TORCH Infection-2073
TORCH Infection-2073
TORCH Infection-2073
TORCH infection 2
TORCH Infections
O=other (syphilis, measles, chickenpox)
C=cytomegalovirus (CMV)
H=herpes simplex (HSV)
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Diagnosing TORCH Infection
Good maternal/prenatal history
Remember most infections of concern are mild illnesses
often unrecognized
Thorough exam of infant
Directed labs/studies based on most likely diagnosis
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Caused by protozoan – Toxoplasma gondii
Domestic cat is the definitive host with infections via:
Ingestion of cysts (meats, garden products)
Contact with oocysts in feces
Much higher prevalence of infection in European
countries (ie France, Greece)
Acute infection usually asymptomatic
1/3 risk of fetal infection with primary maternal
infection in pregnancy
Infection rate higher within 3rd trimester
Fetal death higher within 1st trimester
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Clinical Manifestations
Most (70-90%) are asymptomatic at birth
Classic triad of symptoms:
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Chorioretinitis of congenital toxo
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Maternal IgG testing indicates past infection
Can be isolated in culture from placenta, umbilical
cord, infant serum
PCR testing on WBC, CSF, placenta
Newborn serologies with IgM/IgA
ELISA testing of antibodies is also done
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Prevention and Treatment
Treatment for pregnant mothers diagnosed
with acute toxoplasmosis
Spiramycin daily
Macrolide antibiotic
Small studies have shown this reduces
likelihood of congenital transmission (up to
If infant diagnosed prenatally, treat mother
Spiramycin, pyrimethamine (anti-malarial,
dihydrofolate reductase inhibt), and
sulfadiazine (sulfa antibiotic)
Leucovorin rescue with pyrimethamine
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Symptomatic infants
Pyrimethamine (with leucovorin rescue) and
Treatment for 12 months total
Asymptomatic infants
Course of same medications
Improved neurologic and developmental
outcomes demonstrated (compared to
untreated pts or those treated for only one
TORCH infection 10
Treponema pallidum (spirochete)
Transmitted via sexual contact
Placental transmission as early as 6wks gestation
Typically occurs during second half
Mother with primary or secondary syphilis more
likely to transmit than latent disease
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Congenital Syphilis
2/3 of affected live-born infants are asymptomatic at
Clinical symptoms split into early or late (2 years is cut
3 major classifications:
Fetal effects
Early effects
Late effects
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Clinical Manifestations
Neonatal death
Hydrops fetalis
Intrauterine death in 25%
Perinatal mortality in 25-30% if untreated
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Clinical Manifestations
Early congenital (typically 1st 5 weeks):
Cutaneous lesions (palms/soles)
Periostitis and metaphyseal dystrophy
Funisitis (inflammation of the connective tissue of
umbilical cord ) which may cause abortion.
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Periostitis of long bones seen
in neonatal syphilis
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Clinical Manifestations
Late congenital:
Frontal bossing
Short maxilla
Hutchinson teeth (gap)
Saddle nose
Perioral fissures(skin)
Can be prevented with appropriate treatment
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Hutchinson teeth – late result of
congenital syphilis
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Diagnosing Syphilis
(Not in Newborns)
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Penicillin G is the drug of choice for ALL syphilis
Maternal treatment during pregnancy very
effective (overall 98% success)
Treat newborn if:
They meet CDC diagnostic criteria
Mother was treated <4wks before delivery
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Measles is a viral disease that can be contracted in
pregnancy. Typical koplik’s spots on mucosa of
mouth,skin rashes and fever.
Fetal and neonatal effects: viruses crosses to
placenta and cause increased abortion.
vaccine: women who has no measles should have
measles vaccine.
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Chicken pox varicella can occure during pregnancy.
Maternal infection shows typical maculopapular spots
on face limbs and trunk.
Fetal-neonatal infection: virus crosses to fetus in 10%
Infection during pregnancy: results congenital
malformation like cerebral cortical atrophy,
Newborn may develop congenital chicken pox.
treatment: Zoster immune globulin is given to
pregnant women exposed to varicella.
TORCH infection 21
Single-stranded RNA virus
Vaccine-preventable disease
Mild, self-limiting illness
Infection earlier in pregnancy has a higher probability
of affected infant
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Clinical Manifestations
Sensorineural hearing loss (50-75%)
Cataracts and glaucoma (20-50%)
Cardiac malformations (20-50%)
Neurologic (10-20%)
Others to include growth retardation, bone disease,
thrombocytopenia, “blueberry muffin” lesions
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“Blueberry muffin” spots representing
extramedullary hematopoesis
TORCH infection 24
Maternal IgG may represent immunization or
past infection
Can isolate virus from nasal secretions
Less frequently from throat, blood, urine, CSF
Serologic testing
IgM = recent postnatal or congenital infection
Rising monthly IgG titers suggest congenital
Diagnosis after 1 year of age difficult to establish
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Supportive care only with parent education
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Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Most common congenital viral infection
Mild, self limiting illness
Transmission can occur with primary infection
or reactivation of virus
Studies suggest increased risk of transmission
later in pregnancy
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Clinical Manifestations
90% are asymptomatic at birth
Up to 15% develop symptoms later, notably
sensorineural hearing loss(Damage to the structures
in your inner ear or your auditory nerve. It is the
cause of more than 90 percentof hearing loss in
Symptomatic infection
petechiae, jaundice, chorioretinitis, neurological
>80% develop long term complications
Hearing loss, vision impairment, developmental delay
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Maternal IgG shows only past infection
Infection common – this is useless
Viral isolation from urine or saliva in 1st 3weeks
of life
Afterwards may represent post-natal infection
Viral load and DNA copies can be assessed by
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Ganciclovir 6wks in symptomatic infants
Treatment currently not recommended in
asymptomatic infants due to side effects.
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Herpes Simplex (HSV)
HSV1 or HSV2
Primarily transmitted through infected maternal
genital tract
Rationale for C-section delivery prior to membrane
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Clinical Manifestations
Most are asymptomatic at birth
3 patterns of ~ equal frequency with symptoms
between birth and 4wks:
Skin, eyes, mouth (SEM)
CNS disease
Disseminated disease (present earliest)
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Presentations of congenital HSV
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Culture of maternal lesions if present at delivery
Cultures in infant:
Skin lesions, oro/nasopharynx, eyes, urine, blood,
rectum/stool, CSF
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High dose acyclovir 60mg/kg/day
Ocular involvement requires topical therapy as well
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Which TORCH Infection Presents With…
Chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, and intracranial
Blueberry muffin lesions?
Periventricular calcifications?
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Which TORCH Infections Can Absolutely Be
TORCH infection 37
Thank you
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