2011 Assessment of Corneal Optical Quality

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Highlights of Ophthalmology • Vol.

39, Nº 4, 2011

Assessment of Corneal Optical Quality

for Premium IOLs with Pentacam
Naoyuki Maeda, MD

ith the new advancements in cataract sur- In this article, the assessment of corneal optical qua-
gery, the safety and the efficacy of the pro- lity with Pentacam for the selection of premium IOLs
cedures utilized have been more and more will be introduced as the example and the importance
remarkable than ever. As a result, the indication of ca- of the screening procedure with the corneal topographer
taract surgery has been expanding, and the expectations before cataract surgery.
of cataract patients to the post-surgical results have been
raised. Corneal Topography for Selecting
The introduction of premium intraocular lenses Premium IOLs
(IOLs) or new technology IOLs such as multi-focal
IOLs, toric IOLs, and aspherical IOLs enabled us to At clinics where new technology IOLs are available,
modify the optical property of the eye post-operatively surgeons have to select one particular IOL from at least
with the tailor-made fashion. Although the choice of four kinds of IOLs for each patient. It will be necessary
IOLs except for the power was not so critical from the to evaluate the optical quality of the cornea during the
patient’s point of view in the days when only the spheri- pre-operative evaluation because suboptimal optics of
cal IOLs were available, the post-operative satisfaction of the cornea or post-operative refractive error may spoil
the patients can be currently altered not only by the IOL the premium IOL implantation.
power but also by the optical characteristics of the IOL.
We have been proposing four steps in the interpre-
Therefore, it is important for cataract surgeons to tation of corneal topography before performing cataract
understand the life style of each patient, the ocular pa- surgery as shown in Table 1.
thology, and the optical quality of the eye before surgery.

Table 1: Four Steps in the Interpretation of Corneal Topography.

Step 1: Check the irregular astigmatism with the refractive power map quali-
Evaluation of corneal irregular astigmatism tatively, and with total HOA quantitatively. The current cut-off value
of less than 0.3 μm (RMS, 4mm) for multifocal IOLs, and more than
0.5μm (RMS, 4mm) for the informed consent about significant ir-
regular astigmatism is important.
Step 2: Check the abnormal corneal shape with the axial power map quali-
Detection of abnormal corneal shape tatively, and with sagittal front-back ratio quantitatively. Determine
whether to select the routine method or special method for IOL power

Step 3: Check the corneal spherical aberration. The tentative cut-off value of
Evaluation of corneal spherical aberration 0.1μm (RMS, 6mm) or higher for aspherical IOL and less than 0.1μm
(RMS, 6mm) for spherical IOL.
Step 4: Compare the magnitude and axis of cylinder between K readings and
Evaluation of corneal cylinder wavefront. Consider surgical correction of regular astigmatism de-
pending on the magnitude and axis.

Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine , Japan.


The Pentacam HR (OCULUS, Germany) is one of Figures 1, 2, 3 are the examples of the output. This
the instruments categorized as slit scanning corneal to- program consists with 3 topographic maps, one Sche-
pographer or Scheimpflug-based corneal topographer. impflug image, and one data box. The upper left is the
We had a chance to develop a program with which the axial power map using anterior surface data with kera-
four steps of the screening procedure were easily perfor- tometric refractive index (1.3375). This map is used to
med. diagnose the abnormality in corneal shape. The upper
center is the map of the total corneal refractive power.
Similar to the manual keratometer, it is very impor- The total corneal refractive power (n=1.376 for cor-
tant for the interpretation of the topographic data to nea, n=1.336 for aqueous) is calculated from anterior
confirm the reproducibility of the data. Especial atten- and posterior refractive powers of the cornea and used
tion should be paid to very elder patients, patients with for IOL power calculation for the patients with corneal
narrow palpebral fissure, or patients with poor fixation shape abnormality such as post-LASIK, post-PTK, and
during measurement. If QS (quality specification) in the post-keratoplasty. The upper right is the corneal pachy-
map is indicated with red color, the data should not be metric map. This map can be used to check the thick-
used. In doubt, the measurements should be repeated at ness at the main incision and at the side ports. The Sche-
least twice for each eye until reproducible topographic impflug image can be used to show the cataract to the
maps are obtained.

Figure 1: Normal cornea with shallow anterior chamber: Total HOA (0.180 μm), spherical aberration
(0.307 μm), front-back ratio (80.5 %), and cylinder (-0.5 D) are within normal ranges. Either multifocal
aspherical IOL or monofocal aspherical IOL is fine in terms of optical quality of the cornea although
anterior chamber is shallow (1.74mm).

patients and also to check the anterior chamber depth.

Step 1: Evaluation of Corneal
The data box shows topographic indices including total
corneal refractive power, corneal irregular astigmatism Irregular Astigmatism
(total higher-order aberration), corneal spherical aberra-
tion, and corneal cylinder. In addition, simulated K rea- Even if there were no problems for performing cata-
dings, anterior chamber depth, pupil diameter, corneal ract surgery in patients with mild pterygium, subclinical
thickness and others are available. keratoconus, or mild corneal scar, irregular astigmatism

Highlights of Ophthalmology • Vol. 39, Nº 4, 2011

Figure 2: Moderate keratoconus: Total HOA (1.575 μm) is high and spherical aberration (-1.355 μm)
is too low. Conventional spherical IOL is recommended with the informed consent for the effects of
corneal irregular astigmatism on quality of vision.

Figure 3. Post-LASIK: Total HOA (0.360 μm) shows mild irregular astigmatism and spherical aberration
(0.403 μm) is relatively high but within normal range. Monofocal aspherical IOL is recommended with
the aid of special IOL formulas for post-LASIK.

due to these corneal diseases might affect the quality of However, mild irregular astigmatism can be the cause of
vision of the eye after surgery.(1) When cataract surge- the dissatisfaction of the patients when post-operative
ries were only performed in the cataract patients with visual acuity or contrast sensitivity was not improved as
advanced visual loss, surgeons might not need to pay expected due to the irregular astigmatism in the patients
attention to such mild irregular astigmatism because with relatively mild cataract and in the patients with the
of the remarkable improvement in their visual acuity. premium IOL.

Pre-operative evaluation of corneal irregular astig- aspherical IOL or spherical IOL. We set the cut-off value
matism and the informed consent about the effects of to 0.1 μm or higher for aspherical IOL at this moment.
corneal irregular astigmatism on quality of vision will be
useful for avoiding the claims after surgery even for the Step 4: Evaluation of Corneal
candidates of conventional IOLs.
As show in the improvements of results following
multi-focal IOLs by the aspherical design, mild increase Toric IOL is effective to obtain good uncorrected vi-
of HOAs can be the cause of suboptimal results with the sual acuity in patients with regular corneal astigmatism.
multifocal IOLs. However, implantation of a toric IOL for patients with
severe irregular corneal astigmatism is considered as a
Currently, we set the cut-off value in total higher- contraindication. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate not
order aberrations for 4mm diameter to 0.3 μm for mild only corneal regular astigmatism with manual keratome-
irregular astigmatism, 0.5 μm for moderate irregular as- ter but also corneal total higher-order aberration with
tigmatism. corneal topographer. Also the comparisons of magnitude
and axis of regular astigmatism between manual kera-
tometer and wavefront derived value may be helpful to
Step 2: Detection of Abnormal confirm the reproducibility of data.
Corneal Shape
After many years, Laser in Situ Keratomileusis (LA-
SIK) has become popular and established a position in As the optical quality of the cornea in candidates of
the correction of refractive errors. As the results, avoi- cataract surgery is not always in good condition, it seems
ding post-operative refractive errors following cataract to be rational for cataract surgeons to screen the corneal
surgery in the post-LASIK patients have been a subject topography in order to select the premium IOLs with
of discussion. Although these patients are generally in- the tailor-made fashion for optimizing the optical quali-
terested in the good uncorrected visual acuity following ty of the eye following cataract surgery. All the cut-off va-
cataract surgery, it is well-known that the hyperopic shift lues written above are tentative, and the accumulations
in post-operative refraction is frequently seen with the of the results and the verification of the usefulness will be
conventional power calculation. necessary to establish the topographic screening system
before cataract surgery.
For preventing the post-operative errors in such pa-
tients, it is important to review the topographic map so References
as not to overlook the abnormal corneal shape. In the
case of post-LASIK patients, special methods should be
1. Martinez CE, Klyce SD: Corneal topography in cataract surgery. Curr
considered for the calculating IOL power,(2) and the total
Opin Ophthalmol. 1996; 7:31-8.
corneal refractive power can be used in the no history 2. Wang L, Hill WE, Koch DD: Evaluation of intraocular lens power
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3. Holladay JT, Piers PA, Koranyi G, van der Mooren M, Norrby NE: A new
Spherical Aberration intraocular lens design to reduce spherical aberration of pseudophakic
eyes. J Refract Surg. 2002; 18:683-91.
Aspherical IOLs are widely applied for correcting 4. Marcos S, Barbero S, Llorente L, Merayo-Lloves J: Optical response
the average corneal spherical aberration.(3) However, the to LASIK surgery for myopia from total and corneal aberration
wide range of variation in corneal spherical aberration measurements. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2001; 42:3349-56.
exists even in the normal population. In addition, hig-
her positive spherical aberration in myopic LASIK(4) and Financial disclosure: I have no financial interest in any
lower negative spherical aberration in hyperopic LASIK of the products mentioned in the article.
and keratoconus are reported. It will be reasonable to
measure the corneal spherical aberration while choosing
Reproduced from Highlights of Ophthalmology Journal - Vol. 39, No. 4, 2011, published by 5
Jaypee-Highlights Medical Publishers (www.jphmedical.com)

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