Reading With Jolly Phonics

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Reading with Jolly Phonics

1. Group 1 - s a t i p n
1 2 3 4 5 6
in sin pit an nap sat
it sit tin at tan pat
its sip tip as pan nap
is tip pin ant span spat
2. Groups 1 + 2 - c k e h r m d
1 2 3 4 5 6
hat hen pin dan sack am
pat pen sin tan rack and
mat men min man pack cat
rat ten him hat track hand
mad red did cap tramp sand
can test hid ham stand stamp
sad tent rink san spend sand
3. Groups 1 + 2 + 3 - g o u l f b
1 2 3 4 5 6
get bat on us elf if
leg fat pot up get fit
bed gap hot bus bed hill
met crab log rug met bill
bent clap got dug belt hill
best grab rot sun best pill
sell flag not cut bent milk
4. Group 4 – When two vowels go walking the first does the talking.
1 2 3 4 5 6
ai = /ei/ ay = /ei/ oa=/ou/ ie = /ai/ ee = /i:/ ea = /i:/
aim day boat tie bee eat
sail lay goat pie see meat
nail pay load lie seed read
pain hay soap die need tea
mail may road cries feet sea
rain say loaf flies deep leap
5. Magic e – changes the previous vowel from its sound to its name:
a_e i_e o_e u_e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ate save ride line bone nose fuse
game name hide prize home stone use
lane grape nine shine rope vote cube
gate cake ripe smile hope coke mule
gave hate life pipe hose joke tune
made safe five mile rose mole tube
flame snake drive side drove slope nude
rake wave pile wipe pole globe duke
tale came live like woke cone fume
plate plane bike tide smoke doze June
6. Group 4 - j + Group 5 – z w
1 2 3 4 5 6
jam jet wig zip will win
job jazz wind zap wet web
jug jog wag zigzag wept swim
jump just well zebra swam went
junk buzz west fizz swell wigwam
7. Group 5 - oo oo
1 2 3 4 5 6
good hood look hook moon loop
wood book stood brook zoo root
foot took cook food spoon soon
boot hoop roof noon hoot nook
8. Group 5 – ng = /ŋ/ and nk
1 2 3 4 5 6
ring hang king bank bunk plank
sing long rang wink blink frank
bang sting clang sink drink trunk
song spring ding pink link drunk
wing bring dong honk ink tank
9. Groups 5 and 6- v y x
1 2 3 4 5 6
van vet yes yak wax exam
vex vest yell yank wit mix
vent visit yelp yam web fox
vick velvet yet yap wet six
10. Group 6 - th=/θ/ and th=/ð/
th /θ/ th /ð/
1 2 3 4 5 6
thin thing pith thrust this them
moth three thunder thrill that father
tenth thick cloth slither with gather
throb thank thimble thin then bother
broth thicker think thong they that
11. Group 6 - ch =/ʧ/ and – sh= /ʃ/
1 2 3 4 5 6
chin rich bunch shop shift fish
chip much lunch ship shin dish
chop punch chunk shed shut wish
chat bench check shelf flesh hush
chill such chest shock dash brush
12. Groups 6 -7 – oi and oy
1 2 3 4 5 6
oil join coin boy enjoy Roy
boil foil coil toy annoy royal
soil joint toilet joy destroy employ
13. Groups 5, 7 – qu= /kw/ and wh = /w/
1 2 3 4 5 6
quin quiz quest when whisk white
quilt quick queen whip whisker while
quit quack quill which whimper wheel
14. Group 7 – er, ir, ur = /ɜː/ and ar = /ɑː/ and or = / ɔː/
1 2 3 4 5
her bird turn arm or
herb girl burn far for
herd dirt turf hard sort
fern stir hurt farm torn
stern chirp burn star horn
serve thirst burst start sport
nerve first curl smart storm
servant shirt hurts bar short
service birth purple park form
perm third purr car pork
term fir fur mark cork

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