Saf-04 Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
Saf-04 Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
Saf-04 Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
All Rights reserved to HCIS. Copying or distribution prohibited without written permission from HCIS
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Version History
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Table of Contents
1. Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 1
3. Acronyms ....................................................................................................................... 1
4. References ..................................................................................................................... 1
5. General .......................................................................................................................... 3
5.1. Engineering Design ............................................................................................ 3
5.2. Installation, Testing, Inspection & Maintenance .............................................. 3
5.3. Listing and Approval .......................................................................................... 3
5.4. Environmental Requirements ........................................................................... 4
6. Systems and Equipment for Preventing Ignition........................................................... 5
6.1. Control heat energy sources ............................................................................. 5
6.2. Control heat energy source and fuel interactions ............................................ 5
6.3. Fuel Control ....................................................................................................... 5
7. Systems and Equipment for Managing Fire Impact ...................................................... 6
7.1. Fire Alarm Signaling Systems ............................................................................. 6
7.2. Fire Water Supply and Reserves........................................................................ 7
7.3. Fire Pump Stations ............................................................................................ 8
7.4. Private Fire Water Mains................................................................................... 9
7.5. Water Based Suppression Systems and Equipment........................................ 10
7.6. Fixed non-water-based Suppression Systems ................................................. 14
7.7. Fire Exposure Protection ................................................................................. 15
7.8. Facility Fire Brigades ........................................................................................ 16
8. Figures ......................................................................................................................... 17
8.1. Fire Water System Pressure Limits .................................................................. 17
8.2. Firewater Supply and Demand Graph ............................................................. 18
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
1. Purpose
The purpose of this directive is to specify the design and engineering requirements
for the fire protection systems and equipment.
2. Scope
This directive applies to fire safety systems required by the SAF-Directives listed
under Section 4 to prevent fire ignition and to manage fire impact (See NFPA-550).
3. Acronyms
FO: Facility Operator
For definitions refer to the references listed under Section 4.
4. References
American Petroleum Institute (API) Publications & Recommended Practices
API RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical
Installations at Petroleum Facilities
API 2030 Guidelines for Application of Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection
in the Petroleum Industry
API 2510A Fire Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Facilities
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Standard C503 Wet-Barrel Fire Hydrants
Standard C502 Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants
Building and Fire Codes
Saudi Building Code (SBC)
International Fire Code (IFC)
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)
Continuous Monitoring of Hazardous Material Releases
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
Guidance for the EPA Halon Emission Reduction Rule: 40CFR, Part 82, Subpart H
Factory Mutual (FM) Global
Data Sheet 2-0 Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprinklers
Data Sheet 3-11 Pressure Reducing Valves
Data Sheet 3-26 Fire Protection Water Demand for Non-storage Sprinklered Properties
Data Sheet 8-9 Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
The NFPA standards not referenced shall be complied with when they are relevant.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
5. General
5.1. Engineering Design
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Fire water system components shall be listed or approved for not less
than 12 Bars (175 psig).
a. The ventilation systems shall comply with NFPA 30 and API 500.
b. Building pressurization systems shall comply with NFPA 496
c. Contaminated air shall be picked up from spaces where
accumulation is likely.
a. Design basis for fixed gas detection systems shall reflect the
principles stated in CCPS Publication titled “Continuous
Monitoring of Hazardous Material Releases”.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
a. Addressable detectors
b. Multiplexed system
c. Proprietary supervised system (all signals, supervisory, trouble or
fire alarm, shall be sent to central control equipment manned by
the FO)
d. Ability to interface with Distributed Control Systems.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Fire water shall be fresh water with solids less than 5 mg/liter. Sea
water or brackish well water shall be permitted when:
Fire water tank(s) shall comply with NFPA-22 and the following
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
The firewater system shall provide adequate fire water to fixed fire
protection systems and monitors/hydrants envisaged to be used
simultaneously per pre-fire plans at the hydraulically most demanding
single fire area. During such simultaneous operation, pressure at any
discharge device shall not fall below the levels specified in the
manufacturers’ specifications. Maximum system pressure shall not
exceed 12 Bars (175 psig) (See Section 8.1) at any point and any time
except for risers in tall buildings.
Fire pump systems shall comply with NFPA-20 and also meet the
following requirements:
a. Fire pumps shall be vertical turbine type when the water reservoir
is below-grade.
b. Fire pump system shall have 100% redundancy with respect to the
most demanding fire hazard area of an industrial facility.
c. Where there is a reliable power supply, the primary fire pumps
shall be electrical motor driven and the redundant fire pumps
shall be diesel engine driven type.
d. Where power supply is not adequate all pumps may be diesel
engine driven
e. Shutoff pressure of a fire pump shall comply with Section- 8.1.
f. Maximum rated capacity of a single fire pump shall not exceed
capacities of the readily available UL-listed or FM-approved fire
pumps’ capacities.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Pressure Maintenance
Fire water network shall comply with NFPA-24 and the requirements
Buried valves for plant firewater system mains and branch piping shall
be post indicator type. Identification shall be provided at each valve
to indicate its function and what end devices it controls.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
All fire protection water supply and system control valves shall be
under a periodic inspection program and shall be supervised by one
of the following methods:
Fire Hydrants
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Fire Monitors
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Standpipe and Hose Systems shall comply with NFPA-14 and the
following requirements:
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Page 13 of 18
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Dry & Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems shall comply with NFPA-
17& NFPA-17A.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Active Systems
Passive Systems
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
Page 16 of 18
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
8. Figures
8.1. Fire Water System Pressure Limits
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior وز َارة الداخليـَّـة
High Commission for Industrial Security اهليئة العليا لألمن الصناعي
Secretariat General األمانة العامة
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