ADA Questions

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1. Depth First Search is equivalent to which of the traversal in the Binary Trees?

a) Pre-order Traversal
b) Post-order Traversal
c) Level-order Traversal
d) In-order Traversal

2. Time Complexity of DFS is? (V – number of vertices, E – number of edges)

a) O(V + E)
b) O(V)
c) O(E)
d) O(V*E)

3. The Data structure used in standard implementation of Breadth First Search is?
a) Stack
b) Queue
c) Linked List
d) Tree

4. When the Depth First Search of a graph is unique?

a) When the graph is a Binary Tree
b) When the graph is a Linked List
c) When the graph is a n-ary Tree
d) When the graph is a ternary Tree

5. Which of the following is false in the case of a spanning tree of a graph G?

a) It is tree that spans G
b) It is a subgraph of the G
c) It includes every vertex of the G
d) It can be either cyclic or acyclic

6. Regarding implementation of Breadth First Search using queues, what is the

maximum distance between two nodes present in the queue? (considering each edge
length 1)
a) Can be anything
b) 0
c) At most 1
d) Insufficient Information

7. The Breadth First Search traversal of a graph will result into?

a) Linked List
b) Tree
c) Graph with back edges
d) Arrays

8. Every graph has only one minimum spanning tree.

a) True
b) False

9. The travelling salesman problem can be solved using _________

a) A spanning tree
b) A minimum spanning tree
c) Bellman – Ford algorithm
d) DFS traversal

10. If all the weights of the graph are positive, then the minimum spanning tree of the
graph is a minimum cost subgraph.
a) True
b) False

11. Consider the graph shown below. Which of the following are the edges in the MST of
the given graph?

a) (a-c)(c-d)(d-b)(d-b)
b) (c-a)(a-d)(d-b)(d-e)
c) (a-d)(d-c)(d-b)(d-e)
d) (c-a)(a-d)(d-c)(d-b)(d-e)

12. Which of the following is false?

a) The spanning trees do not have any cycles
b) MST have n – 1 edges if the graph has n edges
c) Edge e belonging to a cut of the graph if has the weight smaller than any other edge
in the same cut, then the edge e is present in all the MSTs of the graph
d) Removing one edge from the spanning tree will not make the graph
13. What is the time complexity of Dijikstra’s algorithm?
a) O(N)
b) O(N3)
c) O(N2)
d) O(logN)

14. The maximum number of times the decrease key operation performed in Dijkstra’s
algorithm will be equal to ___________
a) Total number of vertices
b) Total number of edges
c) Number of vertices – 1
d) Number of edges – 1

15. What is the running time of Bellmann Ford Algorithm?

a) O(V)
b) O(V2)
c) O(ElogV)
d) O(VE)

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