The Bangladesh Accord Fire Inspection Report
The Bangladesh Accord Fire Inspection Report
The Bangladesh Accord Fire Inspection Report
April 9, 2014
Accord - Bangladesh RMG Fire Safety Inspection Page 2
Multifabs Ltd
Multifabs Ltd manufacturing complex was surveyed for fire safety on 4/9/2014
by Hughes Associates, Inc.
The purpose of the survey was to identify significant fire safety issues and to
provide recommendations for remediation based on applicable standards
specified by the Accord. The scope of this initial fire safety inspection was
limited to the review and identification of major fire safety issues. The
inspection did not include identification of minor deficiencies, which will be
further addressed as part of follow-up inspections.
The information in this fire safety inspection report was obtained during a visit
to the facility and during interviews with local factory management. It has not
been possible to provide independent verification for all the information and
data collected, and, therefore, Hughes cannot accept general responsibility for
omissions or errors arising from inaccuracies in this report from the information
The findings and recommendations in this report are not intended to imply,
guarantee, ensure or warrant compliance with any government regulations.
Additionally, the results do not imply in any way that compliance with the
findings or recommendations as stated in this report will eliminate all hazards,
risks or exposures or that hazards, risks or exposures not referred to in this
report do not exist. Compliance with the findings and recommendations stated
in this report does not relieve the factory owner from obligation to comply with
specific project requirements, industry standards, or the provisions of any local
government regulations.
Accord - Bangladesh RMG Fire Safety Inspection Page 3
Multifabs Ltd
Factory name(s):
Dyeing Shed
Production Building
Factory Address:
Kashimpur, Nayapara
Points of Contact:
Abdul Quddus,Executive Director
88 01713-015656
[email protected]
High Rise No
Major Renovations No
Other Tenants No
G Dyeing 163
M Laboratory 15
Construction Features
Non-Combustible Yes
Fire-Resistive Yes
Building Surroundings
North Approximately 30 foot separation
Egress Features
Two (2) exits serve the building. Egress from the mezzanine is provided by two (2) exit stairs.
Each floor had an adequate number of exits with sufficient exit capacity based on occupant
load. All exits were remotely located. All exits discharge to the exterior of the building. Egress
doors with locking features were present at building exits. All doors were open and unlocked
during the inspection. Emergency evacuation plans were located at building entrances. Fire
drills are conducted monthly, records were provided during the inspection.
G 163 2 437
M 15 2 233
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Multifabs Ltd
Number of Exits Yes
Exit Doors
Sliding Gates/Doors No
Exit Stairs
All Stairs Discharge to Yes
the Exterior?
Storage Located in No
Excessive Travel No
Distances, CPT, DE's
Emergency Planning
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Multifabs Ltd
Sprinkler System
There is no sprinkler system installed. One is not required because the height of the floor of the
highest occupied story is less than 23 meters.
Fire Pump No
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Multifabs Ltd
Functional Test No
Regular Inspection, No
Testing, & Maintenance?
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Multifabs Ltd
Adequate Yes
Other Features
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Multifabs Ltd
Regular Inspection, No
Testing, & Maintenance?
There are no elevators installed in the dyeing Shed.
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Multifabs Ltd
The generator is located on the ground floor of the Production Building. It does not require fire
rated separations. Sprinklers and heat detectors, interconnected with a centralized fire panel,
have been planned.
Location(s) Ground floor of Production Building.
The boiler is located on the ground floor adjacent to the Dyeing Shed. It does not have the
required fire rated separations. It has an insufficient number of smoke alarms. Sprinklers and
heat detectors, interconnected with a centralized fire panel, have been planned.
Location(s) Ground floor adjacent to dyeing shed
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Multifabs Ltd
No transformers are present at this factory. All power comes from the generators.
Storage Areas
Process areas larger than 250 square feet and more than 8 feet in height do not have the
required fire rated separations.
Fire Rated Separations No
Additional Information
In addition to the buildings listed in this report, there is a 4-story support structure, which
contains a chemical store. There was not adequate separation between incompatible materials,
specifically oxidizers and flammables. The child care was located on floor 1 of the admin
building and had direct access to an exit stair.
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Multifabs Ltd
High Rise Comments: The height of the floor of the highest occupiable floor is 79 feet.
Major Renovations No
Other Tenants No
G Dyeing/Finishing 315
1 Knitting 190
2 Sewing/Finishing 650
3 Sewing/Finishing 710
4 Sewing/Finishing 830
5 Cutting 410
6 Printing/Store 250
Construction Features
Non-Combustible Yes
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Multifabs Ltd
Fire-Resistive Yes
Building Surroundings
North Approximately 30 foot separation
Vertical Openings
Stairs Enclosed in Fire- Yes
Rated Construction?
Unsealed Penetrations in No
Floors with No
Egress Features
Two (2) exit stairs serve the building. Egress from the ground floor is provided by two (2) exits.
Floors 2, 3, and 4 had an inadequate number of exits and insufficient exit capacity (493) based
on occupant load (650, 710, and 830, respectively). All other floors had an adequate number of
exits with sufficient exit capacity based on occupant load. All exits were remotely located. All
exits discharge to the exterior of the building except the East stair, which discharges inside the
building at the ground floor. All exit stairs were open on all floors due to unprotected openings.
Sliding gates were used at building exits, exit stairs, and exit discharge. Egress doors with
locking features were present at building exits, exit stairs, and exit discharge. All gates were
open and unlocked during the inspection. On the ground floor, in the North stairwell,
combustible materials were stored. Emergency evacuation plans were located at floor
entrances. Fire drills are conducted monthly, records were provided during the inspection.
There was a shaft connecting multiple floors that was not enclosed in fire rated construction.
G 315 2 493
1 190 2 493
2 650 2 493
3 710 2 493
4 830 2 493
5 410 2 493
6 250 2 493
Number of Exits No
Exit Doors
Sliding Gates/Doors Yes
Exit Stairs
All Stairs Discharge to Yes
the Exterior?
Excessive Travel No
Distances, CPT, DE's
Emergency Planning
Emergency Evacuation Yes
Plans Provided?
Sprinkler System
There is no sprinkler system installed. One is required be caused the height of the floor of the
highest occupiable story is 79 feet. A fire system has been designed that provides detection
throughout the factory, sprinklers in the store rooms and offices, and a fire pump.
Location Roof
Fire Pump No
Functional Test No
Regular Inspection, No
Testing, & Maintenance?
Adequate Yes
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Multifabs Ltd
Other Features
Regular Inspection, No
Testing, & Maintenance?
Two elevator are installed on opposite sides of the building. They have neither fire controls nor
automatic recall.
Automatic Recall No
Elevator Lobby No
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Multifabs Ltd
The generator is located on the ground floor. Sprinklers and heat detectors, interconnected with
a centralized fire panel, have been planned.
Location(s) Ground floor
The boiler is located on the ground floor adjacent to the Dyeing Shed. It does not have the
required fire rated separations. It has an insufficient number of smoke alarms. Sprinklers and
heat detectors, interconnected with a centralized fire panel, have been planned.
Location(s) Ground floor adjacent to dyeing shed
No transformers are present at this factory. All power comes from the generators.
Storage Areas
Storage rooms and process areas larger than 250 square feet and more than 8 feet in height
located on multiple floors do not have the required fire rated separations.
Fire Rated Separations No
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Multifabs Ltd
Additional Information
In addition to the buildings listed in this report, there is a 4-story support structure, which
contains a chemical store. There was not adequate separation between incompatible materials,
specifically oxidizers and flammables. The child care was located on floor 1 of the admin
building and had direct access to an exit stair.
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Multifabs Ltd
Tables 1 - 2 summarizes the major fire safety issues identified during the inspection.
Recommendations have been provided to address each issue.
No. Category Finding Recommendation Timeframe
F-2 Egress Egress doors and gates Remove locking features from Immediate
with locking features are all egress doors / gates.
provided throughout the
stairwells. If locks are required for
security reasons, utilize
special door locking features
complying with NFPA 101.
F-3 Egress Collapsible gates and Replace all gates and sliding Within 1
sliding doors are doors along the means of month
provided throughout the egress with side-hinged,
building. swinging egress doors.
F-4 Fire Protection The fire alarm system is Replace the fire alarm system Design
antiquated, not a listed with a new, listed addressable within 4
system, and does not fire alarm system in months,
provide alarm and accordance with NFPA 72. install
notification features within 9
consistent with months
acceptable standards.
F-5 Fire Protection Inspection, testing, and Inspect, test and maintain the Within 3
maintenance for the fire fire alarm system, and keep months
alarm system was not in written records on-site, in
accordance with NFPA accordance with NFPA 72.
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Multifabs Ltd
F-6 Fire Protection The building is not Provide automatic smoke Within 6
equipped with smoke detection throughout the months
alarms. building in accordance with
NFPA 72.
F-7 Egress Inspection, testing, and Inspect, test and maintain the Within 3
Lighting maintenance records for emergency lighting system in months
the emergency lighting accordance with The
system were not ACCORD standard. Keep
available. written records on-site.
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Multifabs Ltd
No. Category Finding Recommendation Timeframe
F-1 Fire Rated Storage rooms and Provide dedicated storage Within 3
Construction process areas rooms separated by minimum months
throughout the building 1-hr fire-rated construction.
used for combustible
storage are not Where separate storage
separated by fire-rated rooms are not feasible,
construction. provide defined storage areas
and limit the storage
arrangement as follows:
- Maximum height of 2.4m and
maximum area of 23m2
- If sprinkler protected:
maximum height of 3.66m and
maximum area of 93m2
F-2 Fire Rated The exit stairs are not Provide minimum 1.5-hr fire Within 3
Construction separated from work rated doors and seal all months
areas on each floor by unprotected openings to
fire-rated construction. separate the exit stairs from
work areas and other building
spaces on all floor levels.
Ensure that the fire doors are
self-closing and positive
latching and that they are
provided with fire exit (panic)
hardware where serving
production floors.
F-3 Fire Rated The boiler room is not Separate the boiler room by a Within 3
Construction separated by fire-rated minimum 2-hr fire-rated months
construction from the construction. Seal and/or
Dyeing Shed. protected all openings to
maintain the required fire
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Multifabs Ltd
F-4 Fire Rated Unsealed penetrations Provide a minimum 2-hr fire- Within 3
Construction and openings are rated shaft to separate the months
located in the fire-rated utility risers from each floor
floor/ceiling assemblies, level.
specifically the electrical
shaft, which connects all Seal all penetrations and
floors. openings in floor/ceiling
assemblies to maintain the fire
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Multifabs Ltd
F-5 Egress The exit capacity of 493 Immediately reduce occupant Immediate
is not adequate for the load to not more than available
occupant loads on floors exit capacity.
2, 3, and 4 (650, 710,
and 830, respectively). If possible, provide additional
exits in the future to provide
additional exit capacity.
F-6 Egress Egress doors and gates Remove locking features from Immediate
with locking features are all egress doors / gates.
provided throughout the
stairwells. If locks are required for
security reasons, utilize
special door locking features
complying with NFPA 101.
F-7 Egress Collapsible gates and Replace all gates and sliding Within 1
sliding doors are doors along the means of month
provided throughout the egress with side-hinged,
building. swinging egress doors.
F-8 Fire Protection The fire alarm system is Replace the fire alarm system Design
antiquated, not a listed with a new, listed addressable within 4
system, and does not fire alarm system in months,
provide alarm and accordance with NFPA 72. install
notification features within 9
consistent with months
acceptable standards.
F-9 Fire Protection Inspection, testing, and Inspect, test and maintain the Within 3
maintenance for the fire fire alarm system, and keep months
alarm system it was not written records on-site, in
in accordance with accordance with NFPA 72.
NFPA 72.
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Multifabs Ltd
F-10 Fire Protection The high-rise building Provide automatic sprinkler Within 3
has an occupied floor protection throughout the months
greater than 23m (75 ft) building in accordance with
and is not provided with NFPA 13.
automatic sprinkler
protection. The large
occupant loads, heavy
fuel loading, and
anticipated extended
egress times warrant
sprinkler protection.
F-11 Fire Protection The building is equipped Remove single-station smoke Within 6
with single-station alarms. Provide automatic months
smoke alarms. Smoke smoke detection throughout
alarm activation sounds the building in accordance
only a local alarm and with NFPA 72.
does not provide
automatic fire alarm
notification of
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Multifabs Ltd
F-12 Egress Based on the number Test the emergency lighting Within 3
Lighting and location of system on each floor and months
emergency lights provide additional emergency
observed, adequate fixtures to provide adequate
illumination levels are illumination along the means
not anticipated along of egress. Provide a minimum
egress routes on the illumination of 10 lux at the
ground floor. floor level within exit stairs and
exit discharge paths and
minimum 2.5 lux along exit
access aisles.
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Multifabs Ltd
F-13 Egress Inspection, testing, and Inspect, test and maintain the Within 3
Lighting maintenance records for emergency lighting system in months
the emergency lighting accordance with The
system were not ACCORD standard. Keep
available. written records on-site.