The 1st International Conference on Applied Science for Vocational Education will be held on November 11th, 2020. It will include an opening ceremony, 6 plenary talks from universities in Malaysia, China, Singapore, and Japan, a keynote speech, and parallel presentation sessions. The day-long event will discuss topics related to applied science for vocational education and feature speakers from various universities and backgrounds.
The 1st International Conference on Applied Science for Vocational Education will be held on November 11th, 2020. It will include an opening ceremony, 6 plenary talks from universities in Malaysia, China, Singapore, and Japan, a keynote speech, and parallel presentation sessions. The day-long event will discuss topics related to applied science for vocational education and feature speakers from various universities and backgrounds.
The 1st International Conference on Applied Science for Vocational Education will be held on November 11th, 2020. It will include an opening ceremony, 6 plenary talks from universities in Malaysia, China, Singapore, and Japan, a keynote speech, and parallel presentation sessions. The day-long event will discuss topics related to applied science for vocational education and feature speakers from various universities and backgrounds.
The 1st International Conference on Applied Science for Vocational Education will be held on November 11th, 2020. It will include an opening ceremony, 6 plenary talks from universities in Malaysia, China, Singapore, and Japan, a keynote speech, and parallel presentation sessions. The day-long event will discuss topics related to applied science for vocational education and feature speakers from various universities and backgrounds.
The 1st International Conference on Applied Science for Vocational Education
Rundown Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 TIME SESSION 08.00-08.50 am Registration 08.50-09.05 am Opening Ceremony 09.05-09.15 am Speech by the Director of Vocational Education Program, University of Brawijaya: Prof Dr Unti Ludigdo, SE., M.Si. Ak. 09.15-03.15 pm PLENARY TALKS 09.15-09.45 am Invited Speaker 4: Mark Wong (Teeside University, Singapore) 09.45-10.15 am Invited Speaker 1: Dr Mohd Hafiz Md Hanif (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia) 10.15-10.30 am Collective Question and Answer Session (Invited speaker 1) 10.30-11.00 am Invited Speaker 2: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Basri Bin Rashid (Universiti Utara Malaysia) 11.00-11.15 am Collective Question and Answer Session (Invited speaker 2) 11.15-11.45 am Invited Speaker 3: Dr Lamun Kayurin (Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya) 11.45am-12.01 pm Collective Question and Answer Session (Invited speaker 3) 12.01am-01.00 pm Lunch 01.00-01.30 pm KEYNOTE SPEECH Keynote Speaker: Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Director of Vocational Education)
01.30-01.45 pm Collective Question and Answer Session (Invited speaker 4)
01.45-02.15 pm Invited Speaker 5 : Prof. Kondo Kunio (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan) 02.15-02.30 pm Collective Question and Answer Session (Invited speaker 5) 02.30-03.00 pm Invited Speaker 6: Prof Ouyang Hongbing (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China) 03.00-03.15 pm Collective Question and Answer Session (Invited speaker 6) 03.15-05.00 pm Parallel Sessions: Presentation 05.00-05.05 pm Closing remark