FWF Glossary Sheet1 PDF
FWF Glossary Sheet1 PDF
FWF Glossary Sheet1 PDF
Look on the bright side To look at the positive aspects of You lost your phone, but look on the bright
something side, at least it wasn't your passport S2E22
Neat Without ice, opposite of on the rocks I'll take a vodka and lemon, neat. S2E22
He says he's been working late, but I'm not
Not buy it
To not believe something buying it S2E22
On the way In the journey somewhere I'm on the way, be there in 20 minutes S2E22
To spread a message or piece of We're starting the meeting an hour late,
Pass along (sth)
information can you pass it along to the others? S2E22
To mock or make fun of someone,
Ridicule (sb) especially in a cruel way that will make
them feel bad Ridiculing is a form of bullying S2E22
Money given to a student to help with He got a full scholarship because he's
education (often won in a competition) playing for the basketball team S2E22
Scotch A type of whisky from Scotland Do you prefer scotch or bourbon? S2E22
To make a sound signaling someone to be
quiet Shush little baby, don't you cry S2E22
Used to describe someone who smokes a My dad smokes like a chimney, I wish he
Smoke like a chimney
lot would quit S2E22
Sneak off (somewhere) To go somewhere secretively The kids snuck off to play with their toys S2E22
Be sure to stay clear of the favelas when
Stay clear of (sth)
To avoid something you go to Rio S2E22
Affectionate way to adress someone Hey sweet pea, do you want to get some
Sweet pea
(usually a woman) ice cream? S2E22
Sheet used on top of a dining table to She put a bright red tablecloth on the table
protect it for the party S2E22
Wet the bed To pee in bed (while sleeping) I haven't wet the bed since I was 5 S2E22
When all is said and When all is said and done, I hope you'll
done When everything has been considered make the right decision S2E22
Give (sb) the green light To give permission for something to My wife gave me the green light to buy a
happen new fridge.
To reveal a secret or something you
Give (sth) away
shouldn't tell (especially on accident) I can't believe you gave away the ending!
His chances at winning the election went
Go down down in flames when he made the racist
To die in battle or fail completely comment
Goofy Silly, rediculous, cute What's with that goofy smile?
Specific, basic rules that have to be
Ground rules followed in order for something to proceed The teacher set some strict groundrules
properly the first day of class, like no chewing gum
Hang up To end a telephone call Hang up the phone, we have to go!
I have a gift for knowing when people are
Have a gift
To have a special ability lying
Have the guts (to do
sth) To be courageous enough to do something Would you have the guts to go skydiving?
To experience the worst possible situation
Hit rock bottom or period of your life. Things can't get any Drunk in the alley, he knew he'd hit rock
worst bottom https://www.instagram.com/reallife_english/
To have a one occasion sexual encounter
Hook up (with sb) with someone; start a relationship with
someone They hooked up after the concert last night https://www.instagram.com/p/-1pqWKETQX/?taken-by=reallife_english
The huts in this village still don't have
Primitive dwelling electricity
Term [1] Episode Common
Definition #'s [2] [3] Formality Expression
[4] of the Day link Pronunciation Notes [5]
In a nutshell In summary In a nutshell, the movie sucked. https://www.instagram.com/p/-wc5s9ETTF/?taken-by=reallife_english
Without being affected by the particular He suddenly felt cold in spite of the sunny
In spite of
factor mentioned weather
Making opinions based on generalizations, Being non-judgemental is an important part
critical of his job
Keep your panties on Calm down, be patient Keep your panties on, I'm coming.
I would pick you up but you don't land until
On a plane: to get to the ground, to arrive midnight!
The area from the waist to the knees of a Kids in the U.S. sit on Santa's lap and tell
seated person him what they want for Christmas
Leave town To travel away They are leaving town for the weekend
Let go (of sth) To stop holding something Let go of your sister's hair!
Buying me flowers doesn't make up for
Make up for (sth)
To compensate for something negative yelling at me
Don't you think she wears too much
Cosmetic products makeup?
I messed up the interview and they hired
Mess (sth) up
To fail at something, do something poorly someone else
He's been feeling miserable ever since she
Feeling terrible passed away
Mustache Hair between the lips and nose Can you grow a mustache?
Used to tell someone not to worry about
Never mind something, or to negate something said Can you hand me the remote, never mind,
previously I'll grab it.
Nickel A five cent coin I'm short 5 cents, could I borrow a nickel?
The small projection in which the
mammary ducts of female mammals
terminate and from which milk can be
secreted It hurts his nipples when he runs
I'm out of breath from climbing all those
Out of breath
Lacking oxygen stairs https://www.instagram.com/p/990DZbETXU/?taken-by=reallife_english
Pimp A man who manages prostitutes Does this hat make me look like a pimp?
She plead her parents to reconsider
To make an emotional appeal sending her to boarding school
Would you mind popping some bread in
Pop (sth) in
To quickly put something in the toaster
A concave recipient used for cooking
(especially soups, stews, etc.) You can use the small pot
To jump on something; do something right You should pounce on that job offer before
away, with enthusiasm they give it to someone else
Don't get psyched out before the test, just
Psyched out
Very nervous, intimidated remember to breathe.
Forget about something unpleasant or She put failing on her last exam behind her
Put (sth) behind you
something that happened in the past and is working even harder this time.
They decided to put off the wedding until
Put (sth) off
To postpone, wait his parents return from Africa
Her co-worker sold her out in order to get
Sell (sb) out
To betray someone the promotion
Slowpoke Someone who thinks or moves slowly Hurry up you slow poke!
To do something quietly, secretly, so no The burglar snuck in the window
one hears or sees you undetected
Spooky Frightening, mysterious That abandoned house is really spooky
Stall A private compartment (e.g. in a bathroom) There's no toilet paper left in this stall
Who the star in the new Star Wars
To play the main role in a movie or play moving?
Stick a fork in me, I'm Used to indicate that someone is finished, I got fired AND my girlfriend broke up with
done destroyed, or sick of something me. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
To go somewhere with a person or group, My date cancelled on me, do you mind if I
Tag along
especially if you weren't invited tag along with you?
A type of women's underwear (that offers He got her a sexy thong for Valentine's
little coverage) Day
To gently put something under something
Tuck in else; to put the bottom of one's shirt into
one's pants (usually to look formal) Tuck in your shirt for church
Tushie Buttocks Pull up your pants, I can see your tushie.
Used when someone is in a stressful, He's been grumpy because he's under a
Under pressure
important situation lot of pressure at work
Term [1] Episode Common
Definition #'s [2] [3] Formality Expression
[4] of the Day link Pronunciation Notes [5]
[1] BLUE - for vocabulary
GREEN - for expressions
PURPLE - for phrasal verbs
ORANGE - for slang
[4] Formal - use in academic/business situations (for example, with your boss or professor)
Neutral - use with anyone in any situation
Informal - use with friends and family
Jargon - people of a specific group or profession will understand and use this
Vulgar - use only with close friends, in appropriate situations