Meee Ennnn
Meee Ennnn
Meee Ennnn
Structure and
Properties of Materials
chapter highlights
Upper Yield Point (B) In these materials there is no clear cut yield point. At ulti-
When this point is reached stress starts reducing and mate stress necking takes place and breaking occurs at a
extension increases or yielding of the material takes lower stress as in the case of mild steel.
place. The stress at which 0.2% permanent set is there is treated
as yield stress.
Lower Yield Point (C) (The percentage of permanent strain left in the material
when the material is unloaded after loading above elastic
At this point stress and strain increases again. point is called permanent set.)
Ultimate Stress (D) Effect of Carbon Percentage on Stress-strain
This is the maximum stress the material can resist. After Diagram of Steel
this point cross sectional area reduces at a section (necking).
Stress again reduces and strain increases.
Increasing %
Breaking Point (E) of carbon × High speed steel
Stress at this point is called fracture stress. This is the point × High carbon steel
at which the specimen breaks. × Medium carbon steel
The region C to D is called work hardening or strain σ × Mild steel
hardening region. × Wrought iron
Hard Strong
Stress → Soft
In this case there is no appreciable change in rate of strain.
There is no yield point. There is no necking and ultimate Brittle Ductile
point and breaking point are same. Rigid
F 1. Strength
Resistance offered by a material on application of external
force is called strength. Or it is the ability to sustain loads
without distortion. It can be tensile, compressive, shear,
bending or torsional.
2. Hardness
3. Toughness Anisotropy
It is the ability of a material to with stand suddenly applied load If elastic propertries are different in different directions it is
and thus absorb a certain amount of energy without failure. anisotropic.
It depends both on strength and ductility. Alloy steels
with good toughness are used for manufacturing of cutting
tools like milling cutters gears subjected to impact loads etc.
Equilibrium Diagrams
Pure metals have clearly defined freezing/melting point,
4. Ductility solidification/melting lakes place at constant temperature.
Ductility is the property of a material which permits perma- But in the case of an alloy solidification/melting takes place
nent deformation before fracture by stress in tension. It is the over a range of temperature.
extend to which a material can sustain plastic deformations
under tension, before rupture gold is most ductile of all metals.
Cooling of liquid
5. Brittleness
Brittleness is the inability to undergo plastic deformation. Freezing begins
Materials that under go very little plastic deformation is Freezing ends
called brittle. If the percentage of elongation is less than 5%
the material is treated as brittle. If it is more than 5% it is duc- Cooling of solid
tile. Cold shortness is the brittleness that exist below recrys-
talisation temperature. Red shortness is the brittleness of steel
at high temperature caused by the formation of iron sulphide. Time
Cooling curve of a pure metal
6. Malleability
Malleability of a material is its ability to be flattened in to 1455°C Liquid (L)
thin sheets without cracking in the cold state under com-
pressive loading (pressing, rolling, hammering, etc.)
L +S
7. Resilience
It is the capacity of a material to absorb energy elastically.
Energy stored is released on removal of the load. It is impor- Temp Solid (S) 1083°C
tant property desirable for shock absorbers and springs.
8. Stiffness
It is the resistance of a material to elastic deformation or Ni = 100% Ni = 0
deflection. Cu = 0 composition Cu = 100%
9. Fatigue Cooling curve of an alloy (Ni + Cu)
Under fluctuating or repeated loads, a material tend to
develop a characteristic behavior which is different from Allotropic Forms of Steel
that under steady loads and then the material is said to be For metals with different allotropic forms the curves are
another fatigue. Due to fatigue, material will fail at loads not as simple as shown above. The transformation from one
less than loads at normal conditions. The maximum stress at allotropic form to another takes place at a constant tempera-
which even a billion reversal of stresses cannot cause failure ture just the same way as in the case of liquid – solid trans-
is called endurance limit. formation. Iron exist in different allotropic forms depending
10. Creep up on temperature. Cooling curve for pure iron is shown in
Creep is the slow plastic deformation of a material under this figure.
constant stresses usually at high temperature.
1600 Liquid iron
11. Elasticity 1537
It is the ability of a material to return to original shape from Delta iron (BCC)
the deformed shape caused by an applied load, up on the Ar4
removal of the load.
Temp°C Gamma iron(FCC)
12. Plasticity
Plasticity is the ability of the materialto undergo some 910
Ar3 Beta iron(BCC)
degree of permanent deformation without rupture.
768 Curie temp
Isotropy Ferro
Alpha iron (BCC)
The first horizontal step at 1537°C represents liquid to a – Alpha iron (Ferrite)
solid transformation with evolution of heat. The mixture P – Pearlite
consist of liquid plus delta iron solid solution. At tempera- Led – Lederburite
ture 1392°C delta iron transforms to a new allotropic form
Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram is obtained on plotting
gamma iron The next step is at 910°C where Gamma iron
the critical points of different iron-carbon combinations.
transform to Beta iron. At the last (4th) step at 768°C Beta
Carbon in equilibrium does not appear as free carbon
iron is transformed to Alpha iron. Gamma iron is of a FCC
(graphite) but appear in the form of iron carbide (Fe3C) con-
structure and other forms are of BCC structure. Alpha iron
taining 6.67% carbon on the right. Cementite is a chemical
acquires pronounced ferromagnetic properties Beta and
compound of iron and carbon and may form up on rapid
other forms are para magnetic.
cooling of iron-carbon melt from high temperature. It is
Since space lattice does not change in the Alpha to Beta
brittle, weak in tension, strong in compression and is the
transformation beta iron is regarded as paramagnetic state
hardest of any material in the equilibrium diagram. It will
of alpha iron. Thus there are only two main allotropic form
be observed from the figure that carbon is soluble in µ - iron
– Alpha iron and Gamma – iron.
to a maximum of 0.025% at 723°C (point P). At room tem-
Critical Points perature solubility is only 0.008%. Alpha iron is commonly
The points where structural changes occur are known as called ferrite or more accurately Alpha–ferrite. It is the
critical points. On a cooling curve it is represented by Ar4, softest.
Ar3 and Ar2. at temperature 1392°C, 910°C and 768°C The temperature 723°C is called curie temperature.
respectively. On a heating curve these points are represented Below curie temperature steel acquires ferromagnetic
by Ac4, Ac3 and Ac2 properties.
Absolutely pure iron is very difficult to obtain. In this
Critical Temperatures
state it is a soft and very plastic material of not much use
in engineering application. But it can be alloyed with many A1 is the temperature at which Pearlite changes to Austenite.
elements. Alloys of iron and carbon are most widely used This transformation occurs at a fixed temperature of 723°C
in engineering. irrespective of the composition of alloy. A1 represents the
lower critical temperature.
Iron–Carbon Equilibrium Diagram or A3 is the temperature at which last traces of ferrite
Phase Diagram changes to Austenite and the alloy becomes 100% austenite.
A3 vary from 723°C to 912°C. Depending up on the carbon
A δ+L content. This represents the upper critical temperature.
1539 B 1492° Acm is the temperature at which last traces of cementite
δ K Liquidus
Liquid (L) D changes to austenite and the alloy become completely aus-
1400 H tenite. Depending up on Carbon content this temperature
solidus varies from 723°C to 1130°C. This also is upper critical
Austenite (r) temperature. During cooling Acm denotes the temperature
1130° L+Ct+
at which iron carbide is first rejected from austenite instead
J C E of ferrite.
912 G ACM r+ct+Led
A3 Referring to the iron-carbon phase diagram, the solidifi-
r+Ct cation, of the liquid iron and carbon melt begins along the
∝+r 723°
liquidus ABCD. Along AB the crystals of solid solutions of
S A1
Cementite (Ct)
carbon in delta iron are separated from the liquid. Along the
Lederbinte (Led)
(∝) P+Ct Led fication of these alloys takes place along the solidus line
Pearlite (P)
Austenite 0%
Pearlite %
25°C Nitriding
In this method nitrogen gas is used for obtaining hard sur-
Time → face of steel. This process is commonly used for steels
which are alloyed with chromium, molybdenum, aluminium
manganese etc. Steel articles well machined and finished
Surface hardening: It is a selective heat treatment pro- are placed in a container through which ammonia in circu-
cess in which high hardness is imparted to thin surface lated. Nilriding process is generally done in electric furnace
layer of the work. This becomes necessary for parts, sub- where temperature is maintained in the range 450 to 550°C.
jected to heavy impact and fatigue loads such as worms, Ammonia gas when passing through the steel articles
gears, spindles, Cam shafts etc. where hard and wear gets dissociated and nascent nitrogen is formed. Nascent
resistant surface and a soft tough core is necessary. Low nitrogen reacts with the surface of the articles forming
carbon steels having up to 0.2% carbon are subjected to nitrides which is very hard. Surface hardness up to depth of
chemical treatment process (case hardening ) such as car- 0.8 mm is obtained.
burizing, Nitriding, Cyaniding etc. Steels with higher
percentages of carbon are subjected to surface hardening Induction Hardening
methods in which only the surface layers of the work are This method is similar to flame hardening. But heating of
heated and then quenched in some medium. Two methods the surface is achieved by electromagnetic induction. The
used are work piece is enclosed in the magnetic field of an alternat-
ing current of high frequency (10 kHz to 2 MHz) current
1. Electric induction surface hardening process
conductor (Induction block) Heating effect is due to the
2. Flame hardening
induced eddy currents and hyrterisis loses in the surface of
the material. The induction block has water connections and
Carburising numerous small holes on its inside surface. As soon as sur-
A low carbon steel cannot be hardened appreciably by the face reaches proper temperature, it is automatically spray
hardening process. - quenched under pressure.
Surface of such steels are enriched by carbon before This process is very rapid and takes only few seconds to
hardening and quenching. This is achieved by carburizing heat steel to a depth of 3 mm. The time varies depending
process. upon frequency, power input, depth of hardening required etc.
The specimen along with a carbonaceous material such
as charcoal is packed in a sealed container and kept in a Flame Hardening
furnace. The pack is heated to a temperature between 800 Some times full case hardening of an article will not be
to 900°C and held for a period of 4 to 20 hours. Carbon required. Only the areas subjected to wear, abrasion or
monoxide is formed with the small amount of oxygen pre- shocks are to be hardened. Such local hardening can be
sent. Carbon of carbon monoxide is diffused in to the metal achieved by flame hardening. These areas are heated by a
surface releasing oxygen. This oxygen again reacts with oxy - acetylene fame above its critical temperature. Heated
carbon and carbon monoxide is formed and the process is portions is immediately quenched by means of spray of
repeated. As time progress metal surface gets enriched with water. Since heating is localized stresses are not developed.
carbon. This process is known as pack carburizing. The So disortiuons and cracking are reduced.
amount of carbon diffused into steel depends on the carbur-
izing temperature and time. The process of carburizing is by Spherodizing (Spherodize Annealing)
atomic diffusion. High carbon hardened steel contains grains having sharp
Another type of carburizing is gas carburizing. Gases corners, which make the steel brittle. Spherodizing is the
such as natural gas propane, or methane is used instead heat treatment process that produces a rounded or globular
of charcoal. Gas carburizing has better control of surface form of Carbide. Low carbon steels may be speroidized to
carbon and case depth than in pack carburizing.
3.774 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
improve strength before subsequent heat treatment. High Diffusion Annealing or Homogenising
carbon steels may be spherodized to improve machinabil- In-homogeneity due to development of dentritic segrega-
ity and toughness. The process involves heating the steel tions in castings and ingots can be eliminated by diffusion
slightly below the critical temperature, holding at this tem- annealing.
perature for a period of time and then letting them cool in In this process the article is heated to a very high tem-
the furnace. Holding time depends up on the thickness of perature and held there for a prolonged period, cooled with
metal and carbon content. More the percengage of carbon, the furnace to 800°C–850°C. and finally cooled in still
longer will be the time required to complete sperodization. air. A coarse grain structure is obtained and composition
Homogenizing becomes more uniformly. After homogenizing a full anneal-
ing treatment is required.
Effect of Alloying Elements in Steel
1. Chromium (Cr)
Improves resistance to corrosion and oxidation
spherodizing 2. Nickel (Ni)
Improves tensile strength and toughness.
3. Manganese (Mn)
Stress releiving
Recrystallisation/ process annealing
Imparts wear resistance
4. Silicon (Si)
Added as a deoxidizing agent.
Full Annealing 5. Molybdenum (Mo)
Imparts hardenability.
The process of annealing in which the metal is heated above
the upper critical temperature, is held there until the tem- 6. Vanadium (V)
perature of work piece is uniform through out, and finally Improves grain distribution.
cooling at a slowly controlled rate so that temperature of the 7. Tungsten (W)
surface and that of the centre of the work piece is approxi- Imparts red hardness
mately same is called full annealing. 8. Cobalt (Co)
The process wiped out all traces of previous struc- Increases hot hardness
ture, refines the crystalline structure, soften the metal and 9. Copper (Cu)
relieves the previously set up internal stresses. Lowers critical temperatures
Process Annealing or Recrystallisation 10. Aluminium (Al)
Annealing Deoxidises efficiently
Involves heating the steel to recrystallisation temperature, 11. Titanium (Ti)
holding at this temperature for a prolonged period and slow Increases abrasion resistance.
cooling. 12. Phosphorous (P)
(Recrystallisation temperature = 0.4 × melting point of Enhances machinability
the metal)
Work hardened steels can be softened by this method. Composition and Applications of
Some Alloy Steels
Iso Thermal Annealing Alloy steel Composition percentage Application
When ordinary annealing process is incapable of reducing High carbon C 0.8 to 1.3 Milling cutters,
hardness of an alloy steel to a sufficient degree, isothermal tool steel Si 0.1 to 0.4 turning tools
annealing is employed. Here heating and cooling is done in Mn 0.15 to 0.4
two steps. First the steel is heated above critical tempera- rest Fe
ture and held for sometime at the temperature. Austenite is Low alloy C 1.2, Mn 0.3 to 0.7 For high
carbon steel W 2.75, Mo 0.4 temperature
formed at this stage. Then steel is rapidly cooled to 50° to
S 0.3, rest Fe operation
100°C below point A1 and held at this temperature until
18-4-1 W 18, Cr 4, High speed
austenite is completely decomposed to form pearlite. Then High speed V1 milling, drilling
steel is cooled in still air. Decomposition of austenite takes steel (HSS) C 0.6 to 0.8 and turning
place at constant temperature. So it is called isothermal Rest Fe tools
Chapter 1 • Structure and Properties of Materials | 3.775
Composition and Application of Some Metals are elements atoms of which give up electrons and
Non-ferrous Alloys form metallic bonds. Metals conduct electricity. When two
or more metals are melted together they form an alloy.
The property of an alloy is quite different from that of the
Alloys Composition percentage Application
constituent metals.
Copper Metals may be classified as ferrous metals and non-
Alloys ferrous metals. Iron and alloys which contain iron are called
Yellow brass Cu 60, Zn 40 For hot work- ferrous metals. Cast iron, wrought iron, carbon steels, alloy
(Muntz metal) ing by rolling, steels are examples of ferrous metals.
extrusion and
Metals and alloys which does not contain iron(Fe) are
called non ferrous metals. Copper, aluminium, zinc, lead,
Leaded brass Cu 62.5, Zn36 For plates,
Pb 1.5 tubes etc tin and alloys brass, bronze, duralumin, g unmetal, solder etc
and bearing metals (zinc base alloys and nickel base alloys)
Phosphor Cu 87 - 90, For bearings,
bronze Sn 9 - 10, worm wheel, are examples of non-ferrous metals.
P 0.1 - 0.3 gears etc
Gun metal Cu 88 For boiler fit-
Sn 10, Zn 2 tings bushes, Ceramic materials are products which are made from inor-
bearings etc ganic materials and have non-metallic properties. Most of
Aluminium them are oxides. Examples are silica, Al2O3, MgO, silicon
alloys carbide, boron nitride, ferrites etc. Traditional ceramic
Duralumin Cu 3 - 4.5 Automobile materials are stone, brick, concrete, clay, glass, vitreous
Mn 0.4 - 0.7 and air craft enamel and refractories. Ceramics may be classified as
Mg 0.4 - 0.7 components
Rest Al 1. Amorphous ceramics
Y-alloy Cu 3.5 - 4.5 Aircraft engines
2. Crystalline ceramics
(Copper Mn 1.2 - 1.7 for cylinder 3. Bonded ceramics
Aluminium Ni 1.8 - 2.3 heads and 4. Cements
alloy) Si, Mg, Fe 0.6 each piston
rest Al Amorphous ceramics include glasses (soda-glass, Lead
Magnessium Al 7.5, Zn 2, Mn 0.3, For air craft
glass and borosilicate glass). Glasses are non-crystalline
alloy Rest Mg and automobile silicates containing oxides such as CaO, Na2O, K2O and
parts Al2O3.
Common non-ferrous alloys Glasses are used for electrical insulations, optical lenses
Invar Ni 36, Fe 64 Precision and bond metals (hermetic steels).
measuring Crystalline ceramics are used for abrasive and cutting
instruments tool materials as they are very hard compared to other
Nichrom Ni 80, Cr 20 Thermocouple, materials.
strain guage In bonded ceramics individual crystals are bonded
Maganin Cu 87, Mn 13 Resistor strain together by vitreous matrix. Examples are clay products and
guage refractory materials. Their application is in refractory tiles,
Constantan Cu 60, Ni 40 Electrically furnace linings, electrical insulations, sanitary equipment
heated etc.
appliances Cement is an agglomerated material. It is mainly used for
Bearing materials construction works. It is manufactured from clay, limestone,
Tin babbit Sn 80, Sb 12, Cu 8 High speed oxides of silicon, aluminium, iron and often magnesium.
bearing bushes
Lead babbit Pb 85, Sb 10, Sn 5 Railway wagon Organic Materials
Organic materials are derived directly from carbon. Carbon
is chemically combined with hydrogen, oxygen or any
Classification of Engineering Materials other non-metallic substance. Organic materials may be
Engineering materials can be classified into the following natural or synthetic. Natural organic materials consists of
wood, cotton, natural rubber, coal, petroleum, food prod-
1. Metals ucts etc. Synthetic organic materials consists of synthetic
2. Ceramics rubber, plastics, lubricants, soap oils, synthetic fibres etc.
3. Organic materials It is observed that organic materials are made of very large
3.776 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Organic compounds consists of molecules formed by The Seleroscope work on the principle that rebound
carbon atoms along with other non-metal atoms such as height a ball made to fall on the specimen depends on the
hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorides etc. Some of the hardness of the specimen.
important organic compounds are
1. Saturated organic compounds
Moh’s Scale of Hardness
2. Unsaturated organic compounds In Moh’s scale of hardness different hardness numbers
3. Aromatic organic compounds are assigned to ten different minerals of varying hardness.
Starting from Talc–1 to diamond–10
Measurement of Hardness
Hardness is generally measured by the intendation made by Solved Examples
a harder material. The intendation depends upon the applied Example 1: Compare lattice parameters of FCC and BCC
load, sharpness of the intended and the time for which structure.
applied load is maintained.
Solution: Lattice parameter is the side length of a unit cell:
This can be expressed in terms of radius of the atom.
Brinell Hardness Test For FCC structure
In brinnel hardness test, a sphere (usually of 10+ 0.01 mm
diameter.) made of steel or tungsten carbide is used as the r
intender. Brinnel Hardness number is given by
BHN = 2r
π D D - D2 - d 2 ⎤
⎡ • a
⎣ ⎦
Practice Problems 1
1. A body which is permanently deformed is said to have 2. Hardness is the property of material due to which it
under gone (A) Can be drawn into wires
(A) Elastic deformation (B) Will break with little permanent distortion
(B) Plastic deformation (C) Can cut another metal
(C) Limit of elastic deformation. (D) Can be rolled or hammered into thin
(D) Uniform deformation sheets
3.778 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
3. Failure of a material due to fatigue occurs 11. In sperodising process, the steel is
(A) At elastic limit (A) Heated above upper critical temperature and
(B) Below the elastic limit cooled in still air
(C) At the yield point (B) Heated up to lower critical temperature and cooled
(D) Below the yield point. in still air
4. For the materials of tools and machines, the important (C) Heated slightly above the lower critical tempera-
material property is ture and cooled in the furnace.
(A) Elasticity (D) Heated below lower critical temperature and
(B) Plasticity quenched in water.
(C) Ductility 12. The process in which steel is heated to a temperature
(D) Malleability above upper critical temperature and then suddenly
5. No of atoms per unit cell of a face centered cubic (FCC) cooled by quenching in a salt bath maintained at 250° –
lattice is 525°C, is called
(A) 14 (A) Normalizing (B) Tempering
(B) 7 (C) Austempering (D) Martempering
(C) 4 13. In the austempering heat treatment process austenite
(D) 10 changes to
(A) Martensite (B) Troosite
6. Carbon steel containing 0.8% carbon is known as
(C) Sorbite (D) Bainite
(A) Eutectic steel
(B) Hypoeutectic steel 14. The heat treatment process for softening hardened steel
(C) Eutectoid steel is
(D) Hypereutotoid steel (A) Carburizing (B) Normalizing
(C) Annealing (D) Tempering
7. According to IS specification a plain carbon streel
designated by 40C8 means that 15. The hardening process in which carbon and nitrogen
(A) Carbon content 0.4 percent and Manganese are absorbed by the surface of the metal is called
content 0.8 percent. (A) Carburising (B) Nitriding
(B) Carbon content 0.4 percent and Manganese (C) Cyaniding (D) Flame hardening
content 0.8 percent. 16. Delta iron occurs in this temperature range
(C) Carbon content 0.35 to 0.45 percent and Manga- (A) 1400°C to 1530°C (B) 723 to 910°C
nese content 0.6 to 0.9 percent. (C) 910 to 1400°C (D) 400 to 723°C
(D) Carbon content 0.8 percent and Manganese con- 17. An allotropic material has
tent 0.4 percent. (A) Different crystal structure at different temperature
8. Percentage of carbon content in wrought Iron is (B) Same structure at all temperature
about (C) Atoms distributed in random pattern.
(A) 0.02 (D) More than three types of crystal structures.
(B) 0.01 18. The most ductile maternal of the following is
(C) 0.2 (A) FCC (B) BCC
(D) 0.4 (C) HCP (D) All of the above.
9. Mallealbe Cast Iron is made 19. “Killed steels” are those steels which
(A) By adding magnesium to molten cast iron (A) Destroyed by burning
(B) By quick cooling of molten cast iron (B) Contains burnt carbon
(C) From white cast iron by annealing (C) After their destruction are recycled to produce
process fresh steel
(D) None of the above (D) Are deoxidised in the Laddle with silicon and alu-
10. When austenite steel is air cooled, the structure minium.
produced will be 20. Carbon in Iron is an example of
(A) Martensite (A) Interstitial solution
(B) Fine pearlite (B) Substitutional solution
(C) Coarse pealite (C) Intermetallic compound
(D) Troostite (D) All of the above
Chapter 1 • Structure and Properties of Materials | 3.779
23. The property of a material essential for spring 27. During normalizing process of steel, the specimen is
material is heated
(A) Stiffness (A) Above the upper critical temperature and cooled in
(B) Ductility still air.
(C) Malleability (B) Below the upper critical temperature and cooled in
(C) Plasticity still air
24. Endurance limit is the maximum value of stress a spec- (C) Below the lower critical temperasture and cooled
imen can withstand without failure, for infinite number in still air.
of cycles where subjected to (D) Above the upper critical temperature and cooled in
(A) Dynamic load the furnace.
(B) Completely reversed, repeated loads 28. Percentage of Carbon in grey cast iron is
(C) Static load (A) 0.25 – 0.75
(D) Static as well as dynamic load (B) 1.25 – 1.75
25. Metal with 60% copper and 40% Zinc is called (C) 3 – 4
(A) Gun metal (D) 8 – 10
(B) Muntz metal 29. High carbon steels contains carbon percentage of
(C) Monel (A) 0.1 to 0.3
(D) Admiralty brass (B) 0.3 to 0.6
26. Main purpose of spheroidizing treatment is to (C) 0.6 to 0.8
improve (D) 0.8 to 1.5
(A) Hardenability of low carbon steels 30. Tap, dies and drills contain carbon of the order of
(B) Machinability of low carbon steels (A) Below 0.5%
(C) Hardenality of high carbon steels (B) Below 1%
(D) Machinability of high carbon steels (C) Above 1%
(D) Above 2%
6. If a particular Fe-C alloy contains less than 0.83% 14. The relationship between true strain (eT) and engi-
carbon, it is called [2007] neering strain (eE) in a uniaxial tension test is given as
(A) High speed steel [2014]
(B) Hypoeutectoid steel (A) eE = In (1+ eT)
(C) Hypereutectoid steel (B) eE = In (1 – eT)
(D) Cast iron (C) eT = In (1+ eE)
7. The effective number of lattice points in the unit cell (D) eT = In (1 – eE)
of simple cubic, body centered cubic, and face cen- 15. The stress-strain curve for mild steel is shown in the
tered cubic space lattices, respectively, are [2009] figure given below. Choose the correct option refer-
(A) 1, 2, 2 ring to both figure and table. [2014]
(B) 1, 2, 4
(C) 2, 3, 4 T
(D) 2, 4, 4
Stress δ(N/mnz)
8. The material property which depends only on the R
basic crystal structure is [2010] Q
(A) Fatigue strength
(B) Work hardening
(C) Fracture strength
Strain e (%)
(D) Elastic constant
9. The crystal structure of austenite is [2011] Point on the Graph Description of the Point
(A) Body centered cubic P 1. Upper Yield Point
(B) Face centered cubic Q 2. Ultimate Tensile Strength
(C) Hexagonal closely packed
R 3. Proportionality Limit
(D) Body centered tetragonal
S 4. Elastic Limit
10. During normalizing process of steel, the specimen is
T 5. Lower Yield Point
heated [2012]
U 6. Failure
(A) Between the upper and lower critical temperature
and cooled in still air. (A) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4,T-5,U-6
(B) Above the upper critical temperature and cooled (B) P-3,Q-1,R-4,S-2,T-6,U-5
in furnace. (C) P-3,Q-4,R-1,S-5,T-2,U-6
(C) Above the upper critical temperature and cooled (D) P-4,Q-1,R-5,S-2,T-3,U-6
in furnace.
(D) Between the upper and lower critical temperature 16. Match the heat treatment processes (Group A) and
and cooled in furnace. their associated effects on properties (Group B) of
medium carbon steel. [2014]
11. For a ductile material, toughness is a measure of
[2013] Group A Group B
(A) Resistance to scratching P: Tempering I: Strengthening and grain
(B) Ability to absorb energy up to fracture refinement
(C) Ability to absorb energy till elastic limit Q: Quenching II: Inducing toughness
(D) Resistance to indentation
R: Annealing III: Hardening
12. The process of reheating the martensitic steel to S: Normalizing IV: Softening
reduce its brittleness without any significant loss in
its hardness is [2014] (A) P - III, Q - IV, R - II, S-I
(A) Normalising (B) Annealing (B) P - II, Q - III, R - IV, S-I
(C) Quenching (D) Tempering (C) P - III, Q - II, R - IV, S-I
13. A metal of initial length L0 is subjected to drawing (D) P - II, Q - III, R - I, S-IV
process. The length of the rod at any instant is given 1 7. Which one of the following types of stress-strain rela-
by the expression, L(t) = L0 (1 + t2), where t is the time tionship best described the behavior of brittle materials,
in minutes. The true strain rate (in min –1) at the end such as ceramics and thermosetting plastics, (σ = stress
of one minute is ____ [2014] and ε = strain)? [2015]
3.782 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
650 L
(C) (D) d
Temperature (Arbitrary)
σ σ
600 cα
ε ε
550 b
18. The atomic packing factor for a material with body
centered cubic structure is ______. [2015]
500 a
19. The flow stress (in MPa) of a material is given by
σ = 500 ∈0.1, 450
where ε is true strain. The Young’s modulus of elastic- 0 5 10 15
ity of the material is 200 GPa. A block of thickness Composition (Arbitrary)
100 mm made of this material is compressed to 95
mm thickness and then the load is removed. The final At which temperature will a sample get solutionized
dimension of the block (in mm) is ______. [2015] the fastest? [2016]
20. The ‘Jominy test’ is used to find [2016] (A) a (B) b
(A) Young’s modulus (C) c (D) d
(B) hardenability 23. The value of true strain produced in compressing a
(C) yield strength cylinder to half its original length is: [2016]
(D) thermal conductivity (A) 0.69 (B) –0.69
21. A hypothetical engineering stress-strain curve shown (C) 0.5 (D) –0.5
in the figure has three straight lines PQ, QR, RS with 24. In a binary system of A and B, a liquid of 20% A (80%
coordinates P(0, 0), Q(0.2, 100), R(0.6, 100), R(0.6, B) is coexisting with a solid of 70% A (30% B). For
140) and S(0.8, 130). ‘Q’ is the yield point, ‘R’ is the an overall composition having 40% A, the fraction of
UTS point and ‘S’ the fracture point. solid is: [2016]
(A) 0.40 (B) 0.50
(0.6, 140) (C) 0.60 (D) 0.75
140 (0.8, 130)
R 25. Engineering strain of a mild steel sample is recorded
Engg. Stress (MPa)
Answer Keys
Practice Problems 1
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B
11. C 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. D 20. A
Practice Problems 1I
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. B
21. C 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. D 30. C
Metal Casting Each material has its own advantages and limitations. The
required accuracy, strength and life of a pattern depend on
Metal casting is the process of pouring a molten metal in to a
the quantity of casting to be produced.
mould and allowing it to solidify to produce a desired object.
Generally for short run production wood is used as pat-
Most commonly used method of metal casting is sand
tern material. For mass production metal patterns are used.
casting in which a sand mould is used. It is a very old
Plastics may be used for batch production.
method. Improved methods such as shell moulding, invest-
ment casting, die casting, centrifugal casting etc. now find Pattern Allowances
wider application. Various steps in casting are
A pattern is generally slightly larger in size compared to the
1. Pattern making casting due to the various allowances to be provided.
2. Mould and core making Various allowances are
3. Melting and pouring
4. Fettling after solidification 1. Shrinkage or contraction allowance
5. Inspection and testing 2. Machining or finishing allowance
3. Draft or taper allowance
Pattern Making 4. Shaking or rapping allowance
5. Distortion or camber allowance
Pattern is the replica or full size model of the casting to be
made. It is used to give shape to the mould cavity where the
poured molten metal solidifies to the desired form and size. Shrinkage Allowance
Pattern is generally made using the following materials. Almost all metals shrink or contract on solidification. So
1. Wood to compensate the reduction in size of the casting, size of
2. Metals pattern is to be increased. The allowance provided for this is
3. Plastics called shrinkage allowance. Following is the typical values
4. Plasters of shrinkage allowances for some of the commonly used
5. Wax metals
Chapter 2 • Metal Casting and Forming | 3.785
Sand Mould Casting
357 mm About 80% of the cast products are made using sand mould
Table casting method. Sand moulds are single casting moulds and
Draft Values for patterns are completely destroyed for taking out the casting. The
moulding material is sand mixed with small quantities of
Pattern Draft (degrees)
binding materials and additives and water to improve the
materials External surface Internal surface cohesive strength and mouldability of sand.
Wood 0.25 to 3.00 0.5 to 3.0 Sand moulds are prepared in wooden or metallic boxes
Metal 0.35 to 1.50 0.5 to 3.0 called flasks. Depending up on the type of casting there can be
Plastic 0.25 to 1.0 0.35 to 2.25
one flask or more than one flasks. Two flask system is the most
Machining allowances for patterns commonly used. In the assembled position, the upper flask is
called ‘cope’ and bottom flask is called ‘Drag’. In three flask
Material/alloy Machining allowances (mm) system, the intermediate or central flask is called the ‘Cheak’
( on surface)
One flask dsign is used in ‘full mould process’ or in pit
Cast Iron moulding where it is used as cope, the pit acting as ‘drag’
Medium castings 3
Large castings 10
Cast steel
Medium castings 4.5 Cores are the materials used for making cavities and hollow
Large castings 12 projections, which cannot normally be produced by pattern
Non-ferrous alone. Cores are generally made of sand. During casting,
(brass, bronze, Al) cores are surrounded by molten metal and are subjected to
Medium castings 1.5 severe thermal and mechanical conditions. There fore core
Large castings 5 sand should be of higher strength than the moulding sand.
Core is set in the mould cavity of the prepared mould before
Example 3: Steel castings are produced from a brass closing and pouring. Through holes, recesses, projections,
pattern which is to be made from a wooden pattern. If the undercuts and internal cavities can be formed using cores.
dimensions of a component part is 80 mm, the corresponding
dimension of the wooden pattern considering shrinkage Types of Cores
only will be Cores can be classified according to the state of the mate-
15.3 rial as
Solution: Allowance for brass = 80 ×
1. Green sand core
= 1.224 mm 2. Dry sand core
Allowance for steel = 80 ×
1000 Green sand core is formed by the patterns it self when it is
= 1.664 mm being rammed while preparing a green sand mould (Green
Total shrinkage allowance sand means sand containing moisture) The core is made of
= 1.224 + 1.664 the same sand as the moulding sand. Green sand core is
= 2.888 mm weak and can be used only for light castings.
= 2.9 mm (approx) Dry sand core is made separately by core making process
Dimension of wooden pattern of moulding a green core, drying, baking, finishing, coat-
= 80 + 2.9 = 82.9 mm ing etc. They are positioned in the mould, after the pattern
is taken out before the mould is closed. These are the most
Classification of Casting Process commonly used cores.
According to the position of the core in the mould, core
The casting process may be classified in to
can be classified as
1. Expendable mould casting
1. Horizontal core
2. Permanent mould casting
2. Vertical core
3. Semi-permanent mould casting
3. Balanced core
3.788 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
4. Hanging core sand has proper amount of water added to it to give a high
5. Drop core etc strength with sufficient plasticity it is said to be ‘tempered’.
According to the amount of clay present, the moulding
Coreprints and Coreseats sand may be classified as
Coreprints are extra projections provided on the pattern for 1. Silica sand: up to 2% clay
making depressions in the mould for the placement of the core. 2. Lean or weak sand: 2 to 10% clay
The depression made by the coreprint in the mould is called 3. Moderately strong sand: 10 to 20% clay
core seat. Cores are placed in the core seats. Coreseats sup- 4. Strong sand: up to 30% clay
port the core against buoyancy of molten metal. Core prints, 5. Extra strong or loam sand: up to 50% clay
though a part of the pattern do not appear on the cast part.
According to the initial conditions and use moulding sand
may be classified as
1. Green sand
Core print Core print 2. Dry sand
3. Loam sand
Pattern 4. Facing sand
Mould cavity 5. Parting sand
6. Backing sand
Foundry sand containing moisture is known as green sand.
Additives 7. Fineness
Additives are small quantities of special materials added to Finer mould sand resists metal penetration and pro-
a moulding sand in order to enhance its existing properties duces smooth surface for the casting. But permeability
and to impart some special properties. is reduced by fineness
Sea coal, cereals, sand dust, wood flour, silica flour, fuel 8. Coefficient of expansion of the moulding sands should
oil, Iron oxide, dextrin etc are some of the additives used. be less
The molten metal when moving from the top of the cope Runners
to parting plane gains in velocity and as a consequence A runner is a horizontal channel which connects the sprue
requires smaller area of cross section for the same amount with the gates. It is generally located in the horizontal, part-
of metal to flow. If straight sprue is used metal flow would ing plane. Generally these are constructed in a trapezoidal
not be full at the bottom leading to aspiration. cross section. For ferrous metals, generally runner is pro-
Equations of continuity can be used to find the exact vided in the cope portion and in gates in the drag portion.
tapering required. Denoting top and choke by ‘t’ and ‘c’. This helps to trap the lighter slag and dross flowing with the
AtVt = AcVc molten metal.
or At = Ac
Vc Runner Extension
Vt The runner is extended a little further after it meets the
2gh ingate. The slag flowing with the molten metal is trapped at
But V =
the runner extension with out going to the ingates.
Or Va h
hc Skimbob is an enlargement provided in the runner. It’s func-
\ At = Ac
ht tion is to trap impurities such as dross or eroded sand from
going in to the mould cavity.
From the above equation it can be seen that the profile of an
ideal sprue is parabolic. But in practice for convenience a Gates
straight tapered sprue is used. Gate is a channel which connects runner with the mould
Riser cavity. Ingate is the end of the gate where it joins the
mould cavity and through which the molten metal is intro-
duced to the mould cavity.
Pouring Choke
cup Choke is that part of the gating system which has the small-
est cross sectional area. It helps to lower the flow velocity
in the runner, to hold back slag and foreign materials in the
runner also minimise the sand erosion.
Gating Ratio
It describes the relative cross sectional area of sprue: total
Sprue extension
runner area: total gate area.
Runner Depending up on the position of choke, the gating sys-
tem may be described as
Top riser
Strainer Pouring basin 1. Pressurised or choked system
2. Unpressurised or free system
In pressurised system, ingates serve as choke. The total gate
area is smaller than the sprue area. So a back pressure is
Sprue maintained in the system. A gating ratio 2:2:3 indicates a
unpressurised gating system.
base Mould
Splash Skim cavity Types of Gates
core bob Side Gates may be classified as
1. Parting line gate
Sprue Base or Well 2. Bottom gate
Where the sprue joins the runner an enlargement called 3. Top gate
sprue base or sprue well is provided. The mollen metal pool In parting line gate, metal enters the mould cavity at the
formed at the sprue base p revents excessive sand erosion parting line. The gate may contain skimbob, skimming
where the molten metal impinges. gate, shrink bob and whirl gate. Skimming gate is a vertical
3.792 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
passage through the cope: Lighter foreign material is As the metal enters the pouring basin, it has the highest
trapped in skimming gate. Shrink bob may be provided if potential energy with no kinetic or pressure energies. But as
there is a tendency for shrinkage defect near the ingate. the flow proceeds there is frictional head loss and heat loss
Whirlgate employs centrifugal force to aid the slag come (heat loss is not represented in the Bernoulli’s equation).
to the centre where it rises up in the skimming gate. A bot- The continuity equation which states that
tom gate is provided in the drag portion of the mould. Metal Q = AV = constant can also be applied
fills in the bottom first and then rises up steadly in the mould. (Q = rate of flow m3/s
In top gate, metal is poured down directly, into the mould
A = area of cross section, m2
cavity. In this, molten metal at the top of the casting is
always hot. V = velocity, m/s)
H depends on the casting dimensions and the type of gat- draw back is the formation vacuum due to the formation of
ing used. The following relations can be used. metal skin on the walls. This hinders the metal feeding. To
Top gate, H = h avoid this a permeable dry sand core is used, connecting it
c to the mould sand layers.
Bottom gate, H = h -
Shape and Size of Riser
p2 To help directional solidification the risers should loss heat
Parting gate, H = h -
2c at a slower rate. Amount of heat content is proportional to
Where h = height of sprue the volume and rate of heat dissipation depends up on the
p = height of mould cavity in cope surface area. Therefore a riser should be designed for a high
c = total height of mould cavity V/A (Volume/Surface area) ratio for a given size. From this
point of view a spherical shape is ideal one as it is hav-
Risering Design ing the lowest surface area a for same volume. But risers of
Riser is used to feed the casting during solidification so that spherical shape is difficult to mould. Therefore, a cylindri-
no shrinkage cavities are formed. The requirement of risers cal shape is preferred. Height of a cylindrical riser is gener-
depends to a great extend up on the type of metal poured ally taken as 1.5 × diameter of riser.
and the complexity of casting. Various metals have various
volumetric shrinkages. Riser Size
Grey cast iron some times may have a negative shrink- The solidification time of a casting depends up on the heat
age. This is because with higher carbon and silicon con- in the casting and its dissipation. So it is directly propor-
tents, graphitisation occurs which increases the volume and tional to the volume. And indirectly proportional to the sur-
counter acts the metal shrinkage. Risering is not very criti- face area. Based on these facts many relations are available
cal in these situations. But for metals such as aluminium for determining the riser size.
and steel volumetric contraction is very high and risering is
very important. Chvorinov’s Rule
Riser is also called feed heads. Molten metal rises in the Solidification or Freezing Time
riser after the mould cavity is filled up. They are used in
heavy section casting or for high shrinkage alloys. ⎛ V ⎞2
During casting metal shrinkage occur in three stages, T =C⎜ ⎟
⎝ SA ⎠
i) Liquid contraction or shrinkage
Where V = volume of casting
ii) Solidification shrinkage
SA = surface area of casting
iii) Solid shrinkage
C = constant of proportionality
First two are considered for risering purposes. To achieve directional solidification,
⎛V ⎞ ⎛V ⎞
Riser Location ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ >⎜ ⎟
SA Riser ⎝ SA ⎠ Casting
A riser should be located close to each heavier section. It
should be located in such a manner that it is the last portion In practice
of the casting to solidify.
⎛V ⎞ ⎛V ⎞
⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ = 1.10 to 1.15 ⎜ ⎟
Types of Risers SA Riser ⎝ SA ⎠ Casting
Depending upon the location, a riser can be side riser, top ⎛ V ⎞ for the casting is known.
riser and end riser. If it is located between runner and cast- ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠
ing it is also called live or hot riser as this contains the hot-
test metal. Top risers and end risers are also called dead So ⎛⎜ V ⎞⎟ for the riser can be calculated. Assuming
risers as these risers fill up with coldest metal and are likely ⎝ SA ⎠
to solidify before casting. A riser can also be an open riser height to diameter ratio for a cylindrical riser, its size can
or blind riser. be determined
Relative freezing time or freezing ratio, It is generally preferable to choose a riser with height to
diameter ratio = 1
Cooling characteristics of casting p D3
X = In such cases, Volume =
Colling characteristics of riiser 4
p D2
(SA/V )Casting Surface area = + p D2
(SA/V )Riser 5
= p D2
Volume ratio, 4
p D 3 5p D 2
Volume of riser Modulus of riser, MR = = 0.2 D
Y = 4 4
Volume of casting Since MR = 1.2Mc
D = 6 Mc
Caine’s formula is given as,
Thus in this method, calculation of riser size is very
a much simplified.
X = +c
Y -b Example 5: Optimum pouring time for a casting of cast
Where a = freezing characteristic constant iron of mass 60 Kg and a section thickness 50 mm is (take
b = Liquid–solid solidification contraction constant fluidity = 22 inches).
c = Relative freezing rate of riser and casting
Typical values a, b, c for commonly used cast metals are (
Solution: Pouring time t = k 1.41 + T 14.59 W)
given below.
22 ⎛ 50 ⎞
= ⎜ 1.41 + ⎟ 60
Cast metals a b c 40 ⎝ 14.59 ⎠
Steel 0.12 0.05 1.00
= 20.6 sec.
Aluminium 0.10 0.06 1.08
Graycast Iron 0.33 0.03 1.00
Cast iron, Brass 0.04 0.017 1.00
Example 6: Determine diameter of the sprue at the exit to
Aluminium, Bronze 0.24 0.017 1.00 fill the mould of a CI casting neglecting flow losses.
Silicon Bronze 0.24 0.017 1.00 Casting weight = 35 Kg
Pouring time = 22 seconds
A typical Caine’s hyperbolic curve is as shown in figure Density of melt = 7 gm/mm3
Y Height of sprue = 60 mm
And top gate.
Sound casting
Solution: Choke area
CA =
cdt 2 gH
Unsound casting
Where W = casting weight = 35 Kg
C = efficiency factor = 0.85 for taper sprue
Caine’s curves for different cast metals are available in hand d = density of melt = 7 gm/cm3 = 7 × 10-6 kg/mm3
books. To find the riser size for a given casting, the riser t = pouring time = 22 seconds
diameter and height are assumed. Knowing values of a, b, H = effective metal head
and c, the values of X and Y are calculated. Values of x and = height of sprue for top gate
Y are plotted on the hyperbolic curve. If the values meet = 160 mm
above the curve the assumed size is satisfactory. 35
\ CA =
0.85 × 7 × 10 × 22 2 × 9800 × 160
Modulus Method
= 150.99 mm2
Modulus is the inverse of cooling characteristic
Diameter at choke area = d
V pd2
i.e, modulus = = 150.99
SA 4
It has been empirically established that if the modulus of 150.99 × 4
the riser exceeds the modulus of casting by a factor 1.2, the d2 =
feeding solidification would be satisfactory.
d = 13.865 mm
Chapter 2 • Metal Casting and Forming | 3.795
mould walls. The solidification front will move towards Pinhole Porosity
centre, and layer by layer solidification takes place This is due to the presence of hydrogen in molten metal.
ii) Dantritic growth During solidification of the molten metal hydrogen leaves
Dantritic growth will happen if mushy zone appear the metal causing small diameter and long pinholes.
during solidifications. Initially solid is nucleated
near the boundary and the solidification front moves Shrinkage Cavities
towards the centre. Solid is also nucleated in the liquid Shrinkage cavities are formed during solidification of the
region and the solidification front movement in this molten metal, if feeding by risers are not proper or if the
case is towards the centre and to the primary dantrite. casting design is not proper.
In this case unidirectional solidification does not takes
place. Micro voids are formed at the meeting point of Moulding Material Defects
primary and secondary dantrites. These voids cannot Lack of the required properties of moulding materials
be compensated by the riser. This results in defective improper ramming etc will lead to defects such as scabs,
casting swell, runout and drop.
Segregation Scab
When a liquid alloy metal cools and solidifies the separating Scabs are projection formed on the casting. This occurs
out of the constituent elements of different freezing points is when a portion of the mould face lifts and metal flows
called segregation. Various types of segregation are, micro underneath in a thin layer. If it happens due to the expansion
segregation, macro segregation, normal segregation and of surface layer of sand it is called expansion scab. Scabs
gravity segregation. occur due to uneven ramming, excess moisture in sand etc,
Too thin sections, improper gating system, slow and Design of Castings
intermittant pouring, poor fluidity of metal etc may cause The design of a cast part should be such that the design
misrun or cold shut. should ensure high level of its working characteristics such
as strength, rigidity, stiffness, lightness and corrosion resist-
Poured Short ance. Proper attention to design aspects will minimize cast-
If the mould cavity is not completely filled due to insuffi- ing problems and lower the costs.
cient metal, this happens. The design of the casting should be such that it allows
directional solidification. Product design should be studied
under the following categories.
Metallurgical Defects
1. Design for economical moulding
Hot Tears 2. Design for elimination of defects
Occur due to hindered contractrion of casting parts imme- 3. Design for features to help handling of castings
diately after the metal solidification. Main reason is poor The following factors should be taken into account while
casting design. designing a casting.
1. Function of the casting
Hardspots 2. Selection and optimum use of the casting alloy
This happens in metals such as gray cast iron with in suf- 3. Strength of the casting
ficient silicon. Such metals may become hardened by the 4. Simplification of foundry practices
chilling effect of moulding sand. Hardspots make machin- 5. Consideration of safety aspects
ing of the metal difficult. 6. Economy of production
A few of the rules in design are
Mismatch or Mould Shift
1. Stress concentration should be avoided. For thin,
This is due to mismatch of cope and drag flasks at the part-
sharp corners and frequent use of fillets etc should be
ing line. The worn out or loose dowels in the pattern halves,
inexpert assembly of mould halves etc are reasons. Core
2. All members should have uniform sections as far
shift occurs due to the misalignment of core halves during
as possible. Abrupt changes in sections should be
3. Large flat surfaces should be avoided because it is
Flashes or Fins difficult to get true surfaces on large castings
Flashes or fins appear at the mould joints where gaps are 4. Pattern allowances should be provided
formed This may be due to wear or warping or improper 5. By providing curved shapes, contraction stresses
fastening of the cope and drag. should be minimized (example- arm of pulleys and
6. Stiffening members such as webs and ribs should be
Buckles and Rat Tails minimum as these give rise to defects like hot tears
Buckle is a broad vee shaped depression appearing on the and shrinkage
face of casting. It extends in a fairly straight line across the 7. Deep and narrow pockets in the casting should be
entire flat surface. It results from the sand expansion car- avoided to minimize cleaning costs
ried by the high temperature molten metal, when sand has 8. Vertical walls should be as smooth as possible for easy
insufficient hot deformation. It also happens in the design withdrawals of patterns (markings such as names or
with too large flat surfaces in the mould cavity. Rat tail numbers etc on vertical walls should be avoided)
is a defect similar to buckle, happening due to same rea- 9. Tolerance should be provided depending up on the
sons, but the shape of the defect is different. Rat tail is not dimensional accuracy desired
shaped as a broad vee. Buckles are the rat tails which are
Special Casting Processes
Sand casting processes give fairly good results at lowest
cost. Main draw back of sand casting is that the moulds are
Swell is a slight, smooth bulge appearing on vertical walls single use types. If in its place a permanent mould could
of a casting. This is caused by liquid metal pressure at areas be used there is considerable saving in time and labour
of low mould strength, due to improper ramming or too cost. Also surface finish and accuracy is poor in the case of
high water content. sand casting. To overcome this a number of special casting
3.798 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
processes are developed. Some of the widely used casting the mould is placed upside down and heated to melt out the
processes are, wax. The shell produced is used as mould for casting. The
final moulds can be made as solid type or shell type. In solid
i) Shell moulding
type, the shell is placed in a flask and a hard setting mould-
ii) Precision investment casting
ing material is poured. For shell type moulding dipping in
iii) Permanent mould casting
slurry is continued till sufficient thickness is obtained.
iv) Die casting
v) Centrifugal casting Permanent Mould Casting
vi) Squeeze casting
In permanent mould casting the mould can be used repeat-
Shell Moulding edly. Permanent moulds are also called dies. In this method
gravity feeding of molten metal is used. So this method is
It is a modification of sand moulding process. In this pro-
also known as gravity diecasting. This method is generally
cess thin, shell type half moulds are made using a mixture
used for non-ferrous metals and alloys such as Al, Mg, Zn,
of dry silica sand and phenolic resin.
Cu–alloys, Sn, Pb etc. A permanent mould is made up of
The sand is mixed with either urea or phenol formal-
two parts–one stationary and the other moving. Two com-
dehyde in a muller and transferred to a dump lox. Pattern
mon designs are
made of metal is heated to 205 to 230°C and placed over
the dump box and clamped. When the dump box is inverted i) Hinged type or book type
the sand resin mixture falls over the hot patterns. The resin ii) Straight line retractable type
melts and acts as bond between sand grains at the surface
For making hollow portions, cores are to be used. Cores can
of the pattern. After 30 seconds a hard and thin layer sand is
be made of metal or sand. Metal cores can be used repeat-
formed over the pattern. Then the dunp box is brought to the
edly. But complex shapes cannot be used. When sand cores
original position. The excess sand falls back. Pattern with
are used, the process is called semi–permanent moulding.
thin shells is cured at 315°C for 2 minutes. The shell is then
ejected by ejector pins and removed. Similarly shell is made Die Casting
for the other half also. These shells are assembled in a flask
with backing sand to form the mould. Die casting involves the preparation of components by
High dimensional accuracy and good surface finish are injecting molten metal at high pressure into metallic die.
the main advantages. The shells can be stored for a long time. Unlike in permanent mould casting or gravity die casting,
High cost and requirement of specialized equipments are metal is fed under pressure. So this process is also called
the main disadvantages. pressure die casting. Narrow sections complex shapes and
fine surface details can easily be produced as high pres-
Precision Investment Casting sure is used in this method. The stationary part of the die is
called the cover die and moving part is called the ejector die.
(Lost Wax Method)
Lubricant is sprayed on the diecavity manually or by auto
The term ‘investment’ refers to the layer of refractory mate- lubrication system to avoid sticking of the casting in the die.
rial with which the pattern in covered to make the mould. Die casting machines are of two types.
Like sand casting method mould is destroyed every time a
casting is made. 1. Hot chamber die casting
Shell moulding also is a precision investment casting 2. Cold chamber die casting
method, though lost wax method is generally refered as pre- In hot chamber die casting machine the melting unit of
cision investment casting. metal forms an integral part of the machine.
In lost wax method a wax pattern is used. Wax pattern is In cold chamber machine metal is melted in a furnace
melted from the mould, leaving the cavity. outside and transferred to the cylinder of the machine from
In this method a master pattern is prepared using steel where it is forced into the mould by means of the plunger.
or brass. Using this pattern split mould is made with bis- Advantages of die casting are,
muth alloy or lead alloy. This mould is used for making wax
pattern. Several wax patterns are assembled with necessary 1. Very high production rates are possible
gates and risers. This assembly is dipped in a refractory 2. Thin an complex section can be cast
slurry and refractory fine sand is sprinkled over it to ensure 3. Close dimensional control can be maintained
smooth surface for the casting. After the primary casting
Vacuum Die Casting
has dried sufficiently a final investment layer consisting of
coarser and less expensive slurry is applied. The common Air trapped in the dies when they are closed is a major
refractory used is silica. The binder is of gypsum or water problem die casting. This also causes a back pressure when
based sodium silicate. After the investment material is set moulten metal is injected in to the mould. This problem is
Chapter 2 • Metal Casting and Forming | 3.799
solved in vacuum die casting. As air is evacuated after clos- melt rapidly and withdrawing the solidified product in a
ing the die, metal enters in to the die much faster. As a result continuous length from the bottom at a rate consistent with
fill time is reduced and blisters are avoided. the pouring rate. Using continuous casting process, slabs,
billets and blooms can be directly cast with going through
Low Pressure Die Casting the rolling of ingot in various stages to obtain the products.
In low pressure die casting molten metal in a crucible rises The skin formed in the water cooled mould is further solidi-
to the mould through a riser tube dipped in the molten metal fied by intensive cooling with water sprays as the casting
when low pressure in the range of 0.3 to 1.5 bar is applied to moves forward.
the molten metal. Since metal enters the mould slowly com-
pared to die casting with less turbulence the casting quality Squeeze Casting
is improved eliminating the defects. In squeeze casting the casting is solidified under high pres-
sure. The product quality is greatly improved. Shrinkage
Centrifugal Casting cavities, dissolved gases etc are eliminated at high pressures.
In centrifugal casting process, the mould is rotated and the It is a combination of casting and forging. Molten metal is
molten metal in the mould is acted up on by the centrigal poured in to a die. Pressure is applied on this metal with a
force. Due to this molten metal is distributed to the periph- punch which is having the inner contour of the product.
ery of the mould cavity. Centrifugal casting process is clas-
sified as Metal Forming Processes
Metal forming processes or mechanical working processes
1. True centrifugal casting
are based on permanent changes in the shape of body or
2. Semi–centrifugal casting
plastic deformation under the action of external forces.
3. Centrifuging process
Mechanical working processes include rolling, forging,
In true centrifugal casting process, the axis of rotation of extrusion, drawing and sheet metal working. Sheet metal
the mould coincides with the axis of casting and due to the working is also known as press working. The stresses
centrifugal force molten metal is thrown out uniformly to induced in the part are greater than the yield strength but
the periphery of the mould cavity. In this case no core is less than the fracture strength except in sheet metal opera-
required for making a concentic hole. Centrifugal casting tions. In sheet metal operations such as shearing, piercing,
can be used for the production of cast iron pipes. The fin- blanking etc stress induced are greater than or equal to the
ished flask rammed with sand inside, with the required con- fracture strength.
tour and end details, is rotated on rollers. The amount of Machining or metal cutting operations are not included
molten metal poured determines the thickness of the pipe in the forming processes. In machining operations mate-
to be cast. rial is removed from the part in the form of chips. But in
The mechanical properties of centrifugally cast objects mechanical forming processes there is no material loss.
are better compared to the other processes because impu-
rities such as slag and oxides get segregated towards the Recrystallisation Temperature
centre. This can be removed easily by machining. During deformation, metal flows plastically and the shapes
In semi–centrifugal casting the mould is rotated about of grains are changed. If the deformation is carried out at
the vertical axis and metal is poured in to central sprue high temperature, new grains are formed in the metal. The
where it first enters the hub and then moves outwards to the process of formation of new grains is known as recrystalli-
periphery by centrifugal force. If central hole is required, sation. The temperature at which formation of new grains is
a core is to be provided. Rotating speed is lesser than that complete is known as recrystallisation temperature. Plastic
is true centrifugal casting. For high rates of production, deformations of a metal above the recrystallisation temper-
moulds can be stacked one over the other and molten metal ature but below the melting temperature is known as hot
can be fed through a common central sprue. working. And plastic deformation below the recrystallisa-
Centrifuging process is similar to semi–centrifugal cast- tion temperature is known as cold working.
ing process. Metal is fed through a central sprue and the Under the action of heat and force, atoms reach high
mould is rotated. The main difference is that in the case energy level, new crystals starts forming during the recrys-
of centrifuging the axis of the mould is not same as axis tallisation. Recrystallisation destroys old grain structure
of rotation. Here identical small moulds are arranged in a deformed by mechanical working and entirely new crystals,
circle which are connected through radial gates from the which are strain free are formed. Recrystallisation tempera-
central sprue. ture is defined as the approximate minimum temperature
at which complete recrystallisation of a cold worked metal
Continuous Casting occurs with in a specified time.
Continuous casting process consists of pouring into a short Recrystallisation temperature generally varies between
vertical metal die or mould at a controlled rate, cooling the one third and half the melting point for most of the metals.
3.800 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
For lead and tin minimum recrystallisation is below the Rolling is done in both hot and cold. The starting mate-
room temperature. For Cadmium and Zinc it is at the room rial is cast ingots. These are rolled to blooms, billets and
temperature For iron it is 450°C. slabs initially and then hot rolled to plates, sheets, rods etc.
In the rolling process the metal is passed through two
Cold Working rolls rotating in opposite directions at a uniform peripheral
Advantages speed. The space between the rolls can be adjusted to obtain
the desired thickness of the rolled product. The work piece
1. Strength and hardness of the metal is increased due to comes out of the rolls with reduced thickness, but its width
strain hardening. and length is increased.
2. As no oxides are formed on the surface, good surface In the rolling process, because of the squeezing, the
finish is obtained. grains are elongated in the direction of rolling and the
3. Dimensional accuracy achieved is better. velocity of metal is higher than that at the entry. After the
4. It is easier to handle cold parts and is economical for stress zone, the elongated grains start refining in the case of
smaller sizes. hot rolling. The elongated grains remains as it is the case of
cold rolling.
1. The amount of deformation that can be given is A
limited due to the higher yield strength and also due α B
to strain hardening.
2. Brittle materials cannot be cold worked.
3. Possibility of crack formation and propagation is Refined grains
Original grains Elongated grains
Hot Working Roll
1. Since there is no strain hardening any amount of O
working can be imparted.
2. Even brittle materials can be hot worked. A α
3. Only lesser force is required for hot working. P
4. A favourable grain size can be attained, at controlled µP
working conditions. So better mechanical properties The metal contacts each of the rolls along the arc AB. The
can be achieved. angle (a) made by the arc at the centre of the roll is called
5. Blow holes and porosities are eliminated by welding angle of bite or angle of contact. At the moment of bite two
action at high temperature and pressure. forces act on the metal, normal force P and tangential force
mP, where m is the coefft of friction. If the horizontal compo-
nent of the resultant normal force P and frictional force mP
1. Some metals cannot be hot worked because of their is directed in the direction of rotation, the work piece will be
brittleness at high temperature. dragged in the same direction. In the limiting case,
2. Poor surface finish due to scaling. Psina = mP cosa
3. Because of thermal expansion dimensional accuracy Or m = tan a
is hard to achieve.
4. Handling and maintaining of hot metal is difficult and Or a = tan-1 m
troublesome. If a is greater than tan-1m, the work piece will not be
5. Surface decarbonisation in steels reduces strength passing through the rolls, without aid of external forces.
and hardness of the surface. In hot rolling the primary purpose is to reduce the sec-
tion. So the value a and hence m will be maximum. The roll
Rolling surface can be roughened to increase the value of m. This
The process of shaping metals and alloys into finished or process is called ‘ ragging.’ In the case of cold rolling, roll-
semi finished conditions passing between circular or con- ing loads are high and value of m will be smaller.
toured rotating cylinders (rolls) is called rolling. The metal During the plastic deformation of metal it can be
is drawn in to the opening between rolls by frictional forces assumed that the volume passing per unit time constant. So
between metal and roll surface. The work piece is subjected it can be stated that
to high compressive forces and is plastically deformed. V0 h0 b0 = V1 h 1and b1
Chapter 2 • Metal Casting and Forming | 3.801
where V, h and b are velocity, height and breadth Based on no. of rolls in the roll stand it can be two high,
respectively. three high, four high, multi roll universal rolling mill and
But b0 ~ b1 planetary rolling mills.
Based on products, it can be blooming and slabbing
So V1 = V0 h0 mills, billet mills, rail and structural mills, rod mills, plate
h1 and sheet mills, seamless tube mills etc.
As h0 > h1, V1 > V0 Based on arrangement of rolling stands, it can be looping
mills cross country mills, continuous mills etc.
If Vr is the velocity of the roll V1 > Vr > V0
V1 - Vr Roll Passes
× 100 is called forward ship
Vr Bars, rods and special purpose sections (I beam, channels,
rails etc) are rolled between grooved rolls. The grooves cut
Vr − V0
and × 100 is called backward ship on mating rolls will form passes through which the metal
Vr is passed to get the required cross section. Before getting
In the deforming area between the rolls velocity of metal is the final stage the work passes through many passes. Roll
changing from V0 to V1. At a particular section this equal to passes are classified as
Vr, the velocity of roll. This section is called neutral or no 1. Break down or roll down or roughing passes
slip section. 2. Leader passes
Other parameters are 3. Finishing passes
Absolute draught Dh = h0–h1 mm
Break down passes are intended to reduce the cross sec-
∆h tional area.
Relative draught × 100
h0 Leader passes gradually brings the cross section near to
Absolute elongation Dl = L1–L0 mm the final shape.
Finishing pass is for the final or the required cross
L1 section.
Coefficient of elongation =
Absolute spread = b1 –b0 mm Rolling Defects
A0 − A1 Defects found in rolling process are
% of cold work = × 100 1. Wavy edges
2. Spread
where A = area of cross section. 3. Crocodile neck
h0 − h1 4. Surface defects
5. Edge cracks
It can be shown that cos a = 1 − 2
R Wavy edges result from roll bending. The strip becomes
∆h thinner along edges corresponding to the centre thickness.
or cos a = 1 −
D As free expansion is restrained, buckling occurs. If the
where a = angle of contact width to thickness ratio of plates and sheets are smaller,
D = diameter of the roll width increases considerably in the roll gap. This is called
Maximum possible draught D hmax = m2R spreading.
If the plate is weak at the centre, sheet bifurcates into
Where R = two causing neck formation. This is called crocodile neck.
2 Presence of impurities such as scale, rust, dirt in hot bloom,
billets or slabs causes surface defects in the rolled prod-
Rolling Mills ucts. Limited ductility of the metal or uneven deformation
A set of rolls assembled in a housing is called a rolling at edges will cause edge cracks.
stand. A rolling mill may contain one or more rolling stands. Example 9: A stock of thickness 30 mm is to be rolled to
A rolling mill is a place where metal rolling is done on rolls 10mm in a single stage. Calculate the minimum diameter of
and other auxiliary operations are performed. the rolls, if the maximum angle of bite is 40°C. Find also
the required coefficient of friction.
Classification of Rolling Mills
Solution: Dh = h1–h2
1. Classification based on number of rolls in the stand
2. Based on products rolled 30–10 = 20 mm
3. Based on arrangement of rolling stands a = 40°
3.802 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Hydrostatic Extrusion
Hydrostatic extrusion is a cold extrusion process, in which
Ram billet is surrounded by a working fluid, which is pressurised
by ram. To provide the extrusion force. Friction between bil-
In indirect extrusion, the billet inside the cylinder has no let and container is elimimated in this case and this makes it
relative motion with the cylinder. So there is no friction possible to extrude very long billets.
between cylinder and billet. Therefore power required for Extrusion ratio is defined as the ratio of cross sectional
indirect extrusion is less compared to direct extrusion. But area of the bullet to the cross sectional area of the product.
the long hollow ram is required and this limits the loads that
can be applied.
Extrusion Pressure
Impact Extrusion Estimation of extrusion pressure in many cases is done with
It is a cold extrusion process used for soft metals (like alu- the help of empirical relation ships. One such relation for
minium). It can be backward or forward. In backward impact calculating maximum pressure of backward extrusion of
extrusion, metal flows in reverse direction of the plunger. carbon steel is
The flowing metal is guided only initially. Afterwards it A
moves by its on inertia. Impact extrusion is carried out at P = T 3.45ln 0 + 1.15 kw /mm 2
higher speeds. The punch strikes a single blow with con-
siderable force causing the metal to squirt up against the
Where T = upper yield point, kN/mm2
A0 = cross sectional area of extruded component
Application of impact extrusion process are in the manu-
Ab = cross sectional area of billet
facture of collapsible tubes for tooth paste, ointments, shell
The above expression is valid for extrusion ratios vary-
cases, causes etc.
ing from 1.65 to 4.25 using billets with 0.6 length to diam-
Combined forward and backward extrusion can be
eter ratio.
used to produce complex shapes. In the same stroke of the
Another expression for extrusion force is
plunger backward and forward extrusion happens.
Extrusion force = kA1 ln
Where k = extrusion constant
A1 = initial area of cross section
Af = final area of cross section
In rod drawing the product is to be straight. Maximum Bulge formation occurs infront of the die due to high die
length of the rod that can be drawn depends upon the maxi- angle and low reduction.
mum travel of the carriage which the pulls the rod through Internal cracks or central burst occur due to increase
the die. Before drawing the rod is to be cleaned to remove in die angle or increase in the amount of impurities. It
scales etc. This is done by acid pickling. After pickling the decreases with increasing drawing ratio and friction.
metal is washed well and conditioned by sulling, coppering, Surface defects occur due to inadequate lubrication and
phosphating, liming etc to have to have proper lubrication. improper selection of drawing methods.
In sulling or yellowing the blank is given a thin coating Longitudinal scratch or fold in materials is called seams.
of iron hydroxide Fe(OH)3, which combines with lime to
serve as a filler for the lubricant. Phosphating consists of Drawing Force
applying coating of phosphates of Mn, Fe or Zn. Lubricant Force required for drawing under frictionless conditions is
sticks to the phosphates coatings. In coppering the metal is given by the following expression.
dipped in a weakly acidified solution of copper sulphate. In
liming the metal is dipped in a boiling lime solution. Acid F = Yav Af ln
remains are neutralized by liming and forms as a carrier for f
lubricant. Before drawing the metal is dried above 100°C. where A0 = original area of cross section of the wire or
A suitable lubricant is applied on the dry surface. Drawing rod
lubricants used are mineral and vegetable oils, animal fats, Af = final area of cross section
graphite, certain emulsions etc. Considerable heat is gener- Yav = average true stress of the material in die gap
ated during drawing. Water is circulated around the die to Maximum reduction in diameter
remove heat.
2 1/ B
Tube drawing also is similar to the other drawing pro- Df 1
R=1- = 1 −
cesses. The main difference is that a mandrel is used to form Do 1+ B
the internal hole.
Where Df = final diameter
Degree of Drawing D0 = original diameter
Degree of drawing is measured as the reduction of area µ
(RA), which is the ratio of the difference in cross sectional B=
tan α
area before and after drawing to the initial cross sectional
area. where m = coefficient of friction
2 a = semi die angle
Di2 − D02 D
i.e. RA = = 1– 0
Di2 D Hot Drawing and Cupping
Defects in Wire Drawing This is another method of producing seamless tubes and
In wire drawing operations the following defects are cylinders. A thick metal blank of circular shape is hot
observed pierced by a hydraulically operated plunger to form a cup
shaped product first. This is drawn through a series of dies
1. Bulge formation by pushing with plungers to reduce diameter and increase
2. Internal cracks the length. This method is generally used for producing
3. Surface defects thick walled cylindrical products.
4. Seams
Practice Problems 1 2. The top diameter of a down sprue is 20 mm. Its length is
180 mm. Liquid metal in the pouring up is maintained
1. A rectangular block of dimensions 100 × 50 × 20 mm is up to 60 mm height. For ensuring flow with out aspira-
to be made from cast iron by casting process. For this a tion, the diameter of down sprue at lower end will be
wooden pattern is to be made treating 20 mm as verti- (A) 16.26 mm (B) 14.15 mm
cal. Assuming a machining allowance of 2 mm, shrink- (C) 12.38 mm (D) 15.92 mm
age allowance of 2% and a draft allowance of 1°, find
3. A 350 mm thick slab is to be cold rolled using rolls of
the bottom dimensions and height of the pattern in mm.
(A) 55.9 × 106.9, 25.3 650 mm diameter. If coefficient of friction is 0.08, the
(B) 55.9 × 106.9, 24.5 maximum possible reduction in mm thickness will be
(C) 55.1 × 106.1, 25.3 (A) 1.18 (B) 2.28
(D) 55.1 × 106.1, 24.5 (C) 1.32 (D) 2.08
3.806 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
4. Large size bolt heads are produced by thickness of 3 mm in a single pass rolling mill having rolls
(A) Swaging (B) Roll forging of 300 mm diameter. The strip is 450 mm wide. The average
(C) Upset forging (D) Tumbling coefficient of friction in the roll gap is 0.08. Assume plane
5. Seamless tubes in mass production are manufactured strain flow stress of 140 MPa for the metal and negligible
by spreading.
(A) Rolling (B) Spinning 13. The average roll gap pressure will be
(C) Welding (D) Extrusion (A) 161. 56 M Pa (B) 157. 23 M Pa
6. Needle is produced by (C) 169. 33 M Pa (D) 152. 88 M Pa
(A) Forging (B) Machining 14. The roll separating force will be
(C) Extrusion (D) Swaging (A) 836.7 kN (B) 832.5 kN
7. Frictional force between billet and die is more in the (C) 810.8 kN (D) 890.6 kN
case of 15. A grey cast iron casting is to be made using a wooden
(A) Direct extrusion pattern. The shrinkage allowance allowed on the
(B) Indirect extrusion wooden pattern should be
(C) Impact extrusion (A) 10 mm/m (B) 16 mm/m
(D) Hydrostatic extrusion (C) 26 mm/m (D) 20 mm/m
8. Out of the following the metal that cannot be forged 16. Chills are used in casting moulds to
is (A) Reduce the freezing time
(A) Wrought iron (B) Achieve directional solidification
(B) Mild steel (C) Reduce hot tear
(C) Cast iron (D) Improve surface finish
(D) High carbon steel 17. Upsetting is a process of
9. Wire cannot be hot rolled commercially/economically (A) Increasing cross section of a bar
smaller than about a diameter of (B) Reducing cross section of a bar
(A) 10 mm (B) 5 mm (C) Bending of a bar
(C) 15 mm (D) 2 mm (D) Joining two pieces of bars
10. Out of the following which one is not connected with 18. Collapsible tubes are made by
tube making (A) Cold extrusion forging
(A) Hot cupping (B) Impact extrusion
(B) Pilgering (C) Forward hot extrusion
(C) Three-roll piercing (D) Backward hot extrusion
(D) Rotary swaging 19. A two–high rolling mills consists of
11. By a 10 ton press, it is meant that (A) Two rolling stands at different heights
(A) The weight of press is 10 ton (B) Two rollers of equal diameter rotating in same di-
(B) It can handle work weighing up to 10 ton rection
(C) It can exert force up to 10 ton (C) Two rollers of equal diameter rotating in opposite
(D) Turn over per day is 10 mton directions
12. Skelton patterns are generally used for (D) One set of rolls with two back up rolls
(A) Small castings 20. Mandrel is used in tube drawing
(B) Non-ferrous castings (A) To form the internal hole
(C) Large castings (B) To give good surface finish
(D) Hollow castings (C) To aid in pulling of the tube.
Direction for question 13 and 14: A metal strip is to (D) To provide lubrication
be rolled from initial thickness of 4 mm to a final rolled
3. When a hole or cavity to be cored is not in line with the to atmosphere and an acceleration due to gravity of
parting suface, the core to be used is 104 mm/s2, the area of down sprue in mm2 at its end
(A) Horizontal core (B) Vertical core (avoiding aspiration effect) should be
(C) Drop core (D) Balanced core (A) 310.3 mm2 (B) 281.2 mm2
(C) 290.7 mm 2 (D) 268.3 mm2
4. Maximum possible draft in cold rolling of a sheet
increases with 13. A cubical casting of side 45 mm undergoes 3.5%, 4.5%
(A) Increase in coefficient of friction and 5% volume shrinkage, during liquid state, phase
(B) Decrease in coefficient of friction transformation and solid state respectively, while cool-
(C) Decrease in radius of roll ing. The volume of metal compensated from the riser is
(D) Not related to radius of role (A) 9.5% (B) 8.5%
5. In a 4 high rolling mill there are four rolls out of which (C) 8% (D) 13%
(A) One is working roll and 3 are backing up rolls 14. In a rolling process a sheet of 30 mm thickness is rolled
(B) Two are working rolls and two are backing up rolls to 25 mm thickness. Roll is of diameter 700 mm. and it
(C) Three are working rolls and one is backing up roll rotates at 100 rpm. The roll strip contact length will be
(D) All four rolls are working rolls (A) 48.5 mm (B) 38.7 mm
6. Metal extrusion process is generally used for producing (C) 41.9 mm (D) 36.3 mm
(A) Uniform solid sections only. 15. A brass billet is to be extruded from its initial diam-
(B) Uniform hollow section only eter of 100 mm to final diameter 60 mm. The work-
(C) Uniform solid and hollow sections ing temperature is 700°C and the extrusion constant is
(D) Varying solid and hollow sections 250 MPa. The force required for extrusion is
7. A solid cylinder of diameter 100 mm and height 50 mm (A) 12.97 kN (B) 11.46kN
is forged between two frictionless flat dies to a height (C) 16.92 kN (D) 10.13 kN
of 25 mm. The percentage change in diameter is 16 In a wire drawing operation, diameter of a steel wire is
(A) 35.6 (B) 41.4 reduced from 12 mm to 10 mm. The mean flow stress
(C) 43.7 (D) 38.8 of the material is 400 Mpa. The ideal force, ignoring
8. Cold working of metals is carried out friction and redundant work is
(A) Below lower critical temperature (A) 12.97 kN (B) 11.46 kN
(B) Below upper critical temperature (C) 16.92 kN (D) 10.13 kN
(C) Below recrystallization temperature Direction for questions 17, 18 A cylindrical billet of 100
(D) Below 15°C mm diameter is forged from 60 mm height at 1000°C. The
9. Fullers are used material has a constant flow stress of 80 MPa
(A) For finishing flat surfaces 17. Find the work of deformation in Nm.
(B) For necking down a piece of work (A) 31400 (B) 30210
(C) For punching a hole (B) 25120 (D) 28105
(D) Bending of a bar
18. If a 10 kN drop hammer is used to complete the reduc-
10. Thick walled cylinder can be produced by tion in one blow, what will be the height of the fall?
(A) Hot drawing (A) 2.51 m (B) 2.82 m
(B) Hot extrusion (C) 3.14 m (D) 2.73 m
(C) Cold drawing
19. A mould has down sprue whose length is 25 cm and
(D) Continuous drawing
cross sectional area at the base 1.5 cm2. The down
11. In a foundry, two castings of same weight and material
sprue feeds a horizontal runner leading to mould cav-
due to be produced. One is cube shaped and the other
ity of volume 1500 cm3. The time required to fill the
is cylindrical shaped with a length to diameter ratio of
mould cavity will be
0.5. Cooling time ratio of cylindrical and cubical cast-
(A) 3.61 sec (B) 5.05 sec
ing is
(C) 4.51 sec (D) 5.81 sec
(A) 0.95 (B) 1.05
(C) 1.15 (D) 1.22 20. In a rolling operation a 25 mm thick plate of width
100 mm is reduced to 20 mm thickness. Roller radius
12. A 200 mm long down sprue has an area of cross section
is 300 mm and rotational speed is 10 rpm. The aver-
600 mm2 where pouring basin meets the sprue. A con-
age flow stress for the material is 300 MPa. The power
stant head of molten metal is maintained by the pour-
required for rolling operation in kw is approximately
ing basin. The molten metal flow rate is 6 × 105 mm3/s.
(A) 365 (B) 472
Considering the end of the down sprue to be open
(C) 343 (D) 387
3.808 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
List (Equipment) List (Process) 11. In a wire drawing operation, diameter of a steel wire
P – Hot chamber machine 1. Cleaning
is reduced from 10 mm to 8 mm. The mean flow stress
of the material is 400 MPa. The ideal force required
Q – Muller 2. Core making
for drawing (ignoring friction and redundant work) is:
R – Dielectric baker 3. Die casting [2006]
S – Sand blaster 4. Annealing (A) 4.48 kN (B) 8.97 kN
5. Sand mixing (C) 20.11 kN (D) 31.41 kN
(A) P – 2 Q – 1 R – 4 S – 5 12. Which of the following engineering materials is the
(B) P – 4 Q – 2 R – 3 S – 5 most suitable candidate for hot chamber die casting?
(C) P – 4 Q – 5 R – 1 S – 2 [2007]
(D) P – 3 Q – 5 R – 2 S – 1 (A) Low carbon steel (B) Titanium
(C) Copper (D) Tin
6. A mould has a downsprue whose length is 20 cm and
the cross sectional area at the base of the downsprue is 13. Volume of a cube of side ‘I’ and volume of a sphere of
1 cm2. The down sprue feeds horizontal runner lead- radius ‘r’ are equal. Both the cube and the sphere are
ing into the mould cavity of volume 1000 cm3. The solid and of same material. They are being cast. The
time required to fill the mould cavity will be [2005] ratio of the solidification time of the cube to the same
(A) 4.05 s (B) 5.05 s of the sphere is [2007]
3 2
(C) 6.05 s (D) 7.25 s
(A) ⎛ 4p ⎞ ⎛ r ⎞ (B) 4p
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ r
⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠
7. A 2 mm thick metal sheet is to be bent at an angle 6 l 6 l
of one radian with a bend radius of 100 mm. If the 2
⎛ 4p ⎞ ⎛ r ⎞ (D)
⎛ 4p ⎞ ⎛ r ⎞
2 4
stretch factor is 0.5, the bend allowance is [2005] (C)
⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠
6 l 6 l
2 mm
14. In open-die forging, a disc of diameter 200 mm and
height 60 mm is compressed without any barreling
1 Radian effect. The final diameter of the disc is 400 mm. The
true strain is [2007]
(A) 1.986 (B) 1.686
(C) 1.386 (D) 0.602
(A) 99 mm (B) 100 mm 15. The thickness of a metallic sheet is reduced from an
(C) 101 mm (D) 102 mm initial value of 16 mm to a final value of 10 mm in one
8. An expendable pattern is used in [2006] single pass rolling with a pair of cylindrical rollers
(A) Slush casting each of diameter of 400 mm. The bite angle in degree
(B) Squeeze casting will be [2007]
(C) Centrifugal casting (A) 5.936 (B) 7.936
(D) Investment casting (C) 8.936 (D) 9.936
9. In a sand casting operation, the total liquid head is 16. A 200 mm long down sprue has an area of cross-
maintained constant such that it is equal to the mould section of 650 mm2 where the pouring basin meets the
height. The time taken to fill the mould with a top gate down sprue (i.e., at the beginning of the down sprue).
is tA. If the same mould is filled with a bottom gate, A constant head of molten metal is maintained by the
then the time taken is tB. Ignore the time required to pouring basin. The molten metal flow rate is 6.5 × 105
fill the runner and frictional effects. Assume atmos- mm3/s. Considering the end of down sprue to be open
pheric pressure at the top molten metal surfaces. The to atmosphere and an acceleration due to gravity of
relation between tA and tB is: [2006] 104 mm/s2, the area of the down sprue in mm2 at its
end (avoiding aspiration effect) should be [2007]
(A) tB = 2 tA (B) tB = 2tA
(C) t B = A (D) tB = 2 2 tA Pouring
2 Basin
10. A 4 mm thick sheet is rolled with 300 mm diameter rolls
to reduce thickness without any change in its width. The 650 mm2
friction coefficient at the work–roll interface is 0.1. The
Area of down
minimum possible thickness of the sheet that can be pro- 200mm
sprue at its end
duced in a single pass is: [2006]
(A) 1.0 mm (B) 1.5 mm
(C) 2.5 mm (D) 3.7 mm
3.810 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
(A) 650.0 (B) 350.0 24. A cubic casting of 50 mm side undergoes volumet-
(C) 290.7 (D) 190.0 ric solidification shrinkage and volumetric solid con-
17. While cooling, a cubical casting of side 40 mm under- traction of 4% and 6% respectively. No riser is used.
goes 3%, 4% and 5% volume shrinkage during the liq- Assume uniform cooling in all directions. The side
uid state, phase transition and solid state, respectively. of the cube after solidification and contraction is.
The volume of metal compensated from the riser is [2011]
[2008] (A) 48.32 mm (B) 49.90 mm
(A) 2% (B) 7% (C) 49.94 mm (D) 49.96 mm
(C) 8% (D) 9% 25. A solid cylinder of diameter 100 mm and height 50
18. In a single pass rolling operation, a 20 mm thick plate mm is forged between two frictionless flat dies to a
with plate width of 100 mm, is reduced to 18 mm. height of 25 mm. The percentage change in diameter
The roller radius is 250 mm and rotational speed is is [2012]
10 rpm. The average flow stress for the plate material (A) 0 (B) 2.07
is 300 MPa. The power required for the rolling opera- (C) 20.7 (D) 41.4
tion in kW is closest to [2008] 26. In a single pass rolling process using 410 mm diame-
(A) 15.2 (B) 18.2 ter steel rollers, a strip of width 140 mm and thickness
(C) 30.4 (D) 45.6 8 mm undergoes 10% reduction of thickness. The
19. Two streams of liquid metal, which are not hot enough angle of bite in radians is [2012]
to fuse properly, result into a casting defect known as (A) 0.006 (B) 0.031
[2008] (C) 0.062 (D) 0.600
(A) Cold shut (B) Swell 27. A cube shaped casting solidifies in 5 min. The solidi-
(C) Sand wash (D) Scab fication time in min for a cube of the same material,
20. Match the items in Column I and Column II. [2009] which is 8 times heavier than the original casting, will
be [2013]
Column I Column II (A) 10 (B) 20
(P) Metallic chills (1) Support for the core (C) 24 (D) 40
(Q) Metallic chaplets (2) Reservoir of the molten 28. In a rolling process, the state of stress of the material
metal undergoing deformation is [2013]
(R) Riser (3) Control cooling of critical (A) Pure compression
sections (B) Pure shear
(S) Exothermic (4) Progressive (C) Compression and shear
padding solidification (D) Tension and shear
29. An aluminium alloy (density 2600 kg/m ) casting is
(A) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4
(B) P-1, Q-4, R-2, S-3 to be produced. A cylindrical hole of 100 mm diam-
(C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1 eter and 100 mm length is made in the casting using
(D) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3 sand core (density 1600 Kg/m3). The net buoyancy
force (in newton) acting on the core is _____ [2014]
21. In a gating system, the ratio 1: 2: 4 represents [2010]
(A) Sprue base area: runner area: ingate area 30. With respect to metal working, match Group A with
(B) Pouring basin area: ingate area: runner area Group B: [2014]
(C) Sprue base area: ingate area: casting area Group A Group B
(D) Runner area: ingate area: casting area (P) Defect in extrusion (I) Alligatoring
22. The maximum possible draft in cold rolling of sheet (Q) Defect in rolling (II) Scab
increases with the [2011] (R) Product of skew rolling (III) Fish tail
(A) Increase in coefficient of friction (S) Product of rolling (IV) Seamless tube
(B) Decrease in coefficient of friction through cluster mill
(C) Decrease in roll radius (V) Thin sheet with tight tolerance
(D) Increase in roll velocity (VI) Semi-finished balls of ball
23. Green sand mould indicates that [2011] bearing
(A) Polymeric mould has been cured
(A) P - II, Q - III, R - VI, S – V
(B) Mould has been totally dried
(B) P - III, Q - I, R - VI, S - V
(C) Mould is green in colour
(C) P - III, Q - I, R - IV, S - VI
(D) Mould contains moisture
(D) P - I, Q - II, R - V, S - VI
Chapter 2 • Metal Casting and Forming | 3.811
31. A mild steel plate has to be rolled in one pass such that 37. The solidification time of a casting is proportional to
the final plate thickness is 2/3rd of the initial thickness, ⎛V ⎞
with the entrance speed of 10 m/min and roll diameter ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ , where V is the volume of the casting and A is
of 500 mm. If the plate widens by 2% during rolling, the the total casting surface area losing heat. Two cubes
exit velocity (in m/min) is ____ [2014] of same material and size are cast using sand cast-
32. Match the casting defects (Group A) with the prob- ing process. The top face of one of the cubes is com-
able causes (Group B): [2014] pletely insulated. The ratio of the solidification time
for the cube with top face insulated to that of the other
Group A Group B
cube is: [2015]
P: Hot tears 1. Improper fusion of two streams of liquid metal 25 36
Q: Shinkage 2. Low permeability of the sand mould
(A) (B)
36 25
3. Volumetric contraction both in liquid and
R: Blow holes
solid stage
(C) 1 (D)
S: Could Shut 4. Differential cooling rate 5
38. In a slab rolling operation, the maximum thickness
(A) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4 (B) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 reduction (∆hmax) is given by ∆hmax = µ2R, where R is
(C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1 (D) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3 the radius of the roll and µ is the coefficient of friction
3 3. The hot tearing in a metal casting is due to [2014] between the roll and the sheet. If µ = 0.1, the maxi-
(A) High fluidity mum angle subtended by the deformation zone at the
(B) High melt temperature centre of the roll (bite angle in degrees) is ______.
(C) Wide range of solidification temperature [2015]
(D) Low coefficient of thermal expansion 39. A cube and a sphere made of cast iron (each of vol-
34. In a rolling process, the maximum possible draft, ume 1000 cm3) were cast under identical conditions.
defined as the difference between the initial and the The time taken for solidifying the cube was 4s. The
final thickness of the metal sheet, mainly depends on solidification time (in s) for the sphere is ______.
which pair of the following parameters? [2014] [2015]
(P) Strain 40. In a two-stage wire drawing operation, the fractional
(Q) Strength of the work material reduction (ratio of change in cross-sectional area to
initial cross-sectional area) in the first stage is 0.4.
(R) Roll diameter
The fractional reduction in the second stage is 0.3.
(S) Roll velocity The overall fractional reduction is: [2015]
(T) Coefficient of friction between roll and work (A) 0.24 (B) 0.58 (C) 0.60 (D) 1.00
(A) Q, S (B) R, T 41. The strain hardening exponent n of stainless steel SS
(C) S, T (D) P, R 304 with distinct yield and UTS values undergoing
35. A cylindrical riser of 6 cm diameter and 6 cm height plastic deformation is [2015]
has to be designed for a sand casting mould for pro- (A) n < 0 (B) n = 0
ducing a steel rectangular plate casting of 7 cm × (C) 0 < n < 1 (D) n=1
10 cm × 2 cm dimensions having the total solidifica- 42. In full mould (cavity–less) casting process, the pat-
tion time of 1.36 minute. The total solidification time tern is made of: [2015]
(in minute) of the riser is _____ [2014] (A) Expanded polystyrene (B) Wax
36. Match the following products with preferred manu- (C) Epoxy (D) Plaster of Paris
facturing processes: [2015] 43. In a rolling operation using rolls of diameter 500 mm,
Product Process if a 25 mm thick plate cannot be reduced to less than
P Rails 1 Blow molding
20 mm in one pass, the coefficient of friction between
the roll and the plate is _____. [2015]
Q Engine crankshaft 2 Extrusion
44. Ratio of solidification time of a cylindrical casting
R Aluminium channels 3 Forging
(height = radius) to that of a cubic casting of side two
S PET water bottles 4 Rolling
times the height of cylindrical casting is ____.
(A) P–4, Q–3, R–1, S–2 45. The dimensions of a cylindrical side riser (height =
(B) P–4, Q–3, R–2, S–1 diameter) for a 25 cm × 15 cm × 5 cm steel casting are
(C) P–2, Q–4, R–3, S–1 to be determined. For the tabulated shape factor val-
(D) P–3, Q–4, R–2, S–1 ues given below as follows, the diameter of the riser
(in cm) is ______. [2015]
3.812 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
900 (20s, 873K) copper and aluminum. The shape of the cavity is a cyl-
800 (10s, 873K)
inder with 15 mm diameter. The sizes of the moulds
700 are such that the outside temperature of the moulds do
600 not increase appreciably beyond the atmospheric tem-
(30s, 600K) perature during solidification. The sequence of solidi-
0 10 20 30 40 fication in the mould from the fastest to slowest is
Time (s)
(Thermal conductivities of steel, copper and alu-
Assuming uniform temperature throughout the vol- minum are 60.5, 401 and 237 W/m-K, respectively
ume of the metal during solidification, the latent Specific heats of steel, copper and aluminum are 434,
heat of fusion of the metal (in kJ/kg) is _______. 385 and 903 J/kg-K, respectively. Densities of steel,
[2016] copper and aluminum are 7854, 8933 and 2700 kg/
48. A cylindrical job with diameter of 200 mm and height m3, respectively.) [2016]
of 100 mm is to be cast using modulus method of riser (A) Copper–Steel–Aluminum
design. Assume that the bottom surface of cylindri- (B) Aluminum–Steel–Copper
cal riser does not contribute as cooling surface. If the (C) Copper–Aluminum–Steel
diameter of the riser is equal to its height, then the (D) Steel–Copper–Aluminum
height of the riser (in mm) is [2016]
Answer Keys
Practice Problems 1
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A
Practice Problems 2
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A
11. B 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A
21. D 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. A
= 50 2 + 4 × 50 × 100
= 150 mm t1
Stretch factor or k factor k =
D 150 t
= =3
d 50 = 0.33 when R < 2t
For a single draw blank diameter should not be greater than = 0.5 when R > 2t
twice the drawn diameter. Where R = inside bend radius
∴ Number of draws required is 2. t = material thickness
t1 = distance of neutral plane from inside surface
Ironing is the deep drawing operation in which the shell Bend allowance BA = ( R + kt )
wall thickness is reduced and surface is made smooth. 180°
Chapter 3 • Sheet Metal Working Joining Processes | 3.815
Where q = bend angle in degrees within a set of dies. Used for production of coins, medals
(Bend allowance is the distance along the neutral plane etc. The pressure required is 5 to 6 times the strength of the
corresponding to bend angle). material, in order to produce fine details.
Example 2: A 3 mm thick metal sheet is to be bent at an Blanking: It is the operation of cutting a flat piece of
angle of 1.5 radian with a radius of 150 mm. If the k-factor required shape from a sheet using a punch and a die. The
is 0.5, the bend allowance is metal punched out is the required product and it is called
a blank.
Solution: t = 3 mm Piercing/punching: It is the production of a hole in a
q = 1.5 radian sheet metal by the punch and die. The operation is same as
R = 150 mm blanking. But here, the material punched out constitute the
k = 0.5 waste and the sheet with hole is the required product. In
Bend allowance punching the hole produced is circular. In piercing it can be
= (R + kt)q of any shape.
= (150 + 0.5 × 3) x 1.5
= 227.25 mm Shearing Action
Notching: It is the operation in which metal pieces are When the sheet metal is placed between two shearing blades
cut from the edge of a sheet, strip or blank. and pressed the metal is brought to plastic stage and frac-
Perforating: It means cutting very small holes which are ture is initiated at the cutting edges. The fracture on either
very close, in a sheet metal. side of the sheet further progress with the movement of the
Trimming: It is the cutting and removal of unwanted upper shear and finally separates the slug from the parent
excess material from the periphery of a previously by sheet.
formed component. Metal under the upper shear is subjected to both tensile
Shaving: It is Removal of thin strip of metal from a and compressive stresses. The upper shear pushes the metal
blanked part to make it dimensionally accurate and smooth about one third of the thickness in an ideal shearing opera-
is called shaving. tion. The area of cross section between the cutting edges
Slitting: It is the operation of cutting a sheet metal along gets reduced and facture is initiated. If the clearance is suf-
the length. ficient, further movement of the upper shear will cause the
fractures to meet and complete the shearing action.
Cutting of elongated holes or slots is called slotting. Clearance
Clearance between the shears is an important factor which
Parting controls the shearing process. The clearance can be approxi-
Shearing of a sheet metal into two or more pieces is called mated as.
parting. C = 0.0032 × t × τ mm
Lancing: It is a cutting operation in which a hole is par- Where t = sheet thickness in mm
tially cut and the cut portions is bent. t = material shear stress in MPa
Nibbling: It is removing metal in small increments.
When a specified contour is to be cut in a sheet metal a Punching Force
small punch is used to punch repeatedly by along the The force required on a punch in order to shear out the blank
contour. from the stock is given by the formula.
Squeezing: In this operation, metal is caused to flow to F = Ltt
all portions of die cavity under the action of compressive Where L = length (perimeter)
forces. t = thickness
Spinning: It is the operation of shaping of thin metal by t = shear strength
pressing it against a form, while it is rotating. Spinning is Punching force for holes with diameter less than the thick-
done on lathe like machines. ness may be estimated as,
Stretch forming: is the process of producing contoured
parts by stretching metal sheets over a shaped form block. dts
Embossing: It is the operation of producing raised or 3
depressed impression of figures, letter or design on sheet t
metal parts.
Coining: It refers to the cold squeezing of metal under Where d = diameter of punch, mm
compressive forces, while all the surfaces are confined s = tensile strength of stock, MPa
3.816 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Basic Steps of the Process added to develop the required green strength. Lubricants are
Basic steps of the manufacturing of parts by powder added to reduce inter particle friction and to reduce die wall
metallurgy are friction.
An arc is a sustained electric discharge through the ion- Bare electrodes may be used for welding mild steel and
ized gas column, called plasma between the electrodes. wrought iron.
When electrons hit the anode at high velocity, kinetic energy Primary function of a light coating is to increase the arc
is converted producing a large amount of heat. Similarly stability. These are also called ionizing coatings.
positively charged ions hitting the cathode also produces Coated electrodes contain arc stabilizing ingredients,
heat. 65 to 75% of the total heat generated is at the anode. slag forming ingredients, binding materials, alloying con-
So work is connected as anode if it is required to gener- stituents etc. Some times iron powder is added to improve
ate more heat at anode. This is called straight polarity or deposition rate.
DCEN (direct current electrode negative) DCEN is required
for thicker plate and materials of higher thermal conduc- Types of Electric Arc Welding Process
tivity. For thinner plates reverse polarity or DCEP (Direct
1. Carbon arc welding
current electrode positive) is used. Weld penetration is more
2. Shielded metal arc welding
in DCEN. Weld penetration for AC is between DCEP and
3. Flux cored arc welding
4. Gas metal arc welding
Ac Welding Equipment 5. Gas tungsten arc welding
6. Submerged arc welding
1. AC Machines 7. Atomic hydrogen welding
(i) Transformer 8. Plasma arc welding
(ii) Alternater engine driven by motor or engines 9. Stud welding
10. Electro slag welding
2. DC Machines
(i) Transformer with rectifier Carbon Arc Welding
(ii) DC generator driven by motor or engine
In carbon arc welding carbon or graphite electrodes are
Transformer sets are more commonly used in AC weld-
used. If required filler material also is used. Shielding is not
ing. As there is no moving parts power consumed and
generally used. So carbon arc welding is used in metals that
noise are less. Also maintenance cost is low and efficiency
are not sufficiently contaminated by oxygen and nitrogen
is more.
in the atmosphere (copper alloys, brass, bronze, Aluminium
Specification of Arc Welding Machines alloys etc.).
1. Maximum rated open circuit voltage Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
2. Rated current in amperes This method is also known as manual metal arc weld-
3. Duty cycle ing. This is the most generally used welding type. Coated
electrodes are used in this type of welding. Shielding is
American welding society (AWS) defines duty cycle as obtained from the decomposition of the coating. The ingre-
the percentage time in a ten minute period that a welding dients in the vaporized coating creates a protective gas
machine can be used at its rated output without overload- atmosphere over the weld puddle. As the coating melts at
ing. Normally 40% duty cycle is suggested (Indian standard a slower rate than the metal this welding rod will be having
specifies 5 minutes as the cycle time.) a concave end. This helps to concentrates the heat from the
Types of Welding Electrodes arc. The flux coating helps removal of impurities through
formation of slag. The electrode diameter depend upon
1. Non consumable the thickness of the metal being welded and the type of
2. Consumable the joint.
Welding current is determined on the basis of the elec-
Non consumable type of electrodes are made of trode diameter.
carbon, graphite or tungsten. Carbon and graphite elec- Welding current = k.d amperes
trodes are used in DC welding only tungsten can be Where d is diameter in mm.
used for both AC and DC welding. As this electrode K = constant
is not consumed arc length is constant and it is sta- = 45 to 60 for ordinary steel electrodes
ble and easy to maintain. Separate filler rods are used in = 18 to 22 for graphite
this case. = 5 to 8 for carbon
There are three types of consumable electrodes Voltage depends only on the arc length. It is given by,
1. Bare electrodes V = k1 + k2 volts
2. Fluxed or lightly coated electrodes Where k1 = 10 to 12 and k2 = 2 to 3
3. Coated or extruded/shielded electrodes L = arc length in mm.
3.820 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Minimum arc voltage, Vmin = (20 + 0.04I) volts. Atomic Hydrogen Welding
Arc length depends upon the kind of electrodes used, its In atomic hydrogen welding arc is produced between two
coating, its diameter, current used and position of welding. tungsten electrodes. A stream of hydrogen passes to the
Shorter arc lengths are used for overhead and vertical weld area through nozzles through which the electrodes are
positions. held. High temperature of the arc breaks up the hydrogen
An arc length of 0.6 to 0.8 times the electrode diameter molecules into hydrogen atoms absorbing heat from the
can produce stable arcs and high quality welding. arc (421.2 KJ/mol). The hydrogen atoms are highly reac-
tive. They combine with atmospheric oxygen to form water
Flux Cored Arc Welding vapor and form hydrogen molecule at the surface to be
In this method a hollow tubular electrode inside which the welded releasing intense heat necessary for melting of the
flux is provided, is used. Continuous welding is possible as metal. Because of its reactivity hydrogen atoms also breaks
the electrode can be supplied in coils. the oxides on the base metals allowing formation of a clean
weld. Hydrogen also acts as a shielding gas. As the molten
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) metals becomes highly fluid atomic hydrogen welding is
This is also known as metal inert gas (MIG) welding. In used only for flat positions. The main advantage of this pro-
this method an inert gas such as Argon is used for shield- cess is its ability to provide high heat concentration. Thin
ing the welding area. Consumable electrode is fed through metal sheets or smaller diameter wires can be welded using
a welding gun through which the inert gas also is supplied this method because of its lower thermal efficiency com-
for shielding weld area. Electrode is supplied in coils and pared to direct arc processes. Aluminium, stainless steel
continuous welding is possible. Other inert gases are helium sheets etc are welded using this method.
and carbon dioxide.
Plasma Arc Welding
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) In plasma arc welding, welding is done using a plasma
This process is also known as tungsten inert gas weld- jet. Plasma is a gas sufficiently ionized, containing posi-
ing (TIG welding). This is similar to mig welding. But a tive and negative ions and with very high temperature and
non-consumable electrode of tungsten is used. For shield- conducts current freely. In plasma welding argon gas and
ing, inert gas such as argon is used. A filler metal may or tungsten electrode is used. Argon gas is used for producing
may not be used. In the tungsten electrode 1 to 2% tho- the plasma jet as well as acting as a shielding gas. Plasma
rium and zirconium are added improve electron emission, jet is created when the arc is passed through a constrictive
arc stability, arc striking and current carrying capacity etc. nozzle. As a result of this, the plasma jet will take a nar-
TIG welding was originally developed for welding magne- row columnar shape with unique properties ideal for weld-
sium which is highly oxidizing. Now it is used for weld- ing. The plasma welding torch has passages for orifice gas,
ing, aluminium and its alloys, stainless steel, cast iron, shield gas and water for cooling.
silicon bronze, titanium, nickel, copper and carbon steels. There are two methods of plasma welding
This method is suitable for welding thinner metals, below
1. Transferred plasma arc
6 mm thick. Both AC and DC can be used. DCEP is not
2. Non-transferred plasma arc
used as this tend to melt electrode due to overheating. For
more penetration DCEN is preferable. For metals like mag- In both cases electrode is negative. In transferred arc work
nesium and aluminium high frequency AC supply is used is positive and in non-transferred arc the nozzle is con-
which break up the surface oxides. nected as positive.
into the gap. Filler wires are used as electrodes. Initially an metals can be welded using this method. For example alu-
arc is produced melting the flux into slag. The arc is stopped, minium or copper to stainless steel.
and the slag is maintained in the molten state by the heat
produced by the resistance. The molten metal in the gap is Electric Resistance Welding
held by water cooled copper shoes (dams). As the cooling In resistance welding heat required for welding is produced
rate of molten metal is low course grains are formed and by means of electrical resistance at the joint of two parts
a further heat treatment is required to restore the strength. to be joined. Low voltage (4 to 12 V) and high current is
applied. Heat generated during time, t is given by
Electro Gas Welding H = I 2 R t k
When I = current in amperes
This process is a development of electro-slag welding. The
R = resistance in ohms
main difference with the electro-slag welding is that no flux
t = time in secs
is fed into the joint and the heat is produced by electric arc
k = constant to account for loss by conduction and
through out. An inert gas is fed into the joint for shielding
the arc. This process is used for welding 20 to 80 mm thick-
ness plates. Types of resistance welding
1. Spot welding
Non-conventional Welding
2. Seam welding
Cold welding, diffusion welding explosion welding, resist- 3. Projection welding
ance welding etc can be grouped under non-conventional 4. Butt welding
welding. 5. Percussion welding
Cold Welding In spot welding the tips of two solid cylindrical electrodes
Cold welding is a solid state welding done at room tempera- are placed on either side of the lap joint of two sheet metals
ture under pressure. Coalescence of the metal parts occur and high current is passed across the point of contact. Heat
due to the deformation under the great pressure applied by generated melts the metals locally at the point of contact
roller or die. when pressure is applied. Low voltage and high current is
applied during a very short time.
Diffusion Welding Seam welding is a specialized case of spot welding. In
In diffusion welding process, strength of the joint is obtained this case rotating disc type electrodes are used. Therefore a
primarily from diffusion of the atoms across the interface. continuous weld is obtained. The seam is made of continu-
It is a solid state welding process where coalescence of the ous overlapping spot welds. If the spot welds are spaced it is
parts occur by the application of pressure under elevated known as roll spot welding.
temperatures. Generally the temperature is above 0.5 times Projection welding is another variation of spot welding.
the melting point. One sheet is provided with a number of projections to help
to locate the current at predetermined spots. These projec-
Explosion Welding tions are obtained by embossing.
Explosion welding or explosive welding is a solid state Upset butt welding is a butt joint welding. Heat is gen-
welding where the parts are joined by high velocity move- erated at the contact area between the two plates. The joint
ments produced by a controlled detonation. get slightly upset due to the pressure applied. It is used for
joining ends of rods or similar pieces.
Explosive Flash butt welding is another butt welding process. But
Detonater Buffer plate here heat is generated by an arc. Two pieces to be welded
Flyer plate
arc brought together and power supply is switched on.
Target plate Momentarily the pieces are separated a little to produce
an arc due to which the ends get melted. They are pressed
together and power is switched off.
Percussion welding is a recent development. The weld-
ing heat is obtained from the arc produced by a rapid dis-
charge of stored electric energy. One piece is held in a fixed
clamp and other in a spring loaded movable clamp. When
When the explosive is detonated, the flyer plate moves to movable clamp is released discharge occurs when the gap
the target plate under great velocity and bonding occurs is about 1.5 mm. The arc is extinguished by the percussion
with the target plate or base plate. This method is used for blow of the moving part coming with sufficient force and
metal cladding of heat exchanger tube plates etc. Dissimilar the weld is effected.
3.822 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Heat lost to surroundings = 1000 – 424 Three types of flames can be set is oxy-acetylene welding
= 576J = 57.6%. 1. Neutral
Example 8: If the two sheets in the above problem is 2. Carburizing
resistance welded in a projection welding with a current 3. Oxidizing
of 30,000 A for 0.005 seconds. The effective resistance of
Neutral flame is obtained when equal amounts of oxygen
the joint can be taken as 100 micro ohms. The joint can
and acetylene are mixed. The flame is recognized by the
be considered as a cylinder of 5 mm diameter and 1.5 mm
inner white luminous cone and outer blue flame envelope.
height. Calculate heat lost to surroundings.
Carburizing flame or reducing flame is obtained
Solution: Heat supplied when an excess of acetylene is supplied than theoretically
= 30,0002 required. Oxygen to acetylene ratio may be 0.85 to 0.95.
× 100 × 10-6 × 0.006 There are three zones in carburizing flame. In between the
= 540 J inner cone (not sharply defined) and outer bluish envelope
a white zone appears. This is called intermediate flame
π × 62
Volume of the joint = × 1.5 = 42.412 mm3 feather or acetylene feather. Its length is an indication of the
4 amount of excess acetylene.
Heat required for melting = 42.412 × 10 = 424 J For obtaining a neutral flame, first carburizing flame is
Heat lost to surroundings = 540 – 424 = 116 J obtained. Then supply of oxygen is increased till the inter-
mediate feather disappears.
= 21.48%.
Intermediate feather can be adjusted by the amount of
acetylene imbalance induced at the torch. If inner cone
Gas Welding
length is x and intermediate feather length is 3x, it is called
It is a fusion welding process in which heat is generated by a 3x flame.
combustion of a fuel gas. Oxy-acetylene gas welding is the Oxidizing flame has excess oxygen than required for a
most commonly used. Oxygen and acetylene are the gases neutral flame. Oxygen acetylene ratio may be 1.15 to 1.50.
used in this case. To get an oxidizing flame acetylene supply is reduced in
Various gas welding methods with their flame tempera- a neutral flame. Inner cone is slightly shorter and more
ture are as follows. pointed in this case. An oxidizing flame has a harsh sound
1. Oxy-acetylene, 3200°C and outer envelop is short and narrow.
2. Oxy-hydrogen, 2400°C
Flame Temperatures
3. Oxy-propane, 2200°C
4. Oxy-town gas, 2100°C In a neutral flame, inner cone temperature is around 3100°C
5. Air-acetylene, 2400°C and outer blue envelope is around 1275°C. In a reducing
6. Air-town gas, 1800°C flame the inner cone temperature is about 2900°C and in an
7. Air-propane, 1750°C oxidizing flame it is about 3300°C.
Practice Problems 1 on the punch is 2 mm. The blanking force during the
operation is
1. A 4 mm thick circular blank is used to make a cylindri- (A) 26.8 kN (B) 45.2 kN
cal cup of outside diameter 105 mm and height 25 mm. (C) 33.9 kN (D) 35.7 kN
The corner radius is 6 mm. The trimming allowance
3. In arc welding of steel, voltage and current are 20 V
provided is 3 mm. The blank diameter is
and 200 A respectively. Travel speed is 5 mm/s and
(A) 140 mm (B) 147 mm
cross sectional area of joint is 20 mm2. Heat required
(C) 150 mm (D) 145 mm
to melt steel is 10 J/mm3 and heat transfer efficiency is
2. 10 mm diameter holes are to be punched in a steel sheet 0.85. The melting efficiency in the welding is
of 4 mm thickness. Shear strength of the materials is (A) 29.4% (B) 35.2%
450 N/mm2 and penetration is 40%. Shear provided (C) 27.5% (D) 22.7%
3.826 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
4. The spot welding of sheets of 1 mm thickness, a current (A) 24.3 mm (B) 25.2 mm
of 10000 A was required for 8 seconds. Heat generated (C) 24.8 mm (D) 24.4 mm
in joules, assuming effective resistance as 10 mW, is 1 2. A 100 mm diameter hole is to be punched in a steel
(A) 1000 J (B) 800 J plate of 6 mm thickness. Shear strength of the plate is
(C) 900 J (D) 700 J 550 N/mm2. Cutting is complete at 40% penetration of
5. In the above problem, if 5 mm diameter electrodes are the punch with normal clearance.If a 250 kN press is
used the temperature rise will be (assume heat gen- to be used for this work, what is the shear angle to be
erated is confined to the volume of material directly provided on this punch, assuming a balanced shear.
between the two electrodes and temperature is distrib- (A) 8.59°C (B) 9.23°C
uted uniformly and sp. Heat of steel is 0.46) (C) 11.35°C (D) 7.62°C
(A) 5397°C (B) 6492°C 13. In blanking operations ‘shear’ is provided on
(C) 6860°C (D) 5574°C (A) Punch
6. In a DC arc welding operation, the voltage – Arc length (B) Both punch and die
characteristic was obtained as Varc = 20 + 5 L where the (C) Not provided
arc length L was varied between 5 mm and 7 mm. Here (D) Die
Varc denotes the arc voltage in volts. The arc current was 14. In piercing operation, the clearances is provided on
varied from 400 A to 500 A. Assuming linear power (A) Punch
source characteristic, the open circuit voltage and short (B) Die
circuit current for the welding operation are (C) Half on punch and half on die
(A) 45 V, 450 A (B) 75 V, 750 A (D) Either on punch or die (designer’s divia)
(C) 95 V, 950 A (D) 150 V, 1500 A
15. In gas welding, neutral flame inner cone has a
7. Two sheets of low carbon steel 1.5 mm thick each are temperature about
spot welded by passing a current of 10,000 amp for (A) 3200°C
5 Hz to 50 Hz supply. The maximum intendation is (B) 2100°C
10% of sheet thickness and density of spot weld nugget (C) 1000°C
is 8 gm/mm3. If 1380 J are required to melt one gram (D) 1250°C
of steel. Find the percentage of heat actually utilized
16. Carburising flame is used to weld
in making the spot weld. assume effective resistance
(A) Steel, cast iron etc.
as 200 mW and d = 6 t to determine nugget diam-
(B) Brass and bronze
eter. Also assume the nugget size to be equal to metal
(C) Hard surfacing materials such as stellite
between the two electrodes
(D) All of the above
(A) 72.13% (B) 63.24%
(C) 58.73% (D) 66.91% 17. In arc welding temperature of heat produced by the
electric arc is of the order of
8. A metal disc of 20 mm dia is to be punched from a
(A) 3000°C – 4000°C
sheet of 3 mm thickness. The punch and die clearance
(B) 4000°C – 5000°C
is 3%. The required punch diameter will be
(C) 5000°C – 6000°C
(A) 19.88 mm (B) 20.06 mm
(D) 6000°C – 7000°C
(C) 19.82 mm (D) 20.12 mm
18. In DC arc welding when work is connected to the posi-
9. A 25 mm square hole is to be cut in sheet metal 1 mm
tive terminal it is called a
thick. Shear strength of the material is 2900 kg/cm2
(A) Straight polarity
The cutting force in kN is
(B) Reversed polarity
(A) 21.45 (B) 28.42
(C) Cross polarity
(C) 32.12 (D) 25.31
(D) None of the above
10. A cup of 75 mm diameter and 40 mm deep in to be
19. In resistance welding, the voltage required for heating is
drawn in 2 mm thick material. The maximum drawing
(A) 1 to 5 V (B) 11 to 20 V
force, if the ultimate tensile stress of the material is
(C) 6 to 10 V (D) 50 to 100 V
3000 kg/cm2, will be
(A) 138.7 kN (B) 142.8 kN 20. The welding process used in joining mild steel shanks
(C) 141.4 kN (D) 135.3 kN to high speed drills is
(A) Spot welding
11. A blank of 2.5 mm diameter is to be made from a sheet
(B) Flash butt welding
of 2 mm thickness. Shear strength of sheet material is
(C) Seam welding
295 MPa. The size of the punch will be
(D) Projection welding
Chapter 3 • Sheet Metal Working Joining Processes | 3.827
Practice Problems 2
1. Blanking and piercing operation can be performed (A) 797.2 (B) 822.3
simultaneously in a (C) 843.8 (D) 861.1
(A) Simple die 10. A DC welding machine with a linear power source
(B) Progressive die characteristic provides open circuit voltage of 80 V and
(C) Combination die short circuit current of 800 A. During welding with the
(D) Compound die machine the measured arc current is 500 A. correspond-
2. The operation of cutting a triangular hole in a sheet ing to an arc length of 5 mm. and the measured arc cur-
metal using a punch and die is under the process rent is 460 A corresponding to an arc length of 7 mm.
(A) Shearing (B) Piercing The voltage–arc length characteristic can be given as
(C) Punching (D) Blanking (A) 20 + 8 L (B) 80 + 2 L
3. Cutting a sheet metal through part of its length and then (C) 20 + 2 L (D) 80 + 8 L
bending the cut portion is called 11. The force requirement in a blanking operation of low
(A) Stitting (B) Lancing carbon steel sheet is 6 kN. If the diameter of the blanked
(C) Nibbling (D) Notching part is increased to 1.5 times and thickness of the sheet
4. Two one mm thick sheets are to be spot welded at a is reduced to 0.4 times. The blanking force in kN will
current of 4500 A. Assuming effective resistance as 250 be
micro ohms and current flow time as 0.2 second, heat (A) 3.6 (B) 3.3
generated during the process will be (C) 3.0 (D) 2.8
(A) 1013 J (B) 1020 J 12. A contour having a perimeter of 250 mm is pierced out
(C) 1000 J (D) 955 J from a 3 mm sheet having an ultimate shear strength of
5. Which one of the following is a solid state welding 250 N/mm2. What will be the amount of shear, if the
process punch force is to be reduced to 60%. Assume a penetra-
(A) Electrons beam welding tion of 30%.
(B) Friction welding (A) 0.3 mm (B) 0.6 mm
(C) Thermit welding (C) 3 mm (D) 6 mm
(D) Percussion welding 13. Estimate reduction in piercing load for producing cir-
6. Which of the following use non-consumable electrode cular hole of 50 mm diameter in a 3 mm thick steel strip
(A) GMAW (B) SAW when the punch was provided with a shear of 1 mm.
(C) GTAW (D) SMAW Assume 30% penetration and shear strength of steel as
400 N/mm2
7. Match the correct combination:
(A) 48.34% (B) 52.63%
P Blanking 1. Tension (C) 45.83% (D) 47.91%
Q Stretch forming 2. Compression 14. The voltage arc length characteristic of a power source
R Coining 3. Shear is V = 20 + 40 L. Where V = operating voltage and
S Deep drawing 4. Tension and compression L = arc length. Determine the open circuit voltage and
5. Tension and shear
short circuit current for arc length varying from 3 to 5
mm and current from 400 to 500 amp during welding
(A) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4 operation
(B) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-5 (A) 540 V, 675 A (B) 560 V, 695 A
(C) 520 V, 720 A (D) 580 V, 710 A
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
(D) P-5, Q-3, R-3, S-1 15. A circular piece of 25 mm diameter is to be blanked
from a sheet of thickness 2 mm. Radial clearance in the
8. A shell of 100 mm diameter and 90 mm height with punch and die is 0.06 mm. Die allowance is 0.05 mm.
corner radius of 4 mm is to be produced by cup draw- The punch size in mm will be
ing. The required blank diameter in mm is (A) 25.01 mm (B) 24.89 mm
(A) 228 (B) 224 (C) 25.17 mm (D) 24.83 mm
(C) 232 (D) 215
16. A hole of 25 mm diameter is to be punched in a sheet
9. In an arc welding process, voltage and current are 25 V of 2 mm thickness, the shear strength of which is
and 300 A respectively. The arc heat transfer efficiency 290 MPa. Estimate the size of the die required
is 0.90 and welding speed is 8 mm/s. The net heat input (A) 25.22 mm (B) 25.42 mm
in J/mm is (C) 24.88 mm (D) 24.78 mm
3.828 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
17. In arc welding of steel with a potential of 20 V and a 22. A blank holder is used in deep drawing to
current 230 A; travel speed of the rod is 4 mm/s. Cross (A) Guide the punch through the die
sectional area of the joint is 20 mm2. Heat requirement (B) Exactly locate the blank on the die
for melting is 12 J/mm3 and melting efficiency is 40%. (C) Avid wrinkles
The heat transfer efficiency in the welding is (D) None of the above
(A) 48% (B) 52% 23. Spinning operation is carried out on
(C) 46% (D) 56% (A) Hydraulic press
18. In a spot welding, two 1 mm thick plates in a lap joint (B) Mechanical press
are welded using a current of 10000 A for 0.1 sec. The (C) Lathe
effective resistance of the joint is 100 mW. The joint (D) Milling machine
can be considered as a cylinder of 5 mm diameter and 24. Cutting and forming operations are performed in single
1.5 mm height. Assuming density of steel as 0.0079 operation in
gm/mm3 and heat required for melting steel as 1380 J/ (A) Simple die (B) Combination die
gm efficiency of the welding is (C) Progressive die (D) Compound die
(A) 36.2% (B) 52.3%
25. In progressive dies
(C) 32.1% (D) 41.8%
(A) Two or more cutting operation can be performed
19. Two 1 mm thick sheets are spot welded by passing cur- simultaneously
rent for 0.1 sec through the electrodes. The resultant (B) Cutting and forming operations can be combined
weld nugget formed is 5 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm and carried in simple operations
thick. If the latent heat of fusion of steel is 1400 kJ/kg (C) Work piece moves from one station to other with
and the effective resistance is 200 micro ohms, the current separates operations performed at each station
passed through was (assume steel density – 8000 kg/m3) (D) All of the above
(A) 1480 A (B) 3300 A
26. Gases used in TIG welding are
(C) 4060 A (D) 9400 A
(A) Hydrogen and oxygen
20. In arc welding process of a butt joint area of cross sec- (B) CO2 and H2
tion of weld is 5 mm2 and unit energy required to melt (C) Argon and neon
the metal is 10 J/mm3. If welding input power is 2 kW, (D) Argon and helium
and melting and heat transfer efficiency are 0.5 and 0.7 27. Temperature of plasma torch is the order of
respectively the welding speed will be (A) 1000°C (B) 5000°C
(A) 14 mm/s (B) 34 mm/s (C) 10000°C (D) 10 – 100 A
(C) 24 mm/s (D) 4 mm/s
28. Current range in SMAW is
21. Two metallic sheets of 2 mm thickness each are spot (A) 10 – 500 A (B) 10 – 50 A
welded in a lap joint with a welding current of 10000 A (C) 100 – 200 A
(D) 10 – 100 A
and welding time of 10 milli second. A spherical fusion 29. The flux commonly used in brazing is
zone of radius 2 mm is formed. If melting temperature (A) Rosin plus alcohol
is 1793 K, density is 7000 kg/m3, latent heat of fusion =
(B) Zinc chloride
300 kJ/kg, specific heat = 800 J/kg K and ambient tem- (C) Copper
perature = 293 K, the melting efficiency of the process (D) Tin and lead alloys
is (assume contact resistance = 500 mW)
30. In hard soldering filler material used is
(A) 50.38%
(A) Aluminium alloys
(B) 70.38%
(B) Silver alloys
(C) 60.38%
(C) Copper
(D) 80.38%
(D) Tin and lead alloys
3. Spot welding of two 1 mm thick sheets of steel (den- 8. Two metallic sheets, each of 2.0 mm thickness, are
sity = 8000 kg/m3) is carried out successfully by pass- welded in a lap joint configuration by resistance spot
ing a certain amount of current of 0.1 second through welding at a welding current of 10 kA and welding
the electrodes. The resultant weld nugget formed is 5 time of 10 ms. A spherical fusion zone extending
mm in diameter and 1.5 mm thick. If the latent heat of up to the full thickness of each sheet is formed. The
fusion of steel is 1400 kJ/kg and the effective resist- properties of the metallic sheets are given as:
ance in the welding operation is 200 mW, the cur- Ambient temperature = 293 K
rent passing through the electrodes is approximately
Melting temperature = 1793 K
(A) 1480 A (B) 3300 A Latent heat of fusion = 300 kJ/kg
(C) 4060 A (D) 9400 A Density = 7000 kg/m3
4. Match the items in columns I and II. [2006] Specific heat = 800 J/kgK
Assume: (i) contact resistance along sheet-sheet
Column I Column II
interface is 500 micro-ohm and along electrode-sheet
P Wrinkling 1. Yield point elongation interface is zero; (ii) no conductive heat loss through
Q Orange peel 2. Anisotropy the bulk sheet materials; and (iii) the complete weld
R Stretcher strains 3. Large grain size fusion zone is at the melting temperature.
S Earing 4. Insufficient blank holding force The melting efficiency (in%) of the process is [2007]
5. Fine grain size
(A) 50.37
(B) 60.37
6. Excessive blank holding force
(C) 70.37
(A) P-6 Q-3 R-1 S-2 (D) 80.37
(B) P-4 Q-5 R-6 S-1 9. Match the correct combination for following metal
(C) P-2 Q-5 R-3 S-4 working processes. [2007]
(D) P-4 Q-3 R-1 S-2
Processes Associated state of stress
5. In an arc welding process, the voltage and current are
P Blanking 1. Tension
25 V and 300 A respectively. The arc heat transfer
efficiency is 0.85 and welding speed is 8 mm/sec. The Q Stretch forming 2. Compression
net heat input (in J/mm) is [2006] R Coining 3. Shear
(A) 64 S Deep drawing 4. Tension and compression
(B) 797
5. Tension and Shear
(C) 1103
(D) 79700 (A) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
6. Which one of the following is a solid state joining (B) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-5
process? [2007] (C) P-5, Q-4, R-3, S-1
(A) Gas tungsten arc welding (D) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
(B) Resistance spot welding 1 0. The force requirement in a blanking operation of low
(C) Friction welding carbon steel sheet is 5.0 kN. The thickness of the
(D) Submerged arc welding sheet is ‘t’ and diameter of the blanked part is ‘d’. For
7. A direct current welding machine with a linear power the same work material, if the diameter of the blanked
source characteristic provides open circuit voltage of part is increased to 1.5 d and thickness is reduced to
80 V and short circuit current of 800 A. During weld- 0.4 t, the new blanking force in kN is [2007]
ing with the machine, the measured arc current is 500 A (A) 3.0 (B) 4.5
corresponding to an arc length of 5.0 mm and the (C) 5.0 (D) 8.0
measured arc current is 460 A corresponding to an arc 11. In arc welding of a butt joint, the welding speed is to
length of 7.0 mm. The linear voltage (E)–arc length be selected such that highest cooling rate is achieved.
(L) characteristic of the welding arc can be given as Melting efficiency and heat transfer efficiency are 0.5
(where E is in Volt and L is in mm) [2007] and 0.7, respectively. The area of the weld cross sec-
(A) E = 20 + 2 L tion is 5 mm2 and the unit energy required to melt the
(B) E = 20 + 8 L metal is 10 J/mm3. If the welding power is 2 kW, the
(C) E = 80 + 2 L welding speed in mm/s is closest to [2008]
(D) E = 80 + 8 L (A) 4 (B) 14
(C) 24 (D) 34
3.830 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
12. In the deep drawing of cups, blanks show a tendency 18. In a DC arc welding operation, the voltage-arc length
to wrinkle up around the periphery (flange). The most characteristic was obtained as Varc = 20 + 5l where
likely cause and remedy of the phenomenon are, the arc length l was varied between 5 mm and 7 mm.
respectively [2008] Here Varc denotes the arc voltage in Volts. The arc cur-
(A) Buckling due to circumferential compression; rent was varied from 400 A to 500 A. Assuming linear
increase blank holder pressure power source characteristic, the open circuit voltage
(B) High blank holder pressure and high friction; re- and the short circuit current for the welding operation
duce blank holder pressure and apply lubricant are [2012]
(C) High temperature causing increase in circumfer- (A) 45 V, 450 A (B) 75 V, 750 A
ential length; apply coolant to blank (C) 95 V, 950 A (D) 150 V, 1500 A
(D) Buckling due to circumferential compression;
19. Match the pairs: [2013]
decrease blank holder pressure
Processes Characteristics/Applications
13. The operation in which oil is permeated into the pores
of a powder metallurgy product is known as [2011] P Friction welding 1 Non-consumable electrode
(A) Mixing Q Gas metal arc welding 2 Joining of thick plates
(B) Sintering R Tungsten inert gas 3 Consumable electrode wire
(C) Impregnation welding
(D) Infiltration S Electroslag welding 4 Joining of cylindrical dissimilar
14. Which one among the following welding processes materials
uses non-consumable electrode? [2011]
(A) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
(A) Gas metal arc welding
(B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
(B) Submerged arc welding
(C) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
(C) Gas tungsten arc welding
(D) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3
(D) Flux coated arc welding
15. The shear strength of a sheet metal is 300 MPa. The 2 0. The major difficulty during welding of aluminium is
blanking force required to produce a blank of 100 mm due to its [2014]
diameter from a 1.5 mm thick sheet is close to[2011] (A) High tendency of oxidation
(A) 45 kN (B) 70 kN (B) High thermal conductivity
(C) 141 kN (D) 3500 kN (C) Low melting point
(D) Low density
16. Match the following metal forming processes with
their associated stresses in the work piece. [2012] 21. In solid-state welding, the contamination layers
between the surfaces to be welded are removed by
Metal forming process Type of stress
1. Coining P Tensile
(A) Alcohol
2. Wire drawing Q Shear (B) Plastic deformation
3. Blanking R Tensile and compressive (C) Water jet
4. Deep drawing S Compressive (D) Sand blasting
(A) 1-S, 2-P, 3-Q, 4-R 22. A rectangular hole of size 100 mm × 50 mm is to be
(B) 1-S, 2-P, 3-R, 4-Q made on a 5 mm thick sheet of steel having ultimate
(C) 1-P, 2-Q, 3-S, 4-R tensile strength and shear strength of 500 MPa and
(D) 1-P, 2-R, 3-Q, 4-S 300 MPa, respectively. The hole is made by punching
process. Neglecting the effect of clearance, the punch-
17. Calculate the punch size in mm, for a circular blank- ing force (in kN) is [2014]
ing operation for which details are given below: (A) 300 (B) 450
[2012] (C) 600 (D) 750
Size of the blank 25 mm
Thickness of the sheet 2 mm 23. For spot welding of two steel sheets (base metal) each
Radial clearance between of 3 mm thickness, welding current of 10000 A is
punch and die 0.06 mm applied for 0.2 s. The heat dissipated to the base metal
Die allowance 0.05 mm is 1000 J. Assuming that the heat required for melting
1 mm3 volume of steel is 20 J and interfacial contact
(A) 24.83 (B) 24.89 resistance between sheets is 0.0002 W, the volume
(C) 25.01 (D) 25.17 (in mm3) of weld nugget is ____ [2014]
Chapter 3 • Sheet Metal Working Joining Processes | 3.831
24. Within the heat affected zone (HAZ) in a fusion weld- 29. Under optimal conditions of the process the tempera-
ing process, the work material undergoes [2014] tures experienced by a copper work piece in fusion
(A) Microstructural changes but does not melt welding, brazing and soldering are such that [2016]
(B) Neither melting nor microstructural changes (A) Twelding > Tsoldering > Tbrazing
(C) Both melting and microstructural changes after (B) Tsoldering > Twelding > Tbrazing
solidification (C) Tbrazing > Twelding > Tsoldering
(D) Melting and retains the original microstructure (D) Twelding > Tbrazing > Tsoldering
after solidification 30. The welding process which uses a blanket of fusible
25. A butt weld joint is developed on steel plates having granular flux is: [2016]
yield and ultimate tensile strength of 500 MPa and (A) Tungsten inert gas welding
700 MPa, respectively. The thickness of the plates is (B) Submerged arc welding
8 mm and width is 20 mm. Improper selection of (C) Electroslag welding
welding parameters caused an undercut of 3 mm (D) Thermit welding
depth along the weld. The maximum transverse ten- 31. The voltage-length characteristic of a direct current
sile load (in kN) carrying of the developed weld joint arc in an arc welding process is V = (100 + 40l),
is ____ [2014] where l is the length of the arc in mm and V is arc
26. A DC welding power source has a linear voltage-cur- voltage in volts. During a welding operation, the arc
rent (V-I) characteristic with open circuit voltage of length varies between 1 and 2 mm and the welding
80 V and a short circuit current of 300 A. For maxi- current is in the range 200–250 A. Assuming a linear
mum arc power, the current (in Amperes) should be power source, the short circuit current is ________ A.
set as ______. [2015] [2016]
27. During a TIG welding process, the arc current and arc 32. Spot welding of two steel sheets each 2 mm thick is
voltage were 50 A and 60 V, respectively, when the carried out successfully by passing 4 kA of current
welding speed was 150 mm/min. In another process, for 0.2 seconds through the electrodes. The resulting
the TIG welding is carried out at a welding speed of weld nugget formed between the sheets is 5 mm in
120 mm/min at the same arc voltage and heat input diameter. Assuming cylindrical shape for the nugget,
to the material so that weld quality remains the same. the thickness of the nugget is _______ mm. [2016]
The welding current (in A) for this process is: [2015]
Latent heat of fusion for steel 1400 kJ/kg
(A) 40.00 (B) 44.72
Effective resistance of the weld joint 200µΩ
(C) 55.90 (D) 62.25
Density of steel 8000 kg/m3
28. Which two of the following joining processes are
autogeneous? [2015] 33. In a sheet metal of 2 mm thickness a hole of 10 mm
(i) Diffusion welding diameter needs to be punched. The yield strength in
(ii) Electroslag welding tension of the sheet material is 100 MPa and its ulti-
(iii) Tungsten inert gas welding mate shear strength is 80 MPa. The force required to
(iv) Friction welding punch the hole (in kN) is _________. [2016]
(A) (i) and (iv) (B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iv) (D) (i) and (iii)
3.832 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Answer Keys
Practice Problems 1
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. A
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B
Practice Problems 2
1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. A
21. C 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B
rotary travel as in the case of drilling or milling cutters or a Side rake angle: It is the angle between the tool face and
linear travel as in the case of broaching tools. a line parallel to the base of the tool and measured in a plane
perpendicular to the base at the side cutting edge. Side rake
Elements of Single Point Tool is negative, if the slope is towards the cutting edge. It also
The elements of the single point tool is given in the follow- guides the direction chip away from the job. Amount of
ing figure. bending of a chip depends upon the angle.
End relief angle: It is the angle between a plane per-
pendicular to the base and end flank. This angle prevents
Shank cutting tool from rubbing against the job.
Side relief angle: It is the angle, made the side flank of
Face the tool and a plane perpendicular to the base just under the
cutting edge. This angle permits the tool to be fed sideways
End cutting into the job, so that it can cut without rubbing.
edge End cutting edge angle: It is the angle between the end
Side (main) cutting
End flank edge cutting edge and a line normal to the tool shank side. It acts
as a relief angle that allows only a small section of the end
Side flank
cutting edge to contact the machine surface.
Face: It is the surface over which the chips flow. Side cutting edge angle: It is also known as the lead
Shank: It is the surface below the cutting edge. angle. It is the angle between side cutting edge and side of
Nose: It is the junction of side and end cutting edges. the tool shank. It avoids the formation of built up edges,
Side cutting edge: It is the intersection of face and side controls the direction of chip flow and distributes the cut-
flank. Main cutting work is done by this cutting edge. ting force and heat produced over large cutting edge.
End or auxiliary cutting edge: It is the intersection of face Nose angle: It is angle between the two cutting edges.
and end flank Nose radius is provided to increase the finish and strength of
the cutting tip of the tool. It increases tool life and provides
Geometry of Single Point Cutting Tool good surface finish. As nose radius is increased from zero
In a single point tool there are various angles. Each angle values there is improvement in surface finish and permissi-
has definite purpose. ble cutting speed. But too large a nose radius leads to chatter
of the tool.
Ce Tool angle specification system or tool nomenclature
Face Shank
1. ASA system
Nose angle 2. Orthogonal rake system (ORS)
3. British system or Maximum normal rake system (MRS)
4. German (DIN) system
αs In ASA system the geometry of the rake face is expressed in
terms of the side rake angle and back rake angle. The back
θs Lip Shank rake angle is the angle between the rake face and the base
of the tool measured in a plane perpendicular to the base of
θe Base
and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the tool. Side rake
angle is measured in a plane normal to the plane in which
ab – Back rake angle side rake angle is measured.
as – Side rake angle
qe – End relief angle Tool Signature or Tool Designation
qs – Side relief angle A single point cutting tool may be specified by a sequence
Ce– End cutting edge angle of numbers which represents various tool angles and nose
Cs – Side cutting edge angle radius. Tool angles have been standardized by American
Back rake angle or top rake angle is the angle between Standards Associations (ASA). Under ASA system, tool
the face of the tool and a line parallel to the base of the tool signature comprises seven elements. These are in the order
and measured in a plane (perpendicular) through the side given below.
cutting edge. Its purpose is to guide the direction of chip Back rake angle (ab)
flow. The size of the angle depends upon the material to Side rake angle (as)
be machined. Negative rake angle is used for high tensile End relief angle (qe)
strength materials. Side relief angle (qs)
Chapter 4 • Machining and Machine Tool Operations | 3.835
t1 b1 L1 = t2 b2 L2 R
Where b1 and b2 are width of cut before and after the cut and FN
L1 and L2 are length of chip before and after cutting.
When there is no side flow of metal, b1 = b2 Force components on the chip
\ t1L1 = t2 L2 Merchant Theory
t1 L2 Merchant has worked out the relation ships amongst various
= = r <1
t 2 L1 forces. The following are the assumptions made
1. The tool is very sharp and there is no contact between
If side flow is to be considered, thickness ratio is to be mul-
b clearance face and work piece
tiplied by λ = 1 2. The chip does not flow to either side, i.e. there is no
From the right angle triangle ABC, side spread
BC 3. A continuous chip with out built up edge is produced.
sin f = 4. The cutting velocity remains constant
AB 5. The chip behaves as a free body in stable equilibrium
BC t under the action of two equal, opposite and almost col-
∴ AB = = 1 (1)
sin ϕ sin ϕ linear resultant forces
From right angle triangle ABD Forces Fs and Fn acts on the chip, F along the shear plane and
Fn normal to the shear plane. Fn is the backing up force pro-
sin (90 − f + α ) = vided by the work piece on the chip. R is the resultant of Fs
AB and Fn.
t2 Force F is the frictional resistance of the tool against the
AB =
sin (90 − ϕ + α ) motion of the chip and N is the force normal to the tool face.
R′ is the resultant of these forces.
= (2) i.e. R1 = F + N
cos (ϕ − α )
From (1) and (2) R = Fs + Fn = F c + Ft
t1 t2 Merchant represented various forces inside a circle, with
sin φ cos( φ − α ) diameter R or R′ passing through the tool point.
t1 sin φ R α
Fs Tool
= Fc FN
t 2 cos( φ − α ) F φ
sin φ
i.e. r = Ft R’
cos φ cos α + sin φ sin α
R α
r cos α β
+ sin α = 1 D
tan φ N
Chapter 4 • Machining and Machine Tool Operations | 3.837
Q Fc cos( β − α )
R Fs cos(ϕ + β − α )
Fn F cos( β − α )
Fc = s
F Fc φ A cos(ϕ + β − α )
F β−α F Fc sin α + Ft cos α
P 4. N Fc cos α − Ft sin α
φ Ft + Fc tan α
Fc − Ft tan α
also = tan β = µ
and = tan(β − α )
A Velocity ratio
α β−α Tool
B φ
α Vc
C 90-(φ-α) Vs
π Tool Life
2f + β − α =
2 Tool life is defined as the time clasped between two succes-
In the above expression (2f + b - a) is known as machin- sive grinding of the tool. It is expressed in minutes. It is the
ing constant total cutting time accumulated before total failure occurs.
Two most commonly used criteria for measuring tool life are
Lee and Shaffer Theory 1. Total destruction of the tool when it ceases to cut
Lee and Shaffer theory is based on theory of plasticity. In 2. A fixed size of wear land on tool flank
this theory, the following assumptions are made.
Tool Life Equation
1. Material ahead of tool in work piece behaves as an
FW Taylor gave the following relationship between cutting
ideal plastic
speed and tool life.
2. Chip hardening does not take place
VTn = C
3. Between chip and work piece, there is a slip plane
Where V = cutting speed in m/minute
Based on the above, Lee and Shaffer’s shear angle relation- T = tool life in minutes
ship is. n = tool life index
π = 0.1 to 0.15 for HSS tools
f + β −α = = 0.2 to 0.4 for tungsten carbide tools
= 0.4 to 0.6 for ceramic tools
For built up nose formation the above relationship was fur-
C = constant
ther modified by introducing a factor q, as
π Tool life also depends to a great extend on the depth of cut d
f + β − α −θ =
4 and feed rate per revolution, f. Assuming a logarithmic vari-
ation of C with d the equation can be written as = C
Heat Generation During Metal Cutting Considering feed rate also the general equation can be
VT x = C
During metal cutting, heat is generated due to the rubbing
of tool with work piece and chip moving with high velocity Constants n and c for different work material and tool
Factors that cause excessive heat generation are material.
Example 2: In an machining operation cutting speed is Material Tool life Cutting speed
reduced by 25% (min) (m/min)
Assuming n = 0.5 and C = 300 in Taylor’s equation, cal- A 25 100
culate the increase in tool life. 10 150
Solution: N = 0.5,
B 40 200
V1T10.5 = 300 (1)
20 250
V2 = 0.75 V1
V 2T20.5 = 300
elative machinability, taking cutting speed for a tool life of
0.75 V, T20.5 = 300 (2)
50 min as criteria and material A as standard material is
From (1) and (2)
⎛ T2 ⎞
0.5 Solution: Material A (standard material)
⎜⎝ T ⎟⎠ × 0.75 = 1 V1 = 100 m/min
T1 = 25 min
T2 ⎛ 1 ⎞ V2 = 150 m/min
=⎜ ⎟ = 1.78
T2 ⎝ 0.75 ⎠ T2 = 10 min
log V + n log T = log C
T2 − T1 T2
= −1 log 100 + n log 25 = log C
T1 T1
log 150 + n log 10 = log C
= 1.78 - 1 n (log 25 – log 10) = log 150 – log 100
= 0.78 n × 0.398 = 0.176
i.e. increase in tool life = 78% n = 0.44
Example 3: A carbide cutting tool was used for machining
C = 415.5
a m.s. work piece at a cutting speed of 50 m/min. A tool
Taylor’s equation is
life of 100 min was obtained. Life of the tool when cutting
speed is increased by 25% is VT0.44 = 415.5
Speed at T = 50 m/m
Solution: V1 = 50 m/min
T1 = 100 min V50 =
N = 0.26 500.44
V2 = 1.25 V1 = 74 m/min
V1 T1 = V2 T2
n n
Material B (test material)
0.26 log 200 + n log 40 = log C
⎛ T1 ⎞
⎜⎝ T ⎟ = 1.25 log 250 + n log 20 = log C
N (log 40 - log 20) = log 250 - log 200
⎛ T1 ⎞ N = 0.32
⎜⎝ T ⎟⎠ = 2.36 C = 651
V50 = 186 m/min
T1 100 Relative machinability or machinability index
T2 = = = 42.37 min
2.36 2.36
V50 for B
= × 100
V50 for A
Machinability may be defined as the earness or difficulty 186
with which a material can be machined under a given set of = × 100
It is common to express machinability in terms of cutting = 251.4%
speed for a given tool in minutes. Cutting speed for produc- Machinability rating or index of different material is taken
ing a predetermined value of tool life, termed as the specific relative to the index which is standardized sometimes index
cutting speed, could be made as the basis of comparison of of free cutting steel is arbitrarily taken as 100%. Then,
machinability of materials. Machinability or machinability
index of test material can be expressed as [Cutting speed of test material
V for 20 minn tool life]
Machinability = t × 100% Machinability index % =
Vs [Cutting speed of free cutting
steel for romin.tool lifee]
Example 4: In assessing machinability for different
materials the following data was obtained.
3.840 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
D d The depth of cut should not exceed 2.5 mm. Cutting speed
is to be 20 m/min and feed to be 0.3 mm/rev for each cut.
f = feed/revolution Estimate the machining time.
N = number of revolutions per minute (rpm) Solution: Reduce 40 mm to 35 mm dia for a length of 100
Material removal rate mm. This can be done in a single cut.
( D 2 − d 2 ) fN Machining time
T1 =
( D + d ) ( D − d ) fN fN
2 2 100
= pDavtfN mm /min
3 = min
0.3N 1
Where t = chip thickness in mm
Dav = average diameter of work piece in mm. 20 × 1000
but N1 = = 159.15 rpm
π × 40
Example 5: Find the time required, for one complete cut on
a work piece 350 mm long and 50 mm in diameter. Cutting ∴ T1 = = 2.09 min
speed is 35 m/min and feed is 0.5 mm/rev. 0.3 × 159.15
20 × 1000
350 N2 =
Solution: No. of revolution = = 700 π × 35
V = p DN = p × 50 × N = 35 m/min = 181.89
Chapter 4 • Machining and Machine Tool Operations | 3.841
Machining Time
Feed is the relative distance moved by the work piece in a L + x+ y
Tm = =
direction perpendicular to the line of tool travel, per cycle. fN fN
The ability to fracture under pressure is called friability. conventional grinding wheels truing and dressing are done
When cutting edges of grains become smooth, they break simultaneously.
off under pressure exposing new cutting edges.
Choice of feed depends upon type of operations whether Jigs and Fixtures
a roughing operation or finishing operation.
In mass production when articles are to be produced with
It is seen that equal changes in speed or feed affect the
high degree of accuracy some specially designed tooling
tool temperature by the same amount an increase in feed
is required. Jigs and fixtures come under such category of
will not affect the relative speed of sliding at the wearing
tools. Jigs and fixtures are work holding devices designed
surface of the tool, whereas the speed of sliding increases
and built to hold, support and locate every component to
with increase in cutting speed. Tool wear is a function of
ensure that each is drilled or machined within the specified
both temperature and relative speed of sliding. There fore an
limits. They are accurately made and the material used must
increase in cutting speed will result in a greater reduction of
be able to with stand wear and operational forces experi-
tool life than similar increases in feed. Therefore in a rough
enced during metal cutting.
machining for increased production rate feed is increased
Jig is a frame or body which holds and positions the work
rather than the cutting speed. But there is a limitation in
and guides the cutting tool during, the machining operation
increasing the feed. Because tool forces increase with the
such as drilling reaming, lapping etc.
increase in feed. The guiding principle in choosing opti-
Fixture is a production tool that locates, holds and sup-
mum conditions in a roughing operations is that the feed
port the work securely in a fixed orientation with respect to
should always be set maximum possible.
the tool such that the required machining operation can be
Economic Cutting Speed Jigs are connected with operation while fixtures are most
An increase in cutting speed has two main effects upon the commonly related to specific machine tools. Most common
economics of cutting jigs are drilling jigs, reaming jigs assembly jigs etc. They
1. The metal removal rate is increased are not fastened to a machine tool or tables, but are free to
2. Tool life is decreased be moved so as to permit proper resisting of work and the
tool. But fixtures are attached to some machine tool or table.
Due to the first the direct cost of metal removal is decreased. Examples are milling fixtures broaching fixtures, grinding
Reduction in tool life increases the cost of servicing and fixtures, assembly fixtures etc. Fixtures are heavier in con-
replacement of worn out tools. struction and are bolted rigidly on machine table.
As cutting speed ‘v’ increases cost of cutting falls.
1 Principles of Design of Jigs and Fixtures
Therefore cost of cutting α
As v increases the tool life T falls. Cost of tooling Jigs and fixtures have the following components.
increases. Therefore cost of tooling α Location This ensure that the work piece is given the
T desired constraint and determine the position of the work
From Taylor’s equation,
piece with respect to the cutting tool.
1 V n Clamping The clamps should be positioned to give best
T C resistance to the cutting force. The clamp should be such
1 that they should not cause reformation of work piece.
Therefore cost of tooling αν n
Clearance Enough clearance should be allowed for varia-
The above costs and total costs can be plotted against tion of work piece size, for operator’s hand etc.
cutting speed as shown. The ideal cutting speed is where the
total cost is minimum. Stability and Rigidity
Uneven seating should be avoided (provide four feets). The
Cost of cutting α equipment should be made sufficiently rigid to make it suit-
V able for the operation.
1 1
Cost of cutting+ Cost of tooling α +V
V n Handling
The equipment should be as light as possible and easy to
Cost of tooling α V 1 handle. Sharp corners should be avoided and lifting points
Costs n should be provided for heavy equipment.
Optimum cutting speed
The design should be simple to minimize the cost. Standard
Cutting speed V parts should be utilized as much as possible.
Chapter 4 • Machining and Machine Tool Operations | 3.845
Degrees of Freedom
An unrestricted object in space is free to move in any of the
twelve possible directions and is said to have twelve degrees
of freedom. An object is free to revolve around or move
parallel to any axis in either direction. y
Degree of freedom can be taken as six if we consider In order to locate the block correctly, with in a jig all
three freedom of translation and three freedoms of rotation these six movements must be restrained by arranging suit-
about the three axes irrespective of the directions. able locating points and then clamping the block in position.
9. The material removal rate in mm3/min is Machining process Metal removal method
(A) 7540 (B) 8630 (B) 9960 (D) 8190 (S) LBM (4) |melting and vaporization
10. A 170 mm long 60 mm diameter shaft is to be connected (5) Ion displacement
to 166 mm long and 50 mm dia shaft by turning and fac-
(6) Plastic shear and ion
ing operations. The work piece rotates at 450 rpm, feed displacement
is 0.3 mm per revolution and maximum depth of cut is
2 mm. Turning operation is performed first. Assuming (A) A-3, B-5, C-1, D-6
total approach and over travel distance of 5 mm for turn- (B) A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2
ing operation, the total machining time will be (C) A-5, B-1, C-2, D-4
(A) 3.92 min (B) 4.26 min (D) A-2, B-4, C-6, D-5
(C) 3.76 min (D) 4.33 min 15. In electro discharge machining, the tool is made of
11. 1000 Nos 8 mm diameter and 100 mm length pieces (A) Plain carbon steel (B) Copper
are to be produced from 10 mm diameter and 100 mm (C) Cast iron (D) High speed steel
length pieces. 16. In ECM, the material removal is due to
Cutting speed is 31.42 m/min and feed rate is 0.7 mm/ (A) Erosion (B) Corrosion
rev. Assuming n = 1.2 and C = 180 in Taylors’s expres- (C) Ion displacement (D) Fusion
sion, the number of times sharpening required for the 17. In EDM process, the work piece is connected to
cutting tool is (A) Anode (B) Cathode
(A) 44 (B) 22 (C) 33 (D) 55 (C) Earth (D) Any of these
12. A batch of ten cutting tools could produce 500 com- 18. A 500 mm × 42 mm flat surface of a plate is to be
ponents while working at 50 rpm with a tool feed of machined on a shaper, fixing the longer side in the
0.25 mm/rev and depth of cut of 1 mm. A similar batch direction of tool travel. If the tool over travel is 20 mm
of 10 tools of the same specifications could produce at each end, average cutting sped is 8m/min, feed rate is
122 components while working at 80 rpm with a feed 0.3 mm/stroke and ratio of return to cutting time is 1:2,
of 0.25 mm/rev and 1 mm depth of cut. How many the time required for machining will be
components can be produced with one cutting tool at (A) 12.3 min (B) 15.8 min
60 rpm? (C) 14.2 min (D) 13.6 min
(A) 29 (B) 31 (C) 37 (D) 42
19. 10 mm diameter through holes are to be drilled in a
13. During life testing of tool on a lathe under dry cutting
MS plate of 25 mm thickness. Drill point angle is 120°,
condition gave n and C of Taylor’s equations as 0.12 and
feed is 0.2 mm/revolution, and spindle speed is 300
130 m/min respectively. When a coolant was used C
rpm. Assuming a drill over travel of 2 mm, the time for
increased by 8%. Find the percentage increase in tool life
producing one hole will be
with the use of coolant at a cutting speed of 90 m/min
(A) 25 sec (B) 28 sec
(A) 85% (B) 90%
(C) 32 sec (D) 30 sec
(C) 88% (D) 97%
20. The tool signature of a cutting tool in ASA system is
14. Match correct pairs
5 – 5 – 7 – 7 – 8 – 15 – 0
Machining process Metal removal method In a cutting operation if the feed rate is f, the peak value
(P) ECM (1) Plastic shear height of surface produced is
(Q) EDM (2) Erosion/britt fracture (A) 0.135 f mm (B) 0.95 f mm
(R) USM (3) corrosive reactions (C) 0.236 f mm (D) 0.156 f mm
Practice Problem 2
1. In a machining operation when cutting speed was Direction for questions 2 and 3:
reduced to half tool life reached 8 times of the original
value. The exponent in Taylor’s tool life equation is In a machining experiment tool life varied with cutting
speed as follows.
1 1
(A) (B) Cutting speed Tool life
2 4 (m/min) (minutes)
1 60 80
(C) (D) 1 90 35
3 5
Chapter 4 • Machining and Machine Tool Operations | 3.847
2. Exponent n and constant C of the Taylor’s equation are 9. The percentage of total energy dissipated due to fric-
(A) 0.35, 540.2 (B) 0.38, 520.8 tion at the tool chip interface is
(C) 0.42, 515.9 (D) 0.49, 513.6 (A) 32% (B) 25% (C) 34% (D) 30%
3. Percentage increase in tool life when cutting speed is Direction for questions 10 and 12:
halved. Orthogonal turning is performed on a cylindrical work
(A) 306.4 (B) 311.5 piece with shear strength of 260 N/mm2. The following
(C) 313.7 (D) 315.6 data were observed.
4. In an orthogonal cutting test on steel the following con- Cutting velocity: 170 m/min
ditions were obtained. Feed: 0.2 mm/rev
Cutting speed = 45 m/min Depth of cut: 3 mm
Depth of cut = 0.3 mm Chip thickness of ratio: 0.5
Tool rake angle = +6° Orthogonal rake angle: 6°
Chip thickness = 1.5 mm Use Mechant’s theory:
Cutting force= 900 N 10. Shear plane angle and shear force are
Thrust force = 450 N (A) 28°, 336 N (B) 26°, 332 N
Using Merchant’s analysis, the friction angle during (C) 30°, 340 N (D) 24°, 328 N
the machining will be 11. Cutting and frictional forces respectively are
(A) 32.6° (B) 35.4° (A) 598 N, 475 N (B) 595 N, 471 N
(C) 30.8° (D) 28.9° (C) 578 N, 465 N (D) 582 N, 467 N
5. In orthogonal turning of a mild steel bar of diameter 12. In an orthogonal turning of carbon steel specific
150 mm with a carbide tool the cutting velocity was 80 machining energy is 2.5 J/mm3. Cutting velocity, fed
m/min. Feed was 0.25 mm/rev. Chip thickness obtained and depth of cut are 125 m/min; 0.2 mm per revolu-
was 0.5 mm. If the orthogonal rake angle is zero and tion and 2 mm respectively. The main cutting force in
principal cutting edge angle is 90°, the shear angle in Newton is
degrees is (A) 1000 N (B) 800 N
(A) 28.32 (B) 26.56 (C) 900 N (D) 1100 N
(C) 24.81 (D) 22.78
13. Taylor’s tool life exponent for tool A is 0.4 and for tool
6. In a single point turning tool, side rake angle and orthogo- B is 0.3. Constants of Taylor’s equation for A and B
nal rake angle are equal. The principal cutting edge angle are 90 and 60 respectively. Cutting speed in m/min
is between zero and 90°. The chip flows in the orthogonal above which tool A will have a higher tool life than tool
plane. The value of f is approximately equal to B is
(A) 0° (B) 45° (A) 15.6 m/min (B) 17.8 m/min
(C) 60° (D) 90° (C) 18.2 m/min (D) 14.4 m/ min
Direction for questions 7, 8 and 9:
14. Match the lists and select correct answer.
In an orthogonal machining operation, the following Machining process Associated medium
data were obtained.
P USM 1. Kerosene
Uncut thickness = 0.5 mm
Cutting speed = 18 m/min Q EDM 2. Abrasive slurry
Rake angle = 15° R ECM 3. Vacuum
Width of cut = 5 mm S EBM 4. Salt solution
Chip thickness = 0.7 mm (A) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
Thrust force = 200 N (B) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3
Cutting force = 1200 N (C) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-1
Assume Merchant’s theory (D) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
7. Values of shear angle and shear strain respectively are 15. Holes in nylon button are made by
(A) 38.4°, 1.187 (B) 42.3°, 1.198 (A) EDM (B) CHM
(C) 40.2°, 1.1645 (D) 45.7°, 1.147 (C) USM (D) LBM
8. Coefficient of friction at the tool chip interface 16. In ECM, the material removal is due to
(A) 0.455 (B) 0.536 (A) Corosion (B) Erosion
(C) 0.392 (D) 0.477 (C) Fusion (D) Ion displacement
3.848 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
17. Two tools P and Q have tool signature (A) 4.26 min (B) 4.24 min
5- 5- 6- 6- 7- 20- 0 and (C) 3.88 min (D) 3.92 min
5- 5-7- 7- 8- 30- 0 respectively as per ASA system. 23. A hole is to be drilled in a metal block with a 10 mm
They are used under same machining conditions. Ratio drill at a feed of 0.2 mm/rev. Spindle speed is 800 rpm.
of peak to valley heights of the tools will be The material removal rate in mm3/min will be
(A) 0.7 (B) 0.8 (A) 12932 (B) 12356
(C) 0.9 (D) 1.1 (C) 12566 (D) 12289
18. In a single pass drilling operation a through hole of 16 24. 20 mm diameter through holes are to be drilled in
mm diameter is to be drilled in a 45 mm thick steel work pieces of 100 mm length and 50 mm diameter.
plate. Details of the drill used are Approach and over travel instance is 20 mm. Feed is 0.5
Spindle speed = 500 rpm mm/rev and rpm is 200. Assuming a set up time of 25%
Feed = 0.2 mm/rev of the processing time the number of pieces that can be
Drill point angle = 118° drilled in a shift of 8 hrs is
Clearance at approach and exit = 3 mm (A) 320 (B) 240
Time required to drill a hole will be (C) 360 (D) 280
(A) 33.5 sec (B) 35.1 sec
25. A 600 × 800 mm steel pieces is to surface machined on
(C) 30.2 sec (D) 31.3 sec
a shaping machine. Cutting speed is 8m/min. Return to
19. 3 numbers 600 mm × 30 mm flat pieces have to be fin- cutting time ratio is 1:4, feed is 2 mm/double strokes.
ish machined as a shaper, fixing 600 mm side along Clearance at each end is 75 mm, 600 mm is in tool
tool travel direction. Tool travel at each end of the plate travel direction. The machining time will be
is 20 mm. Average cutting speed is 8 m/min. (A) 36.2 min (B) 38.5 min
Feed ratio is 0.3 mm/stroke. Cutting to return time ratio (C) 42.7 min (D) 46.9 min
is 2:1. Set up time required per piece is 3 min. Total
26. A slot of 300 × 25 mm is to be milled in a work piece
time required for the 3 pieces will be
of 300 mm length with a side and face milling cutter
(A) 50 min (B) 45 min
of 100 mm diameter, 25 mm wide and having 18 teeth.
(C) 48 min (D) 40 min
The depth of cut is 5 mm. feed per tooth is 0.1 mm and
cutting speed is 30 m/min. Assuming an approach and
20. 50 45 30 mm over travel distance of 50 mm the required time to mill
40 the slot will be
60 (A) 1.8 min (B) 2.2 min
A stepped shaft as per dimensions given is to be made by (C) 2.4 min (D) 1.9 min
turning. A 150 mm long 50 mm diameter shaft is avail- 27. If under a given condition of plain turning, the life of
able. Estimate the time required to make the shaft. The cutting tool decreases by 50%, due to an increase of
depth of cut should not exceed 2.5 mm. Cutting speed is velocity by 25%. The index of Taylor equation will be
to be 25 m/min and feed to be 0.3 mm per revolution. (A) 0.252 (B) 0.244
(A) 3.89 min (B) 4.26 min (C) 0.264 (D) 0.268
(C) 3.38 min (D) 4.73 min 28. The tool life of a single point cutting tool has been
21. A 200 mm long, 20 mm diameter ms. rod is to be found to be 1500 sec at a cutting speed of 0.5 m/s. How
reduced to 18 mm diameter, in a single cut by turning. many pieces can be produced with in one tool life, if
Cutting speed is 20 m/min feed rate is 200 mm/min each piece is 50 mm in diameter and 80 mm long, using
rpm and material removal rate in mm3/min are a feed of 0.1 mm/rev and a cutting speed od 0.5 m/s
(A) 302 rpm, 12322 mm3/min, (approach and overshoot can be neglected)
(B) 328 rpm, 12722 mm3/min (A) 5 (B) 7
(C) 326 rpm, 12820 mm3/min (C) 4 (D) 3
(D) 318 rpm, 12566 mm3/min
29. Choose the best set of operation–process combinations
22. A work piece 170 mm long and 60 mm diameter is to
be machined to 166 mm lonf and 50 mm diameter by Operation Process
facing and turning. The work piece rotates at 450 rpm, P Deburring (internal surface) 1. Plasma arc machining
feed is 0.3 mm/rev and maximum depth of cut is 2 mm. Q Die sinking 2. Abrasive flow machining
Facing operation is performed first. Assuming total R Fine hole drilling in thin 3. Electric discharge
approach and over travel distance of 5 mm for turning, sheets machining
the total machining time will be
Chapter 4 • Machining and Machine Tool Operations | 3.849
The breakeven production batch size above which the R. Fine hole drilling in thin 3. Electric discharge
automatic machine tool will be economical to use will be sheets machining
(A) 4 (B) 5 S. Tool sharpening 4. Ultrasonic machining
(C) 24 (D) 225
3. Through holes of 10 mm diameter are to be drilled in 5. Laser beam machining
a steel plate of 20 mm thickness. Drill spindle speed
6. Electrochemical grinding
is 300 rpm, feed 0.2 mm/rev and drill point angle is
120°. Assuming drill over travel of 2 mm, the time for (A) P-1, Q-5, R-3, S-4
producing a hole will be [2004] (B) P-1, Q-4, R-1, S-2
(A) 4 sec (B) 25 sec (C) P-5, Q-1, R-2, S-6
(C) 100 sec (D) 110 sec (D) P-2, Q-3, R-5, S-6
4. In an orthogonal cutting test on mild steel, the follow- 7. A zigzag cavity in a block of high strength alloy is to
ing data were obtained: [2004] be finish machined. This can be carried out by using
Cutting speed: 40 m/min [2005]
Depth of cut: 0.3 mm
Tool rake angle: + 5°
Chip thickness: 1.5 mm
Cutting force: 900 N
Thrust force : 450 N
Using Merchant’s analysis, the friction angle during
the machining will be
(A) 26.6° (B) 31.5°
(C) 45° (D) 63.4°
3.850 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
(A) Electric discharge machining 12. If each abrasive grain is viewed as a cutting tool, then
(B) Electro-chemical machining which of the following represents the cutting param-
(C) Laser beam machining eters in common grinding operations? [2006]
(D) Abrasive flow machining (A) Large negative rake angle, low shear angle and
8. When 3-2-1 principle in used to support and locate a high cutting speed
three dimensional work-piece during machining, the (B) Large positive rake angle, low shear angle and
number of degrees of freedom that are restricted is high cutting speed
[2005] (C) Large negative rake angle, high shear angle and
(A) 7 (B) 8 low cutting speed
(C) 9 (D) 10 (D) Zero rake angle, high shear angle and high cut-
ting speed
9. The figure below show a graph which qualitatively
relates cutting speed and cost per piece produced. 13. Arrange the processes in the increasing order of their
[2005] maximum material removal rate.
Total cost Electrochemical machining (ECM)
Ultrasonic machining (USM)
Cost of per piece
Neglect friction 42. A CNC vertical milling machine has to cut a straight
400 slot of 10 mm width and 2 mm depth by a cutter of 10
mm diameter between points (0, 0) and (100, 100) on
the XY plane (dimension in mm). The feed rate used
for milling is 50 mm/min. Milling time for the slot (in
seconds) is [2012]
(A) 120 (B) 170
(C) 180 (D) 240
43. Details pertaining to an orthogonal metal cutting pro-
cess are given below. [2012]
Chip thickness ratio = 0.4
37. Assuming force vs displacement curve to be rectan- Undeformed thickness = 0.6 mm
gular, the work done (in J) is [2010] Rake angle = +10o
(A) 100 (B) 200 Cutting speed = 2.5 m/s
(C) 250 (D) 300 Mean thickness of primary
38. A shear of 20 mm (S = 20 mm) is now provided on shear zone = 25 mm
the blade. Assuming force vs displacement curve to The shear strain rate in s-1 during the process is
be trapezoidal, the maximum force (in kN) exerted is (A) 0.1781 × 105 (B) 0.7754 × 105
[2010] (C) 1.0104 × 10 5 (D) 4.397 × 105
(A) 5 (B) 10 44. In a single pass drilling operation, a through hole of
(C) 20 (D) 40 15 mm diameter is to be drilled in a steel plate of 50
39. A single-point cutting tool with 12° rake angle is used mm thickness. Drill spindle speed is 500 rpm, feed is
to machine a steel work-piece. The depth of cut, i.e., 0.2 mm/rev and drill point angle is 118°. Assuming 2
uncut thickness is 0.81 mm. The chip thickness under mm clearance at approach and exit, the total drill time
orthogonal machining condition is 1.8 mm. The shear (in seconds) is [2012]
angle is approximately. (A) 35.1 (B) 32.4
[2011] (C) 31.2 (D) 30.1
(A) 22° (B) 26° 45. A steel bar 200 mm in diameter is turned at a feed
(C) 56° (D) 76° of 0.25 mm/rev with a depth of cut of 4 mm. The
40. Match the following non-traditional machining pro- rotational speed of the work piece is 160 rpm. The
cesses with the corresponding material removal material removal rate in mm3/s is [2013]
mechanisms: [2011] (A) 160 (B) 167.6
Mechanism (C) 1600 (D) 1675.5
of material 46. During the electrochemical machining (ECM) of iron
(atomic weight = 56, valency = 2) at current of 1000
(P) Chemical machining (1) Erosion A with 90% current efficiency, the material removal
(Q) Electro-chemical rate was observed to be 0.26 gm/s. If titanium (atomic
machining (2) Corrosive reaction weight = 48, valency = 3) is machined by the ECM
(R) Electro-discharge process at the current of 2000 A with 90% current
machining (3) Ion displacement efficiency the expected material removal rate in gm/s
(S) (4) Fusion and will be [2013]
Ultrasonic machining
vaporization (A) 0.11 (B) 0.23
(C) 0.30 (D) 0.52
(A) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
47. Two cutting tools are being compared for a machining
(B) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1
operation. The tool life equations are
(C) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1
Carbide tool: VT1.6 = 3000
(D) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
HSS tool: VT0.6 = 200
41. In abrasive jet machining, as the distance between the where V is the cutting speed in m/min and T is the
nozzle tip and the work surface increases, the material tool life in min. The carbide tool will provide higher
removal rate [2012] tool life if the cutting speed in m/min exceeds
(A) Increases continuously [2013]
(B) Decreases continuously (A) 15.0 (B) 39.4
(C) Decreases, becomes stable and then increases (C) 49.3 (D) 60.0
(D) Increases, becomes stable and then decreases
3.854 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
61. The principle of material removal in electrochemical the average power input required is 1 kW. The capaci-
machining is[2014] tance (in mF) in the circuit is:[2015]
(A) Fick’s law (B) Faraday’s laws (A) 2.5 (B) 5.0
(C) Kirchoff’s laws (D) Ohm’s law (C) 7.5 (D) 10.0
62. Better surface finish is obtained with a large rake 70. In a machining operation, if the generatrix and direc-
angle because [2014] trix both are straight lines, the surface obtained is:
(A) The area of shear plane decreases resulting in the [2015]
decrease in shear force and cutting force (A) cylindrical
(B) The tool becomes thinner and the cutting force is (B) helical
reduced (C) plane
(C) Less heat is accumulated in the cutting zone (D) surface of revolution
(D) The friction between the chip and the tool is less 71. Orthogonal turning of a mild steel tube with a tool of
63. A cast iron block of 200 mm length is being shaped rake angle 10° is carried out at a feed of 0.1 mm/rev.
in a shaping machine with a depth of cut of 4 mm, If the thickness of the chip produced is 0.28 mm, the
feed of 0.25 mm/stroke and the tool principle cut- values of shear angle and shear strain will be respec-
ting edge angle of 30°. Number of cutting strokes tively.[2015]
per minute is 60. Using specific energy for cutting as (A) 28° 20′ and 2.19 (B) 22° 20′ and 3.53
1.49 J/mm3, the average power consumption (in watt) (C) 24° 30′ and 4.19 (D) 37° 20′ and 5.19
is ____ [2014] 72. A shaft of length 90 mm has a tapered portion of length
64. Under certain cutting conditions, doubling the cutting 55 mm. The diameter of the taper is 80 mm at one
th end and 65 mm at the other. If the taper is made by
⎛ 1⎞
speed reduces the tool life to ⎜ ⎟ of the original. tailstock set over method, the taper angle and the set
⎝ 16 ⎠
over respectively are:[2015]
Taylor’s tool life index (n) for this tool-work piece (A) 15° 32′ and 12.16 mm
combination will be ______.[2015] (B) 18° 32′ and 15.66 mm
65. In a linear arc welding process, the heat input per unit (C) 11° 22′ and 10.26 mm
length is inversely proportional to:[2015] (D) 10° 32′ and 14.46 mm
(A) Welding current 73. The non-traditional machining process that essen-
(B) Welding voltage tially required vacuum is:[2016]
(C) Welding speed (A) electron beam machining
(D) Duty cycle of the power source (B) electro chemical machining
66. An orthogonal turning operation is carried out under (C) electro chemical discharge machining
the following conditions: rake angle = 5º, spindle (D) electro discharge machining
rotational speed = 400 rpm; axial feed = 0.4 m/min 74. In an orthogonal cutting process the tool used has
and radial depth of cut = 5 mm. The chip thickness, rake angle of zero degree. The measured cutting force
tc, is found to be 3 mm. The shear angle (in degrees) and thrust force are 500 N and 250 N, respectively.
in this turning process is ____.[2015] The coefficient of friction between the tool and the
67. The primary mechanism of material removal in elec- chip is _______.[2016]
tro chemical machining (ECM) is:[2015] 75. The tool life equation for HSS tool is VT 0.14 f 0.7 d 0.4 =
(A) Chemical corrosion constant. The tool life (T) of 30 min is obtained using
(B) Etching the following cutting conditions:
(C) Ionic dissolution V = 45 m/min, f = 0.35 mm, d = 2.0 mm
(D) Spark erosion If speed (V), feed ( f ) and depth of cut (d) are
68. A single point cutting tool with 0° rake angle is used increased individually by 25%, the tool life (in min)
in an orthogonal machining process. At a cutting is:[2016]
speed of 180 m/min, the thrust force is 490 N. If the (A) 0.15 (B) 1.06
coefficient of friction between the tool and the chip (C) 22.50 (D) 30.0
is 0.74, then the power consumption (in kW) for the 76. The following data is applicable for a turning operation.
machining operation is _______.[2015] The length of job is 900 mm, diameter of job is 200 mm,
69. A resistance–capacitance relaxation circuit is used in feed rate is 0.25 mm/rev and optimum cutting speed is
an electrical discharge machining process. The dis- 300 m/min. The machining time (in min) is ______.
charge voltage is 100 V. At spark cycle time of 25 µs, [2016]
3.856 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
77. In an ultrasonic machining (USM) process, the mate- 80. In a wire–cut EDM process the necessary conditions
rial removal rate (MRR) is plotted as a function of that have to be met for making a successful cut are
the feed force of the USM tool. With increasing feed that:[2016]
force, the MRR exhibits the following behavior: (A) wire and sample are electrically non-conducting
[2016] (B) wire and sample are electrically conducting
(A) Increases linearly (C) wire is electrically conducting and sample is
(B) Decreases linearly electrically non-conducting
(C) Does not change (D) sample is electrically conducting and wire is
(D) First increases and then decreases electrically non-conducting
78. For a certain job, the cost of metal cutting in `18C/V 81. Internal gears are manufactured by[2016]
and the cost of tooling is `2701C/(TV), where C is a (A) hobbing
constant, V is the cutting speed in m/min and T is the (B) shaping with pinion cutter
tool life in minutes. The Taylor’s tool life equation is (C) shaping with rack cutter
VT 0.25 = 150. The cutting speed (in m/min) for the (D) milling
minimum total cost is ________.[2016] 82. For an orthogonal cutting operation, tool material
79. The surface irregularities of electrodes used in an is HSS, rake angle is 22o, chip thickness is 0.8 mm,
electrochemical machining (ECM) process are 3 µm speed is 48 m/min and feed is 0.4 mm/rev. The shear
and 6 µm as shown in the figure. If the work-piece plane angle (in degrees) is[2016]
is of pure iron and 12 V DC is applied between the (A) 19.24
electrodes, the largest feed rate is ________ mm/min. (B) 29.70
Conductivity of the electrolyte 0.02 ohm–1 mm–1
(C) 56.00
Over-potential voltage 1.5 V
(D) 68.75
Density of iron 7860 kg/m3 83. In a single turning operation with cemented carbide
Atomic weight of iron 55.85 gm
tool and steel work piece, it is found that the Taylor’s
exponent is 0.25. If the cutting speed is reduced by
Assume the iron to be dissolved as Fe+2 and the 50% then the tool life changes by _______ times.
Faraday constant to be 96500 Coulomb.[2016] [2016]
6 µm
Nominal gap
3 µm
Work-piece (Iron)
Chapter 4 • Machining and Machine Tool Operations | 3.857
Answer Keys
Practice Problems 1
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B
11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A
Practice Problems 2
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. D 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A
21. D 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. D
Limits, Fits and Tolerances without causing any functionable trouble, when assembled
with its mating part and put into actual service.
An article manufactured consists of assembly of a number
of components. Thus a component manufactured should
be matching with some other mating component. This is
Upper limit
important for the proper functioning and prolonged life of
the product. Lower limit
In the production of a component, it is not possible to
make any part precisely to a given dimension, due to vari-
ability of elements of production processes. If attempts
are made to achieve the perfect size, the cost of produc-
tion will increase tremendously. But for practical purposes,
perfect fitting of the mating components are not necessary.
Slight dimensional variations are acceptable for the proper Systems of Writing Tolerances
The allowable variation in the basic size required in pro- 1. Unilateral system
duction is called tolerance. 2. Bilateral system
Larger and smaller dimensions allowable are called lim-
its– the high limit and low limit. In unilateral system dimension of a part is allowed to vary
Thus difference between high and low limits is the toler- only on one side of the basic size i.e., tolerance zone is
ance. It is the margin allowed for variation in workmanship. either above or below the basic size line.
Tolerance can also be defined as the amount by which
the job is allowed to go away from accuracy and perfectness
Chapter 5 • Metrology and Inspection Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3.859
Hole LML
Basic size Tolerance MML
Unilateral tolerance
Transition Fit
Transition fit is in between clearance fit and interference fit.
Depending upon the actual sizes of the parts clearance or
interference may occur.
Basic hole Basic shaft
Zero line Hole tolerance
Fits Allowance
Allowance is the intentional difference between the lower
Clearance Transition Interference limit of hole and higher limit of the shaft.
fit fit fit It is the variation given for the purpose of providing dif-
ferent classes of fit. It is the difference between maximum
material size limits of mating parts.
(a) Slide fit (a) Push fit (a) Force fit The allowance may be positive or negative. Positive
(b) easy slide fit (b) Wringing fit (b) Tight fit allowance is the minimum clearance and negative allow-
(c) Running fit (c) Shrink fit ance is the maximum interference intended between the
mating parts.
Clearance Fit
Clearance is the difference between sizes of hole and shaft. Allowance vs Tolerance
Minimum clearance is the difference between minimum Allowance is the prescribed difference between the dimen-
size of hole and maximum size of shaft. sions of two mating parts (hole and shaft). Tolerance is the
Maximum clearance is the difference between maximum permissible variation in dimension of a part (either hole or
size of hole and minimum size of the shaft. a shaft)
In clearance fits, the largest permissible shaft diameter
is smaller than the diameter of the smallest hole. So the Standard Limit Systems
shaft can rotate or slide in the hole with different degrees The aim of a standard limit system is
of freedom.
1. To select basic functional clearances and interferences
Interference Fit for a given application or type of fit
Interference is the arithmetical difference between sizes of 2. to establish tolerances which will provide a reasonable
hole and shaft, when shaft is of bigger size. and economical balance fits, consistency and cost
Chapter 5 • Metrology and Inspection Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3.861
British standard, international standard (ISO) and Indian Designation of Holes, Shafts and Fits
standards are some of the standard limit systems A shaft or a hole is completely described if the basic size
followed by the appropriate letter and the tolerance grade
Indian Standard System of Limits and Fits is given.
(IS-919 and 2709) For example,
Indian standards are in line with ISO recommendations. The 50 H6 means 50 mm H hole with tolerance grade IT6
standards cover holes and shafts from the smallest size to 50 f7 means 50 mm f shaft with tolerance grade IT7
3150 mm. For any size over this range there is a wide choice
of fits available and for each of the fits there is a series of
Tolerance and Fundamental Deviation
tolerance grades from very fine to wide tolerances.
Standard tolerance and fundamental deviations are used for Larger Sizes
in the limit system. The finer tolerance grades IT01 to IT5 are not provided for
18 grades of fundamental tolerances are used. These are sizes above 500 mm.
designated as IT01, IT0, IT1 to IT16 For size above 500 mm and up to 3150 mm
Fundamental deviations are indicated by 25 letters A to IS : 2101 specify various grades
ZC for holes and letters a to zC for shafts. (For holes: A, B, C, I (in m) = 0.004D + 2.1
D, E, F, G, H, JS, J, K, M, N, P, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z, ZA, ZB,
ZC. For shafts corresponding small letters are used) Tolerance Analysis in Manufacturing
For A to H holes lower deviation is above zero line and and Assembly
for J to ZC it is below the zero line. Tolerance can be defined as the amount of variation permis-
For shafts a to h upper deviation is below the zero line sible from accuracy and perfectness of the dimension of a
and for j to zc it is above the zero line. component without causing any functional trouble. Human
Standard tolerances are expressed in terms of standard failure and machine limitations prevent the achievement of
tolerance unit, i. It is given by ideal dimensions of the part during fabrication.
By providing tolerance the cost of production can be
i = 0.45 3 D + 0.001D microns reduced; without sacrificing the functional requirement.
The difference between upper limit and lower limit of a
Where D is the geometric mean upper and lower values of
dimension is called the tolerance zone. It is the margin for
a diameter step in which the diameter lies. IS–919 specifies
variation in workmanship. Selection of tolerance is based
the following diameter steps.
on the following.
1–3, 3–6, 6–10, 10–14, 14–18, 18–24, 24–30, 30–40, 40–50,
etc upto 180–200 mm. 1. Functional requirement : With the permitted tolerance,
Values of tolerances for tolerance grades IT5 to IT16 are assembly should be possible and the equipment
obtained from the following table. should be able to perform the required function.
2. Standardisation: Standardisation of the parts are
required for interchangeability which is essential for
Grade IT5 IT6 IT7 IT8 IT9 mass production.
3. Manufacturing needs
Value 7i 10i 16i 25i 40i When the functional requirement is not so rigid tolerance
choice may be influenced and determined by factors like
methods of tooling, equipment available etc.
IT 11
IT 12
IT 13
IT 14
IT 15
IT 16
tolerances without affecting the functional requirement, different craftsmen or operators in different batches in dif-
cost of production can be reduced. So the tolerance selected ferent machines. In this case the parts are produced within
should be just enough to the required job and not better. specified tolerance limits so that a component selected at
So it can be said that tolerance is a compromise between random will assemble correctly with any other mating com-
accuracy required for proper functioning and ability for ponent, selected at random. By this method manufacturing
economic production of this accuracy. cost is considerably reduced.
Example 6: For the following hole and shaft assembly find
Solution: Geometric mean diameter = 50 × 80
shaft tolerance, hole tolerance and state the type of fit.
= 63.246 mm
+0.05 +0.05
Fundamental tolerance unit
Hole: 60 +0.002 shaft: 60 +0.005
i = 0.45 3 D + 0.001D Solution: HL of hole: 60.025 mm
= 0.45 63.246 + 0.001 × 63.246 LL of hole: 60.00
Hole tolerance : 60.025 – 60.000 = 0.025 mm
= 1.859 mm
HL of shaft : 60.05
= 0.00186 mm
LL of shaft : 60.005
IT8 = 25i
Shaft tolerance = 60.05 – 60.005 = 0.045 mm
= 25 × 0.00185
Allowance = LL of hole – HL of shaft
= 0.04646 mm
= 60.00 – 60.05
Fundamental deviation of f shaft
= –0.05 mm (interference)
= –5.5 D0.41
HL of hole – LL of shaft = 60.025 – 60.005
= –5. 5 [63.246]0.41 mm
= 0.025 mm (clearance)
= –0.03012 mm
\ The type of fit is transition fit
Upper limit of shaft = 60 – 0.03012
= 59.97 mm Example 7: In a limit system, the following limits are
Lower limit of shaft = 59.97 – 0.0465 specified to give a clearance fit between shaft and hole
= 59.924 mm. −0.006
Example 4: Find the values of allowance and tolerances Shaft: 40 −0.020 mm
for hole and shaft assembly for the following mating parts +0.30
−0.03 +0.25 Hole: 40 −0.000 mm
Hole: 25−0.05 shaft: 60 +0.00
(A) basic size
(a) Hole
(B) shaft and hole tolerances
Tolerance = 25.04 – 25.00
(C) Minimum clearance
= 0.04 mm
(D) Maximum clearance
(b) Shaft
Tolerance = HL – LL Solution:
HL = 25.00 – 0.03 (a) Basic size : 40 mm
= 24.97 (b) Shaft tolerance:
LL = 25.00 – 0.05 (40 – 0.006) – (40 – 0.02)
= 24.95 = (–0.006) – (–0.020) = 0.014 mm
Tolerance = 24.97 – 24.95 Hole tolerance: (+0.030) – (0.00)
= 0.02 mm = 0.030 mm
(c) Allowance = LL of hole – HL of shaft (c) Minimum clearance = LL of hole – HL of shaft
= 25.00 – 24.97 = 50 – (50 – 0.006)
= 0.03 mm. = 0.006 mm
(d) Maximum clearance
Example 5: A 60 mm diameter shaft is made to rotate in
HL of hole – LL of shaft
the bush. Tolerance for both bush and shaft are 0.050 mm.
= (50 + 0.030) – (50 – 0.020)
Determine dimension shaft and bush to give a minimum
= 0.050 mm
clearance 0.075 mm with hole basis system
In an assembly of two parts with 50 mm nominal diameter,
Solution: the lower deviation of the hole is zero and the higher is 5
microns. For the shaft lower and higher deviations are –8
0.05 Zero line and –4 microns respectively. Determine the allowance and
type of fit of the assembly.
0.05 Hole
Zero line
HL of hole = LL + tolerance = 60 + 0.050 = 60.050 mm
HL of shaft = LL of hole – Allowance
= 60.00 – 0.075 = 59.925 Shaft
LL of shaft = 59.925 – 0.050 = 59.875
Chapter 5 • Metrology and Inspection Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3.865
0.12 mm 0.05 mm
Zero line
90 mm Gauge tolerance
Wear allowance
LL of hole = 90.00 mm LL of hole = 20.00
HL of shaft = 90.000 + 0.12
= 90.12 mm −0.020
(0.12 − 0.05) Tolerance for plug gauge for gauging the hole = 10% of
work tolerance = 0.021 × 0.1 = 0.0021 mm
Wear allowance = 10% of gauge tolerance
= 0.035 mm = 0.1 × 0.0021
\ HL of hole = 90 + 0.035 = 90.035 mm = 0.0002 mm
LL of shaft = 90.035 + 0.05 = 90.085 mm Upper limit of GO plug gauge = 20 + 0.0002 + 0.0021
+0.12 = 20.0023 mm
\ Size of shaft = 90 +0.085
Low limit of GO gauge = 20 + 0.0002 = 20.0002
+0.035 +0.0023
Size of hole = = 90 +0.000 Limits of GO gauge = 20 +0.0002
Example 9: Design the general GO and NO GO gauge for
hole of the assembly 20 H7 f 8 fit. The following data can Linear and Angular Measurements
be used
For linear measurements various standards followed are
(a) i = 0.001 D + 0.45 3 D microns 1. Line standard
(b) Upper deviation of f shaft 2. End standard
= −5.5 D
3. Wavelength standard
(c) Diameter step for 20 mm When length is measured between two engraved lines it is
= 18 –30 called line standard.
(d) IT7 = 16i When length is expressed as the distance between two
(e) IT8 = 25i flat parallel faces, it is called end standard. In wavelength
(f) Wear allowance = 10% of gauge tolerance standard, wavelength of mono chromatic light is used as
Solution: unit of length.
Imperial standard yard (England) and international
D = 18 × 30 = 23.24 mm standard meter (France) are line standards.
i = 0.001 × 23.24 + 0.45 3 23.24 Metre in wavelength standard is defined as 1650763.73
= 1.3074 microns wavelengths of orange radiation in vacuum of krypton 86
3.866 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Micrometer consists of a U-shaped frame, spindle, bar- Sine bars are graded as A grade and B grade. A grade sine-
rel and thimble. By rotating the thimble on the barrel the bars are made with an accuracy of 0.01 mm/m of length
spindle advances. The object to be measured is placed in and B grade sine bars with an accuracy of 0.02 mm/m of
between spindle end and an anvil at the end of the frame. length
Main scale is marked on the barrel. The thimble has equal
divisions around its periphery, usually 50 nos. Therefore for Clinometers
rotation through one division of the thimble, axial distance Clinometer is a spirit level mounted as a rotary member car-
1 ried in a housing. One face of the housing forms the base
moved is × pitch of the screw.
50 of the instrument. There is a circular scale on the housing.
If pitch of the screw corresponds to one division on the Clinometers can be used to measure the included angle
1 between two adjacent slanted sides of a work piece.
main scale and if it is 0.5 mm, the least count is 0.5 × Different types are vernier clinometers, micrometer cli-
= 0.01 mm. 50
nometers and dial clinometers.
Measurement value using a micrometer is obtained simi-
lar to that of a vernier calliper i.e Main scale reading + read- Comparators
ing on the thimble × least count.
A comparator is a precision instrument employed to com-
A comparator is a precision instrument used for compar-
pare the dimension of a given component with a standard,
ing the dimension of a given component with a standard
such as slip gauges. It does not measure the actual dimen-
such as slip gauges. It does not measure the exact dimen-
sion but indicates how much it differs from the basic speci-
sion, but indicates the difference from the basic dimension.
men. The indicated difference is usually small and suitable
Dial gauge is the simplest form of mechanical comparator.
magnification device is provided.
Apart from mechanical comparators, mechanical optical
comparators, electrical and electronic comparators, pneu- Optimeters or Optical Comparators
matic comparators etc are available.
In these comparators the fundamental optical law is made
Measuring machines are generally used for measurement
use of If a ray of light falls on a mirror and is reflected and
of length over the outer faces of a length–bar or any other
the mirror is titled by an angle a, the reflected light moves
long member. These are generally used for measurement of
through an angle 2a. In optimeters the mirror is titled by
considerably greater dimension.
a measuring plunger movement and the movement of the
Angular Measurements reflected light is recorded as an image on a screen. The
shadow of the object is projected on to a curved graduated
Various instruments used for angular measurements are, scale to indicate in comparison measurement. Optical com-
bevel protractors, angle gauges, sinebars, clinometers, auto parators which make use of the enlarged image principle
collimators etc. are commonly known as optical projectors or optical pro-
Angle Gauges jection comparators. Optical projector is used for checking
the shape or profile of relatively small engineering com-
Angle gauges are taper pieces of hardened and stabilized
ponents with an accurate standard or drawing. It enables a
steel. The measuring pieces are lapped and polished to a
magnified image of part of a component to be projected on
high degree of accuracy and flatness. These pieces can be
to a screen where it is compared with an enlarged profile
wrung together just like slip gauges. The pieces are 75 mm
drawing. The degree of magnification may range from five
long and 16 mm wide. Angle gauges are generally available
to hundred.
in 2 sets of 12 and 13 numbers and a square block. In the 13
piece set the following angles are available – Tool Maker’s Microscope
1°, 3°, 9°, 27°, 41° This is used for measurement of small and delicate parts.
1′, 3′, 9′, 27′ It is used for complex measurement of profile of exter-
3″, 6″, 18″ , and 30″ nal threads as well as tools, templates and gauges, centre
In a 12 piece set all the above except 3″ is available. to center distance of holes in a plane etc. and for accurate
Selecting and placing the gauge pieces one over the other angular measurements.
different angles can be set for the measurement
Sine Bars
The advantage and peculiar property of monochromatic
Sine bar is a precision instrument used along with slip light is that its wave length has precise value until the pri-
gauges for the measurement of angles. Their general uses are mary colours which have ill defined wavelengths and the
1. To measure angles very accurately monochromatic light such as from mercury 198 or krypton
2. To locate a work to a given angle within very close 86 are exactly reproducible.
3.868 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
Peak to Valley Height Method
(Rt Measurement)
r O
Pitch line It is the maximum peak to valley height within the assess-
Q A P ment length. The draw back of the method is that it may give
p same Rt value for two largely different texture.
RMS (Root Mean Square) Method In a CIM system a group of NC machines are connected
In this method also, the roughness is measured as the aver- together by an automated material handling system and
age deviations from the nominal surface. operating under computer control.
A computer integrated manufacturing system incorpo-
h12 + h22 + hn2 rate many of the individual CAD/CAM technologies and
RMS value = concepts such as
Computer numerical control or CNC
1 2 Direct Numerical control or DNC
L ∫0
= h dx Computer aided process planning CAPP
Computer integrated production management industrial
Ten Point Height Method (Rz) roots.
Ten point height of irregularities is defined as the average
difference between the five highest peaks and five deepest Numerical Control
valleys within the sampling length measured from a line, Numerical control (NC) refers to the operations of machine
parallel to the mean line and not crossing the profile. tools from numerical data. Data for operations may be
stored on paper tape, magnetic tape, magnetic discs etc. As
2 1 numerical information is used, it is called numerical con-
trol. Machine tools and other machines are operated by a
series of loaded instructions. If the machine tool works with
4 a built in computer controlling, the system is known com-
puter numerical control (CNC)
The basic components of a NC system are
10 9
8 6 7 1. A program. i.e., a set of instructions
R2 R1 2. A machine control unit (MCU)
3. The machine tool
L The MCU is further divided into two elements: The data
processing unit (DPU) and control loops unit (CLU). Data
1 process unit processes the coded data read from storage
Rz = [(R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5) – (R6 + R7 + R8 + R9 + R10)] ×
5 devices and passes information such as position of each
axis, required direction of motion, speed, feed etc and aux-
This method is relatively simple, but does not account for iliary function control signals to CLU.
the frequency of the irregularities and profile shape. It is A typical program may contain an instruction like x +
used when cost is to be controlled and for checking rough 100, y + 50, s + 90
machining. This instruction is interpreted as to move a distance
100 mm in the x positive direction, 50 mm in the y +
Computer Integrated direction and rotate the spindle at 90 rpm clockwise.
The information pieces are decoded by the DPU and sent
Manufacturing System (CIMS) to CLU. The CLU operates the drive mechanisms as per
CIMS is a production system consisting of a group of the instructions, then receive feed back signals regarding
Numerical controlled (NC) machines connected together by the actual positions velocity etc. When one instruction is
an automated material handling system and operating under executed another is read.
computer control. Many of the individual CAD/CAM tech-
nologies are incorporated in CIM. Other concepts incor- Advantages of NC Systems
porated in CIM are Computer Numerical control (CNC), 1. High machine utilization
Direct Numerical Control (DNC), Computer Aided Process 2. Need for special tooling is mostly eliminated
planning (CAPP), Computer integrated production man- 3. High quality products can be manufactured
agement and Industrial robots. 4. Consistency in quality
CIMS depend upon the production requirements. Each 5. Quality is not dependent on operator skill
system vary according to the requirements. 6. Cost of production is less
Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) is a recent 7. Minimum scrap
technology. It comprises of a combination of software and 8. In process inventory is less
hardware for product design, production planning, produc- 9. Higher productivity
tion control, production equipment and production process. 10. Reduced set up time
Chapter 5 • Metrology and Inspection Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3.871
Practice Problems 1
+0.003 +0.000
1. A 60 mm diameter shaft is made to rotate in a bush. 25.000 −0.000 mm (B)
(A) 25.000 +0.003 mm
Tolerances for both bush and shaft are 0.050 mm. The +0.003 +0.000
dimensions of the bush to give a minimum clearance of 25.030 −0.000 mm (D)
(C) 25.030 −0.003 mm
0.075 in the shaft basis system is
−0.075 +0.125 +0.05
60 −0.125 (B)
(A) 60 +0.075 7. A hole of size 30 −0.03 mm is to be checked by workshop
+0.125 −0.125
GO and NO GO plug gauges. Assuming wear allow-
(C) 59+0.025 (D) 60 −0.075 ance and gauge allowance as 10% of work tolerance,
size of the NO GO gauge will be
2. The following is the hole and shaft dimensions of an
+0.014 +0.014
assembly 30 −0.022 mm (B)
(A) 30 +.0.014 mm
Hole: 30 +0.00 mm −0.014 −0.014
30 +.0.022 mm (D)
(C) 30 −.0.022 mm
Shaft: 30 +0.04 mm 8. Determine the size of the general type NO GO plug
The type of fit is gauge for checking hole of a 30 H7/f8.
(A) Transition (B) Clearance
Given: i = 0.453 D + 0.001D microns (D in mm)
(C) Interference (D) Running
3. In a hole and shaft assembly of 30 mm nominal size Upper deviation of shaft = –5.5 D0.41
with following dimensions. Maximum and minimum Diameter step for 30 mm = 18 – 30 mm
(Least) metal limits of the shaft are −0.0231 +0.0210
+0.02 30 −0.0231 (B)
(A) 30 +0.0189
Hole: 30 −0.00 mm +0.0231 +0.0210
−0.040 30 +0.0210 (D)
(C) 30 −0.0189
Shaft: 30 −0.070 mm 9. Cold drawn shafts upto accuracy ±0.01 mm are avail-
(A) 29.960, 29.930 mm (B) 30.02, 30 mm able. An interference fit is to be designed for a 50 mm
(C) 30.07, 30.04 mm (D) 29.950, 29.930 mm basic size hole. Maximum and minimum interferences
4. A hole and mating shaft have nominal size of 50 mm. are 0.02 mm and 0.01 mm respectively. Tolerance for
Maximum clearance is 0.15 mm and minimum clear- hole will be
ance is 0.05 mm. Hole tolerance is 1.5 times the shaft (A) 0.04 mm (B) 0.06 mm
tolerance. Limits for hole in a shaft basis system is (C) 0.05 mm (D) 0.03 mm
(A) 49.02, 49.08 mm (B) 51.04, 51.10 mm 10.
For a 90 H8 e9 hole shaft assembly the GO gauge for
(C) 49.05, 49.11 mm (D) 50.05, 50.11 mm shaft will be
5. The interference between two mating parts of basic size (given:
100 mm is to be from 0.05 mm to 0.12 mm. Tolerance IT8: 25i
of shaft and hole are same. The hole size in a shaft basis T9: 40i
system is
Fundamental deviation
(A) 100.035, 100.000 mm
(B) 100.020, 100.085 mm For ‘e’ type shaft
(C) 100.00, 99.965 mm = –11D0.41
(D) 99.915, 99.88 mm (Assume hole basis system)
6. A 25 mm H8 hole is to be checked using a plug gauge. 0.0693 +0.0693
The hole high limit is 25.030 mm. Taking gauge mak- 90 −0.677
(A) (B) 90 −0.0777
er’s tolerance as 10% of work tolerance dimensions of +0.0693 −0.0693
the GO plug gauge will be 90 +0.677 (D)
(C) 90 −0.777
Chapter 5 • Metrology and Inspection Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3.873
11. For the above problem the size of NO gauge for shaft +0.040
15. In an interchangeable assembly shafts of size 30 −0.010
will be +0.030
+0.1524 −0.1524 mm mates with holes of size 30 +0.020 The maximum
90 −0.1608 (B)
(A) 90 −0.1608
interference in microns in the assembly is
+0.0693 +0.1524
90 −0.677 (D) (A) 16 microns
(C) 90 −0.1608
(B) 18 microns
Direction for questions 12 and 13: (C) 22 microns
0.000 (D) 20 microns
40 −0.009 16. Two slip gauges of 10 mm width measuring 1.000
Q Datum
mm and 1.015 mm are kept side by side in contact
with each other lengthwise. An optical flat is kept
40 f7 resting on them and inspected using monochromatic
+1.00 light of wavelength 0.0058928 mm. The total number
75 0.000 of straight fringes that can be observed on both slip
gauges will be
(A) 4 (B) 6
(C) 3 (D) 8
17. In surface roughness measurement for a sampling
0.010 0.005 length of 0.8 mm, the graph is drawn to a vertical mag-
0.000 0.000 nification of 15000 and horizontal magnification of
φ32 φ27
100 and areas above and below datum line are 160, 90,
Refer the figure given above 170, 150 mm2 respectively. CLA value for this surface
Given IT7 = 16i diameter steps for 40 mm = 30 and 50 mm. is
Fundamental deviation (A) 0.6 mm (B) 0.9 mm
for f shaft = –5.5 D0.41 micron (C) 0.8 mm (D) 0.5 mm
12. Size 40 f 7 will be 18.
+0.0245 +0.0140
40 +0.0494
(A) 40 +0.0480
(B) Milled
−0.0245 −0.0140 2.0
40 −0.0494
(C) 40 −0.0480
13. Dimension of length Q will be
+0.009 +0.009 5.0
34 −0.100 (B)
+0.100 0.100 0.5
(C) 34 −0.009 (D)
35+0.009 mm
14. In a drawing the machined surface was represented as
shown above. The machining allowance of the surface is
(A) 0.5 mm (B) 5.0 mm
(C) 2.0 mm (D) Not shown
19. Match the following:
The part shown in figure is machined to the sizes given below: R. Tolerance 3. Prescribed difference between
S = 35.00 ± 0.08 mm the dimensions of mating parts to
perform specific function
P = 12.00 ± 0.02 mm
Q = 9.99 ± 0.03 mm S. Allowance 4. The ranges of permissible variation
in dimensions of a part.
Dimension R will have specifications
+0.04 +0.04 5. Degree of lightness and looseness
(A) 12 −0.02
13−0.02 (B) between the mating parts
+0.04 +0.02
13−0.01 (D)
(C) 12 −0.04
3.874 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
( A) P–4, Q–5, R–2, S–3 (B) P–2, Q–3, R–4, S–1 4 slip gauges totalling a height of 54.464 mm was
(C) P–3, Q–4, R–2, S–5 (D) P–1, Q–2, R–3, S–4 inserted below the top roller. The angle set up was
20. A sine bar was used to set up an angle with the help of (A) 30° (B) 25°
slip gauges. Distance between roller centres is 100 mm. (C) 33° (D) 15°
(A) 1.155 mm (B) 2.255 mm Direction for questions 19 and 20: In the measurement
(C) 1.055 mm (D) 2.055 mm of surface roughness, heights of 20 successive peaks and
1 3. Match the following: troughs were measured from a datum and these were
35, 25, 40, 20, 35
Features to be inspected Instrument 18, 42, 25, 35, 22
P. Pitches and angle 1. Auto collimator 36, 18, 42, 22, 32
errors of screw thread 21, 37, 18, 35, 20 microns
Q. latness error of surface 2. Optical interferometer These measurements were obtained over a length of 18 mm
R. Alignment error of 3. Deviding head and dial 19. Approximate CLA or Ra value will be
machine slide way gauge (A) 27 micron (B) 29 micron
(C) 31 micron (D) 26 micron
S. Profile of a cam 4. Spint level
20. Approximate RMS value will be
5. Sine bar
(A) 29.32 micron (B) 32.73 micron
6. Toolmaker’s microscope (C) 31.18 micron (D) 28.87 micron
21. In the measurement of surface roughness the height of
(A) P–2, Q–3, R–4, S–1 (B) P–3, Q–4, R–5, S–2 10 successive peaks and valleys over datum line over a
(C) P–4, Q–5, R–2, S–3 (D) P–5, Q–2, R–1, S–6 specified sampling length were found to be
14. A shaft has a dimension, f 40 −0.025 . The respective val-
Peaks 45 42 40 35 35 mm
ues of fundamental deviation and tolerance are.
(A) –0.008, –0.025 Valleys 30 25 25 24 18 mm
(B) –0.008, –0.017
(C) –0.017, 0.008 The Rz value of the surface will be
(D) –0.017, +0.025 (A) 15 mm (B) 20 mm
15. A hole is of dimension f 90 +0.000 mm and the corre- (C) 12 mm (D) 18 mm
+0.012 22. Figure given below shows the dimension obtained on a
sponding shaft is of dimension 9+0.001 mm . When they component by a certain instrument
are assembled they will form a The instrument is
(A) Interference fit (B) Clearance fit (A) Precise but not accurate
(C) Transition fit (D) Running fit (B) Accurate but not precise
16. A 30 h7 shaft has the dimensional limits (C) Neither precise nor accurate
(A) 30.000, 29.979 (D) Sensitive
(B) 30.000, 30.021
(C) 30.000, 30.007
(D) 30.000, 29.993 Average
× × × × ×
17. Essential condition for an interference fit is that the × × × value
lower limit of the shaft should be
(A) Lesser than upper limit of the hole
(B) Greater than the lower limit of the hole True value
(C) Lesser than the lower limit of the hole
(D) Greater than the upper limit of the hole
18. In measuring the surface roughness of an object, a
graph was drawn to a vertical magnification of 10000 23. The reflector combined with auto collimater can be
and a horizontal magnification of 100 and the areas used for checking
above and below the datum lines were (A) parallelism (B) Circularity
(C) Surface finish (D) Alignment
Above 150 80 170 40 mm2 24. According to Taylor’s principle, NO GO gauge checks
Below 80 60 150 120 mm2 (A) Only important dimensions at a time
(B) All the dimensions at a time
The sampling length was 0.8 mm. (C) Only one feature at a time
Ra value (CLA) of the surface is (D) Only related dimensions at a time
(A) 0.08 mm (B) 1.53 mm 25. Expressing a dimension as 42.5/42.3 mm is the case of
(C) 0.85 mm (D) 1.06 mm (A) Unilateral tolerance (B) Bilateral tolerance
(C) Limiting dimensions (D) None of the above
3.876 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
a hole 20.000 +0.010 mm. Gauge tolerances can be R. Alignment error of a 3. Dividing Head and
machine slideway Dial gauge
taken as 10% of the hole tolerance. Following ISO S. Profile of cam 4. Spirit Level
5. Sine bar
system of gauge design, sizes of GO and NO-GO
6. Tool makes’s
gauge will be respectively [2004] microscope
Chapter 5 • Metrology and Inspection Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 3.877
(A) P-6 Q-2 R-4 S- 6 (B) P-6 Q-4 R-1 S-3 (A) AW, LC and M
(C) P-5 Q-2 R-1 S-6 (D) P-1 Q-4 R-4 S-2 (B) AW, D, LC and M
6. In order to have interference fit, it is essential that the (C) D, LC, P and SW
lower limit of the shaft should be [2005] (D) D, LC and SW
(A) greater than the upper limit of the hole 9. NC contouring is an example of [2006]
(B) lesser than the upper limit of the hole (A) continuous path positioning
(C) greater than the lower limit of the hole (B) point-to-point positioning
(D) lesser than the lower limit of the hole (C) absolute positioning
7. The tool of an NC machining has tomove along a cir- (D) incremental positioning
cular arc from (5, 5) to(10, 10) while performing an 10. A ring gauge is used to measure [2006]
operation. The center of the arc is at (10, 5). Which (A) outside diameter but not roundness
one of the following NC tool path commands per- (B) roundness but not outside diameter
forms the above mentioned operation? [2005] (C) both outside diameter and roundness
(A) N010 G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5 (D) only external threads
(B) N010 G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5 11. Which type of motor is NOT used in axis or spindle
(C) N010 G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5 drives of CNC machine tools?[2007]
(D) N010 G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5 (A) induction motor (B) dc servo motor
8. Which among the NC operations given below are (C) stepper motor (D) linear servo motor
continuous path operations?[2005]
12. A hole is specified as 400.00 mm. The mating shaft
Arc welding (AW) Milling (M) has a clearance fit with minimum clearance of 0.01
Drilling (D) Punching in sheet mm. The tolerance on the shaft is 0.04 mm. The maxi-
metal (P) mum clearance in mm between the hole and the shaft
Laser cutting of Spot welding (SW) is [2007]
(A) 0.04 (B) 0.05
Sheet Metal(LC)
(C) 0.10 (D) 0.11
f Table
Pulse Stepper Gear box
generator motor
U Nut
Lead screw
In the feed drive of a Point–to–Point open CNC drive, 14. A customer insists on a modification to change the
a stepper motor rotating at 200 steps/rev drives a table BLU of the CNC drive to 10 microns without chang-
through a gear box and lead screw-nut mechanism ing the table speed. The modification can be accom-
(pitch = 4 mm, number of starts = 1). The gear ratio = plished by [2008]
⎛ Output rotational speed ⎞ 1 1 f
=⎜ ⎟ is given by U = . The (A) Changing U to and reducing f to
⎝ Input rotational speed ⎠ 4 2 2
stepper motor (driven by voltage pulses from a pulse gen- 1
(B) Changing U to and increasing f to 2f
erator) executes 1 step/pulse of the pulse generator. The 8
frequency of the pulse train from the pulse generator is f = 1
10,000 pulses per minute. (C) Changing U to and keeping f unchanged
13. The Basic Length Unit (BLU), i.e., the table move- (D) Keeping U unchanged and increasing f to 2f
ment corresponding to 1 pulse of the pulse generator, 15. Which of the following is the correct data structure
is [2008] for solid models? [2009]
(A) 0.5 microns (A) solid part → faces → edges → vertices
(B) 5 microns (B) solid part → edges → faces → vertices
(C) 50 microns (C) vertices → edges → faces → solid parts
(D) 500 microns (D) vertices → faces → edges → solid parts
3.878 | Part III • Unit 7 • Manufacturing Technology
NC Code Definition
Z = 40
P M05 1. Absolute coordinate system
Q G01 2. Dwell
Z = 20
R G04 3. Spindle stop
S G90 4. Linear interpolation
37. A triangular facet in a CAD model has vertices: 42. Match the following: [2016]
P1(0,0,0); P2(1,1,0) and P3(1,1,1). The area of the
facet is: [2015] P. Feeler gauge I. Radius of an object
(A) 0.500 (B) 0.707 Q. Fillet gauge II. Diameter within limits by
(C) 1.414 (D) 1.732 comparison
R. Snap gauge III. Clearance or gap
38. Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
between components
S. Cylindrical plug gauge IV. Inside diameter of
(A) The ‘GO’ gage controls the upper limit of a hole.
straight hole
(B) The ‘NO GO’ gage controls the lower limit of a
shaft. (A) P-III, Q-I, R-II, S-IV
(C) The ‘GO’ gage controls the lower limit of a hole. (B) P-III, Q-II, R-I, S-IV
(D) The ‘NO GO’ gage controls the lower limit of a (C) P-IV, Q-II, R-I, S-III
hole. (D) P-IV, Q-I, R-II, S-III
39. A project consists of 7 activities. The network along 4 3. The figure below represents a triangle PQR with
with the time durations (in days) for various activities initial coordinates of the vertices as P(1, 3), Q(4,
is shown in the figure. 5) and R(5, 3, 5). The triangle is rotated in the
X-Y plane about the vertex P by angle q in clock-
12 11 10 wise direction. If sin q = 0.6 and cos q = 0.8,
1 3 5 6
the new coordinates of the vertex Q are: [2016]
14 12
9 Y
Q(4, 5)
2 4
45. Match the following part programming codes with Monochromatic light
their respective functions: [2016]
Part Programming
P. G01 I. Spindle stop
Q. G03 II. Spindle rotation,
R. M03 III. C
ircular interpolation, θ
S. M05 IV. Linear interpolation
If the wavelength of light used to get a fringe spacing
(A) P–II, Q–I, R–IV, S–III of 1 mm is 450 nm, the wavelength of light (in mm) to
(B) P–IV, Q–II, R–III, S–I get a fringe spacing of 1.5 mm is ________. [2016]
(C) P–IV, Q–III, R–II, S–I
(D) P–III, Q–IV, R–II, S–I 47. A point P (1, 3, –5) is translated by 2iˆ + 3 ˆj − 4 kˆ
and then rotated counter clockwise by 90o about the
46. Two optically flat plates of glass are kept at a small z-axis. The new position of the point is: : [2016]
angle θ as shown in the figure. Monochromatic light is
incident vertically. (A) (–6, 3, –9) (B) (–6, –3, –9)
(C) (6, 3, –9) (D) (6, 3, 9)
Answer Keys
Practice Problems 1
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D
11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C
Practice Problems 2
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. A
21. A 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. D
Direction for questions 1 to 25: Select the correct a lternative 8. A rolling mill has rollers of 400 mm diameter. The
from the given choices coefficient of friction is 0.15. In order to reduce the
1. The condition for interference fit is that the lower limit thickness from 150 mm to 10 mm for a strip, the num-
of the shaft ber of passes required are
(A) Should be greater than the upper limit of the hole (A) 4 (B) 5
(B) Should be greater than the lower limit of the hole (C) 6 (D) 7
(C) Should be less than the upper limit of the hole 9. Consider tungsten, aluminium, copper and titanium.
(D) Should be less than the lower limit of the hole If they are arranged in the decreasing order of magni-
2. In an assembly of shaft and hole, shaft size is specified tude of forgeability
as (A) Copper, tungsten, aluminium, titanium
(B) Aluminium, titanium, tungsten, copper
+0.010 -0.000
20 -0.040 mm and hole size as 20 +0.020 mm. (C) Aluminium, titanium, copper, tungsten
(D) Aluminium, copper, titanium, tungsten
The maximum clearance possible in the assembly
10. The pattern allowance for a cylindrical casting of diam-
(A) 20 microns (B) 30 microns
eter 100 mm and length 150 mm is specified as follows:
(C) 40 microns (D) 10 microns
shrinkage allowance is 2 in 50 and machining allow-
3. Cold working of steel means: ance is 2 mm/side. The pattern size is
(A) Mechanical working of steel below the lower criti- (A) d = 110.16 mm, d = 170.16 mm
cal temperature (B) d = 715.32 mm, d = 178.56 mm
(B) Mechanical working of steel below the recrystal- (C) d = 108.16 mm, d = 160.16 mm
lisation temperature (D) d = 112.5 mm, d = 163.52 mm
(C) Mechanical working below 2/3 of the melting
11. Which of the following gating ratio indicates
a pressurised system
(D) Mechanical working of steel below the upper criti-
(A) 4:8:3 (B) 1:3:3
cal temperature
(C) 1:2:4 (D) 3:3:4
4. In punching operation the clearance is given:
12. If ‘a’ is the rate rake angle of the tool and ‘f’ the shear
(A) On the die
angle, then shear strain ‘e’ is given by
(B) On the punch
(A) e = cot (f - a) + tan f
(C) In the die or punch
(B) e = cos (f - a) + tan f
(D) In the die and the punch
(C) e = cos (f - a) + cot f
5. From a sheet metal of thickness 1 mm a cup of (D) e = tan (f - a) + cot f
diameter 30 mm and height 150 mm is to be drawn.
If limiting draw ratio is 1.8, the number of draws 13. When chip thickness ratio is 1 and tool rake angle is
required are 12°, shear angle is equal to
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (A) 33° (B) 51°
(C) 57° (D) 62°
6. A lead plate is mechanically worked at room tempera-
ture. It is 14. 18–4–1 High speed tool steel has the following
(A) A cold working process composition
(B) A hot working process (A) 18% molybdenum, 4% tungsten, 1% vanadium
(C) Neither hot working nor cold working (B) 18% tungsten, 4% chromium, 1% vanadium
(D) It is not defined (C) 18% molybdenum, 4% chromium, 1% cobalt
(D) 18% tungsten, 4% molybdenum, 1% cobalt
7. A metal having recrystallisation temperature TA is cold
worked. The recrystallisation temperature of this cold 15. Ceramic tools generally have
worked item is TA′. Then (A) Positive rake angle
(A) TA = TA′ (B) T A > TA′ (B) Negative rake angle
(C) Zero rake angle
(C) TA < TA′ (D) Cannot say from this data
(D) Zero or positive rake angle
Test | 3.883
16. Aspiration effect in gating system is 21. Two grades of tools (A and B) are used to machine a
(A) Due to pressure difference, air flows from the gat- steel piece. The cutting speed per minute of tool life is
ing system to outside 80 for the first tool (A) and cutting speed per minute of
(B) It is the intake of air from outside atmosphere to tool life for second tool (B) is 100. If Tailors index for
the gate due to pressure difference first tool (A) is 0.2 and that for second tool (B) is 0.25,
(C) It is the oxidation of molten metal during pouring the tool which is giving maximum tool life is
(D) It is the purposeful admission of air into the mould (A) Tool A (B) Tool B
17. Non-consumable electrodes are used in (C) Both A & B (D) Data is insufficient
(A) TIG welding 22. During a machining process with 12° rake tool, the
(B) MIG welding chip thickness ratio is found to be 0.4. The shear angle
(C) Submerged arc welding is
(D) Resistance projection welding (A) 23.1° (B) 31.2°
18. Two cutting tools are designated as (C) 34.5° (D) 36.2°
A: 5, 6, 8 – 3 - 7 - 25 -0.2 mm 23. In an operation the ratio between thrust force and cut-
B: 5 - 6 - 8 - 3 - 5 - 30 - 0.2 mm ting force is found to be 2.8. Then the operation is
For the same speed and feed, which of the cutting tool (A) Drilling (B) Turning
gives better surface finish (C) Grinding (D) Milling
(A) B has better surface finish
Direction for questions 24 and 25:
(B) A produces better surface finish
A cylindrical rod of 120 mm diameter is forged from 60
(C) Both A & B give the same surface finish
mm height to 40 mm height at 900°C. The flow stress of the
(D) Data is insufficient
material is 75 MPa
19. Out of the following cutting tools, the one which is
24. The work of deformation will be
hardest next to diamond
(A) 51 kNm (B) 61 kNm
(A) Cemented carbide (B) HSS
(C) 71 kNm (D) 81 kNm
(C) Cubic boron nitride (D) Ceramics
25. If a drop hammer weighing 16 kN is used for forging to
20. In orthogonal cutting operation the cutting force and
be done in one blow, the height of fall for the hammer
thrust force are 950 N and 450 N respectively. The rake
angle is zero. The coefficient of friction is
(A) 2.5 m (B) 3.2 m
(A) 0.21 (B) 0.32
(C) 4.8 m (D) 5.6 m
(C) 0.4 (D) 0.47
Answer Keys
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. D
21. A 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. B