How To Create and Play Kahoot!
How To Create and Play Kahoot!
How To Create and Play Kahoot!
play Kahoot!
After you complete this course, you’ll then be able to proceed to the next course 2. When prompted to open the
achieve the following learning objectives: in the Kahoot! Certified for schools program! assignment challenge, click the
URL to open the challenge in-
1. Create a high-quality kahoot from scratch In order to complete the course assignment, app, or enter the PIN manually
you’ll need to download the Kahoot! app
2. Add multimedia to enhance your kahoot 3. You’ll then be able to accept the
to your iOS or Android device. You can find
challenge and play the assignment,
3. Understand game options to tailor your it in the App Store or on Google Play.
which is structured as a multiple-
kahoot experience and host like a pro
choice kahoot. You can do the
Here’s a reminder of how to open a assignment in short rounds, taking
After you review the course material, you’ll Kahoot! challenge with the assignment: breaks in between, or all at once.
be ready to take the assignment via our app
as the next step to getting your diploma 1. After downloading the Kahoot! app to
and a Silver badge. With your diploma, your mobile device, log in to your Kahoot!
you’ll have proof of passing this course, and account – we need this info to be able
you could be eligible to claim the course as to send you your diploma and badge!
a Professional Development credit. You’ll
How to create
a kahoot
▶ Why are you making the kahoot? ▶ Do you need to build in breathing
▶ What do the learners already know? space of discussion, debate, or creative
activities between questions?
▶ How do they learn best?
▶ Are you intending to open it up to the
▶ How might you make it accessible
public or keep it private? If public, how
to all types of learners?
would you make sure it is found and
▶ Will you play it live in class, live via video
enjoyed by the people who need it most?
conference to connect with students
during distance learning, or will you
assign it as a student-paced challenge?
Kahoot! Certified for schools
How to create and play Kahoot!
1. Define key knowledge – what do you want to achieve with the
kahoot? Are there any gaps in your learners’ knowledge you need to
focus on? Do they lack confidence in a specific subject or area? And
what key knowledge should the students get from playing?
4. Get creative with imagery or video to enhance your questions – they will let
you hide clues, inject humor, or simply make your kahoot more engaging.
5. Structure the kahoot to give it a progression – the best kahoots have
a narrative or “flow.” Use the questions as building blocks to introduce a
new subject with the kahoot. Weave back and forth between questions
with multiple correct answers, quick-fire “easy” questions, challenging
problem-solving questions, and game-show-style bursts of fun or humor.
Now you’ve got your game designer’s hat on, let’s get creative!
Kahoot! Certified for schools
How to create and play Kahoot!
You can also fine-tune the kahoot by using different timer and points settings. Once
you’re happy with your question, select Add question or Question bank to add more
questions. No need to worry - everything will be automatically saved as you go!
Kahoot! Certified for schools
How to create and play Kahoot!
Step 3: Add a description, tags, Step 4: Click Done, and you’re ready to play!
cover image, and audience Once you select Done, you can come back and edit your kahoot at any
Select Settings from the top bar and add a title and description time (it’s saved under My kahoots). For instance, you could write the
that defines learning objectives for the kahoot. Be sure to keep questions first and come back to add imagery or video later. Remember,
it focused! You can choose to make your kahoot private (select all your edits are automatically saved. All the incomplete kahoots are
Only you) or public (select Everyone). If you select Everyone in saved as drafts, and you can continue working on them later. Everything
the visibility section, use descriptive hashtags – such as #math or gets stored under My drafts on the left side of the kahoots section.
#grade6 – so other users can find it easily. On this screen, you can
also add a cover image that helps the kahoot stand out and attract Awesome - you’ve made your first kahoot. Let’s move on to how you can
more players. You can also change the lobby music and add a maximize the engagement in your learning games with multimedia!
lobby video to engage students before you even start playing!
How to add multimedia
to a kahoot
▶ Engage your students with the topic one just as easily as a static image, as
before the kahoot even begins by adding long as the file size is within limits.
a video to the lobby screen. Head to ▶ You can also help visual learners
the Settings of the kahoot and paste a
by using images as answers. When
YouTube URL in the Lobby video section.
adding answer alternatives, click the
▶ Upload images for your kahoot’s image icon in the colored rectangle
questions and cover image, and be sure to add the image of your choice.
to adhere to the size limits. If you’re ▶ Add a YouTube video by clicking
lacking a little inspiration, you can YouTube link in the question creator
always choose from our built-in image page and pasting the relevant link. You
library powered by Getty Images! don’t have to play the whole video – set
▶ Moving images, or GIFs, are extremely start and end times to play a clip.
popular with students. You can upload
Kahoot! Certified for schools
How to add multimedia to a kahoot
Play and host Kahoot!
like a pro
Kahoot! Certified for schools
Play and host Kahoot! like a pro
Kahoot! Certified for schools
Play and host Kahoot! like a pro
How to play Kahoot! as a
student-paced challenge
With student-paced challenges, you can turn the question timer off
to improve accuracy. This is great if you want to not only eliminate
guesswork but also to prioritize accuracy over speed.
Kahoot! Certified for schools
How to play Kahoot! as a student-paced challenge
▶ Review content and prepare for tests ▶ Play at in-class work stations or during remote lessons
Distance learning: hosting live
kahoots via video conference
Kahoot! Certified for schools
Distance learning: how to play live kahoots via video conference
Step 1
Log in to your Kahoot! account and find a kahoot to host.
Step 2
Connect to your video conferencing tool of choice,
such as Google Meet, Skype, Microsoft Teams,
Zoom, or Cisco Webex. Make sure your webcam,
microphone, and speaker are turned on.
Step 3
Click Play followed by Teach to launch the kahoot.
The lobby will now be shown with the game PIN.
Step 4
Share your screen, so students on the call can see
the game PIN. Students will need one screen to Top tips!
see questions and another screen to select their ▶ This way of playing Kahoot! works ▶ When you play the kahoot live,
answers. A student can use a second device, like best for smaller classes and older make sure that other microphones
a cell phone, to join the kahoot. Alternatively, they students or in higher education. or speakers in the room are
can also open another window on their computer ▶ We also recommend conducting a
switched off to reduce feedback.
and split the screens between two windows. dry run before you host your kahoot. ▶ What’s more, ensure all other tabs and
This lets you test the setup with your windows are closed to reduce pressure
Step 5 computer and video conferencing tool. on your web browser loading speed.
Host the kahoot as usual, making sure not to speak over Ask a colleague or family member to
play a kahoot to help you practice!
the music that plays during the timer countdown. You
can adjust the kahoot music with the volume slider. Be
sure to pause and take advantage of teachable moments
and encourage discussions between questions.
Here ends the second course!
Here ends the second course In order to complete the course assignment, you’ll need to
in the Kahoot! Certified for download the Kahoot! app to your iOS or Android device.
You can find it in the App Store or on Google Play.
schools program. Once you’re
ready to take the assignment,
Here’s a reminder of how to open a Kahoot!
you can find the challenge link
challenge with the assignment:
on the Kahoot! certified for
schools page, and follow the 1. After downloading the Kahoot! app to your mobile
instructions. We hope you’ll device, log in to your Kahoot! account – we need this info
continue to progress through to be able to send you your diploma and badge!
Kahoot! Certified for schools! 2. When prompted to open the assignment challenge, click the
URL to open the challenge in-app, or enter the PIN manually