1 2Civil3DInterface
1 2Civil3DInterface
1 2Civil3DInterface
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Navigate through the Civil 3D software.
Use the user interface to open files and display static and contextual ribbons.
Examine the two main components of Toolspace: the Prospector and Settings tabs.
Describe the function of Toolspace in drawing creation and management.
Use the Panorama window, Properties Palette, and Tool Palette
Explore existing workspaces and create a custom workspace.
Create reports using the Toolbox tab of Toolspace.
The following exercises are provided in a step-by-step format in this lesson:
1. Explore the Civil 3D User Interface
2. Explore Toolspace
3. The Panorama Window, Properties and Tool Palettes
4. Work with Workspaces
5. Create Reports
The Interface
The standard interface is shown in the graphic below. Notice the following elements:
1. The Graphic Window or Drawing Area: This is the main window where the user inputs,
modifies, and views visual data.
2. Toolspace: Toolspace is an integral component in the user interface for accessing
commands, styles, and data. Use it to access the Prospector, Settings, Survey, and Toolbox
tabs. Right-click each collection or item on these tabs to access commands.
3. Ribbon: The ribbon provides access for AutoCAD Civil 3D commands. Displayed at the top of
the drawing window, the ribbon provides one location for commands, in an organization
that provides the most-frequently used commands in the most accessible places.
4. Application Menu: Provides drawing-related commands, such as New, Open, Save, and
Export to AutoCAD.
5. Quick Access Toolbar: The Quick Access toolbar displays frequently used tools. You can add
ribbon buttons to the Quick Access toolbar
6. InfoCenter: The InfoCenter enables you to search for key words, enter a question for help,
display the Communication Center panel for product updates and announcements, and
display the Favorites panel to access saved topics. It also displays links to Help topics, RSS
feeds, and product updates and announcements.
7. Command window: Also known as the command line or the text window, the command
window enables user input using the keyboard for commands or numerical values. It also
queries the user for information when required and reports data about the drawing.
8. Status bar: The status bar displays status information and includes some controls for
changing the view.
Ribbon Types
Ribbons are classified as either static or contextual ribbons. Static ribbons are always displayed,
and contain the tabs, panels, and commands that you use most often. In Civil 3D, the static
ribbon displays the Home, Insert, Annotate, Modify, Analyze, View, Output, and Manage tabs. A
contextual ribbon tab is displayed when you select an object in the drawing area or execute
certain commands. It identifies the object, and shows panels and commands that can be used
to work with the selected object. Contextual ribbons filter and display only the applicable
commands, thereby making it easier to work with your data.
Static Ribbon
Civil 3D uses the Home, Insert Annotate, Modify, Analyze, View, Output, and Manage tabs.
When you select a tab, the ribbon displays the panels associated with that tab. For example, the
Home tab contains panels named Palettes, Create Ground Data, Create Design, Profile & Section
Views, Draw, Modify, Layers, Clipboard, and View. The panels and their commands directly
relate to the name of the tab.
About Toolspace
Toolspace is one of the primary interface components in Civil 3D. It provides an object-oriented
view of the engineering data in your drawing and lists the object and label styles used to display
the data. Toolspace is also used to display survey data and create external reports on your
engineering data.
Toolspace is the primary tool that you use to control and display civil engineering data. With
Toolspace, you can manage drawing and project data, create and manage settings and styles,
manage survey data, and create reports.
Toolspace presents a large amount of data about the drawing, project, object styles, label
styles, and drawing settings. The Toolspace palette can:
Float or dock.
Become semitransparent.
Automatically hide itself.
Be located on a second monitor.
Toolspace Components
There are two main components to Toolspace: the Prospector and Settings tabs. When you
work with the Survey functionality, Toolspace displays a Survey tab. When you create reports,
Toolspace displays a Toolbox tab.
Settings tab
The Settings tab is where you manage object styles, label styles, and drawing settings for Civil
3D. Select this tab to configure drawings and drawing templates. You can specify drawing setup
parameters such as units, scale, and coordinate zone. You can also set up object styles and
object label styles.
The Properties palette displays the current properties for any selected object(s) in your drawing.
You can modify these properties directly in the palette.
About Workspaces
Civil 3D has several predefined workspaces. You can use these workspaces as they are, or copy
and modify them. The workspace is the configuration of the user interface. Workspaces are sets
of ribbons, menus, toolbars, and their positions, which are grouped and organized so that you can
work in a custom, task-oriented drawing environment. When you use a workspace, only the
ribbons, menus, toolbars, and secondary windows specified in that workspace are shown. You
can modify workspaces to add or remove toolbars, menus, and ribbon tabs and panels. You make
these modifications in the Customize User Interface dialog box.
The following workspaces are included in Civil 3D:
Civil 3D: This workspace displays the ribbon tabs, panels, and other interface components that
show all Civil 3D related commands. You use the Civil 3D workspace to create site and
transportation designs.
3D Modeling: This workspace displays the ribbon tabs, panels, and other interface components
required for three-dimensional modeling. You use this workspace to create 3D rendered models
and animations that show your proposed design.
Workspace Switching
You can switch to a different workspace at any time by using the Workspace Switching
command. This command is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the graphic screen.
Ribbon The ribbon is the primary user interface for accessing commands and
features. While the traditional menus are still available, all commands for
both AutoCAD and Civil 3D are available on the ribbon. The ribbon is a
palette that displays task-based commands and controls. Contextual
ribbons appear when an object is selected and common commands used
for that object are displayed.
Toolspace Toolspace is the primary tool that you use to control and display civil
engineering data. With Toolspace, you can manage drawing and project
data, create and manage settings and styles, manage survey data, and
create reports. Toolspace contains Prospector and Settings tabs as well
as the optional Survey and Toolbox tabs.
Application Menu The Application Menu provides drawing-related commands, such as New,
Open, Save, and Export to AutoCAD.
Quick Access The Quick Access toolbar displays frequently used tools.
InfoCenter The InfoCenter enables you to search for key words, enter a question for
help, display the Communication Center panel for product updates and
announcements, and display the Favorites panel to access saved topics. It
also displays links to Help topics, RSS feeds, and product updates and
Command window Also known as the command line or the text window, the command
window enables user input using the keyboard for commands or
numerical values. It also queries the user for information when required
and reports data about the drawing.
Status bar The status bar displays status information and includes some controls for
changing the view.
Panorama window The Panorama window can display many types of data, such as the Point
Editor vista and the Alignment Entities vista.
Properties palette The Properties palette displays the current properties for any selected
object(s) in your drawing. You can modify these properties directly in the
Tool palette The Tool Palettes provide an efficient method for organizing, sharing, and
placing many types of commonly used design objects. You can customize
The Ribbon
One of the biggest changes to the interface
for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 is the ribbon. The
ribbon essentially replaces the menus and
provides one location for the most
frequently used commands in the most
accessible places. The ribbon is divided into
tabs according to the purpose of the
command. Each tab is further divided into
panels. A computer with better resolution
will show more complete descriptions for
the panels and buttons.
Layout Toolbars
Additional commands are available on the
Layout Toolbars. AutoCAD Civil 3D has the
following layout toolbars:
Alignment Layout toolbar
Grading Creation toolbar
Parcel Layout toolbar 12. Click the double down arrow on the
Pipe Network Layout toolbar right side of the toolbar.
Point Object Creation toolbar 13. Expand the various Parameter trees to
view the options that are available when
Profile Layout toolbar creating points. Close the toolbar.
11. On the Create Ground Data panel, click
the Points > Point Creation Tools. The
Point Object Creation toolbar displays.
Status bar
The status bar resides along the bottom of
the Civil 3D screen.
14. Hold your cursor over the various
buttons to view the explanations of the
many options available to you.
17. Right-click the sidebar of the palette to 19. Close the drawing and do not save the
display the many types of palettes that changes.
are available.
21. Click OK to close the Customize User 27. For New Value for MENUBAR, enter 0.
Interface dialog box. Notice the display Press ENTER.
of the toolbars. 28. Close the drawing. Do not save the
Next, you change how the menu bar is changes.
displayed. The use of menus is discouraged
2. In the Toolbox:
Click Create Report.
Click to expand Reports Manager.
Click to expand Points. 7. The report is displayed in a web
Right-click Points_List. Click Execute. browser.
11. In the Export to XML Report dialog box: Click to collapse Parcels.
Click to expand Alignment.
Scroll down to see the parcels.
Right-click Alignment_Curve. Click
Click OK. Execute.
The report is displayed in a web browser.
Notice the generic headers at the top of the 17. In the Export to XML Report dialog box,
report. You can change how this click Pick from Drawing.
information is displayed by changing the
report settings.
Lesson Summary
This lesson focused on describing the basic aspects of the user interface of Civil 3D. In the
exercises, you learned how to navigate, use Toolspace, work with workspaces, and create