Some - For English Language Learners: (Track 03)
Some - For English Language Learners: (Track 03)
Some - For English Language Learners: (Track 03)
_______ / 50 points
B Complete the poster with the correct words from the box.
C Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.
1. I’m busy right now. Could you ______________ me back in half an hour?
2. The phone is ringing. Could you ______________ it, please?
3. Please ______________ off your phones before the movie starts.
4. Call me later. If I don’t answer, please ______________ me a voice message.
5. I usually ______________ my voice mail twice a day.
6. I sent her three emails, but she didn’t ______________ to any of them.
C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)
your speaking?
F Complete the conversation with the correct phrases from the box.
Al@n Question:
I need to improve my English vocabulary quickly. Does anyone have any
good advice?
Leo7 Every time I read something on a website or in a magazine, I write down three
new words. Then I try to use them in a conversation later in the day. This really
helps me remember the words.
MinT I write new words on flash cards and keep them in my bag. When I’m on the
train going to and from work, I take the cards out and translate the English
words into my language.
FranCo Recently I’ve been using an online English–English dictionary to look up new
words. It’s really great because sometimes I learn new words when I’m reading
the definitions of the words I’m looking up.
Gina10 I write sentences using new words in my notebook. Sometimes I draw pictures
to go with the sentences. That helps me understand and remember the words.
JinB I suggest studying with vocabulary workbooks. I buy them in bookstores or
online. My English teacher recommended some really good ones. I do two
pages every morning before I leave my house.
Who . . . ?
1. studies new words while using public transportation ____ a. FranCo
2. learns new words by using books outside of class ____ b. Gina10
3. tries to use new words when talking to others ____ c. JinB
4. sometimes uses pictures to remember new words ____ d. MinT
5. uses the Internet to find the meaning of new words ____ e. Leo7
G _______ / 10 points (2 points each)