Investigating Plant Growth Regulators: Student Sheet 6
Investigating Plant Growth Regulators: Student Sheet 6
Investigating Plant Growth Regulators: Student Sheet 6
1. Cut sections of Coleus stem to 2. Cut the stem in half, vertically, to 3. Investigation 1: On one set of 5
include a node (the point where a produce two identical 'seminodes'. seminodes, cut off the leaves
leaf with a bud in the axil occurs where the petiole (stalk) joins the
and about 1 cm of stem above Repeat with four more stems so lamina (leaf blade) and lay them
and below it. you have ten 'seminodes'. Each flat, cut surface down, on wet filter
pair of 'seminodes' gives a control paper in a clear plastic box (which
and a test specimen. has a tight fitting lid).
Lights Lights
4. Keep the leaves on the remaining 5 seminodes 5. Investigation 2: Repeat steps 1 and 2 above.
(controls) and place them, cut surface down, on wet
paper in the box with the other set. Cut all ten leaves off at the junction of the petiole and
Put the lid on the box and seal it in a plastic bag. This
prevents it drying out. Place under a light-bank. To one set of 5, add a blob of lanolin to the cut end of
the petiole stump. To the other set add a blob of
Examine daily for 4 - 8 days. lanolin containing 1% IAA (indole acetic acid).
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