Topic 15 Organic Chemistry: Carbonyls, Carboxylic Acids and Chirality
Topic 15 Organic Chemistry: Carbonyls, Carboxylic Acids and Chirality
Topic 15 Organic Chemistry: Carbonyls, Carboxylic Acids and Chirality
15A Chirality
2 (a) None, because all of the carbon atoms are joined to two or more identical
(b) One. The first carbon atom is joined to three hydrogen atoms so is not chiral.
The third carbon atom is joined by a double bond to oxygen so has only three
different groups attached. The second carbon atom is chiral because it is
joined to four different atoms or groups (methyl, hydrogen, hydroxyl and
carboxylic acid).
(c) Two. The first and last carbon atoms are part of methyl groups so are not
chiral. The second carbon atom is chiral (it is joined to CH2Cl, C, H and
CHFCH3). The third carbon atom is also chiral because it is joined to H, F,
CH3 and CH2ClCHCl.
2 If the mixture had no optical activity, this would indicate that it contained equal
amounts of both enantiomers. The fact that the mixture has a rotation with a negative
value indicates that it contains more of the laevorotatory enantiomer than the
dextrorotatory enantiomer.
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15A.3 Optical activity and reaction mechanisms
2 2-Bromopropane is not a chiral compound and even though the attacking CN− ion can
approach the carbocation from both sides, the resulting products are not chiral. So,
neither the reactant nor the product has any optical activity.
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1 (a) Hydroxyethanenitrile.
(b) 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile.
2 Propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol are not carbonyl compounds so do not give coloured
precipitates with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Propanal does not react with iodine and
alkali because it does not contain the CH3CO group. Only propanone reacts with both
reagents because it is a carbonyl compound and contains the CH3CO group.
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15C Carboxylic acids
15C.1 Carboxylic acids and their physical properties
1 (a)
2 Both acids are soluble in water because they form hydrogen bonds with water
molecules. The solubility of hexanoic acid is lower than that of ethanoic acid because
there are more extensive London forces between the hydrocarbon chains in hexanoic
acid, and these interfere with the formation of the hydrogen bonds.
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1 The stationary phase is the water in the paper; as water molecules are polar, then the
non-polar hexane molecules will not be attracted to them very much and so will travel
up the paper easily.
2 Rf 0.27
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15E.3 Chromatography – HPLC and GC
2 The liquids may be different and the pressures of the carrier gases may be different.
2 TMS has a strong signal because its molecule contains 12 equivalent protons, and it
also mixes easily with organic compounds. Water has only two equivalent protons
and so has a weaker signal; it also does not mix with most organic compounds.
15E.6 C NMR spectroscopy
2 The four peaks between 110 and 160 ppm are from four carbon atoms in the aromatic
The peak at 190 ppm is from a carbon atom in the ketone group.
The peak at 23 ppm is from a carbon atom in a C−C bond.
The structure of the compound is CH3COC6H4OH.
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15E.7 1H NMR spectroscopy
1 CH3–CH2–CH2–CH2–CH3 has 3.
(CH3)2CH–CH2–CH3 has 4.
(CH3)4C has 1.
2 The integration trace shows only the ratio of numbers of hydrogen atoms. The actual
numbers may be a multiple of this ratio.
3 The spectrum of ethylamine has three peaks, while that of ethanamide has two peaks.
1 The peak on the left is a singlet at = 4.0 ppm representing two protons. This
suggests a CH2 group joined to O in an alcohol, ether or ester, so O–CH2.
The peak in the middle is a singlet at = 3.4 ppm representing three protons. This
suggests a CH3 group joined to O in an alcohol, ether or ester, so CH3–O.
The peak in the middle is a singlet at = 2.1 ppm representing three protons. This
suggests a CH3 group joined to CO in an aldehyde, ketone, ester or acid, so CH3–
The structure that fits these interpretations is CH3–CO–CH2–O–CH3
2 The peak on the left is a singlet at = 2.3 ppm representing three protons. This
suggests a CH3 group joined to CO in an aldehyde, ketone, ester or acid, so CH3–CO–
The peak in the middle is a quartet at = 1.5 ppm representing one proton. This
suggests a CH group joined to a CH3 group in an alkyl group, so CH3–CH–
The peak on the right is a doublet at = 1.2 ppm representing six protons. This
suggests two CH3 groups joined to CH in an alkyl group, so (CH3)2–CH–
The structure that fits these interpretations is CH3–CO–CH(CH3)2
8 (a) They can both form strong intermolecular forces with water molecules (1).
(b) (i) Nucleophilic addition (1).
(ii) The organic products are solids whose melting temperatures can be
measured (1), the values can be compared with those in data books to
identify which one is which (1).
Silver mirror / black precipitate (1).
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10 (a) The spectra are very similar (1) because they both have the same numbers and
types of bond (1).
(b) 2-methypropan-2-ol has two different types of carbon atom / one central C and
three identical CH3 groups (1) so its spectrum will show two peaks due to 13C
atoms (1).
2-methypropan-1-ol has three different types of carbon atom / two identical
CH3 groups, one CH group and one CH2 group (1) so its spectrum will show
three peaks due to 13C atoms (1).
(c) 2-methylpropan-2-ol has nine identical hydrogen atoms in CH3 groups and
one hydrogen atom in an OH group so two peaks (1), which are singlets
because there are no hydrogens on the central C that can affect the CH3 or OH
groups (1).
While 2-methylpropan-1-ol has six identical hydrogen atoms in CH3 groups,
two in a CH2 group, one in a CH group and one in an OH group (1).
(d) The Mr of both compounds is 74, so the peaks at m/z = 74 are due to the
molecular ions of both compounds (1).
In the left-hand spectrum the peak at m/z = 43 is due to the loss of mass of 31
(CH2OH) so the peak at m/z = 43 is due to CH(CH) 2 (1) and the peak at m/z
= 31 is due to CH2OH+ (1).
In the right-hand spectrum the peak at m/z = 57 is due to the loss of mass of
17 (OH) so the peak at m/z = 57 is due to C(CH3 )3 (1) and the peak at m/z =
29 is due to COH+ (1), so the left-hand spectrum is that of 2-methylpropan-1-
ol and the right-hand spectrum is that of 2-methylpropan-2-ol (1).
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