Continuing Education

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NAME OF THE STUDENTS : Miss. Hinadri Patel

NAME OF GUIDE : Mr. Pavan Jain

SUBJECT : Nursing education

TOPIC : Continuing Education in nursing





VENUE : 1st year lecture hall

Previous knowledge of the group:-

The group has basic knowledge about Nursing Education.

General Objective:-

At the end of the seminar the group will gain in depth knowledge about
continuing education in nursing and able to apply this knowledge in clinical
practices and educational services.

Specific Objectives:-

At the end of the seminar the group will be able to,

 Define the term continuing education.

 Explain the development and philosophy of continuing education in nursing.
 List out the features of continuing education in nursing.
 Explain the need, functions and purposes of continuing education in nursing.
 List out the principles of continuing education in nursing.
 Discuss the factors affecting continuing education in nursing.
 Describe the types and approaches of continuing education in nursing.
 Discuss the benefits of continuing education in nursing.
 Explain the planning and organization of continuing education in nursing.
o Discuss the components of continuing education in nursing.
o Discuss the staff development programme.
o Differentiate between the continuing education and in-service



 Introduction

 Definition

 Development of continuing education in nursing

 Philosophy of continuing education in nursing

 Features, needs, functions and purposes of continuing education in nursing.

 Principles of continuing education in nursing

 Factors affecting continuing education in nursing

 Types and approaches of continuing education in nursing

 Benefits of continuing education in nursing

 Planning and organization of continuing education in nursing

 Components of continuing education in nursing

 Staff development programme

 Difference between continuing education and in-service education.


The term Continuing Education become familiar to nurses in last few years.
In a dynamic society, we recognize the fundamental need for continuing education
for everyone.

Miss Florence Nightingale said, “Nursing is a progressive area in which to

stand still is to go back.”

Sir William Osler, one of the great medicine leader advised physicians to
discontinue practice every fifth year and return to laboratory and Hospital for
renovation, reintegration and resuscitation.

Continuing nursing education is a modern imperative, it must be future

oriented geared to facing of new education & making of new response appropriate
for these situation & making of new knowledge is emerging rapidly in the physical,
biological, behavioral & medical sciences; which constitute foundation of nursing.
Problems in nursing must be solved by rational efforts based upon systematic
inquiring. Continuing nursing education program should be develop by nurses &
conducted within nursing or general education system in co-operation with nurses.


Continuing education is formalized experiences designed to enlarge the

knowledge or skill of practitioner.

“Continuing education of health workers includes the experiences after initial

training which helps health care personnel to maintain and improve existing, and
acquire new competences relevant to the performance of their responsibilities.
Appropriate continuing education should reflect community needs in health and
lead to planned improvements in the health of the community”.

“Continuing education is all the learning activities that occur after an

individual has completed his basic education”.


“That education which builds on previous education”.


“Continuing education in nursing consists of systematic learning experiences

designed to enlarge the knowledge and skills of nurses. As distinct from education
toward an academic degree or preparing as a beginning professional practitioner,
continuing professional education activities have more specific content applicable
to the individuals immediate goals, are generally of shorter duration, are sponsored
by college, universities, health agencies and professional organizations, and may
be conducted in a variety of settings”.

The need for continuing education for the advanced study and career
development for trained nurses has been recognized by all the committees starting
from Bhore committee onwards.

Provision is made by the Government:-

 To sponsor / depute the deserving and eligible candidates for further studies
and provide study leave or leave without pay once or twice in their career.
 For advanced studies abroad or fellowship by the WHO, Colombo plan,
British council etc. for long or short duration.

The Department of continuing education and resource centre was set up at

R.A.K. College of nursing, New Delhi, in 1974 by the Central Government with
the assistance of the WHO, WHO consultant, Miss. W. Warkentin along with the
Indian counterpart Miss. Hushmath Huque, Sr. Lecturer, R.A.K. College of
nursing, started the department.

The TNAI has also providing in-service education programme since 1984.


To keep abreast with the changing technology and health care trends in the
country for practicing nurses.


The following recommendations were made by the High power Committee

regarding continuing education and staff development. They are-
 States to have definite policies for deputing 5-10 % of the staff for higher
 Compulsory higher studies after 5 years of service.
 Every Nursing Personnel must attend one or two refresher courses every
 A national Institute for nursing education, research and training like NCERT
to be established for the development of education technology, preparation
of text books, medical manuals etc. for nurses.


Continuing nursing education is concerned with the development of the

individual nurse as a person, practitioner and as a citizen. The philosophies of
continuing nursing education recognize the:

Learner: - As a person, as a nurse, and as a citizen. It recognizes all 3 aspects of

lifelong learning.

 Diversity is a part of learning process so the learner has to involve in

nursing and non nursing courses. E.g. Music dance or participating in extra-
curricular activities.
 The learner in his life plays many different roles. E.g. Adult, family
members, learner, friend, etc.
 It aims as self-directed learning.

Teacher/Nurse educator:-

 Accept the concept of lifelong learning and encourage nurses to recognize

the value of participating in different types of educational activities.
 Aware of sources of information related to continuing education activities.
E.g. formal basic courses, post-graduate academic studies, etc.
 To evaluate the effectiveness of action by testing theories and ideas.
 To discover new approaches and potential developments in the field.
 Act as a role model..
 Aware of the difference in learning.
 A warm, helping, trusting relationship and creative teaching is essential.
 Show interest and concern for every member of his class.
 Able to instill a sense of own adequacy and confidence in students.

Role of continuing educator:-

 Guide and counselor to the learner.

 An arranger and organizer of learning experiences.
 Motivator and an encourager of students.
 Evaluator of programmes.
 Involving resources experts for teaching students.
 Producing instructional materials.
 Select and evaluate materials prepared by others.
 Administrative role (planning, directing, budgeting and evaluator).
 Public relation role.


 Unified approach.
 Relationship with other systems.
 Comprehensiveness.
 Accessibility for women health workers.
 Integration with the management process.
 Analysis of needs as a basis for learning continuity.
 Relevance in planning.
 Credibility and economic.
 Appropriateness in implementation.


 Ensures safe and effective nursing care, keep the nurses abreast with
interest, knowledge and technical advances.
 Meet the needs of population and service.
 Update knowledge and prepare for specialization
 For career advancement.
 Alter professional role as society changes and as new knowledge and
technologies emerge.
 Acquire specialized skills.
 Prepare clinical specialists for direct patient care, teaching and consultative
 Help the students and staff nurses to reach higher levels of competency.
 Prepare the nurses with research aptitudes.
 To maintain their roles as a supervisor, administrator, delegated functions to
specialized and to generate their practice.
 To provide and prepare faculty who see continuing nursing education as a
personal, professional and university responsibility.
 To provide a variety of continuing nursing education Opportunities of high
quality in both education and service changes.


 Meet the health needs and public expectations.

 Develop the practicing abilities of the nurse.
 As a recruitment function.
 Recognize gaps in their knowledge.
 Test ability to do final and formal academic study.
 Improve the communication
 Shape or support university educational policies and practices.
 Ensure the quality of education.
 To grant budget for extension studies.
 Maintain academic standards.
 Meet educational requirements.


 Board certification.
 Competence in nursing care.
 Development of 3 domains.
1. Psychomotor: - These deals with combined mind and body activity.
E.g. Staff nurse will be able to carry out CPR effectively.
2. Cognitive:- Concerned with intellectual process.
E.g. Staff nurse will be able to identify arrhythmias.
3. Affective:- These involves emotional feelings and attitudes.
 Fosters innovative and creative approaches.
 Brings out the potentials of staff.
 Able to assume more responsibilities in their respective goals.


 Maintain high educational standards for the programme.

 An adequate staff is essential for planning, implementation and evaluating a
 Director of continuing education programme is responsible for-
 Determination of learning needs of the nurses.
 Development and implementation.
 Evaluation of results.
 Staff services are required with sufficient talents and numbers to implement
planned programme: advisory, secretarial, administrative, supportive and
assistance (research, publicity, quessionnaire, evaluative tools, data analysis,
computer programming).
 An advisory committee has to be appointed which includes faculty members
from a variety of areas of nursing practice.
 The community may serve as a liaison between the school of nursing and
health community and fulfill a communication and public relation functions
for the university.
 Decentralized or centralized extension division is responsible for the
continuing education programme.
 Financial support is by either university grants or self supporting.
 Faculty may be assigned as a regular part of the normal teaching on a
contract basis to teach specific courses.


 Cost of health care increases efficiency of nursing services.

 Human resources require qualified manpower.
 Change in nursing practice.
 Standards of nursing practice.
 Organization of nursing departmental planned approaches regular.


1) In-service education
2) Post basic diploma courses
3) Higher education


1. Centralized training programme:-

In nursing service department, one department will held responsibility
for improvement of knowledge, skills, practice of their nursing staff. They
will devote full time for education programme and its activities

 Budget control and evaluation of the programme are facilitated.
 Use of resources, people, places and things are decided and then
Committee is directed to work on specific problems identified by


 None of the learners are consulted.

 Reduces the spontaneous interest, participation and enthusiasm of learner.

2. Decentralized education programme:-

This is planned for staff members who work together, giving care for
clients with similar condition as share common goals. Programme are
planned around the special relevant interest of employers.
E.g. I.C.U.unit, TPR, etc.


 Proper contribution of participants.

 Who work on same unit and confront common problems, share the
responsibilities for meeting service needs.


 Lack of leadership.
 Chances of conflicts.
 Less or more budget will be expected.

3. Combined or co ordinate education programme:-

This approach is a compromise between the centralized and
decentralized patterns. This approach involves both nursing administrators
and practitioners in implementer way. They plan, conduct, evaluate the
programme and further planned there programmes basing on need arises.
E.g. DMH


 Coordination is improved.
 Duplication is avoided.
 Unity of effort is maintained.
 People provide support as the personally participator contribute.
 Mutual cooperation and assistance to central administration and unit
personnel in the agency.


For the individual employee:-

 Leads to improved professional practice.

 Aids in updating knowledge and skills at all levels of organization.
 Keeps the nurses barest of the latest trends and development in technique.
 Equips the nurses with knowledge of current research and development.
 Helps the nurses to learn new and to maintain old competencies.

For the organization:-

 Keeps the nursing staff enthusiastic in their learning.

 Develops interest and job satisfaction amongst the staff.
 Develops sense of responsibility for being competent.


The lecture is a training procedure consisting of the classification of the

Two or more person under the direction of chairman present separate
speeches, which give several aspects of one question.

Panel is a discussion in which a few persons carry on a conversation in front
of an audience.

A group of individuals who work together towards the solution of problems
in a given subject matter field during a specified period of time.

A group of individual is expected to do considerable library research, if
feasible obtain primary source data. Data is analyzed, critically evaluated and
conclusions reached under the direction of teacher.
It is conversation with a purpose simply as an interview to obtain


Planning is key stone to the administrative process without adequate

planning continuing education are fragmented, constructed and often unrelated. A
successful continuing education programme is the result of careful and detailed
planning. Effective planning is required at all levels local, state, regional and
international to avoid duplication and fragmentation of efforts.



The purpose & value of this programme should be carefully planned according
to assessment of data. The following assessment activities are suggested in order to
meet community needs & avoid overlap.

A) Participants involved:-

i) People to be served

ii) Use of people

iii) Need for additional learning opportunities.

iv) Responsibility for self development

v) Accountability

B) Resource to be involved:-

i) Educational & health service institution

ii) Facilities (adequate & available)

iii) Physical space- conference room, equipments, class room.

iv) Library books, A.V. aids

v) Staff techniques

C) Communities to be studied-

 Community common needs

 Man power supply & demands


Objectives - Objectives can be formed on the basis of domains.

i. Psychomotor
ii. Cognitive
iii. Affective.
The educational program planned and organized with clearly stated
objectives to be used for determining type of audience, content methodology and

Participants –Individuals.


 Local: - Getting help from local person cooperate in planning with

educational and health service institute.
 State: - Coordinate with SNA activities health or geographic basis.
 National: - Cooperation and help from national health agencies.

Planning elements-

o Who-Participants or learner
o Why –Philosophy, goal and objective.
o How –Program, seminar, conference, workshop.
o Where-Setting –educational institution or any other agency.
o When-Time, place.
o What-Content and format, learning experience.

Finding possibilities:-

Pre and post continuing education experience test.


1) Establishing goals.
2) Deciding course of action for specific objectives.
3) Determining course of action for specific objectives.
4) Assessing available resources for establishing the programme.
5) Establishing workable budget appropriate for the programme.
6) Evaluate results.
7) Reassessing goals and updating plan periodically.

ASSESSMENT PHASE: - The need for the programme is determined and the
objectives of programme are specified.

1) Pinpointing the need:-

 Observation o work
 Analysis of records and reports
 Survey
 Interview
2) Prioritizing needs:-
These are multiple needs in the organization and it is necessary to
priorities theme.
3) Setting training objectives:-
Once needs have been categorized and prioritized, established objectives
are set to be in meeting these needs.
4) Developing criteria: - Specify content, topic and learning experiences.
 Arrange the content matter in logical order.
 Select basic resources
 Select training techniques.
 Estimate time
5) Developing the evaluation criteria:- It is defined criteria in 4 areas.
 Reaction of the trainee programme
 Learning of content by the trainee.
 Behavioural changes of trainee.
 Effect of training programme to implement learning experience.


Once the time, climate has been set it is the time to implement learning


It is a continuous process at each and every step of development and

implementation. It measures stated objectives and guide for future planning



 Records used to measure the turnover absentism.

 Observational technique used to evaluate the skills.
 Rating used for performance, attitudes and judgments of ability.
 Questionnaires used to measure decision making, problem solving, attitudes,
and values.
 Personality tests to measure the change in ability or knowledge.

Success of programme relates directly to the efforts used

assessing, developing and evaluating each steps.

Programming of professional course in nursing is a joint responsibility of a
Director of a continuing nursing education and a Dean of school of nursing. The
formal channel of communication make possible official. The opportunity for
faculty involvement is highly desirable and provision of advisory committee at the
operational level is needed.



Staff development E
Skill Training

Continuing education Leadership and


1) Orientation: - A process whereby new staff member is introduced to a

particular work setting.
a) Employee based.

b) Organization based.

a) Employee Based:-

 Develops a sense of security and certificate.

 Reduces apprehension
 Aids adjustment
 Enhances interpersonal acceptance
 Familiarizes new employees with the organization, it’s goals, it’s policies
and it’s other employees.

b) Organization Based:-
 Helps to reduce employee turnover.
 Increase productivity.
 Ensure a conductive working climate.

Orientation includes:-

i) Introduction: - Administrators, Supervisors, Co-workers.

ii) Specific: - Job description, Job setting, Ethical and legal

responsibility, Rewards.

iii) Personnel: - Service rules- salary, leave, promotion,

Duties, obligation.

iv) General: - Nursing officer, General office, Hospital orientation,

Community setting organization.

2) Skill Training: - It requires attention it is described as the learned process by
which we acquire and improve knowledge, skill, concepts and attitudes.

It also helps to achieve organization goal by increasing protection of the

employee skills. Skill training gives opportunity to the nurses:-

 To reinforce their levels of preparation.

 It also fills any gaps in knowledge of total patient care by keeping aware of
changing methods and new techniques by the instruction, demonstration and
supervised practice.
E.g. A skills use following principles –
- Motivation to learn
- Reinforcement
- Material must be meaningful
- Communication
- Multiple sense should be applied
- Feedback

3) Leadership and management development:-

These are the learned experience necessary to provide and upgrade the
skills and knowledge regarding current futures minerals positions. These
areas regarded as new and interesting in nursing.

4) Continuing education:-
The concept of continuing education is growing up very fast in nursing
services and its education for staff development. It resulted in their
developing high standards for nursing services and nursing education.

5) Staff development:-
It is the process towards the personnel and professional growth of nurses
and other personnel while they are employed by a health care agency.
The activities are defined by its concepts such as competence, interest,
needs, learning and training.

Competence: - It is the state of possessing qualities and abilities that are required
for particular role or task.

Interest: - It causes individuals to be attracted by certain objects, events. It

stimulates sufficient interest in a topic that learner will continue to study the
subject independently.

Need: - It is a lack, tension, desire or demand that implies a person to specific


Learning: - It consists of desirable behavioural changes that result from a

prescribed experience.

Training: - An organized method of ensuring that people have knowledge and

skills for specific purpose that they acquired necessary knowledge to perform
duties of the job.

It is the process directed towards the personal and professional growth of nursing
educator and personnel while they are employed by a health care agency.


1) To assist each employee to improve performance in present position.

2) To motivate each staff member and create a sense of security.
3) To improve the work productivity and for promotion.
4) To reduce staff turnover, absentism.
5) To acquire personal and professional ability and maximize the possibility of
career advancement.
6) To know the new trends and issues in nursing profession.
7) To update the knowledge.


1) Formal and informal groups

2) Group and individuals

Goal: - To assist each employee to improve performance in present position and to

acquire personal and professional ability and maximize the possibility of career


1) Introduction training
2) Job orientation
3) In-service education
4) Continuing education
Introduction training: -

It is a brief standardized introduction to an agency’s philosophy, purpose,

policies and regulations gives to each worker during her or his first 2-3 days of
employment in order to ensure his or her identification with agencies philosophy,
goals and norms.

Job orientation: -

Orientation involved introduction to the person to whom the new staff members
are to be responsible and other people with whom they will work.

In-service education: -

Refers to an ongoing on the job instruction that is given to enhance the workers
performance in their present job.

Continuing education: -

It is any extension of opportunities for reading, study and training to any

persons and adult following their completion of or withdrawal from full time
school and or college programme.

It is planned activity directed towards meeting the learning needs of the nurse
following basic nursing education, exclusive of full time formal post basic


This model is desired towards achieving the high quality care and it has 3 major

1) Educational component:-
 Nurse is motivated to continuing learning.
 Involvement in educational activities.
 Form of education – in-service education, extramural education.

It begins with orientation to health care agency and to a particular position

and continuous in the form of specific skill training related to nursing care.

2) Experience component:-
It is the integral part of staff development. A planned approach to the
daily assignment responsibilities it will help the nurse for the quality nursing
care. It involves community organizational experiences that are recognized
by health care agencies so nurses nursing and nurses as contributing to staff

3) Socio-economic component:-
It involves health care agency, the nurse and nursing association in
management, planning, counseling and employee-employer relations.
Manpower planning depends on need assessment.
Employee-employer relations as reflected in personnel practices.
In both counseling and employee employer relations the professional
associations has a response for providing guidelines to staff development

 To provide educational activities for all nurses employed by the health

care agency directed towards change in behavior related to role
 Components provide a framework for structuring a staff development
a) Socio-economic: -
1) Manpower planning: - Recruitment, Selection, Placement.
2) Counseling: - Performance evaluation, carrier planning,
3) Employee-employer relations: - Personal policies and practices,
Health services, Labour relations.
b) Experience: - Nursing practices.
1) Direct patient care- general or specialties as independent patient
care, assignment or team approach.
2) Indirect patient care: - Supervision, administration, teaching
and research.
3) Other required life experiences: - colleague interaction,
voluntary activities related to health care, professional
association participants, personal life.
c) Education:-
1) Continuing education, in-service education, orientation, skills,
attitude and knowledge to carrier planning for individual nurse
2) Post basic nursing education:- It is pertinent to nursing practice,
individual and health care agency need.




 It is fully choice of the employee.  It is provide by the employing
 The topic selection is depends on  The topic is fully decided by the
the interest of the individual. authority.
 These educational programme are  The purpose of developing the
designed to promote the competence of personnel in their
development of knowledge, skills functions appropriate to the
and attitudes for the enhancement position they hold.
of nursing practice.
 It is fulltime.  It is part of their job.
 Fees structure it depends.  Fees paid by institution.
 E.g. P.B.Sc., M.Sc. (N),  Workshop, seminar, panel
specialized course. discussion.

Today we have seen the introduction of continuing education in nursing, its

meaning and definition, development, Philosophy, Features, needs, functions and
purposes, Principles, Factors affecting continuing education in nursing, types and
approaches, benefits, Planning and organization, components, Staff development
programme, difference between continuing education and in-service education.


Continuing education is one of the very important method in the education for
improving knowledge in the staff & it is also important to develop the working
skill in the staff and to improve the standard in the nursing practice.

1) Neeraja K.P., Text book of nursing education, 1st edition, Jaypee brother’s
publication, Year 2007, page No. 223.
2) B.T.Basavantappa, Nursing administration, Jaypee brothers medical
publishers, Pp. – 519-520.
3) Shankaranarayan B. Learning and teaching nursing. Year-2003,Publication by
print media, 1st edition, Page. No. 195-196.
4) Continuing education for nurses, Health action, health accessories for All
(HAFA) at Jeevan institute printing month of June 2007.vol -30-2, Pp. - 43-45.
5) Indian journal of continuing education, vol-34-4, Jan-June 2008, Pp. - 204-
6) Types of training under NRHM, National training strategy for In- service
training under NRHM 2008, pp-20-22.
7) Trends in nursing administration and education, vol.- 1,No.- 2,
January-July 2008, Pp.- 22-25.
8) Jean Barrett, Ward management and Teaching, 2005, Konark publishers Pvt.
Ltd., Pp. – 345-346.
9) Loretta E. Heidgerken, Teaching and learning in school of nursing, Principles
and methods, 3rd edition, Konark publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
Pp. – 224-225.

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