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[Kui 3.30 Example Problem £3.30 ~ Calculate the Release Rate for a Tank (Shell Course and Bottom) Using the information provided, calculate the release rate for a tank (shell course and bottom) Vessel Data: + Vessel Type = Storage Tank + Number of Tank Courses = B courses + Height of Tank Course = 100ft + Tank Diameter = 300% + Tank Fil Height = Of Spillage Parameters; + Course Small Leak Hole = 0125 in + Course Medium Leak Hole = 0.500 in + Course Large Leak Hole = 2.000 im + Course Rupture Hole = 90,00 in + Tank Bottom Small Leak Hole = 0500 in ‘+ Tank Bottom Mecium Leak Hole = 0.000 in ‘+ Tank Bottom Large Leak Hole = 0,000 in ‘+ Tank Bottom Rupture Hole = 90.00 in + Soil Type = Clay © Hycraulie Conductivity 4, “ 1976S fi! day Ii oe Using the procedure provided in API RP 581 Part 3 paragraph 7.3, Calculate the relddce rato for a tank (shell course and bottom). 3.30.1 Shell Course 8) STEP 3.1 ~ Determine the liquid height above the.,j* shell course where is the number of shell ‘courses and CHT is the height of each shell course. LAT gy = [ig ~(U-1): CHT] — Hing vol, ebeveT (fe*) > Volume above course 7 [Tye =[25.00-(2-1}10] ~~) Lidl! (447) 5 Yolurme available /Valemg =15.00f ~~ = BLL aval 3 Volume avarlobel (Velome celease im ~ Release Rote (Wn) BbI /de Borre ) STEP 2.2—For each release hole size, determine the hole area ‘As, using Equation (F228), A= 0.012 in? UATatave = (33,04 = (64) 2+ 3)©) STEP 3.3— For each release hole size, determine the flow rate:-H,susing Equation (3.221) based on LHT,.,., ftom STEP 3.1 and 4, from STEP 3.2. Wha Oy Cy W, TIT, 106,86; 0.61: 0.01232: 32.17-15.00 24,853 bbl! day 853 bbl /day 97.66 bbt day ~~ 6.362 bt day 3.30.2 Tank Bottom 2) STEP 3.1 ~ For each release hole size, determine the height of the liquid, h,, . above the release hole size, , For this example the height of the liquid, ,,, has been predetermined and provided in the problem statement, b) STEP 3.2 — For each release hole size, determine the number of release holes... from Table 3.3041 — in (ian i ( 1 well c) STEP3.3 —Dotermine the hydraulic conductivity of the stored liquid, from STEP 1.3 holes “The hydraulic conductivity forthe example has been provided in the problem statement. 4) STEP 34 — For each release hole size, determine the flow-rate: Ws, using Equation (3.222) or Equation (3.223), as applicable, Since the Equation i, ¢ Cy-d3 ie satisfied for both smal and rupture size holes, Equation (3.223) Is used to calculate the release rate. The parameter C,, is an adjustment factor for the degree of contact ‘withthe soil, which has a default value of C,, = 0,21. We = Cog Oye de Mg RE Ty W, =8.059-0.21- 0.5". 25.00" (5.19715) =0.011 bbl /day3.31 Example Problem £3.31 ~ Calculate the Available Volume for a Tank (Shell Course and Bottom) Using the information provided, calculate the available volume for a tank (shell course and bottom) Vessel Data: + Vessel Type = Storage Tank + Number of Tank Courses 4 courses + Height of each Shel! Course 9.0ft + Tonk Diemeter = 300 fi + Tank Fil Height = 3009 Using the procedure provided in API RP 581 Part 3 paragraph 7.4, calculate the available volume for @ tank (shell course and bottom), 3.31.1 Shell Course ‘The amount of fluid inventory used in the shell course consequence analysis is only the amount of fluid that is above the lower elevation of the course under evaluation. 8) STEP 4.1 ~ Determine the liqui¢ height above the; shell course where courses and CHT is the height of each shell course LH... =[4, -(4-1)- CHT] 30.00-(3-1)-9] Of px b) STEP 4.2— Determine the is the number of shell in question, For this analysis the third shell section is being examined. EVAN pose) LHT,,. Lroly., 2.00 =8,482,7° 4 es) ©) STEP 4,3 ~ Calculate the tank volume:in barels using Equation (3.228), BBL = Cy LOLs Brg = O.178-8,483= 1,511 Bb |/~ 331.2 Tank Bottom he amount of fluid avaitable for release through tank Moors is the fluid level up to the tank design fill height or the operating fill height. a) STEP 4.1 — Calculate liquid Using Equation (3.229),Lyol, b) STEP 4.2— Calculate the total tank volume'in barrels using Equation (3.230). Bb gay = Cys° LV . LA Bol. gy = 0.178: 21,206 = 3,777 Bot 3.32 Example Problem £3.22 - Calculate the Release Rate and Release Volume that is used for ‘Consequence Analysis for a Tank (Shell Course and Bottom) Using the information provided, calculate the release rate and release volume + Vessel Type Storage Tank + Small Leak Release Rate for Shell Course = 24.85 Bbi/day Tt. 397.7 Bol! day Cate 6,362 BbI/ day Foten, Wn 0.0108 BBI/ day Cake » = Wr + Medium Leak Release Rate for Shell Course: + Large Leak Release Rate for Shell Course + Small Leak Release Rate for Tank Bottom + Barrels Available from shell course 2 = 1,888 Bl + Barrels Total in Tank 3.147 Bor + Release Prevent Barriers = none Using the procedure provided in API RP S81 Part 3 peragraph 7.7, calculate the release rate for a tank (hell course and bottom). 3.32.1. Shell Course a) STEP7.1 —For each release hole size, determine the release rte, rae. in bbIsiéay using Equation (3.231) where the release rate, is from STEP 33. 85 bbl day VO =397.7 bbl iday = 6,362 bbl day ~~ rat rate, = 24.85 BbI | day b) STEP7.2- Determine the leak detection timer, 8 follows: ty = 7 days U7 1 days | tyyeldays Y= fag =7 days for d, 0.125 in days for d, > 0.125 inNote tht the rupture case does not have a detection time. It is assumed for the rupture case that a full release will occur before any detection occurs ©) STEP 7.3 ~ For each release hole size, calculate the leak duration, ld,, of the release using Equation (3.282) based on the release rate, re, , from STEP 7.1, the leak detection time, t,, from STEP 7.2, and the tank volume, Bb/,,.., from STEP 4.4 id, wn 2 }. tus Md, =Tdays 1 | rate, J Id, days sld, = min{ 1888) ole rays ld, = 0.297days [124.85 7 9) STEP 7.4 — For each release hole size, calculate the release volume from leakage, Bot | using Equation (3.233) based on the release rate, rate, is from STEP 7.1, the leak duration, ld, from STEP 7.3, avaiisbie volume, BOI... ,. from STEP 4.4, BI = inflated}. Bb] abit 173.97 BB y-7 rsin[ {24.85 BbLi* = 397.66 Bb) =173.97 Bor Boi =1.888 Bor ©) STEP 7.5 ~ For each release hole size, calculate the release volume frm a rupture, Bb" Equation (3.294) based on the available volume, BOI... rom STEP 4.4 L888 Boy + using BbI™" = BBE, 3.32.2 Tank Bottom 2) STEP 7.1 For each release hole size. determine the release rato, rate, (8.231) where the release rate, IV, is from STEP 3.4. in bbisiday using Equation rate, =W, 0108 Bbl ‘day > 0, O18 rate, b) STEP 7.2 — Determine the leak detection time, ,,, as follows: 7 days for a tank on a concrete or asphalt foundation, or + 1, =30 days fora tank with a release prevention barrier, or 360 day's for a tank without a release prevention barrier. 24 = 360 days Note that the rupture casc does not have a detection time. It is assumed for the rupture case that 2 full release will occur before any detection occurs©) STEP 7:3 - For each release hole size, calculate the leak durationsid,. of the release using Equation (3.235) besed on the release cate, rate, , from STEP 7.1, the leak detection time, ,,. from STEP 7.2, and the tank volume, Bb, rom STEP 4.2. [EBPs | : 1 + aa Li vate, J J il ai }. sen] = 360d re 0.0108 dg) STEP 7.4 — For each release hole size, calculate the release volume from leakege, Bb!” , using Equation (3.236) based on the release rate, rate, is from STEP 7.1, the leak duration, id, . from STEP 7.3, available volume, Bbl,., from STEP 4.2. 6, Of BI = min[ {rate Id,}, Blog | Bb" = min[{ 0.0108: 360}, 3.147] assur a> 6,49 e) STEP 7.5 For each release hole size, calculate the release volume from a rupture, BB,” using Equation (3.237) based on the available volume, BDi,,.;, rom STEP 4.2. Bon" = BbI,,.., = 3.147 Bbl vo 42.96 __)661 Conse i 66) 6b Yr Jy +3304 | Course 5 Covrse % Course 1 6eI Li Towne 5 = (hig, - G-1)-cHT) LuTabeve, + + (33,04- (1-1) a) = 33,04 LeTawve,2 = (32,04 - (2-1) 6.41) LuTebove = 26,43 (33.04 (6-1)" 2,84) = 420Uu-Tres vites As pred idee adle , qurnims ruvnus : (Ki 3.33 Example Problem £3.33 ~ Calculate the Tank Financial Consequence Using the information provided, calculate the tank financial consequence Vessel Data: ‘+ Vessel Type = + Storage Flooring = + Fluid Hydraulic Conductivity = + Soil Porosity . + Vertical Distance to Ground Water . + Environmental Sensitivity = * Percentage of Fluic that would Leave to Dike = ‘+ Percentage of Fluid that left Dike and remain on-site = * Percentage of Fluid that left Dike and site = + Outage Multiplier = ourss)Parameters: + Shell Course Small Leak Volume Release = + Shell Course Medium Leak Volume Release + Shell Course Large Leak Volume Release + Shell Course Rupture Volume Release = + Shell Course Small Leak gf = + Shell Course Medium Leak gff + Shell Course Large Leak ff + Shell Course Rupture off = + Shell Course Total gff i satolbparanstrs ‘+ "TanK Bottom Small Leak Volume Release = + Tank Botiom Rupture Volume Release = ‘+ Tank Bottom Small Leak Duration = + Tank Bottom Small Leak gff = + Tank Bottom Rupture gff = + Tank Bottom Total gff = Storage Tank Silt 2.605°3 fi day ( fu, rod) 0.41 2ft (Spo) Medium 60% Paranee) 20% Cedwe-orste) 80% frame -agyste) 10 350.15 Bb 1,257.5 Bb 20,120 Bor 302,152 Bhi’ TOES C366 emat) 2565 (564 moder) 5.086 (565 tnge) LOE 7 Cape eoptore) 1.0012 4 Caffe!) $88.83 Bbl 302,152 BhI 360 days (41a) 7.26 4 (445ema0) 2.08 6 ( 3 fferptore) 22 4 Capfestat) ashe de ale Zim | Fenster Cay. Boars Rand) meUsing the procedure provided in API RP 581 Part 3 paragraph 7.3, caloulate the release rate for a tank (hell course and bottom), 3.93.1 Tank Course a) STEP 12.1 ~ Determine the following parameters, Per the problem statement, © Phase = 60% percentage of fluid leaving the dike # Pac = 20% ~ percentage of fluid that leaves the dike area but remains on-site P...,, = 80% ~ percentage of uid that leaves the dike area but goes off-site ‘These values are manually entered into the analysis and are determined by examining the tank's surroundings. These values have been provided in the problem statement. b) STEP 12.2 — Determine the environmental sensitivity, and based on the environmental sensitivity establish Ciesces Cu ance! Canute 2d Cg, from Table E3.33-1 Coooue = SO! BBE “e-pany = $50! Bhl Cu ine = $2501 BbI 7 Cour = $1,500! BoE ©) STEP 123~Determine the probabilty weighted total barels of fuid released by leakage, BE! au.) DX (401,- ef) Bblydewe = Bo 550-7 006°S+1,257-2.508°S + 20,120-8.004-6 302.1521, = 550-7.05°5 +, 257- 2.50154 20,120-5.004°6+ 30215210007 695 ayy V/ 1.0014 4) STEP 12.4 Compute the total barrels of fuid within the dike from leakage, Boi... the tolal barrels of fluid in the on-site surface soi, Bb... the total barrels of fluid in the off-site surface soil BOI, gua.» andthe total barrels of fuid in thet reach water. BEI... using Equations (3,239) through (3.243), respectively. Bol pie = Bl case (i oo BD ss (BEL se ~ BPlaaic) “100 = 7 (2,006 802.6) = 240.7 Bbi Zza 0 wins = FEE (BEL oe Bb ~ BBL sae) = *2(2.006-802.3-240,7)=770.2 Bor 100 Blac = BD rou —( Bblgss, + BBL, ue + BY, gine) Z = 2,006~ (802.34 240.7 + 770.2) =192.5 BbY @) STEP 12.5 - Compute the financial environmental cost rom leakage, FC yyy wnmse = Blt Cate * Bly ate Cu ate + BB ste” Cu ye * BB pate“ Cor = 802.3: 10+ 204.7, 50+ 770.2: 250+ 192.5-1,500 = $501,407 1) STEP 12.6 — Compute the component damage cost, /C..,. using Equation (3.98) withthe release hole size damage costs from Table £3.33-2 and generic failure frequencies for the release hole sizes from STEP 2.3. The material cost factor, matcos! , Is abtained from Table 3.33.3. From Table £3.33 5,000 312,000 holecost, hotecost, holecost, = $20,000 hholecost, = $40,000 From Table E3,33-3 ‘matcost vilel Flomd accom selalu soma x hotecost,- aff.) hy 5.000: 7.001" $+ 12,000. 2.501" $ +20,000- 5.00: 6+ 40,000-1.00¢°7 1001e 4 9) STEP 12.7 - For each release hole size, calculate the cost of business interruption due to the outage days required to repair the damage to equipment. Calculate the downtime required to repair the specific piece of equipment using Equation (3.100) and the downtime for each release hole size, Outage, from Table £3.33-4. matcostFrom Table €: outage, = 2 days outage, = 3 days outage, = 3 days outage, =7 days Lloweee, eff.) outage, 2-7.00e"5+3-2.50s°5+3-5.00e"6. 1.001. 4 7 Caleulote the cost of business interuption, FCi,q,, using Equation (3.102). The production costs, _prodcost , is the cost of loss production on the unit, Siday. In this calculation. the downtime required to repair the surrounding equipment inthe affected area, Outage, is assumed to be zero, 30 days FC, = Outage,.,- prodcost = 2.30-100,000 230,470 h) STEP 12.8 — Calculate the total financial consequence using Equation (3.251). PCat = FCs t EC pon + PCa = 501.407 + 7.5324230,670 = $739,409 3.33.2. Tank Bottom a) STEP 12.1 — Determine the following parameters, + Psy, =60% —percentage of fluid leaving the dike + Posay = 20% ~ percentage of fd that leaves the dike area but remains on-site + Poy, =80% ~ percentage of fuid that leaves the dike area but goes off-site ‘These Values are manually entered into the analysis and are determined by examining the tank's surroundings. These values have been determined in the problem statement. b) STEP 12.2 — Determine the environmental sensitivity, and based on the environmental sensitivity establish Csi Coosa Caner Ctuy 0 C from Table E3.33-1Conse = S10! BhE Cx re #8801 BHI, Co sie = $250! BBE CaS Cost = SI Cysnesnsne = 55.000! BI ©) STEP 12.3 Determine the seepage velocity ofthe product, vel... using Equation (3.218) 2.60° 3 2603 6.34¢ 3 0/day ~~ oat ©) STEP 12.4 ~ Determine the total distance to the groundwater underneath the tank, s,,. and the time to initiate leakage to the groundwater... The total distance to the groundwater underneath the tank has been provided in the problem statement to be s,,= LOI. The tme to initiate leakage to the groundwater can be calculated using Equation (3.262) 2 = 15.6 days 6.3413 * vo ©) STEP 12.5 ~ For each release hole size, determine the volume of the product in the subsoil and round water where the leak detection time, f,,, is determined in STEP 7.2. vd. JOP by Sty =76Bb Bois — Bot i ae iol ~ STEP 12.6 - For each release hole size, determine the environmental financial consequence of a leak, FC Bot’ BIE, 88.8~72.6 Q(B edeanra” Conmtusir* BEM Coca ) Mh oe Bla _ (72.6-5,000~ 516.2: 1,500)- 7.2004 - Tae 4 $1,134,323, 79 hy i STEP 12.7 ~ Determine the total bares of fuid released by a tank bottom rupture, Bhi" anise = PBs 8D. Bow ae :37.0Bb! 4 STEP 12.8 ~ Compute the total barrels of fi within the dike trom a rupture, BDI."", the total barrels of fluid in the on-site surface soil, Bb/‘""":,, the total barrels of fluid in the off-site surface soi, BOI". , and the total barrels of fuid that reach water, BbI‘".,. using Equations (3.245) through (3.248), respectively. /, \ Bolas. = BIE | 1 Fax} ii “«\I00 } 4 Pace Bbr,.., = BBlseae) 100 20 =2(s37.0-334.8)= 100.4 Bb? Te ) Wh Bola. Pa Boi, =~ nee = OR BEI = Bb. pyc. BEL amie) 12.4 Bol ” Bb lager = Blea ~( BB lnc * BEle, sovie + Bble. age) 4% =837.0-(334.8+100.4+321.4)=80.4 Bbi STEP 12.9 - Compute the financial environmental cost for a tank bottom rupture, FC, using Equation (3.249) where BbI". BI = 2 (337.0-334.8-1004) - 100 Mt are from STEP 128 FOSS = Bb, eas = BBL nite Cutie * BO, = 344.7-104100.4,50 + 321.4-250+80.4- = $209,247 STEP 12.10 ~ Compute the total financial environmental cost from @ leak and a rupture, FC. Con Boi. using Equation (3.250) where FC is from STEP 12.6 and FC's is from STEP 12.8= FC + FC rue $1,134,323 FC k)_ STEP 12.11 - Compute the component damage cost. FC.,.,, using Equation (3.98) withthe release hole size damage costs [rom Table E3.39-2 and generic failure frequencies for the release hole sizes from STEP 2.3. The material cost factor, matcast , is obtained from Table £3.33-2, From Table holecost, = $5.000 holecost, = $0.00 holecost, = $0.00 $120,000 holecost, From Table €3,33-3 smatcost =| DX (rotecost, eff) FC, - ~mateost ie the : 44120,000-7.006°6 = $:000- 7.2: Te 4 = 85.319 }) STEP 12.12 — For each release hole size, calculate the cost of business interruption due to the outage days required to repair the damage to equipment, Calculate the downtime required to repair the specific piece of equipment using Equation (3.100) and the downtime for each release hole size, Outage... from Table £3.33-4 From Table 6333-4 outage, =3 days outage, = 0 days outage, =0 days outage, = 50 days ¥ (outage, sff,) Outage, + UL Le gay Bh 2572 4450-2001 6 7.22 4 FAB dass Larsnyo 5,12Calculate the cost of business interuption, FC,,,.. using Equation (3.102). The production costs, prodcost , is the cost of loss production on the unit, day. In this calculation. the downtime required to ‘repair the surrounding efjuipment in the affected area, Oulage,,,.. 18 assumed to be zero FC yyy = Ole ug prodcost =4.43-100,000 12.465 1 m) STEP 12.13 - Calculate the total financial consequence using Equation (3.251), FCvaat = Flom + FCs + FC 343.570+5,3195512.4 $1,861,353,
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From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)