Module-V Power Point
Module-V Power Point
Module-V Power Point
Power Point
Task-14: PPT Orientation: Slide Layouts, Inserting Text, Word Art, Formatting Text, Bullets and
Numbering, Auto Shapes, Lines, and Arrows.
To create a PPT presentation for selecting orientation, layouts, inserting text, word art,
formatting text, bullets and numbering, auto shapes, lines and arrows using MS-Power point.
Step 2: To set PPT orientation goto Design click on slide orientationselect either Portrait or
Step 3: To select slide layout goto click on Home Layoutclick on any one of the layout.
Step 5: To insert word art click on insertword artselect any one of word art style
Insert text.
Step 6: To insert bullets and numbering click on Homeclick on Bullets and Numberingclick the
arrow to choose different style
Step 7: To insert a auto shape, line and arrow click on insertshapesselect any one of shape you
want from the list click on slide to insert shape.
Step 9: Save the document and Exit from the MS-Power point.
Task-15: Making interactive presentations: Hyperlinks, Inserting Images, Clip Art, Audio, Video,
Objects, Tables, and Charts.
Inserting hyperlinks:
In PowerPoint, hyperlinks become active in Slide Show view. When you view the
slide in Slide Show view, you'll notice that the pointer turns into a hand as it moves
closer to the hyperlink. The hand pointer indicates that the text or object can be
clicked. Because this text is automatically formatted differently from other text on the
slide, the hand pointer is most useful for hyperlinks that use an object such as a
picture or shape.
If you hover over the hyperlink, a ScreenTip will appear if you created one when you
inserted the hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to open the webpage if the computer is
connected to the Internet.
If you use text for the hyperlink, the Text to display field will appear active
in the dialog box. The text you select on the slide will appear in this field.
Click Place in this Document to link to a slide in the current presentation.
The content of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box will change, and a list of slides
in the presentation will appear.
1. Select the Insert tab, and then click the Pictures command in the Images group.
Clicking the Pictures command.
2. A dialog box will appear. Locate and select the desired image file, then click Insert. ...
3. The picture will appear on the currently selected slide. The inserted picture.