Me6701 Ppe Question Bank

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e : ; ee - > Me &tol - int plat Engleerba. aman 0 1. “ claatity ke Soutes of Fugu. 2) ‘Renewable (en Won Convestemal Aoutios of Coergy. b) Non Reoewable (019 Convanttenal Sovstces of regu. ef (© Solar, Wiad, Tide, GuotReimal , Frog Sia Bots Triecrasss (D Coal, Fosse Hues. C exoouaibie] E Cohat ore He Rape types of ae Pleat 7 | a) Skeom Planks “~@ Coal, cil (09 Nuclear Paste | B) Gkemnal Conbushion Engire Pt ©) Gostubiae Panto: a) Hejaro Clechic Plena. | A 3. Define, Ferrcal Pocser Shaner. Ti Cooks Orie Pcp that d Fad tg Commaiank Ber Pheaknsel 'EWfgy. jeep Mee of Sites oonedg, Pedal. 4. Clantity Vapowt oyels- 7 Q) Rankine cyple 5 Kegenaative Cyptes ® Reet: cyte a) Bier Vapoo. Cys - " est -UEbadad by bona 5: Cohat 6 te Basie Cpaatig Ceyete oh Shem fone, Plant ) Lankooa Cotte. 6 adae Pe Stow Arata of Rankaie Coe. ane rameit 9 © Proceeee 12: . Renal Addtabokic ercpansion the Habihe. 6 2 Cita oI ieee \iansfer oot heokt& the Condenser. Be + Reversible Gadicbake Fomty Pewati’ the Fad, Pump. 4a : Conn tent Revue trunaPe, 4 beak ne bolle. - os te ‘Ronkuie ayele enfant Cen be (Spurred) ? ® I. Teas Ae verge émpchane at which “has Supotiel. 7. Pree yang Nee Tempus 4 ak OShich — | aba Gre +Re ome 6 Ret ; \. These 18 G0 Noereased Qups oft tabine: 64 “ue i& Oo IRopeevement Bike Hewat €PPieien of hnedubure 3. ad Apt Bai 05 Stam te opoved. ; 4. "posi BA" loos ion Petlens” & the Steam hubine ose” * eal [ewided. 1. Cofct ore the Ga\vantages af Stpahedacd ine |. Supa heating 4: High Yeliabiity and, Yeduced maintenance - 34. Diswua cows Aah archi yh. Conve bo ee g Alvage. Diseosat at; et Suitable sites. Cool Contsing wh nate Some “I: 04 4th. hen Coal 16 bund, irs abet(lo— 807.) 1S onveted tudo Oth 40. List out He Ask harliig Bip. 1 Mecharica hari syste 3. Hopbrulic System. 5. Abe Hes 7. <> Veenolte Sylow 4, Low Prasure stem, 5. High Pessuve Oyster Al Lis out 46, Mecharicd duat Colkctors- chy (eo Lok type : Grostahcnal Lepactot , Cycle Sepeicloy, Bighore filter’, unbAvabla Aa. (hak 76 Baghonse Piters 7 To venon fe Guat (Articles fom the Fegas, fabac fillkevs Cre Used & Borer Plants Me, are made of Laronsmateriod Hak Yahi Pavtculetbe molly as Gos Panter throngh. A fabsc Hills Clmunts ig made up ef lenahetlon Cybscieel tbe ea Froioles a7 large Burka Py anit of as obanan pete A ayshen Contos aw lage 0 of Sich Filer Vlemorts Grmped i Realed rood 'd Gleb baghone +5. Uthat é9 Called Hlechosiaie Pecfpictor ? ‘Tt Consiata of liso Reta CH Chetmdes : the Crt Han 0 lachagicg Cletrode and, Coleg Chcheole. For Clust Yemoval - The gas to be checned tout behveen these, Platis. The Second sek Glled Aischayge Clectodes, Conista ee cites. These Gre locdted, Cenhaty bho Cele Pair of Pellet peter. Cahn jb Velie cited it pemcda Auicesel vem sninm oleic Fretch hav Gralar Iragetinde oct the Aischage Chehocles. The dust Particles Hus Gps Chpnited On the Collecler cbechechs:, Ah Bot 24 Called, Arava Syston 7 Bila hough: isthe Viecire obtferens vosuived, to manta Coit fou of aircite He raw ad to Aishoge He Aegis ‘0 te abmsiphee rough 4 China. 45° Clanily He aught System. Pola daugit Artilicial Drought fan) Todused Nobu chaugit C Chnoey-craugit) tied ct. Uthat ase the achantcges of, Chingy raugpt 7 | Exteel Foner id net veouived +0 Produce chougtt 2. Gapitel Cosy ia (eas crcl waidarerce Cont 15 Vo). 3. Air plltin isleab athe Chimeyy Aischoges he gans at hugh. linge. 44 Nome the Pre mover Und dor Clecric ; Sham drubiaels. ee Pre Lig. State-the Patocipte of Sheam whine. De 15 the Chae of momulun of a fet oF Alem Flour'g Cree 0. Curved Vane. The laa fotr eves 2 Hrsdure Ontnebade- tshen Heid moved Ove ne Cured Surfowe oh He bde, Cay 40 its Contifagat over 484, Slate the Taboiie types. Tapa. 2. Reach 5). hate the Tropate Twbiine Look Partipte- Sn Weis, high —Veloty, lean ComSg Out Frm Ve morte Brikes the blades Aned Onlne fer of Ine wher She net dove Acting on he blacks Vetulla 19 Change of wonealumn Que to hich the hubire Shaft vetaler. The Gye Cnempier 64 Tnputse turbine @ Quais twine, Delve) tuvoine, Katean tevome - 50. oshat is Caled, Conpowdvig of twbines ] Tt the Seam Resource: aleops Som boiler Rersuve +o Cosclersor Resure @ a Sigte lage, Gt Velocey eh steam fro Ihe ora Lill became Voy high, anc} fuwbine Sprod will be inthe ovdor a4, So, 500 \pm- Dee 40 vag high Speed, Coot bagel Bliss ave developed 5 Ve tavhine blacles vel f bbde 4alluve. +a; that ove the types | Confundo of Srotary lusitaricae? 1. Velocity Compaunded fepate tuabsne a Rersuve. Compound (rpaune biliny. Fh Ditfivente bly Smpuue and Keach troine. 1. Steam Qxpardls Conplaaa Shem Qnpondt Baty tanemeriig 1B Me nozake « biades ancl ined beds. 2. eae Fox Ora ne blades 1S ueaform, lve fo Syrmelial bide Pesfile - ss5- usher tale Funchon 4 Cooclerner. 7 he Varo Purnthon 6 Ihe Coclenter isto Condense the Chant Steam Pom the tubing. Tr 's*aclored Vussl “ny ishich, nigh Peaswre Argo Som the Steam wbine Vo typed! bode Yshle- Conclonies x10 low Promuse. EG. Nanethoetlanhe of @ Condensing Float: ? Conclensate Entsachs Fmp rile fac Rp Conchunsata Contin, Looter Stesiraslshen Ramp. makeup Woler > boner. | Drrect Contact (on Mirai ype on fat Cooclentese. 2. Safes: Cocks (09 Mon ming ype Conlin 5B Laat ove the Adv 8 cbteady of Safa Concdenar 7 Li Dieting of Shea and, ee Cooter , bre Conclunate DP ney, c& fare, and hence Gn be Uad a baler ea: 9. Aasthe Steen expands tole lout Postible Reesor (due to highs Vetuum incised) Woe ocak oe bh Steam 1 uf. Disadu + —— I. Spo YeSui romerd i Lange 2. Pied clas OF tubes 16 3. Higler ‘hilellain, Opaohon and ——e Mnalninares Cosh. FA. tchak ia Called Coola tower 7 A Coo tower 18 4 Locoden (ov metallic. Yeilanquter- Steecheu Colla Packed, baghing devices. the hat Corer is Believed, to Ine 4op ch tons. and tulle alovon, through, tte tower ind Is, boven fato Sall Preticles Dhile Paesu Over the baferuse a? Air Cols Pe souicrs ate bello end “sPevag UposvelA End toot He tater. The hota: leas Vhe tater ot tne :top. Tre tanked Wake, Feats Goon ito atoink betow the tower From Lebere.. if Cony be again be Creulstech to hte Conclenter. : 0. hee ype i ta MMR Awe, 2. a 4 tow... bl Claaily the Coolig tron aed on Cnugit | Fecha! rouggt - fovead Arcugt S: doultied! vitlucecd, Araugtsr aoc Aoced haught bo Dracus chat Bod cody Lreamant fh the Feed Uaer ave | Uncliatolued amcl the opin Fesent 3 Sagpanci sohicls 2. Tatil anc SArenté - % Mathads at a ae In 1+ SAvinertchan 1. Diabilahin c Soda heghrets te — Dasretire beobe 2. — . J 3. Zeclte breabment: A, Demiernb Whar - 68. Disuss alont Sodiin Zecite. adtirer. Dik Biles +0 a Presse Files tw CovdWadkin : Tho “Wale tinder Ruxwe enorshnesoPines “at ine’ top the Sovm “of sing “Tbren’ Prowse Hioigh He eckiti'loed, ‘ancl the nevanese 84 hte, 16 Yeneed by (6 Caching. i Cibo», + Naz —y GZ+ Nag&on. Calg + Nagt Sy GZHONACL. Unit, DIESEL, GasursinE AND CoMBiINED CyUE PoxEe Plants. ) Disurss the toma Weed & Tc. Fagin Aarinalag. | Cyfricla lore B® 3 Stoke (L) 5 Bottom dead contielery 2. Pasion Areg A) 4: Top chad. Cantve (Toc) 6. Acesplacemert volume Ve “1. Clesianta VeltumdVey 8 Celt voRnme( Vg) 9: Compression vahiq 2) 9. what té Called tomprasin vatto ? Se 2 Oyen VeRame. | NV, Mer Cheavcnco Votume. Ve Yo. B. Osha Ove He CiRenkiol Components ap a Clirsed, Puss plenks. | Bayete. 3. Eafrantt Sphoe- 5: Coolud, Sytem. “Thal. 2. Acti 4. Foe Sifter. b. Labrie ysl - 8: Goran og ; A ahesore Ye odvenings of Clase Rs plats? |. Lew wiatallahin Cost - 3. Shake deliver as ond, & IRaallanth Pesca . ache Mea ASL) ection 5. Shot Sakae hie. Under Vat Loess 5. Compare He +a = Of dltPerat typ of Caphe pps? Tf -46 Unita | Combined GT | Steampp. | Diet Ey fest (Y) a giaare | Sud g aie 5. cloaily Ue Disel El, Fak techn dyphenn. Le 16 cleatitec sto hoo Besic type: | Av Whechau 2. Sdid sajecho J. het 16 Whe Sundkin 4 a Fuel tajechen Aegtiom 7 (Filles the Biel (2) meloy (om measuve the Guonhty of Fit hey \> Ropes Fine Ve Feds pjechon| 4) Contr the Yate 4 tjechon (5) Afomide (00 break-up (ne Fact into Ame Particles. a Fiesty Ai bude Ihe fet the Combn. Chimbes. . B Nome: Cmeniy wie Aut jth dysirs Aves foser Shahon- (- Cosa nije yh. 2. Wii amp Wieden phn. 3- Dismibtor- G. cook td Glled Sapuchargig ) Supachangeig iA GRoross tedVhelps 40 mcreane +e Buchon Restoow Oh a He, Clow Gimarphaic. Reasure ancl ine Gouifment used for Wid Papo Knoan 4@ Supercharger “Te Poet Op of the Fie Inereoaes WHR an VErate Tn Amouct G4 air 10 The. cuplriler. at tie Legian of Comprestia Silelu: Tio Ely Olp Gan be wexecred by 30-80 7 at Ve Same Spood of te Ek. 10. hak 18 He catty of igine ro De to high EL Femnpachuve, the Brung Of HRe matarials raed. For Vaviows Ele Pts checressen, THiS mnay- Vesult Beewsie tiomat Bherkes Aue fo uneven Cxpensin ef Verio Eb pa and) vesut th Cracking. % The montium can Temnpes chore of the Lube oi) Manges aes leB-to Bese. Tp the inp Acaads Inia Init, oil detevixetn andl Sven mig evaporite (b+) bum Taig way veut ame Raters Grok cxtincler Suataces (0%) platen Seize. IN. Usk (StRe Retpate 4, Lubsicahen. 7 ie fo Seduce He Power vaquived to Oletteme Ricken. 2. To Wovesse He flower Output 3. To Witresse to El, lide. 19. shat avethe two besic Bepfleens Ry Ey jubictsac? 1. Wek Bump. 2, DySomp 13. Stale +e Appliertoia Drted fuer Plow |. Rat Load Plante 2. Melle Port 3. Cn * Emugtocy pent Be ai Sate 6. Goat slahoria. yy Abia eliradbanlnges of Aiveel, plata: |. Drhos no Stare byfosses 2, Te cher Phot Gn be loci Vay no fo the bead enlre 3. erent Pauscle One aoe 4 Chick Pleats Gon be Fully Quctometed, voitn laa Capital Cosba. Diaadv '- | Not economical. 2 wide & A desea Prt 1s cleo! Plank 3- Labsicshon Cost ¢4 Tipp. Ib. Compe Aes! PPwith Sham pp. ) Diesel pp ave move €fficient than Shean, pp ws the Vorge of, yO Mwi Capo. The Cpsahiy Fer i& hg wilne Locelnge of 50-00 6, ful load. ar Can be quichiy, Stoshed up Grd brought alo Sere Cuitfo i min) 3: Thae is ne Probe of Gah hanch¥ A “the Spe Yequired for ies lank (6 (ently lexk bnan, Heme! plant - Life of 26 Boysars 'Anionnal ey them PE Dheecs lige cfchieset Plant (6 hordty 40 two to Fire yao. Ib. tohat avethe beats Fopertics a4 Gas turbine materials.) i Hef Capi. to tainsland Cheeta ehuove. Seavice . 2. Hg lonpeschwe to Liclge vail for Wueght Yeduchsin 3. Eatyy tachncilly , good Castabitdy- done Foapab OF Abily co weintath Structul Mabiity F- List Out the Comparer Charatbittia nel Matar Use gai, O) Tutine volovdiaus —27 Austombic Sheed Loith acer 4 Chron Com presgor YF Tiloriium dono) Nicked clloys - Combuthon Chembet —7 Nickel Gand, titeniun Alege TTovbise lolades = —>7 Stainlers vee? alley. 18. Leak Out the coms Atle tor Gas futher aig Valves. MOI ni Lemus ao Nokawre Ges LNG BE esi aout Ips lo. Napha, telnet, ane Bkenot Crudeo' | Butane: i-5 haow, Pack of, Her ‘ers lo. Yasidual Gradeoi 19, What ovetne adv 2 dincdv ot. Gr pp. Ove. clieret pp. Ady - + Dae to Refect balancing ei, GT unit, Whe Grpp ave Aubjected 4o los vibrahoic: 9. The Vpmuch % Ine Grp 1 08 bel. os 957. 3. ‘The hugh ° Stpp v's hardy OP Ig| Hp. osheyeas Ine lege of Aieoet pp 15 2-Skahtp 4 “he Yaonig Spa of Ite “aie (Foto — 1,00 t00rm) 4 Conviclerat lege win choey Ef ( los Sex099m) 5 Boy Ror— Gueliy Arela Can be Used in GIP. 0. hat. or THe mdhods 04, Fo pore the Outpt cmd ubmnoa 4 the Gps hb Unit) I Ronen - 2 Repgouchon 2. Tntertoalicg. 2). Wha i& Called Combine F pp M cert) Map fa 95 He eat being nae Asthaimal Cage tte hot Gans gare. Combinahon &4 PP, Oveall, eFPiriency Gn lo weversed: Upty 607 by tsi heat Steovony Sheam, Spnesotor Chesay{beilr) The Hse Captus hect Som, high emp Gases to Guoerat Steamy Usich 4 then Sroptied 40 aterm cube. to gpmaale ehechic fonts. “Ts iytle ta knoian db * Combsted Cyte lala ie avtdindy of COST HP I. Foot ef Bei . 2 Low Gpitel Casla. 3. loner CmidSions- ancl fact Gonbeenphon 4. Aalliy-—b beeelle Vavedy 04 el Sees. Cliscd- |The GT Gn Only tse chal gea (on hgh Grocecile 2. CLEt pp Gnbe Opeutad on locchens. Srore-me Fuels are Available 2 Cosk eHuchive 23. Nome he Opaatng Cyoe of Gi Bagteon Gyde (bo Moule Cycle : 2h Name He Gt Used % Aircast - Ofentycle G1, dh Dette. the 2FR imag Oh Gi Stancerd Cycle @) ), = Loom =clevetond QQ, tear Supplied Qs. 45- Di}: Men Cfchive Peatuve. %, 2 Work done dui Gccyle un Not w/a Shake Vatone G me = — ee CPR viencey (hon one fhe Rime mover lennicteraal, ( Staci Ef) enc! Pe mover ( vecoiver Sheen, at highe Pressure Gncl defeats het Aaffer xpons iS ct lower f Pressure then Ine CtFicieny (§ Kkmown 44: R 12 sa ig Nediied Bokure Crain Gye ? P ss th the Stearn EL the Enpensien te ndf t g 4 p a Conkrred Upto kne unr C' a4 Ine Shoka % L 4 Coll be -peoteng. endl GA lve Wore Obeid 0 1 Vee Snail Gr me tel end of bre Shea ich is “nat Cran Secthrient 10 Ovucone fne ‘hone Yestatance Mearfne Gnd of, tne aioe” leminched et Peink 2! visheod of “C’ . x cep fon Fe ian ef thid Sehhees 4 Aticks length Of the Ep Stfote calmout oy Change ‘anc Look clone. zi Une . Ge 1. Disuae about the hest geooatod in Wutlear Engg. ; The orem het, Gore by- beni ea oh Nudar fl 1S Quel to the Cray Geruclad by boning roo kvonnes 4 Coals(?# ce u Ibeotoona ahi 2. Aadvontega Nudeer ¥p. lined 04 Nucheer 9p. | Less Seie veguivoment’ 1 Not Bnitable for Vanya. 2. uel ransperaion dost ta lew. loud londn's : 2. Radivadive Waskes. should a Relieble Operctrea : al as oly. 3. Disunss aloouk Nucleor FiseSw eonck dust - Trig Re Room ® wafich « \neeny uclews 1& Split into taolegmae Vogdor ride Tid veowlts ir Decrease Sa task and, Consegrert Grothemic aod Onibiin 6 Neuhons Toto three Yewhons 2¥e Onitod, a. nudew , Wheh eve Kesin os Fisgii, Neue. Lr is the Pocas Hat trvetves Fuacin boo ppt Nudd & laaman do Feduw A heey, nucleus “eoules 9 Cherease 04 Moss Umavel ease Of, (ong armsurt 4 Coupe. A, Diseuss deok eo wey Bets wd fr the Yeottor. b Nobet yey. 2 Arhiva! duds. } 24 235 Uraviemy 49, 3 of Oe O77. of U Gd & Si) races 492 Ba a Qxb tcicl ues —7 Puteniom , qu and Urintiny ae CS Thorium 234 eve avoilcble % ne 5 Debbie Temal Untzahan factor. _No- 8B weutrons: Litem) absoladttn the Fuel. Nove Hema! Neutiena cbopobed wn oll Year meluict: - ah ts the Punchin cf tncclocter? A moderctoy i& wed +0 Sloo Cleon Yreutrons WW a Aeachw- Peesial down Yuubos on sckiening Weir lave oxible Crag. 1 Nudecr Yeackos Componinta — \ Poel > Hoe) iastepes thet are Copeble of, beung PrBtoied by Newel Neutron 2. medacker 7 ight Weer, haa waar, Gren, beni. Q what avethe clesicble Popmlian of @ amodrator / Coal at be ad light os fomible a ae downy Action idmore.. Apechre th Lhasbe collinion vith lige Clementa. De Ie Shed, Ye have high ABemal Conchuche 3. tr Shold be Chemically Sitble- Orne, aha robe Hecenpesee] Ow fo Nucleer Yeclichen « A, ty Shoud nat ahy6ob leddond, lo” alow Cloon Nentrns 20 at % Nome the materia trded for Conhol Yods ] Cadmium, boven len hain . 10. that ia Te Peapose of shag ? . OC) Dh Prevents me Poarge of, wetchin to te: Outi of the veattor Te Peay Abiaaig Prevents the leetage ef, euhor and forma. Yadictten, Poet “1d me Codi Crcciilta- What ia the fewpoe cf ¥ Yi “To miswirze the lectage of Teatro bs wis them [oack voto hve Yeator- 12, Lsdrout the Coot ured in Gas Confid veactor- Aix, Ho, He, Coy. Ly Udes Natarnl Ucirium, , Graphite toclexebor + by Loge Aite wacker - 13. List Our the major factors inthe locshin 64 Nuclear pp ¥. Oncilgy joey loalar- # To on Paalihien. £ dbarante From load, Contre . ¥ Sofery. + Radi active Waale clipes Pri. V4 Liat ont Hie impettord rucclea (dner Yeah. & Like lacie La) moctombel, omd Coobd Seach. K Yeap Heke tmederciie| eadors 4 Linuih- motel, Coded, Fast byeador reacts [ LvFR] + Corton —di onide Jos Gold —Gaphite- mectore Sect Ih. choke te pwr ? . Ripsurtedl elo Yeato. The Pesunzer iba auche: Yeasel toilln 0 Fenn ar Ine bottom, Gnch 4 Wel 8 aihne. fop. The fopor 4B Resunea 16 filled win Steam of Pra 5 shal iS Bue ? ‘ © iyaher Seactor’ InBuhte Coola ih civeck Cont wl — Poduuing. vuclecv fuel ancl Veilain Ine Some hich Ihe Foo. 1a locate 4. Yeattor Pudowe i& ynoanteind ot “Tobar- Bwe Prduces aAchwated, Steam al about ASC. Prosrte (155 ry Bean ‘ Ib. Ushab 6 Compe Reactor Onan Pai Uni umy Yeactor . There Veatos used Cala. 00 tat Ore Pry Lost cca ke ob eos Cerkont ° Usha 1 Fast Breeder Yeactor Tr 6 the vecetor Peduces more Hiasionable maternal than it Continenes, Tr Consinis of \ain Farble and asile Matarials R227 Lemmy wefewed a5 FBR Te avo Connery Used Sy Cees Cae. 1) Comutin Of fale UP to Haste 4 2 lenvesiin od Putte TW? to Horie P37: 18 Liat down te type Of Far ; (5) | IMFBR-y Liduid metal Fask breeder Yeaulor: 2. Geipr —7 Gos leckh + “ e 3. MS BR -y Mathes dott — breeder Yeah « 19. Name the Cooter ised Se Gcrer. Helium, Ges Chonicaly vast, Aoeanth become Yockbadve doen oak, vecston, Speclitm - 20. char retne Alitforent wets for Nvcheev Wleute chiapescl- 1 RadScekve LOee Gores Lug eli Sod —> bavi edegina of feud elven Graders ve 3 wheal do Crmosphase Horoucf nigh Soka. lid = —y ats Peliaicay treatment Olischetggd Ovew 7 Povicla Gate, Potential espace! sites eA Sofety- inezAures oh Nuclear PP. arach N- A vweleer pp should be Comrnded aug fom human ebite - Ain eaclanin Zone Of fobkm Yadius around the plot Should be Drnded usheaiat cshaic = beatae ae east Dn. Dsus chot Niclar Waste Aisporad . The Woowki metatas PReclurad Ben Nuclacy Yeackor ave. & few of tidy, Liquicls, and geseow - Mil the Loaster beste highuy. Yodo cckve “the Yadichons from Whe WasleA ave iy tyre i humen, animes omel Plonttife . Popa Cove Seid be exectand to Aispese the Coaate - \. Schick consti — Tr Conarats ot Aisterded Cont rocks, trel Gas, Strap toatiBal ancl tisordered obfech - 2. Liquid woste —7 Mosl chime yadlto cele Liquicl cdoald Comer from treatment Pons This liguid indicted by actus eter Encl hen Yelersecd soho kre Grouwel ”q 38> Gaseous Wart. -7 Tr cow not require, Cost \reotment Excaph Fiteston + before, bentg Macher. 23- Name Sncktals Muclear Poooer élchoins. 1. Toicpios Pouser Bichin A Narpen Posen Slane eB ‘eaPicap Sager * spon §3) Kalipea > 6 — 3- ketpsevan a 2%, Nome +e Cembaiatcre of, Sed ond moduchor 585) | Ocduery weler and enriched Unvieet (i540 as ie wane ond Nohucl oo O17 of v 3. Nok! Creriug ond erp - ; 5 usher ib Glled Badu Crag | ens ew awe A oe) if iA Aifhulb to \brieg Thue — Hh QNuclewd: Some Crag 14 Neguired ane} Keap Ihe a loops. Whne nudlens ef cy choot This Cresgey 14 brown 4 bide omy 2b. tohel ia Calle Honig no , meas no omel iastopa / . the no C4 Pisfons fh an Alon % knoin as Ghomicno

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