Behavior of Foundation Rested On Geogrid-Reinforced Soil: A Review
Behavior of Foundation Rested On Geogrid-Reinforced Soil: A Review
Behavior of Foundation Rested On Geogrid-Reinforced Soil: A Review
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Abstract. In many cases, the soil in Nasseriyah, Iraq, is not suitable to support the shallow
foundations of low to medium rise buildings without improvement or replacing the founded
layer with a strong layer. Therefore, the reinforcement method as one of many types of
improvement methods may be used to increase the bearing capacity and reduce the settlement
when the replacement soil is not enough to support the foundation. This paper reviews the
most important reinforcement materials such as geogrid that may be used to increase the
strength of the soil and other details of the number of layers, the distance between layers and
the optimum location of the top reinforced layer for clay and sand soil. Experimental studies
and theoretical modelling performed through the last decades are reviewed to choose the best
arrangement of geogrid material that gives the best performance when it is used with soil. It is
found that the geogrid can be used to increase the bearing capacity, however, the studies on
clay reinforced with geogrid compared to sand soil are few. Since the researches on the
behavior of foundation resting on clay reinforced with geogrid are few and because the soil in
Nasseriyah is mostly clay soil, it is recommended to study the behavior of foundation resting
on clay reinforced soil.
Keywords. Geosynthetics, Geogrid, Bearing Capacity, Settlement.
1. Introduction
To improve the properties of engineering soil, various reinforcing materials are used. The soil can
be classified into four main groups: gravel, sand, clay, and silt. The weak tensile strength property
is the main charecterestic of the soil, which depends largely on environmental conditions [1]. The
method of reinforcing the soil improves the mechanical properties of the soil such as shear, hydraulic
conductivity, compression, and density. For soil reinforcement used of soil nailing, stone columns,
micro piles, and reinforced soil [2]. Building houses and roads on fiber-reinforced earth with different
types of reinforcement interventions is an ancient concept. Rope and bamboo fibers were used to
strengthen the rules of rural roads and low-cost buildings in low-cost soil, despite the existence of
these practices, but the concept of armed land was not studied or explained until the work of Vidal
(1967) who showed its application and developed design procedures rational. The concept of soil
reinforcing the soil was mainly related to mineral reinforcement in the early days. At present, this
concept has expanded to include other materials such as fabrics, geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrid,
geocell, and is often called „Geosynthetic‟ [3]. The main purpose of using geosynthetic materials is to
improve the mechanical and physical properties of the soil. The geosynthetic materials used in
construction are mostly geofoam, geotextile, geogrid, geonet, geocomposites, geomembrane, and
geocell. Geosynthetic materials have been used in many applications such as foundations of buildings,
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INTCSET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1094 (2021) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012110
and railroads, and earth structures like retaining walls, embankments, landfills, dams, etc.[4]. Figure 1.
Shows the pictures of different types of geosynthetics.
(a) The jute geotextiles fabric [5]. (b) Pattern of Geocell Formation [6].
At present, the use of geosynthetic materials has expanded and has become widely used in Civil
engineering. Using these materials in construction projects in the world results in successful projects
[9]. In this paper, a review of the experimental and the numerical studies conducted on reinforced soil
with geogrid, and the effect of using geogrid to improvethe bearing capacity (BC) and to reduce
settlement of soil is presented.
3. Geogrids
Geogrids are usually solid net, such as materials with large openings called apertures. These apertures
are large enough to help the interlocking with the soil surrounding and rocks to perform the
reinforcement function. It is incorporated into the main layers of finished surfaces, or in the surface
layers of walls and slopes and provides a stabilizing force within the soil structure itself. When the fill
interlocks with the grid, this stabilization occurs. Through the strength of the geogrid, mesh size, and
INTCSET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1094 (2021) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012110
the basic materials used, the effect of interlocking is determined. Geogrids are made of high modulus
polymer materials such as polypropylene (PP) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and are
prepared by tensile drawing. Several types of geogrids are available such as Biaxial Geogrid which is
manufactured by stretching perforated polypropylene sheets in 2 orthogonal directions. It has high
tensile strength and a two-way modulus. Figure 2 shows the geogrid strip. The second type is the
Uniaxial Geogrid which is Manufactured by stretching a high-density extruded polyethylene sheet in
one direction. It has high tensile strength and a one-way modulus.
They are usually used in slope reinforcement such as overpasses, highway embankments, landslide or
erosion-prone surface and landfill walls, wall reinforcement such as airport noise barriers, retaining
walls, sea walls and bridge supports, base reinforcement such as railroad track beds, foundations for
roads, and runways, and berm reinforcement such as waste containment ponds levees and, spillway
channels for earthen dams.At present many tests have been performed for models to study the BC of
shallow foundations rested on soil reinforced by different materials like geotextiles, geogrids, and
fiber ropes.In the past decade, geogrid has been used to reinforcing the soil widely because they are
stable in dimensions, and have high tensile strength, open structure of grid (which leads to a reinforced
reaction to enhance the soil), a lightweight, a long service life, and positive shear connection
INTCSET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1094 (2021) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012110
(Singh 2009) [16] conducted several laboratory plate load tests on geogrid –reinforced sand bed. A
circular geogrid with 120 mm in diameter was used as a the diameter of the footing is 60 mm.
The study found that the BC improved when an increase in the number of geogrid and reduce the
spacing between it. (Omar 2018)[17] conducted a laboratory model test for the ultimate BC for a strip
foundation reinforced by geogrid –reinforced the sand soil and saturated clay were used in this study.
They used foundations model rested on two types of soil: sand and clayey soil. The dimension of each
foundation is similar to 76.2 mm (B) and (304.88) mm. Depending on the results of the model test,
found that the settlement of the footing at the ultimate load in clay soil in reinforced and unreinforced
is the same result. The maximum benefit from the reinforcement is obtained when the first layer of
geogrid should be placed at a depth of 0.3B to 0.4B. The optimum geogrid layers width is 8B in sand
and 5B in clay that value gives the maximum BC ratio. The sand - geogrid system gave the maximum
bearing - capacity ratio greater than the ratio from the clay-geogrid system.
3.2.1. Depth of First Reinforcement Layer (u). Several research works are conducted to study the
effect of depth on the first reinforcing layer. The ratio between u and d (u/B) is called the depth ratio.
Table 1 shows a list of researches that studied different parameters such as (u/B).
Table 1. Results previous studies of optimum parameters geogrid.
Researcher year Type of footing Type of reinforcement (u/B) (b/B) (h/B) (N)
[18] 1985 Square Geotextile/geogrid 0.5 2.5 - 3
[14] 1993 Square Geogrid 1 4.5 0.33 3
[19] 1994 Square Geogrid 0.25 4.5 0.2 -
[20] 1997 - Geogrid 0.48 - 0.25-1.5 3
[21] 2003 Circular Geogrid 0.47 - 0.2 3
[22] 2005 Strip Geogrid 0.35 5 0.25 -
[23] 2010 Square Geogrid 0.3 3 0.3 -
[24] 2017 Square Geogrid - - - 3
Square Geogrid 1 4.5 1.4 4
[16] 2017 and and and and and
Strip 1 8 2 6
[10] 2018 Strip Geogrid 0.3-0.4 8-5 2-1.75 4
[25] 2020 Square Geogrid 0.25 - 0.25 4
[26] 2020 Square Geogrid 0.6 - - -
Note: B: width of Footing, W: Diameter of circular footing, u: depth of the first layer of
reinforcement, h: vertical distance of between layers, b: length of reinforcement, N: number of
reinforcement layers.
It is found that with a decrease in (u/B) value, the ultimate BC of shallow foundation increases
[27,28]. The BCR values at the ultimate loads generally decreased as top layer spacing increased. For
surface footing conditions for geogrid reinforced sand, no optimum clear top layer spacing was
obtained. As such, for different top layer depth (u), the variation of BCRs at the ultimate loads
depends on the magnitude and variation of reinforcement tensile force with the reinforcement depth
[29]. The BC has direct relationship with u/B ratio. As the u/d increases, the BC also increases [30].
The optimum depth should be (u= 0.33B) which is found to be in good agreement with literature, and
the foundation soil should be in higher, for effective utilization of geogrid reinforcement(22). When
u=10 mm, the load response was better than when u=20 mm [31,32]. The ultimate load carried by
footing obtain to be nearly 26% more as compared to other depth of insertion of geogrid, when
geogrid was placed at a distance 0.25b below the base of footing, for a single layer. It is obtained that
INTCSET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1094 (2021) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012110
BCR in each case was certainly enhanced when x is reduced from 120 mm to 30 mm [25]. With (h/B)
or (x/d) is up to 0.75B, the BCR increases after that it decreases [27]. As the number of layer
increases it can be observed that the BCR improved with an increasing number of reinforcement layers
and by reduction of vertical spacing between layers when the value of (u/d) is 0.2 [28]. The
compressive load response was further improved, when the spacing between the geogrid is less [32].
When two adjacent geogrids are kept at a distance of 0.25b, the ultimate bearing pressure has a
maximum value. As x and z value reduces from 120mm to 30 mm, BCR is increased [25].
3.2.3. Number of reinforcing layer. The BC value increases with an increase in the number of
reinforcement layers. Several researchers have found that reinforcing the soil with up to three layers
with a vertical space up to 0.25 will increase the BC. For depth greater than this depth, the increase in
BC is least interested. Placing the geogrid at a depth of more than 1.5B cannot significantly increase
the BC. [27] have recommended that using geogrid reinforced layers increases the BC of the shallow
foundation model and significantly reduces the settlement ratio. This behavior continues up to two
layers, for the same footing size while in the case of N = 3, there was no difference in the value of
BCR. The rate of BC increase with geogrid layers more than three layers becomes less important.
The BCR increases with increasing the number of layers when (u/d) is relatively small. When (u/d) is
greater than 0.2, a little increase of BC occurs with increasing the number of geogrid layers[28].
Biaxial geogrid layers improve the bearing capacity more than uniaxial geogrid. For instance, the BC
increases from 1.9 to 2.6 when the two uniaxial geogrid is used while the BC improves from 3 to 3.3
when two layer of biaxial geogrid is used [34]. Maximum load intensity for a single layer of geogrid
reported as 796 KN/ and the ultimate load intensity was improved from 796 KN/ to 1981
KN/ , for four layers of geogrid. For N=2, N=3 and N=4, maximum BCR are 5.38,6.21 and 6.87
INTCSET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1094 (2021) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012110
b) When the reinforcement layers are placed at shallow depth with insufficient anchorage, the
layer may pull out which occurs when u <2/3 B and the number of layers is between 2 and 3.
It is called reinforced pull out failure.
c) When the reinforcement layers are placed at shallow depth and the tensile strength of
reinforced material is less than the friction between layers due to pull out resistance, the
failure is called reinforced tension failure. It occurs when u <2/3B and the number of layers
N>4 but not more than 6-7.
Figure 5. Bearing capacity failure between the Figure 6. Anchorage pull out of geogrids due
soil surface and the top geogrid layer. to deformation.
Chen (2015) [37] developed an analytical solution to estimate the ultimate BC of strip footing on
reinforced soil (RSFs). The first proposition of the general failure mode of (RSFs) established on the
their studies and results in literature. Based on the proposed failure mechanism, a stability balance
analysis was suggested. They proposed formulas of BC, on the increase in ultimate BC which
considers the influence of confinement and the membrane of reinforcements for strip footings. Three
perhaps failure modes are shown in figure 7. Failure above the top layer of the reinforcement which
are the first two failure modes [38](Figure7a). Failure between the reinforcement layers [39] Figure
(7b), can be avoided by maintaining the distance of the top layer (u) and the distance between the
reinforcement layers (h) within a permissible distance. Figure 7c shows the general failure model of
RSFs, in which the punching shear failure occurs then ended by general shear failure (Figure 7c).
(a) Failure top layer of reinforcement [38]. (b) Failure between layers of reinforcement [39].
INTCSET 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1094 (2021) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012110
4. Conclusion
In this review, a brief discussion about the geogrid reinforced systems for shallow foundations and the
various parameters affecting their performance is presented. Parametric developments and studies on
the performance of shallow foundations reinforced with these material were discussed, with an
indication of optimum values for different parameters. Consideration must be given to the various
parameters and their effect and mechanism of work, for the purposes of obtaining better performance
of the soil reinforcement by geogrid. A study is recommended for foundation resting on reinforced
clay since few studies are available on this type application and because the soil that will be studied in
Naseryiah, Iraq is clay soil.
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