming.
The fundamental concept of fuzzy sets was …rst introduced by Zadeh [42]
in 1965. Given a set X, a fuzzy subset of X is, by de…nition an arbitrary
mapping f : X ! [0; 1] where [0; 1] is the unit interval. Rosenfeld intro-
duced the de…nition of a fuzzy subgroup of a group [34]. Kuroki initiated
the theory of fuzzy bi ideals in semigroups [18]. The thought of belonging-
ness of a fuzzy point to a fuzzy subset under a natural equivalence on a
fuzzy subset was de…ned by Murali [29]. The concept of quasi-coincidence of
a fuzzy point to a fuzzy set was introduce in [33]. Jun and Song introduced
( ; )-fuzzy interior ideals in semigroups [14].
In [29], Murali de…ned the concept of belongingness of a fuzzy point to
a fuzzy subset under a natural equivalence on a fuzzy subset. The idea of
8 1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids
1.3 Preliminaries
Let S be an AG-groupoid. By an AG-subgroupoid of S; we means a non-
empty subset A of S such that A2 A. A non-empty subset A of an AG-
groupoid S is called a left (right) ideal of S if SA A (AS A) and it is
called a two-sided ideal if it is both left and a right ideal of S. A non-empty
subset A of an AG-groupoid S is called quasi-ideal of S if SA \ AS A.
A non-empty subset A of an AG-groupoid S is called a generalized bi-ideal
of S if (AS)A A and an AG-subgroupoid A of S is called a bi-ideal of
S if (AS)A A. A non-empty subset A of an AG-groupoid S is called an
interior ideal of S if (SA)S A.
If S is an AG-groupoid with left identity e then S = S 2 . It is easy to see
that every one sided ideal of S is quasi-ideal of S. In [31] it is given that
L[a] = a [ Sa, I[a] = a [ Sa [ aS and Q[a] = a [ (aS \ Sa) are principal
left ideal, principal two-sided ideal and principal quasi-ideal of S generated
by a. Moreover using (1), left invertive law, paramedial law and medial law
we get the following equations
a (Sa) = S(aa) = Sa2 , (Sa)a = (aa)S = a2 S and (Sa) (Sa) = (SS) (aa) = Sa2 .
Sa2 = a2 S = (Sa2 )S: (2)
The following de…nitions are available in [27].
A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called a fuzzy AG-subgroupoid
of S if f (xy) f (x) ^ f (y) for all x, y 2 S: A fuzzy subset f of an
AG-groupoid S is called a fuzzy left (right) ideal of S if f (xy) f (y)
(f (xy) f (x)) for all x, y 2 S. A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S
is called a fuzzy two-sided ideal of S if it is both a fuzzy left and a fuzzy
right ideal of S. A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called a fuzzy
quasi-ideal of S if f CS \ CS f f . A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid
S is called a fuzzy generalized bi-ideal of S if f ((xa)y) f (x) ^ f (y), for all
x, a and y 2 S. A fuzzy AG-subgroupoid f of an AG-groupoid S is called a
10 1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids
8 _
< ff (b) ^ g(c)g , if there exist b; c 2 S, such that a = bc:
(f g) (a) = a=bc
0; otherwise.
The symbols f \ g and f [ g will means the following fuzzy subsets of S
(f \ g)(x) = minff (x); g(x)g = f (x) ^ g(x); for all x in S
(f [ g)(x) = maxff (x); g(x)g = f (x) _ g(x); for all x in S:
Let f be a fuzzy subset of an AG-groupoid S and t 2 (0; 1]. Then xt 2 f
means f (x) t, xt qf means f (x) + t > 1, xt _ f means xt f or xt f ,
where ; denotes any one of 2; q; 2 _q; 2 ^q. xt ^ f means xt f and
xt f , xt f means xt f does not holds. Generalizing the concept of xt qf ,
Jun [13, 14] de…ned xt qk f , where k 2 [0; 1), as f (x) + t + k > 1. xt 2 _qk f
if xt 2 f or xt qk f .
Let f and g be any two fuzzy subsets of an AG-groupoid S, then for
k 2 [0; 1); the product f k g is de…ned by,
8 _
< f (b) ^ g(c) ^ 1 k
, if there exist b; c 2 S, such that a = bc:
(f k g) (a) = a=bc
0; otherwise.
The symbols f ^ g and f _ g will means the following fuzzy subsets of an
AG-groupoid S.
(f ^ g)(x) = minff (x); g(x)g for all x in S.
(f _ g)(x) = maxff (x); g(x)g for all x in S.
De…nition 1 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called fuzzy AG-
subgroupoid of S if for all x; y 2 S and k 2 [0; 1) such that f (xy)
minff (x); f (y); 1 2 k g:
De…nition 2 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called fuzzy left
(right) ideal of S if for all x; y 2 S and k 2 [0; 1) such that f (xy)
minff (y); 1 2 k g (f (xy) minff (x); 1 2 k g):
A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is called fuzzy ideal if it is fuzzy
left as well as fuzzy right ideal of S:
1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids 11
Proof. It is straightforward.
Proof. It is easy.
t 2 (0; 1] if y = x
F (y) =
0 if y 6= x
is said to be a fuzzy point with support x and value t and is denoted by xt .
1 2 3
1 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
3 1 2 2
1 k
f (x) (f S)(x) ^ (S f )(x) ^ for all x 2 S:
Now we are going to develop (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy (1; 2) ideals in AG-groupoids.
Proof. Let x, y 2 f0 S; then f (x) > 0 and f (y) > 0. Assume that
f (xy) = 0. If 2 f2; 2 _qg then xf (x) f and yf (y) f but f (xy) = 0 <
f (x) ^ f (y) and f (xy) + minff (x); f (y)g 0 + 1 = 1. So (xy)f (x)^f (y) f
for every 2 f2; q; 2 _q; 2 ^qg, a contradiction. Note that x1 qf and y1 qf
but (xy)1^1 = (xy)1 f for every 2 f2; q; 2 _q; 2 ^qg, a contradiction.
Hence f (xy) > 0; that is xy 2 f0 . Thus f0 is an AG-subgroupoid of S.
Let x, y, z 2 f0 and a 2 S; then f (x) > 0; f (y) > 0 and f (z) > 0.
Assume that f ((xa)(yz)) = 0. If 2 f2; 2 _qg then xf (x) f , yf (y) f and
zf (z) f but f ((xa)(yz)) = 0 < minff (x); f (y); f (z)g and f ((xa)(yz)) +
minff (x); f (y); f (z)g 0 + 1 = 1. So ((xa)(yz))f (x)^f (y)^f (z) f for every
2 f2; q; 2 _q; 2 ^qg, a contradiction. Note that x1 qf; y1 qf and z1 qf
but ((xa)(yz))1^1^1 = ((xa)(yz))1 f for every 2 f2; q; 2 _q; 2 ^qg, a
contradiction. Hence f ((xa)(yz)) > 0, that is, (xa)(yz) 2 f0 . Consequently,
f0 is an (1; 2) ideal of S.
Proof. Let f be (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy (1; 2) ideal of S, then f (xy) minff (x); f (y); 1 2 k g;
for all x; y 2 S is automatically satis…ed: On contrary suppose that there
exists x; a; y; z 2 S such that f ((xa)(yz)) < minff (x); f (y); f (z); 1 2 k g.
Choose t 2 (0; 1] such that f ((xa)(yz)) < t minff (x); f (y); f (z); 1 2 k g
1 k 1 k
then f ((xa)(yz))+t+k < 2 + 2 +k = 1, so ((xa)(yz))minft;t;tg 2 _qk f ,
which is contradiction. Hence f ((xa)(yz)) minff (x); f (y); f (z); 1 2 k g; for
all x; a; y; z 2 S:
Conversely suppose that (i) and (ii) holds. From (i) and it is clear that f
is (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy AG-subgroupoid of S: Now let xt 2 f , yr 2 f and zs 2 f
for t; r; s 2 (0:1], then f (x) t, f (y) r and f (z) s: Now f ((xa)(yz))
minff (x); f (y); f (z); 1 2 k g minft; r; s; 1 2 k g. If minft; r; sg > 1 2 k , then
1 k 1 k 1 k
f ((xa)(yz)) 2 . So f ((xa)(yz)) + minft; r; sg + k > 2 + 2 + k =
1 k
1; which implies that ((xa)(yz))minft;r;sg qk f . If minft; r; sg 2 , then
f ((xa)(yz)) minft; r; sg. So ((xa)(yz))minft;r;sg 2 f . Thus ((xa)(yz))minft;r;sg 2
_qk f . Therefore f is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy (1; 2)-ideal of S.
Proof. Let f be an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy (1; 2) ideal of S; then for all x; a; y; z 2
S, we have f ((xa)(yz)) f (x) ^ f (y) ^ f (z) ^ 1 2 k . This implies that
f ((xa)(yz)) ^ 1 2 k f (x) ^ f (y) ^ f (z) ^ 1 2 k . So fk ((xa)(yz)) fk (x) ^
fk (y) ^ fk (z). Thus fk is fuzzy (1; 2) ideal of S.
1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids 15
(i) CA k CB = (CAB )k
(ii) CA ^k CB = (CA\B )k
Proof. It is easy.
8 _
< f (b) ^ g(c) ^ 1 k
, if there exists b; c 2 S, such that a = bc:
(f k g) (a) = a=bc
0; otherwise.
a b c d e
a a a a a a
b a b b b b
c a b d e c
d a b c d e
e a b e c d
a b c d e
a b a a a a
b a b b b b
c a b c d e
d a b e c d
e a b d e c
S let x 2 S: Now by given assumption (Cx2 S )k (x2 ) = (Cx2 S )k (x) holds for
all x 2 S: As x2 2 x2 S therefore (Cx2 S )k (x2 ) = 1 2 k =) (Cx2 S )k (x) = 1 2 k
which implies that x 2 x2 S: Thus S is right regular.
The converse is not true in general. For this, let us consider a right
regular AG-groupoid S in Example 32. De…ne a fuzzy subset f of S as
follows: f (a) = 0:6; f (b) = 0 and f (c) = f (d) = f (e) = 0:9; then it is easy
to see that fk (a) 6= fk (a2 ) for a 2 S:
Lemma 34 A fuzzy subset f of a right regular AG-groupoid S is an (2; 2
_qk )-fuzzy left ideal of S if and only if it is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy right ideal
of S:
Proof. Let S be a right regular AG-groupoid and let a 2 S; then there
exists x 2 S such that a = a2 x: Let f be a (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of S;
then by using (1); we have
Similarly we can show that every (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy right ideal of S is an
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of S:
Example 35 Let us consider an AG-groupoid S = fa; b; c; d; eg with left
identity d in the following Cayley’s table.
a b c d e
a a a a a a
b a e e c e
c a e e b e
d a b c d e
e a e e e e
Note that S is not right regular because for c 2 S there does not exists
x 2 S such that c = c2 x:
De…nition 36 The symbols f ^k g and f _k g will means the following
fuzzy subsets of S
1 k
(f ^k g)(x) = min f (x); g(x); ; for all x in S:
1 k
(f _k g)(x) = max f (x); g(x); ; for all x in S:
18 1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy interior ideal of S; then fk (ab) = fk (ba) holds for all a; b
in S if S right regular.
Proof. Assume that S is a right regular AG-groupoid with left identity and
let f be a fuzzy interior ideal of S, then by using Lemma 37, fk (ab) = fk (ba)
holds for all a; b in S:
The converse is not true in general. For this, let us consider an AG-
groupoid S in Example 35 with left identity d: Let us de…ne a fuzzy subset
f of S as follows: f (a) = f (b) = f (c) = 0:4, f (d) = 0:2 and f (e) = 0:5,
then it is easy to see that f is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy interior ideal of S such
that fk (ab) = fk (ba) holds for all a and b in S but S is not right regular.
Note that S itself is a fuzzy subset such that S(x) = 1 for all x 2 S:
Proof. It is simple.
Note that for any two fuzzy subsets f and g of S, f g means that
f (x) g(x) for all x in S.
1 k _ 1 k
(f k 1)(a) = (f 1)(a) ^ = ff (xa) ^ S(a)g ^
2 2
1 k 1 k 1 k
f (xa) ^ 1(a) ^ ^ f (a) ^ 1 ^
2 2 2
1 k
f (a) ^ = fk (a):
It is easy to observe from Lemma 39 that S k f = fk holds for every
fuzzy two-sided ideal f of S:
Proof. It is simple.
(ii) =) (i) : Let S be a right regular AG-groupoid with left identity, then
for b 2 S there exists y 2 S such that b = b2 y and let f be a (2; 2 _qk )-
fuzzy bi-ideal of S; then we have
1 k
Which implies that f ((xa)y) f (x) ^ f (y) ^ 2 : Now
0 0 0 1 k
f (ab) = f (((aa)a )b) = f (((a a)a)b) = f ((ba)(a a)) f (a) ^
0 0 1 k
f (ab) = f (a((bb)b )) = f ((bb)(ab )) f (b) ^ :
0 0 0
f ((xa)y) = f ((x((aa)a ))y) = f (((aa)(xa ))y) = f (((ax)(aa ))y)
0 0 0
= f ((y(aa ))(ax)) = f ((a(ya ))(ax)) = f (((ax)(ya ))a)
0 0 0
= f (((a y)(xa))a) = f (((a y)(x((aa)a )))a)
0 0 0 0
= f (((a y)((aa)(xa )))a) = f (((a y)((a x)(aa)))a)
0 0 0 0
= f (((a y)(a((a x)a)))a) = f ((a((a y)((a x)a)))a)
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ f (a) ^ = f (a) ^ :
2 2
0 0 0
Let a and b 2 S then there exists a and b 2 S such that a = a2 a and
b = b2 b : Now
0 0 0 1 k
f (ab) = f (((aa)a )b) = f ((ba )(aa)) = f ((aa)(a b)) f (a) ^
0 0 1 k
f (ab) = f (a((bb)b )) = f ((bb)(ab )) f (b) ^ :
Thus f is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy (1; 2) ideal of S:
Note that (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy two-sided ideals, (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideals,
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals, (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy (1; 2) ideals, (2; 2
_qk )-fuzzy interior ideals and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideals coincide in a
right regular AG-groupoid with left identity.
Lemma 49 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity, then the following
conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is right regular.
(ii) f k f = fk for every (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left (right, two-sided) ideal of
Proof. (i) =) (ii) : Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity and
let (i) holds. Let a 2 S; then since S is right regular so by using (1);
a = (aa)x = (xa)a: Let f be an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of S; then
clearly f k f fk and also we have
_ 1 k
(f k f )(a) = ff (xa) ^ f (a) ^ g
1 k 1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ f (a) ^ ^ = f (a) ^
2 2 2
= fk (a):
Thus f k f = fk .
(ii) =) (i) : Assume that f k f = fk for (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of
S.. Since Sa is a left ideal of S, therefore, (CSa )k is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
left ideal of S: Since a 2 Sa therefore (CSa )k (a) = 1 2 k : Now by using the
given assumption and we get
1 k
Thus we have C(Sa)2 k
(a) = (CSa )k (a) = 2 ; which implies that
a 2 (Sa)2 : Now
_ 1 k
((S f) k (S f )) (a) = f(S f )(xa) ^ (S f )((xa)a) ^ g
1 k
(S f )(xa) ^ (S f )((xa)a) ^
_ _ 1 k
= fS(x) ^ f (a)g ^ fS(xa) ^ f (a)g ^
1 k 1 k
S(x) ^ f (a) ^ S(xa) ^ f (a) ^ = f (a) ^
2 2
= fk (a):
_ 0 1 k 0 1 k
(f k S)(a) = f (a a) ^ S(a) ^ f (a a) ^ 1 ^
2 2
a=(a0 a)a
1 k
f (a) ^ = fk (a)
_ 0 1 k 1 k
(S k f )(a) = S(a e) ^ f (aa) ^ 1 ^ f (aa) ^
2 2
a=(a0 e)(aa)
1 k
f (a) ^ = fk (a):
Now we get the required f k S = fk and S k f = fk :
(ix) =) (viii) is obvious.
(viii) =) (vii) : Let f be an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi ideal of a right
regular AG-groupoid S. Now for a 2 S there exists a 2 S such that
a = a2 a and therefore by using (3) and (4); we have
0 0 0 0 0
(xa)y = (x((aa)a ))y = ((aa)(xa ))y = ((a x)(aa))y = (a((a x)a))y = (y((a x)a))a:
(f S) ((xa)y) = ff (a) ^ S((ye)x)g f (a)
_ n 0
(S f ) ((xa)y) = S(y((a x)a)) ^ f (a) f (a):
(xa)y=(y((a x)a))a
1 k 1 k 1 k
f ((a(x2 a))a) ^ 1 ^ f (a) ^ f (a) ^ f (a) ^ ^ f (a) ^
2 2 2
1 k
= f (a) ^ = fk (a):
a = (aa)x = (xa)a = (x((aa)x))a = ((aa)(xx))a = ((xx)(aa))a = (a(x2 a))a:
1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids 29
_ 1 k
((f k S) k f )(a) = (f k S)((a(x2 a))) ^ f (a) ^
a=(a(x2 a))a
0 1
_ _ 1 k 1 kA
= @ f (a) ^ S(x2 a) ^ ^ f (a) ^
2 2
a=(a(x2 a))a a(x2 a)=a(x2 a)
0 1
_ _ 1 k
= @ ff (a) ^ 1gA ^ f (a) ^
a=(a(x2 a))a a(x2 a)=a(x2 a)
0 1
_ _ 1 k
= @ f (a)A ^ f (a) ^
a=(a(x2 a))a a(x2 a)=a(x2 a)
_ 1 k 1 k
= f (a) ^ f (a) ^ ^
2 2
a=(a(x2 a))a
_ 1 k
f ((a(x2 a))a) ^
a=(a(x2 a))a
1 k
= f (a) ^ = fk (a):
Thus (f k S) k f = fk :
_ 1 k
(f k f )(a) = f ((a((xx)((ae)x)))a) ^ f (a) ^
1 k
f ((a((xx)((ae)x)))a) ^ f (a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ f (a) ^ f (a) ^ = f (a) ^ = fk (a):
2 2
_ 1 k
f ((xy)z) = ((f k S) k f )((xy)z) = (f k S)(xy) ^ f (z) ^
_ 1 k 1 k
f (x) ^ S(y) ^ ^ f (z) ^
2 2
k 1 1 k
f (x) ^ 1 ^ f (z) ^
= f (x) ^ f (z) ^ :
2 2
Since f k f = fk therefore by Lemma 24, f is a (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy AG-
subgroupoid of S: This shows that f is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi ideal of S:
1 k
(f k S)(a(((xa)x)x)) ^ (f k f )(aa) ^ :
1 k
(f k S)(a(((xa)x)x)) = (f S)(a(((xa)x)x)) ^
_ 1 k
= ff (a) ^ S(((xa)x)x)g ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ S(((xa)x)x) ^ = f (a) ^
2 2
= fk (a)
1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids 31
( )
1 k _ 1 k
(f k f )(aa) = (f f )(aa) ^ = ff (a) ^ f (a)g ^
2 aa=aa
1 k
f (a) ^ = fk (a):
Thus we get
((f k S) k (f k f ))(a) fk (a).
_ (f kS)(a(x((aa)x3 )))^
((f k S) k (f k f ))(a) = :
(f k f )(aa) ^ 1 2 k
a=(a(x((aa)x3 )))(aa)
_ 1 k
(f k S)(a(x((aa)x3 ))) = f (a) ^ S(x((aa)x3 )) ^
a(x((aa)x3 ))=a(x((aa)x3 ))
_ 1 k
= f (a) ^
a(x((aa)x3 ))=a(x((aa)x3 ))
_ 1 k _ 1 k
(f k f )(aa) = f (a) ^ f (a) ^ = f (a) ^ :
2 aa=aa
8 _ 9
> f (a) ^ 1 k >
^ >
< 2 =
a(x((aa)x3 ))=a(x((aa)x3 ))
(f k S)(a(x((aa)x3 ))) ^ (f k f )(aa) = _
> f (a) ^ 1 k >
: 2 ;
_ 1 k
= f (a) ^ f (a) ^ :
a(x((aa)x3 ))=a(x((aa)x3 ))
32 1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids
0 _ 1
f (a) ^ f (a)
_ B C
((f k S) k (f k f ))(a) = @ ^ 1 2k A
a(x((aa)x3 ))=a(x((aa)x3 ))
a=(a(x((aa)x3 )))(aa) ^ 1 2k
_ 1 k
= f (a) ^ f (a) ^
a=(a(x((aa)x3 )))(aa)
_ 1 k
f ((a(x((aa)x3 )))(aa)) ^
a=(a(x((aa)x3 )))(aa)
1 k
= f (a) ^ = fk (a):
Thus (f k S) k (f k f ) = fk :
Now by using (1) and (4); we have
1 k
(f k f )(a) = (f f )(a) ^
_ 1 k
= f (((ax3 )(aa))) ^ f (a) ^
a=((ax3 )(aa))a
f (((ax3 )(aa))) ^ f (a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ ^ f (a) ^
2 2
1 k
= f (a) ^ = fk (a):
AG-subgroupoid of S
x2t 2 f =) xt 2 _qk f:
(i) Every (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy right ideal of S is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy semi-
(ii) Every (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of S is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy semi-
prime if S has a left identity.
34 1. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of AG-groupoids
= (f ^k g) (a).
1 2 3
1 2 2 2
2 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
Note that S has no left identity. De…ne a fuzzy subset F : S ! [0; 1] as
follows: 8
< 0:9 for x = 1
F (x) = 0:5 for x = 2
0:6 for x = 3
Then clearly F is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal of S.
1 2 3
1 3 1 2
2 2 3 1
3 1 2 3
Obviously 3 is the left identity in S. De…ne a fuzzy subset G : S ! [0; 1]
as follows:8
< 0:8 for x = 1
G(x) = 0:6 for x = 2
0:5 for x = 3
Then clearly G is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal of S.
Proof. It is easy.
2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 39
Proof. Using medial law, left invertive law, (1), paramedial law and medial
law, we get
Proof. Straightforward.
Lemma 72 Any (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of an intra regular AG-groupoid
is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal.
Proof. We get
_ 1 k
S k f (a) = S (p) ^ f (q) ^
1 k
S ((y xa)) ^ f (a) ^
1 k
= 1 ^ f (a) ^
1 k
= f (a) ^ fk (a) .
40 2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids
_ 1 k
S k f (a) = S(p) ^ f (q) ^
_ 1 k
= 1 ^ f (q) ^
_ 1 k 1 k
= f (q) ^ ^
2 2
1 k
f (pq) ^
= fk (a):
Lemma 73 Any (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy right ideal of an intra regular AG-groupoid
is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal.
_ 1 k
f k S(a) = f (p) ^ S (q) ^
1 k
f (a) ^ S ([(x y2 y1 )a]) ^
1 k
= f (a) ^ 1 ^
= fk (a) :
2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 41
_ 1 k
f k S(a) = f (p) ^ S (q) ^
_ 1 k
= f (p) ^ 1 ^
_ 1 k 1 k
= f (p) ^ ^
2 2
_ 1 k
f (pq) ^
= fk (a):
Therefore f k g f ^k g.
(iv) =) (iii)
Let I and J be left and quasi-ideals of an AG-groupoid S with left
identity and let a 2 I \ J. Then we get
Hence S is intra-regular.
Similarly we can prove the following theorem.
Theorem 75 For an AG-groupoid with left identity, the following are equiv-
(i) S is intra-regular
2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 43
Proof. It is easy.
we get
_ 1 k
((f k g) k h) (a) = f k g (p) ^ h (a) ^
1 k
f k g(ua2 a) ^ h (a) ^
_ 1 k
= f (c) ^ g(d) ^ h (a) ^
ua2 a=cd
1 k 1 k
f (ua2 ) ^ ^ g(a) ^ h (a) ^
2 2
1 k
= fk (ua2 ) ^ g(a) ^ h (a) ^
1 k
=S k f (ua2 ) ^ g(a) ^ h (a) ^
_ 1 k
= S(r) ^ f (r) ^ g(a) ^ h (a) ^ ]
ua2 =rs
1 k
1 ^ f (a2 ) ^ g(a) ^ h (a) ^
1 k
= f (a) ^ g(a) ^ h (a) ^
= f (a) ^k g(a) ^k h (a) .
Thus f ^k g ^k h (f k g) k h.
(iv) =) (iii) We get
Hence S is intra-regular.
Similarly we can prove the following theorems.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) L[a] \ Q[a] \ B L[a]Q[a] B, for all a in S and B is any subset of
(iii) A \ B \ C AB C, for any left ideal A, subset C and every
quasi-ideal B of S.
(iv) f ^k g ^k h (f k g) k h, for any (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal f ,
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy subset f and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal g of S.
((f ^k g) ^k S)(a) = (f ^k g)(a) ^ S(a) ^
1 k 1 k
= f (a) ^ g(a) ^ ^
2 2
1 k
= f (a) ^ g(a) ^ = f ^k g(a).
(f k g) k S = (S k g) k f . Now
_ 1 k
S k g(a) = S(p) ^ g(q) ^
_ 1 k
= g(q) ^
1 k
f (pq) ^
1 k
= f (a) ^ f (a).
Thus S k g g. Now using (ii), we get
(i) (f k g) k (h k ) = (f k h) k (g k ):
(ii) (f k g) k (h k )=( k g) k (h k f) :
(iii) f k (g k h) = g k (f k h) :
_ 1 k
(f k g) k (h k ) (a) = (f k g) (m) ^ (h k ) (n) ^
8 ! 9
> >
> f (o) ^ g (p) ^ 1 2 k >
> >
_ < = 1 k
= m=op ! ^
> _ > 2
a=mn >
> 1 k >
: ^ h (q) ^ (r) ^ 2 >
_ 1 k
= f (o) ^ g (p) ^ h (q) ^ (r) ^
_ 1 k
= f (o) ^ h (q) ^ g (p) ^ (r) ^
8 0 1 9
> _ >
> @ >
> f (o) ^ h (q) ^ 1 2 k A >
_ < = 1 k
m0 =oq
0 1
= ^
0 0 > _ >
> 2
a=m n >> >
> ^@ g (p) ^ (r) ^ 1 2 k A >
: 0
n =pr
_ 0 0 1 k
= (f k g) m ^ (h k ) n ^
a=m0 n0
= (f k g) k (h k ) (a) :
2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 49
_ k 1
(f k g) k (h k ) (a) = (f k g) (m) ^ (h k ) (n) ^
8 ! 9
> _ >
> 1
f (o) ^ g (p) ^ 2 k >
_ >
< >
= 1 k
= m=op ! ^
> _ > 2
a=mn >
> 1 k >
: ^ h (q) ^ (r) ^ 2 >
_ 1 k
= f (o) ^ g (p) ^ h (q) ^ (r) ^
_ 1 k
= (r) ^ g (p) ^ h (q) ^ f (o) ^
8 0 1 9
> _ >
> @ >
> (r) ^ g (p) ^ 1 2 k A >
_ < 0
= 1 k
= 0m =rp 1 ^
0 0 > _ >
> 2
a=m n >> >
> ^@ h (q) ^ f (o) ^ 1 2 k A >
: 0
n =qo
_ n 0 0
o 1 k
= ( k g) m ^ (h k f) n ^
a=m0 n0
= ( k g) k (h k f ) (a) :
50 2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For left ideals L1 ; L2 and ideal I of S, L1 \ I \ L2 (L1 I) L2 .
(iii) L [a] \ I [a] \ L [a] (L [a] I [a]) L [a] ;
for some a 2 S.
Proof. (i) ) (ii)
Assume that L1 , L2 are left ideal and I is an ideal of a regular AG-
groupoid S. Let a 2 L1 \ I \ L2 : This implies that a 2 L1 ; a 2 I and
a 2 L2 : Now since S is regular so for a 2 S; there exist x 2 S; such that
a = (ax) a: Therefore using left invertive law we get
Hence L1 \ I \ L2 (L1 I) L2 :
2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 51
Hence S is regular.
(i) S is regular
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideals f , h and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g of
S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
(iiii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideals f , h and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g of
S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
Proof. (i) ) (iii) Assume that f , g are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideals and g
is an (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal of a regular AG-groupoid S, respectively. Now
since S is regular so for a 2 S; there exist x 2 S; such that a = (ax) a:
Therefore using left invertive law and (1), we get
_ 1 k
((f k g) k h)(a) = (f k g)(p) ^ h(q) ^
( ) !
_ _ 1 k 1 k
= f (u) ^ g(v) ^ ^ h(q) ^
a=pq p=uv
2 2
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
_ 1 k
= ff (u) ^ g(v)g ^ h(q) ^
1 k
ff (a) ^ g ((xa) x)g ^ h(a) ^
1 k 1 k
f (a) ^ g(a) ^ ^ h(a) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k
= ff (a) ^ g (a) ^ g ^ h (a) ^
2 2
= ((f ^k g) ^k h) (a) :
Thus (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i) Assume that L1 , L2 left ideals and I is an ideal of S. Then
(CL1 )k , (CI )k and (CL2 )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal, (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy left ideal of S respectively. Therefore we have,
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For ideal I and quasi-ideal Q of S, I \ Q IQ.
(iii) I [a] \ Q [a] I [a] Q [a] ;
for some a 2 S.
Proof. (i) ) (ii) Assume that I and Q are ideal and quasi-ideal of a
regular AG-groupoid S respectively. Let a 2 I \ Q: This implies that a 2 I
and a 2 Q: Since S is regular so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that
a = (ax) a 2 (IS) Q IQ: Thus I \ Q IQ:
(ii) ) (iii) is obvious.
(iii) ) (i)
2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 53
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal f; and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal g of S,
f ^k g f k g.
Proof. (i) ) (ii) Assume that f and g are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal and
(2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of a regular AG-groupoid S respectively. Now
since S is regular so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that a = (ax) a. Thus,
_ 1 k _ 1 k
(f k g) (a) = f (p) ^ g (q) ^ = f (p) ^ g (q) ^
2 2
1 k 1 k 1 k
f (ax) ^ g (a) ^ f (a) ^ ^ g (a) ^
2 2 2
= (f ^k g) (a) :
Hence (f ^k g) (f k g).
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that I and Q are ideal and quasi-ideal of S respectively. Then
(CI )k , and (CQ )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-
ideal of S. Therefore we have, (CI\Q )k = (CI ^k CQ ) (CI k CQ ) =
(CIQ )k : Therefore I \ Q IQ: Hence S is regular.
Theorem 91 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity. Then the follow-
ing are equivalent.
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For bi-ideals B1 ; B2 and ideal I of S, B1 \ I \ B2 (B1 I) B2 .
(iii) B [a] \ I [a] \ B [a] (B [a] I [a]) B [a] ;
54 2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids
for some a 2 S.
Proof. (i) ) (ii)
Assume that B1 , B2 are bi-ideal and I is an ideal of regular AG-groupoid
S. Let a 2 B1 \I\B2 : This implies that a 2 B1 ; a 2 I and a 2 B2 : Now since
S is regular so for a 2 S, there exist x 2 S, such that a = (ax) a. Therefore
a = (a ((xa) x)) a 2 (B1 ((SI) S)) B2 (B1 I) B2 : Thus B1 \ I \ B2
(B1 I) B2 :
(ii) ) (iii) is obvious.
(iii) ) (i)
Since B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a and I [a] = a [ Sa [ aS are principle bi-ideal
and principle ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (iii), (1), and
left invertive law, medial law and paramedial law, we have
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideals f , h and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal g of S,
(f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
(iii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals f , h and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
ideal g of S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
Therefore (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h:
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that B1 , B2 are bi-ideals and I is an ideal of S respectively.
Then (CB1 )k , (CI )k and (CB2 )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal, (2; 2 _qk )-
fuzzy ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy bi-ideal of S respectively. Therefore we
have, (CB1 \I\B2 )k = (CB1 ^k CI )^k CB2 (CB1 k CI ) k CB2 = (C(B1 I)B2 )k :
Therefore B1 \ I \ B2 (B1 I) B2 : Hence S is regular.
(i) S is regular.
for some a 2 S:
Proof. (i) ) (ii)
Assume that I1 , I2 are ideals and Q is quasi-ideal of a regular AG-
groupoid S; respectively. Let a 2 I1 \I2 \Q: This implies that a 2 I1 ; a 2 I1
and a 2 Q: Now since S is regular so for a 2 S, there exist x 2 S, such
that a = (ax) a. Therefore a = (a ((xa) x)) a 2 (I1 ((SI2 ) S)) Q (I1 I2 ) Q:
Thus I1 \ I2 \ Q (I1 I2 ) Q:
56 2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Hence S is regular.
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideals f , g and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal h of
S, (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h.
Therefore (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h:
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that I1 , I2 are ideals and Q is a quasi-ideal of S respectively.
Then (CI1 )k , (CI2 )k and (CQ )k are (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy ideal, (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy
ideal and (2; 2 _qk )-fuzzy quasi-ideal of S respectively. Therefore we have,
(i) S is regular.
(ii) I [a] \ J [a] = I [a] J [a] for some a in S.
(iii) For ideals I; J of S; I \ J = IJ (I \ J = JI).
(iv) For bi-ideal B of S, B = (BS) B:
k1 1 k 1 k
f (ax) ^ g (a) ^ f (a) ^ ^ g (a) ^
2 2 2
1 k
= f (a) ^ g (a) ^ = (f ^k g) (a) :
Hence (f ^k g) (f k g).
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) =) (i)
Assume that I and J are ideals S. Then (CI )k , and (CJ )k are (2; 2 _qk )-
fuzzy ideals of S. Therefore we have, (CI\J )k = (CI ^k CJ ) (CI k CJ ) =
(CIJ )k : Thus I \ J IJ: Hence S is regular.
2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 59
(i) S is regular.
Proof. It is easy.
(i) S is regular.
Therefore (f ^k g) ^k h (f k g) k h:
60 2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids
maxff (xy); g minff (y); g (respt maxff (xy); g minff (x); g).
3. Generalized Fuzzy Left Ideals in AG-groupoids 63
Then maxff (xy); g < t this implies that (xy)t 2 f which further
implies that (xy)t 2 _q f . As minff (y); g t > which implies that
f (y) t > , this implies that yt 2 f . But (xy)t 2 _q f a contradiction
to the de…nition. Thus
Then maxff ((xy)z); g < t which implies that f ((xy)z) < t this im-
plies that ((xy)z)t 2 f which further implies that ((xy)z)t 2 _q f . Also
minff (x); f (z); g t > ; this implies that f (x) t > , f (z) t >
implies that xt 2 f , zt 2 f . But ((xy)z)t 2 _q f; a contradiction. Hence
= maxff (a); g:
Hence, maxff (a); g minf((f S) f )(a); g.
Conversely, assume that maxff (a); g minf((f S) f )(a); g: Let a
in S, there exist c; d and q in S such that a = (cd)q. Then we have
maxff ((cd)q); g = maxff (a); g
minf((f S) f )(a); g
( )
= min f(f S)(b) ^ f (c); g
minff(f S)(cd) ^ f (q)g; g
( )
= min ff (s) ^ S(t)g ^ f (q)g;
minfmin(f (c); f (q); g
= minf(f (c); f (q); g:
Hence maxff ((cd)q); g minff (c); f (q); g:
66 3. Generalized Fuzzy Left Ideals in AG-groupoids
minf((f S) f )(a); g = minf f(f S)(p) ^ f (q)g; g
_ _
= minf f ff (s) ^ S(t)g ^ f (q)g; g
a=pq p=st
= minf ff (s) ^ f (q)g; g
= minf [minff (s); f (q)g]; g
= min[minff (s); g; minff (q); g]
minfmaxff (qt)s; g; maxff (st)q; gg
xy = x(ab) = a(xb):
3. Generalized Fuzzy Left Ideals in AG-groupoids 67
8 9
<_ =
minff g(y); g = min ff (a) ^ g(b)g;
: ;
= fminfminff (a); g; minfg(b); ggg
fminfmaxff (a); g; maxfg(xb); ggg
= fmaxfminff (a); g(xb)g; gg
fmaxfminff (a); g(c)g; gg
= maxf(f g)(xy); g:
maxfX L (sl); g .
Let for any a in S there exist p and q in S such that a = pq; then
( )
maxf(f g)(a); g = max fff (p) ^ g(q)g; g
maxfminff (xa)); g((y2 y1 )a)g; g
= minfmaxff (a); g; maxfg(a); gg
min fminff (a); g; minfg(a); gg
= minff (a); g(a); g.
Thus f \ g _q( ; )f g:
3. Generalized Fuzzy Left Ideals in AG-groupoids 69
Hence L1 \ L2 L1 L2 :
(iii) ) (ii) It is obvious.
(ii) ) (i)
Corollary 118 Let S be an AG- groupoid with left identity then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra regular.
(ii) L[a] L[a]L[a], for all a in S.
(iii) L L2 , for all left ideals L of S.
(iv) f _q( ; ) f f , for all (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideals f of S.
Theorem 119 Let S be an AG- groupoid with left identity then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra regular.
(ii) L[a] \ L[a] \ L[a] (L[a]L[a])L[a], for all a in S.
(ii) A \ B \ C (AB)C, for all left ideals A, B and C of S.
(iv) f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h, for all (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideals f ,
g and h of S, .
Proof. (i) ) (iv) For every a in S, we have a = (xa2 )y, this by (1) and left
invertive law implies that a = (y(xa))a. Now using (1) ; medial, paramedial
laws, we get
Let for any a in S there exist p and q in S such that a = pq. Then
maxf(f g) h(a); g = max[ ff(f g)(p) ^ h(q)g; gg]
= max fminf(f g)(y(xa)); h(a)g; gg
8 9
< _ =
= max min ff (r) ^ g(s); h(a)g; g
: ;
Thus f \ g \ h _q( ; ) (f g) h:
(iii) ) (ii) If A, B and C are left ideals of S. Then by (iii), we get
= ( ; ) _ q( ; ) X AB X C =( ; ) _q( ; ) X (AB)C .
Theorem 120 Let S be an AG- groupoid with left identity then the fol-
lowing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra regular.
(ii) L[a] \ L[a] (L[a]L[a])L[a];for all a in S.
(iii) A \ B (AB)A; for all left ideals A and B of S.
(iv) f \ g _q( ; ) (f g) f , for all (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideals f and
g of S.
3. Generalized Fuzzy Left Ideals in AG-groupoids 71
Proof. (i) ) (iv) Let for any a in S there exist p and q in S such that
a = pq. Then
maxf(f g) f (a); g = max[ ff(f g)(p) ^ f (q)g; gg]
= ( ; ) _ q( ; ) X AB X A =( ; ) _q( ; ) X (AB)A .
Then it is easy to see that f is an (20:4 ; 20:4 _q0:5 )-fuzzy semiprime ideal
of S.
Theorem 123 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is an (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy semiprime ideal if and only if maxff (x); g minff (x2 ); g:
Proof. Let f be an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy semiprime ideal of S. Let there
exists x; y 2 S and t 2 ( ; 1] such that maxff (x); g < t minff (x2 ); g:
Then maxff (x); g < t implies that xt 2 f implies that xt 2 _q f . As
minff (x2 ); g t > this implies that f (x2 ) t > implies that x2t 2 f .
But xt 2 _q f; a contradiction to the de…nition of semiprime ideals. Thus
maxff (x); g minff (x2 ); g:
Conversely, assume that there exist x; y in S and t 2 ( ; 1] such that
x2t 2 f but xt 2 _q f , then f (x2 ) t > ; f (x) < minff (x2 ); g and
f (x)+t 2 : It follows that f (x) < and so maxff (x); g < minff (x2 ); g
which is a contradiction to the de…nition of semiprime ideals. Hence x2t 2 f
implies that (x2 )t 2 _q f for all x; y in S:
Theorem 124 For a non empty subset I of an AG-groupoid S with left
identity, the following conditions are equivalent.
(i) I is semiprime.
(ii) X I is an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy semiprime.
Proof. (i) ) (ii) Let I be semiprime of an AG-groupoid S. Let a be
any element of S such that a 2 I; then I is an ideal so a2 2 I: Hence
X I (a); X I (a2 ) which implies that maxfX I (a); g minfX I (a2 ); g:
Now let a 2 = I, since I is semiprime, thus a2 2 = I. This implies that
X I (a) and X I (a2 ) . Therefore maxfX I (a); g minfX I (a2 ); g:
Hence, we have maxfX I (a); g minfX I (a2 ); g for all a 2 S.
(ii) ) (i) Let X I is fuzzy semiprime. Let a2 2 I; for some a in S, this im-
plies that X I (a2 ) . Now since X I is an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy semiprime.
Thus maxfX I (a); g minfX I (a2 ); g. Therefore maxfX I (a); g .
But > ; so X I (a) . Thus a 2 I: Hence I is semiprime.
Theorem 125 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity then the follow-
ing conditions are equivalent.
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) For every ideal of S is semiprime.
(iii) For every left ideal of S is semiprime.
(iv) For every (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal of S is fuzzy semiprime.
Proof. (i) ) (iv) Let f be an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy left ideal of an intra
regular AG-groupoid S. Now since S is intra-regular so for each a 2 S there
exists x; y in S such that a = (xa2 )y. Now using medial law, paramedial
law and left invertive law, we get
a = (xa2 )y = [(ex)(aa)]y = [(aa)(xe)]y = [y(xe)]a2 .
3. Generalized Fuzzy Left Ideals in AG-groupoids 73
maxfX A (xy); g .
Then maxff ((xy)z); g < t which implies that f ((xy)z) < t this
implies that ((xy)z)t 2 f which further implies that ((xy)z)t 2 _q f . Also
4. Generalized Fuzzy Prime and Semiprime Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 77
minff (x); f (z); g t > ; this implies that f (x) t > , f (z) t >
implies that xt 2 f , zt 2 f but ((xy)z)t 2 _q f; a contradiction. Hence
maxff ((xy)z); g minff (x); f (z); g:
(II) ) (2) Assume that x; y; z in S and t; s 2 ( ; 1]; such that xt 2
f; zs 2 f by de…nition we can write f (x) t > ; f (z) s > ;
then maxff ((xy)z); g minff (x); f (y); g this implies that f ((xy)z)
minft; s; g: We consider two cases here,
Case(i): If ft; sg then f ((xy)z) minft; sg > this implies that
((xy)z)minft;sg 2 f:
Case(ii): If ft; sg > then f ((xy)z) + ft; sg > 2 this implies that
((xy)z)minft;sg q f:
From both cases we write ((xy)z)minft;sg 2 _q f for all x; y; z in S:
Lemma 130 A subset B of an AG-groupoid S is a bi-ideal if and only if
X B is an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy bi-ideal of S:
Proof. (i) Let B be a bi-ideal and assume that x; y 2 B then for any a in S
we have (xa)y 2 B, thus X B ((xa)y) . Now since x; y 2 B so X B (x)
; X B (y) which clearly implies that min{X B (x); X B (y)g . Thus
maxfX B ((xa)y); g minfX B (x); X B (y); g:
(iv) Let x; y 2
= B which implies that (xa)y 2= B, for all a in S. This
implies that minfX B (x); X B (y)g , X B ((xa)y) . Thus
This clearly implies that X B ((b1 s)b2 ) . Therefore (b1 s)b2 2 B. Hence
B is a bi-ideal of S.
De…nition 131 A fuzzy AG-subgroupoid f of an AG-groupoid S is called
an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy interior ideal of S if for all x; y; z 2 S and t; r 2 ( ; 1]
the following conditions holds.
(I) xt 2 f; ys 2 f implies that (xy)minft;sg 2 _q f .
(II) yt 2 f implies ((xy)z)t 2 _q f .
Lemma 132 A fuzzy subset f of S is an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy interior ideal
of an AG-groupoid S if and only if it satis…es the following conditions.
(III) maxff (xy) ; g min ff (x) ; f (y) ; g for all x; y 2 S and ; 2
[0; 1].
(IV ) maxff (xyz) ; g min ff (y) ; g for all x; y; z 2 S and ; 2
[0; 1].
Proof. (I) ) (III) Let f be an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy interior ideal of S. Let
(I) holds. Let us consider on contrary. If there exists x; y 2 S and t 2 ( ; 1]
such that
maxff (xy); g < t minff (x); f (y); g:
Then maxff (xy); g < t this implies that (xy)t 2 f again implies that
(xy)t 2 _q f . As minff (x); f (y); g t > this implies that f (x) t >
and f (y) t > implies that xt 2 f and yt 2 f .
But (xy)t 2 _q f a contradiction .Thus
Case(2): If ft; sg > then f (xy) + minft; sg > 2 this implies that
(xy)minft;sg q f:
Hence xt 2 f , ys 2 f implies that (xy)minft;sg 2 _q f:
(II) ) (IV ) Let f be an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy interior ideal of S. Let (II)
holds. Let us consider on contrary. If there exists x; y 2 S and t 2 ( ; 1]
such that
maxff ((xy)z); g < t minff (y); g:
Then maxff ((xy)z); g < t this implies that ((xy)z)t 2 f further
implies that ((xy)z)t 2 _q f . As minff (y); g t > this implies that
f (y) t > implies that yt 2 f . But (xyz)t 2 _q f a contradiction
according to de…nition. Thus (IV ) is valid
maxfX I ((xa)y); g .
Then clearly
f is an (20:2 ; 20:2 _q0:22 )-fuzzy prime ideal,
f is not an (2; 2 _q0:22 )-fuzzy prime ideal,
f is not fuzzy prime ideal.
Theorem 139 An (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is
prime if and only if U (f; t) is prime in AG-groupoid S, for all 0 < t :
Proof. Let us consider an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S
is prime and 0 < t : Let (ab) 2 U (f; t) this implies that f (ab) t > :
Then by theorem 136 maxff (a); f (b); g minff (ab); g minft; g = t;
so f (a) t > or f (b) t > ; which implies that a 2 U (f; t) or
b 2 U (f; t): Therefore U (f; t) is prime in AG-groupoid S, for all 0 < t :
Conversely, assume that U (f; t) is prime in AG-groupoid S; for all 0 <
t : Let (ab)t 2 f implies that ab 2 U (f; t); and U (f; t) is prime, so
a 2 U (f; t) or b 2 U (f; t); that is at 2 f or bt 2 f: Thus at 2 _q f
or bt 2 _q f . Therefore f must be an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy prime in AG-
groupoid S.
De…nition 140 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is said to be (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy semiprime for all s; t 2 ( ; 1] and a 2 S: it satis…es
(1) a2t 2 f implies that at 2 _q f:
Theorem 141 A fuzzy subset f of an AG-groupoid S is an (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy semiprime if and only if it satis…es
(2) maxff (a); g minff (a2 ); g for all a 2 S:
Proof. (1) ) (2) Let f be a fuzzy subset of an AG-groupoid S which is
(2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy semiprime of S. Assume that there exists a 2 S and t
2 ( ; 1], such that
maxff (a); g < t minff (a2 ); g:
Then maxff (a); g < t this implies that f (a) < t , implies that ;
f (a) + t < 2t 2 this implies that at 2 _q f and minff (a2 ); g t this
implies that f (a2 ) t > ; further implies that a2t 2 f but at 2 _q f a
contradiction to the de…nition. Hence (2) is valid,
maxff (a); g minff (a2 ); g; for all a 2 S:
(2) ) (1). Assume that there exist a 2 S and t 2 ( ; 1] such that a2t 2 f ,
then f (a2 ) t > ; thus by (2); we have maxff (a); g minff (a2 ); g
minft; g. We consider two cases here,
Case(i): if t ; then f (a) t > ; this implies that at 2 f:
Case(ii) : if t > ; then f (a) + t > 2 ; that is at q f: From (i) and (ii)
we write at 2 _q f: Hence f is semiprime for all a 2 S:
4. Generalized Fuzzy Prime and Semiprime Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids 83
Therefore maxf I (a); g minf I (a ); g: Hence in both cases
maxf I (a); g minf I (a ); gf orallainS:
Theorem 145 Let S be an AG- groupoid then the following conditions are
(i) S is intra regular.
(ii) For every ideal A of S, A A2 and A is semiprime.
(iii) For every (2 ; 2 _q ) fuzzy ideal f of S, f _q( ; ) f f; and f
is fuzzy semiprime.
Let for any a in S there exist p and q in S such that a = pq; then
( )
maxf(f f )(a); g = max fff (p) ^ f (q)g; g
maxfminff (y(xa)); f (a)g; g
maxfminff (y(xa)); f (a)g; g
= minfmaxff (y(xa)); g; maxff (a); gg
min fminff (a); g; minff (a); gg
= minff (a); g.
Thus f _q( ; ) f f:
Now we show that f is a fuzzy semiprime ideal of intra-regular AG-
groupoid S; Since S is intra-regular therefore for any a in S there exist x; y
in S such that a = (xa2 )y. Then
A = A\A = A \ A _q( ; ) A A =( ; ) X A2 .
Theorem 149 Let S be an AG-groupoid with left identity, then the fol-
lowing conditions equivalent
(i) S is intra-regular.
(ii) Every ideal of S is semiprime.
(iii) Every quasi-ideal of S is semiprime.
(iv) Every (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi-ideal f of S is semiprime.
Proof. (i) ) (iv): Let S be an intra-regular AG-groupoid with left identity
and f be an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi ideal of S. Then for all a 2 S there
exists x; y in S such that a = (xa2 )y. Now using left invertive law and
medial law, then
we have
maxff (a); g = maxff (a2 t); g minff (a2 ); g:
Therefore maxff (a); g minff (a2 ); g:
(iv) ) (iii): let Q be an quasi ideal of S, then Q is an (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy quasi ideal of an AG-groupoid S. let a2 2 Q then since Q is
an (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy quasi ideal as then Q (a ) therefore by (iv);
maxf Q (a); g minf Q (a2 ); g = this implies that Q (a) : Thus
a 2 Q: Hence Q is semiprime.
(iii) ) (ii) is obvious.
(ii) ) (i) Assume that every ideal of S is semiprime and since Sa2 is an
ideal containing a2 : Thus
Hence S is an intra-regular.
88 4. Generalized Fuzzy Prime and Semiprime Ideals of Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann
In this chapter we introduce generalized fuzzy soft ideals in a non-associative
algebraic structure namely Abel Grassmann groupoid. We discuss some
basic properties concerning these new types of generalized fuzzy ideals
in Abel-Grassmann groupoids. Moreover we characterize a regular Abel
Grassmann groupoid in terms of its classical and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft
The product of two fuzzy soft sets hF; Ai and hG; Bi over an AG-groupoid
S is a fuzzy soft8set over S, denoted by hF G; Ci, where C = A [ B and
< F (") if " 2 A B;
(F G)(") = G(") if " 2 B A;
F (") G(") if " 2 A \ B.
for all " 2 C. This is denoted by hF G; Ci = hF; Ai hG; Bi.
A fuzzy soft set hF; Ai over an AG-groupoid S is called
Fuzzy soft left (right) ideal over S if hS; Ai hF; Ai hF; Ai(hF; Ai
hS; Ei hF; Ai).
Fuzzy soft bi-ideal over S if hF; Ai hF; Ai hF; Ai and [hF; Ai
hS; Ai] hF; Ai hF; Ai.
Fuzzy soft quasi-ideal over S if [hF; A ~ [ (S; A)
(S; A)]\ hF; Ai]
hF; Ai.
hF; Ai is an ( ; )-fuzzy soft subset of hG; Bi and write hF; Ai ( ; )
hG; Bi if (i) A B, and (ii) For any " 2 A; F (") _q( ; ) G(").
A fuzzy soft set hF; Ai over an AG-groupoid S is called
An (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft left ideal over S if (S; A) hF; Ai ( ; )
hF; Ai.
An (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft bi-ideal over S if (i) hF; Ai hF; Ai ( ; )
hF; Ai, and (ii) [hF; Ai (S; A)] hF; Ai ( ; ) hF; Ai.
An (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft quasi-ideal over S if [hF; A ~ [ (S; A)
(S; A)]\
hF; Ai] ( ; ) hF; Ai.
Example 150 Let S = f1; 2; 3g and the binary operation " " de…nes on
S as follows:
1 2 3
1 2 2 3
2 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
Then (S; ) is an AG-groupoid. Let A = f0:35; 0:4g and de…ne a fuzzy
soft set hF; Ai over S as follows:
2 if x 2 f1; 2g,
F ( )(x) = 2
5 otherwise.
Then hF; Ai is an (20:3 ; 20:3 _q0:4 )- fuzzy soft left ideal of S.
Again let E = f0:7; 0:8g and de…ne a fuzzy soft set hG; Ei over S as
if x 2 f1; 2g,
G( )(x) = 2
5 otherwise.
Then hF; Ei is an (20:2 ; 20:2 _q0:4 )- fuzzy soft bi-ideal of S.
5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids 91
Thus min f(F (") \ G("))(a); g max ((F (") X S ) G("))(a); : This
implies that F (") \ G(") _q( ; ) (F (") X S ) G("):
Therefore in any case, we have K1 (") _q( ; ) K2 ("). Hence
~ hG; Li
hF; Bi\ ( ; ) (hF; Bi hS; Ei) hG; Li:
(B\L) = ( ; ) B \ L
_q( ; )( B S) L
= ( ; ) (BS)L .
Thus B \ L (BS)L:
(ii) ) (i)
B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a; and L [a] = a [ Sa are principle bi-ideal and prin-
ciple left ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii) left invertive
law,medial law, paramedial law and using law a(bc) = b(ac); we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 152 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For an ideal I and left ideal L of S; I \ L (IS) L:
~ hG; Li ( ; ) (hF; Ii
(iii) hF; Ii\ hS; Ei hG; Li); for any (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy soft ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft left ideal hH; Bi of S.
(iv) hF; Ii\~ hG; Li ( ; ) (hF; Ii hS; Ei) hG; Li; for any (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy generalized soft ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft
left ideal hH; Bi of S.
Proof. (i) ) (iv)
Let hF; Ii and hG; Li be any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft ideal
and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft left ideal over S; respectively. Let
a be any element of S, hF; Ii\~ hG; Li = hK1 ; I [ Li:For any " 2 I [ L. We
consider the following cases,
5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids 93
(I\L) = ( ; ) I \ L
_q( ; )( I S) L
= ( ; ) (IS)L .
94 5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Thus I \ L (IS)L:
Proof. (ii) ) (i)
I [a] = aS [ Sa; and L [a] = a [ Sa are principle .ideal and principle left
ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus left invertive law, paramedial
law and using law a(bc) = b(ac); we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 153 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For bi-ideal B of S; B B 2 S:
(iii) hF; Bi ( ; ) (hF; Bi hF; Bi) hS; Ei; for any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy
soft bi-ideal hF; Ai of S.
(iv) hF; Bi ( ; ) (hF; Bi hF; Bi) hS; Ei; for any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy
generalized soft bi-ideal hF; Ai of S.
Thus we have,
max ((F (") F (")) (X S ))(a);
( )
= max (F (") F ("))(p) ^ (X S )(q);
B = ( ; ) B2 \ S
_q( ; )( B B) S
= ( ; ) B2 S .
Thus B B 2 S:
(ii) ) (i)
B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a; and L [a] = a [ Sa are principle bi-ideal and prin-
ciple left ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii), left invertive
law, paramedial law and using law a(bc) = b(ac); we have,
Sa [(Sa)(Sa)]S = [S(Sa)](Sa)
= (SS)[a(Sa)] = S[a(Sa)] (aS) a:
Hence S is regular.
96 5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Theorem 154 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For bi-ideal B, ideal I and left ideal L of S; L \ B (LS) B:
~ hG; Bi ( ; ) (hF; Li
(iii) hF; Li\ hS; Ei) hG; Bi; for any (2 ; 2
_q )-fuzzy soft left ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft bi-ideal hH; Bi
of S.
~ hG; Bi ( ; ) (hF; Li hS; Ei) hG; Bi; for any (2 ; 2 _q )-
(iv) hF; Li\
fuzzy generalized soft left ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized
soft bi-ideal hH; Bi of S.
Proof. (i) ) (iv)
Let hF; Li and hG; Bi be any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft left ideal
and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft bi-ideal over S; respectively. Let a
be any element of S, hF; Li\~ hG; Bi = hK1 ; L [ Bi:For any " 2 L [ B. We
consider the following cases,
Case 1: " 2 L B: Then K1 (") = F (") \ G(") and K2 (") = (F G)(");
so we have K1 (") _q( ; ) K2 (")
Case 2: " 2 B L: Then K1 (") = H(") and K1 (") = H(") = K2 (")
Case 3: " 2 L \ B: Then K1 (") = F (") \ G(") and K2 (") = F (") G("):
Now we show that F (") \ G(") _q( ; ) (F (") G(")): Now since S is
regular AG-groupoid, so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that using left
invertive law; we have,
Thus we have,
Thus min f(F (") \ G("))(a); g max ((F (") X S ) G("))(a); : This
implies that F (") \ G(") _q( ; ) (F (") X S ) G("):
5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids 97
~ hG; Bi
hF; Li\ ( ; ) (hF; Li hS; Ei) hG; Bi:
~ (B; E)
(L; E)\ ( ; ) ( (L; E) (S; E)) (B; E).
(L\B) = ( ; ) L \ B
_q( ; )( L S) B
= ( ; ) (LS)B .
Thus L \ B (LS)B:
(ii) ) (i)
L [a] = a[Sa; and B [a] = a[a2 [(aS) a are principle left ideal and prin-
ciple bi-ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii), left invertive
law, paramedial law and using law a(bc) = b(ac); we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 155 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For left ideal L;quasi ideal Q and an ideal I of S; L \ Q \ I (LQ) I:
(iii) hF; Li\~ hG; Qi\
~ hH; Ii ( ; ) (hF; Li hG; Qi hH; Ii); for any (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft left ideal hF; Ai; (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft quasi ideal
hG; Bi and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft ideal hH; Ci of S.
(iv) hF; Li\~ hG; Qi\~ hH; Ii ( ; ) (hF; Li hG; Qi hH; Ii); for any (2
; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft left ideal hF; Ai; (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy gener-
alized soft quasi ideal hG; Bi and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft ideal
hH; Ci of S.
Proof. (i) ) (iv)
Let hF; Li; hG; Qi and hH; Ii be any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft
left ideal, (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft quasi ideal and (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy generalized soft ideal over S; respectively. Let a be any element of S,
98 5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids
Thus we have,
Thus min f(F (") \ G(") \ H("))(a); g max f((F (") G(") H("))(a); g :
This implies that F (") \ G(") \ H(") _q( ; ) (F (") G(")) H("):
Therefore in any case, we have K1 (") _q( ; ) K2 ("). Hence
~ hG; Qi\
hF; Li\ ~ hH; Ii ( ; ) (hF; Li hG; Qi) hH; Ii:
~ (Q; E)\
(L; E)\ ~ (H; E) ( ; ) ( (L; E) (Q; E)) (I; E).
5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids 99
(L\Q\I) = ( ; ) L \ Q \ I
_q( ; )( L Q) I
= ( ; ) (LQ)I .
Thus L \ Q \ I (LQ)I:
(ii) ) (i)
L [a] = a [ Sa ; Q [a] = a and I [a] = aS [ Sa; are principle bi-ideal
and principle left ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii), left
invertive law, paramedial law and using law a(bc) = b(ac); we have,
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 156 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For an ideal I and bi-ideal B of S; I \ B I (IB) :
~ hG; Bi ( ; ) hF; Ii (hF; Ii hG; Bi); for any (2 ; 2 _q )-
(iii) hF; Ii\
fuzzy soft ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft bi-ideal hH; Bi of S.
(iv) hF; Ii\~ hG; Bi ( ; ) hF; Ii (hF; Ii hG; Bi); for any (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy generalized soft ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft
bi-ideal hH; Bi of S.
Proof. (i) ) (iv)
Let hF; Ii and hG; Bi be any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft ideal
and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft bi-ideal over S; respectively. Let a
be any element of S, hF; Ii\~ hG; Bi = hK1 ; I [ Bi:For any " 2 I [ B. We
consider the following cases,
Case 1: " 2 I B: Then K1 (") = F (") \ G(") and K2 (") = (F G)(");
so we have K1 (") _q( ; ) K2 (")
Case 2: " 2 B I: Then K1 (") = H(") and K1 (") = H(") = K2 (")
Case 3: " 2 I \ B: Then K1 (") = F (") \ G(") and K2 (") = F (") G("):
Now we show that F (") \ G(") _q( ; ) (F (") G(")): Now since S is
regular AG-groupoid, so for a 2 S there exist x 2 S such that using left
invertive law; we have,
Thus we have,
Thus min f(F (") \ G("))(a); g max f(F (") (F (") G("))(a); g : This
implies that F (") \ G(") _q( ; ) (F (") (F (") G(")):
Therefore in any case, we have K1 (") _q( ; ) K2 ("). Hence
~ hG; Bi
hF; Ii\ ( ; ) (hF; Ii (hF; Ii) hG; Bi):
~ (B; E)
(I; E)\ ( ; ) ( (I; E) ( (I; E) (B; E)).
(I\B) = ( ; ) I \ B
_q( ; )( I ( I B ))
= _q( ; )( I) ( IB )
= ( ; ) I(IB) .
Thus I \ B I(IB):
(ii) ) (i)
I [a] = aS[Sa; and B [a] = a[a2 [(aS) a are principle ideal and principle
bi-ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii), left invertive law,
5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids 101
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 157 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For an ideal I and left ideal L of S; I \ L (IS) L:
~ hG; Li ( ; ) (hF; Ii
(iii) hF; Ii\ hS; Ei hG; Li); for any (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy soft ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft left ideal hH; Bi of S.
(iv) hF; Ii\~ hG; Li ( ; ) (hF; Ii hS; Ei hG; Li); for any (2 ; 2 _q )-
fuzzy generalized soft ideal hF; Ai and (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy generalized soft
left ideal hH; Bi of S.
Thus we have,
Thus min f(F (") \ G("))(a); g max ((F (") X S ) G("))(a); : This
implies that F (") \ G(") _q( ; ) (F (") X S ) G("):
Therefore in any case, we have K1 (") _q( ; ) K2 ("). Hence
~ hG; Li
hF; Ii\ ( ; ) (hF; Ii hS; Ei) hG; Li:
~ (L; E)
(I; E)\ ( ; ) ( (I; E) (S; E)) (L; E).
(I\L) = ( ; ) I \ L
_q( ; )( I S) L
= ( ; ) (IS)L .
Thus I \ L (IS)L:
(ii) ) (i)
I [a] = aS [ Sa; and L [a] = a [ Sa are principle ideal and principle
left ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii), left invertive law,
5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids 103
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 158 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For left ideal L of S; L fL (LS)gL:
(iii) hF; Li ( ; ) fhF; Li (hF; Li hS; Eig hF; Li; for any (2 ; 2
_q )-fuzzy soft left ideal hH; Bi of S. (iv)hF; Li ( ; ) fhF; Li (hF; Li
hS; Eig hF; Li (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy soft generalized left ideal hF; Bi of S.
Thus we have,
(I\L) = ( ; ) I \ L
_q( ; )( I S) L
= ( ; ) (IS)L .
Thus I \ L (IS)L:
(ii) ) (i)
5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids 105
Hence S is regular.
Proof. (i) =) (iii) Let a 2 S, then since S is regular so using left invertive
law we get
X L\B = X L \X B _q( ; )X L (X S X B)
= ( ; )
_ q( ; ) X fL(SB)g :
Thus L \ B L(SB).
(ii) =) (i)Using fS(Sa)g (Sa) and we get
Hence S is regular.
Theorem 160 For an AG-groupoid S; with left identity; the following are
(i) S is regular.
(ii) For bi-ideal B of S; B B 2 S:
(iii) hF; Bi ( ; ) (hF; Bi hF; Bi) hS; Ei; for any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy
soft bi-ideal hF; Ai of S.
(iv) hF; Bi ( ; ) (hF; Bi hF; Bi) hS; Ei; for any (2 ; 2 _q )-fuzzy
generalized soft bi-ideal hF; Ai of S.
Thus we have,
max ((F (") F (")) (X S ))(a);
( )
= max (F (") F ("))(p) ^ (X S )(q);
B = ( ; ) B2 \ S
_q( ; )( B B) S
= ( ; ) B2 S .
Thus B B 2 S:
(ii) ) (i)
B [a] = a [ a2 [ (aS) a; and L [a] = a [ Sa are principle bi-ideal and prin-
ciple left ideal of S generated by a respectively. Thus by (ii), left invertive
law, paramedial law and using law a(bc) = b(ac); we have,
Sa [(Sa)(Sa)]S = [S(Sa)](Sa) = (SS)[a(Sa)]
= S[a(Sa)] (aS) a:
Hence S is regular.
108 5. Fuzzy Soft Abel Grassmann Groupoids
5.3 References
[1] S. K. Bhakat and P. Das, On the de…nition of a fuzzy subgroup, Fuzzy
Sets and Systems, 51(1992); 235 241:
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