Compare Contrast Essay: Course Title: English For Academic Purposes II

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Compare Contrast Essay

Course Title: English for Academic Purposes II

Course code: EAP 102/103

Section: DB

Semester: Fall 2021

Date of Submission:22,11, 2021

Prepared to:

Name: MS. Sumaiya Afreen

Department: English

Prepared By:

Name: Al siyam Ar Rhman

ID No.: 211002014

Green University of Bangladesh

On University Education system VS School Education system
in Bangladesh.

The education system in Bangladesh has three levels - primary level, secondary level and higherEducation
or university level. Public-private schools are run for 5 years primary, 6 years secondary - 3 years junior,
2 years secondary and 2 years higher secondary. Private schools are self-financed. InBangladesh, the third
stage, i.e. university level education lasts for 3-5 years. The education is imparted through 36 government
and 79 private universities under government auspices and affiliated colleges under the auspices of
University Grants Commission. Students can choose between Bengali or English as the medium of

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC), Alim, Diploma in Commerce, HSC (Vocational) and HSC (Business
Management) is a government examination conducted by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary
Education. Students who have passed the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination after 10 years
of schooling at the primary and secondary level (18 years +) will be included in the college or technical
education institute for their two years of higher secondary education. One test is the Higher Secondary
Certificate Test

There are three main types of universities in Bangladesh. Government universities, private universities
and international universities.. The education which is offered in the universities is called higher
education. Higher education is one of the important parts of the education system. In Bangladesh, a
student will be eligible for higher education after completing his SSC and HSC examination successfully.
A great many students pass the higher secondary examination every year but there are only a handful of
universities in our country. The number of state-run universities is limited, such as Dhaka University,
Rajshahi University, Chittagong University, BUET, National University etc

School and University both are the medium of education in Bangladesh. Those are educational institution
but between these there are huge comparison. In this essay we can describe the main difference between
school and University . School is mandatory and mainly its free on the other hand university is voluntary
and expensive. School time is structured by others and University time is our own time. Classes generally
no more than 55 students and University classes size vary and it can be 100 or more than. In school
teachers check our homework and the university teachers unlikely lectures will check completed
homework. In school teachers remind us for incomplete homework, university lecturers don't remind us
for incomplete homework. Teachers teach us detached lectures as we miss the previous class and
University lectures don' t teach again as we missed the previous lectures they think we collect those notes
from classmates. School treated us as a child on the other hand university treated us an adult, it means that
our education is our responsibility no is going to do for us. This is the biggest difference between school
and University.

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