Latest Books: Call No: 0-200 Subject: General
Latest Books: Call No: 0-200 Subject: General
Latest Books: Call No: 0-200 Subject: General
Synopsis: “Zimbardo’s book The Lucifer Effect is an extended analysis that aims
to find solutions to the problem of how good people can commit evil acts.
Zimbardo used his problem-solving skills to locate the solution to this question
in an understanding of two conditions.”
Synopsis: “The authors delve into whether Samuel Huntington and Morris
Janowitz still ring true in the 21st century; whether training and continuing
education play a role in defining a profession; and if there is a universal code of
ethics required for the military as a profession.”
Synopsis: “Islam exists in global history with its richly variegated cultural and
social realities. When these specific cultural contexts are marginalized, Islam is
reduced to an ahistorical religion without the ability to contribute to humanity.”
Synopsis: “What extremism is, how extremist ideologies are constructed, and why
extremism can escalate into violence.”
8. Title: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at
the New Frontier of Power
Author: Shoshana Zuboff
Synopsis: “In this masterwork of original thinking and research, Shoshana Zuboff
provides startling insights into the phenomenon that she has named surveillance
capitalism. The stakes could not be higher: a global architecture of behavior
modification threatens human nature in the twenty-first century just as industrial
capitalism disfigured the natural world in the twentieth.”
12. Title: The Rise of Duterte : A Populist Revolt Against Elite Democracy
Author: Richard Javad Heydarian
Synopsis: “After the Coup brings together the work of a group of leading Thai
intellectuals of several generations to equip readers to anticipate and understand
the developments that lie ahead for Thailand. Contributors offer findings and
perspectives both on the disorienting period following the Thai coup of May 2014
and on fundamental challenges to the country and its institutions”
Synopsis: “The election on 9 May 2018 ended six decades of rule by the ruling
coalition in Malaysia (Barisan Nasional or BN, formerly the Alliance). Despite this
result, the BN’s longevity and resilience to competition is remarkable. This book
explores the mechanisms behind the emergence, endurance, fight for survival and
decline of the party’s dominance.”
Synopsis: “In 2017, Myanmar’s military launched a campaign of violence against the
Rohingya minority that UN experts later said amounted to a genocide. More than
seven hundred thousand civilians fled to Bangladesh in what became the most
concentrated flight of refugees since the Rwanda genocide of 1994.”
18. Title: Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You
Need to Know About Global Politics
Author: Tim Marshall
Synopsis: “While work in international relations has closely examined the decline of
great powers, not much attention has been paid to the question of their rise. The
upward trajectory of China is a particularly puzzling case. How has it grown
increasingly important in the world arena while lagging behind the United States
and its allies across certain sectors?”
Keywords: General Elections & Political Process, Asian Politics, History &
Theory of Politics
Call No.: 355.033573 OHA
20. Title: China’s Footprints in Southeast Asia
Author: Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao
Synopsis: “The countries that make up Southeast Asia are seeing an incredible
resurgence in their economic power. Over the past fifty years, their combined
wealth has reached the same level as the United Kingdom and, taken together, they
are on track to become the fifth-largest world economy.”
Synopsis: “The book examines how a local crisis could escalate into a broader and
much more dangerous threat to peace. What if, for example, Russia's “little green
men” seized control of a community, like Narva or an even smaller town in Estonia,
now a NATO ally? Or, what if China seized one of the uninhabited Senkaku islands
now claimed and administered by Japan, or imposed a partial blockade of Taiwan?”
Synopsis: “Social media applications can be weaponized with very little skill. Social
media warfare has become a burden that nation states, government agencies, and
corporations need to face. To address the social media warfare threat in a
reasonable manner that reduces uncertainty requires dedication and attention over
a very long-term.”
Synopsis: “This book is based on interviews with twenty-eight flag officers, offering
a firsthand look at Singapore’s military from the very leaders who helped shape it. It
addresses the challenges Singapore faced in building its officer corps and
encouraging individuals to stay and make a career out of military service.”
Synopsis: “Students will also develop a deeper understanding of global issues such
as climate change governance, the implications of the Paris Agreement, and the
role of environmental policy in the developing world. Students walk away with a
measured yet hopeful evaluation of the future challenges policymakers will
confront as the American environmental movement continues to affect the political
27. Title: Ally No More : Erdogan’s New Turkish Caliphate and the Rising
Jihadist Threat to The West
Author: Clare Lopez
Synopsis: “Whither Turkey?” is a question that has become one of the most
pressing national security topics of our time. The available evidence – including
notably the increasingly overt ambition of Recep Tayyip Erdogan to become the
Caliph of a neo-Ottoman empire, his naked hostility toward the United States and
the damage being done by Turkey to America’s vital interests and those of the rest
of NATO and other allies like Israel and the Kurds – suggests the answer is
Keywords: International & World Politics
Call No.: 363.325 CSP
28. Title: Every Teacher a Leader: Developing the Needed Dispositions,
Knowledge, and Skills for Teacher Leadership (Corwin Teaching Essentials)
Author: Barbara B. Levin
Synopsis: “Strategic planning is the starting point for projects and often the
primary reason for a project’s success or failure. It has the potential to enable every
organisation to realise its ideals and actualise its values, whether it be a small start-
up business, a large international company or even an entire society.”
31. Title: “If I die here, who will remember me?’ India and the First World
Author: Vedica Kant
Synopsis: “The Indian National Congress believed that supporting Britain s war
efforts would benefit India's move towards independence. As a result, over a
million Indian men were deployed to fight for the British. Post the war, Britain's
refusal to grant India home rule created hostility among the Indians towards them.
This dissent eventually paved way for the Indian independence movement, which
was to emerge later.”
Synopsis: “Lim addresses the question, "Can Singapore Fall?", by examining the
state of Singapore today and proposing what Singapore and Singaporeans must do
in order to prevent economic and social decline. Taking inspiration from Sir John
Glubb's essay, The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival, Lim urges Singaporeans
to counter decline by observing the "three legs of honour": Trust, Diversity, and
Synopsis: “The Putin Interviews are culled from more than a dozen interviews with
Putin over a two-year span—never before has the Russian leader spoken in such
depth or at such length with a Western interviewer. No topics are off limits in the
interviews, which first occurred during Stone’s trips to meet with NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden in Moscow and most recently after the election of
President Donald Trump.”
Synopsis: “Israel is not the only ‘new’ state around, but it is one of the few states
whose legitimacy is still questioned, and its future affects the future of the Middle
East as a whole and probably the stability of the international system. The reasons
for this unique reality lie in its past and the particular historical circumstances of its
Synopsis: “It is Christmas Day in the year 710 AD in Toledo, capital of Visigoth
Spain. King Wittiza has been dethroned, and the impulsive and tyrannical Roderic
has been installed as monarch of Spain with the help of the Catholic clergy. Even
so, Bishop Oppas, the deposed king’s brother, is to remain as the senior
ecclesiastical figure in Spain during King Roderic’s reign.”