Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
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Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 42, March 2004
were prepared using a Loughborough-Griffin & George TLC Results and Discussion
Unikit (Leicestershire, England). All the chemicals were of
analytical grade.
The challenger Cu2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ cations in the qualitative
Synthesis of M(DEDTC)2 complexes and quantitative analysis require to be separated satisfactorily.
Prepared were 0.10 mol/L solutions of metal nitrates TLC is extensively used for organic species but has potential usage
[Cu(NO3)2, Co(NO3)2, Ni(NO3)2 ] at pH 5.5–6.0 (adjusted by acetic for inorganic cations. In this context, TLC has been examined for
acid–sodium acetate buffer). From these solutions, a 1.0-mL qualitative analysis of Cu2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ cations via forming
aliquot was poured into a beaker and 1.0 mL of 0.1 mol/L fast and stable complexes. For this purpose, in choosing DEDTC
NaDEDTC solution was added to it and then was shaken. Four and PyDTC ligands, neutral M(DEDTC)2 and M(PyDTC)2 com-
milileters of pure chloroform was added to the beaker and was plexes were prepared.
shaken for 1 min. This mixture was tranfered into a separatory DEDTC and PyDTC ligands with N,S donor atoms formed the
funnel and shaken. The phases were allowed to separate for 5 min. coordinatively saturated stable complexes with the cations cited.
Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 42, March 2004
roform were higher compared with the solubility of Ni(PyDTC)2 the cations in sample with NaDEDTC. Although TLC application
in chloroform. As seen from Figure 3, M(DEDTC)2 and using pure toluene as the mobile phase is more successful than a
M(PyDTC)2 could be easily identified because of their distinctive toluene–cyclohexane mixture (3:1, v/v) because of the higher N
colors. values belonging to complexes, either of the mobile phases can be
Chromatograms of M(DEDTC)2 and M(PyDTC)2 complexes used successfully for qualitative analysis of cations and separation
on activated Si-60GF254 layers with pure toluene and a of M(DEDTC)2 complexes as to the relative N values.
toluene–cyclohexane mixture (3:1, v/v) are shown in Figure 3. As As a final evaluation of data in Table I regarding qualitative anal-
appear in these, the spots of complexes and their mixtures were ysis and separation of Cu(II), Ni (II), and Co(II) complexes, it can
developed without any tailing or decomposition and were sepa- be said that the best TLC application is performed on an activated
rated into their components. This chromatographic property is Si-60GF254 layer with pure toluene as the mobile phase.
peculiar to coordinatively saturated dithiocarbamate complexes. Additionally, the DEDTC ligand is more successful than the
Rf and N values for these complexes are given in Table I. PyDTC ligand.
As seen from Table I, for the TLC application using pure In view of the contributions to chromatographic separation of
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