B.K.Birla Public School, Kalyan
B.K.Birla Public School, Kalyan
B.K.Birla Public School, Kalyan
The Pedagogical Plan of B. K. Birla Public School, Kalyan allows creating and nurturing a
culture of innovation with emphasis on holistic learning. The objective of teaching at least 60%
of the concepts by new teaching methods like Inductive-deductive method, experiential
teaching-learning, technology driven methods, research based, flip learning, QAXP, Think-pair-
share, story-telling and methods with collaborative approach ensures that the learning outcomes
are met.
It builds an Ecosystem for nurturing innovators, true learners, thinkers and socially responsible
The worksheets, question papers are creatively prepared thereby making enjoyable acquisition
of concepts, curbing monotony and rote learning. The school has a Virtual ATM, Science Park,
3D lab, Math Lab and Science Labs to ensure experiential learning.
1 CBSE Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements defined
from time to time.
2 KDMC Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements and
provide them with required data
3 Education Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements defined
Department from time to time.
4 Zila Parishad Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements and
provide them with required data.
5 Stakeholders Quality of product and service, Delivery of product on time,
(Students and Response to concerns, Proper communication channel
6 External Providers Clear communication of specification, Payment as agreed,
Technological support(if required)
7 Society To provide good quality education to the children
8 Alumni To support the college by sharing their expertise and
knowledge with existing students
9 KCES( Trust) To ensure holistic development of the students
10 Resource person To provide guidance and assistance on required topics
from various fields
11 Media To provide information about various programs and
12 Other schools in Exchange best practices and ideas and create a healthy
vicinity competition
13 Neighbouring Peaceful surrounding
14 Employee Management support, Healthy and safe work conditions, Staff
welfare schemes, Trainings and development
15 Management To ensure quality in all aspects of school functioning
Administrative Staff: 23
Support Staff (Housekeeping and Security): 75
Students: Total number of students: 3084
B.K. Birla Public School with state of the art academic campus has been designed to enhance
the teaching - learning process. We have ensured that it becomes the second home for our
students. The school campus is spread over 6 acres of land in the heart of Kalyan city
Sr. No. Facility Description No.
10 Sports room & A wide plethora of indoor and outdoor games. B.K. Birla 4
playgrounds Public School, Kalyan conducts early morning and after
school training sessions for students in soccer, basketball,
skating, chess, table tennis and badminton. In recent years
school team has bagged many prizes at inter school,
district and national level tournaments.
14 Resource room To help staff prepare their own power point presentations 1
and to plan their lessons using "Teach Next" content.
15 Kids pool and To develop fine motor skills of our tiny tots 1
Play pan
17 Activity rooms We have yoga, aerobics, dance, art & craft and music room 7
for holistic development of children.
Step 1 • HOD along with the team of teachers must review the textbooks /study
Selection of material used in the existing year with regard to the quality of the content,
Books/Study implementation, its transaction and relevance.
material • Teachers also scrutinize the other textbooks/content for comparison.
Based on defined criteria, books/study material is selected by the teachers
to be followed in new academic year.
• Topic wise split-up along with no of periods/dates for each topic and
Step3- subtopic is planned in Teacher’s Diary.
Year • At least 60% of the annual content must be taught using Innovative and
Planning Constructivist teaching methods. The same to be indicated by * asterisk
mark in the Teachers Diary in the YEAR PLANNING SECTION. Detailed
planning for the topics should be recorded in the lesson plan.
* Plan of Multiple Assessment (one for each term) to be recorded in the
Teacher’s Diary in the prescribed format.
• Teachers have to decide the learning objectives for MA, procedure,
criteria for assessment and the relevant rubrics for the same.
Step4- • Detailed lesson plan for 15 days to be prepared by the teachers in the
Lesson Teacher’s Diary.
Plan • The lesson plan must include learning objectives, instructional method,
Instructional resources like models, video links etc, set induction, method
of recapitulation, assignment and details of constructivist approach and
the integration (right click here to open hyperlink)of Art. (sample attached)
• Teachers to
ensure that learning objectives stated in the Curriculum Blue Print are met
properly through the lesson plan. The lesson plans should be submitted to
the AVP and VP fortnightly and monthly to the Principal.
Step5- • The record of daily classroom activity, Home Work assigned & follows up
Classroom to be recorded in the class log book. The log book should be submitted
Activity daily to the Supervisor/Asst Supervisor and monthly to the Principal
The above flow is shared with all the teachers. Curriculum Blue Prints serve as a base for the
entire planning by teachers.
Step 1: Teachers select books based on the following criteria:
a. NCF and NCERT Guidelines
b. Quality/Quantity of the content
c. Relevance of the content
d. Approach followed in the book (Activity based)
Step 2: Subject Teachers prepare curriculum blueprint which has the following format:
• Sample CBP (right click here to open hyperlink for sample blue print)) is copied in the
• Class wise/subject wise Blueprints (right click here to open hyperlink) are prepared by
the teachers which are reviewed by the HOD and checked by the VP and finally
validated by the Principal.
• The schedule for the same is prepared and shared with the HODs in the schedule for the
same is prepared and shared with the HODs in the month of September and final
validation by the Principal is done latest by March.
Step 3: Each teacher is given a diary for writing lesson plans for the classes they teach. The
diary contains the following pages:
a. Year Planning as per CBP (at least 60% of the topics are to taught using constructivist
approach, inquiry based methods or other new (open hyperlink by right click)teaching
-methods involving students)
b. Weekly Planning (Period wise/unit wise)
c. Split up of the syllabus (term-wise)
d. Planning of the Multiple assessment (open hyperlink by right click for a sample),
Subject Enrichment Activities, Field (open hyperlink by right click for a sample) Trips etc
and other assessments. Some of the fieldtrips are collaborated by more than one
e. The Teacher’s Diary also has
1. Record of low performers/follow up with them, Improvements etc
2. Assessment record
3. List of books read by the teachers
Step 4: Teachers have to plan the lessons(Click here for a sample lesson plan) in Teacher’s
Diary every fortnightly and submit the same to the VP/Principal. As shared earlier, they
need to think of the strategies which are either student centric methods which have
constructivist approach or collaborative or inquiry based or activity based or any other
created by the teachers.
Lesson plan(Click here for a sample lesson plan) templates have the following format:
1. Topic
2. Learning objectives
3. Setting up context
4. Detailed Teaching (right click here to open hyperlink)
strategy/method/integration(right click here to open hyperlink) of Art
5. Presentation of the lesson
6. Involvement of students
7. Recapitulations/reflections
8. Assignments/HW/questions for extended learning
9. Reflection by the teacher whether learning outcomes met or not
The various teaching strategies used are as follows:
1. Role plays
2. Integrated Learning
3. Collaborative methods
4. Project based learning
5. Object Talk/Dramatization
6. Presentations/Symposium
7. Flip classes
8. Teaching through e-content
9. Collaboration with “Mindspark” for better Math Learning
10. Presentations
11. Field Trips
12. Science Park
13. Virtual ATM
14. 3D Lab
15. Exchange Programmes
Step 5 Teachers carry out the teaching learning process in the class as per their lesson plan.
Regular class observations, feedback and assessments are done throughout the year. Class log
books are also maintained. The appropriate committees (right click here to open hyperlink) are
made to have control on the transaction and effective implementation of the plan. Work
instructions are communicated clearly to the class teachers and subject teachers for uniformity
and effective implementation.
The relevant plans are attached with this document. The well -defined risk calculation and
mitigation plans are prepared in case of issues.
To celebrate the
To develop organising skills,
6 TO 16 engrossment and
TEACHERS DAY 5.9.19 confidence, responsibility, and
YEARS accomplishment of
career oriented skills.
To develop communal harmony, to
GANESH 3 to 16 To develop asthetic promote eco-friendly practices,
UTSAV years sense organising events, brotherhood,
respect for all religion
To practice non-violence,
To remember Gandhi's
independent, contribution towards
GANDHI 12 TO 16 ideals as guiding path
2.10.19 society, to develop patience,
JAYANTI YEARS and practice non-
truthfulness, honesty and to be a
global leader.
To know about glory To develop respect for all religion,
20.12.19 and sacrifices of Jesus to spread love and happiness,
Christ caring & sharing.
To develop awareness of
10 TO 16 To develop patriotic constitutional rights, equality,
YEARS fervour brotherhood, patriotism and
contribution towards society.
Ongoing Each one teach one To sensitize the Empathy and From 14 years
throughout students toward giving back to to 17 years
the year. the importance of the society.
education for
Ongoing Kalam Project To sensitize Empathy, From 14 years
throughout leadership to 17 years
(A school of less children about the
the year for and
privileged children is need of quality
last four years organizational
adopted by our students education for all.
(2nd runner up and they teach these Also to
in Ed Tech children on every understand the
Summit by value of what they
Deepti possess
Shawney at
Ongoing Science on wheels To develop the Empathy, From 14 years
throughout Scientific to 17 years
(A school bus is sensitivity
the year. thinking and
converted into a towards children
science lab and is taken having lesser
to remote villages for opportunities and
demonstrating various facilities
science experiment for
village schools)
October Joy of giving To spread the Empathy and From 4 years to
message of giving back to 17 years
(Children serve food to
humanity and love the society
all the supporting staff
and express Thanks)
6) To enhance Life Skills and Creative Skills & value based learning
1)Dignity of labour May-Aug 14year 1To understand the 1.Identify inner strength
{household work} 2019 s importance of manual 2.Teamwork
work and cleanliness. 3.Taking and
2.To know the accomplishing any kind
importance of of work without any
involvement in discrimination
household chores 4.Develop Patience
3.To become
4.To become
2)Dignity of May-Aug- 14year 1.To understand the 1.Our Selfless
labour{community 2019 s problems faced by Contribution towards
helpers} various community society
helpers 2.Develop thinking
2.To admire their ability by bringing new
contribution towards methods in improving
the society their working
3.To know our 3.Develop non
responsibility towards discriminating ability
the society
3) Helping school June-Dec 13—14 1.To bring out the 1.Self belief
authorities in 2019 years creativeness within 2.Self Initiative
arranging art students for 3.Creativity
exhibition for fund accomplishment of 4.Development of
raising(jute bags, this Project kinesthetic – motor skill
pen/pencil holders, 2.To develop selfless 5.Team Work
canvas paintings, motive 6.Self Confidence
wall hangings),paper 3.To create a sense of
bags, envelope self involvement in
making. School’s activities
4) Planning of June- 13 1) To develop a sense 1) Teamwork
farewell as a cultural February years of responsibility 2) Planning & Execution
programme 2019 among students by 3) Delegation of tasks
assigning them tasks among them
through various 4) Negotiating Skills
committees. 5) Sense of ownership
2) To give them 6) Commitment
freedom to design 7) Sense of respect for
their own plan for the their elder students and
farewell. teachers
3)To train them to
visit various vendors
for ordering, selecting
& negotiating for
mementos and food
3) To create a sense
of value towards
accomplishing their
Picture talk- Giving suitable 10- Being equal Learning to respect each
caption for picture 11yrs other irrespective of their
Class debate- Globalization caste/gender/religion etc.
has helped promote unity
of human kind
Talking about leaders and 12- Learning to lead Confidence, self-motivation and
their hardships 13yrs leadership
Discussion- Qualities of a
Good leader
Picture talk- Identifying the 6- Learning to appreciate our Respect towards our country
picture of the National 10yrs Country
leaders and discussion of
their struggle for the
Nation March
Quiz time- Theme- My
Country India
Think and do- What all does 11- Enabling them to live in Acceptance and kindness
the word ‘Caste, 13yrs Harmony
Difference’ stand for?
Tuesday-class Team work Team building and capacity 3rd to 10th std.
presentation to work together of students 8yrs to 15yrs
Wednesday To teach good values though Team building and capacity 3rd to 10th std.
(Teacher’s act, song. to work together 8yrs to 15yrs
Thursday- Mass Physical Fitness Developing overall fitness3rd to 10th std.
P.T (Drill) 8yrs to 15yrs
Friday-chanting Spiritual and social Improving spirituality and 3rd to 10th std.
shloka, birthday development peace of mind 8yrs to 15yrs
and yoga
Announcements To make aware about daily Updating current 3rd to 10th std.
activities like competitions, information about activities 8yrs to 15yrs
exams, tests
Class Presentations
The purpose of class presentations is to involve every student of primary classes (I to V) in one
hour cultural programme with narrations, dances, drama, music and singing. Parents of a
particular class are invited to watch this programme by the students of that class. It is made
sure that every child performs in one or the other programme as per his/her interest and
capability. Care is taken that it is organized with minimum expenses. Parents are asked to either
create costumes at home or whatever is already available with them.
III 15.10.2019
I 16.10.2019
II 17.10.2019
IV 22.10.2019
V 23.10.2019
Children Film Festival: In order to provide multimedia channel for learning values and life
skills, the school is organizing 3 days film festival in the school wherein about 100 short movies
will be shown to the students, teachers and parents. All these movies are based on learning
values, life skills and entertainment. Movies make a big impact on children of school going age.
It is scheduled on 13th, 14th and 15th November. It will be an amazing gift to the students on
Children’s Day.
1. Periodic Test (5 marks) with syllabus covered after half yearly exam.
2. Multiple Assessment (5 marks).
3. Notes submission (5 marks) in 2nd term.
4. *Subject Enrichment activities (5 marks) in 2nd term.
5. Half yearly exams (80 marks) based on the syllabus covered as per following details:-
Class VI - 10% of the 1st term syllabus of significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term.
Class VII - 20% of the 1st term syllabus of significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term.
Class VIII - 30% of the 1st term syllabus of significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term.
IX AND ANNUAL Periodic Tests Portfolio (5) Multiple Subject
X EXAM(80) (5) Criteria for Assessment Enrichment
3 written tests Assessment (5) Activities (5)
conducted in a • Organizati Includes Oral Suggestive
year with on - tests, field activities are
cumulative Neatness work, conducted by
and Visual
syllabus for each discussions, the concerned
subject. • Completen concept maps, teachers.
2. Average of ess, etc.
the best two • Evidence
tests is taken for of
final result. students’
• Completio
n of guided
Major purpose is
to encourage
children for more
participation AND
XI Assessment For class xi Two cycles of revision tests are also conducted for 30
pattern as per Two unit tests marks covering one or two units
guidelines from and a semester
the board. and final exams
are conducted
XII Weekly tests Two unit tests Three preboards conducted beginning from the
based on one or and one month of November
two chapters semester exam Preboard 1 -50% of the portion
conducted every is conducted Preboard 2 -Full portion
Saturday to Preboard 3 - Full portion
prepare the
gradually for the
Evaluation for classes I to V is done as per the following Criteria to understand the gaps in
particular aspect of the subject. Creative evaluation worksheets are used for assessment as
per the following criteria:
Subject - English/Hindi/Marathi/French
Sr No Criteria Evaluations(points)
E1/E3 E2/E4
1. Reading Comprehension 10 20
2 Grammar 10 20
3 Literature 10 20
4 Vocabulary 10 20
5 Spelling 10 20
6 Creative Writing 10 20
TOTAL 60 120
Subject - Social Science
Sr No Criteria Evaluations(points)
E1/E3 E2/E4
1. Knowledge 20 40
2 Understanding of concepts 10 20
3 Applications/Mapwork 10 20
4 Activity/Project 05 10
5 HOT questions 05 10
Total 55 110
Subject – MATHS
Sr No Criteria Evaluations (Points)
1 Concepts Understanding 20
2 Computation 10
3 Problem Solving 10
4 Activity / Project 05
5 Multiplication Tables 05
6 HOT questions 05
Subject — EVS
Sr No Criteria Evaluations (Points)
1 Concepts Understanding 20
2 Application 10
3 Identification / Observation 10
4 Activity / Project 05
5 HOT Questions 05
Subject — Languages
Sr No Criteria Evaluations (Points)
1 Reading / Recitation 10
2 Literature 10
3 Grammar 10
4 Vocabulary 10
5 Spelling 10
6 Creative Writing 10
• No marks
• Only grades for primary.
Process Flowchart
“Pedagogy must be oriented not to the yesterday but to the future of the child’s
Development. BKBPS is committed to creating leaders and learners”