SEM 1 - Mathematical-Methods-for-Economics-PART 1
SEM 1 - Mathematical-Methods-for-Economics-PART 1
SEM 1 - Mathematical-Methods-for-Economics-PART 1
Department of Economics
Syllabus and Textbook for B. A. (Hons) Economics,
Course 02: Mathematical Methods for Economics I
August 5, 2016
Following the Course 02 meeting on May 4, there has been some confu-
sion regarding the syllabus and textbook for this course. This document is
intended to remove these doubts.
Sudhir A. Shah
1 The textbook
It was suggested in the meeting on May 4 that we should transit to a “new
textbook” on the presumption that the proposed new book was a better fit
for the prescribed syllabus. A sub-committee was given the responsibility
of establishing a mapping between the syllabus and the new book. The
sub-committee has reported that the presumption was false. Therefore, it
has been decided to revert to the earlier textbook for this course,
K. Sydsaeter and P. Hammond: Mathematics for Economic Analysis,
Pearson Educational Asia: Delhi (2006)
• Guidance for students who have bought “the new book”.
There are only two significant differences between the above-mentioned
book and the one they have bought. The instructor should guide the
students to supplement the book they have bought with Sections 9.6
(Concave and Convex functions) and 20.1 (Difference equations) from
the above-mentioned book.
2 The syllabus
This semester covers Chapters 1-10 and Chapter 20 of the textbook, leav-
ing out Sections 6.7, 10.4 and 20.2-20.5. Note the material on integration
(Sections 10.1-10.3) and difference equations (Section 20.1).
The rough weights attached to the five sections mentioned in the syl-
labus are: I (Preliminaries) has 10% weight, II (Functions of one real vari-
able) has 55% weight, III (Single variable optimization) has 25% weight, IV
(Integration of functions) has 5% weight and V (Difference equations) has
5% weight.1
3 Philosophy of the course
1. This is not a “Mathematical Economics” course, but a “Mathe-
matical Methods for Economics” course. The intention is not to
transmit any particular body of economic theory, but to transmit the
body of basic mathematics that enables the creation of economic the-
ory in general. In this course, particular economic models are not the
ends, but the means for illustrating the method of applying mathemat-
ical techniques to economic theory in general. A pedagogical corollary
of this attitude is that economic applications should be chosen as il-
lustrations, not on the basis of their “importance” or “relevance” in
economic doctrine, but on the basis of their appropriateness for illus-
trating particular aspects of mathematical techniques being taught in
this course. (Of course, if pedagogical relevance and substantive doc-
trinal importance coincide in some application, then covering such a
Pareto superior application is recommended.) Classroom instruction
should stress the understanding and skill in the application of math-
ematical theorems and techniques, rather than the mastering of any
particular set of economic applications.
7. Examiners should avoid questions whose solution involve mere mem-
orization of formulae and computation.