The Miraculous Phenomenon of LIFE RESPONSE by Roy Posner
The Miraculous Phenomenon of LIFE RESPONSE by Roy Posner
The Miraculous Phenomenon of LIFE RESPONSE by Roy Posner
How Changes in Consciousness
Instantly Attract Good Fortune
Roy Posner
Foreword ............................................................................................. i
Introduction....................................................................................... iii
1. Instantaneous Miraculousness ........................................................ 1
2. Inner-Outer Correspondence ........................................................... 7
3. The Power of Conscious Choice ..................................................... 19
4. Life Response in Literature and Film .............................................. 29
5. Four Human Behaviors that Attract ............................................... 43
6. Embracing the Conditions of Life ................................................... 57
7. The Great Secret: Organization ...................................................... 75
8. Making the Connection with Others .............................................. 97
9. Exercising Our Psychological Strength .......................................... 123
10. Discovering the Silence Within .................................................. 141
11. The Ultimate Power of “The Force” ........................................... 169
12. Envisioning and Creating Our Future .......................................... 197
13. A New Way of Living.................................................................. 217
14. Strategies to Make Life Respond ................................................ 227
Postscript: Going Beyond ‘The Secret’ ............................................. 247
Selected References ........................................................................ 251
About Roy Posner ........................................................................... 253
Appendix: $100,000 ........................................................................ 259
p.iii – Introduction
• Life response was at work when a formerly unemployed woman made
one great final physical effort that suddenly attracted the missing piece
of evidence that enabled her to win a $300 million legal settlement for
her clients -- the largest of its kind in history.
• Life responded when an individual gave up his reluctance to work a
second consecutive weekend, attracting the biggest sale of his life,
propelling him from lowest rank amongst his peers to the number one
salesperson in the chain.
• Life response was at work when an individual invoked a spiritual
power that enabled an energy crisis affecting 35 million people to
suddenly end.
These, and hundreds like it, are instances of sudden good fortune that I
have documented over the years. Though they are extraordinary moments
in people’s lives, you too can attract these miraculous-like results once you
discover the secrets of life response.
Three Keys
Though I will describe a number of the keys that attract these powerful
outcomes, three stand out.
The first key is to recognize that this extraordinary phenomenon really
exists. I will show you that it is constantly occurring -- whether in the
smallest acts or the most important situations and circumstances of our
The second key to attracting life response is to understand what it is
about life itself that enables it to occur. To that end, I will reveal the
profound relationship between our state of consciousness and the world
around us. I will show you that our inner being and life outside us are not
two separate entities, but are part of one contiguous thread of existence.
Therefore, if you change your inner condition, the outer instantly responds
in kind.
The final key to attracting life response is to practice those human
behaviors that tend to evoke it. I will show you how a change in attitude, a
shift from weakness to psychological strength, a move from selfishness to
self-givingness, and other “reversals of consciousness” quickly elicit these
marvelous results.
p.iv – Introduction
Organization of the Book
For your convenience, I have arranged the book into fourteen easy to
read chapters -- each logically building on the previous. In the first few
chapters, I explain what it is about life itself that enables these marvelous
results. It is here that I introduce the principle of “inner-outer
correspondence” as well as other forces and factors that contribute to a
“physics” and “metaphysics” of life response.
In the next half dozen chapters, I probe deeper into the variety of
human behaviors that attract these results -- including changes in attitude,
higher levels of cleanliness and orderliness, expressions of psychological
strength, and shifts to self-givingness, to name a few. Each behavior is
illustrated by one or more powerful, true-life experiences that I believe will
both startle and inspire.
In the next group of chapters, I reveal the spiritual powers that enable
ultimate response from life. I begin by exploring inner techniques, such as
“silent will,” where if you refrain from speaking what is on your mind,
others will suddenly express it for you; and “equality of being,” where if
you remain calm in a difficult situation, that problem quickly disappears.
In addition, I will introduce you to the ultimate power of life response: that
of the “spiritual Force.” I will show that if you open to the Higher Power
before engaging in an activity, you will gain the full cooperation of life, as
dynamic, unprecedented, positive outcomes will suddenly appear. This is
perhaps the greatest secret revealed in the book.
Finally, in the last chapters, I describe how you can take control of your
life and make life response your never-ending reality. I suggest that if you
follow a process of accomplishment, you can attract your heart’s desire whenever
you choose, and do so in an extraordinarily short period. What would have
taken months or years to accomplish -- if at all -- will come about in days,
hours, or even the time it has taken to read this paragraph.
I conclude by suggesting that by learning these inner principles and by
having these miraculous-like experiences, not only will your level of
success, energy, and happiness soar, but you will begin to look at life from
an entirely new perspective. You will realize that you are not a limited
individual, but a limitless being capable of mastering all of life’s condition
from within. As a result, you will begin to live an unprecedented sort of
existence -- one that I call “A New Way of Living.”
If you would like to take your life to a whole new level; if you want to
view the world from a dramatically new perspective; if you want to gain a
p.v – Introduction
profound knowledge and wisdom into the workings and meaning of life;
then this book can help you on your way.
With that in mind, I welcome you to the ultimate adventure of
consciousness and joy! – Introduction
1. Instantaneous Miraculousness
The sudden, abundant, and subtle nature of life response indicates that the
universe is organized in ways that defy our normal view of reality: that
there are forces and processes at work that challenge our perceptions of
what is possible and how life unfolds.
If this is so, then it would be worth discovering what they are. Doing
so would not only give us a glimpse into the secret workings of life, but
would provide us with the keys to evoking “instantaneous miraculousness”
in our own lives.
Sometimes we forget that the most profound wisdom about life has its
origins in ages long forgotten. One particular insight from that ancient past
is the notion that how you act towards life is how it will act towards you.
In the West, it is captured by the aphorism “what you sow is what you
reap,” while in the East it is expressed as the “Law of Karma.”
While sages past and present have confirmed that life does seem to
have this quality, we may have also noticed it at work in our own lives --
or if not, then in the life of a relative or friend; or a character in a movie,
or a famous person in history or in the news.
For example, consider a film in which we watch the actions of an
unscrupulous villain. First, we observe his treacherous deeds, and the harm
he has done to others. But then as the storyline unfolds, we see how this
clever, but somewhat careless individual is unable to cover his tracks,
leading to situations and circumstance that bring about his eventual
downfall. In this unfolding, we clearly perceive how his negative intentions
and behavior led to his end -- which is, in essence, captured by the
principles of sow/reap or law of karma.
Of course, this profound truth of life does not only apply only to
villains, but to each one of us as well. Invariably, life will turn our negative
deeds back on us, which we unfortunately experience as difficulty,
misfortune; even tragedy. E.g., if I continually gamble away my life’s
savings on meaningless sporting events, it is likely that one day my finances
will be left in tatters; or that my marriage will fail, or that some other
calamity will befall me.
Similarly, our positive deeds, actions, and behaviors tend to bring
corresponding good fortune. E.g., if I make a greater effort in my work,
there is a reasonable chance that my boss will promote me sometime
thereafter. Or, if I give my children more love and affection, I will not only
gain their respect, but when I have a critical need for their help, they will
come through.
In considering the principle of sow/reap, law of karma, we would have
to conclude that there seems to be a solid logic behind it. Despite the
complexity of circumstance, and the long arc of time separating the
p.7 – Inner-Outer Correspondence
initiating actions and the returned positive or negative result, we recognize
a flow of events that are logical in sequence, leading to a reasonable and
just end.
In the case of the villain, we perceive how his nefarious deeds lead him
to personal tragedy because we are privy to the workings of his mind and
to the labyrinth-like meanderings of circumstance. On the other hand, it is
more difficult to see this dynamic in our own lives -- as it is hard to separate
ourselves from the life we live. And yet, if we seriously analyze our past
histories, we too would see the logical sequence that led to the final happy
or unhappy outcomes.
Therefore, we can conclude that whether or not we were aware of the
quality of our behavior, and their relations to the fortunate or unfortunate
results that followed, there is a solid logic behind the eventual helpful or
harmful results produced by life.
Oneness of Life
And yet there is something limiting in this view, because it assumes
that what returns to us only occurs after a certain period of time; after a
series of logical consequences have had a chance to run their course. For
example, in this view, if I overcome a wanting attitude, I will only see
results after I have expressed that change to my associates, who gradually
take notice, and after a reasonable time reward me with a complement or
a raise or promotion.
And yet it is my experience that a shift in one’s consciousness -- such
as a change in attitude -- can also bring about instantaneous results; not
waiting for the normal lengthy chain of events to unfold. In this existence,
the principle of sow/reap, law of karma is thus extended beyond our linear,
consequential, mechanistic, and time-bound view of life.
But if this instantaneous, timeless, spaceless version of sow/reap, law
of karma is a true phenomenon of life, why does it occur? Why would life
suddenly rush forward and bring me good fortune when I change an
attitude, or otherwise elevate my consciousness within?1
In my view, this extreme hyper-unfolding occurs because there is a
fundamental law of life at work, which I call the principle of “inner-outer
correspondence.” In essence, it indicates that everything outside ourselves
Or attract ill-fortune when there is a degradation in consciousness.
p.8 – Inner-Outer Correspondence
is a reflection of our inner condition. Therefore, if we change our inner
status, corresponding elements and circumstance on the outside instantly
respond in kind. In this way, inner-outer correspondence is the reason for,
the fundamental principle behind the phenomenon of life response.
But why are the inner and the outer related? Why does life suddenly
respond on the outside with good fortune when I change my inner
condition? The answer is that there is no “inner” and “outer” to begin
with. They are not two separate entities as we have come to believe, but
are parts of the same continuous stream of existence. Though our senses
tell us that there is a world outside us that is separate and apart from our
own selves, from a deeper perspective there is no such division. And
because we share this same contiguous reality, when I change the inner me,
the outer -- which is really inseparable from myself -- instantly responds in
kind. In other words, the inner and the outer are One.
If this is true -- if our actions and behavior are able to attract instant
results from the world around us because of this fundamental Oneness --
then a number of questions arise. For one, why does a particular object or
individual suddenly move toward me in a life response event -- why not a
different one? Also, why do I experience positive results when I uplift my
consciousness -- why not something neutral or even negative?
To answer these and other intriguing questions, I would like to share
with you the following true story.
1. Energy
The first insight is that in every life response event, the individual
initiating the response generates a certain amount of energy. That energy
then moves out into the field of life and connects with related energies,
elements, individuals, and circumstance across space and time, enabling
the life response effect to occur. Thus, energy is the essential binding force
between the inner me and the outer world in every life response incident.
Party 1 Party 1
Party 2 Party 2
Unaligned Aligned
There are many factors that contribute to the play of energy in a life response event.
For example, looking at it from its widest scope, we see that the response is not only
dependent on the energies produced by the individual, but by the supporting or
opposing energies of the environment -- such as the attitudes and feelings of other
people and the community. In an atmosphere that is positive, the energy generated
by the individual tends to be reinforced, leading to the greater likelihood of sudden
good fortune for that person. In an atmosphere that is negative, positive energies
released by the individual may not be enough to produce the positive life response
p.13 – Inner-Outer Correspondence
5. Coordinating Action of the Web of Life
The fifth and final insight is that these pulses of energy are able to flow
between the initiating and receiving parties because there is a fundamental
communication and transport system at work in the universe. Imagine that the
energies we generate move out across a kind of cosmic highway -- a “web
of life” if you will -- that correlates and coordinates related elements and
circumstances along those pathways. Thus, e.g. when I change my attitude
from a limited view of the marketplace to a broader one, I set in motion a
burst of mental and vital energy that move out along one or more of the
strands of this cosmic system, connecting and aligning me with the
intentions and movements of corresponding energies, elements, and
Just as a telecommunications system coordinates currents of electricity
that allow sound waves to be transported between particular points on a
grid, so too energies produced by our change in consciousness are directed
and correlated with corresponding elements and circumstances along
specific pathways through this cosmic web of life.
Mira Alfassa, known to her followers as “The Mother”, and the partner
of the Indian sage and seer Sri Aurobindo, commented on this apparent
cosmic transport system in the early 1970s:
“I have a curious impression of a kind of web -- a web with ... like very
loose threads, I mean not tightly meshed, connecting all events, and if
you have power over one of these webs, there’s a whole field of
circumstances that apparently have nothing to do with each other but
which are linked together there in such a way that one necessarily implies
the existence of the other ... And I have the impression it’s something
that envelops the earth.
And it’s not mental. They are circumstances that depend on one
another, in a completely invisible way outwardly, without any mental
logic, and yet as though connected to one another.
If you are conscious, really conscious of that, that’s how you can
change circumstances.”
And yet if we are to truly accept this cosmic causality, we still need to
be convinced that life response truly exists; that it is not some anomaly or
a random quirk of existence, but is rather a fundamental process of life.
To that end, I would like to show you that not only is life response a
very real phenomenon of life, but is one we can consciously evoke at any
moment in time.
-The way you act towards life is how life will act towards you is captured in the
aphorism “what you sow is what you reap,” and in the “law of karma.”
-In this principle, we recognize a flow of events that are logical in sequence, and
that lead to a reasonable and just end.
-And yet a shift in one’s consciousness -- such as a change in attitude -- can also
bring about instantaneous results, not waiting for the normal lengthy chain of
events to unfold.
-The instantaneous nature of life response is made possible because of underlying
principle of “inner-outer correspondence.”
-This law indicates that the inner and the outer are not two separate entities, but
share the same continuous stream of existence. Therefore, when I change my
inner condition, the outer instantly responds in kind.
-Inner-outer correspondence thus indicates the fundamental Oneness of life.
-Nonlocal connection of quantum science confirms that there can be an
instantaneous connection between physical objects that are infinitely far apart.
-Inner-outer correspondence extends that to include non-material changes as
well, including variations and fluctuations in our feelings, emotions, attitudes,
thoughts, and beliefs.
-Energy is the binding force between the inner person and the outer world in
every life response event.
-Any of four types of energy are at play in any life response incident -- physical,
vital, mental, and spiritual.
-For a life response event to occur, a minimum amount of energy needs to be
released by the individual commensurate with life’s conditions.
-These energies flow out from our being, and link up with individuals, objects,
and circumstance with whom we share a common purpose; whose intentions we
are aligned with.
-These pulses of energy are able to flow between the initiating and receiving
parties because there is a fundamental communication and transport system at
work -- a cosmic web.
-Behind everything, there is a fundamental spiritual Reality that provides the
ultra-Intelligence and Power to the cosmic web of life.
One day several years ago, I was driving along the Embarcadero in San
Francisco, a wide avenue that hugs the shoreline of the bay. Though I was
in a familiar setting, I noticed a particularly nice panorama that I wanted
to capture with my new digital camera. Inspired by this breathtaking view,
I pulled over and began taking shots on what proved to be another glorious
day of deep blue skies.
However, when I got back into my car and looked at the photos
through the attached viewing screen, I was reminded of my constant
frustration with the camera: that it would continually wash out the brilliant
blues, destroying the contrast and drama of every shot. And so once again,
I sat there deflated, knowing that my photo-taking efforts were wasted. It
was now painfully clear that I had a digital camera that was not performing
the way I had hoped.
Not being a technically-savvy individual -- especially when it comes to
the hardware side of technology -- I resigned myself to the fact that the
only thing to do was to try to adjust the camera’s software settings.
Unfortunately, my efforts there also proved futile, when the new pictures
I took looked no better -- often worse -- than the earlier ones. Once again,
I felt frustrated -- not knowing what to do, or where to turn.
As it turned out, a friend of mine accompanied me on this picture-
taking outing, and noticed my mounting frustration. This was not the first
time I had experienced disappointment with the output of the camera in
her presence. And yet once again, she remained calm, sympathetic, and
immune from the storm that was building inside me.
As I sat there exasperated and helpless -- after all, I had purchased an
expensive camera, which had not met my expectations -- I knew the issue
had come to a head. And so at that moment I cried out “I don’t know
what to do. It’s so damn frustrating” -- or words to that effect!
That anguished outburst was followed by a long silence. After several
tense moments, my friend suggested that we consider purchasing a light-
filtering lens for the camera -- something we had discussed several times
in the past. Though I did not disagree with her suggestion, I was in no
mood for practical advice, especially where it required additional effort on
p.19 – The Power of Conscious Choice
my part! All I wanted was to capture the blue skies now -- not sometime in
the future. It was clear that I was now fully irrational.
Fortunately, my friend was unaffected by my behavior, and waited
patiently for me to settle down. Several moments later, she softly suggested
that we drive over to the nearby Sony Metreon Center and see if they had
the light-filtering lens in stock. However, still in an irrational state, her
suggestion only increased my frustration; and so I responded with, “Well,
the photos I took are ruined, so what’s the point of getting the lens now?”
My infantile behavior would not relent.
There was another moment of nervous silence. Fortunately, this time,
I was able to take control of my emotions, and several moments later, I
began to feel like my old self. Now only was I now calmer, but a certain
mental clarity took hold. When I then contemplated the situation, I realized
that I had been acting foolishly -- caught up in my own sense of
entitlement. In addition, I now had the presence of mind to remember the
principle that if you are caught in an emotional frenzy, it is best to defer to
the advice of others. And so I began to shift from my own obsessions
about the camera to my friend’s practical advice about purchasing the lens.
On further reflection, I now clearly saw that her suggestion was the
only way out of my dilemma. So after a few deep breaths -- and the
swallowing of my pride -- I said, “OK, let’s go and get it.” “Get what?” she
responded. “Let’s go over to the Metreon and pick up the lens.” “Now?”
“Yes, now!”
So off we drove to the entertainment complex in the heart of San
Francisco’s bustling south of Market (SOMA) district. We then parked on
the roof of the huge lot, rode the elevator down to street level, and quickly
walked across the busy intersection into the colorful Metreon complex.
Once inside, we headed over to the Sony Center area, where we saw
the latest consumer products on display. When we arrived at the camera
department, with its plethora of state-of-the-art devices, we wondered if
they had the somewhat obscure light-filtering lens that we were after.
I looked around and quickly got the attention of an attendant, who
greeted me with a smile. Straight away, that struck me as a good sign. Then,
with great emphasis, I described the lens filter we needed. Without a
moment’s hesitation, he set off directly to see if the part was in stock. I
took his helpfulness and responsiveness as yet another positive indicator.
I then stood there for several moments in a relatively calm state, yet still
focused and intent on the outcome. After a few moments, the salesperson
p.20 – The Power of Conscious Choice
returned with the very lens I had hoped for! When I inquired about the
price, he told me it was $90. Without hesitation, I agreed to take it.
In what seemed like a flash, we scurried back across the street and into
the multi-level parking lot, took the elevator to the roof, and got into my
car. I then pulled out the camera, attached the new lens, and began to take
shots of nearby buildings.
The structures adjacent to the lot were light colored and quite bright,
reflecting the sun; thus providing an excellent test for the new lens. I also
noticed that the deep blue skies were directly in view above the buildings,
providing an excellent contrast. As I took shots of the building, I wondered
if the lighting would come out right. When I finished the shooting, I
anxiously looked at the tiny LCD viewing monitor on the camera to
preview the photos. I squinted my eyes and looked closely at the results,
and voila, the pictures were perfect! I saw white buildings reflecting a
bright sun, contrasting with the deep blue sky above -- just what I wanted!
I was ecstatic, knowing that months of frustration had finally come to an
end. A joyful sensation washed over me, as I now felt I had entered
photographer’s heaven!
The famous 19th century pioneer explorers who took an epic journey across the
American West.
p.21 – The Power of Conscious Choice
understanding the problems of the bay; particularly how commercial salt
missing operations dotting its edges had done serious damage to the
estuary’s ecosystem. As it turned out, just as our picture-taking excursions
and interest in environmental problems reached its peak, we learned that
the major salt-mining company on San Francisco Bay had decided to pull
back its operations -- handing over a large swath of shoreline to the public
trust. That meant that the brackish waters would now be flushed with the
less-salty waters of the bay, restoring that habitat to its natural state --
including the revival of marsh and wetlands, and the return of a variety of
species of birds, fish, and other wildlife. These developments would in
essence reverse a hundred years of environmental degradation.
What better response from life could I have received than this news
about improvements in the ecology of the Bay I cared so much about! It
struck me as the crowning moment; the culmination of events originating
a year earlier when I reversed my attitude and made the decision to
purchase the light-filtering lens.
On-Demand Response
In this episode, life responded to a change in attitude, which attracted
a cooperative salesperson and an in-stock lens that not only led to perfect
picture taking in the short term, but to wonderful adventures long term. In
the incident, I perceived several possibilities, and then managed to choose in
the right direction, which attracted powerful positive response. Had I not given
up my wanting attitude, my picture-taking predicament might have
continued indefinitely.
Thus, we see that in any given moment, there is a spectrum of choices
before us. When we perceive them and then consciously choose in the right
direction, the conditions of life quickly turn in our favor. On the other
hand, if we fail to choose rightly, then life remains in stasis, or falls back.
It is thus in those precious moments when all the world waits on our choice
that determines whether or not we will invoke the miraculous.
There is also one other point to consider. Not only can we evoke life
response by understanding the current conditions and choosing correctly,
but we can do so at any moment in time, “on demand.” In this way, life
response can become our never-ending reality.
Crossroad Decisions
And yet as powerful as this inner approach is, it might be a little too
much to ask of the average person. Changing our orientation from the
surface to the depths is not an easy thing to acquire. It takes months, even
years of dedication, discipline, and practice; something not everyone is cut
out for. Therefore, it would be helpful if there were a set of simple
p.23 – The Power of Conscious Choice
guidelines that we could follow when we find ourselves in these sorts of
crossroad situations. While there are no hard rules, the best choices are:
1. those that are helpful (over that which is uninvolved or harmful)
2. those that focus on the needs of others (over that which serves our own
self- interest)
3. those that are positive and upbeat (over that which is negative and glum)
4. those that engender calm and patience (over that which is disturbed and
The key point is that if you make the right crossroad decision in a given
situation, you will immediately attract the cooperation of life. For example,
in the lens incident I described earlier I actually made several crossroad
decisions. First, I shifted out of turmoil and anguish to a state of calm
(guideline #4 above). Then, I shifted out of ego and opened to the
influence and recommendation of my friend (#2). Finally, I did something
helpful by acquiring the lens, rather than avoiding the matter (#1). The net
effect was to instantly attract a cooperative and friendly sales rep; the
availability of an obscure filtering lens; an immediate improvement in the
output of my camera; and years of happy picture taking!
Pride and Prejudice opens with the arrival of two dashing and prosperous
young men, Mr. Darcy, and his friend Mr. Bingley. Their unexpected
arrival stirs the English community of Meryton into a frenzy since there
are now apparently two very eligible -- and very wealthy -- bachelors
available for their daughters.
This excitement is shared by the Bennet family, who have five eligible
daughters; two of whom -- Eliza and Jane -- are starting to move beyond
the prime age for marriage. This puts pressure on the parents to find
suitable husbands for them. There is also an added pressure coming from
their cousin, Mr. Collins, who has made a claim of inheritance on the entire
Bennet estate as the rightful male heir, which means that in the event of
the parents’ death, the daughters would be left without a home, wealth,
and social status. Because of these perceived threats, the Bennets are
therefore eager to marry off their daughters, preferably to prosperous men.
And so, when the very excitable Mrs. Bennet learns of the arrival of two
well to do and handsome young bachelors -- i.e. Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley
-- she along with much of the community are stirred into a state of frenzy.
A Meeting at Pemberley
Which brings me to the two powerful life response incidents I
promised. The first involves an incident involving Darcy and Eliza that
occurs after he changed his feelings about her, fallen in love, and proposed
marriage (which she rejects this time because of his previous prideful and
arrogant behavior).
The incident begins one day when Eliza’s cousins -- Mr. and Mrs.
Gardner -- invite her to visit the countryside of Derbyshire, where the
p.30 - Life Response in Literature and Film
couple lives. As they drive through the lovely landscape, they suddenly
come upon the magnificent Pemberley estate. As Eliza gazes at the
gorgeous mansion with its spectacular grounds and its great reflecting
pond, she is overwhelmed by its majesty and beauty. Mrs. Gardner then
casually points out that this is in fact the home of Mr. Darcy! Eliza is
thunderstruck by this revelation. She then falls into a momentary reverie
as she realizes that had she accepted Darcy’s earlier proposal of marriage,
all of this could have been hers: that she could have been the Lady of the
Pemberley estate.
Not perceiving Eliza’s anguish, the Gardeners suggest that since Darcy
was out of town on business and would not be returning for several days,
they should all take a tour of the estate. Eliza, however, is mortified by the
idea, fearing that Darcy would suddenly return and see her there --
something she could not bear since she had already had a very
uncomfortable relationship with him. However, after her emotions settle
down, and she considers the matter further, she gives in and agrees to the
When they arrive at Pemberley, the caretaker gives them a tour of the
magnificent house and grounds. At one point, as they pause to examine
several items inside the stately home, then stops to point out what a fine
man Mr. Darcy is. With earnestness and deep affection, she then tells the
guests what a privilege and joy it has been to work for a man of such noble
character. On hearing this heartfelt expression of admiration for Darcy,
Eliza once again feels a thunderbolt in her heart. After all, Eliza now had
living proof that the man whose temperament she had condemned might
in fact be a true gentleman with a noble and self-giving nature.
A few moments later, with her emotions quieted down, Eliza begins to
develop a very different view of him. Instead of feeling hostile, she now
has a much softer and kinder perspective of the man: even the beginnings
of a deep admiration and affection.
Now comes the response. The party continue their tour outside, where
they walk among the beautiful grounds and gardens. At one point, as they
hover near the edge of a lovely pond and observe the serene setting, Eliza
once again thinks about the fact that she has been very wrong about Darcy;
that he was in fact a man worthy of deep admiration, not disdain.
At the very moment she experiences this deep change of heart, who
should turn up at the scene, but Mr. Darcy! Standing there in wet clothing
with a diffident look on his face, he seemed to have appeared out of thin
p.31 - Life Response in Literature and Film
air! As the party stood there open-mouthed, as if looking at an apparition,
Darcy explains that due to his change in schedule, he came back several
days early from his business trip. And when he approached the estate, he
decided to simply swim across the pond, which accounted for his wet
As Darcy stood before the party, dripping and smiling, Eliza was in a
state of shock. Darcy, on the other hand, was calm and relaxed. In fact, he
was so comfortable before the group that he proceeded to graciously invite
the Gardners and Eliza to dinner.
While several commentators have attributed this stunning meeting at
the pond to coincidence, or even accused the author of manipulating the
story for dramatic effect, in fact what occurred was exactly true to life. What
attracted Darcy from seemingly out of nowhere was Eliza’s complete change
of attitude toward Darcy. When she shed her negative opinions and cast
aside her hostile feelings toward him, as she had done just a moment
earlier, life instantly responded with the sudden arrival of the man she would
come to love and marry.
As we see in this and other life response incidents, “Nature” -- which
is another way of describing the movement of Life -- is continually
throwing up situations and circumstances that touch our sensibilities. How
we choose to react to these challenges, determines whether or not we
attract instances of good fortune. When we make a decisive move towards
the positive, we instantly evoke powerful positive results. Otherwise, life
remains in stasis or unfolds through its slow, meandering, and difficult
course. In Eliza Bennet’s case -- being a rational, intelligent, and perceptive
individual -- she confronted the reality she saw before her, and chose on
the side of truth, discarding her negative view of Darcy, which instantly
attracted results that would change her life forever.
From this cursory examination at Pride and Prejudice, we have seen two
powerful instances of life response. On both occasions, situations arose
that challenged an individual’s sensibilities, forcing them to come to grips
with old habits, or wanting attitudes, or limited perceptions and points of
view. When they then shed that limited quality, and substituted a more
positive one, powerful energies were released that quickly aligned with and
attracted powerful positive results.
When Eliza gave up her prejudice and changed her attitude toward
Darcy while visiting his estate, she attracted his presence from out of
nowhere, setting the stage for their romance, marriage, and their ultimate
happiness. Likewise, when Mr. Bennet changed his attitude and took
responsibility for the elopement episode, while promising to involve
p.35 - Life Response in Literature and Film
himself in the rearing of his daughters, he quickly attracted the cancellation
of the scandal that threatened to destroy him and his family.
In both cases, an inner psychological change in attitude precipitated a
powerful response that changed the course of two people’s lives -- in fact
a number of people’s lives. By making an inner adjustment in consciousness,
two people were able to take a step out of their narrow field of existence,
and open to a wider one, enabling the infinite potentials of life to rush in.
Pride and Prejudice: (1) Eliza gives up her negative attitude -- i.e. her prejudice --
toward Darcy, and he suddenly arrives at the pond, setting the stage for their
romance and marriage. (2) Mr. Bennet takes responsibility for his daughter’s
action, and changes his attitudes about the future rearing of his children, which
instantly attracts the cancellation of the elopement, saving him and his family
from social disgrace and financial ruin.
Master and Commander: The Captain takes responsibility for the accident involving
the doctor, returns to the Galapagos so he can heal, which attracts the enemy
ship which the doctor sees on a field trip. The Acheron is then destroyed,
fulfilling the Captain’s mission and then some.
The Story of Louis Pasteur: Pasteur does not react when faced with social ostracism,
which instantly attracts an insight from his wife that changes the course of his
life and medical history.
-The next time you watch a film, look out for one or two life response incidents
in the story. For example, if there is a sudden positive development in the
plotline, see if you can trace it back to a person’s shift in attitude, or a decision
or action taken, or the expression of intense desire or intention.
-Do the same for negative life response. When ill fortune arrives, trace it back to
a wrong movement on the part of that or another individual.
-The next time there is a positive or negative development in your own life, see
if you can relate it to a previous behavior on your part. If there is a positive result,
try reinforcing the behavior that precipitated it. If it is negative, try avoiding it in
My first objective has been to show you that life response is a real
phenomenon of life -- i.e. it truly exists. I hope you are convinced!
However, if you are still skeptical and need more proof, then I urge you to
read on because I have a number of astonishing true-life stories to relate.
My second objective has been to explain the nature of life response --
i.e. why it occurs. To that end, I have described the phenomenon from two
perspectives -- from the standpoint of life itself, and from the viewpoint
of us as individuals.
From the perspective of life, I have indicated that life response occurs
because of the subtle relationship that exists between our consciousness
and the world around us. That instead of being two separate realities, the
inner me and the outer world share the same continuous stream of
existence. Therefore, if I change my inner condition, the outer instantly
responds in kind.
From the viewpoint of us as individuals, I have suggested that when we
take to certain inner or outer behaviors -- such as shifting away from a
negative attitude or remaining calm in a difficult situation -- we tend to
quickly evoke these miraculous-like results. In the remainder of this
chapter and in several that follow, I will be focusing on these inner
personal keys that trigger life response results.
Four-Fold Change
If we examine this episode, we see that each of the over-arching human
behaviors from our pool of four were present, enabling the powerful
response that followed. To begin with, I overcame my reluctance to work
that second consecutive weekend -- in essence, reversing my wanting
attitude. That in turn released the will and aspiration in me to work weekends.
I then made the firm decision and commitment to come in that Saturday,
which I then implemented through a physical action when I actually arrived
and worked that day.
As a result, several moments after the doors opened that morning, the
individual appeared who would change the course of my career. Not only
was I able to attract the biggest sale of my life -- catapulting me to the top
amongst my peers, and bringing a financial windfall -- but I finally had the
confidence to make personal computers my chosen field. That has been
the case until this very day.
-There are four major determinants of life response -- having the right attitude,
aspiring for something to come about, deciding on a course of action, and taking
a physical action.
-In every life response incident, one or more of these are at play. Often, two,
three, or even all four are present.
-The most common cause of a positive life response is overcoming a negative
attitude -- whether towards others, one’s self, or life itself. Common examples
are overcoming reluctance, and shedding distain of others.
-There are dozens of negative attitudes that we are capable of expressing. We
each have a propensity towards particular ones. Overcoming them invariably
attract powerful positive response.
-Expressing wanting attitudes attract negative circumstance.
-If you stay fully positive in a situation or otherwise raise your level of
cheerfulness and enthusiasm, you attract positive conditions.
-When we focus our thoughts, interests and emotions on anything, life tends to
bring more of it.
-When we deeply aspire to achieve something, life conspires to quickly bring it
-When we commit ourselves to a course of action -- i.e. take to a decision – life
moves in our favor.
-Life also responds to taking a physical action.
-In an event where all four determinants are at play, we can attract overwhelming,
even life-changing response.
Let’s try something a little different. Please read over the following true story
forwarded to me by a friend and see if you can determine which of the four
determinants precipitated the life response outcome.
“Well here is a good one, from today! After putting off, and putting off
scheduling a surgical procedure for a hernia, I finally decided to move forward
and do it. As it turns out, after much fear and trepidation, I was referred to a very
He was two decades ahead of the Internet and collaborative social networks!
p.58 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
a relatively simple and easy job. Second, the low-level position provided
Dee with a degree of anonymity and solitude; something he desperately
longed for. Third, the role allowed him to reflect on his 16-year
professional career, and to contemplate where he wanted to go next. And
last, it enabled Dee to look at the entire banking industry with the fresh
eyes of an entry-level employee. Taken together, the humble position of
bank teller seemed to Dee just what the doctored ordered.
Though the polished and brilliant former executive found the work
straightforward, he did run into one obstacle: he found it extremely
difficult to get along with his supervisor. She was an older woman, whose
job it was to teach Dee the ropes. He found her assertive and abrasive; at
a time when he was in no mood to be ordered about. And besides, Dee
had his pride. He was after all, a man who had helped oversee a banking
empire, and the last thing he wanted was to be pushed around by an ornery,
elderly, female boss at a lowly bank branch.
Then one afternoon after the bank closed, Dee and the supervisor were
tallying up the day’s transactions to insure the books were in balance.
Though the two co-workers checked their figures several times, they could
not get the numbers to tally. After considering the cause of the anomaly,
Dee’s superior suggested that the problem might be due to a missing
deposit slip. She then informed him that the misplaced piece of paper was
probably located in one of the garbage bins located in the bank’s basement,
and it was Dee’s responsibility to retrieve it!
Needless to say, the former top executive, now humble bank clerk, was
not very happy with the idea, since it was another affront to his pride. Still
Dee was able to hold his anger in check, and proceeded to make his way
to the basement where it was his task to locate the missing piece of paper.
Unfortunately, when he arrived, he became even more agitated when
he realized that the bins he had to rummage through were actually giant
55-gallon disposal units, each stuffed with paper, food, and other horrid
detritus of the day!
Though on balance, Dee had been enjoying his “vacation” from the
corporate world, at that moment he had a very different perspective.
Standing before several huge containers of foul refuse, Dee Hock not only
felt distraught about the effort he had to make, but was utterly humiliated
that his life had reached this low-point. After all, he had walked the halls
of the corporate elite! He had been a man of influence, who had shaped
the lives of many! And yet now as a lowly teller in the basement of a small
p.59 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
branch bank, he had to rummage through containers of rank trash in order
to find a missing bank deposit slip to balance the day’s receipts.
As he contemplated the daunting task, he began to lash out at the
world, muttering under his breath that he would be damned if he was going
to pick through that mess to find a meaningless piece of paper; that he
would be damned if he would take orders from that insufferable woman.
As he stood there in anguish, Dee Hock now realized that he had come to
the lowest point in his professional career -- perhaps his entire life.
And yet Dee had a peculiar way of looking at things. Somehow, the
absurdity of the situation amused him. And so a moment later, a smile
spread across his face; and a minute after that, he laughed out loud at the
utter absurdity of it all.
Then Dee recalled that whenever he found himself in a tough spot in
the past, he had a peculiar ability to separate himself from the situation,
and see it in a positive light. It then struck him that his current plight was
no different. In fact, it was not unlike the times he shoveled manure on the
family farm as a young man.
And so as Dee stood in front of the foul containers, he was able to
reverse his hard feelings and shrug off his humiliation, and take up the task
at hand.
First, he took off his coat. Then he removed his tie, and finally his shirt.
Then he tipped over the first disposal unit, and searched through its awful
contents. When he didn’t find anything there, he tipped over the second
can and searched through it. When he failed again, he rummaged through
the next one, and the next. Interestingly, the more he worked at it, the
more he saw the ridiculousness of the situation, and therefore the more he
After a while, something even more remarkable took place: Dee
actually began to take pride in and enjoy this most unsavory of tasks!
Brimming with energy and intensity, Dee Hock continued on his mini-
quest to find the missing deposit slip for the next hour.
Then at one point in that herculean effort, Dee’s supervisor arrived on
the scene and informed him that their problem had been resolved! Dee
was surprised to hear this, and wondered what in the world could have
happened. It turned out that their inability to tally the day’s transactions
was not due to a missing deposit slip as they had thought, but was simply
the result of a math error! As a result, Dee’s supervisor now happily
informed him that the day’s transaction were now fully in balance!
p.60 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
You can imagine the expression on Dee’s face when he heard that
news. You can also picture what he might have said next. Though he did
indeed express his outrage -- lashing out at her for putting him through the
humiliating ordeal -- he quickly regained his composure and put aside all
hard feelings. In fact, the two would soon walk off and have a good laugh
about the matter.
Though the story at this point seemed to have a happy ending, several
reverberations followed. A day or so after the episode, Dee’s manager at
corporate headquarters left a message that he had important news to share.
When Dee arrived at the corporate office the next day to find out what
was going on, his former boss told him that their company, the National
Bank of Commerce, had agreed to become a franchisee of Bank of
America’s credit card program. That meant that NBC would now be
issuing BankAmericard credit cards to all of its own customers.
Then the real bombshell hit when Dee was told that he had been
selected to head up the entire operation.
Though Dee was at first reluctant to accept his former boss’s offer --
mainly because the current bank teller position allowed him to lay low and
reflect on his career -- in the end he could not pass up the offer. It also put
him in a great position to be involved in the newly emerging credit card
industry, something Dee was very interested in.
In fact, only later would Dee truly understand how profound this job
change would be. Working in the new position, Dee eventually developed
a radical new idea for the credit card business. Rather than having major
banking institutions like Bank of America franchise their own credit cards
to other banks like NBC (who would in turn offer it to their customers,
like you and I), Dee devised a centralized umbrella organization that would
instead franchise its own credit cards to large banking institutions like Bank
of America and Wells Fargo. As history recorded it, Dee Hock went on to
found that organization, and the world famous credit card that bore its
name -- Visa.
Earned Value
Then there was the time I was scheduled to meet with a client of mine
to provide some project management expertise. When I first arrived at the
office, I was told that my contact was not yet available to meet with me.
Since I now had time to kill, I thought it best to brush up on several topics
in my software manual.
After leafing through the heavy tome, I came to the subject of “Earned
Value Analysis” -- an arcane area of project management that relates to
business accounting. It turns out that whenever I came across this subject
in the past, I thought it too esoteric and hard to grasp, and therefore not
worthy of my attention.
This time, however, something in me switched gears, and I thought,
“Wait a minute. I now have some time, so why not use the opportunity to
learn something new.” “And besides, it’s about time you tackled a subject
you have been avoiding all of these years.” And so for the next several
minutes, I plunged into the esoterica of Earned Value analysis.
A few moments later, I was told that my contact was ready to see me.
And so with carrying case (and heavy manual!) in hand, I headed to her
office. When I arrived in front of a bank of computers, she proceeded to
explain her dilemma.
At first, I struggled to understand her problem. However, when I
probed a bit further, I began to perceive her plight. I then offered several
practical solutions; but when I tried to implement them, they failed to
produce any beneficial results. It was clear that I had now arrived at an
And so for what seemed like an interminable moment, I sat there
confused and deflated. However, just as I was about to give up, an idea
p.63 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
suddenly came to mind. When I realized what it was, a chill came over me.
I then turned to the client and asked her if she had ever heard of “Earned
Value analysis.”
After I described how this feature might solve her problem, there was
another pregnant pause. Then she looked at me and erupted with, “That’s
exactly what we need! That’s the perfect solution we’ve been looking for!”
In the next several moments, I sat there stunned by what had just taken
place. And yet there was no time to dwell on the miraculous, as I had to
implement the solution. When I completed the work and departed the
premises a little while later, my contact praised me to the high heavens;
using the term “brilliant” several times, when in fact I only thought of
Earned Value because it was fresh in my mind! As I walked out into the
street and took in the bright sunlight, I felt like I was walking on air!
In the end, we can readily see what happened. Because I embraced a
subject I avoided in the past, life put me in a position to use that very
knowledge to solve an intractable problem. By shifting from reluctance to
acceptance, I opened the portals of possibility, attracting a response and
solution from right out of nowhere!
Having said that, we can take this approach a step further. It is one
thing to accept the work before us; it is another to do it with great interest
and enthusiasm. In fact, over the years, I have seen that when we feel passion
and zeal in our work, powerful positive conditions follow.
In fact, these long term assignments led to a full time position that has lasted over
a decade.
p.66 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
For example, just the other day, I was working on this chapter of the
book. At one point, I really felt the power of the argument; its clarity and
rhythm; and how it could really benefit the reader. As a result, I suddenly
felt an intense wave of emotion come over me that expressed as
enthusiasm and joy.
When I then settled back into my normal writing routine, I suddenly
received a phone call. It turned out to be a new potential client inquiring
about our training services. I thought this was a nice little development.
Then a few minutes later, another company representative called with a
similar inquiry. Then another; and then another! Finally, someone phoned
asking how to purchase one of our high-priced online services. Now all at
once, I found myself in a blizzard of inquiries! Nothing like this had ever
happened to me before.
This was startling episode for me for two reasons. First, all of the calls
arrived at around the same time. Second, our business had been off for
several months with only a handful of inquiries, and now in a short 15-
minute span, we were inundated with them!
What happened?
The answer is simple. Because I earlier felt that burst of unbridled
enthusiasm about the current work I was doing, I released a burst of energy
that quickly attracted a torrent of positive results. When I saw the power
in the argument, the beauty in the expression, and its utility for the reader,
I spontaneously felt a deep emotion that immediately attracted a plethora
of responses. Coming at a time of very few inquiries, it struck me as
nothing short of miraculous!
A New Partner
So far, we have focused on the life response power of embracing the
given conditions of life. We have also seen that if we engage in that work
with great interest and enthusiasm, powerful positive conditions follow.
Well, it turns out that there is third, less psychological but more physical
dimension to this phenomenon. If we make the full, determined physical effort
to accomplish a work, life will also respond overwhelmingly -- often taking
us to the pinnacles of success.
Recall that when life required Dee Hock to dig through barrels of foul
trash, he not only shifted his attitude from reluctance to acceptance, but
physically threw himself into that work. As a result, the next day, life
p.67 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
responded with a job that changed his life, and altered the course of
financial history. Likewise, when I made that extra physical effort by
working nearly 14 straight days at the computer store, I not only attracted
the sale of my life, but now had the confidence to make personal computer
my chosen career.
The fact is that when we make an extra, all-out physical effort -- whether
it involves working longer hours or extra days; or 50% harder -- life quickly
begins to move on our behalf. Over the years, I have seen this principle at
work countless times; and each time it occurs, it is a profound reminder of
the power we have to move life.
For example, over the years I have seen that whenever I made the extra
effort to help my students -- whether giving them more individual
attention, or taking extra time to resolve a thorny issue -- positive
conditions suddenly presented themselves. E.g., within 24 hours, I receive
word of a plethora of new work, or an unexpected opportunity, or a
sudden infusion of capital, or some other unexpected positive
I have also noticed that if an individual not only makes an extra effort,
but an exhaustive one -- utilizing every last drop of physical, emotional, and
mental energy at our disposal -- life will take over and move us to the next
level of achievement. Or, to put it another way, when we exhaust our
efforts at the current level, life will catapult us to the next one. Here is a case
in point:
One time early on in my career, I was selling a line of fashion ware to
boutiques and gift stores in Northern California. Though I had worked
assiduously to sell the products, in the end I had little to show for my
efforts. The fact was that the line just did not seem to interest the clientele.
However, rather than give up, I decided to make one final push.
So one day I methodically went store-to-store to sell these apparently
difficult-to-sell wares in the chic Cow Hollow district of San Francisco. As
I continued to push on, my effort began to take on the air of a quest. In
essence, I was willing to do whatever was physically necessary to move the
merchandise -- even if meant pushing myself to the brink of exhaustion.
And yet at the end of the day, for all of my physical and psychological
effort, I still had nothing to show.
Weary and too tired to go on, I then wandered into a small Italian
restaurant to relax and have some dinner. To my surprise, I recognized an
individual there whom I had met several years earlier. When he approached
p.68 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
me, we talked about where we had first met, and then discussed how I got
involved in the sale of imported goods from India. As we continued our
conversation, I was surprised how intrigued he was about my work. Then
most unexpectedly, he asked if there was a sales position available for him
in my company. Taken aback, I wasn’t sure how to respond at first, but
then I told him that I would think about it and get back to him shortly.
When I arrived back at my office, I immediately thought about my
friend’s proposal. It quickly dawned on me that perhaps we could work
something out. Besides, he had initiated the idea, which suggested to me
that I should respond positively. A little while later, I called back and
informed him that there was indeed a sales position available; and if he
wanted it, he could start right away.
Not only did he accept my offer, but over the next several months, he
would generate the overwhelming majority of the company’s sales! In fact,
we would soon go into business as partners, creating a new enterprise
called Kenroy Company -- named after Ken and myself. As it turned out,
this new arrangement would change the entire dynamic of my career, as I
now essentially moved out of day-to-day sales, and instead became the
operations manager of the business. In sum, one day I was a struggling
salesperson; the next, I had a dynamic new salesperson, a new company,
and a new role for myself in the business.
As we see, when we make an exhaustive effort at our current level of
functioning, life takes over and catapults us to the next one. When I made
that one final all-consuming, quest-like effort to move a product that was
not selling, I attracted circumstance that changed the course of my career.
When we expend all of our physical, emotional, and mental energies on
the work before us, life tends to lift lifts us to an entirely new level -- e.g.,
a project manager becomes an administrator; a regional consultant
becomes an international high-flyer; a local leader is elevated state official.
When we make a total exhaustive effort in our current work, expending
every drop of energy, life takes over and lifts us to the stars!
Acts of Desperation
As we pick up on Erin’s life, we find her in the midst of great turmoil.
She is unemployed, twice divorced, and desperately trying to raise three
children, including a newborn baby. She is low on funds, and the bill
collectors are literally at her doorsteps. To overcome her plight, Erin
interviews at one company after another, desperately seeking employment.
Unfortunately, after considerable effort, she is unable to secure a job;
primarily because she lacks the skills for the work she applies for.
In the midst of this frenzy, Erin gets into a car accident and injures her
neck. Rather than let the incident slide, she decides to take legal recourse
to win a financial settlement. She is, after all, desperate for any source of
funds, and is willing to try any tact to keep her family from coming apart.
Somewhere along the way, Erin is referred to the law offices of Masry
Vititoe in Southern California, where she meets Ed Masry, the partner and
owner of the firm. After listening to her desperate plight, he agrees to take
up her case. A trial follows, which ends in utter failure for Erin -- due in
part to lack of real evidence, and in part because of her vulgar outbursts in
the courtroom. With so many obstacles in place, the court rules against
Erin. Left without the settlement money she hoped would lift her out of
her misery, Erin then turns her anger against her attorney Ed Masry outside
the courtroom for failure to win the case! After expressing her frustration
and anger in front of a crowd, she rushes off in a huff.
One day, in an act of utter desperation, Erin reappears at the office of
Masry Vititoe. She informs Ed that since he lost the case, the least he could
do was offer her a job at the firm! Stunned by her brazenness, Ed
nevertheless is willing to listen to what she has to say. In his office, Erin
then forcefully tells him “I’m smart, I’m hard working, and I’ll do anything
to get a job.” In part out of pity and in part because it is difficult to stop
this extremely determined individual, Ed relents and gives Erin a position
at the company.
p.70 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
Opportunity of a Lifetime
Like many attorneys, Ed Masry performed pro bono work -- i.e. free legal
assistance -- as a service to the community. It was in fact now one of Erin’s
tasks at the firm to scan the list of such cases, and suggest interesting ones
to Ed.
One day, Erin came across a particularly intriguing project -- one that
involved certain real estate transactions that had taken place in the tiny
desert town of Hinckley, California. Demonstrating a natural curiosity,
Erin probed deeper into the case, and discovered that Pacific Gas &
Electric, the $20 billion electric utility company, had purchased several
homes in the Hinckley area. Erin found it rather odd that a utility company
would get involved in purchasing people’s residences. On further
investigation, she discovered that PG&E had in fact purchased several
homes that sat on land containing groundwater contamination. Digging
deeper still, Erin then discovered that the utility company had also paid
doctor bills for several individuals who suffered physical ailments due to
the contagion.
Energized by these shocking discoveries, and bypassing Ed’s
skepticism, Erin made the unilateral decision to take on the case! Over the
next several weeks, she went out and interviewed several householders in
the Hinckley area whose family members had fallen ill due to the
contamination. Their tragic reports of suffering -- including revelation of
tumors, cancers, and failing internal organs -- were heartbreaking for Erin.
In fact, their feelings of helplessness resonated so strongly with Erin’s own
sense of vulnerability and victimhood that she was now more determined
than ever to champion their cause.
As she probed deeper into the case, Erin discovered that the problem
was far more serious than she originally thought -- involving dozens, even
hundreds of victims. Now, with a tidal wave of evidence mounting, as well
as Ed’s backing and blessings, Erin charged full-bore into the case against
A short time later, the Masry Vititoe law firm won a crucial legal
decision at the local level. Despite the utility company’s best efforts to
block Erin’s action, the court ruled that the case against the utility was a
worthy one, and should proceed to trial at the district level.
With evidence now mounting against them, PG&E representatives
informed the plaintiffs that they were now willing to negotiate a settlement.
As a result, Ed and Erin began to have direct talks with PG&E officials to
p.71 – Embracing the Conditions of Life
come up with a cash payment for the victims. Unfortunately, as each side
maneuvered for advantage in the negotiations, no settlement was reached,
and the case dragged on in the courts.
Benefits of Organization
• Provides foundation for stable existence
• Enables life to function with simplicity & ease
• Enables life to progress and thrive
Aside from cleaning a neglected area or object, you can also raise the
general level of cleanliness in your environment. For example, you can
increase the overall cleanliness of your home or office by 25-50%.
Individuals who have taken this steady, ongoing approach have also
experienced remarkable life response results.
This being the case, why not come up with a short list of areas or
objects that need attending to -- whether a cluttered desk, an overburdened
closet, a disorderly bookcase, a messy room, a chaotic warehouse, or other
areas of your home or office -- and make them spotless. There is no faster
way to attract good fortune!
Also, consider what attitudes you or others have about your
surroundings that allow things to fall into this state. Then come up with a
plan to change those habits in order to avoid these situations in the future.
Just making the psychological effort to change one’s attitude -- without
ever acting on it -- can evoke a powerful positive response!
Wardrobe Upgrade
Keep in mind that cleanliness is not confined to improving one’s
surroundings, but to our own physical person as well. If you upgrade your
grooming, hygiene, and dress, life will also respond to that effort.
For example, one day several years ago, I was looking at myself in the
mirror, and did not like what I saw. Looking disheveled and frayed around
the edges, I made an on-the-spot commitment to upgrading my wardrobe.
I also decided that I wanted to look as sharp in my office as I would when
visiting an important client.
And so I headed out to the shopping mall and purchased several new
garments. Well, wouldn’t you know it: at the very instant -- i.e. down to the
second -- I finished changing into my new wardrobe, I received a call from
a client who placed an important new order. In essence, when I completed
Orderliness, Too
Though cleanliness is a great organizational power, it reaches its apex
and perfection when accompanied by orderliness. When we put things in
their right location, arrange objects in the proper order, sort items into
logical groupings, categorize them for easy access and retrieval, etc., life
immediately responds to that effort.
For example, a number of years ago, I was doing some management
consulting work for a company in the retail and wholesale carpeting
business. To create their custom products and services, they utilized a
number of tools and machines that were stored in a large open area in the
back of the large facility. Aside from making general recommendations on
how to improve their business, I made one suggestion that may have
seemed peculiar at the time. I asked top management to straighten out the
storage yard containing their tools and machines. That not only meant
cleaning up the mess that had accumulated there, but putting each tool
back in its proper location.
Time passed and I met with the client for a follow-up meeting.
Someone brought it to my attention that they had taken my advice and
straightened out the entire tools/staging area. I was gratified to hear this,
though I half-consciously expected a follow-up to that news. When I then
shifted back to my primary role of evaluating big-picture problems in the
company, I was told that there had been a sudden and most unexpected
surge in sales. When I probed a little deeper, I also discovered that there
had been a sudden upsurge in the firm’s financial position.
Though I was quietly thrilled to hear these reports, I did not impress
upon them that their effort at cleanliness and orderliness was what
precipitated these results. But that is precisely what happened. When we
clean up what is filthy, or strewn about haphazardly, or otherwise looks
Interestingly, as I was writing these words, I received a phone call from a vendor
who was inquiring if I wanted to reorder brushes for my electric toothbrush -- a
product used for personal cleanliness and hygiene! I cannot remember ever having
received a phone call related to this subject in my entire life, and yet it occurred at
precisely the moment I was writing about hygiene’s life response power!
p.80 - The Great Secret: Organization
unpleasant, and then add a modicum of orderliness to that effort, we
generate concentrated energies that attract fortuitous circumstance --
whether a sudden spurts in sales, an improvements in cash position, or
other dramatic results.
By the way, what holds true for business also works for the individual.
E.g. if I not only retrieve the papers, folders, and books left scattered about
my office desk, but organize, sort, and categorize them in a logical way, life
will respond to that effort as well. Recall once again the familiar refrigerator
incident. In that episode, I not only scrubbed the appliance down to a
shine, but I also returned the edible foodstuffs back to their respective
holding areas. In that way, I added a modicum of orderliness to my effort
of cleanliness. As you well know, when I got up from that strenuous effort,
I instantly learned that I had secured months’ worth of work, when a
minute before there was absolutely nothing in sight.
p.85 - The Great Secret: Organization
to offer such pre-digested knowledge to others, the concepts have to be
clear to me in the first place. That has not always been the easiest of chores
-- especially when it involves turning arcane technical jargon or dense
philosophical arguments into simple, easy-to-understand concepts. What
has been particularly striking, however, is that nearly every time I exercise
my mind in this way, a powerful response follows.
For example, one time I was straining to understand a complex
metaphysical concept. After considerable effort, however, I still could not
grasp the underlying principle. Then I tried to break it into smaller
components; but the divisions I developed were still incoherent. After
racking my brain, I finally gave up, hoping that a clearer understanding
would come on its own if I forgot the matter.
The next morning, when I opened my email program, I saw a message
from my spiritual teacher. After reading a portion of his remarks, I soon
realized that he had written to me on the very subject I had been struggling
with the previous evening! It was remarkable not only because he had no
idea I was thinking of that topic, but because out of the hundreds, if not
thousands of subjects we have discussed over the years, he happened to pick
the one I had been struggling with. Perhaps even more striking was the
fact that the email contained not merely a few paragraphs on the subject,
but an entire paper on it -- with extensive detailed analysis!
When I thought about it, I realized that my efforts to organize a dense
metaphysical concept into a series of newly developed precepts triggered
this remarkable life response event. The response from my teacher not
only clarified the overall issue, but through his extensive paper, illuminated
in painstaking detail all the salient points. In the end, because I made a
small effort at organizing knowledge, life responded with a torrent of
information on that very subject. It was for me a breathtaking moment: an
instance of pure magic.
Organizing Organization
Finally, there was the time I began organizing the chapter you are now
reading: “The Great Secret: Organization.” At one point in that effort, I
took a short break to check my messages. When I opened the email app,
lo and behold there was a message from a reader inquiring about that very
same subject of ‘organization!’ It was remarkable not only because it
arrived just as I began developing the chapter, but it was the first inquiry I
had ever received on the subject of organization from any reader in all the
When you try to derive the maximum use from a resource, life
responds with more of it – arriving in ways you would never have
imagined. When the manager of the company made the decision to make
the most of its current, scarce resource by using every bit available, life
returned the favor with fresh new supplies at a time when conditions were
-To know what organization is not is to know what it truly is. To imagine an
existence without structure and order is to appreciate how organization has
shaped every aspect of our lives.
-Organization is the ordering mechanism that coordinates and integrates all
aspects of life, providing a foundation for stable existence.
-Organization is a power that turns unruly, unordered, disparate existence into
manageable, utilitarian reality so life can thrive.
-Taking to higher levels of organization not only creates practical results, but
powerful life response results as well.
-Life has a particular tendency to respond to higher levels of cleanliness. It is
perhaps the quickest way to evoke a positive response from life.
-Cleanliness reaches its apex and perfection when accompanied by higher levels
of orderliness.
-Whereas cleanliness makes objects more presentable and appealing to the eye,
orderliness puts them in recognizable patterns for easy access.
- To systematize a thing is to organize that object or matter into orderly and
logical patterns that maintain themselves and repeat. When taken to in greater
degree, it tends to evoke good fortune.
-When we take facts and turn them into organized knowledge, life responds to
that effort; often attracting more or greater knowledge in that domain.
-When you make the maximum use of a resource, you attract more if it, as well
as other positive developments.
-Giving an object or individual more attention energizes it, brings out its full
potential, and attracts powerful life response results.
It a basic law of life that everything, whether a physical object or a human being,
responds to attention. Money is no exception. The best way to give attention to
money is to account for it accurately and in a timely manner. For example,
keeping precise and up-to-date accounts of money is a powerful way to evoke
more of it. One small business owner decided to give greater attention to his
neglected accounting system by balancing eight months of data over a weekend,
and suddenly attracted $5000 out of nowhere.
Like any force, money works at its best and produces greatest results when it
circulates. Holding back on paying what’s due, or otherwise hoarding money
prevents its free flow. E.g., when you give up your hesitation to spend on things
that are necessary or deserved, a sudden, unexpected inflow of cash follows. One
individual overcame his hesitation to spend a good sum of money on a deserving
friend, and immediately attracted the exact amount -- down to the penny -- from an
unexpected source. In another episode, when that same individual shifted from
reluctance to committing to pay a large medical bill, within ten seconds he received
word of a large sale that came at a critical juncture for his company. When you
allow money to circulate, it comes back to you in buckets!
Long-term Debt
Very often those who suffer from money problems have borrowed in the past,
and have forgotten to repay -- even when they had the opportunity to do so. One
individual I know of owed a friend a considerable amount of money for over
twenty years. An instant after he committed to paying off that old debt, he
received news about a new, improved living situation that changed his lifestyle
forever. That is the power of paying off long-neglected moneys due.
Cleanliness, Orderliness
Perhaps the simplest and most dramatic way to attract money is to raise the level
of cleanliness and orderliness of your surroundings. Many individuals and
businesses -- including many of our clients -- have followed this principle, and
seen money quickly rush in from all sides. E.g., there was the case of the client
company of ours who organized their messy stockyard of tools, and quickly
attracted an avalanche of cash-generating orders, as well as other improvements
in their financial position. And of course there was the cleaning of the filthy
refrigerator that attracted months of work, resolving a serious financial crisis for
an individual without work.
Ten-Year Drought
Perhaps the best way to approach this power is to examine the negative
side first -- i.e. the troubling relationships we have with others. My
reasoning here is simple: before we can even begin to consider the best
ways to connect with people, we first have to shed our harmful feelings
and emotions towards others. And yet even efforts to scrape away the
negative will evoke the miraculous.
Do you remember my friend who had been jumping from one firm to
another on temporary short-term assignments? In that case, when she
overcame her reluctance to take on a single, small assignment, she attracted
a series of long-term jobs that changed her career. Well it turns out that
one of those lengthy assignments involved working at a major medical
facility where it was her task to transcribe patient information. Though my
friend enjoyed the steady, challenging work, she still felt insecure because
she did not know when the temp job would end. Living under a cloud of
uncertainty, she now longed for the security of a full-time position.
Precious Moments
As we see, when we make the effort to bridge the psychological gap
between us, life responds in our favor -- often in overwhelming fashion.
And yet I have begun my analysis from the negative side -- i.e. the need to
rid ourselves of our harsh feelings and attitudes towards others. I started
out this way because having cordial relations is so fundamental to human
relations. Unless we shed our virulent feelings, how can we even begin to
consider more positive approaches? With that said, let’s move on to one
of them, and see how applying it leads to better relations and to powerful
life response results.
Perhaps the most fundamental way to establish solid relationships is
to shift our focus away from our own selves, and towards the interests and
concerns of others. By taking that approach, we not only develop warmer
and more satisfying relations, but we evoke powerful response in the
process. Let me give you an example.
Several years ago, I was having a pleasant conversation with a friend of
mine. Though we were engaged in a lively discussion in which we each
expressed our thoughts and feelings on a variety of subjects, it was clear
that I was dominating the conversation.
At one point as we discussed a particularly interesting topic, I felt
compelled to express a new idea. And yet I also sensed that my friend was
eager to communicate something that was on her mind. Realizing that I
had already said my piece and more, I decided to hold back the thought. I
I am also happy to report that nearly a decade after this incident, my friend is still
working for that same organization. In fact, several years after this episode, my friend
won an award as employee of the year in her first year at the large medical facility!
p.99 - Making the Connection with Others
then went a step further and encouraged my friend to tell me what she was
Well to my surprise, she expressed an idea that I found utterly
astonishing. In fact, what she said was so poignant that I felt a tingling
sensation up and down my spine. As she articulated the thought, I was not
only taken in by the quality of the insight, but I was moved by the sparkling
direction the conversation had now taken.
As this enjoyable moment lingered, it suddenly dawned on me that
because I had earlier shifted away from my own interests and concerns,
and encouraged my friend to speak what was on her mind, the
conversation took this dramatic turn.
In the end, my friend and I would go on to have a truly wonderful
discussion. Not only was it a breathtaking experience in which our ideas
converged in moments of true insight, but we were able to share a sweet
emotional bond along the way. What could possibly be more satisfying
between friends?
From this episode, we see that when we shift our focus away from our
own selves, and toward the interests and concerns of others, not only do
we develop warmer and more harmonious relationships, but we quickly
attract positive circumstances -- whether a profound insight, a dramatic
turn in the conversation, or some other fresh and unexpected
If this is the case, then why not try implementing this self-giving
approach in your own life. E.g., the next time you converse with a friend,
family member, or other individual, take a moment to focus yourself on
their interests and concerns. Then when the conversation begins, allow
that person to speak first, encouraging them to express what is on their
mind. Also, show a deep and abiding interest in what they have to say. I.e.
as they speak, hold your attention on their remarks, reinforcing it if
necessary. Also, avoid turning the conversation back on yourself.
Though this approach may be a little difficult to master at first -- for
who can easily control one’s own thoughts and feeling in a social situation
-- it can eventually become an ongoing habit and routine. By taking this
tact, your conversations will flow more smoothly, your level of knowledge
will increase, and your relationships with others will be more harmonious
and enjoyable. Also, when that effort reaches a certain pitch, life will take
over and the real (life response) magic will begin!
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Magic Carpet Ride
Opportunities to focus on the interest and concerns of others do not
only happen in intimate 1-on-1 conversations, but in all types of social
situations -- from a business meeting to shopping at the supermarket.
Sometimes the response can be so overwhelming that you question the
nature of reality! Let me explain.
Several years ago, I went on a little shopping trip with a friend to
purchase several household goods. When we arrived at the huge discount
store, I quickly realized that she was just as eager to find items on her list,
as I was mine. Since we were shopping together, I suddenly felt conflicted
about where to begin. What to do?
Fortunately, my better angels took over and I felt compelled to do what
was right: which in this case meant deferring to the needs of my friend.
And so a moment later, I turned to her and said that we should shop for
the items on her list first, and then take care of my agenda thereafter. She
quietly agreed, and we began our dual-mission together.
The first thing that happened was that a sense of calm and well-being
came over me. It had a most pleasing affect, and was in marked contrast
to my earlier feeling of eagerness and conflict.
Then as we proceeded down the aisles, I noticed something else
unusual taking place: that my friend was able to find everything on her
agenda in an extraordinarily short period of time. It was if we were riding
a conveyer belt that was taking us directly to the correct aisle and location
for each item on her list!
I also noticed when we arrived at each area, not only was every item in
stock, but in just the right size and shape. This was also highly unusual.
In addition to these startling events, something else caught my
attention. As we picked up each item on her shopping list, I was able to
find everything on my list as well. I found this utterly astonishing because
normally many of my items would be in different aisles from hers. And yet
on this shopping excursion, everything I was after was either right where
my friend’s items were or were right along that path!
And it did not end there! E.g. in the course of accompanying my friend
to her stuff, I continually came across other useful items that were not on
my original shopping list. In fact, they turned out to be more important than
the items on my original listing!
When you give others attention, not only are practical results generated
-- such as the development of a new skill, or an uptick in energy and
enthusiasm -- but extraordinary life response ones as well; such as
$5 Raise; £5 Gift
In studying literature and cinema over the years, I have often seen this
dynamic at work: i.e. act in a self-giving manner, and good fortune quickly
follows. In fact, I have noticed that a kind, generous, forgiving, or
munificent act will often attract a life-changing response.
For example, there is a wonderful moment in the popular AMC TV
series Mad Men, which is about an advertising agency in fast changing 1960s
America. In this scene, the main character, Don Draper, a top executive in
the firm, is having a meeting with Peggy Olson, who is a first year junior
copywriter. It turns out that she has unexpectedly played a vital role in the
marketing campaign of one of Sterling Cooper’s important accounts,
something highly unusual for someone in her position; and especially in
that pre women’s liberation era.
At this point, Peggy comes into Draper’s office and modestly suggests
that she deserves a small raise. Draper smiles in agreement, but then tells
her that she should ask for it “like a man;” meaning she should quantify
what she wants. In other words, Draper cares about her and wants to give
Peggy what she deserves, but she should ask for the specific amount. Peggy
then says she wants a $5 raise -- a very modest amount considering what
she had accomplished for the firm. Draper smiles and is about to agree,
when the senior partner of the firm, Bertram Cooper, suddenly rushes into
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the room, interrupts their conversation, and drags Draper into his office.
He then shocks Draper by offering him the position of senior partner in
the firm, the highest position in the organization!
And why did this sudden good fortune come to Draper? Because
earlier on, he showed deep concern for Peggy by asking her to spell out
exactly what she wanted. That single gesture of generosity and goodwill
attracted his boss in mid-sentence and propelled Draper to senior partner
in the large company. It is a precise demonstration of how self-giving
behavior can quickly evoke life-changing results.
Interestingly, just the week before I was watching another TV show,
the BBC series Cranford, which is set in 1840 rural England, where a very
similar outcome takes place. In the very first episode, elder sister Matty
Jenkeyns, played by famed actress Judy Dench, engages in a single act of
generosity by lending 5 pounds to a hard working individual that attracts a
tidal wave of positive circumstances for Matty and her friends, including
the appearance of her beloved brother whom she has not seen in 30 years.
It is but another demonstration of the overwhelming, life-changing power
of a selfless and self-giving act.
Referral of a Lifetime
Before concluding this chapter, I would like to describe two other ways
to evoke the miraculous through our relationships. The first involves an
inner movement that is so profound that it brings into question the very
nature of human relations. It involves our capacity to express or otherwise
broadcast our goodwill to others.
The most obvious way to demonstrate our goodwill is to express it
directly to another person. If we do that sincerely and on a regular basis,
we will attract powerful positive conditions. Here is a case in point:
A while back, I had the good fortune to attend a meeting of managers
and consultants at Microsoft's downtown regional headquarters in San
Goodwill Broadcasting
In addition to expressing our goodwill directly to someone, we can also
offer it indirectly through a startling, spiritual-like approach. If we can well
up genuine positive feelings towards an individual, and then “broadcast” it
through the air, it can generate extraordinary results for the recipient. Here
is a powerful real-world example narrated by the same friend who helped
me recognize the life response power of goodwill above.
“One recent morning I sat down and concentrated in order to generate
an attitude of goodwill to specific people I knew, and to aspects of work
or life that I was directly related to. As it turned out, during that day I
received back a series of reports of good news that related to the very
things I had been concentrating on -- as well other aspects of work I had
put aside because of lack of time. Here are the details:
I had been concentrating on the health of a friend who had developed
diabetes, and whose ailment I felt responsibility for because of my
attitude, and the pressure I had placed upon him in work. Later in the
day, I received word that his blood sugar levels had declined almost back
to normal following treatment.
I had also been sending goodwill to a client company I was working
with, and praying that their revenues should increase. As it turned out,
during the day, they closed a good-sized order that had earlier been in
But there was still more. The previous day I had asked a marketing
manager at the company about the progress on a proposed collaboration
with another company that could generate big dividends for my client.
The manager had said he had not made any progress on the proposal for
the last six weeks. During the day of my concentration, however, he
reported that the other company had suddenly contacted him and
proposed flying into our city for the first meeting within five days’ time.
The Consummation
There is one final way to connect with others and thereby evoke the
miraculous. It is to express our deepest thanks and appreciation towards
them – i.e. our gratitude.
Gratitude is to communicate our heartfelt emotions for the role others
have played in bringing about positive conditions in our lives. The object
of our gratitude may be one person -- such as a friend, relative, teacher,
boss, or business associate -- or a group of people, such as members of
our project team, or the organization we are part of, or the state or nation
we reside in. Gratitude can even go out to life itself.
Because gratitude is a higher emotion -- a spiritual attitude of the soul,
-- it has a great power to attract powerful positive conditions. In fact, if
that expression of thanks and appreciation is sincere and heartfelt, then
there is no limit to what can come in return. To show you what I mean,
let’s return to Pride and Prejudice and examine the dramatic, climactic scene
of the story.
At this particular juncture in the tale, the elopement episode that
threatened to ruin the Bennet family has passed, and, fortunately, has done
no serious harm. However, in the wake of that near-disaster, Mr. Darcy
unexpectedly visits Eliza to discuss matters. Let’s see what happens next.
When Darcy arrives, he and Eliza take a stroll along a path outside the
Bennet home. It is on this walk that the two finally have a chance to express
their thoughts and feelings about recent events. It is clear from Darcy’s
demeanor that he is still very much in love with Eliza. Just below the
surface, he yearns to express the deep affection he still feels. Likewise,
Eliza also has strong feelings welling up inside her. Though they are both
eager to share their thoughts, it is Eliza who speaks first.
She begins by expressing her heartfelt gratitude to Darcy for having
saved her family from scandal and financial ruin by playing the critical role
in resolving the elopement episode. He was the one who found the
scoundrel Wickham and forced him to marry Eliza’s impetuous younger
sister Lydia, ending the potentially devastating scandal.
In fact, through that difficult ordeal, Eliza has come to understand
several other painful truths about herself and her family. First, she realizes
the deception that was perpetrated by the handsome, yet duplicitous rogue
Mr. Wickham. Not only was she duped into believing he cared for her, but
p.117 - Making the Connection with Others
he also ran off with her wild younger sister, instigating the scandal. She was
also now aware that Wickham had engaged in several other deceitful and
harmful acts in the past, including his earlier attempt to elope with Darcy’s
younger sister, taking advantage of her considerable family wealth.
Secondly, Eliza also has come to understand the vulgar behavior of her
own family members -- particularly the brazen actions of her youngest
sister Lydia, as well as the boorish conduct of her mother, Mrs. Bennet.
With that in mind, Eliza confesses to Darcy that he had expressed these
sentiments all along, but that she had only come to appreciate their truth
Then it is Darcy’s turn to speak. He begins by acknowledging Eliza’s
candidness, as well as her heartfelt gratitude. A minute later, he reiterates
the deep longing he has felt all along, and then asks for her hand in
marriage. However, unlike his first proposal, this time Eliza gladly and
joyfully accepts his offer -- bringing her ultimate fulfillment, and
catapulting her family to the next strata of wealth and social status.
Opportunities Everywhere
If we think about it, we will see that there are endless opportunities to
express our gratitude. Perhaps a salesperson has gone out of his way and
found a product we were eagerly searching for. Or perhaps someone has
gone out on a limb and loaned us money that was instrumental in our
business’s success. Or perhaps our spouse has presented us with a most
p.118 - Making the Connection with Others
unexpected and wonderful gift. Or perhaps our boss has worked hard
behind the scenes on our behalf. In each case, and in endless others, we
are afforded an opportunity to express our deepest thanks and
appreciation for something someone has done -- rather than forget the
matter or take it for granted. And when we do, we attract infinite-like
positive results from out of nowhere.
Grow by Giving
In the final analysis, we see that there is a direct link between the quality
of our relationships and our ability to evoke life response. When we reach
across over the chasm that divides us and connect with others, we not only
build goodwill and strong bonds, but good or even great fortune invariably
In addition, each time we move beyond our limited selves and embrace
the needs and concerns of others, we elevate our consciousness, taking a
further step on the road of personal progress.
Ultimately, however, when we make the heartfelt connection with
others, we are given the opportunity to experience the greatest gift of all -
- that of human Love.
One observation I have had along the way is that the happiest people
are usually those who are selfless and self-giving, while those who are
unhappy or miserable are often selfish, self-absorbed, and oblivious to the
interests and concerns of others.
And yet from another perspective, this conclusion seems counter-
intuitive -- for how can we be truly happy unless we pursue our own wants
and needs? How can we be satisfied unless we seek out those very things
we desire in life -- whether greater success, more prosperity, the right mate,
a happy home life, etc.?
However, the selfless and self-giving practitioner might respond that
these are not the things that make us happy, but are rather the very trappings
of life. That their single-minded pursuit leads not to inner joy and
happiness, but to transient satisfaction that can quickly turn into its
Which leads me to another observation: that there seems to be a certain
type of individual who cannot help but give of themselves. When we meet
them, we are quickly taken in by their warmth, their goodness, and their
sincere goodwill. In the East, such individuals are described as “ripe souls”
-- i.e. having evolved through several births to reach their current
compassionate and benevolent state. When we interact with them, we are
not only reminded of the power of goodness, but how their self-giving
nature is a source of great joy and pleasure.
And yet despite these observations, one might pose a psychologically
and spiritually taboo question. Are there not situations where taking to
such kindly, selfless, and self-giving behavior can actually be deleterious to
our person? While one might say that such goodness is always welcome,
and, is indeed practiced all too infrequently in the world, there are certain
situations where it would be best withheld.
The reality is that there are individuals who are ready to abuse you, and
take advantage of your good nature. For example, it would be particularly
foolish to be self-giving towards those who harbor ill will towards you, or
secretly hope to tear you down. If you extend yourself to such undeserved
Human Frailty
The truth of the matter is that many of us are not very strong. We are
often timid, fearful, and apprehensive; quivering in the shadow of life’s
pressures, or cowering before those who abuse us. Because of our
psychological weakness, we are unable to cope with life’s circumstance,
which prevents us from moving forward and reaching our full potential.
As a result, we can become world-weary and fatalistic, believing we are the
helpless victims of an existence that is determined to crush us.
And then there are those who are aware of their psychological frailty,
and yet are still unable to shake free of it. That in turn can lead to the worst
of consequences -- even tragedy. For example, in Shakespeare’s most
famous play, we see how Prince Hamlet was unable to marshal the
psychological strength to act against those whom he knew had murdered
his father. As a result, he and those around him -- including several people
he dearly loved -- paid the ultimate price.
We also see the harmful, even tragic effects of weakness in the wider
collectives of society. For example, the nations of Europe cowered before
the Nazi machine in the run up to World War II -- as they were unable to
muster the strength to stand up to the fascists bullies. That weakness
directly contributed to the tragic death of over sixty million people. A little
cooperation and a lot more backbone in the days leading up to the war might
have avoided that greatest tragedy in human history.
Similarly, we can observe psychological weakness amongst the
collectives we are part of: whether a family that is unable to stand up to an
abusive member; a company that cannot cope with a brewing scandal; or
a nation that fails to confront a neighboring bully.
In fact, we do not have to look beyond our own individual selves to
know what human frailty and powerlessness is all about. If we examine our
own history, we will recall the price we paid because we lacked the
necessary strength, fortitude, and courage to stand up to the vicissitudes
of life. Perhaps we were unable to confront an abusive parent, and were
p.124 - Exercising Our Psychological Strength
left scarred for life. Or, perhaps we did not assert ourselves in a work
situation, which led to the failure of a project. Or, perhaps we lacked the
gumption to confront a sworn enemy who was complicit in destroying all
we had worked for.
Hopefully, we have learned from such experiences, and now
demonstrate greater toughness, fortitude, and resiliency. If not, then we
will be forced to repeat them in another from. For example, if in the past
you were unable to stand up to an abusive boss, then today you may be
under the thumb of someone else. Though circumstance may change, the
underlying problem remains the same, until we overcome the
corresponding psychological deficiency.
Fortunately, we are not bound to such fate, for each of us can replace
weakness with strength. If we understand the ways we express our
helplessness, powerlessness, vulnerability, and other forms of human
frailty, and then take steps to reverse them, not only will we develop a new
level of confidence and feel more emboldened to act in life, but through
that change, we are likely to elicit powerful response from life. Let me
illustrate with an example.
Standing up to a Partner
Over the years, I have been privy to a number of situations where a
shift to inner strength precipitated a powerful response. These incidents
crossed a wide spectrum of life -- from the sports world to the world of
politics and business. For example, in sports I have seen instances where a
weak coach was forced to take a tough stand that not only resolved an
immediate problem, but quickly attracted other positive results -- such as
the sudden availability of a talented player or the unexpected decline of a
competitor. Likewise, I have seen situations where public leaders were forced
to marshal new levels of psychological strength that not resolved a current
dilemma, but attracted positive outcomes, such as the freeing up of
moribund legislation, unexpected revenues flowing into state coffers, and
the sudden allegiance of a bitter rival. I have also seen the same
phenomenon in business, where executives changed their ways and made
tough decisions that attracted a sudden burst in sales, or an unexpected
financial windfall, or the sudden loyalty of previously indifferent staff.
For example, several years ago, I learned of a life response incident
involving a business friend of mine who ran a $17 million chain of audio-
video stores in Canada. It turns out that he once had a partner who was
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difficult, outspoken, and crude. Though my friend -- the “good” partner -
- was conscientious, well mannered, and intelligent, he lacked a certain
toughness and strength that his partner had. In fact, my friend often
cowered before his difficult and tough-minded colleague.
One day, our friend realized that what he himself lacked, the partner
had in spades: an innate ability to stand up to adversity, and when
necessary, take control. As a result, my friend decided that he too would
like to have these qualities. And so in the days that followed, he began to
examine his own character to determine how he could change. Eventually,
he identified several strength-related personal attributes that were wanting,
and then made a personal commitment to overcome them. In fact, the very
first decision he made was to stand up to his partner! As a result of that
courageous act, not only did his colleague stop his abusive behavior, but
he began to cower before our once-weak friend! In addition, a burst of
positive news followed, including a sudden increase in the enthusiasm of
the staff, as well as an unexpected surge in company sales.
As we see, when we shift from weakness to psychological strength, not
only do we create practical positive results, but we attract powerful life
response ones as well. When I shed my weakness and stood up to my agent
in the compensation debacle, not only was the uncertainty surrounding the
project resolved, but a six-month neck pain suddenly disappeared.
Likewise, when our business friend stood up to his difficult partner, not
only did it put a break on his cohort’s abusive behavior, but it energized
the staff and attracted a sudden and most unexpected spike in revenues.
That is exactly what happens when you take to greater psychological
strength. Positive conditions immediately rush in!
History Lessons
We can also see how psychological strength has served some of the
most famous figures in history. For example, there is no greater example
of “intestinal fortitude” than that exhibited by Winston Churchill in the
years leading up to World War II. While the nations of Europe cowered
before the fascist juggernaut, Churchill doggedly pursued his agenda to
confront the threat. His unique combination of intellect and toughness not
only brought the people of England and Europe to his side, but it served
him exceedingly well during the execution of the war. His bulldog
determination during those times had its most shining hour when Britain
bravely stood up to the German bombardment that threatened to bring
Europe completely under Nazi control. In fact, because of his extreme grit
and superhuman resolve, Churchill earned the nickname “old blood and
guts.” Surely, if we were to study Churchill’s life in detail, we would
uncover powerful instances of sudden good fortune directly attributable to
his exercising psychological strength.
There are of course countless episodes in history where individuals
demonstrated fortitude and bravery in the face of life’s challenges. One
example is the experience of 16th century German theologian Martin
Luther, who summoned up fierce courage by insisting on the right of
individuals to worship as they pleased -- instead of being bound by the
dictates of the Church. Though continually threatened, he exhibited
dogged determination and unflinching bravery not to give into the political
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and financial pressure of the Papacy. As a result, not only did he pave the
way for future generations so they could worship as they pleased, but his
efforts also sowed the seeds of democracy in the Western world. I am sure
if we were to study Luther’s life in detail, we would also discover instances
where his tough-minded and courageous actions attracted quick and
powerful response from life.
One other place to observe the relationship between psychological
strength and life response is in the great works of literature. In fact, there
is one very powerful example of this dynamic in the one book I have
focused on so far, Pride and Prejudice. It occurs at a critical juncture near the
end of the story -- after the elopement incident has been diffused, but
before Darcy has made his second and successful proposal of marriage to
In turns out that Darcy has a fabulously wealthy, aristocratic aunt
named Lady Catherine. She is not only a strong, willful person, but has an
authoritarian, even bullying nature that she used to get whatever she
wanted. Jane Austin saw her as an anachronistic character, clearly out of
step with the progressive forces emerging at the time.
As this point in the story, Lady Catherine is very troubled by the fact
that her nephew Mr. Darcy -- also very wealthy and a member of the
aristocratic class -- has shown interest in Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter
of a middle class, gentleman farmer. On hearing these troubling rumors,
the forceful, brutish Lady Catherine charges out across the countryside
with entourage in tow, and seeks out young Elizabeth.
After bursting into the Bennet home, she locates Eliza and then berates
her for being involved with her nephew, Mr. Darcy. How dare she be
interested in someone of a higher class; and how dare she allow her family,
the Bennets -- recently the object of scandal -- be entwined with a
sophisticated and wealthy clan such as hers.
Though Lady Catherine hammers away at her with a frontal barrage,
Eliza remains calm and collected, refusing to give in. Seeing that Eliza is
unmoved, Lady Catherine then demands to know if she has any interest in
marring her nephew Mr. Darcy. Once again, Eliza refuses to give a direct
answer. Now completely flustered, Lady Catherine vociferously insists that
Eliza give her satisfaction and respond to her inquiry. However, rather
than cower before the wrath of this woman of great power and influence,
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Eliza holds her ground and once more denies her request. After several
more threats against Eliza and her family, Lady Catherine is left frustrated,
and barrels out of the house in a huff.
However, the situation does not end there, because Darcy later finds
out about the meeting that took place between Eliza and his aunt. In fact,
when he learns of the details of the conversation from Lady Catherine, he
realizes that Eliza might still be interested in him! After all, he reasons,
Eliza never actually refused to say that she would not marry him when
pressed by Lady Catherine. That in his mind opens the door to the
possibility that Eliza might accept another proposal of marriage. As a
result, Darcy sets off for the Bennet home, where he then proposes again
to Eliza, who then accepts!
Looking at it from Eliza’s perspective, we see that she has just
experienced an overwhelming positive response to her exercise of
psychological strength. Because she held her ground in the face of Lady
Catherine’s onslaught; because she showed toughness before this woman’s
meddlesome, bullying tactics, Darcy suddenly and most unexpectedly
appears at Eliza’s doorstep and proposes marriage, changing her life
forever. That is the life response power of exercising our psychological
One of the most powerful life response techniques worth practicing is something
I call “Trace Backward.” It is actually quite simple. Every time you come across
an instance of good fortune, -- such as a client calling after years of being out of
touch, or the sudden, unexpected arrival of money, or an opportunity arising out
of nowhere -- trace it back to a recent shift in your behavior, such as a change in
attitude, or a decision made, or an action taken. That way you will consistently
connect the life response outcome with the change in consciousness that
precipitated it. (You can also do the same when you watch a film or read a novel
or review news events in the media.)
Taking this approach will enable you to see life response more often and more
clearly. As a result, you will tend to take to these corresponding right behaviors
more often, which means you will experience life response more frequently,
leading to greater success and fulfillment in life.
By the way, the same approach can be used with negative life response. If a negative
event occurs in your life and you trace it back to a wanting inner or outer behavior
-- such as a lack of inner strength -- you will be more motivated to avoid it in the
future (and thus avoid additional negative response).
An even more advanced technique is something I call “Trace Forward.” This is
in essence the ability to predict when a life response will occur in the future!
Though this method usually requires several years of life response knowledge and
experience, there is no reason you cannot acquire in early on. In essence, in any
given moment, you sense how life is unfolding, and therefore where it is leading,
which enables you to determine where, when, and why a life response will occur.
You can even predict the precise moment that it will happen! Here is an example:
One day rather than take my afternoon walk, I decided to wait at my office for a
FedEx package to arrive with my new HP laser printer. For several days, I tracked
the package and therefore knew that it would arrive soon. But I still couldn’t say
if it would be today or tomorrow.
Then it struck me that rather than wait around, I should instead (at 2pm) vacuum
the floor. And so I took out my new, month-old vacuum cleaner and began the
task. Unfortunately, the dirt was not being sucked up into the machine! Then I
recalled that the previous three or four times I used it, the same thing happened
-- i.e. it spit out dust balls even as I seemed to be picking things up.
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When I then opened the machine to see what was wrong, I discovered that the
bag inside was not collecting the dirt. It turns out that I had not installed the hose
properly when I assembled it, causing a lack of suction. When I then went ahead
and fixed it, the vacuum worked perfectly.
Now comes the best part. I vacuumed for ten or fifteen minutes, but I was
concerned that I would miss the delivery of the printer because the vacuum
would be too loud. Then it occurred to me that as soon as I finished the cleaning,
the delivery would arrive.
As I finished the vacuuming, I was now all but certain that the delivery would
arrive at the moment I completed the task. It just seemed right considering the
flow of events. A minute after finishing, I walked over to the window, had that
thought again, and instantly saw the delivery person with the FedEx package
containing the printer walking up the pathway! He arrived right on cue!
In essence, I had predicted the exact moment, down to the second, the delivery
would take place based on the flow of events and my life response knowledge
and experience.
Though it is indeed very powerful, there is one caveat to this approach: you
should not let the effort stroke your ego. You must remain perfectly humble
when using it. If not, you will be inviting trouble. On the other hand, if you use
the technique properly, it will not only be a fantastic and fun experience, but
further proof that you can determine the future from within.
In a closely related phenomenon, spiritual sage Sri Karmayogi tells us that the
ultimate outcomes of a project, work, circumstance, etc. can be seen at the very
beginning. At the outset of a related chain of conditions there are acts that are
indicators of the final outcome of that life flow, whether a project in a business,
a home purchase, even a marriage.
Mother’s Service Society researchers including myself have traced many instances
of this startling phenomenon. E.g. in Pride and Prejudice Mrs. Bennet announced
at the very beginning the arrival of two young, handsome, very rich, eligible
bachelors, which is in fact what happens at the very end, when they marry two of
her own daughters, sending her middle class family to the heights of wealth and
social status.
What good are such perceptions? It can help you anticipate, if not predict the
future (the final outcome). A crime investigator, or a doctor, or a businessperson
with that subtle sense can make decisions and take actions that abridge space and
time through that knowledge; by either moving in the opposite direction of a
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negative event up front in that chain, or reinforcing any positives that arose at
the outset. Developing a Subtle Sense to see that will facilitate the process; i.e.
paying attention to the flow of life; as will an ability to make the correspondence
between the outer conditions and one’s own attitudes, motives, beliefs, decisions
and actions.
Thus through this startling phenomenon of Life, you can become Its complete
Master. It is thus an ultimate Life Response power.
Here are some examples of the phenomenon:
-One individual I know was desperately trying to meet some people in a suburb
of Los Angeles for a crucial, potentially life changing meeting. He ended up
getting utterly lost in a maze of suburban streets. Though he would later find the
place and create a business relationship that would last several years, that
undertaking ended in bankruptcy. (Had he calmed himself and opened to the
Spirit to cancel the negative there and then – something we’ll discuss in a later
chapter – he might have overcome this disastrous eventuality.)
-An individual was desperately trying to get some sun tan lotion before taking a
cruise on a tiny riverboat in Sacramento, California. His effort was intense and
confused, though he and his friend managed to get on board just a moment
before the little boat embarked. Twenty minutes into the trip a super, modern
speedboat zoomed by, nearly cutting the boat in half. What happens at the outset
indicated the thing to come. (Again, had he caught his emotions and remained
steady, he never would have attracted the near disaster.)
Sri Karmayogi indicates that if you want perfect success at the end, trace its path
to its earliest beginnings. All those events will be of the same character; with the
same motive, attitude, opinion, etc. of the individual precipitating them. Once
identified, withdraw the negatives that created the wanting outcomes at the start
and presently, and reinforce the positive ones. Life will respond overwhelmingly
in your favor.
You can also make that change at the very beginning, by catching the smallest or
largest negative that appears. You can readily identify these by seeing the
correspondence between the inner you and the outer conditions. Taking this
approach at the outset will change the course of life relative to those
circumstance. It’s a way of insuring perfection in the outcome; avoiding
considerable effort and the meanderings of life. In other words, it creates the
greatest efficiency of space and time.
Finally, it is also worth noting positive outcomes that occur at the start -- such as
workers being always on time, the firm passing quota the first week, much
smoother running of machines, passing deadlines earlier than anticipated, and so
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forth. Whatever their nature, they too are indicators of our own individual
consciousness and/or that of the collective. Identifying and reinforcing them at
the beginning as well as along the way will ensure the final outcome is great, far
exceeding our initial aspirations and projections.
Though science has not proved it, and skeptics will deny it, individuals
throughout time have had experiences that can only be described as
“spiritual” in nature.
One person experiences light and profound insight; another, a deep
presence within; a third, a feeling of peace; and a fourth, an overwhelming
sense of oneness with all and everything around them. Such epiphanies
come in many forms, depending on the individual’s nature, the society they
come from, and other factors.
Take the spiritual attribute of “Oneness.” Through the ages,
individuals have shared their experiences of an overpowering association
and connection with life. In some instances, it was a feeling of harmony
with nature; in others, a deep bond with an infinite universe; and in others
still, a transcendent connection to a divine Reality. In each case, the
individual experienced an epiphany -- a sense of harmony, oneness, and
unity with something far greater than his own individual self.
Yet another way we experience Oneness is through the deep, abiding
relationships we have with others. When we focus on the interests and
concerns of another person, when we take to selfless and self-giving
behavior, and when we express our heartfelt thanks, appreciation, and
gratitude, we are also experiencing that sense of Oneness. And yet if we
examine this connection more closely, we will see that it is more than a
harmonic bond between people, but an emotional one as well. It is an
indicator of another attribute at play -- that of spiritual Love.
Then what is spiritual Love? It is certainly more than the physical
attraction or attachment we have for another person. It is also more than
the ordinary vital feelings, emotions, and attitudes we have toward others.
It is instead something primary -- truer, deeper, and longer lasting. Spiritual
Love occurs when the lover, partner, parent, friend, associate, etc. seeks to
give of himself without expectation or reward. It is where we offer love
and affection for its own sake, seeking only the happiness and fulfillment
of the other person.
In addition to Oneness and Love, we can also know spirit through Joy
and Delight of being. This is not, however, the ordinary happiness that
depends on favorable conditions -- such as having the right mate or
securing a high-paying job; things that can change in an instant. Rather,
Joy and Delight of being is a spiritual-like emotion that wells up from
within; that springs forth at any time and for any reason, independent of
the vicissitudes of life.
One way we generate this inner-oriented, unflagging Joy is by being
selfless and self-giving in our interaction with others. When we shift our
focus away from ourselves and act for the sake of another person, a deep
pleasure takes hold. We experience an inner freshness, a sublime sweetness
that matures over time into a deep Joy and Delight in being alive.
We also have this deep, abiding, pleasure-giving experience -- also
known as “Bliss” (Ananda) in the East -- when we discover our higher
nature. Each time we uncover something we have never known before,
whether about ourselves or about life, this deep pleasure and joy takes
Finally, we experience ultimate Delight when we come in touch with the
spiritual dimension of life: when we feel the divine Presence within, or
when we commune with the transcendent Reality beyond this world. At
that point, we experience an ecstatic pleasure and bliss that is beyond
anything in this life.
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After exhausting every possibly argument against our request, the
executive paused, and then perhaps out of politeness added, “on the
other hand …” He then began to state every argument I could possibly
think of why he should grant our request!
However, this was now the moment of maximum temptation for me
because I wanted to speak, if only to agree with him. And so, with almost
painful-like restraint, I continued to listen. At the next pause, the
executive told me “so on balance between these positives and the
negatives, I think we will grant you your request.”
At that moment, I remembered an old sales maxim: “Stop selling
immediately when the sale is made.”
I then stood up, thanked him profusely and headed for the door. As
he walked me out, he said with a slightly puzzled tone, “You know, Fred,
you are quite a persuasive person.”
An Everyday Habit
Though Silent Will is an extraordinary method for attracting the
miraculous, it is not always the easiest technique to master. As we saw in
Fred’s case, he had to marshal all of his strength and will to avoid
verbalizing what was on his mind. It was especially difficult because the
meeting was so important to him -- i.e. it was critical to the development
of the book he was writing. In fact, the situation was so challenging that
Fred had to resort to prayer to garner the inner strength to see it through.
In the end, however -- through extreme inner discipline in a pressure-filled
situation -- Fred got exactly what he was after.
I should point out that while the typical effort at Silent Will is usually
not quite so daunting, one does need a certain amount of discipline and
“Do Not Speak Unless You Can Improve the Silence” (a proverb)
As we have seen, when we withhold speech, thought, emotion, and
intention, we quickly attract startling conditions from the world around us.
Yet another way to evoke this infinite-like capacity is to simply reduce the
amount of speaking we do in the course of a day. When we do, positive
life response quickly reveals itself. Conversely, when we indulge ourselves
and vocalize our thoughts and feelings too freely -- whether through idle
conversation or uncontrolled expression of whatever is on our mind -- life
can suddenly turn against us, as we will see in the following incident.
One day, in 2001, I was watching a baseball game on television between
the local team, the San Francisco Giants, and an opponent. The reason I
tuned into this particular contest was that Barry Bonds, the famous
superstar of the Giants, was on his way to setting the all-time record for
home runs in a season. As it turned out, on this particular night, Bonds hit
another round-tripper in his pursuit of the record books. And yet before
the viewer could savor that moment, his teammate, the next batter up,
matched his feat with a home run of his own.
When the player returned to the dugout after circling the bases, he sat
next to Bonds on the bench. Though the TV broadcast does not pick up
the audio, you could see them sitting together on the bench. In this
instance, the gestures of the two players indicated that they were engaged
in friendly banter about the events that had just transpired. On closer
examination, however, it was clear that they were actually engaged in a
game of one-upmanship – each trying to convince the other of the superior
flight of their ball!
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As it turned out, because the Giants were having a particularly good
inning, the teammates had ample time to continue their good-natured,
though childish sparring. In fact, their verbal jousting would go on for a
good ten minutes.
At that particular point, it was late in the game and the Giants were
ahead 3-0. However, shortly after, things took a bad turn when their
opponents scored three runs to tie. Because the match was now even at
the end of regulation play, the game headed into extra innings. Though I
watched the contest a while longer, I turned it off when it dragged on and
the score remained tied. Because it was getting past my bedtime, I decided
to forgo the remainder of the game and retire for the night.
Curious about the outcome of the game, the next morning I read the
headlines in the local paper: “Bonds ties the record for hitting the most
home runs (37) before the All-Star game. But a 15th inning error by one of
the Giant players caused the team to lose, ending their six-game winning
streak.” It was a devastating loss for the hometown fans.
And yet I was not at all surprised by the outcome. In fact, I suspected
something like that would occur because of the braggadocio I witnessed
the night before. When we indulge ourselves in this way, -- especially when
the outcome of something is still in doubt -- life will move counter to our
interests. In this instance, the negative result was a direct response to their
excessive speech. Rather than retain the energy they generated through their
impressive athletic feats -- i.e. hitting their home runs and putting their
team in the lead -- they squandered it away in idle, even boastful
conversation. As a result, life responded and filled that void with negative
conditions in the form of a heartbreaking loss.
Incidents like this indicate the life response power inherent in speech.
Because it originates in our energy/life center, it carries a special life-
power. Thus, if we speak too much, we squander our energies, which
attract negative conditions back to us. On the other hand, if we conserve our
energy through reduced speech -- or better yet by completely remaining
silent in such situations – our energies are reinforced, which attracts
additional positive circumstance.
If we pay close attention to what goes on in the course of a day, we will
see how often people squander their energies through excessive speech.
One of the most striking examples is in Pride and Prejudice. There Mrs.
Bennet incessantly chatters about every matter -- including her likes and
dislikes, her nervous condition, and other obsessions and trivial matters --
p.151 - Discovering the Silence Within
which constantly attract negative conditions back to her! It I startling to
see how often this occurs, and yet that is precisely how life operates.
Developing a Speech-Threshold
If life responds negatively to excessive speech, and positively to
controlling it, it would be helpful to come up ways to reduce the amount
of speaking we do in the course of our day. One approach is to discover
our “speech threshold” -- i.e. identify one or more activities or areas of our
life where we can cut back on or even eliminate speaking. If we then make
a serious effort to implement it, not only will we avoid the types of negative
response that the athletes and Mrs. Bennet experienced, but we are likely
to attract positive conditions as well.
For example, over the years I have noticed that whenever I engage in
aggressive or provocative conversation with a student before a class -- such
as debating a hot political or social issue -- invariably things start going
wrong somewhere during the day. E.g., someone will raise an impossibly
difficult question, or there will be some issue or disturbance that throws
me off balance. In addition, more often than not it involves the very person
I had the pre-class debate with!
From the perspective of life response, we can say that because I
squandered my energies at the outset, I attracted a mirror image drain on
my energies soon after. (Not unlike the situation of the two athletes, I
described earlier.) As a result of these sorts of experiences, I now try to
avoid all provocative pre-class conversations, focusing instead on matters
that pertain directly to that class’s subject matter!
To avoid these sorts of negative outcomes, and attract the positive
instead, I would advise that you come up with a short list of activities where
you can cut back on the amount of speaking you do. For one person, it
might mean curtailing idle conversation; for another, remaining quiet
during company meetings; and for a third, reducing speech when
interacting with family members. The point is that each time you identify
and keep within the bounds of your speech threshold, negative outcomes
will be avoided and good fortune will follow.
The truth of the matter is that we love the sound of our own voice.
That is especially true when we engage others in conversation in social
situations. When you consider that as much as 80% of speaking takes place
on these occasions – i.e. where our emotions and feeling are given full play
-- you can see why we talk so much. The intensity created when two or
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more people get together can be irresistible, compelling them to express
whatever is on their minds. That in turn tends to attract negative
conditions, as well as cancel positive ones (see the baseball story above).
On the other hand, if we are vigilant, and make the inner effort to minimize
the amount of speaking we do, unexpected positive outcomes move our
E.g., recall the incident earlier on in the ‘Making the Connection with
Others’ chapter, when a friend and I were engaged in a lively conversation.
At one point in the discussion, I controlled my desire to verbalize a
thought, and instead urged her to speak what was on her mind. As a result,
she instantly expressed a marvelous idea that energized and thrilled me to
no end. Because I overcame the compulsion to speak in that social
situation, I elicited a response that turned a mundane conversation into an
energizing, even thrilling exchange.
A Magical Commute
From these incidents, we see the enormous life response power
inherent in our speech. When we speak too much, or too loudly, or too
harshly of others, negative conditions quickly present themselves.
However, when we control the need to speak; when we reduce the number
of words we express; when we talk in a low soft voice; and speak kindly of
others, we create a vortex of energy that can attracts the very best of
And yet we have concentrated on only one aspect of silence so far: the
elimination, reduction, and softening of speech. Another power of silence is
our ability to control the inner “noise” of our own thoughts. When we
reduce the amount of thinking we do, we not only establish conditions for
a steady, serene, and productive life, but we attract powerful life response
Recall the hypothetical story earlier where the project manager at one
point gave up all thinking about his plan, which suddenly attracted the
uncharacteristic interest of his team members, as well as a slew of other
startling developments, radically reducing the length of the project. Well
this doesn’t just happen in the theoretical world, but in the real world as
well! For example, over the years I have had a number of experiences
where stopping all thought attracted startling positive results. Here is one:
One evening several years ago, I was on my way home from a 2-day
presentation I had given in San Francisco. Because it was rush hour, the
train was stuffed with people, making it uncomfortable for everyone,
including myself -- especially since my legs now ached from several days
of standing in front of an audience. In addition, I sensed a particularly
negative vibration in the train that seemed to add to the strain.
A minute later, my “inner guide” suggested a different approach.
Rather than bother with the turbulence on the outside, why not empty my
mind of all thoughts. And so I relaxed, closed my eyes, and let the world
disappear. In a few moments, all thinking stopped and I found myself
staring into a block of white emptiness. It was a most relaxing and soothing
meditative experience that lasted five or ten minutes.
p.155 - Discovering the Silence Within
When we arrived at the next station, there was an announcement that
a less crowded train was two minutes behind. When I heard the message,
I quickly got up, exited the train, and waited on the platform for it to arrive.
Interestingly, I noticed that when my own crowded train pulled away, few
of the other passengers had taken up the conductor’s offer -- meaning that
I was practically all alone in the station. It was an eerie yet wonderful
feeling, as there was now so much quiet and empty space around me.
Several minutes later, the next train arrived as advertised. I then
hopped on board, looked around, and noticed that it was almost empty --
an extremely rare occurrence during the rush hour. I then found a
comfortable seat and enjoyed a wonderfully relaxing commute home.
In this episode, life on the outside quickly responded to my inner
effort of mental silence. When I decided to stop thinking about the
congestion and negative atmosphere -- wiping all thoughts from my mind
through a meditative effort -- life quickly responded when an
announcement was made of a far less crowded train behind. You could say
that the emptiness of thoughts in my mind attracted a train that was itself
empty. In any case, it turned out to be the perfect antidote to a very tense
and difficult situation!
By “vital,” I mean the center of our emotions and feelings; our wants and desires
-- as opposed to our mental and physical parts.
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put together a solution for the company on short notice. In addition, in
the back of my mind, I was still thinking about the alleged impropriety of
the parent company, which raised suspicions -- valid or not -- in my mind.
After several moments of hand wringing, I gathered my wits and
started thinking rationally about the situation. Reminding myself of the
“consciousness approach” to business that I have been practicing for 25
years, I began to shift my perspective from one of anxiety, trepidation, and
suspicion to one of equanimity and calm. “If this large invoice takes 60
days to be paid, then, so be it,” I told myself. “If this is what is meant to
be, I should accept things as they are, and that’s all there is to it.” In
essence, I was determined not to let this unexpected, challenging
development get the best of me.
And so a few moments later, my emotions settled down and I slowly
began to feel like my old self again. In fact, at one point I not only felt calm
and relaxed, but a feeling of serenity washed over me.
When the next morning rolled around, I received a surprise call from
the same representative. Surprisingly, she asked me if there was another
way her company could pay other than by check. Taken aback, I feebly
replied that check was the only way we accept payment. There was no
response on the other end.
Finding myself in a quandary, I began to grasp for other solutions.
Then a moment later, it occurred to me that one of our other products --
our Internet-based online project management tool -- is purchased by
customers via credit card over the web; so why not allow her to do the
same in this situation. I then told her that though this was not our normal
procedure, I could make an exception and allow her to pay this way. She
then said that she would look into the matter and get back to me.
Though this was a very important situation, I decided to put the entire
matter out of my mind. For one, I thought that it was unlikely that a large
company with well-defined bill payment procedures would take up my
offer; and two, as a consciousness-aspiring individual, I just didn’t want to
be disturbed by the matter.
Well, the next day when I looked in my email inbox, low and behold, I
discovered that the company had gone ahead and paid the bill in full! I was
equally stunned that they had taken up my suggestion and used our online
billing system to pay. As I sat there dazed, it occurred to me that a critical
invoice that was supposed to take sixty-plus days for payment was settled
in two!
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On reflection, I clearly understood that my shift from agitation to calm
in the face of a difficult situation not only attracted the representative’s
initial inquiry about alternate ways to pay, but also evoked the payment of
the invoice by credit card the very next day. By remaining relaxed and equal
in the face of troubling circumstance, conditions were reversed, and a
magnificent response came in its place.
Over the years, I have had many opportunities to practice “equality of
being” when difficulties and challenging situations presented themselves.
And each time life responded with starling positive conditions, I would
feel an intense joy and elation in the experience.
Shifting to Neutral
Because equality of being is such a powerful way to deal with the
pressures and vicissitudes of life, I thought that you might be interested in
several of its shadings. Here then are two little stories that demonstrate
some variations of this great inner power.
In May of 2001, I embarked on a road trip across the southwestern
United States; an adventure that I refer to as my “Journey of a Lifetime.”
I gave it that moniker because I had so many wonderful outer and inner
experiences along the way -- including a plethora of life response episodes.
On that trip, my friend and I journeyed 2000 miles in pursuit of our
ultimate goal -- the ancient Mesa Verde Native American ruins near
Cortez, Colorado.]
The incident I would like to narrate took place during the first leg of
our trip, after we crossed the High Sierra mountain range between
California and Nevada. At that point in our journey, we entered Highway
50 -- a 1000-mile long, obscure road known as “the world’s loneliest
highway.” It has this moniker because very few vehicles traverse it --
perhaps one car every ten minutes, -- yet it crosses some of the most
spectacular and least visited landscapes in the western US. What was so
special for my companion and I was the fact that for two days it seemed
like we had the entire vast western landscape to ourselves -- creating not
only a sense of freedom and endless possibility, but one of calm and
As we crossed Nevada on this clear-blue, warm spring day, adorned
with towering snowy peaks overlooking vast expanse of flowering
flatlands, we passed through a number of spine-like mountain ranges.
Every half hour or so we would see one grouping ahead, wind our way
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through their 5000-7000 foot midsection, and then descend into the next
great valley below, where would we then make out the next crisscrossing
of mountains up ahead. We would then traverse it, descend into the next
valley, and catch sight of the next range -- continuing this pattern for
perhaps a dozen iterations over the course of a day.
Once when we descended the steep slope of one of the ranges, we
looked into our rear-view mirrors and noticed a big-rig truck bearing down
on us less than half a mile away. The appearance of the vehicle was
particularly unsettling because it was barreling down on us at a rapid speed
on a rather steep incline.
As we continued that five-mile straightaway descent from the
mountains to the plain below, the truck picked up speed and started
gaining on us. My friend, who was driving at the time, was understandably
agitated; not only because she was new to long-distance driving, but
because she was intimidated by the speed and size of the vehicle coming
at us. Though my normal inclination would be to give a novice driver
advice in this situation, I decided to remain silent. I did so to avoid further
agitating my friend, and to give her a chance to deal with the situation on
her own.
And so a moment later, I turned away from her and focused my
attention on the passing scenery through my passenger-side window. Then
a few minutes later, I happened to glance into my rearview mirror to see if
the situation with the truck had improved. What I saw, however, was not
at all what I expected. Instead of narrowing the gap further, the truck
seemed to have suddenly changed course and veered off the highway.
When I looked closer, I saw an enormous cloud of dust about a half mile
behind us, and within it was the shadowy figure of a vehicle that seemed
to have swerved off the road, and was heading down a non-existent dirt
road that appeared to go nowhere!
I found this development quite astonishing. I then wondered why in
the world would a big-rig, apparently filled with goods headed to market,
suddenly turn off and head out at a 90-degree angle on a barely existing
dirt road towards what seemed like empty desert. It almost seemed as if a
magic force had suddenly ordered it to change course, which, in effect,
relieved us of all our anxiety.
As I watched the truck head off into the white expanse behind us, I
just knew that we had experienced an instance of life response. But what
had precipitated it? Or, more specifically, what had influenced the driver
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of the truck to suddenly change course and veer off just as it was about to
descend on us? To answer that question, I decided to do a little “inner
investigating.” First, I calmed myself after these somewhat disturbing
events. Then I focused my concentration on the incident that had just
taken place and tried to come up with a plausible explanation. After
reflecting on the issue, it suddenly dawned on me that I should ask my
friend about her psychological state between the time we first saw the truck
speeding down the hill and its sudden and most dramatic change of course.
When I raised the issue, my companion told me that at one point she
simply decided to stop thinking and worrying about the threat posed by
the truck. It then occurred to me that because she shifted her attitude from
anxiety to one of detachment and unconcern, the truck veered off the road,
relieving us of our problem. Or, to put it more succinctly, because she let
go of her fear, and settled into a state of inner calm and equality of being,
the problem simply disappeared. By “shifting to neutral” -- pun intended
-- she attracted a powerful response from life that relieved her of all
trepidation, bringing us both back to the state of serenity and relaxed
adventure we had enjoyed until that point.
“We have our business unit in a space that we rent out from another
party. One day the owner of our rented space picked an argument with
our own manager -- apparently without good reason. As a result of the
dispute, the owner threatened to terminate our lease for the space we
were renting. As it turned out, I was away during the time these events
were transpiring.
Naturally, all of the workers, including my manager, were agitated -- so
much so, that they wanted me to take appropriate legal action against the
owner of the space. However, I decided not to react to the intensity of
the situation, and, instead, decided to remain calm and composed. In
fact, I told the workers, as well as the manager to stay calm as well, and
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to concentrate instead on their work. I myself continued to function in
a normal fashion as if nothing had happened.
Several days later, the owner of the rented space unexpectedly came up
to me in tears. He said that his two-year-old grandson had a heart
problem, and he wanted me to suggest a hospital where the child could
be treated. Through my doctor friends, I was able to suggest a hospital
in Madras [i.e. Chennai, India]. The child was then taken there.
After examination, the doctors revealed that the child had a hole in his
heart, and that he had to be operated on immediately. The operation was
going to cost around two lacs of rupees [~5000 US dollars].
Unfortunately, the owner did not have two-pennies to pay for this very
expensive operation. However, I then talked to a bank manager and
arranged financing from the bank. The loan was secured based solely on
my personal guarantee. The bank also took an agreement from the owner
that he would not evict my company on any grounds for the next five
years. The child was saved.”
Before I leave this topic, I wanted to mention one final method of
dealing with the daily stresses and strains of life. There are so many
instances in the course of our day in which our sensitivities are challenged.
These are small moments when something or someone outside us is
compelling us to respond in some manner -- often negatively. For example,
someone says something that disturbs us; or someone cuts in line in front
of us; or someone calls to sell you something you are not interested in.
While remaining calm and equal in these situations is the right overall
approach, there is an even more fundamental way of dealing with it. It is
to simply not react.
Time’s Arrow
One of the interesting discoveries I made in analyzing hundreds of cases of Life
Response -- i.e. instances of sudden good fortune -- is that Time works quite
differently than our normal conception. For example, let's say that I change my
attitude towards someone from hostility to goodwill. When I then open my
mailbox, I discover a check for thousands of dollars from a customer who owed
me that sum for years. It is simply life responding to my change in consciousness,
which put me in alignment with that individual’s remittance. It turns out that long
ago, I had a similar experience, and when I asked my spiritual teacher Sri
Karmayogi if the check would have been mailed days before in the past had I not
changed my attitude here in the present, he replied that it would not have. This
indicated that the present is indeed affecting the past!
Our normal view is that there are three divisions of Time -- past, present, and
future. But from the spiritual position, there is only one Time that is undivided.
If this is so, then events today may be affecting circumstance in the past, just as
events in the future are determining the present. For example, if someone decides
not to shift his attitude to the positive in the future, it might cause me, who was
about to pay, to suddenly not pay in the present. Again, it is the future effecting
the present, just as the present can affect the past. In fact, any period can affect
any other.
Interestingly, it is only when we rise in consciousness beyond Mind proper, to
intuition, and higher still to a “Truth Consciousness” that we can discern these
true movements of Time. From these planes beyond the ordinary functionings
and logic of mind, we can begin to see the arrow of time moving in any and all
directions. If this is true, if time has these astonishing qualities, then the very
foundation of our belief system must come into question, including views of
history and science, not to mention Reality itself.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this vastly expanded view of time is that
we have the power to become its Master. Not by travelling in a Time Machine or
using other forms of technology as presented in science fiction, but through shifts
in consciousness within. In fact, science itself has begun to understand the
extraordinary ancient Indian principle that Time depends on the consciousness
of the observer. For example, most of us have noticed how fast time seems to
pass when we have a stimulating conversation. Similarly, science tells us that if
one approaches the speed of light, time will slow down or speed up depending
on the relative position of the observer. And yet the ancient Indian insight is far
more profound, as it suggests that if we elevate our consciousness in a given
moment or circumstance, any and all limitations of time can be overcome. If e.g. I change
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a wanting attitude to the positive, and, as a result, attract an opportunity of a
lifetime, then I have drawn a future possibility and made it real in the present.
What would have taken years to accomplish has instead occurred in an instant.
Or to put it another way, the burden of time has been completely eliminated.
It turns out that this inner power to attract something to us thereby cancelling
time has also been verified by recent discoveries of science. Its theory of Non-
local Connections indicates that if one particle of an atom moves, it can affect
another particle of the same atom, even if it is on the other side of the universe.
Non-local connection not only overcomes the normally perceived limitations of
cause and effect, but allows for instantaneousness between objects no matter the
distance. Yet another discovery of science -- proven by the latest mathematical
calculations measuring and defining the cosmos -- is that the outcome of any
event is dependent on the person observing it! Thus, my observation of an event
can affect a different outcome for it than if another person observes it, indicating
that consciousness determines reality. This is a startling scientific discovery that
confounds every individual who contemplates its meaning.
Sri Aurobindo takes this several steps further and says that we can discover an
inner dimension within our being, a soul space, from which we are able to
overcome every aspect of time in the outer world. At the point that we touch our
evolving soul within, we move into a realm where past, present, and future
become one single, undifferentiated point. Thus, when we act from that space,
life immediately reacts to our intentions. Moving to this Psychic Being within is
a step beyond a change in consciousness, such as a shift in attitude. Rather it is a
movement into the center of consciousness. There we come in touch with
universal and transcendent powers, where gives us access to the greatest time
controlling and affecting power in the outer world. From these deepest depths, I
am able to change the conditions of life -- past, present and future -- in an instant.
Time’s Arrow thus moves in every and all dimensions to the degree we express
our consciousness. It reaches its apex and greatest capacity when we discover our
evolving Soul within. From there we become masters of the outer life, as any
intention originating there is instantly fulfilled.
Along the way, I have explained life response from two perspectives:
from that of life itself, and from that of the behavior of the individual.
From the standpoint of life, I have offered several principles that
explain the phenomenon. The first is that life response occurs because of
the fundamental relationship between our consciousness and the world
around us. This is captured by the principle of “inner-outer
correspondence.” It indicates that what is happening on the outside is a
reflection of our inner condition. Therefore, if we change the inner, the
outer instantly responds in kind.
Secondly, I have indicated that this powerful relationship between the
inner and the outer exists because of a fundamental Oneness underlying
all existence. Thus, they are two separate entities as we have come to
believe, but in fact share the same continuous stream of existence. In other
words, the inner and outer are One.
Finally, I pointed out that the underlying Oneness that binds all
objects, elements, and beings in the universe is itself an expression of a
fundamental spiritual Reality, which is the basis and source of all things. It
is because of the Intelligence and Intention of that Reality that everything
seen and unseen in the cosmos is bound up in an essential, integral
Thus, the nature of Life Response can be understood in terms of three
fundamental principles -- Inner-Outer Correspondence, the Oneness of
life, and the spiritual Reality behind. It is through their association and
interplay that the phenomenon takes shape. The spiritual Reality is the
underlying cause -- being the transcendent source and determining power
of all forces and energies in the cosmos. The Oneness of life is in turn an
expression of that spiritual Reality, providing the interconnectedness of all
things in the seen and unseen universe. And Inner-Outer Correspondence
is a reflection of that fundamental Oneness -- indicating the profound
relationship between the inner life of the individual and the outer reality.
All three in tandem create the dramatic life response events we experience.
Journey of a Lifetime
Almost a decade ago, my spiritual teacher presented me with a
formidable challenge: to grasp the phenomenon of Life Response in all its
dimensions. He suggested that I begin that project by documenting 100
examples, drawn from my own experiences, as well as those of friends and
At the time, it seemed like a difficult undertaking, but in retrospect, it
was actually much easier than I thought -- for soon, I saw that life response
was everywhere! In addition, I was lucky enough to garner the cooperation
of many people who were more than willing to share their own
extraordinary experiences.
As it turned out, at that time I was also preparing to take a special trip
across the western United States to visit the Mesa Verde native American
ruins in southwestern Colorado -- around 1000 miles east of my home in
California. It was a particularly special trip because my friend Sue had been
there years earlier, where she had a powerful experience; and now, after all
of this time, felt compelled to revisit the site.11
As it turned out, I decided to combine these two undertakings -- the
gathering of the 100+ life response incidents with the trip across the
western US -- into one adventure. With that in mind, we set off on our
own “journey of discovery.”12
We began by heading east from the San Francisco Bay Area, crossed
the fertile agricultural heartland of the Central Valley, traversed the mighty
10,000-foot snow-capped Sierra Nevada Mountains, and continued on to
the desert-like plains of western Nevada. This was, in essence, the first leg
of what would become a ten-day journey.
At one point on the first day, we descended the exceedingly steep
down-slope of the eastern Sierras, just beyond the boundaries of
The “Shifting to Neutral” truck episode of the last chapter occurred on this same
The famous explorations of the western United States by Lewis and Clark 200
years earlier was known as the “Journey of Discovery.” Ours was to be both an inner
and outer journey.
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California, and stopped for lunch at a fast food restaurant in Carson City,
Nevada, the state capital. While Sue was in the restaurant, I sat in the car,
which was parked right in front of the entrance. It was at that point that I
felt compelled to “consecrate” the remainder of our trip.
And so I focused myself, concentrated inward, and then called out to
the “spiritual Force.” I then intensely aspired for a joyful and successful
journey, especially for Sue. Then with great intensity I offered the entire
matter to the Higher Power. I then released myself of that impassioned
effort, relaxed myself, and turned my attention elsewhere. A few minutes
later when Sue came out of restaurant, I smiled but did not tell her of the
powerful inner experience I just had.
I then started up the car, pulled out of the lot, and continued on our
journey eastward. However, rather than take one of the great
superhighways that cut across the United States from west to east, I
decided to take a different route. It turns out that I had earlier learned of a
very special road, once known as “The Lincoln Highway,” but today called
Highway 50. A rarely used road nowadays, it is often referred to by its
moniker of “The World’s Loneliest Highway.” This particular road
intrigued me not only because it was off the beaten path and therefore
promised more peace and solitude on our journey, but also because it
extended nearly the entire 1000-mile distance to our final destination. As
it turned out, the fast food restaurant where we had just stopped was only
a quarter mile from the start of this vast, mysterious highway.
Heading east from Carson City, the greenery of California and the
soaring Sierra Nevada Mountains faded behind us, giving way to the dry,
dusty hills and plains of western Nevada. As we drove through the dreamy,
chalk-like landscape, I noticed that the light around us now appeared
different. Contrasted with the deep blue skies above, the white light
reflecting off the land created an unusual and dramatic effect. As a result,
I now felt that I had come to an unfamiliar and mysterious place.
After another hour or so of driving, we noticed an interesting small rise
in the hills just outside of the US airbase near the city of Fallon, Nevada.
We then pulled off the highway to get a closer look, and realized that it
was the site of a small state park that featured the dramatic rock painting
of the ancient native peoples; more familiarly known as “petroglyphs.” We
then climbed up the hill and wandered about the dozens of 4 to 10 foot-
high boulders on which were carved the mysterious ancient symbols.
The Process
If this is true, if we can elicit life response 24/7 through the power of
consecration, then how do we go about engaging in the act? What process
or procedure do we follow to evoke these miraculous like results? Though
there are no set rules, I would say there are several recognizable steps.
First, we have to acknowledge that this vast Power exists in the first
place. I.e., we need to feel that the Force is real and has this infinite-like
capacity to instantly control and improve the conditions of life. We can
call this “faith” in the Force, or trust in its Power, or simply a deep
conviction that when invoked It will always work on our behalf.
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Interestingly, if you experience Its life response power even once, you are
likely to be convinced forever.
The second step in the consecration process is to consider what aspect
of our lives we want to consecrate -- whether a daily routine, such as starting
up our computer; an important activity, like meeting with a new client; or a
difficult problem, like the sudden disaffection of a critical customer.
Third, once we identify the activity, issue, or concern, we then go ahead
and engage in the act of consecration itself. We do that by “offering up”
that matter to the Higher Power; putting it fully in the hands of that
spiritual Force. In addition, we should engage in the act with as much
intensity as we can muster, which will produce the optimal effect.
Finally, we should have faith that what will comes will be for the best;
that the Higher Power will work in our very best interest.
If we take this approach, life will surely respond -- often in overwhelming
Let’s take a practical example. Say that you are about to meet with an
important new client at that company’s headquarters. As you wait in the
lobby for your contact to arrive, you mull over issues likely to be raised.
Rather than go over every point in your mind, you decide to use the time
to consecrate the upcoming event.
And so first you relax yourself, and then you clear your mind of all
thoughts. Then you consider the fact of the meeting itself -- perhaps
envisioning the physical environment where you will be, or the person you
will interact with, or one or two of the main issues likely to be addressed.
It can even be any or all of these. You then open yourself to the Higher
Power, and offer the entire matter to the spiritual Force.
You might even put it in the form of a silent prayer, such as “I am
about to meet with XYZ for the first time. I would really like to secure the
proposed contract. I would also like A, B, and C to happen. I therefore
now offer the entire [or all of these] matter[s] to You.” You can then add,
“I have faith in Your power, and I recognize that anything You bring forth
will be for the best.” After making that intense offering, you relax yourself
and then wait silently for your contact’s arrival.
Later on when you leave the client’s office, you realize that your
meeting had gone exceedingly well. One thing that jumps out at you was
how well the conversation went; particularly how it moved in several
unanticipated and productive directions. For example, one matter that
came up was the likelihood that their North American division would
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purchase your new online software line. It was service you had hoped to
offer in the future, but suddenly you had the opportunity to sell it now.
This was a most surprising and fortuitous development.
Another surprising aspect was how different the atmosphere and tone
of the meeting was. Where communication in the past had been tense and
formal, this time it was friendly and relaxed. In fact, each side seemed to
understand the other so much better than in previous meetings,
engendering a level of trust and camaraderie that was missing before. As a
result, a relationship that seemed tepid at best had now turned into one of
real camaraderie and mutual respect.
As you walk out into the bright sunshine and sit down to relax at the
edge of a small park, you realize that your effort of deep consecration
attracted these marvelous results. Now it hits you that you can use this
technique for any important matter in your life; and if you did, you would
be lifted to the pinnacles of success, while experiencing an existence of
never-ending wonder and delight.
As these powerful and profound thoughts wash over you, you feel a
shiver and tingling inside. As you look out on the greenery of the park
before you, you realize that a vast, infinite-like power is at your disposal --
one that you can employ at any time and for any purpose to evoke the
A Visit Sublime
If opening to the spiritual Force can bring about these magnificent
results, one wonders what aspects of our lives we can consecrate. The
simple answer is that we can consecrate any act we engage in -- no matter
what its size or significance. We can call in the Force before engaging in a
relatively insignificant activity, such as brushing our teeth or answering the
phone; or for the most important occasions, such as a critical meeting with
a client, or the key interview for college admittance.
In one sense, the easiest acts to consecrate are those that are most
important. Since we obviously want these situations to turn out well, our
natural inclination would be to ask for help from the Higher Power on
these occasions. On the other hand, it can actually take more energy,
discipline, and focus to consecrate less important activities, such as a
weekly sales meeting, or a routine discussion with an employee. It is most
difficult of all to consecrate the very smallest of acts -- such as getting
dressed in the morning, or starting up our car, or heating up food in the
microwave -- since we are too distracted and caught up in life to make that
I would therefore suggest that you start by consecrating one or two
relatively important matters, such as a significant upcoming event, and see
what happens. If you evoke a response on those occasions, not only will
you be thrilled and energized to no end, not only will you gain the benefit
and windfall of the response, but you will be far more inclined to practice
consecration again in the future.
Over the years, I have had any number of consecration successes at
this “macro” level of the major event -- though in recent years I have begun
to see significant results at the “micro” level of the small act as well. In one
sense, the macro and the micro are no different from one another because
you can evoke the miraculous from either. Just as enormous energy can
come from a tiny atom, so too vast response can arise out of consecrating
the smallest routine in our lives. This is the case because universe does not
Every so often, my uncle, who resided on the East Coast of the US,
would come to visit me on the West Coast in California where I live. He
would usually contact me several days before his arrival, and when he did,
I would invariably react with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I was eager
to see him, and yet on the other, I was less than keen in having our
inevitable contentious discussions on politics and world affairs. However,
when my uncle travels with his wife, as was the case in this instance, there
were fewer opportunities to indulge ourselves!
And so when my uncle announced his arrival this time, I decided to
shake things up a bit and try a fresh approach. Rather than plan out the
scenic places we would visit, or the provocative topics we would discuss, I
chose instead to consecrate the entire get-together. Therefore, just before
the two of them appeared, I offered the entire matter to the Higher Power,
with the aspiration for a harmonious and enjoyable meeting.
Shortly after my uncle arrived with his wife, I noticed something
unusual taking place: that everything was going right; that all was flowing
perfectly. For example, though I made a reservation at a local Japanese
restaurant I had never been to before, to my utter delight, I found the place
quite lovely. Then when we were escorted to the sushi bar, we were the
only party seated, which meant that in essence we had our own private chef.
Not only did he turn out to be a master of his trade -- in the way he
chopped, prepared, and placed the food, bordering on the poetic -- but we
were able to engage him in pleasant conversation, adding to the exotic feel
of our sumptuous meal. Even my aunt and uncle -- who were world
travellers and gourmets, sampling the finest cuisines of Asia -- were
impressed by the service and the quality of the food.
The entire experience -- including the restaurant’s lovely setting, the
beauty of the facilities, the command performance of our own personal
chef, and the delicious food -- could not have been more pleasing. Just like
the experience at the petroglyphs on my ‘Journey of a Lifetime’ trip, I had
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that same sense of material perfection, and that same ineffable feeling of
serenity and well-being.
Well, when we finally departed the restaurant and came out into the
bright sunshine, we commented on how perfect the weather was: clear blue
skies with temperatures in the 70s and a wonderful freshness in the air.
Then, as we gazed at the lovely wooded hillside across the way, we
expressed our admiration for the beautiful setting. Again, there was that
sense of stillness, harmony and well-being.
In this happiest and most content of moods, we then got into our car,
and drove a half mile to a beautiful lake nestled in the steep hills at the far
end of town. There we took a short walk along the water’s edge, and
engaged in lively conversation, some of which bordered on the profound.
This lilting and yet powerful dialogue was a most unexpected development
-- something I had never experienced with either of them in the past.
As we sauntered along the shoreline, not only did I continue to feel
that inner richness, but things on the outside started taking on a magical
quality as well. In other words, a series of life response events began to
unfold. Not only were these incidents delightful to me, but they also
garnered the attention of my aunt and uncle! I found that utterly amazing
because these two distinguished scientists were not normally inclined
toward such matters. In fact, in one instance, the life response that came
was the result of having a short conversation on the topic of “life
response” itself! Let me explain.
After we departed from the lake, the dialogue turned to the subject of
‘luck.’ My uncle said that luck was a random phenomenon -- which is, of
course, our normal way of looking at things. However, I said that we can
actually create luck -- which, on the surface, seems like a contradiction, for
how can you create that which appears fortuitous and random?
A moment later, my aunt cut short our Socratic debate and expressed
her desire to get some ice cream. And so we piled into our car, and headed
down from the lake into town. Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of any ice
cream shops in the vicinity, which led me to think that we would have to
drive several miles to the next town to satisfy my aunt’s craving. To be
honest, the thought of shifting from our current leisurely pace and driving
off somewhere did not exactly thrill me. However, when I became
conscious of what I was thinking, I caught my recalcitrance, and shifted to
a position of doing whatever was necessary to please my aunt. And
Though this was a precious moment for me, I know many individuals
who have had the same or similar experiences: who when confronted by a
looming crisis or imminent disaster, offered the matter to the Higher
Power, causing it to be resolved completely. For example, one person I
know of lost his wallet on the roadway, only to see it miraculously reappear
immediately thereafter. Another person lost his entire life savings when he
was falsely accused in a legal case, only to have it all come back to him and
more. A third person was about to be embarrassed throughout the
community by a television report, only to have it cancelled at the last
minute. A fourth individual was rushed to the hospital for what seemed
like a seizure, only to find out it was nothing. Similarly, others have
overcome dire financial situations, imminent business collapse, extreme
labor disputes, and countless other difficulties. In each case, that individual
opened to the Higher Power and thereby extricated themselves from a
serious or grave problem, suggesting that spiritual Grace was at work.
An Unexpected Opportunity
In addition to freeing ourselves of short and long-term problems,
consecration can also help us quickly fulfill our deepest aspirations in life. For
example, if you want to elevate your career, you can begin by focusing on
the thing you want to achieve, and then intensely offering it to the Higher
Power. In the days and weeks ahead, you are likely to experience powerful
response that will quickly move your aspiration towards fulfillment.
You can take this spiritual approach for any goal you want to achieve -
- whether it is to rise in your profession, improve your child’s education,
bring greater harmony and goodwill amongst family members, or to find
the love of your life. If you have a deep and abiding aspiration for it to
come about, and ardently offer it to the Spirit, life will quickly move on
your behalf. Here is a charming incident involving a student friend of ours
from India that illustrates this method.
“Over the years, I have seen the Divine Grace working wonders in my
life, but never as explicitly and unexpectedly as happened recently to me.
I am in my final year as a student of Architecture. The other day I was
communing with the Divine Spirit about my future plans -- in particular,
how uncertainty seems to be clouding the outlook for my immediate
professional career. I was feeling confused about what life had in store
p.188 - The Ultimate Power of “The Force”
for me. And so I prayed and asked the Higher Power to show me some
sign; a glimmer that would lighten my heart and give me a clearer
perspective of my future direction.
The next day, as I was doing my work -- which in my case was printing
certain drawings for a project I had recently undertaken -- something
surprising and delightful happened. A French architect, who had come
to the same place to print his drawings, chanced to see my work. He then
inquired about my studies, the college I was attending, and my future
plans for my professional practice. He then began to describe the kind
of work he was doing, the nature of his current projects, and his general
views about the profession.
Then, he spoke about his latest plan, which was to start his own branch
office. Then, lo and behold, he asked me if I would be interested in
joining him after I finished college! He even gave me his card and
promised he would call to set up an appointment in order to discuss the
matter further. Even more unbelievable was the choice of location he
had established for this work -- Bangalore. I had always wanted to work
there, which I had not even thought of mentioning to the Divine! This
really shook me. And so I immediately thanked the Supreme for its
invincible power, and noted how it had strengthened my faith.”
Is it Possible?
Throughout this journey, we have reviewed dozens of life response
incidents where sudden good fortune descended on an individual. And yet
if we examine these situations more closely, we will see that several of the
responses actually affected a wider collective of people as well. For example,
when Erin Brockovich made that exhaustive physical effort that attracted
the person with the critical evidence that won the $300 million settlement,
it not only brought Erin a financial windfall, but it brought vast results for
her entire constituency as well.
Likewise, when Dee Hock rummaged through cans of garbage in
pursuit of a deposit slip, he not only attracted a challenging job that
enabled him to develop a radical new credit card system (VISA) that
brought him personal wealth and notoriety, but it also created huge benefit
for hundreds of millions of people around the world.
And of course when Eliza Bennet in Pride and Prejudice fully
acknowledged the vulgar behavior of her family to Mr. Darcy and
expressed her heartfelt gratitude for his action in ending the elopement,
she not only attracted great personal happiness through their marriage, but
it also brought great wealth and social prestige for her family. It even
affected the wider community because now the interests and resources of
the upper class aristocracy had merged with that of the gentleman farmer
middle class.
Erin Brockovich, Dee Hock, and Eliza Bennet were each able to make
a singular adjustment in consciousness that not only attracted sudden good
fortune for themselves, but for the wider collectives they were part of. This
suggests that we too are capable of attracting enormous benefit for others
when we take to the right inner and outer life response-inducing behaviors.
Powering Up California
In the spring of 2001, Northern California was experiencing
unprecedented electrical outages on a daily basis. These “rolling
brownouts,” in which the electrical current wavered causing appliances to
lose power for brief intervals, were a rare phenomenon in this prosperous
and resource-rich state. However, during this period, outages were
becoming increasingly common -- disturbing people’s daily routines and
threatening the very lifeblood of the community.
To give you an idea of how severe the problem had become, consider
the situation in Silicon Valley, located in the southern end of San Francisco
Bay in Northern California. At the time, SV was growing like wildfire, and
any interruptions in electricity -- even for an instant -- not only could disrupt
the operations of local companies, but the global Internet itself, including
the thousands of companies and millions of individuals dependent on it.
To make matters worse, there was genuine concern that we were
actually at the beginning of an even more-serious crisis in which the
electrical grid of the entire western United States -- perhaps even the entire
US -- could be at risk.
During those anxious times, I like many others in the community
showed a keen interest in the rapidly deteriorating situation. However,
when brownouts started occurring in my own area, that concern only
intensified. As a result, I decided to get involved to see if I could somehow
affect the situation.
The first thing I did was educate myself on the history of the energy
infrastructure of California, including the key issues and decisions that led
to the current crisis. As I continued to investigate the background of the
p.193 - The Ultimate Power of “The Force”
emergency, the situation continued to deteriorate -- so much so that it
seemed like every politician, pundit, business leader, and electric utility
official were expressing opinions and pointing fingers. Despite the public
outcry, acrimony, and posturing amongst critics, I was determined to
remain neutral -- hoping to discover on my own the true cause of the
current emergency. As a seeker of the truth, I felt compelled to look at the
matter without prejudice, from as many sides as possible.
Meanwhile, not only were there new predictions of increased
brownouts, but there were warnings of blackouts as well -- i.e. where the
electrical grid simply shuts down for an unspecified period. Several officials
were now cautioning the community that we were merely at the beginning
of this crisis, and that brownouts and blackouts would be with us for
weeks, months, even years to come. With the situation now threatening to
spiral out of control, with nearly every aspect of daily life at risk, I, like
others, desperately wondered what could be done to ameliorate the
One day, as the crisis reached its peak and impending shortages
threatened to bring down the entire grid, I decided to take the matter into
my own hands. Right then and there I decided to take action -- i.e. inner
action -- to bring the menacing situation to an end. And so I gathered
myself, concentrated, and focused my mind exclusively on the energy crisis
looming over California. Then with great intensity and feeling, I called to
the spiritual Force and asked that this ominous situation come to an end.
I then offered up the entire matter to the Higher Power. After several
moments of passion that bordered on pathos, I relaxed and focused my
attention elsewhere.
As history records it, several days later, the public was informed that
the energy crisis looming over Northern California had suddenly and most
unexpectedly come to an end. Apparently, there was now enough
electricity in the grid to avoid both brownouts and blackouts, at least in the
near future. In reality, it turned out be more than a temporary halt to the
crisis, but a permanent one, because ever since that time, there has not
been a single major energy-related incident in California. Miraculously, a
once-accelerating crisis of potentially epic proportions had suddenly and
most unexpectedly been resolved.
A New Beginning
As you may recall, early on in my computer career I had a seminal life
response experience when I attracted a huge sale when I overcame my
reluctance to work weekends. That magnificent outcome not only fulfilled
my aspirations for higher monthly sales and hence greater income, but
firmly set me on a course in the personal computer field. And yet it is what
took place before that episode that may shed some light on our ability to
direct the course of our lives and have it unfold through powerful life
response events.
Though that weekend sale was a critical turning point in my career,
several years before that I found myself in desperate straits. At the time,
the sales and distribution firm I founded had just gone out of business,
leaving me without a job and a steady source of income. As a result, I began
a frantic search for a new vocation in life.
After scanning the local newspapers, I managed to find a sales job at a
local company selling energy conservation products to businesses. It was
my job to go to single and chain retail stores to sell two of those items.
The first was a metallic reflector that boosted the amount of light that a
ceiling fixture would produce. The second was a wattage-saving device that
fit between the large bulb and the fixture itself.
Though I made a lot of contacts and gave a number of presentations,
in the end, I was unable to close a single sale. Making it more difficult still
was the fact that I was not convinced the products were actually legitimate!
In fact, several members of our other energy conservation division told me
that the claim we made of our products’ light boosting and energy savings
capabilities were bogus!
Interestingly, though I failed as a salesperson at the firm, the owner
turned around and appointed me sales manager of that electrical products
p.198 – Envisioning and Creating Our Future
division. It was now my job to put together a sales staff to market the
previously described line of energy-saving devices to small and large
And so over the next month, I interviewed a number of applicants,
hired a staff, and proudly watched them march off into the marketplace to
move these innovative, but unproven products. Unfortunately, the group
failed to make a single significant sale. And so without a revenue stream to
support us, I had to let them go. Then it was up to me again to try to
generate revenue for our now 1-person electrical division. Though I
valiantly took up the challenge, in the end I produced the same woeful
Interestingly, though the entire sales campaign was a failure, there was
a silver lining, for along the way I was introduced to the world of personal
computers. Like many other organizations at the time, the energy-
conservation company embraced this newly emerging technology. They
did so by not only purchasing the usual assortment of hardware and
software, but by hiring someone to program the system.
As it turned out, shortly after I came on board the company, I learned
that the computer operator had developed something called a “spreadsheet
program” that automatically calculated the energy savings of our products.
Since the program had already been used to support the company’s
successful hot water boiler line, the owner and I thought we could develop
something similar for the electrical-savings division I was in charge of.
And so in the weeks that followed, I worked closely with the
programmer to develop that application. Here is how it worked: whenever
a salesperson would meet with a customer, he or she would jot down all
of the relevant data about that business’s lighting system -- including the
quantity of light fixtures they had, the wattage of each bulb, the number of
hours the lights were on per day, and so forth. We then entered that data
into the spreadsheet on our Apple III -- this was after all 1982! -- which
then calculated the energy savings the customer would derive by using our
product. We then sent the customer a printout of the savings as part of
our overall proposal.
Well, the first time, I saw a printout of the customer’s savings, I nearly
fell out of my chair! I thought that this was precisely the kind of
information that would convince them to purchase our energy-saving
devices. Unfortunately, as we already know, even with this wonderful new
tool, our sales effort utterly failed.
p.199 – Envisioning and Creating Our Future
And so with little show for my efforts, my boss and I agreed that my
division was no longer sustainable, and therefore it was time for me to
move on. Now once again I found myself in a familiar place -- without a
job, and confronting the same question that haunted me six months earlier:
what was I going to do with my life?
Moving Forward
In the days and weeks that followed, I considered several employment
possibilities -- though none seemed particularly appealing. And yet, when
I thought about it, I had to admit that my experience using the personal
computer and spreadsheet program had been very enjoyable. Moreover, as
I looked around at what was going on in the world, it was becoming quite
clear that a technology revolution was under way.
As I thought about the impact personal computers were having on the
world, I reminded myself that I had already joined the revolution! I did so
when I collaborated with the programmer to develop the cost-savings
spreadsheet at the energy conservation company. Energized by that
thought, I just knew that there had to be a way to combine my sales
experience and business acumen, and apply it in this new field. And yet, I
also understood that I didn’t really know much about the technology --
save for my limited foray in my previous position. The dilemma was then
how to enter the field with very limited technical knowledge and hands-on
The first challenge then was how to increase my skill levels on the
computer. I soon realized that the easiest way to become familiar with the
machines was to visit local computer shops and get some hands on
experience. That way, I would at least get a feel for the technology, which
would give me the confidence to pursue a job in the field. And so over the
next several months, I scurried from store to store, trying out various
combinations of hardware and software, while trying not to draw too much
attention to myself!
In addition to these short bursts on these systems, I began reading
several arcane books on the subject, including titles on computer operating
systems and applications software. Though I struggled at first, I slowly
began to master the technical jargon, to the point where I actually enjoyed
working with these formerly alien concepts! As my knowledge and
confidence grew, I felt I was getting closer to committing to a career in
When my job at the energy conservation company ended, I needed to
find work. Rather than rush out and find a replacement job, I decided
instead to take some time out and ponder the issue. First, I analyzed the
variety of career paths that were available to me. From that analysis, I
concluded that the personal computer field was the best since I found it
both interesting and enjoyable.
Then I moved on to the next stage and evaluated the possibilities for
employment within that field. First, I considered several ways to enter the
personal computer market -- evaluating the pluses and minuses of each.
However, when I could not see myself clear, I sought the advice of others,
who steered me in the right direction. When I reflected on the matter
further, I concluded that computer retail sales was indeed the most
practical path to pursue. As a result of that conceptual and psychological
effort, I was now able to envision a very specific goal that I wanted to
achieve. Moreover, now that it had become clear, I was able to gain the
sanction and support of my emotions. I.e., I developed the will to pursue that
path, which then led to a decision to do so. As a result of all of these steps,
I now had firmly established the direction in which I wanted to go.
The process then continued. To actually achieve my vision and goal, I
developed a coherent plan to make it happen. To do that, I first considered
a number of strategies available to me. E.g., I thought about whether I
Finally, I acted on the details of my plan. I did so by physically heading
out to the interview as scheduled, and meeting with the resource manager.
Moreover, I maintained a positive attitude throughout and performed with
the best of my abilities (i.e. skill).
When the action was complete (at the point the interview ended), life
immediately responded, enabling me to fulfill my original intention of
securing a retail sales position on my very first attempt. Plus, it occurred in
a most dramatic and “creative” fashion, when a pregnant woman literally
came running after me to offer me the job.
In the end, because I followed a process of accomplishment, I instantly
achieved my goal. Rather than going through the normal job search
undertaking -- which can take weeks or months with no guarantee of
success -- I was able to achieve my heart’s desire on my very first try. I did
so because I followed a process of accomplishment from vision to
One day several years ago, I thought about spending the day hiking and
picture taking at one of the shoreline parks that ring San Francisco Bay.
However, rather than haphazardly heading out without a particular
destination in mind, I decided to organize my effort into a coherent plan,
following a number of the guidelines listed above.
The first thing I did was consider which parks I had still not visited. I
then looked for and found a map of the region, which helped me
determine where I had already been, and therefore which park to go to
next. (At the time, I aspired to visit each of the shoreline parks in a
clockwise direction over the course of several years.)
When I pinpointed the next logical one to go to, I envisioned going
there that very afternoon. As a result, my desire to make the trip only
intensified. Now that I had the full sanction of my emotions, I made the
firm decision to visit that locale for a day’s adventure.
However, rather than just rush out to my destination, I decided to
organize several of the details. First, I gathered together all of the objects
I needed for the trip -- including the right clothing, a map, binoculars, and
a camera. Then I calculated the length of the drive -- concluding that if I
left right away, I would have more than enough time for an enjoyable
When I then went ahead and executed my plan -- i.e. got into my car
and headed out towards my destination -- I noticed that everything started
going perfectly, as life started cooperating from all quarters. Just consider
what took place:
The first significant thing that happened was that I was able to locate
the site very quickly. In fact, not only were the directions I followed accurate,
but it almost seemed as if an unseen hand had guided me directly to that
place. I.e., there was hardly any traffic, important signs appeared just at the
p.207 – Envisioning and Creating Our Future
moment I looked up, I arrived sooner than I expected, the parking lot was
very accessible, and so forth.
Then when I actually arrived inside the park, I was utterly delighted at
how beautiful it was. Though I expected something pleasant, this locale far
exceeded my expectation. It turned out to be a vast, undeveloped, grassy,
and tree-filled recreation area situated on a lovely hillside overlooking the
bay, when I only expected a small outlet. As I took in the wide expanse of
the park, it struck me that I never would have expected such a delightful
bayside open space so close to bustling Silicon Valley.
But then things got even better. When I climbed the main hill of the
park, I noticed that I had the entire area to myself. Then when I journeyed
deeper within, I felt a freshness and stillness in the air that seemed to be
the very essence of that place. As I hiked amongst the hills and took
photographs of the surroundings, I felt life cooperating at every step; as
every action I took unfolded just right, as every turn brought new discovery
and wonder. As a result, I once again had that ineffable feeling of utter
perfection in that time and place.
Ironically, the most dramatic moment occurred at the end of my hike,
after I descended the plateaued hill and came upon, of all things, the rest
facilities at the edge of the parking lot. Usually the sanitary conditions in
these public places are unclean at best and repulsive at worst -- but this
facility was nearly spotless: In fact, it was the cleanest rest area I had ever seen
in a county park! As I stood there marveling at its immaculate condition, I
just knew that this incongruous event was a culminating moment, a perfect
topper to all that preceded it.
Direction – You become aware of the possibilities > You narrow down
the possibilities > You envision what you want to accomplish > Your
emotions endorse it > You make the decision to make it happen.
Action – You execute the to dos in a timely manner > You execute with
intensity, skill, and right attitudes > Life responds overwhelmingly!
4. Carry out your plan -- The fourth and final step is to carry out the action to
dos in a timely manner.
Success Factors
If you carry out the 30-Day plan outlined above, you are bound to
attract powerful results in short order.13 However, if you want 100%
guaranteed, overwhelming results -- then you will need to embrace the following
success factors:
Total Commitment
The first factor that will guarantee overwhelming success (through life
response outcomes) is that your desire to accomplish the goal is total and
complete. Any half-hearted aspiration on your part is unlikely to produce the
desired results. Your effort therefore should intensify to the point that you
consistently feel unfettered emotional enthusiasm to accomplish the goal. That
will concentrate your energies and quickly attract the object of your desire,
and then some.
Often life will respond before you even have a chance to implement the second or
third steps! E.g. just making the decision to implement the plan can attract a powerful
p.211 – Envisioning and Creating Our Future
Likewise, you also want to avoid negative attitudes relating to the goal.
In particular, look out for pessimistic viewpoints (e.g. “It will never work
out); feelings of incapacity (e.g. “I can’t do that”); limits to what is possible
(e.g. “5% growth is good enough”); and wanting views of others (e.g.
“They’ll just ruin things”). Interestingly, if you overcome but one
psychological constraint or limiting belief related to the goal, you can
instantly attract all that you had hoped for.
For example, I know of one individual who aspired to increase his
company’s revenues by a considerable amount. Though he had the drive
and determination to make it happen, life did not respond to his effort, as
sales remained flat. Then one day he realized that his entire view of the
marketplace was flawed: that he was limiting himself to the local market,
when in fact the whole world was at his disposal. When he reversed that
attitude, sales immediately took off. In fact, within several months, his
company's revenues literally doubled. That is the power of overcoming a
limited attitude or viewpoint related to a goal being pursued.
To help you determine which attitudes may be blocking achievement
in your case, read over the following checklist and choose several items
that are relevant. Then go ahead and implement its opposite as an inner,
psychological strategy in your 30-day plan. Then look out for powerful life
response results.
30-Day Deadline
Finally, to insure rapid, overwhelming success, you should focus your
efforts on achieving the goal within the allotted 30-day period. This should
be your uncompromised deadline date for generating results. By setting this limit, it
will condense and amplify your energies, which will dramatically increase
the likelihood of attracting your heart’s desire.
Life response is a vast topic because it embraces all of life. If that is so,
then how do we begin to incorporate it in a practical way?
Perhaps you have already thought of several ways to make life respond
based on the ideas and illustrations presented thus far. If so, I certainly
encourage you to try them out! On the other hand, maybe you have already
experienced one or more instances of this miraculous-like phenomenon,
and are ready for more. Whatever the case, I believe that a little guidance
at this point can help you develop a practical, custom approach that will
make life response an everyday reality.
With that in mind, I would like to present seven general strategies to
make life respond. Read them over, pick out one or two you feel
comfortable with, and then implement them as you see fit. Then watch in
the days ahead as life responds from all quarters. Results can even happen
instantaneously -- a minute after you begin!
From this incident we see that when we look at any negative situation
that comes our way, correlate it to a wanting aspect of our being, and then
reverse it, good or even great fortune will follow. Why not then consider
this very powerful life response strategy in your own life.
(A Positive Too -- By the way, you can also adopt this strategy for positive
life response as well. I.e. watch out for an instance of sudden good fortune,
correlate it to an inner or outer positive behavior on your part, and then
replicate it as often as possible from thereon in. For example, let’s say that
you evoke a response that suddenly frees you from a difficult situation.
After analyzing the event, you realize that the result came about because
you engaged in a self-giving act toward a friend. Now that you know why
the event was precipitated -- self-givingness -- you can continually take to it,
which will in turn constantly evoke the miraculous!)
The simplest approach to consecration is to open to the Force before
engaging in an activity E.g., you could consecrate an act of great
importance such as an upcoming wedding you are organizing, or a looming
critical meeting with a client, or a crucial company project you are about
to begin. Similarly, you can consecrate less significant activities -- like
starting out the day’s work (one of my personal favorites), preparing a
meal, or before meeting with a friend. You can even consecrate the very
smallest of acts, like having your dinner, brushing your teeth, or taking a
shower. As a result, circumstance will unfold smoothly, positive conditions
will arise, and spiritual-like experiences can show themselves. E.g., when
you consecrate a crucial meeting with a client, not only are you informed
that you have won over the competition and secured a big contract, but it
is twice the original size. Moreover, you also learn that certain financial
obstacles that stood between you and the client for years have now
suddenly cleared up. Finally, and perhaps most tellingly, you perceived an
unprecedented amount of good will and harmony amongst the participants
-- something sorely missing in the past.
In addition to consecrating activities large and small acts, you can also
consecrate serious problems you are having in life -- such as a shortage of
funds, or a conflict with a superior, or an acute difficulty facing your
organization. By opening to the Force, not only will these problems quickly
dissipate, but unthought of positive circumstances are likely to rise in their
place. For example, when you consecrate a difficult relationship you are
having with a co-worker, not only does your rapport with that person
improve, but from out of nowhere you receive word of an unprecedented
career-changing opportunity.
In addition to current difficulties, you can also consecrate problems that
are dogging you from the past. If you see how these circumstances are still
burdening you today, make the necessary adjustment in consciousness to
rectify it, and then offer the entire matter to the Higher Power, the negative
influence will quickly evaporate, and new, unprecedented, positive
p.238 – Strategies to Make Life Respond
circumstance will take their place. For example, let’s say that through subtle
awareness you perceive that your career has come to a standstill because
you have not taken care of a long-standing debt. When you then arrange
to make payment on that account and consecrate the entire matter with
fervor, not only do you suddenly receive word that a long-shot loan
application has come through, but it arrives at an exceedingly low rate. As
a result, you go through the most dramatic upgrade in your lifestyle in a
Having said this let me add two important factors to insure success for
this strategy. The first has to do with our attitudes and perceptions.
Though following the process will ordinarily attract our goal, there are
times when life holds back its bounty. However, if we scrape away the
p.240 – Strategies to Make Life Respond
appropriate limiting attitudes or belief related to that effort, powerful
response will follow. I have already mentioned the incident involving the
owner of a company who wanted to boost sales. Though he followed the
process of accomplishment in earnest, he was still unable to attract his goal.
However, when he shifted his belief from the local market to servicing the
entire world, sales took off and eventually doubled.
The second strategy to insure success is to offer the entire matter to
the spiritual Force. Doing so will attract conditions that will simply
overwhelm. In fact, in the incident where I attracted the opportunity to do
presentations worldwide for a renowned pharmaceutical company, I
offered that matter to the Higher Power. As a result, life responded in a
way I never would have imagined!
(To learn more about following the process of accomplishment to
quickly attract your heart’s desire, please see the chapter Envisioning &
Creating Our Future.)
Sincere Effort
Having said this, I must add one small caveat. To be truly successful at
evoking the miraculous, you need to be sincere about making the effort. If
life response is a mere passing fancy -- something that holds your interest
p.243 – Strategies to Make Life Respond
from time to time -- then it is probably not worth pursuing. However, if a
life response is something that grips you, that calls you from a deeper place,
then you are a perfect candidate to be part of an extraordinary adventure.
Does that include you?
A Call to Action
Though we have come to the end of this journey, another one awaits
us. Though we have been privy to a vast array of powerful life response
incidents, the true adventure begins when we experience them ourselves.
With that in mind, why not try to evoke a powerful response of your
own in the next day or two. Pick out a behavior that is appealing to you --
perhaps an attitude you want to change, or an area of your home or work
that needs cleaning, or an important activity worth consecrating -- and
implement it ASAP. Remember: the life response will tend to come quickly
-- in a day, an hour, or even instantaneous to employing your strategy!
Keep in mind that by taking to life response, you will not only evoke
results that will astound, but you will also see dramatic change in the
condition of your life. Depending on which strategy your employ or aspect
of your being you focus on, you are likely to experience dramatic changes
in your work situation, your finances, your relations with others, and your
energy level, to name a few. In fact, if you carry out your custom approach
in earnest and with intensity, your level of success and happiness in life will
skyrocket. It often happens so fast, you have little time to think about it.
So why wait months, years, or even decades for life to offer its bounty,
when you can attract it out nowhere in the blink of an eye. Why not
implement your own personalized life response strategies now, which will
speed up time by bringing the rewards of the future into the present. Why
not attract anything you want, whenever you want it -- leaving life’s slow and
difficult course behind.
An opportunity of a lifetime awaits you, if only you take the first small
step. If that is the case, why not begin today by changing a single wanting
behavior, or committing to one positive course of action, or opening to
the spiritual Force in one situation. If you do, life will rush in with
extraordinary results!
If you take that first step, and have that first life response experience,
your life will never be the same.
As this book moved to press, the video and book The Secret arrived on
the scene, taking the world by storm. Its basic premise is that our mere
intention has the power to attract the object of our desire. That if we
visualize that which we want to bring about and put our emotions fully
behind it, it will quickly manifest on its own.
It has been particularly interesting for me to see The Secret and this book
on Life Response arrive at around the same time. In fact, it has been
suggested by others that the sudden worldwide popularity of The Secret is
no coincidence at all, but a “response” to the decade-long journey to bring
this book on Life Response to fruition.
While that is a flattering assertion that alone would justify my efforts,
the sudden popularity of The Secret is more than an answer to one person’s
hopes and dreams. It is rather a response to the world’s yearning for
something deeper and more fulfilling. It is a response to the emerging
aspiration of humanity to go beyond the materialistic and mechanistic view
of existence that reduce us to machines, and denies us credit for that which
makes us quintessentially human -- the power to create our own universe. The
dramatic arrival of The Secret is indeed an indicator that the world is ready
for this profound knowledge; and is mature enough to harness its infinite-
like power. It is also a sign that we are ready to take the Next Step in human
In essence, The Secret is a composite of ideas taken from a variety of
sources, including ancient Indian spiritual thought. Together it creates a
general theory about the inner power we have to attract our heart’s desire.
It can be summarized as follows:
• Intensely visualize and emotionalize the goal you want to achieve.
• Put your thoughts and feelings in harmony with what you want to
• Express only positive feelings, avoiding negative emotions of all
• Do not have any expectations of what form the result will take.
The Secret concludes that if you take this approach, the “Law of
Attraction” will take over and quickly evoke you’re the object of your
desire. This is indeed a profound understanding of the subtle nature of life,
and in many ways parallels the phenomenon of Life Response addressed
in this book.
But if our two approaches are so similar -- i.e. if we both indicate that
we can quickly attract what we intensely aspire for -- then why bother
reading another book on the subject, especially when The Secret has already
captured the world’s imagination?
There are several reasons. For one, where the authors of The Secret have
described in simple terms a powerful method to quickly attract a result,
they have not really delineated the how and the why. Life Response, on the
other hand, not only explains in full the process by which we can attract
the object of our desire -- i.e. the how -- but describes the underlying reality
that makes it possible -- i.e. the why.
Second, though The Secret provides a profound knowledge and
approach for evoking a result, it is really focused on a single method. I.e.
visualize what you hope to achieve; aspire deeply for it (with your emotions
in full support), and the universe will do the rest. Though there is great
truth in this approach, and it can often happen just this way, the reality is
usually more complex, demanding an understanding of other forces at
work -- including the psychological condition of the individual, the social
and environmental context, and a variety of subtle laws and principles of
life. Life Response, on the other hand, fills in those missing pieces by
providing a vast array of approaches for attracting the miraculous for any
and all circumstance.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, life response is not only a means
of attracting success, but addresses our entire nature, showing the way for
complete fulfillment in life. Where The Secret seeks to accomplish an objective,
Life Response seeks realization at all levels of our being -- material,
psychological, social, and spiritual.
After all, life is so vast, with infinite possibility and potential. Not only
can we attract a targeted goal, such as a better job, but we can also
experience the infinite wonders of existence! Life Response therefore gives
a knowledge that is a totality, touching every aspect of the human condition.
p.248 – Postscript: Going Beyond ‘The Secret’
It is the means of rapid accomplishment, but also a way to acquire deep
insight into the nature of life. It is a path to career success, but also to deep
psychological and spiritual fulfillment.
I congratulate the founders of The Secret for their remarkable
breakthrough and gift to the world. Now I invite you the reader to begin a
similar journey, and yet travel many steps beyond. –RP
It was raining outside. There were flashes of lightning and peals of thunder. I
was awake at that odd hour. I had not slept the previous night, the previous
week and the previous fortnight. Yet, I was awake. It appeared as if the heaven
had descended on the earth. On that graceful morning, there was a problem.
I did not have money.
Without money, my business was like a river that can never find its sea.
My computer shop was a small business with a respectable turnover. But, the
neck to neck competition, from the small guys in the town and the big boys
on the web, forced me to work on a wafer thin margin.
I made a profit that was just enough for a decent living. I was single and lived
in a small rented apartment. I owned a white Honda Accord that was ten years
The possibilities of driving a Mercedes Benz off the showroom, enjoying a
holiday with a family and buying a big water front house always seemed to be
I worked hard – harder than you think. I always woke up with thoughts on
expanding my business and slept with new plans to grow more.
However, on that particular rainy day, I was on the verge of losing even the
small things I possessed. It was not my fault.
I sold to StarTech, an old client, computers for $50,000 on fifteen days term.
It was a big deal for me. Orders worth $150,000 from new clients were in the
pipeline. I happily awaited StarTech payment to pay off my suppliers and
creditors. That was a business routine.
That routine was broken on the blessed fifteenth day when StarTech
telephoned me to discuss a small issue. A small issue!
As their bank would give them a loan only after sixty days, they could pay me
only then. If I preferred, I could take my computers back. Take my computers
p.259 – Appendix: Short Story ‘$100,000’
back and do what? Of course, Mrs. Anna Singers, the polite accountant of
StarTech, profusely apologized and promised many great future deals.
Then, the hell broke. My checks were returned unpaid.
Success was a private affair; failure was a public funeral. Suddenly, everyone
in the town knew my little story. So, supplies did not arrive. Customers used
the choicest epithets against me for not delivering their computers.
My Banker threatened to close my account if there was one more returned
cheque. Creditors wanted their money back within a week. ‘You promised to
pay on demand. Didn’t you?’
I borrowed from whomever I could. High interest did not ring a bell. It was
a matter of honor. Wasn’t it? When I could not borrow a cent, I sold whatever
I could. That left me with a few chairs, a dining table, a bed and my good old
car. I tried to sell them too. There were no buyers.
My key supplier sent a big van that weekend with three Mike Tysons and took
away all his goods. The big brothers assured me when they left, “Don’t worry,
buddy, we’ll deliver them back at our cost when you pay the bills.” I thanked
them and then did not have one good, or bad, reason to go to my empty shop.
Within a fortnight, I became an untouchable, a hunted animal and a fugitive
nowhere to go.
I feared telephone. At times, I answered in a false voice and assured the caller
it was a wrong call.
The doorbell became an alarm bell. I would switch off the lights to make it
appear that I was not at home. Unfortunately, the bill collectors were not
fools. I hated their sagely advice and veiled threats.
I avoided friends, especially girlfriends.
I made many calculations and projections, day in and day out, that would
confuse Albert Einstein.
Finally, I figured out that if I managed to raise $30,000 within three days, I
could restore my old life and old habits back to normal. $30,000 would be
sufficient to reopen the shop and bag the orders in the pipeline. Time would
rub out the bad scars.
There were only two possibilities. Either the air should lay the dollars on my
head or the water tap should spit the amount out into my bucket.
Thus, I was awake and alone on that graceful morning with dejection and
p.260 – Appendix: Short Story ‘$100,000’
The telephone rang. It was John Orchards. I should not have picked up the
“Hi, Bill, how are you?” John greeted.
“Yeah, fine, John, how are you?” I asked.
“I need your help. I have a problem here.” John was apologetic.
Good, I was not the only one who had problems.
“Tell me how I can help you, mate.” My voice became soft.
“My wife is in labor. I must take her to the hospital. My father’s friend must
catch his flight to India before seven. Can you please drop him at Airport in
your car?” John requested.
Airport? You need to drive for thirty minutes on the motorway in the rain
and wind. I wanted to refuse. But, I could not. I owed John two thousand
“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” I said.
“Thank you, Bill. I know I can always count on you. He will wait for you in
the garage.” John hung the receiver.
‘Sure, John, you can always count on me along with your two thousand
dollars,’ I thought.
When I reached John’s place, a stranger was sitting on his bag in the garage.
John had locked his house and gone to the hospital with his wife.
“Hi, I am Bill,” I said.
“Hello, this is Punit.” The man spoke without accent.
He stood up and we shook hands.
Punit was in his early sixties. He was tall. His eyes were soft and dreamy. There
was a light in his eyes. I thought he wore special contact lenses that reflected
the garage light. Though he was dark, his skin was bright.
“Come on, let’s go,” I said, threw his bag on the back seat, got into the car
and closed the door with a bang.
He said, “Punit thanks you.” He got into the car, closed the door gently and
sat on the front seat. He had some difficulty in wearing the seatbelt.
“People have seatbelts, but don’t wear them in India,” he said sheepishly.
p.261 – Appendix: Short Story ‘$100,000’
I drove the car carefully. After a few minutes, he asked, “Can Punit smoke in
your car?”
“Sure,” I said and opened his window. I hated to open the car window and
let the rain in on my car seats. But, I was helpless.
He pulled out a thick panama cigar, lit it and took a deep puff. “Cigarettes
rule the world. It is difficult to get good cigars,” he regretted.
I felt sick of the strong odor. I said curtly, “I don’t smoke. I know nothing
about cigars.”
“Punit apologizes. Sometimes, he takes things for granted,” he said in a soft
voice and dropped the cigar into the ashtray.
I noted that he did not use I and referred to himself in third person. He spoke
each sentence after a pause of a few seconds. ‘The world is full of funny
people,’ I thought.
“Bill thanks you for your understanding,” I said lightly and closed the car
window quickly.
Punit smiled and I started to like him.
“Is this the first time you are in this country?” I asked.
“No. Punit visits this country every year,” he said.
“Do you travel a lot?” I asked.
“No. Punit doesn’t travel much. He likes to stay in his room in India and do
his work in silence,” he replied.
“What brings you to this country every year?” I was curious.
“Punit’s friends organize a business conference every year around this time.
They are happy if he helps them a bit in the conference,” he said.
“You are a speaker?” I asked.
“No. Businessmen raise questions about their business problems, sales,
income and debts in the conference and Punit’s friends answer them. If the
pot is too hot for his friends, he answers some questions,” he said.
“Great, I understand. You bring in sales, arrange finance and take a cut,” I
He smiled and said, “No. The solutions are based on new ideas you have not
heard of. The participants learn the new concepts and principles in the
conference. They ask questions, get answers and solve the problems on their
p.262 – Appendix: Short Story ‘$100,000’
own with the new methods.”
I had seen advertisements for such business conferences. Everyone had a new
magic formula for the maladies of the world! But, I did not want to hurt the
gentleman. It was his business.
I asked, “Good business?”
He did not reply that question. “What do you do?” he asked.
It was a pain to reply. I said, “I own a computer shop.” I wanted to talk about
something else.
“You will find the conference useful,” he said.
I thought, ‘Perhaps, if you give me a complimentary ticket’. But, I said, “I
think so.”
There was a pause for a few moments. I expected him to tell his success
stories. But, he was silent.
His handbag was full of thick books. So, I asked him, “Do you read a lot?”
“A lot,” he confirmed.
“What kind of books you read?” I asked.
“Spiritual books,” he said.
“I have heard about Gita.” I showed him off my knowledge.
“What do you know about Gita?” There was a sudden interest in his voice. I
felt victorious.
“When some royal brothers fought in India, a god man gave a sermon on
peace and advised them not to fight. That is Gita.” I was confident.
“Actually, he gave a sermon on the importance of fighting. When some of the
brothers did not want to fight, the god man advised and forced them to fight,”
he said with a smile.
“Really? Don’t you think it is a mistake on the part of the god man to support
a war? ” I was on my defense as my knowledge on Gita fell flat.
“Is it a mistake?” he asked.
“Yes. God is full of love and forgiveness,” I said.
“How do you know?” he asked.
“Well, I have read so in many holy books,” I said.