Environment Shankar 8th Edition Sample
Environment Shankar 8th Edition Sample
Environment Shankar 8th Edition Sample
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• Ecology is defined as a scientific study of
the relationship of the living organisms
with each other and with their
• It deals with the ways in which organisms
are moulded by their environment, how
they make use of environmental resources
including energy flow and mineral cycling.
• The classical texts of the Vedic period The main levels of organisation of ecology are six
such as the Vedas, the Samhitas, the and are as follows.
Brahmanas the Aranyakas - Upanishads
1. Individual: - Individual-Organism is an
contain many references to ecological
individual living being that has the ability
to act or function independently.
• The Indian treatise on medicine, the
2. Population: - Population-Population is a
Caraka - Samhita and the surgical text
group of organisms usually of the same
Susruta - Samhita.
species, occupying a defined area during a
• Contain classification of animals on the
specific time,
basis of habit and habitat, land in terms of
3. Community: - Communities in most
nature of soil, climate and vegetation; and
instances are named after the dominant
description of plants typical to various
plant form (species). A community is not
fixed or rigid; communities may be large
• Caraka - Samhita contains information
or small.
where air, land, water and seasons were
• Types of Community: On the
indispensable for life and that polluted air
basis of size and degree of relative
and water were injurious for health.
independence communities may be
ENVIRONMENT AND ITS COMPONENTS divided into two types-
i. Major Community: -
The environment is defined as ‘the sum total of
These are large-sized, well
living, non-living components; influences and
organized and relatively
events, surrounding an organism.
independent. They depend
only on the sun's energy
from outside and are
independent of the inputs
and outputs from adjacent
Communities. E.g: tropical
ever green forest in the
ii. Minor Communities: -
These are dependent on
neighbouring communities
and are often called
ECOLOGY secondary aggregations
within a major community
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on plants e.g. cow, o Classification of Eco-system
• Secondary
consumers feed on
primary consumers
e.g. wolves.
Carnivores which
feed on secondary
consumers are o Ecotone
called tertiary i. Zone of junction between
consumers e.g. lions two or more diverse
which can eat ecosystems. For e.g. the
wolves. Omnivores mangrove forests represent
are organisms which an ecotone between marine
consume both plants and terrestrial ecosystem.
and animals e.g.
• Micro consumers -
(decomposers or
• They are bacteria
and fungi which
obtain energy and
ii. Characteristics of Ecotone
nutrients by
1. It may be very
decomposing dead
narrow or quite
organic substances
(detritus) of plant
2. It has the conditions
and animal origin.
intermediate to the
• The products of
decomposition such
ecosystems. Hence
as inorganic
it is a zone of
nutrients which are
released in the
3. It is linear as it
ecosystem are
shows progressive
reused by producers
increase in species
and thus recycled.
composition of one
• Earthworm and
in coming
certain soil
community and a
organisms (such as
nematodes, and
decrease in species
arthropods) are
of the other
detritus feeders and
outgoing adjoining
help in the
decomposition of
4. A well-developed
organic matter and
ecotone contains
are called
some organisms
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which are entirely 5. BIOME
different from that
of the adjoining
5. Sometimes the
number of species
and the population
density of sorme of
the species is much
greater in this zone
than either
community. This is
called edge effect
• The terrestrial part of the biosphere
for example the
is divisible into enormous regions
density of birds is
called biomes, which are
greater in the mixed
characterized, by climate,
habitat of the
vegetation, animal life and general
ecotone between the
soil type
forest and the
desert. • No two biomes are alike. The most
important climatic factors are
• Niche
temperature and precipitation.
i. A description of all the
biological, physical and • Aquatic Zones
chemical factors that a i. Aquatic systems are not
species needs to survive, called biomes; however
stay healthy and reproduce. they are divided into
ii. NO two species have exact distinct life zone.
identical niches. Niche ii. The major differences
plays an important role in between the various aquatic
conservation of organisms. zones are due to salinity,
iii. Types of Niche levels of dissolved
1. Habitat niche where nutrients; water
it lives temperature, depth of
2. Food niche - what is sunlight penetration.
eats or decomposes 6. BIOSPHERE
& what species it • A part of the earth where life can
competes with exist represents a highly integrated
3. Reproductive niche and interacting zone comprising of
-how ‘and when it atmosphere (air), hydrosphere
reproduces. (water) and lithosphere (land).
4. Physical& chemical • Life in the biosphere is abundant
niche - temperature, between 200 metres (660 feet)
land shape, land below the surface of the Ocean and
slope, humidity & about 6,000 metres (20,000 feet)
other requirement. above sea level.
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• Biosphere is Absent at extremes of North and South poles. Living
the rganisms are not uniformly
distributed throughout the
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• A food web illustrates, all possible
transfers of energy and nutrients
among the organisms in an
ecosystem, whereas a food chain
traces only one pathway of the
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parasites being at higher • Pyramid of Energy - To compare the
trophic level represents functional roles of the trophic levels in
higher in number. an ecosystem, an energy Pyramid is
o A pyramid of numbers does most suitable. An energy pyramid,
not take into account the reflects the laws of thermodynamics,
fact that the size of with conversion of solar energy to
organisms being counted in chemical energy and heat energy at
each trophic level can vary each trophic level and with loss of
the pyramid of number does energy being depicted at each transfer
not completely define the to another trophic level. Hence the
trophic structure for an pyramid is always upward, with a large
ecosystem. energy base at the bottom.
• Pyramid of Biomass: In this approach
individuals in each trophic level are
weighed instead of being counted. This
gives us a pyramid of bịomass, i.e., the
total dry weight of all organisms at
each trophic level at a particular time.
Biomass is measured in g/m2.
I. Upward - Pyramid For
most ecosystems on land,
the pyramid of biomass has
a large base of primary
with a
smaller Movement of these pollutants involves two main
trophic processes:
1. Bioaccumulation
o Refers to how pollutants enter a
on top
food chain. there is an increase in
concentration of a pollutant from
the environment to the first
II. Inverted pyramid- In organism in a food chain.
contrast, in many aquatic 2. Bio magnification
o Refers to the tendency of pollutants
to concentrate as they move from
one trophic level to the next.
o There is an increase in
concentration of a pollutant from
one link in a food chain to another
o In order for bio magnification to
occur, the pollutant must be: long-
lived, mobile, soluble in fats,
biologically active.
ecosystems, the pyramid of
biomass may assume an
inverted form.
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o If a pollutant is not active 2. Competition - both species are harmed by
biologically, it may bio magnify, the interaction. Example: if two species eat
but we really don't worry about it the same food, and there isn’t enough for
much, since it probably won’t both. both may have access to less food
cause any problems Examples : than they would if alone. They both suffer
a shortage of food
3. Predation and parasitism - one species
benefits, the other is harmed. Example:
predation-one fish kills and eats.
Parasitism: tick gains benefit by sucking
blood; host is harmed by losing blood
4. Amensalism - One species is harmed, the
other is unaffected Eg-A large tree shades
a small plant, retarding the growth of the
small plant. The small plant has no effect
on the large tree.
5. Neutralism - There is no net benefit or
harm to either species. Perhaps in some
interspecific interactions, the costs and
DDT. benefits experienced by each partner are
exactly the same so that they Sum to zero.
The interaction between the orgainisms is
fundamental for its survival and functioning of The elements or mineral nutrients are always in
ecosystem as a whole. circulation moving from non-living to living and
then back to the non-living components of the
ecosystem in a more or less circular fashion. This
circular fashion is known as biogeochemical
cycling (bio for living; geo for atmosphere).
1. Nutrient Cycling:
• The nutrient cycle is a concept that
describes how nutrients move from
the physical environment to the
living organisms, and subsequently
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recycled back to the physical • Water moves from one
environment. reservoir to another by the
• It is essential for life and it is the processes of evaporation,
vital function of the ecology of any transpiration, condensation,
region. In any particular precipitation, deposition,
environment, to maintain its
organism in a sustained manner,
the nutrient cycle must be kept
balanced and stable.
• Types of Nutrient Cycle
i. Based on the replacement
period a nutrient cycle is
referred to as Perfect or
Imperfect cycle.
ii. A perfect nutrient cycle is
one in which nutrients are runoff, infiltration, and
replaced as fast as they are groundwater flow.
utilised. Most gaseous b. The Carbon Cycle
cycles are generally •
considered as perfect • Without carbon dioxide life
cycles. In contrast
sedimentary cycles are
considered relatively
imperfect, as some nutrients
are lost from the cycle and
get locked into sediments
and so become unavailable
for immediate cycling.
iii. Based on the nature of the
reservoir, there are two
types of cycles namely
Gaseous and sedimentary
cycle could not exist, because it
iv. Gaseous Cycle- where the is vital for the production
reservoir is the atmosphere of carbohydrates through
or the hydrosphere, and photosynthesis by plants. It
v. Sedimentary Cycle- where is the element that anchors
the reservoir is the earth's all organic substances from
crust. coal and oil to DNA
2. Gaseous Cycles – (deoxyribonudeic acid: the
a. Water Cycle (Hydrologic) compound that caries
• The hydrologic cycle is the genetic information).
continuous circulation of • Carbon cycle involves a
water in the Earth- continuous exchange of
atmosphere system which carbon between the
is driven by solar energy. atmosphere and organisms.
Carbon from the
atmosphere moves to green
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plants by the process of phenomenon such
photosynthesis, and then to as thunder and
animals. By process of lighting
respiration and 3. Sedimentary Cycle
decomposition of dead • Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium
organic matter it returns circulate by means of the sedimentary
back to atmosphere. cycle.
c. The Nitrogen Cycle i. Phosphorus Cycle
• An essential constituent
of protein and is a basic
building block of all
living tissue. It constitutes
nearly 16% by weight of
all the proteins.
• There is an inexhaustible
supply of nitrogen in the
atmosphere but the
elemental form cannot be
used directly by most of
• Phosphorus plays a central role
the living organism
in aquatic ecosystems and
• Needs to be 'fixed', that is,
water quality.
converted to ammonia.,
• Phosphorus occurs in large
nitrites or nitrates, before it
amounts as a mineral in
can be taken up by plants.
phosphate rocks and enters the
cycle from erosion and mining
• This is the nutrient considered
to be the main cause of
excessive growth of rooted and
free-floating microscopic plant
in lakes.
• The main storage for
phosphorus is in the earth's
crust. On land phosphorus is
usually found in the form of
• Nitrogen fixation on earth phosphates. By the process of
is accomplished in three weathering and erosion
different ways: phosphates enter rivers and
I. By microorganisms streams that transport them to
(bacteria and blue- the ocean.
green algae) • In the ocean once the
II. By man using phosphorus accumulates on
industrial processes continental shelves in the form
(fertilizer factories) of insoluble deposits after
and millions of years, the crustal
III. To a limited extent plates rise from the sea floor
by atmospheric
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and expose the phosphates on series of metabolic processes
land. into sulphur bearing amino acid
• After more time, weathering which is incorporated in the
will release them from rock and proteins of autotroph tissues. It
the cycle's geochemical phase then passes through the grazing
begins again. food chain.
ii. Sulphur Cycle • Sulphur bound in living
organism is carried back to the
soil, to the bottom of ponds and
lakes and seas through
excretion and decomposition of
dead organic material
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• The interrelations between organisms and • Includes a complex assemblage of
environment on the land constitute different kinds of biotic communities.
"Terrestrial Ecology". The most important Optimum conditions such as temperature
limiting factors of the terrestrial and ground moisture are responsible for
ecosystems are moisture and temperature. the establishment of forest communities
• Forests may be evergreen or deciduous.
Distinguished on the basis of leaf into
• The word tundra means a "barren land" broad-leafed or needle leafed coniferous
since they are found where environment forests in the case of temperate areas.
conditions are very severe. There are two Classified into three major categories:
types of tundra-arctic and alpine. coniferous forest, temperate forest and
• Distribution tropical forest.
o Arctic tundra extends as a o Coniferous forest (boreal forest)
continuous belt below the polar ice ▪ Cold regions with high
cap and above the tree line in the rainfall, strong seasonal
northern hemisphere. It occupies climates with long winters
the northern fringe of Canada, and short summers
Alaska, European Russia, Siberia evergreen plant species
and island group of Arctic Ocean. such as spruce, fir and pine
o On the south pole, tundra is very trees, etc and by animals
small since most of it is covered by such as the lynx, wolf, bear,
ocean. Alpine tundra occurs at high red fox, porcupine, squirrel,
mountains above the tree line. and amphibians like Hyla,
Since mountains are found at all Rana, etc.
latitudes therefore alpine tundra ▪ Boreal forest soils are
shows day and night temperature characterized by thin
variations. podozols and are rather
• Flora and fauna poor. Both because, the
o Typical vegetation of arctic tundra weathering of rocks
is cotton grass, sedges, dwarf proceeds slowly in cold
heath, willows, birches and lichens. environments and because
Animals of tundra are reindeer, the litter derived from
musk ox, arctic hare, caribous, conifer needle (leaf is
lemmings and squirrel. Most of decomposed very slowly
them have long. and is not rich in nutrients.
o They are protected from chillness ▪ These soils are acidic and
by the presence of thick cuticle and are mineral deficient. This
epidermal hair. Mammals of the is due to movement of large
tundra region have large body size amount of water through
and small tail and ear to avoid the the soil, without a
loss of heat from the surface. The significant counter-upward
body is covered with fur for movement of evaporation,
insulation. essential soluble nutrients
like calcium, nitrogen and
FOREST ECOSYSTEM potassium which are
leached sometimes beyond
the reach of roots.
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Due to heavy rainfall and Causes of Deforestation
high humidity the
timberline in this part is
higher than that in the
West. Rhododendron of
many species covers the
hills in these parts.
15. Moist Alpine scrub
i. Moist alpines are found all
along the Himalayas and on
the higher hills near the
Myanmar border. It has a
low scrub, dense evergreen o Shifting cultivation
forest, consisting mainly of o development project
rhododendron and birch. o Fuel Requirements
Mosses and ferns cover the o Raw Material Requirements
ground in patches. This GRASSLAND ECOSYTEM
region receives heavy
snowfall. • Found where rainfall is about 25-75 cm
16. Dry alpine scrub per year, not enough to supporta forest, but
i. Dry alpines are found from more than that of a true desert. Vegetation
about 3000 metres to about formations that are generally found in
4900 metres. Dwarf plants temperate climates.
predominate, mainly the • In India, they are found mainly in the high
black juniper, the drooping Himalayas. The rest of India's grasslands
juniper, honeysuckle, and are mainly composed of steppes and
willow. savannas. Steppe formations occupy large
Importance of Forest
1. Forests keep up the natural balance.
2. Forests purify the air
3. Forests provide micro climate
4. Forests indirectly play a role in
5. Forests prevent floods
6. Forests prevent soil erosion
7. Forests provide medicinal properties
8. Forests provide us fuel and timber
9. Forests provide raw materials for
2. 27
Indiscriminate felling of trees as a result of areas of sandy and saline soil; in western
urbanization, industrialization, mining operations, Rajasthan, where the climate is semi-arid,
and use of wood for domestic and other purposes, • The major difference between steppes and
have caused heavy depletion of forests. savannas is that all the forage in the steppe
is provided only during the brief wet
season whereas in the savannas forage is
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Ecosystems consisting of water as the main o Plankton
habitat are known as aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic ▪ This group includes both
ecosystems are classified based on their salt microscopic plants like
content. algae (phytoplankton) and
• Fresh water ecosystems- The salt content animals like crustaceans
of fresh bodies is very low, always less and protozoans
than 5 ppt parts per thousand). E.g lakes, (zooplankton) found in all
ponds, pools, springs, streams, and rivers aquatic ecosystems, except
• Marine ecosystems - the water bodies certain swift moving waters
containing salt concentration equal to or ▪ The locomotory power of
above that of sea water (i.e., 35 ppt or the planktons is limited so
above). E.g shallow seas and open ocean that their distribution is
• Brackish water ecosystems- these water controlled, largely, by
bodies have salt content in between 5 to 35 currents in the aquatic
ppt. e.g. estuaries, salt marshes, mangrove ecosystems.
swamps and forests. o Nekton
▪ This group contains animals
AQUATIC ORGANISMS which are swimmers.
▪ The nektons are relatively
• The aquatic organisms are classified on the
large and powerful as they
basis of their one of occurrence and their
have to overcome the water
ability to cross these zones. Can be
classified on the basis of their life form or
o Benthos
location into five groups
▪ The benthic organisms are
o Neuston
those found living in the
▪ These are unattached
bottom of the water mass.
organisms which live at the
▪ Practically every aquatic
air-water interface such as
ecosystem contains well
floating plants, etc.
developed benthos
▪ Some organisms spend
most of their lives on top of • Factors Limiting the Productivity of
the air-water interface such Aquatic Habitats
as water, Striders, while o Sunlight
others spend most of their o Photic zone
time just beneath the air- o Aphotic zone
water interface and obtain o Dissolved oxygen
most of their food within o Transparency
the water. E.g., beetles and o Temperature
back-swimmers. LAKE ECOLOGY
o Periphyton
▪ These are organisms which • Anybody of standing water, generally
remain attached to stems large enough in area and depth,
and leaves of rooted plants irrespective of its hydrology, ecology, and
or substances emerging other character is tics is generally known
above the bottom mud such as lake.
as sessile algae and the ir 1. Ageing of Lakes
associated group of animals
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• It is primarily caused by the leaching of runoff of fertilizer from farm
phosphate and nitrate containing fertilisers fields, golf
from agricultural lands into lakes or rivers. o courses, park , etc. & from animal
• The growth of green algae which we see in wastes.
the lake surface layer is the physical o Combustion of fossil fuel
identification of an Eutrophication. [produces gases – nitrogen oxides
• Some algae and blue-green bacteria thrive o Growing urban population in the
on the excess ions and a population coastal areas
explosion covers almost entire surface Effects
layer is known as algal bloom. This • Change in ecosystem
growth is unsustainable, however. • Decreased biodiversity
• As Algal Bloom covers the surface layer, • New species invasion
it restricts the penetration of sunlight. • Toxicity
Diffusion of gas from atom. • Mitigation
• Oxygen is required by all respiring
animals in the water and it is replenished HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS
by diffusion and photosynthesis of green
plants. • Algae or phytoplankton are microscopic
organisms that can be found naturally in
coastal waters. They are major producers
of oxygen and food for many of the
animals that live in these waters.
• When environmental conditions are
favorable for their development, these
cells may multiply rapidly and form high
numbers of cells and this is called an algal
• A bloom often results in a color change in
the water. Algal blooms can be any color,
but the most common ones are red or
brown. These blooms are commonly
referred to as red or brown tides.
• • Most algal blooms are not harmful but
some produce
Why Red Tide is a misnomer?
• “Red Tide” is a common name for such a
• Natural phenomenon where certain phytoplankton
o Deposition of nutrients [such as species contain pigments and “bloom”
depositional environments. When such that the human eye perceives the
the nutrients flow into the system water to be discolored.
on temporal basics.
• The term “red tide” is thus a misnomer
o It Occurs over centuries, Eg.
because blooms are not always red, they
Seasonally inundated tropical flood
are not associated with tides, they are
usually not harmful, and some species can
• Manmade be harmful or dangerous at low cell
o Occurs in decades concentrations that do not discolor the
o These inputs may come from water.
untreated sewage discharges,
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• The mangroves of Bhitarkanika (Orissa), • Partnership based initiative promoting
which is the second largest in the Indian investment in a coastal ecosystem for
sub continent, harbour high concentration sustainable development.
of typical mangrove species and high
genetic diversity. CORAL REEFS
• They are destroyed for conversion of area
for agricultural purpose, fuel, fodder and, Features
salinization, minig, oil spills, aquacultural • They occur in shallow tropical areas where
(shrimp farming), use of chemical the sea water is clean, clear and warm.
pesticides & fertilizers, industrial • The coral reef cover in Indian waters is
purposes. roughly estimated upto 19,000 sq. Km.
Mangroves for the Future • Coral reefs are one of the most productive
and complex coastal ecosystems with high
biological diversity.
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• The high productivity is owing to the • Bleaching, or the paling of coral colour
combination of its own primary production occurs; when
and support from its surrounding habitat. o the densities of zooxanthellae
• The corals are generally slow growing decline and
colonies of animals while zooxanthellae o the concentration of photosynthetic
are fast growing plants. pigments within the zooxanthellae
Classification and their location fall
• The fringing reefs are contiguous with the
shore and they are the most common - by
occurring reef form, found in Andamans.
• Patch reefs are isolated and discontinuous
patches, lying shoreward of offshore reef
structures as seen in the Palk bay, Gulf of
Mannar and Gulf of Katchchh.
• Barrier reefs are linear offshore reef
structures that run parallel to coastlines
and arise from submerged shelf platforms.
The water body between the reef and the Ecological causes of coral bleaching
shore is termed as lagoon. Barrier reefs are • Temperature (Major Cause)
seen in Nicobar and Lakshadweep. • Sub aerial Exposure
Functions of Coral Reefs • Fresh Water Dilution
• Coral reefs are natural protective barriers • Inorganic Nutrients
against erosion and storm surge. • Xenobiotics
• The coral animals are highly adapted for
capturing plankton from the water, thereby GOVERNMENT MEASURES TO PROTECT
capturing nutrients MANGROVE FOREST AND COR AL R
• Largest biogenic calcium carbonate EEFS (OR COASTAL ECOSYSTEM)
producer • Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction
• They provide substrate for mangroves System (COMAPS)
• Coral reefs provide habitat for a large • Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal
variety of animals and plants including Zone (LOICZ)
avifauna. • Integrated Coastal and Marine Area
Threat Management (ICMAM)
• Natural causes may be due to the outbreak • Institutions for Coastal Management
of reef destroying mechanisms, • Society of Integrated Coastal Management
“bleaching” and depletion of essential (SICOM)
• Beach Environment & Aesthetics
• Anthrogenic causes – may be due to Management Service.
chemical pollution (pesticides, cosmetics,
etc), industrial pollution, mechanical GANGA ACTION PLAN
damage, nutrient loading or sediment
• The Ganga Action Plan was launched on
loading, Dredging, shipping, tourism,
14th January 1986 with the main objective
mining or collection, thermal pollution,
of pollution abatement, to improve water
intensive fishimg,etc.
quality by interception, diversion and
treatment of domestic sewage and toxic
Coral Bleaching
and industrial chemical wastes present,
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• Environmental Protection and Sustainable development. EIA can often prevent future
Development has been the cornerstones of liabilities or expensive alterations in
the policies and procedures governing the project design.
industrial and other developmental INDIAN POLICIES REQUIRING EIA
activities in India. • The environmental impact assessment in
India was started in 1976-77 when the
The Need for EIA
Planning Commission asked the then
• Every anthropogenic activity has some Department of Science and Technology to
impact on the environment. More often it examine the river-valley projects from
is harmful to the Environment than benign. environmental angle. This was
However, mankind as it is developed today subsequently extended to cover those
cannot live without taking up these projects, which required approval of the
activities for his food, security and other Public Investment Board. These were
needs. administrative decisions, and lacked the
• Consequently, there is a need to harmonise legislative support. The Government of
developmental activities with the India enacted the Environment
environmental Concerns. It is desirable to (Protection) Act on 1986.
ensure that the Development options under • To achieve the objectives of the Act, one
consideration are sustainable. of the decisions that were taken is to make
environmental impact assessment
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• The variability among living organisms • Species richness - It is the measure of
from all sources, including terrestrial, number of species found in a community
marine and other aquatic ecosystems and o Alpha diversity - It refers to the
the ecological complexes of which they diversity within a particular area or
are a part; Includes diversity within ecosystem, and is usually
species, between species and of expressed by the number of species
ecosystems. (1.e., species richness) in that
Levels of Biodiversity
o Beta diversity - It is a comparison
• Biodiversity is considered to exist at three of diversity between ecosystems,
levels: genetics, species, and ecosystems usually measured as the change in
• Genetic diversity amount of species between the
o Variation in genes within a ecosystems.
particular species. o Gamma diversity - It is a measure
o It is the total number of genetic of the overall diversity for the
characteristics in the genetic different ecosystems Within a
makeup of a species. region
o The genetic diversity gives us • Species evenness
beautiful butterflies, roses, o It measures the proportion of
parakeets or coral in a myriad hues, species at a given site, e.g. low
shapes and sizes evenness indicates that a few
• Species diversity: species dominate the site.
o It refers to the variety of living
Biodiversity and Food Web
organisms on earth.
o Species differ from one another, • The building blocks of plants, animals and
markedly in their genetic makeup, humans are identical, and are made of the
do not inter-breed in nature. four elements - carbon, oxygen, nitrogen
o It is the ratio of one species and hydrogen
population over total number of • The chain that links consumers to
organisms across all species in the producers is called the food chain or web
given biome. of life.
o Zero' would be infinite diversity,
Services provided by Biodiversity:
and 'one' represents only one
species present. • Ecosystem services:
• Ecosystem/ Community diversity: o Protection of water resources, Soils
o This refers to the different types of formation and protection, Nutrient
habitats. A habitat is the storage and recycling
cumulative factor of the climate, o Pollution breakdown and
vegetation and geography of a absorption Contribution to climate
region. Thus, the variety or stability Maintenance of
diversity of species in the ecosystems
ecosystem is influenced by the o Recovery from unpredictable
nature of the ecosystem events
• Biological services:
Biodiversity is measured by two major
o Food, Medicinal resources and
pharmaceutical drugs
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o Wood products, Ornamental plants gharial has been reintroduced in the rivers
Diversity in genes, species and of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and
ecosystems. Etc. Rajasthan where it had become extinct.
• Social services: 2. In-Situ Conservation: Conserving the
o Research, education and animals and plants in their natural habitats
monitoring is known as in-situ conservation. The
o Recreation and tourism Cultural established natural habitats are: National
values parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves and
Reserved forests, Protected forests, Nature
Causes for Biodiversity Loss
• Loss of biodiversity occurs when either a
Constraints in biodiversity conservation:
particular species is destroyed or the
habitat essential for its survival is • Low priority for conservation of living
damaged. natural resources.
• The extinction of species takes place when • Values and knowledge about the species
they are exploited for economic gain or and ecosystem inadequately known.
hunted as sport or for food. Extinction of • Unplanned urbanization and uncontrolled
species may also occur due to industrialization.
environmental reasons like ecological
Botanical garden
substitutions, biological factors and
pathological causes which can be caused • Botanical garden refers to the scientifically
either by nature or man. planned collection of living trees, shrubs,
herbs, climbers and other plants from
Biodiversity conservation-
various parts of the globe.
• Conservation of biological diversity leads
to conservation of essential ecological
diversity to preserve the continuity of food • An establishment, whether stationary or
chains. mobile, where captive animals are kept for
exhibition, to the public and includes a
Modes of Conservation
circus and rescue centers but does not
1. Ex-situ conservation: Conserving include an establishment of a licensed
biodiversity outside the areas where they dealer in captive animals – CZA.
naturally occur is known as ex- situ
conservation. For example, the gangetic
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• India is a recognised as one of the mega- • Nearctic realm,
diverse countries, rich in biodiversity and Palaearctic realm,
associated traditional knowledge. With just • Africotropical
2.4% of the land area, India accounts for realm,
nearly 7% of the recorded species even • Indo-Malayan realm
while supporting almost 18% of human • Oceania realm
population. • Australian realm,
• In terms of species richness, India ranks • Antarctic realm,
seventh in mammals, ninth in birds and • Neotropical realm
fifth in reptiles. • Biomes of India
• The varied Edaphic, Climatic and o The term biome means the main
Topographic conditions have resulted in a groups of plants and animals living
wide range of ecosystems and habitats in areas of certain climate patterns.
such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, o The five biomes of India are:
coastal and marine ecosystems, and deserts ▪ Tropical Humid Forests
in India with greater biodiversity. ▪ Tropical Dry or Deciduous
INDIA REPRESENTS Forests (including Monsoon
• Two Realms Forests)
o Biogeographic realms are large ▪ Warm deserts and semi-
spatial regions within which deserts
ecosystems share a broadly Similar ▪ Coniferous forests and
biota. Realm is a continent or sub- ▪ Alpine meadows.
continent sized area with unifying • Bio-geographic Zones: There are 10
features of geography and fauna & biogeographic zones which are
flora. distinguished clearly in India. They are as
▪ the Himalayan region follows:
represented by Palearctic o Trans-Himalayas - An extension
Realm and of the Tibetan plateau, harboring
▪ the rest of the sub-continent high-altitude cold desert in
represented by Malayan Laddakh (J&K) and Lahaul Spiti
Realm. (H.P) comprising 5.7 % of the
▪ In world eight terrestrial country's landmass. East to west
biogeographic realms are parallel to Himalayas
typically recognized. They o Himalayas - The entire mountain
chain running from north-western
to north-eastern India,
o Desert- The extremely arid area
west of the Aravalli hill range,
comprising both the salty desert of
Gujarat and the sand desert of
Rajasthan. 6.9% of the country's
o Semi-arid- The zone between the
desert and the Deccan plateau,
including the Aravalli hill range
15.6 % of the country's landmass.
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o Bio-geographic Province is a Eco
systematic or biotic subdivision of
realms. India is divided into 25 bio
geographic zones.
o Biogeographic classification of
India was done by Rodgers and
Panwar (1988), describing 10
biogeographic zones in India,
further divided into 25
biogeographic provinces.
o The classification was done using
various factors such as altitude,
moisture, topography, rainfall, etc.
Biogeographic zones were used as
a basis for planning wildlife
protected areas in India.
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• Molusks
o Have a soft, skin-like organ
covered with a hard outside shell.
o Some mollusks live on land, such
as the snail and slug.
o Other mollusks live in water, such
as the oyster, mussel, clam, squid
and octopus.
• Echinoderms
o Are marine animals.
o Most echinoderms have arms or
Vertebrates spines that radiate from the center
of their body. Common
• Vertebrates are animals with backbones echinoderms include the sea star,
and spinal columns. Vertebrates are the sea urchin, sand dollar and sea
most advanced organisms on Earth. cucumber.
• Although vertebrates represent only a very o Protozoa, Arthropods, Crustaceans,
small percentage of all animals, their size Insects, Arachnids are the other
and mobility-often allow them to dominate Invertebrates.
their environment. Fishes, Amphibians,
Reptiles, Ayes, Mammals.
In terms of plant diversity, India ranks tenth in the
world and fourth in Asia. India represents nearly
11% of the world’s known floral diversity.
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•“Climate change” means a change of
climate which is attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the
composition of the global atmosphere and
which is in addition to natural climate
variability observed over comparable time
• However, when today people talk about
‘climate change’, they mean the changes in
climate over the last 100 years which is
caused predominantly by human activity.
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• It is found in two different layers of the • CFCs molecules are made up of chlorine,
atmosphere. Ozone in the troposphere is fluorine and carbon. They are used as
"bad" because it dirties the air and helps to refrigerants (66%): Propellants in aerosol
form smog, which is not good to breathe. sprays, foaming agents in plastic
• Ozone in the stratosphere is "good" manufacturing (30%), fire extinguishing
because it protects life on Earth by agents, solvents for cleaning electronic and
absorbing some of the sun's harmful Ultra metallic components, for freezing foods
Violet (UV) rays decrease in the etc
concentration of ozone in a particular • CFCs has a wide and varied application
region of the atmosphere of ozone hole due to its properties like non-
• The best example of such an ozone hole is corrosiveness, non-in flammability, low
the atmosphere over the Antarctic which toxicity and chemical stability, etc. the
has only about 50 percent of the ozone that residence time of CFCs in the atmosphere
originally occurred there. estimated to be between 40 and 150 years
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• The sources of nitrogen oxides are mainly o The second type of clouds contain
explosions of thermonuclear weapons, nitric acid instead of pure water.
industrial emissions and agricultural o The third type of clouds have the
fertilizers. same chemical composition as
• The chemical reaction nacreous clouds, but form at a
o Nitric oxide (NO) catalytically slower rate, which results in a
destroys ozone. larger cloud with no iridescence.
• The chlorine released by the breakdown of
CFCs exists initially as pure chlorine or as
chlorine monoxide (active chlorine
instable) but these two forms react further
to form compounds Chlorine nitrate and
• The escape of N2O HCL that are stable (inactive chlorine).
o Nitrous oxide (N2O) is released
from solid through denitrification
of nitrates under anaerobic
conditions and nitrification of
ammonia under aerobic conditions.
This N2O can gradually reach the
middle of the stratosphere, where it The stable compounds HCL and CLONO2 are
is photolytically destroyed to yield reservoirs of chlorine, and therefore for chlorine to
nitric oxide which in turn destroys take part in reactions of any sort, it has to be freed.
• Other substances:
o Bromine containing compounds
called halons and HBFCs, i.e.
hydrobromo fluorocarbons [both
used in fire extinguishers and
methyl bromide (a widely used
o Each bromine atom destroys
hundred times of more ozone
molecules than what a chlorine
atom does.
Role of polar stratospheric clouds in ozone Why is the ozone hole predominant at the
depletion. Antarctic?
• There are three types of stratospheric • The Antarctic stratosphere is much colder.
clouds. They are: The low temperature enables the formation
o Nacreous clouds extend from 10 to of Polar stratospheric Clouds (PSCs),
100km in length and several below 20 km
kilometres in thickness. They are • The vortex is a ring of rapidly circulating
also called ‘mother-of-pearl’ air that confines the ozone depletion in the
clouds due to their glow with a Antarctic region. The longevity of the
seashell like iridescence. Antarctic vortex is another factor,
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2011 QUESTION PAPER trees do not get uprooted by storms and tides
because of their extensive roots.
1. Consider the following statements: Correct
10. There is a concern over the increase in
1. Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower
harmful algal blooms in the seawaters of
latitudes as compared to the higher latitudes. India What could be the causative factors for
2. Along the mountain gradients, biodiversity is this phenomenon?
normally greater in the lower altitudes as • Discharge of nutrients from the estuaries.
compared to the higher altitudes.
• Run-off from the land during the monsoon.
Ans. Both 1 and 2
• Upwelling in the seas.
2. Three of the following criteria have contributed
to the recognition of Western Ghats – Sri Lanka 11. The Himalayan Range is very rich in species
and Indo-Burma regions as hotspots of bio- diversity Which one among the following is the
diversity: - Species richness, Endemism, most appropriate reason for this phenomenon: -
Threat perception. It is a confluence of different bio geographical
3. Biodiversity forms the basis for human zones.
existence in the following ways: 12. If a tropical rain forest is removed, it does not
• Soil formation regenerate quickly as compared to a tropical
• Prevention of soil erosion deciduous forest This is because:- the soil of
• Recycling of waste rain forest is deficient in nutrients
• Pollination of crops 13. When the bark of a tree is removed in a circular
4. Which one of the following is not a site for in-situ fashion all around near its base, it generally dries
method of conservation of flora: - Botanical up and dies because: - Water from soil cannot
Garden rise to aerial parts.
5. Among the following States, which one has the 14. Which of the above add carbon dioxide to the
most suitable climatic conditions for the carbon cycle on Earth?
cultivation of a large variety of orchids with • Respiration
minimum cost of production, and can develop an • Decay of organic matter
export-oriented industry in this field: - • Volcanic action
Arunachal Pradesh 15. Which of the above is/are the emission /
6. A sandy and saline area is the natural habitat of emissions from coal combustion at thermal power
an Indian animal species The animal has no plants?
predators in that area but its existence is
threatened due to the destruction of its habitat • Carbon dioxide
Which one of the following could be that • Oxides of Nitrogen
animal: - Indian wild ass • Oxides of Sulphur
7. The “Red Data Books’ published by the 16. The formation of ozone hole in the Antarctic
International Union for Conservation of Nature region has been a cause of concern What could
and Natural Resources (IUCN) contain lists of:- be the reason for the formation of this hole: -
Threatened plant and animal species. Presence of prominent polar front and
8. In the context of eco-system productivity, marine stratospheric clouds; and inflow of choro
upwelling zones are important as they increase fluorocarbons
the marine productivity by bringing the:- 17. Regarding “carbon credits”, which one of the
Nutrients to the surface. following statements is not correct: - Carbon
9. The 2004 Tsunami made people realize that credits are traded at a price fixed from time
mangroves can serve as a reliable safety hedge to time by the United Nations Environment
against coastal calamities How do mangroves Programme.
function as a safety hedge:- The mangroves 18. Which of above Acts have relevance to / bearing
on the biodiversity conservation in the country