Customs House Agents Perspectiveon Container Freight Staions
Customs House Agents Perspectiveon Container Freight Staions
Customs House Agents Perspectiveon Container Freight Staions
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S . Preetha
Vels University
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Abstract-- A key factor in determining the trade volume is CFS plays a crucial role in import and export of cargo. Its
the efficiency of the cargo handling capacity of the ports.
main responsibility is to keep the cargo safe and secure
Container Freight Stations forms a major infrastructural
component which primarily contributes to the decongestion until they are shipped or picked up. In addition to safety,
of ports at the terminals. It is considered as an extension of the cargo need to be sorted properly for the next phase of
department of customs. As India has improved its trade movement. Chennai has the maximum number of
environment, development of ports, the volume of trade has container freight stations (CFSs). There are 28 in
increased over the years. The containerization of cargo has operation with three more to be set up soon. The CFSs are
increased the role of CFS in India. CFS are the integral part
located in North Chennai, especially near the industrial
of the EXIM supply chain. Custom House Agents and
importers have some grievances such as the delay in the zone of Manali, serving both Chennai and Ennore ports.
movement of cargo which would in turn increase the Clearance of goods from a CFS is an important activity
demurrage incurred on the importers, lack of infrastructure for the trade in respect of export/ import cargo as it is the
facilities, modern container handling equipment. India’s final Customs contact point. In Chennai, the 28 freight
EXIM trade is fast growing and for managing and sustaining
stations handle 1.6 million TEUs. However, in Mumbai,
the growth, it is very essential to enhance the infrastructure
facilities, modern cargo handling equipment. The purpose of only 18 box freight stations cater to traffic of over 3
the study is to analyse the important criteria in the selection million TEUs. In Chennai, it costs nearly 25 crores to put
of a CFS, the association of problems and satisfaction of the up a CFS, which is typically put up over 5-10 acres. In
Customs house agents. SPSS 21 is used to perform the Mumbai, however, the CFSs are spread across 20-30acres
MANOVA, ANOVA and Correlation analysis. The results and are better equipped than the stations in Chennai.
revealed that there is a significant effect of number of
shipping bills on location, safety and quick clearance,
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the
difference of opinion on satisfaction between importers and challenges in the ports, only very few studies have been
exporters and a negative association between the problems done with respect to CFS. The objective of the study is to
in the CFS and satisfaction. The study also identified that evaluate the criteria considered by the CHA in the
quick clearance, modern cargo handling equipment’s and selection of CFS, the problems prevailing in the CFS, and
location are the major criteria in the selection of the CFS.
its association with satisfaction.
Keywords: Container Freight Stations, Customs House Agent,
EXIM, CHA, LOGISTICS FIRMS. 2. Review of Literature
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print)
Copyright © ExcelingTech Pub, UK (
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2018
outright export, transhipment, take place from such stacked, a two-high stack is called the double stack.
stations.” According to [3] the containers are designed in such a
way keeping in mind that these moves through various
Customs House Agent: In India, the CHA is defined as a
mode of transports like sea, rail. The container handling
licensed agent who enables the transactions of any
equipment’s plays a major role in CFS, these include
business relating to the import or export of goods at the
transtainers to enable transfer to other modes, Gantry
customs station. A CHA acts on behalf of importer or
Cranes and Grappler lift for quick transfer of containers,
exporter. CHA files bill of entry, submitting required
reach stackers to stack container on top of each other.
documents, examination of goods, paying duty on behalf
of the principal, warehousing of goods. CHA is treated as [4] in his article states that, better infrastructure can boost
the owner of import or export goods. productivity at container freight stations. [5] Says that to
reduce the time of container laid at the CFS, it is
The most important problem is the delay in the movement
necessary of other facilities such as warehouses, cargo
of containers from the port to CFS. When the containers
handling equipment such as cranes. For exports, the CHA
are offloaded they are stored in the yard from where the
based in the local country would move the cargo through
CFS trailers has to pick up the containers, the containers
rail or truck to the CFS to stuff the container [6]. The
are allowed in the yard for 3 days and after that
container is unpacked for customs examination and then
demurrage is levied upon the CHA. The delay of the CFS
repacked sealed and then transferred to the container yard
trailer is due to the late movement of TTs (tractor trailers)
[7]. The CFS that can perform these tasks quickly will
from the CFS, congestion at the ports, and lack of
reduce the dwell-time of containers. The level of
adequate number of TTs, lack of modern container
automation, adoption of technology, design facilities and
handling equipment at the CFS. Moreover, there are
motivation of employees would enhance the performance
inadequate CFS that works 24/7, which may be due to the
of a CFS which has been proved by [8], [9]. The port and
lack of customs officers to work in shifts, lack of
container yard productivity has improved among
manpower and machine power at the CFS. There is also a
Australia, Singapore, New Zealand and China due to the
time limit for payment, the payments are accepted before
enhanced capital input management, progressing
8 p.m. The importers are allowed to pick up the containers
technologically. Nathan Associates report [10] has
after paying the Delivery order charges and freight
explained that the CFS that are well equipped will have
charges to the shipping lines. Once payment of DO is
shorter dwell time and are efficient to handle more
done, the importer had to collect the hard copy of the
volume of cargo. [11] Study on the documentation and
delivery order from the shipping line. The electronical
operation process of the CFS proved that it is very much
generation of delivery order would reduce the delay and
important to improve the speed of the documentation
reduce the complexities of the procedure. [2] States that
process and necessary to install a mobile scanner to the
lack of storage space is a major problem faced by ports
containers to reduce the stuffing and de stuffing cost and
which leads to congestion in the ports. The inefficiencies
of CFS is due to the inaccurate ETA, inaccurate loading
and discharging information, late submission of plans by 3. Methods and Materials:
lines. For resources, such as the berths, quay cranes, and
storage space, the allocation of the resources has already This study is a descriptive research. The researcher
been completed in the preceding planning stage, but the attempts to find the factors that influence the selection of
final commitment and detailed decisions on the CFS, problems prevailing in CFS and the satisfaction of
assignment of resources are usually made in real time. For the CHA. The sampling method applied is a convenient
resources, such as prime movers, yard cranes, and sampling which comprises of importers and exporters in
manpower, detailed operational schedules can only be Chennai. The sample size is 40. 20 of which are importers
developed for a very short-term planning horizon, most and 20 are exporters. Some of the company who overtakes
often only for a few minutes, because the dynamic nature both import and export activities were asked to consider
of the terminal operations and frequently occurring their major activity before filling the questionnaire. SPSS
disturbances do not allow for comprehensive scheduling 21 was used for the analysis. Cronbach alpha test was
of future operations. Therefore, the assignment of done to check the reliability of the questionnaire. The
resources to tasks must be made in real time. Containers, reliability test yielded 0.868 which confirm that the
are the steel boxes of sizes 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet etc. instrument is reliable. The first part of the questionnaire
The most commonly used are 20 and 40 feet. They can be consisted of demographic information and the second part
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2018
consisted of questions related to the criteria in selection of Table 2. Test of between location, safety and quick
CFS, problems in CFS and satisfaction of the CHA. clearance.
Table 3. Correlations between problems and satisfaction damage to the cargo, it is not associated with the
satisfaction. Improving the infrastructure facilities would
enhance the satisfaction. The strength of association
between the Infrastructure facilities and satisfaction is
58.9%, theft and satisfaction is 24%, delay in transit and
satisfaction is 5%, damages and satisfaction is 10%.
Pearson 1 - .084 .63** -.49**
4.3. Difference among importer and exporter on
Correlatio .535** satisfaction
T n
Sig. (2- .000 .607 .000 .00
tailed) Table 4. Descriptive-Importer and exporter
** *
Pearson - 1 .03 -.488 .323
Mean SD SE 95% MIN MAX
Correlatio .53
D n 5**
Interval for
Sig. (2- .00 .83 .001 .042
tailed) 0
Lower Upper
Pearson .08 .033 1 -.035 -.243
Bound Bound
Correlatio 4
importer 3.25 1.37 .306 2.60 3.89 1.0 5
DO n
exporter 4.30 .80 .179 3.92 4.67 3.0 5
Sig. (2- .60 .837 .829 .131
Total 3.77 1.22 .194 3.38 4.16 1.0 5
tailed) 7
Pearson .63 - -.035 1 -.768**
Correlatio 1** .488** Table 5: ANOVA - type of shipper and satisfaction
LI n
Sig. (2- .00 .001 .829 .000
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
tailed) 0
Squares Square
Pearson - .323* -.243 -.768** 1
Between 11.025 1 11.025 8.737 .005
Correlatio .49
SAT n 1**
Within 47.950 38 1.262
Sig. (2- .00 .042 .131 .000
tailed) 1
Total 58.975 39
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
One- way Anova is done to find if there exists a
significant difference among the importer and exporter on
(DTR- Delay in transit, D-damages, T-theft, DO- delay in satisfaction. From the above table we can see that the
operation, LI- lack in infrastructure, SAT- satisfaction) value of p value is 0.005 which is less than 0.05 and hence
it is significant. So, the null hypothesis is rejected and
The above table states that the lack of proper hence there exists a significant difference among the
infrastructure facilities in the CFS is highly associated importers and exporters on the satisfaction factor.
with the Satisfaction. The negative sign states that the
strength of association is negative. Moreover, it states that
the lack of infrastructure facility is more associated with 4.4. Ranking of criteria factors that influence in
Satisfaction than the other problems prevalent in the CFS. selection of the CFS
Even though the most prevalent problem in the CFS is
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2018
Table 6. Descriptive Statistics of criteria in selection of important factors, the Customs House Agents consider in
CFS the selection of Container Freight Stations. The problems
such as damages, theft and delay in the operation process
have been identified which can be reduced by improving
Location 40 1.00 5.00 3.5250 1.37
the infrastructure facilities, more automation, installation
Cargo handling 40 1.00 5.00 3.6500 1.33
of surveillance cameras, increasing the number of staff in
the CFS which enables 24/7 operation in the CFS would
Customs 40 1.00 5.00 2.7750 1.29 speed up the operation process. Moreover, there exists
Safety 40 1.00 5.00 3.6500 1.40 association between the factors that influence the CHA in
Quick clearance 40 1.00 5.00 3.9500 1.13 selection of the Container Freight station and the lack of
Valid N (listwise) 40 infrastructure facilities is highly correlated with the
satisfaction of the CHA. The Container Freight stations
play a vital role in supply chain, it is highly important to
The shippers consider the quick clearance that is less
improve the operation and handling quality in the CFS to
dwell time of the container at the CFS as the most
withstand the growth of trade in India.
important criteria as this criterion has the highest mean,
followed by the safety of the goods criteria and the References
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Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 6, December 2018