Enochian Tablets Compared
Enochian Tablets Compared
Enochian Tablets Compared
(Frater Ch.N.Ch. 4=7)
Ysigwier y Deau Twr
The Order of Michaels Grail
figures, and the use of their presence is the gift of God delivered unto Enoch, and
by Enoch his request to the faithful, that thereby they might have the true use of
Gods creatures, and of the earth whereon they dwell: So hath the Devil delivered
unto the wicked the Signs, and tokens of his error and hatred towards God:
whereby they in using them, might consent with their fall: and so become partakers
with them of their reward, which is eternal damnation…
…Now hath it pleased God to deliver this doctrine again out of darkness: and to
fulfill his promise with thee, for the books of Enoch: To whom he sayeth as he said
unto Enoch.
Let those who are worthy understand this, by thee, that it may be one witness of my
promise toward thee. Come therefore, O thou Cloud, and wretched darkness , 1
Come forth I say out of this Table: For the Lord again hath opened the earth: and
she shall become known to the worthy.”
This is a clear warning about not only the misuse of the Tables of Enoch, but
also a message about their Power. These are the opening lines of the reception of
the Original Great Table; a tool and symbol of great power and wisdom.
It is from these tables that the names of the Governors of the Aeythrs are
derived. The names of the Commanding and Calling (later to be called Controlling),
the Kerubs, Cacodaemons, Seniors, Kings and Banner names. And in fact, only the
Banner Names are left untouched by the numerous changes which occur over the
course of the next 400 years.
The cloud of darkness which fell upon the wisdom of Enoch and his tablets when that magic was made
known to the profane, and began to be utilized by Black Magicians.
On April 20 of 1587, the Archangel Raphael instructs Kelly in changes to the
Great Table. The most common change is the change of every instance of the letter
“U” to the letter “V”. As most know, Raphael proceeds to do a very peculiar thing,
he instructs Kelly in a Cipher, written in Latin, which when decoded says that Dee
and Kelly should swap wives for a night. Needless to say, its quite odd that the
Archangel whose name means “Healer of God” would instruct them in something
that in the least would cause some kind of emotional pain and rift between Jane
and John Dee, if not also Mrs. Kelly. Popular opinion is that this was at best an
unconscious desire projected by Kelly onto the appearance of the angel, at worst
it was an outright deception by Kelly to sleep with Dee’s wife.
Whatever the reason, it was more or less the end of the reception of Enochian
knowledge by Dee and Kelly. Truly the bulk of their material had been received by
July 21 of 1584, less than a month after the reception of the Original Tables.
Thereafter, besides the revision of the Great Table in 1587, there is only one thing
worth of note. It appears the Enochians were attempting to dictate to Kelly an
Enochian version of Alchemy. However, likely due to limited knowledge of Alchemy
on Kelly’s part this never really unfolded besides getting a few words for common
Alchemic terms.
Only a madman would intentionally wade into the waters of the History of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. For one, researching Secret Societies
proves to be difficult because of the very nature of what they are. Men in Secret
Societies are skilled at leaving no trace except those traces that they want to
It was never my intention to wade into these waters. When I first embarked on
the mission of comparing the Tablets I thought it a long afternoons worth of work.
I’m not a scholar of the Golden Dawn. The real intention and purpose of this
article is to compare the Enochian Elemental Tablets side by side. One may think
then that this little essay is a bit excessive, extremely liberal and very controversial
for what it claims it’s trying to accomplish. However, I was prompted into these
studies by asking the question of when and where changes to the tables were
made. It began as a simple inquiry into the history of the Enochian Great Table. And
as I began to unravel whose tables were whose and when, I began to find other
questions which troubled me. Such as when were the pyramid squares invented,
and how did Westcott come up with the idea. Furthermore, how did Westcott
include such a comprehensive and rare list of Egyptian Archetypes in Enochian
Chess during a time when the works of Budge had not been published yet?
This led me down the perilous road of Cipher Manuscripts and Secret
Societies; a road I never wished to travel. Many of the ideas presented here are
just that, ideas, guesses, conjectures. Also many of the ideas have been presented
before in one form or another. Some of the conclusions and questions I raised
myself, others I drew from well known sources. I’ve tried to make clear when I’m
taking stabs in the dark, and when I’m talking about actual historical events. And
done my best to include the sources I used in the Bibliography- which to be quite
honest, for this project I never thought I would need to include one.
The Creation of the Golden Dawn:
In August of 1888, Dr. Westcott laid eyes upon Sloane 307 for the first time , 2
this manuscript is a series of invocations written in Latin calling upon the spirits of
the Great Table, said to date from the mid 17 century. This prompted Westcott to
do research into the Great Table and make some adjustments; these were
approved by a woman called Fraulein Sprengel in 1891, who they claimed was their
Secret Master originating out of Germany. With this little piece of information, we
can determine what Tables Westcott was using at the time. Westcott was using the
Tabula Recensa, apparently unaware of any Original tables of Dee and Kelly. Many
of the changes he makes to the tablets then revert back to the Original Tables, as
well as many changes which deviate from both previous versions of the Tablets.
Practical Angel Magic of Dr John Dee’s Enochian Tables; Stephen Skinner & David Rankine; Golden
Hoard Press 2004
been formed a few months earlier; certainly Westcott didn’t master the entire
Enochian system in the course of a few months? And there is the question of
Enochian Chess to consider. How did Westcott have such extensive knowledge of
Egyptian Archetypes when that knowledge was not yet available to the world?
Therefore we should consider the three founders of the Golden Dawn for a
moment and their origins. William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott and
Samuel Macgregor Mathers were all members of the Rosicrucian order SRIA , which 3
Then in 1891, the German Order who they claimed they received this Cipher
Manuscript from which detailed the rituals and Initiations of the Golden Dawn
abruptly cut off contact with them. They don’t seem to have received the Inner
Order rituals yet, at least this was their claim, however in 1892 Mathers claims a link
All SRIA references are for the Society of Rosicrucians in Anglia, NOT America
Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn; Patrick J. Zalewski; Falcon Press 1988
to the Secret Masters had again been established, he claims the man was a
continental adept he met in France and that he had received the Inner Order
rituals from him, they then open the Inner Order almost immediately thereafter. The
symbolism of the Inner Order fits in perfectly with that of the Outer, and continues
along the same course. It’s unlikely that the heavy and heady symbolism of the Vault
of the Adept’s and the major system of correspondences was developed in such a
short time, even by three brilliant men. Their knowledge would have to cover nearly
every aspect of western Occultism, Rosicrucianism and Hermeticism then known,
and they would have had to been able to synthesize this into a working system.
While this is possible, wouldn’t this mean they would have had to been working on
this project for many years before 1887 when the Cipher was translated and in
1888 when the Golden Dawn was founded? And even if he met this continental
Adept, why would the symbolism fit so neatly? Are we to believe this Adept was an
oath breaker, and broke away from the German Order just to supply these men
with the Inner Order documents and then vanish, suffering the spiritual and mental
consequences of oath breaking?
Furthermore we have the pyramid squares to consider, which may not seem like
much but one has doubts that they spontaneously arose anymore than anything else.
Especially when you consider these were busy men, who worked for the Crown and
were heavily involved in their Masonic communities. We should assume that
between 1888 and 1892 things were moving quickly for the four men, and they
weren’t just then beginning their studies into the occult arts, especially since they
all had to be Master Masons to join SRIA, Woodman had been in SRIA for 20
years, Westcott for almost 10, I cannot seem to find when Mathers joined but likely
it was within 5 years prior to the creation of the Golden Dawn.
Therefore we must turn to SRIA, founded in 1867 on June 1st. Woodman joins
on October 30 of the same year, becomes Supreme Grandmaster Magus in 1878
and begins to push SRIA’s influence into Australia and America. Two years later in
1880 William Wynn Westcott joined SRIA. In 1886 It is said then that A.F.A
Woodford obtained papers from Kenneth Mackenzie who had just died, which
contained the aforementioned Cipher Manuscript in the papers of Mackenzie’s
deceased mentor. These were given to Westcott in 86 and decoded by him in
September of 1887. Westcott then wrote a letter to the Adept whose name is
given (Fraulein Sprengel) in the Cipher, and was granted the rights to open a lodge
in London. Interestingly this lodge was Number 3, Number 1 was (supposedly)
Fraulein Sprengel’s lodge in Germany and Number 2 was an aborted attempt by
unnamed persons in London.
Finally we must consider the Egyptian symbolism of the Golden Dawn. Not only
is there a good deal of use of Egyptian Archetypes used in the rituals and
initiations of the Golden Dawn, but Enochian Chess, based off the Indian Game
Chanturanga, contains numerous Egyptian Archetypes which could not have been so
accurately placed upon the Enochian Tablets let alone known about with the little
knowledge available on Egypt at the time. The largest portion of information was
found on the Rosetta Stone when it was translated in 1822 though the paper the
Cipher is on is Watermarked as 1809. But the most comprehensive knowledge, the
knowledge which would have been most needed to form Enochian chess wouldn’t
begin to be printed until 1895. And this was the knowledge of E.A. Wallis Budge.
E.A. Wallis Budge was an Egyptian scholar, who studied Assyrian, Hebrew and
Ethiopic amongst others and worked with the major scholars of his time (1857-
1934). From 1878 to 1883 Budge went to Cambridge University and studied
languages. During the period of 1883 to 1886 he worked in the British Library, first
in the Assyrian Antiquities section then later in the Egyptology section. He also
worked for prominent governmental figures and there’s no reason to assume, with
the time Mathers and Westcott spent moving in the circles of scholars, Freemasons,
Hermetics and their time at the British Library, that they would never have come
into contact with the most renowned Egyptian Scholar of their day. However I can
find no evidence that Budge was a Mason, therefore he could not have been
admitted into SRIA as you had to be a Master Mason to join.
Therefore we have a clear explanation as to how generally unknown Egyptian
deities, even to people who work with the Egyptian gods modernly and have
access to a plethora of information, would have made their way into the Golden
Dawn scheme of Enochian Chess by 1892. As even if he had not talked with
Westcott until he returned from his trip to Egypt in 91, there still would have been
time. The adaptation of the Archetypes onto the boards is said to be the work of
Westcott, of this I have no doubt. I’m not proposing that Budge was an Enochian
magician, but that Westcott and Budge were in contact, sharing information and
Westcott was asking a lot of questions which Budge was happy to supply answers
to. Some of these obscure deities include Thoumathph, Ameshet, Shu Zoan and
Anouke. Furthermore the Egyptian lore contained within Enochian chess is
something that had not yet been published. Using the Four Sons of Horus as the
Pawns, and the elemental attributions of the deities are things which could only be
guessed at if you had a working knowledge of those deities’ histories and myths.
Perhaps both Budge and Westcott both enjoyed playing Chaturanga and having
drinks with each other, which led to Westcott’s revelation on Enochian chess and
his friend’s ability to supply him with knowledge of how to apply the Egyptian
Archetypes to it.
The work of Budge in unrivaled, he was the only one of his time to have such an
extensive knowledge of Egyptian mythology and has been mostly the only one since.
The timelines are right, but there is then something very wrong. The authenticity of
the Cipher Manuscripts again comes into question which uses Egyptian Archetypes
which were unknown until 1822 when the Rosetta stone was translated, 13 years
after the Cipher paper itself was watermarked. The Cipher is said to come from
Germany, yet no evidence has been found to support this theory. The Signatures
of the first Golden Dawn Charter only contain that of the three founders. One
would think, being all official and everything, that the one who chartered the order
would also have signed it (Fraulein Sprengel).
The cause for the Inner Order symbolism being such is again said to be from a
mysterious adept who gave the papers to Mathers. Why would the trio be so
fortunate as to continue to have two Secret Occult Orders give their secrets to
them to initiate members with, first from Germany and secondly from France? It
seems unlikely, not only because if it was the same Order then someone was
breaking oaths, but because if it was different Orders the symbolism wouldn’t fit
together so perfectly. And we must remember that the Cipher itself wasn’t directly
given to Westcott by these Adepts, they originate entirely with members of SRIA.
Thus it’s more likely that their Secret Masters originate out of Scotland, out of
SRIS, and that Lodge no. 2 was a much earlier attempt at branching out to London
without actually creating another R.C. lodge.
It’s likely that Westcott’s supposed petition to change the tablets in 88 was a
kind of final contact. Naturally the Secret Masters would be watching, but wouldn’t
want anyone who would come into the Golden Dawn to be able to find out where
and who they were. Thus, Westcott’s letter of approval to make changes is
returned saying that yes, he can make changes. If this theory is true, we can guess
that the letter also says that unless anymore changes need to be made to Inner or
Outer order teachings, to open the Inner Order and promptly cease contact with
them in Scotland. They know who and where they are, and can naturally find out
what’s going on whenever they want. Thus they say that the woman they were in
http://www.wikipedia.org/ Also SRIS is the R.C. Society in Scotland, where the founders of SRIA
originate. Also SRIS is Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia
contact with dies within that same year that Westcott gets his letter back, and they
lost contact with their German Order, when in fact they may have just been being
pushed away for secrecies sake. Mathers claim to being in contact with the Secret
Masters was designed to comfort people who began to be wary of an order
without outside contact.
With this theory, the Cipher Manuscripts were not “meant to be decoded” but
meant to protect the secrets of how the order would be built from the profane,
who would not know what to do with them if they somehow came across them. 6
Mackenzie then would have already known what they were, what they meant, and
could read them, but kept them in their ciphered form for secrecies sake.
There may yet be elements of truth to the Cipher story, as there often is in
cover ups. It is said that the Isis-Urania lodge of the Golden Dawn is Lodge
Number 3, Number 1 purportedly being the German Order (or in this case the
Order of Adepts in SRIS in Scotland). Number 2 however was a failed attempt at a
lodge in London by unnamed men. This is said to be an earlier attempt at a Lodge
in London, perhaps in the mid 1830’s/40’s. If this was SRIS trying to initiate this,
likely they sent an agent to London at that time. Likely the first attempt was trying to
act as an extension of SRIS, without opening another R.C. Masonic lodge in
London. Failing this, SRIS waited until they found men both willing and able to open
a charter in London, who did so in 1867 and the opening of SRIA with the mission
of opening a Rosicrucian Occult order called the Golden Dawn. Having a front like
this would give them many years, and allow them to recruit men of great expertise
and knowledge to help build and make possible an Order like the Golden Dawn,
men like Westcott, Mathers, Woodman, Budge and others.
The Cipher used is given in a 1561 version of Trithmethus “Polygraphia”.
I have not forgotten the point. The manuscript also contained references to
Enochian. But if it was a forgery of Westcott, he still would have had to acquire
paper that was almost 80 years old, perhaps not impossible, but certainly not an
easy task. However there’s no reference to the later innovations of colored tables
and the Enochian pyramid squares in the Cipher manuscript. If it was a legitimate
Cipher from Germany, there are still the issues of the Egyptian Archetypes and that
the information that would not have been available until 13 years after the paper
was watermarked. Furthermore, Westcott obviously had knowledge of Enochian pre-
existing the reception of the Cipher in 86, and before 88 when he makes changes
to the tables.
Furthermore the time period where Westcott would have most likely been in
contact with Budge, and had the most access to him, was between 1883-1886, only
someone already using Flashing Tables and with an in depth knowledge of the
Enochian Tables would be trying to adapt them into a game of chess using Egyptian
Archetypes, so we can trace Westcott’s Enochian earlier than 1883.
Westcott joined SRIA in 1880, and was already a Master mason. He was 32
when he joined, and already exposed to ideas of Qabalah, Alchemy and
Hermeticism- therefore almost definitely John Dee. It would not be to far of a fetch
to believe Westcott was experimenting with Enochian and other forms of Magick in
his early 20’s. Thus we can guess that Westcott was practicing Enochian in 1870.
His adaptation of the colored Tablets may have been inspired by Alchemy,
which is heavily based on colors. Or on Masonic Symbolism, which certainly isn’t
just black and white. Or possibly on simple art, which teaches the idea of opposite
colors as one of the first lessons you learn. We have already entered the realm of
pure speculation, but likely by the mid 1870’s Westcott had colored, flashing
Tablets. It wouldn’t be until 1880 to 1883 that he adapted them into Pyramid
squares, having got the idea from the 4=7 ritual in the Cipher Manuscript owned by
men in SRIA. Being on the idea that the tablets contain pyramids, he would be
prompted to think of Egypt and therefore, Enochian Chess and Chaturanga with
Budge are only a few steps away.
Euan Campbell was a 9=2 in the Whare Ra lodge in the early 1930’s. He left the
lodge and went to London, England, to study the Tables of John Dee and ended
up staying there for about a year. His studies revealed to him some changes to be
made to the Tables they were using in Whare Ra at the time, and he wrote a series
of letters to Mrs.Felkin, who ran the Whare Ra lodge at the time, to make the
changes, and eventually convinced her. What is interesting is how this was
described to me , and how it’s written in “Enochian Chess of the Golden Dawn”. It
seems Felkin was conservative on the matter, and at least aware enough of the
power of Enochian to not go messing obliquely with the tables without a damn good
Anthony Flemming; on the Yahoo! Group “Golden-Dawn-Group” owned by Pat Zalewski contributed
more specific dates and information regarding Campbell.
In many cases these tables represent the Westcott tables; which makes sense
as its likely Whare Ra had those tables when the temple was first formed. In most
cases the Campbell tables agree with Westcott. However there are 11 cases
where Campbell diverges from Westcott, Recensa or the Original Tables. 2 of
these are changes of the letters P to F. And 4 more are places where two squares,
which Westcott had changed to A and O, are reversed to OA in the Campbell
version. The rest are various differences in lettering and pronunciation of U/V.
Changing the letter P to F was likely a bias of learning Hebrew, where Peh is
sometimes pronounced as an F, sometimes as a P, however in Enochian these are
two separate characters, and so constitute a real change.
The Tables found in Regardie’s book contain the many versions of the Tables
out there. I have included the letters from those tables which I can find no
evidence of in other places. Who was responsible for many of these changes, I
cannot say. But I have only included these changes where they differ completely
from the other four versions of the Tablets. These changes, odd as any of the
others, very well may have been adaptations of Mathers, or even later adaptations
of Westcott’s.
• 1692, Ashmole Dies and the works pass into the hands of Oxford University,
whom he donated his museum to in 1672
• 1888, Westcott sees Sloane MS. 307, makes changes to Great Table.
• 1891, Westcott’s changes are approved by Fraulein Sprengel.
• 1888-1892, Westcott discovers and implements Pyramid Squares and
Enochian Chess into the G.D. Inner Order teachings with approval from
Fraulein Sprengel.
• 1912, Equinox VIII is published containing Liber vel Chanok which has in
them the Tables of Westcott with their Pyramid Squares.
• 1934, Euan Campbell researches the different versions of the Great Table,
makes changes/revisions of his own.
• 1935, Campbell’s changes are approved by Mrs.Felkin
• 1941, Israel Regardie publishes “The Golden Dawn” which contains notes
from Macgregor Mathers on Enochian Magick, and includes on those tables
some variations from the other four versions of the tables.
Side by Side Comparison of the Five Variations of
the Enochian Great Table
There are many significant changes that are made to the tables in the course of
its history. Most people agree, that whatever set of tables you choose to work with
its going to have power. It works, enough said. However the fact is that some of the
names of the spirits are almost completely different. In a system based so heavily
upon a purely Magickal language, id say there’s a significant difference between
then names “RONC and OOAM”, though they occupy the same four squares. Plus
we find changes which alter names of some of the more powerful spirits on the
tables, such as the names of Commanding and Controlling spirits, as well as that of
the Seniors, and we shouldn’t forget that the Governors of the 30 Aethyrs names
are derived from here. One wonders how many people called upon TAAOGBA,
the 88 Governor, 1 of the 30 Aeythr TEX, when they should have been calling
th st th
Breakdown of Differences:
• The letter Q only appears once on the entire Great Table, Square M7 on
the Table of Fire.
• All vowel discrepancies are with the letters “U/V”
• In every table there are exactly 2 such vowel discrepancies.
• Every instance of a letter ‘U’ is changed to a ‘V’ from the Original on the
Tabula Recensa.
• The Banner names and the Names on the Tablet of Union are left unchanged
in every variation of the Great Table.
• The Elemental King Names are different only on the Earth Table, and only
between the Original and Recensa Tables.
• Strip H on the Table of Earth has four separate variations.
• When the Westcott and Campbell tables both agree, they tend to do so
more often with the Original Table than the Recensa in cases where changes
were made on the Recensa. However in some cases, they agree with
• In cases where they don’t both agree, the Westcott tables tend to agree
with the Original Table more, while the Campbell tables tend to agree with
the Recensa.
• Squares E1 of Water and K5 of the Earth tables are the only two places
where a P has been changed to an F, both of these changes appear only on
the Campbell tables.
• The Table of Water contains the most outright breakaways from the lettering
of the Original or Recensa Tables. Every such instance is found on the
Campbell tables, while a majority of them are found on the Westcott tables.
Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A b O a Z a R o p h a R a
B u/v/u N n a x o P S o n d n
C a i g r a/u/a n o o/o/a m a g g
D o r p m n i n g b e a l
E r s O n i z i r l e m u/v
F i z i n r C z i a M h l
G m o r d i a l h C t G a
H AE/O O/c c/a a/n n/c c/h h/i i/a/i a/s s/o o/n m/t
R/O o/o a/c n/a c/ m c/ c h/h i/b/t a/a s/s o/o m/m
I A r b i z m i i/l l p i z
J O p a n a l/B/B a m S m a l/p/L
K d O l o p/P/F i n i a n b a
L r x p a o c s i z i x p
M a x t i r V a s t r i m
Comparison of the Table of Air
Squares which contain differences in vowel pronunciation: 2
Squares which contain differences in lettering: 9
Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A r Z i l a f A u/y/y/y t l/i p a
B a r d Z a i d p a L a m
C c Z o n s a v/r/r/r o Y a u/v/u/u b
D T o i T t X/z/x/x o P a c o C
E S i g a s o m/m/n r b z n h
F f m o n d a T d i a r i
G o r o i b A h a o Z p i
I O i i i t T p a l O a i
J A b a m o o o a C v/u/u c a
K N a o c O T t n p r a/n/a/a T
L O c a n m a g o t r o i
M S h i a l r a p m z o x
Comparison of the Table of Water
Squares which contain differences in vowel pronunciation: 2
Squares which contain differences in lettering: 22
Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A T a O A d u/v p t D n i m
B a/a/o a b/l/l c o o r o m e b b
G m p h a r s l g a i o l
H M a m g l o i n L i x
I o l a a D a/n g a T a p a
J p a L c o i/i/n d x P a c n
K n d a z N x/z i V/U/V a a s a
L i/r i d P o n/n/i s d a s p i
Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A d o n p a T d a n V/o a a
B o l o a G e o o b a v/v/u i/a/a
C o P a m n o O/v G m/n d n m
D a p/b/b l s T e d/c e c a o p
E s c m i o/a/o o/o/a n A m l o x
F V a r/v s G d L b/v r i a p
r/r b/b
G o i P t e a a p d o c e
H p/x s u/v a c n r Z i r Z a
p/p u/u
I S i o d a o i n r z f m
J d a l t T d n a d i r e
K d i x/b o m o n s i o s p
L O o D p/x z i A p a n l i
M r g o a n n Q/P/P/O A C r a r
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