First Grade Spelling Words: Unit 1

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The document outlines 6 units of weekly spelling words for first grade, focusing on short vowels, consonant blends, and long vowels.

Short vowel patterns (a, i, o), consonant blends (blends, r-blends, s-blends), and sight words are introduced.

Long a (a_e, ai, ay), long i (i_e), long o (o_e, oa, ow, oe) and long u (u_e) patterns are introduced.

First Grade Spelling Words

Spelling is an important part of first grade. Please practice reading and
spelling the weekly spelling words until you know them well. Also review
the past words so that you will remember how to read and spell them.

Unit 1:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Short a Short i L-blends Short o r- and s-
man pin clip hop spill
can win flip top spin
nap hit slip log grab
tap sit flag hog grass
cat miss black hot drop
hat kiss plan lot drip
not nap win flip hop
does can sit black lot
out be they two
pull too move

Unit 2:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Short e Short u End Words with Words with
blends th, sh, ng ch, tch,
wh, ph
leg run lend fish whip
beg fun send shop whale
men nut fast ship catch
hen cut past with match
head bug sink thing chin
bread rug wink sang graph
grass men run fast shop
spin head bug wink with
there could of want many
again   one who   call around
Kipapa Elementary School, Grade 1, 3/18/15
Unit 3:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Long a: Long i: Soft Long o: o_e Words with
a_e i_e c, g, dge Long u: u_e -ook, -ood

make like rice hope book

take spike nice nose look
came ride page note cook
game hide age rope took
gate bike wedge cute hood
late mine ledge cube wood

chin make like nice nose

graph came ride ledge cute
some water from ago buy
today should once people done

Unit 4:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Long a: Long e: Long o: o, Long i: Long e:
a, ai, ay e, ee, ea oa, ow, oe i, y, igh, ie y, ey

mail me low find key

rain we no night bumpy
chain keep boat by puppy
way feed oat kind funny
play beak row right penny
day seat toe pie sandy
took play we boat my
hood rain keep no night
our because over caught wash
carry other more listen   would
Kipapa Elementary School, Grade 1, 3/18/15

Unit 5:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Words with Words with Words with Words with Words with
ar er, ir, ur, or or, ore, oar ou, ow oi, oy

cart her born cow spoil

barn bird corn town coin
arm fur core mouse join
art fern more how joy
yarn dirt roar out toy
harm work soar mouth boy

happy barn her born town

key arm dirt roar mouse
four climb learn nothing build
none   through sure early fall

Unit 6:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Words with Words with Silent letters Three letter Words with
/ü/: oo, u au, aw wr, kn, gn blends air, are, ear

moon haul gnat strike fair

tune cause gnu spray pair
flew saw know splash bear
blue claw knife split wear
fruit paw write scrape spare
soup dawn wrong three share

toy moon cause know three

coin soup dawn write splash
enough love been your favorite
door friend their heard surprise
Kipapa Elementary School, Grade 1, 3/18/15

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