Snow Cabin Dolphin Crochet Pattern by Perozu
Snow Cabin Dolphin Crochet Pattern by Perozu
Snow Cabin Dolphin Crochet Pattern by Perozu
Round 1: Magic circle or ch2; 4 sc in the circle
or in the first chain. (4)
Round 2: sc, inc, 2sc (5)
Round 3: 2sc, inc, 2sc (6)
Round 4: 2sc, 2hdc, sc, inc (7)
Round 5: inc, sc, hdc, 2hdc in next st, hdc, sc,
Tail decreases:
dec with 1st st of next rd (8)
Bring beginning of the round back by 7st.
Round 6: dec, sc, 3hdc, sc, dec with 1st st of
Round 30: 8 sc, dec, 2sc, sk the dorsal fin (from
next rd (6)
first to last sl st), sc in first sc after the fin, sc,
Round 7: 2sc, 2hdc in next st, 2sc, sl st (7)
dec, 14sc (28)
Round 8: sl st, 2sc, hdc, sc, FO (7)
Round 31: sc around (28)
Sew the dorsal fin closed (you will probably
Start stuffing the body as you go along.
need to add a little more stuffing in the dorsal
fin as you close it) and attach the flippers to the
Round 32: 7sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 12sc (26)
body. You don't need to stuff the flippers too
Round 33: 7sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 12sc (24)
much, just enough so they're not floppy, but still
Round 34: 7sc, dec, 1sc, dec, 12sc (22)
look flat.
Round 35: 6sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 10sc (20)
Round 36: 5sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 9sc (18)
Be proud of yourself and give your new friend
Round 37: 4sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 8sc (16)
some love!
Round 38: 4sc, dec, sc, dec, 7sc (14)
Round 39: 2sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 5sc (12)
Pattern by perozu - 2018
Round 40: 2sc, dec, sc, dec, 5sc (10)
Round 41: (sc, inc, 3sc)x2 (12)
Round 42: (sc, inc, sc, inc, 2sc)x2 (16)
Round 43: (3sc, 1sc and 1hdc in next st, 1hdc
and 1sc in next st, 3sc)x2 (20)
Round 44: (4sc, inc, 2hdc in next st, inc, 3sc)x2
Round 45: (5sc, inc, 2hdc, inc, 4sc)x2 (30)
Round 46: (sl st, 7sc, 2hdc in next st, 6sc)x2