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Lab Tasks

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Experiment 01

Introduction to MATLAB
Exercise Objective:
PART A: Familiarization with MATLAB screen

PART B: A minimal MATLAB Session

 A Computer

MATLAB is a high performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation,
visualization and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are
expressed in familiar mathematical notation. It is particularly convenient for modeling,
simulation, analysis and design of dynamic systems.

The purpose of this introductory lab is to give you a quick introduction to MATLAB enabling
you to use the software from the very beginning of the Signal & Systems course. To run
MATLAB, double-click on the MATLAB icon. Once the program is loaded you will see the
prompt”>>” in the command window. The command window is the main window in which we
communicate with the MATLAB interpreter. Anything typed after “%” sign is treated as a
comment and ignored by MATLAB. First, we will familiarize with the MATLAB screen.


MATLAB has the following basic window components:

• Launch Pad Window

• To access all MATLAB services and toolboxes
• Command Window
- To execute commands in the MATLAB environment
• Current Directory Window
- To quickly access files on the MATLAB path
• Figure Window
- To display graphical output from MATLAB code
Basic Components of the MATLAB Environment
• Workspace Window
To view variable definitions and variable memory allocations
• M-File Editor/Debugger Window
To write M-files (includes color-coded syntax features)
To debug M-files interactively (break points)
• MATLAB Path Window
To add and delete folders to the MATLAB path
• Command History Window
It display all commands issued in MATLAB since the last session (good for learning and
MATLAB Command Window
• The command window allows you to interact with MATLAB just as if you type things in a
• Cut and paste operations ease the repetition of tasks
• Use ‘up-arrow’ key to repeat commands (command history)
MATLAB Launch Pad Window
• The launch window allows you to quickly select among various MATLAB components and
MATLAB Current Directory Window
• Provides quick access to all files available in your Path
• Provides a brief description (when files are commented out) of each M-file

MATLAB Editor/Debuger Window
• Provides the same functionality found in most programming language development
- Color codes MATLAB built-in functions (blue color)
- Easy access to cut, paste, print, and debug operations
- Checks balance in MATLAB function syntax

MATLAB Figure Window

• Displays the graphic contents of MATLAB code (either from Command Window, an M-file, or
output from MEX file)

MATLAB Workspace
As you develop and execute models in MATLAB the workspace stores all variables names and
definitions for you. All variables are usually available to you unless the workspace is clear with
the ‘>>clear’ command

Getting Started:-
If you don’t know anything about MATLAB, then MATLAB help is the best way to learn about
something. In the command window of MATLAB simply write ‘help’;
>> help
It will display list of all toolboxes included in MATLAB. Then by investigating the name of
toolbox or the name of a function, which you would like to learn how to use, use the ‘help’
>> help function name
This command displays a description of the function and generally also includes a list of related
functions. If you cannot remember the name of the function, use the ‘lookfor’ command and the
name of some keyword associated with the function:
>>look for keyword
This command will display a list of functions that include the keyword in their descriptions.
MATLAB also contains a variety of demos that can be with the ‘demo’ command.

MATLAB as a calculator
>>1+2*3 >>(1+2)*3
Ans = 7 ans = 9

Order of precedence is from left to right and from inner most parenthesis to outermost

Declaring and assigning a variable in MATLAB
Variable name=value(or expression)
Default variable is and
Let x=1;

Suppressing output:
If you simply type a statement and press Return or Enter, MATLAB automatically displays the
results on screen. However, if you end the line with a semicolon, MATLAB performs the
computation but does not display any output. This is particularly useful when you generate large

Multiple statements per line with,and; operator


Complex Numbers:
MATLAB also supports complex numbers.The imaginary number is denoted with the symbol I
or j. There are different methods to declare a complex number which are given below

com=4.0000 + 2.0000i
>> c=complex(1,-2)
Operations on Complex Numbers:
Conjugate: Imaginary Part:

>> c=conj(com) >> i=imag(com)

c = 4.0000 – 2.0000I i=2
Real Part: Angle in Radian:
>> r=real(com) >>a_radian = angle(com)
r=4 a_radian = 0.4636
Magnitude: Angle in Degree:
Math functions >>a_degree = angle(com)*180/pi
MATLAB comes with a large number of built-in functions that operate on matrices on an
element-by element = 4.4721
These include: a_

Built-in Mathematical functions in MATLAB
MATLAB comes with a large number of built-in functions that operate on matrices on an
element-by element basis. These include

sine sin
cosine cos
tangent tan
inverse sine asin
inverse cosine acos
inverse tangent atan
exponential exp
natural logarithm log
common logarithm log10
square root sqrt
absolute value abs

for further functions see help elfun

Before quitting, Save.m files in current work (default) directory of MATLAB
What does the following commands do? Explain them, by running these commands in your

o clc
o clear all
o clear x
o clear x,y
o clear(‘x’)
o close all
o who
o whos
o disp

Explain the following Logical Operators in your own words.

o &
o &&

o |
o ||
o ~=
o ==
o <, >, <=, >=

For Loop:

The execution of a command is repeated at a fixed and predetermined number of times.

Syntax is

for variable = expression


e.g for i = 1:5

x= i * i


While Loop:

This loop is used when the number of passes is not specified. The looping continues
as long as stated condition is satisfied. The while loop has the form:

while expression

e.g x=1
while x <= 10
x = 3*x

Note: Other control statements include break, continue, return, switch… etc. Every student
should be able to use all these control statements.

Task 1: Write down the result of the following “For Loop”.

>> v= 1:3:10
>>for j=1:4,
V (j) =j;

Task 2: Write down the result of the following While Loop.

j= 1 ;
w h ile ( j< = 4 )
a (j)= 1 0 * j;
j= j+ 1 ;


Task 3: Comment on the below line of code and write the output.

a = 1 :1 0
i= 1 ;
w h ile (i< = 1 0 )
b (i)= 2 ^ a (i);
i= i+ 1 ;

Task 4: Write a program for the Table of 5 that will start in reverse order i.e., 5*10 to 5*1

Task 5: Write a program that will generate following outputs. Hint(cumsum)

1st Iteration= 5*1 Code for Program (by hand)

2nd Iteration=5*3
3rd Iteration= 5*6
4th Iteration= 5*10
5th Iteration= 5*15
6th Iteration= 5*21
7th Iteration= 5*28
Task 6: Comment and make at least four programs of your desire using the logical
operators (&, &&, |, ||, ~=, ==, <, >, <=, >=).





To end a session
>>exit or quit

Experiment 1:

Performance Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Obtaine

Indicator d Marks

Marks 5 4 3 2 1

Subject Excellent Background Good Partial No

Knowledge background knowledge background background background
knowledge and the is very good knowledge knowledge knowledge
goals are crystal and but not
clear explained explained
well well
Procedure Step-wise Step-wise Procedure is Procedure is No
procedure is very procedure is adopted and partially missing procedure is
well adopted and adopted can convey and main steps given
very well reasonably the concept are not well
described well and described.
Execution/ Complete Almost Most of the Most of the steps Unable to
Implementati experiment is complete steps are are conducted complete a
on conducted experiment conducted with help from single step
independently is conducted independent the instructor of the
independent ly experiment
ly independent
Results/ Results are Results are Results are Results are Results not
Conclusion correct, complete, correct, correct, incomplete/partial provided
and summarized in complete complete ly incorrect and
detail and partially but not not summarized
summarized summarized
Lab Report Report is Report is Report is Report is Report is
completed in all completed organized organized and badly
aspects (including in all and provides provides partial organized
organization, aspects all the relevant and
format, and (including relevant information, important
information), the organization information format is not relevant
presentation of , format and but format is correct information
report is also information) not correct is missing
excellent with no
ng mistakes
Total (25)

Experiment 02
Introduction to Matrices and Arrays
Exercise Objective:
To become familiar with matrices, arrays, and operations that can be performed on them.

 Intel based computer

MATLAB stores variables in the form of matrices, which are M ×N, where M is the number of
rows and N the number of columns. A 1 × 1 matrix is a scalar; a 1 × N matrix is a row vector,
and M×1 matrix is a column vector. You can enter matrices into MATLAB in several different
• Enter an explicit list of elements.

• Generate matrices using built-in functions etc.

Procedure: To enter the matrix

Real scalar >> x = 5

Complex scalar >> x = 5+10j (or >> x = 5+10i)
Row vector >> x = [1 2 3] (or x = [1, 2, 3])
Column vector >> x = [1; 2; 3]
3 × 3matrix >> x = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]

Generating Matrices using Function:

MATLAB software provides two major functions that generate basic matrices.
1-zeros All zeros
>> a = ones(3,3) % Identity Matrix
2-ones All ones
Here are some examples: A=
1 1 1
1 1 1

Unit Matrix
The n × n identity matrix is a matrix of zeros except forhaving ones along its leading diagonal
(top left to bottom right). This is called eye (n) in MATLAB

>>a(1,3) = 3 % Assigning a value
0 0 3 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0


A= 1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Diagonal matrix
A diagonal matrix is similar to the identity matrix except that its diagonal entries are not
necessarily equal to 1.
>>d=[1 4 7];
1 0 0
0 4 0
0 0 7

Generating vectors
Vectors can be generated using the ‘:’ command. For example, to generate a vector x that takes
on the values 0 to 10 in increments of 0.5, type the following which generates a 1×21 matrix
>> x = [0:0.5:10];
Other ways to generate vectors include the commands: ‘linspace’ which generates a vector by
specifying the first and last number and the number of equally spaced entries between the first
and last number, and ‘logspace’ which is the same except that entries are spaced logarithmically
between the first and last entry

Accessing vector elements

Elements of a matrix are accessed by specifying the row and column. For example, in the matrix
specified by A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9], the element in the first row and third column can be
accessed by writing
>> x = A(1,3) which yields 3
The entire second row can be accessed with
>> y = A(2,:) which yields [4 5 6]
where the ‘:’ here means “take all the entries in the column”. A submatrix of A consisting of
rows 1 and 2 and all three columns is specified by
>> z = A(1:2,1:3) which yields [1 2 3; 4 5 6]

Arithmetic matrix operations
The basic arithmetic operations on matrices (and of course scalars which are special cases
of matrices) are:
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ right division
\ left division
^ exponentiation (power)
’ conjugate transpose

Arithmetic operations on matrices

Addition: Division:
>> d =a+b
>> h=a/b
d=6 8 10 12
Assigning an Element from a Matrix:
>> e =a-b
>> i=a(1,3) % will assign elements in row
e=-4 -4 -4 -4 2 and columns 3 of matrix “a “to variable
>> g =a*c g=70

Note :An error message occurs if the sizes of matrices are incompatible for the operation.
The difference between matrix multiplication and element-by-element multiplication is
seen in the following example
>>A = [1 2; 3 4]
7 10
15 22
9 16
The magic Function
MATLAB actually has a built-in function that creates magic squares of almost any size. Not
surprisingly, this function is named magic:
B = magic (4)
16 2 3 13
5 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1

Properties of MAGIC SQUARE:

You are probably already aware that the special properties of a magic square have to do with the
various ways of summing its elements. If you take the sum along any row or column, or along
either of the two main diagonals, you will always get the same number. Let us verify that using
The first statement to try is

MATLAB replies with
ans =
34 34 34 34

Produces sum of rows
ans =
16 5 9 4
3 10 6 15
2 11 7 14
13 8 12 1
produces a column vector containing the row sums
ans =
The sum of the elements on the main diagonal is obtained with the sum and the diag functions:
ans =

ans =

Linear algebra functions on Matrices

Matrices can sometimes be inverted:

Note: A matrix can be inverted if and only if its determinant is nonzero: If you try to compute the
inverse for a matrix with non-zero determinant you will get a warning message:
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
Results may be inaccurate.


When they are taken away from the world of linear algebra, matrices become two-dimensional
numeric arrays. Arithmetic operations on arrays are done element by element. This means that
addition and subtraction are the same for arrays and matrices, but that multiplicative operations
are different. MATLAB uses a dot, or decimal point, as part of the notation for multiplicative
array operations.
The difference between matrix multiplication and element-by-element multiplication is
seen in the following example
>>A = [1 2; 3 4]
7 10
15 22
9 16

A cell array is a data type with indexed data containers called cells, where each cell can contain
any type of data. Cell arrays commonly contain either lists of text, combinations of text and numbers, or
numeric arrays of different sizes.


Task 1: Comment on the below line of code and also write the output.
C = {1,2,3;'text',rand(2,3,2),{11; 22; 33}}

Task 2: Run the magic(3,4) command and also write the output of it. If Error occur,
explain its reason?

Task 3: What does the following commands do? If A is vector and Matrix

o max(A)

o min(A)
o diff(A)
o sum(A)
o sum(sum(A))
o v(1:3)
o v(3: end)
o v(:)
o v(3,3) = 0
o A(2,:)
o A(:,2:3)

Task 4: What does the following command do?

o linspace(a,b,n)
o rand(a,b)
o round(x)
o ceil(x)
o floor(x)
o fix(x)
o a=randi(2,4)
o a=randi(2,4,23)
o a=randi([1 10],2,6)
o length(a)
o size(a)
o ones(a,b)
o zeros(a,b)
o b=cumsum(a)
o b=cumsum(a,1)
o b=cumsum(a,1,’reverse’)
o b=cumsum(a,2)
o b=cumsum(a,2,’reverse’)

Task5: Explain the output of the following commands?

A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]

B = A([2 3],[1 2])

Task 6: Differentiate between vector, array and matrix

Other query commands

We can get the size (dimensions) of a matrix with the command size:
Length(B) etc


Experiment 2:

Performance Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Obtaine

Indicator d Marks

Marks 5 4 3 2 1

Subject Excellent Background Good Partial No

Knowledge background knowledge background background background
knowledge and the is very good knowledge knowledge knowledge
goals are crystal and but not
clear explained explained
well well
Procedure Step-wise Step-wise Procedure is Procedure is No
procedure is very procedure is adopted and partially missing procedure is
well adopted and adopted can convey and main steps given
very well reasonably the concept are not well
described well and described.
Execution/ Complete Almost Most of the Most of the steps Unable to
Implementati experiment is complete steps are are conducted complete a
on conducted experiment conducted with help from single step
independently is conducted independent the instructor of the
independent ly experiment
ly independent
Results/ Results are Results are Results are Results are Results not
Conclusion correct, complete, correct, correct, incomplete/partial provided
and summarized in complete complete ly incorrect and
detail and partially but not not summarized
summarized summarized
Lab Report Report is Report is Report is Report is Report is
completed in all completed organized organized and badly
aspects (including in all and provides provides partial organized
organization, aspects all the relevant and
format, and (including relevant information, important
information), the organization information format is not relevant
presentation of , format and but format is correct information
report is also information) not correct is missing
excellent with no
ng mistakes
Total (25)

Experiment 03
Introduction to MATLAB

Exercise Objective:
PART A: Dealing with Polynomials & Partial Fraction Expansion
PART B: Derivation and Integration of a Function
PART B: Plotting in MATLAB
PART C: Solving ordinary differential equations (ODE) symbolically
 Intel based computer

MATLAB provides a full programming language that enables you to write a series of MATLAB
statements into a file and then executing them into a single document.

Polynomials are used for the analysis of transfer function because in case of transfer function we
want to see output and input in the form of polynomial. So it is important to study the
polynomials in MATLAB.

When trying to find the inverse Laplace transform (or Z transform) it is helpful to be able to
break a complicated ratio of two polynomials into forms that are on the Laplace transform or Z
transform table. We will illustrate here using Laplace transforms. This can be done using the
method of Partial fraction expansion (PFE) which is the reverse of finding a common
denominator and combining fractions. It is possible to do PFE by hand also. We will illustrate
hand computation only for the simplest case when there are no repeated roots and the order of
the numerator polynomial is strictly less than the order of denominator polynomial.

The primary tool we will use for plotting in MATLAB is plot().The MATLAB environment
provides a wide variety of techniques to display data graphically.
The type of graph you choose to create depends on the nature of your data and what you want to
reveal about the data. You can choose from many predefined graph types, such as line, bar,
histogram, and pie graphs as well as 3-D graphs, such as surfaces, slice planes, and streamlines.
After you create a graph, you can extract specific information about the data. You can also edit
graph components as well as annotate graphs. Annotations are the text, arrows, callouts, and
other labels added to graphs to help viewers see what is important about the data. Lastly you can
print your graph on any printer connected to your computer.

Though MATLAB is primarily a numeric package, it can certainly solve straightforward
differential equations symbolically as well using Math symbolic toolbox as demonstrated in this

PART A: Dealing with Polynomials
Polynomials arise frequently in systems theory. MATLAB represents polynomials as row vectors
of polynomial coefficients. For example, the polynomial s2 +4s−5 is represented in MATLAB
by the polynomial >> p = [1 4 -5]. The following is a list of the more important commands for
manipulating polynomials.
roots(p) Express the roots of polynomial p as a column vector
polyval(p,x) Evaluate the polynomial p at the values contained in the vector x
conv(p1,p2) Computer the product of the polynomials p1 and p2
deconv(p1,p2) Compute the quotient of p1 divided by p2
poly2str(p,’s’) Display the polynomial as an equation ins
Declaring a Polynomial: Automatic declare the Polynomial=x^3+x+3

>> coeffs(poynomial)

>> pol1= [1 2 4]; pol1=coeffs(polynomial,’all’) % coefficents should be in higher order

>> pol2= [1 4 8]; pol2=fliplr(poly)


Roots of Polynomial:
Division of two Polynomials
>> rt_pol1=roots (pol1)
>>num=[2 5 4 6 4];
rt_pol1 =
>>den=[6 66 35 2];
-1.0000 + 1.7321i
>> [q r]=deconv(num,den)
-1.0000 - 1.7321i
Determining Coefficients from given Roots:
0.3333 -2.833
>> c=poly(rt_1)
>> c=poly(rt_pol1)
0 0.0000 179.3333 104.5000 9.6667
c = 1.0000 2.0000 4.0000
Integration of Polynomial Function
Finding value of Polynomial at a given point:
>> pol1=[1 2 4];

e=polyval(pol1,2) >> pol2=[1 4 8];

e =12 >> k=polyint(pol1)

Derivative of Polynomial function: k = 0.3333 1.0000 4.0000 0

>> pol1=[1 2 4]; >> m=polyint(pol1,pol2)

>> pol2=[1 4 8]; m = 0.3333 1.0000 4.0000 1.0000 4.0000 8.0000

>> h=polyder(pol1) j = 4 18 40 32

h= 2 2
Multiplication of two Polynomials:

>> g=conv(pol1,pol2)


1 6 20 32 32

Determine roots of the following functions using Matlab

Task: x^4 + 7x^3 +15x^2 – 25x + 8

Task: x^2 -18x +25

Determine value of polynomial at given instant using Matlab
Task: x^5+2x^4-3x^3+7x^2-5x+7 at x=2

Task: x^3-2x^2-5x+17 at x=2

Dealing with Partial Fraction expansion:

[R,P,K] = RESIDUE(B,A) finds the residues, poles and direct term of a partial fraction
expansion of the ratio of two polynomials B(s)/A(s).
[B,A] = RESIDUE(R,P,K), with 3 input arguments and 2 output arguments, converts the partial
fraction expansion back to the polynomials with coefficients in B and A.
Example:% given a ratio of polynomials G(s) = (3s + 7)/(s^3 + 6s^2 + 11s + 6),determine the
corresponding PFE

% this is done by first defining the numerator and denominator polynomials

>> num1=[3 7];

>> den1=[1 6 11 6];

>> [r ,p, k]=residue(num1,den1) % r is the vector of PFE coefficients is the vector of roots of
den1 and k=0 if the degree of num1 < degree of den1











Solve the following functions using PFE method

Task: 3/(s^3 + 3s +2)

Task: s + 3/s^3 + 5s + 4

Solve the Polynomial Equation by using solve command

syms x

y=x^2 +x+4


Derivative of an Equation
Integration of an Equation

Sum of Series in MATLAB

Syntax=symsum(f,k,a,b) where f is the function, k is with respect to limit, a is lower limit and b
is the upper limit.

F1= ∑10

Matlab Code
Task: Write the output and Matlab Code for the following series

 ∑5𝑘=1 1/𝑘^2

 ∑5𝑘=0 𝑘^2

∑5𝑚=0 𝑚𝑘^2


∑xk where k=1,2,3…5

Syntax= function [Inputs]= my_function_name(Outputs)
Matlab Program for Summation and Multiplication of variables using function
Function [a,b]=myfunc(x,y,z)




Find a Maximum value of Column Vector using function

function [max_val max_loc]=my_max(v)

max_val= -inf

for i=1:size(v)

if v(i)>max_val





Task: Find the Average of x=1,2,3...100 with the help of function

Task: Find the Area of Sine wave from 0 to pi using function

Task: Find the Standard deviation

PART B: Plotting in MATLAB

The primary tool we will use for plotting in MATLAB is plot().The MATLAB environment
provides a wide variety of techniques to displaydata graphically.
The type of graph you choose to create depends on the nature of your dataand what you want to
reveal about the data. You can choose from manypredefined graph types, such as line,stairs,stem,
bar, histogram, and pie graphs as wellas 3-D graphs, such as surfaces, slice planes, and
streamlines. After you create a graph, you can extract specific information about the data. You

can also edit graph components as well as annotate graphs. Annotations are the text, arrows,
callouts, and other labels added to graphsto help viewers see what is important about the
data.lastly you can print your graph on any printer connected to your computer.Annotations can
be added from the Insert menu like labels,titles,legend,line,arrows,text arrow,double arrow,text
box,rectangle,ellipse,axes,light etc.

Using Plotting Tools and MATLAB Code

Plot a Sine Wave in Continuous Time:
>> t = 0:0.1:20;
>> y = sin(t);
>>grid on
>>title(‘plotting a sine wave’)
>>axis([0 20 -2 2])

Plot a Sine Wave in Stairs Form:

>> t = 0:0.1:20;
>> y = sin(t);
>>grid on
>>title(‘plotting a sine wave’)
>>axis([0 20 -2 2])

Customization of plots
There are many commands used to customize plots by annotations, titles, axes labels, etc.

Explain the following commands in your own words










hold on

hold off

grid on

grid off




Generation and Plotting of Signals

Single Plot
t = 0:0.1:20;
y1 = sin(t);

Single Plot with more details

t = 0:0.1:20;
y1 = sin(t);
plot(t,y1,'-r*','LineWidth',2,'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor',[.49 1 .63],'MarkerSize',10)

Multiple Plots in same Figure
t = 0:0.1:20;
y1 = sin(t);

Line Styles & Colours:-

Various line types, plot symbols, and colous may be obtained with plot(x,y,s) where s is a
character string made from one element from any or all the following 3 columns:

Color Marker Style Line Style

b blue . point - solid

c cyan o circle : dotted

g green x x-mark -. dashdot

k black + plus -- dashed

m magenta * star

r red s square

w white d diamond

y yellow v triangle (down)

^ triangle (up)

< triangle (left)

 triangle (right)

p pentagram

h hexagram

For example, plot (X,Y, ‘g:’) plots a green dotted line and plot(X,Y,’rd’) plots red diamond at
each data point. You may also edit colors and line styles directly from the menus which appear at
the top of the figure windowThe default is to plot solid lines. A solid white line isproduced by
>>plot (x, y, ’w-’)

The third argument is a string whose first character specifies the colour (optional) and the second
the line style.

Several graphs can be drawn on the same figure as:
>>plot (x, y, ’w-’, x, cos (2*pi*x), ’g--’)
A descriptive legend may be included with
>>legend (’Sin curve’, ’Cos curve’)
Which will give a list of line–styles, as they appeared in the plot command, followed by a brief
description. MATLAB fits the legend in a suitable position, so as not to conceal the graphs
whenever possible. For further information do help plot etc. The result of the commands
>>plot (x, y, ’w-’, x, cos (2*pi*x), ’g--’)
>>legend (’Sin curve’, ’Cos curve’)
>>title (’Multi-plot ’)
>>xlabel (’x axis’), ylabel (’y axis’)

A call to plot clears the graphics window before plotting the current graph. This is not
convenient if we wish to addfurther graphics to the figure at some later stage. To stop the
window being cleared:
>>plot (x, y, ’w-’), hold

>>plot (x, y, ’gx’), hold off

“hold on” holds the current picture; “hold off” releases it (but does not clear the window, which
can be done with clf). “hold” on its own toggles the hold state.

The graphics window may be split into an m × n array of smaller windows into which we may
plot one or more graphs. The windows are counted 1 to mn row–wise, starting from the top left.
Both hold and grid work on the current subplot.
>>subplot (221), plot (x,y)
>>xlabel (’x’), ylabel (’sin 3 pi x’)
>>subplot (222), plot (x, cos (3*pi*x))
>>xlabel (’x’), ylabel (’cos 3 pi x’)
>>subplot (223), plot (x, sin (6*pi*x))
>>xlabel (’x’), ylabel (’sin 6 pi x’)
>>subplot (224), plot (x, cos (6*pi*x))
>>xlabel (’x’), ylabel (’cos 6 pi x’)
subplot(221) (or subplot(2,2,1)) specifies that the window should be split into a 2 × 2 array and
we select the first subwindow.

Controlling Axes:-
If it is desired to plot a curve in a region specified by r = [x-min x-max y-min y-max]. Enter the
command axis(r). This command sets the scaling to the prescribed limits. Find-out more about
the command “axis” by typing:

help axis

If you wish to plot cos(t) of exercise 5 from time 0 to 10 seconds, and if you wish that the y-axis
should be from –2 to 2, then enter the following command:

axis([0 10 -2 2])Once a plot has been created in the graphics window you may wish to change
the range of x and y values shown on the picture
Property Editor
Figure properties can be changed interactively using thefollowing commands:
• PlotEdit
Allows interactive changes to plots (add legend, lines, arrows, etc.)
• PropEdit
Allows changes to all Handle Graphic properties in a MATLAB plot

Examples in Plotting
Example: Draw graphs of the functions
Task: y = sin(x)/x

Task: u= (1/(x-1)2)+x

Task: v= (x2+1)/(x2-4)

Task: ((10-x)1/3-1)/(4 - x2)1/2

PART C: Solving ordinary differential equations (ODE) symbolically
MATLAB has a command dsolve that solves ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
symbolically.One form of the dsolve command is
dsolve(‘ODE’,’initial conditions’)
In the ODE string,D is used to represent the first derivative and Dn represents the nth derivative.

To solve the differential equation y’(t) = ay(t) subject to the initial conditions y(0)=c and assign
the solution to y,one give the commands
>>syms a c
>> y=dsolve('Dy=a*y','y(0)=c')
y =c*exp(a*t)

Solve the following ODE symbolically

Task: x”(t)+9x(t)=0 at x(0)=3 & x’(0) = 0

Task: y”(t) =-9y(t) at y(0) =1 & y’(0) = 0

Task: Y”(t) = -2y’(t) – y(t) at y(0) = 1 & y’(0) = 0

Task: Plot the sin, cosine and tan function in one window using different color and marker


Experiment 3:

Performance Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Obtaine

Indicator d Marks

Marks 5 4 3 2 1

Subject Excellent Background Good Partial No

Knowledge background knowledge background background background
knowledge and the is very good knowledge knowledge knowledge
goals are crystal and but not
clear explained explained
well well
Procedure Step-wise Step-wise Procedure is Procedure is No
procedure is very procedure is adopted and partially missing procedure is
well adopted and adopted can convey and main steps given
very well reasonably the concept are not well
described well and described.
Execution/ Complete Almost Most of the Most of the steps Unable to
Implementati experiment is complete steps are are conducted complete a
on conducted experiment conducted with help from single step
independently is conducted independent the instructor of the
independent ly experiment
ly independent
Results/ Results are Results are Results are Results are Results not
Conclusion correct, complete, correct, correct, incomplete/partial provided
and summarized in complete complete ly incorrect and
detail and partially but not not summarized
summarized summarized
Lab Report Report is Report is Report is Report is Report is
completed in all completed organized organized and badly
aspects (including in all and provides provides partial organized
organization, aspects all the relevant and
format, and (including relevant information, important
information), the organization information format is not relevant
presentation of , format and but format is correct information
report is also information) not correct is missing
excellent with no
ng mistakes
Total (25)


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