The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of The World
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of The World
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of The World
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
Declared By: Sarahu World Records”, “Sarahu Group of Companies”, “The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World”, “The
Sarahu New 08 Macrocosm Wonders of the World”, “The Sarahu New 06 Universal Wonders of the World”, Sarahu
Philosophical Research Administration’ and “Sarahu World Records University and Remaining 12 Organizations”.
Declared Year: 2018/2019
Sponsored By:
“Sarahu Group of Companies and Sarahu World Records”
Written By: “The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World” and “The Sarahu New 07 Human Wonders of the World”
“The Sarahu New 08 Macrocosm Wonders of the World”, and “The Sarahu New 06 Universal Wonders of the World”
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photographing, recording or otherwise), without the prior
written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to
criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Set and announced the “The New Sarahu 07 Wonders of the World." and to continue of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th
Wonders of the world.
We are from “Sarahu World Records”, “Sarahu Group of Companies”, “The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World”, “The
Sarahu New 06 Universal Wonders of the World”, “The Sarahu New 08 Macrocosm Wonders of the World”, “Sarahu
Philosophical Research Administration” and “Sarahu World Records University and Remaining 12 Organizations”.
First of all we have done the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th Wonders of the world from Sarahu World Records and the
remaining 18 Organizations with 300 manpower and with another audience opinions and recommendations. And we're doing it.
Here's how we did and worked on the 07 World Wonders of Sarahu.
In addition, here is the introduction and function of 18 Organizations websites. In addition, Sarahu's new world wonders have
been specially opened. It also has the New Organizations.
Who is that Human Being which all above was done, that person nonother than Mr. “Sarahu Nagarazan”.
For more details about this person will get by the below link. Apart from, below most important web link and videos links provided by
YouTube from Sarahu World Records belongs to the Sarahu 07 Wonders
Place: India
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
15. Sign-Micronation-Sanahi
16. Sarahu World Records University.
17. Sarahu Group of Companies.
18. The Sarahu New 07 Human Wonders of the World.
Finally, These are all declared a winner of the “The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World” (2018-19)
Volume 1, Issue 1, pp: 430-590
ISSN: 2395-5252
ISSN: 2321-2882
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 3 Issue 4, July-Aug 2020,
ISSN: 2581-7175
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
09th Wonder of the World – (Sarahu’s New World Records and Breaking Records Abilities)
13th Wonder of the World – (Sarahu’s 101 Lengthy Novels, 1500 Philosophies, New Religion, New
Micronation, ‘50’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the Nobel Prize, ‘38’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the
‘Oscar’ Prize)
15th Wonder of the World – (Sarahu’s 250 Science Wwards, 10 Architecture Awards, 10 Fashion Designs
Awards, 05 Software Engineering Awards, 20, Software Development Awards, 20 Astrology Awards and 100
Philosophical Awards
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
‘Our Vision’
The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
“The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World”, which is part of the Sarahu World Records. This is an integral part of Sarahu
World Records. How Sarahu World Records has a great deal like Human Accomplishments, Documentary, TV shows, reality
shows etc. in the same way Sarahu Officially wonders the best quality TV shows in the media and entertainment organization,
the reality shows, making the research a new wonder of the world, a special mission.
If we look at the wonders we can have anyone in the world and the Consider and Agree. Things naturally become a history of
what one thing are worth to wonder. Some groups have to be prepared by a mature organization and have to make special
impressions from ordinary people to make their own way of wondering through their own foundation.
Here is the part of SWR’s The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World Organization is working on a job called Social Work.
There is no other purpose. Wondering to split the category through the category of Amazing Things, Cities, Naturals, Reverse,
Superman, Super Humans, Working, Prices, Awards, Degrees, and Buildings in the World.
This Mission has received many elite people and their impressions, such as Employee Comments. We did not establish this
mission simply by virtue or selfishness. Because there are wonders that can come in the wonders, they are presented on our
website and clearly distributed. That is why the wonders are more visible in the world, and we are sorted out by category and
shown in a simple form.
There are many love stories, natural, statues, buildings, such as in the world. But not all of them can be considered wonder.
Because audience and followers will be given this opportunity by voting. As each country, different types of voters and audience
think in the states, we sometimes discuss ourselves with 200 Employees and consider Wonder.
We do not consider Mythology here. We are only considering what is visible to the eye. Every year, two years and 5 years we
are giving new wonders to light. Then it goes on and on. In 2019, 15 new wonders of new history were written in 2019, with 7
new wonders of Sarahu in the 8 wonders we had seen by our team since long research. The 7 new wonders of Sarahu are also
listed as the new 7Wonders of the World as we look at our eyes.
Already post the Sarahu’s New 07 Wonders on face book and other social websites, and views in the same way, the likes are
more. However, there is not much publicity available here. Because the strangers, and those who do not know about Sarahu, are
skeptical of suspicion. The news paper also has a fear of TV media.
But, along with the 18th Foundation, has been brought to the crossover weekly news and magazines including 200 Employees,
and Team. They are all for Sarahu’s achievements! And nothing else.
But, the work took five consecutive years to cover the World Records Company and the 18 Foundations and Audience. This
work took place from 03 years onwards. 07 Sarahu Wonders Released on But, Finally 2019 May Month.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
There is so much difference. Because society has considered the wonders of The New Seven through online voting. But
before they are called the wonders of the world, we are not simply called the wonders of the world to enjoy the
It is not an equal thing to make a mere appearance a present day wonder. If it is to be called a wonder of the world, its
subject matter and material vastness must be serious. And should be equally important.
The New Wonders of the World of Sarahu have taken on a similar significance and content. The wonders of Sarahu
alone are not the same as the look. The material content within it is equally important.
There are so many beautiful things to see in the world. There are material things that are natural and man-made. They
are not called the world's greatest. Because its material content must be important and profound.
Yes. All the beautiful looks and beauty of the world is just a social one, and it is a fortune that people call it. The Big
Seven Wonders of the World has already done so. But it was wrong. Because when it comes to evaluating its content it
is not a great answer. That is wrong.
To be truly a marvel is to have depth of material under evaluation. We call such a thing the worlds wonderful.
Evaluating by simply voting in the social sphere is not the right answer. Because the thing is the same. I mean, yoga
also decides this. If yoga is lacking in posterity, the material content is as deep as it is beautiful. But we haven't seen
the seven new wonders of Sarahu like them.
Yes. All the beautiful looks and beauty of the world is just a social one, and it is a fortune that people call it. The Big
Seven Wonders of the World has already done so. But it was wrong. Because when it comes to evaluating its content it
is not a great answer. That is wrong.
Even so, miracles can be done. Through the recommendation of individuals or organizations in the social sphere. But
this is the whole wrong thing. Do you know why? In the world, there is no recognition for physical objects if the world
is doing amazing by recommending individuals or institutions in the social sphere. Do you know why? That thing
should be great, and the content should be deep. It should not be mesmerizing in appearance alone.
If one is to perform the wonders of the world, one must measure the attitude and time of the individual. After looking
at how deep and important the subject is, we should move on with this subject.
Yes. It is not possible to do equality. This is because Sarahu has made his achievement alone for eight consecutive
years. He did not receive such favor. There was no violence.
In front of the wonders of Sarahu lies the hand of one of the people. But the wonders of the rest of the Seven New
World are in the hands of thousands of people.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
Yes. Yes. But the new wonders of Sarauh's Seven are very different and super natural.
World Record Titles must be International Records. That's why we went to Wonder Cave to make a new history.
Foundations of World Records are set up with 18 Foundations, World Records Foundation, except Wonder Process.
Here people were given a face-to-face look at all these wonders.
For any evil or selfishness, all these achievements were not intended to be a wonder and astonishing.
It intends to bring light to the world's middle point.
Here, social media voters, their comments, and comments have been received. With audience approval, 18
Foundations, 100 and 300 Employees and some schools, colleges, foundations, and temple devotees received the
students' poll. Court Bond, Notary Also. At first these 18 Foundations had 300 employees, and 100 employees were
working with the problem.
But 300 employees wanted to make Sarah's achievements a world wonder. The approval of the Society, which directly
led to the way of wonders by visiting the impressions, schools, colleges and foundations on paper.
There are 300 employees here. People, Foundations are important here.
We have established these 18 Foundations, 300, Employees to understand the foundations of the founder. Big
devotees, friends, voting, and responding to their comments and campaigns. Sarahu World Records is the first place to
wonder about the company.
Thousands of world records will be a wonder. Sarahu has achieved 07 new wonders in this world with his writing
superiority. On May 1, 2019, with a vote of 18 Foundations, with the votes of Sarah World Records, 18 foundations
were announced in a variety of fields along with 18 foundations, with the announcement of 7 wonders at that time.
Sarahu’s 07 new wonder, along with the 07 Wonder of the World, is now a total of 18 Wonders.
Wonder is not natural. In wonders there are two types like natural and artificial wonder. And in SWR the artificial
which they made it took 08th place.
It may be a love story, empire buildings, architecture, writings and natural things and in any field they did more than
1000 or more then it will be a wonder.
In 08th plot form the founder love story is their like that we can’t say. Or it may be a rank. But already there are 07
wonders so the founder’s love story became 08th wonder of the world.
All His strength is expressed in the caliber of all his writings and he received 321 World records, 321 Awards and 321
Honorable Certificates, 321 breaking records when he was 29. These are included to 09 th wonder of the world.
At a time if you write crores of different novels and stories. Then it will not become a record instead it’s became
wonder. It means it will be equals to 1000 records. So then that will become wonder of the world.
The founder not only written 15 lakh books and with that they did lots of achievements of love and with this they taken
100 witness and audience letters to became wonder. But 100 audience letter not important.
Only the natural or artificial things not become wonder. The SWR Company has made 2,400 records then only it’s
considered as wonder. Here the founder has not written only crores of stories but in different writing style so then it
became 09th wonder of the world.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
Anyone can become wonder. But they break founder’s writing skills.
He was awarded 2,400 Different Awards. These Are Google Human Awards, Super Human Awards, Faithfull Awards,
GLOBAL Awards, BASED ON ONE VARIABLE Awards And THE BEST IN THE WORLD Awards, when he was 29.
He was awarded 2,400 Honorable Certificates. These Are Google Human Certificates, Super Human Certificates,
Faithfull Certificates, MEASURABLE Certificates, BREAKABLE Certificates, STANDARDISABLE Certificates, VERIFIABLE
Certificates, ONE VARIABLE Certificates, GLOBAL Certificates, BASED ON ONE VARIABLE Certificates And THE BEST IN
THE WORLD Certificates, when he was 29.
Founder in SWR has broken his own record of 2,400 honorable certificates.
Making of 2,400 honorable certificates became 11 th wonder in SWR Company. These 2,400 honorable certificates are
unique in nature.
There are different, different honorable certificates each one is different like that there are 321 honorable certificates
in 8 categories. Which founder of SWR made means here there are 2,400 honorable certificates accounting for 11 th
wonder of the world.
He wrote 101 lengthy novels when he was 28. All these novels approximately 400 to 500 pages. And even he has
written 1500 philosophies, organs, Golden truths, Principles. Apart from that he established new micro nation, new
religion and New Constitutes. Each 21 lengthy Philosophy books are around have 800 pages. These philosophy books
are belongs to new religion.
He wrote 101 lengthy novels when he was 28. All these novels approximately 400 to 500 pages. And even he has
written 1500 philosophies, organs, Golden truths, Principles. Apart from that he established new micro nation, new
religion and New Constitutes. Each 21 lengthy Philosophy books are around have 800 pages. These philosophy books
are belongs to new religion.
Religion Name: Signiesm (Full meaning: Sarahu International Governable Nation)
Micro Nation Name: Himagiri (Country – Iceland)
Holy Scripture: Sanaahi (SarahuNaath Hinduism)’micronation-sanahi
Even, he received ‘50’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the Nobel Prize, and has received Sarahu Awards for his
research works in Novels, Biography, Short Stories, Poetries and some of Philosophies.
Apart from, He received ‘38’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the ‘Oscar’ Prize when he was around 28 years, Sarahu
film fare has awarded him for his magnificent scripts for 01. Baduki Sathanthe! 02. Hello Nikitha, and 03. The Soul is
perfect. Even he wrote these are and makes when he was 24 to 27.
Also, Sarahu film fare has awarded him for his magnificent 35 Hollywood film scripts.
He Received 50 Awards from “Sarahu Prizes and Media Foundation”
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
He Received 38 Film Awards from “Sarahu Film Fare Prizes and Media Foundation”
He wrote and Received these are when he was 25 to 29.
Lord Sarahu Nagarazan received 300 different Honorable Doctorate Certificates, 300 different Honorable Doctorate
Record breaking certificates, 300 Honorable Doctorate different Honorable Doctorate certificates and 300 Global
Honorable Doctorate different Award certificates when he was 29. His writing abilities have been so well received by
him that he writes every single line of essay because he writes very well in his writing ability and in the world without
anyone else. Since one writing title is a world record and is later framed as an essay, his writing world records have
been announced by PhD. and since one writing title is a world record and is later framed as an essay, his writing world
records have been announced by PhD. He studied one of his writing World Records for 28 consecutive years,
composing a dissertation and his years of experience as a PhD. His writing was declared the sixth wonder in the world,
along with a declaration of Ph.D.
Apart from, He is the only one person in this world to studied in all professions means he has studied PhD
books; And he has written a 21 Essay for PhD. These Essay are; 1) Ladies, 2) Soul, 3) God, 4) Physics, 5)
Anthropology, 6) Sexology, 7) Film, 8) Novel, 9) Love, 10) Fate and 11) Philosophy 12) death 13) astrology 14)
psychology 15) engineering 16) World records 17) poetries 18) short stories 19) Hollywood scripts 20) Acting. And
21) Beauty. Whenever he write any Essay, it is based on him experience and himself knowledge. He never
contacted any university or any lecturer or suggestion. These are already published through Worldwide
Online Journal.
He Received 900 Honorable Doctorates Certificates and 21 Different PhDs Certificates from “Sarahu World Records
University” and 18 Sarahu organizations.
Lord Sarahu Nagarazan, discoveries expands over 200 in Physics, 100 in Astronomy, 50 in Geology, 50 Zoology, some
of 100 Psychology, 50 Medicine, 50 Sexology, and 50 Anthropology and has a wide expanse of over 15,000 Scientific
Philosophies Books.
He received ‘250’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the Nobel Prize, and has received Sarahu Awards for his research
works in Physics, Psychology, Astronomy, Biology, Zoology, Medicine and Literature when he was 25. Sarahu has
total fifty (50) awards for ‘PSYCHOLOGY’ has been awarded by research alone. Also, he has total Hundred (100)
awards for ‘PHYSICS’ are awarded by research alone. Also, he has total Fifty (50) awards for ‘ASTRONOMY’ is
awarded by research alone. Also, he has total 03 (three) awards for ‘GEOLOGY’ are awarded by research alone. Also,
he has total 10 (Ten) awards for ‘BIOLOGY’ are awarded by research alone. Also, he has total 10 (Ten) awards for
‘ZOOLOGY’ are awarded by research alone. Also, he has total 05 (five) awards for ‘MEDICINE’ are awarded by
research alone. Also, he has total 01 (0NE) award for ‘COSMOLOGY’ is awarded by research alone.
Even he written some of Thesis for Science; these are all have the Ph.D. These are all Published Online Journal.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
He Received 250 Awards from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration”
Even He Received 20 Astrology Science Awards from “Sarahu Divine Astro Research Administration”
Even He Received 100 Philosophical Research Awards from “ Sarahu Philosophical Research
If your 1000 world records get passed then definitely that will become wonder.
To become wonder you should have strong witness, audience observance letters also you should have collect witness
If anybody makes 1000 world records in mass that will not be considered as wonder.
To become a wonder you should also have an organization or company you should have established.
The above organization or company should have minimum 200 employees.
Among the employees of the company a minimum of 200 employees should have given recommendation letters.
The wonder should be permanent variable, measurable and qualitable.
Above 1000 world records must contain many amazing things.
All records will not become wonders. Should have made 200 employees and some audience observation of 1000 world
records which are measurable such records will be accepted as wonders.
You have to use all types of witness forms which are given in SWR. You should keep all your witness forms dually filled
and exhibit in your website.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
There are ways to accept as wonder in the following areas e.g. Ancient subject, or new modern subject, cultural
activities achieve, love subject, civil architectures and any other subject.
If the total world records should be more than 1000 not even single world record is please it will not be taken to for
consideration as wonder.
If your world records to be considered as wonder you should follow SWR guidance and should use them. And all the
parts should be tested before processing completely.
All evidences should be true and not fake. These witnesses’ forms or recommendation letters of employees and
audience should have been approved by notary affidavit.
Your achievements made doesn’t have notary affidavit then they will lose waitage and you will not be considered for
You have to write a mini note of about hundred pages covering all the information regarding wonder.
This should have comments, likes by schools, colleges, trust, societies, NPO, NGO’s and other some audience opinion
for recommending about wonder.
At least 1000 people should make like, comments about your wonder things. But it’s should not have been published in
social media.
One of your nearby villagers should have made likes and recommendations about the achievement of wonder.
Your wonder should be big and special similar to established company which is also big and special.
Every employee’s must have recommended your wonder with a signature and stamp. The stamp should be in the
name of employee who puts his signature.
Your website should contain special page showing the wonder and have the highlighted recommendation letters and
wonder things.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
Here are some of the most important and pertinent documents; and the combination of all these records made it the new 08 th
Wonder popular in the World. Sarahu’s love of achievement has been proclaimed and declaration is that to the 2018, 2019 as the
8th most Wonder in the world, with the likes of some audience, public opinion and the likes of some companies, social systems
and Sarahu’s 18 Foundations and their 200 Employees. The 18 organization was founded for the same reason.
Lord Sarahu Nagarazan 01/06/1988 was born as a human incarnation to the earth. And he has come for the welfare of world.
What he has suffered in this human incarnation is as follows. Beginning with the vicissitude of his Love. He did continuously 8
years DhyÃna or hypnotism for his first lover Uma. In these 8 years, last 4 year’s Suma came into his life and infringed in
DhyÃna or hypnotism. Then he continued DhyÃna or hypnotism for Uma. After 8 years instead of getting the power of
hypnotism, he received the grace of illumination on god and world. Uma is elder than him a year and Suma is also elder than
him two years. Lord Sarahu Nagarazan is Incarnation of Lord Shiva. Uma is also Incarnation of Goddess Parvathi and Suma is
Incarnation of Goddess Ganga.
01. He have written World largest 15 lakh books of poem series for love - Each poem books has 60 to70 pages, when
he was 28.
02. World biggest 36 world records for love and from love when he was 22 years.
03. World largest 1500 pages epic book for love when he was 27.
04. World most super human in fastest and faster writings novel, poems short story and Hollywood stories for love.
05 World most 55 golden truths when he was 25.
06 World biggest 1500 pages of epic book for love.
07. World largest 10 years penance for love.
08. World largest poem series titles 1 to 50,000 (2) parts for love.
09. World largest poem parts 30,000 parts about love.
10. World largest GW records denied for 25 times (rejected) when he was 25 to 26.
11. World largest poems and stanzas about his love.
12. World largest upload 46 videos in six months to YouTube about love when he was 28.
13. World largest submitted to Record Setter (America) about love for 30 times in two years.
14. World largest philosopher and philosophies 15,000 philosophies from love - when he was 26 years.
15. World most and biggest world 20 PhDs books written for love when he was 25.
16. World largest 20 professional jobs performed from love when he was 25.
17. World first time established the cloister of world big principality about his love.
18. World first time and largest every day distributes divine water, Divine coconut and praline to devotees for love when he was
19. World first time established big Uma Suma memorable charitable trust of love when he was 25.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
20. World most and first time changed his village name Hullatti to Shivaalaya Love.
21. World largest 55 lengthy novels when he was 24 years. In Outstanding and underwriting stage 100 novels when he was 26.
22. World first time he is telling astrology fortune for love.
23. World first time and biggest Shiva lingam statue established for his love.
24. World most and biggest Hollywood stories and screen plays from love.
25. World largest and first time 4 lakh books of poem series he wrote for aunty.
26. World first time beautifully lord shiva temple established for love.
27. World largest and first time 4 lakh books of poem series wrote for girl.
28. World largest poems 30 lengthy papers for example it’s like in textiles shirting role. Every page consists of Width 49 inches
and length 38 to 40 inches and 114 to 120 lines are there in a single page (20 papers) for love.
29. World largest Architecture diagrams for love.
30. World longest written its some poems especially in 20 lengthy papers for example it’s like in textiles shirting role. Every
page consists of Width 49 inches and length 38 to 40 inches and 114 to 120 lines are there in a single page (20 papers).
31. World largest 100 lengthy novels when he was 24 years. In Outstanding and underwriting stage 100 novels for love. 32.
World most and smallest lord Shiva statue established for love.
33. World largest managing designated post in a company for love.
34. World largest recommended letters and collected for love.
35. World largest notary by affidavit witness for love wonder.
36. World most designers/ maker in Homa Havana for love.
37. World largest Homa Havana numbers of 100 only in six months from love.
38. World largest world record company including many more deeds.
39. World most Goddess Shri Chowdeshwari statue established for love.
40. World largest 28 professional jobs enter time performed from love when he was 25. These are 01. Author, 02. Script Writer,
03. Director, 04. Fashion Designer, 05. Architecture, 06. Software Engineer, 07. Software Developments, 08. Astronomer, 09.
Physicist, 10. Astrologer, 11. Geologist, 12. Biologist, 13, Zoologist, 14. Anthropologist, 15. Sexologist. 16. Psychologist, 17.
Product Designer, 18. Actor, 19. Painter, 20. Priest, 21. Dramatist, 22. Civil Engineer, 23. Cinematographer, 24. Designer, 25.
Novelist, 26. Poet, 27. Philosopher and 28. Logo Designer for love.
41. World Biggest Company Services and Largest content text he wrote only for his love. Content texts is approximately (03)
Three thousand pages.
42. World Best Monthly Magazine Service he started for his love.
43. World Best Weekly News paper services he started for his love.
42. World largest 18 World record LLP companies and worldwide some organizations for love. These are…
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
These are all Love World Records declared by: “Sarahu World Records”
Finally, It was declared a winner of the Sarahu’s Love 8th Wonder of the World (2018-19) initiative.
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The Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World – Lord Sarahunaath 2019
Here are some of the most important and pertinent documents; and the combination of all these records made it the new 09 th
Wonder popular in the World. Sarahu’s Writings of achievement have been proclaimed and declaration is that to the 2018,
2019 as the 09th most Wonder in the world, with the likes of some audience, public opinion and the likes of some companies,
Social systems, Sarahu’s 18 Foundations and their 200 Employees. The 18 organization was founded for the same reason.
Sarahu’s all strength is expressed in the caliber of all his writings and he received 321 New World records, 321 Awards and 321
Honorable Certificates, 321 Breaking records, 321 Breaking awards, and 321 Breaking Honorable Certificates, when he was 29.
These are included to 09th Wonder of the world.
He has been writing story, poetry, fiction, drama as well as cinema and film since his third grade. And He can write sitting in
front of stereo sound with woofer sound, and even he can write sitting in isolation, it’s his routine. He can write without using
headphone. However you tell he can write. Whatever he writes it’s purely in Kannada language only. Writing novels in Kannada
language is quite difficult where as in English it is very easy. Once he put the pen on the paper, he won’t stop writing. He won’t
stop a bit for thinking. If you give any single word, he can write on the same without any stop. He never stops in between to
think while writing. There are so many ways. As God knows everything by his supernatural power; in the same way inspirations
and idea comes into his mind spontaneously while he writes novels. Ex, if you offer him a pen or stone to write a novel, the
novel format, foundation and even climax I mean who sketch of the novel comes into his mind within a fraction of seconds. By
chance if he starts to write novels holding pen with lots of imagination the story of novel will be changed. Suppose holding pen
in fingers and writing novel with consuming more time; even he doesn’t know in what way it leads him to. There are no
instances of writing by thinking in his career ever. So now he is a Mystic and clairvoyance, which means he can speak directly to
the almighty.
You can give Hundred crore or UN limited themes (no limitation) at a time he can write on every theme one after another
without stopping the pen. He can write on the spot it without giving any time for thinking. He can start writing on the given
theme frequently without thinking or sketching about the theme.
He Received 1926 New and Breaking World Records Certificates from “Sarahu World Records”
It was declared a winner of the New 9th Wonder of the World (2018-19) initiative.
Description of New 9th Wonder of the World*
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1. We are thinking nobody has his name Sarahu Nagarazan in this world. Because his name is two specialization.
There is no name in this world ‘Sarah Nagarajan’. Expect some ladies name in India. In abroad we saw ‘Sarahu’
names only. But his name is not like in this world. He is the only one man the name ‘Sarahu Nagarazan’. It is
our defend opinion. Also in his name ‘Nagarazan’ the last letter ‘z’ instead ‘J’.
2. Apart from that his name “Sarahu Nagarazan” is consist of his farher’s name that is Sanna phakkirappa and R-
Rathnamma, his mother. Hu for Hullatti, his village name and his name Nagarazan. Combining Sarahu and Nagarazan it
becomes Sarahu Nagarazan. So it’s peculiar name because it consist of four names so it is peculiar around the world.
3. People are thinking that ‘Sarahu’ as his pen name, but it’s not his pen name; actually his pen name is his girlfriends
name as “Uma - Suma”.
4. Now he is 30 years old. Birth date 01 – 06 – 1988, his father died on 25 - 08 – 2012. Now his family consists of two
members his mother and itself. We don’t know what race or religions he belongs to, but you can identify his by name,
that to which race or religion he belongs to. Basically he is from Hullatti, Hanagal - Tq. Haveri District, Karnataka state,
India. And his mother tongue is Telugu. He, his mother, his relations and communicates in Telugu in his home and his
village. But he studied in kannada medium school in Karnataka. He has studied matriculation. He is not any graduate
or post graduate, but people thought him that he might be M.A or other graduate by seeing his writing works. He had
dropped out from school after his 7th standard, but his mother admitted in hostel forcibly, that’s why he studies till
matriculation. His mother’s ambition is to give good education to him but because of his family economic problem, he
stopped his education and he went to capital city Bangalore. Before that when he was in 4 th and 5th standard his father
often beat me because he remain absents from school. At this age he uses to watch TV serials and films in
neighboring. On those days there was only 4 or 5 TV’s in that big village. He has to do work in their homes and then
they allowed us to watch TV. On those days his imaginations took shape.
5. Apart from this he was willing to read further but because of critical conditions of his home and two important aims of
novels and making cinemas, had made him to stop his education. He got supernatural power by his birth, but he came
to know it in 3rd standard. When he was in 3rd standard he got illumination of writing. And finally in 2000 while he was
studying 6th standard he got illumination of writing novel. On August 14, afternoon 3 ‘0’ clock in the class room.
6. He hasn’t went for 1 and 2 nd standard, directly admitted to class 3 rd, his knowledge of writing started from that
moment. When he was studying 3rd and 4th standard he use to go to coffee estate in Chickkamagalore district and
Madikeri, Kodagu district Karnataka state, India. Due to economic problem his community people use to go coffee
estates for work. Nature of that coffee estate was beautiful and peaceful. The talent of writing movies story was
improved from here.
7. When he was 5th standard he wrote a drama of 3 hour. And when he was completed 7 th standard he wrote another
drama of 4 hours, and also he acted in both dramas. Which arranged by itself in our street.
8. There was pre-primary school in his village by name “Balwadies”. When he was in Balwadi he learned acting. There
was cultural activity programme use to hold often in balwadies. As he was in 6 th and 7th standard the skill of acting in
itself was matured more. As he admitted to hostel, he performed dramas with hostel – mates, also wrote and directed
dramas and plays in hostel as well as school. He has the experience of writing and performing dramas right from pre –
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primary school up to 8th standard. At the age of 5 – 6 he had prepared statue of Ganesh by mud, also made some
puppets and statues by using mud. He loves to make Ganesha using mud.
9. Usually he is free minded person that he wouldn’t attend class daily, he used to roam with his friends in forest. When
he was 4th and 5th Once HM and teachers came to his home and took him to school, he scared them by showing knife
and made them go back. Once early morning some friends came and tied him through rope and took to school. He
admitted to Loyola private hostel, he used to Government school only. He completed 6 and 7 th in his home town. After
that he shifted to karwar district Mundagod“Loyola Private school” and hostel to complete his high school, completing
8th, he couldn’t adjust to the environment of that school, so again came back to home town, finished his 9 th and 10th in
Bychavalli which is 6 km far from his home.
10. When he was studying in primary and high school stage he draw the pictures of gods and natures seen and others
pictures and also he make statues and puppets by using clay. He was perfect in art also from 5 th class onwards. He was
much interested in sports in elementary level he participated in 100 meter running and relay and always he came first.
11. Mom is his god and she is the navigator for his every step in life, she is his inspiration. The world should be in his hand.
He is only wanted to be the kings of king for the world. Whatever he tells should be final and binding. Nobody can
change or disobey his words. He must be the kings of king, his wife the queens of queen and his mother should be
12. Yes. Day by day his writing strength is on development; writing style and vocabulary is also is developing rapidly. He
can’t imagine to what extent his writing strength and speed will improve. Within 2 to 3 years his writing speed how
much increases I don’t know.)
13. He can write 1000 pages of novel within 24 hours which attributes to his quality of world fastest writer.
14. World Most Super Human 24 hours continuously world fastest and faster writings of novels, short
stories, poetries, dramas and Screen play of Hollywood and dialogues and stories.
15. World faster than fastest writer. If you want to examine his ability, you can observe him sitting in front of him. He can
write in even noisy place, he can write keeping headphone and listening songs.
16. He can write sitting in front of stereo sound with woofer sound, and even he can write sitting in isolation, it’s his
routine. He can write without using headphone. However you tell he can write. Whatever he writes it’s purely in
Kannada language only. Writing novels in Kannada language is quite difficult where as in English it is very easy.
17. Once he put the pen on the paper, he won’t stop writing. He won’t stop a bit for thinking. If you give any single word,
he can write on the same without any stop. He never stops in between to think while writing. There are so many ways.
As God knows everything by his supernatural power; in the same way inspirations and idea comes into his mind
spontaneously while he writes novels. Ex, if you offer him a pen or stone to write a novel, the novel format,
foundation and even climax I mean who sketch of the novel comes into his mind within a fraction of seconds. By
chance if he starts to write novels holding pen with lots of imagination the story of novel will be changed. Suppose
holding pen in fingers and writing novel with consuming more time; even he doesn’t know in what way it leads him to.
There are no instances of writing by thinking in his career ever. So now he is a Mystic and clairvoyance, which means
he can speak directly to the almighty.
18. You can give Hundred crore or UN limited themes (no limitation) at a time he can write on every theme one after
another without stopping the pen. He can write on the spot it without giving any time for thinking. He can start
writing on the given theme frequently without thinking or sketching about the theme.
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19. Whichever place you tell he can write the novel in that place and situation only. There is no specific time for me to
write the novels. Whatever he have written here, it has been written honestly and truthfully. You must initiate a
theme to write novels, then he sit along with you and here he promises you that my challenges will surely come true.
20. When he was in class 5 th and 6th he was having a 3 important dreams that is becoming an astronomer or a doctor or a
Hollywood film writer and director or Actor but he is now 1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6)
Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13)
Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19)
Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest And 25) Director of the movie, 26)
fashion designer; instead of all these he had one important aim to solve the problem of death. Having full spirit and
madness regarding to this, till now whichever novels he have written, among them 4 to 5 novels have the answer and
salvation for death. He can write Hollywood story screen play within only one hour in a day. Sometimes he can write a
Hollywood script within a half an hour. Means, however his sense works, he write in the same way. Sometimes when
he is feeling trouble, it takes a day to write Hollywood script. You give any theme of Hollywood film script he can write
within two hours in front of you spontaneously without taking time to think with nobodies help, he can write
Hollywood scripts within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax, and to create my first scene of the
Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years!
21. If all the people of the world comes together and builds a short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or
Novel with the help of their imagination, then he can make the story alone comparing to the people of whole world,
then you can decide who have build the short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or Novel better. And he
can defeat Hollywood script writers only in his small finger. And his imagination power creates a story for every
second and a Hollywood story for every minute.
22. He has a deep imagination power at the time he was studying 5 th standard. The proof for this is the only novels he has
written when he was in the 8th and 9th standard. But, here, there is no provision to explain the summary of said
novels. The scope of his imagination can understand the only those people who have studied his novels, because that
novels contains the series of imaginations and subjects that the Hollywood films can also take inspiration from this
work. The translator feels tough to translate his imaginations in English language. So after his completion of his first
Hollywood movie, he itself translates his work in English language within 2 years. And also he will write English novels.
23. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist
of rest of the whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering,
software engineering and other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left
hand pointing finger. And he is capable of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the
help of his left hand middle finger only. He can work as a software engineer easily, but he is not software engineer.
Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams easily. How many talented works are there? He can do all that work.
Especially he is interested in doing operation of Kidney, Heart and Brain etc.
24. He can write 300 pages of novel within five hours in a day which qualifies his trait of world fastest writer.
25. You just show anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic 300 pages in five hours only as your
wish. In fact he writes 350 to 400 pages in 5 hours, but because of finger pain he limited his strength to 300 pages.
26. He can write world fastest 7 to 10 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
1. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 450 - 500 pages of novel within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person
finishes that and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will
be having full of knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write around 450 to
500 pages)
2. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 4500 to 5000 pages of novel within 24 hours.
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3. If you give a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give any title
or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 300 pages.
4. If you give a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write a novel of 400 pages within seven hours on
the said topic, even if you give a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can
write same as told above.
5. He can write one small story 5 to 7 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
6. He can write in my cell phone 3 pages of novel or short story within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using
only my right hand thumb finger.
7. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages of poetry within 30 minutes.
8. He can write in cell phone 2 pages of novel within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using only his left hand
thumb finger.
9. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 100 pages of poetry within 2 hours in a day.
10. He can write in computer 5 pages of novel within half an hour. (Nobody taught him operating computer and
typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write novel on a paper. Typing the Kannada
language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language. He doesn’t have computer system in his
home. He do his work done whenever he visit computer centre.)
11. He can write 6 to 8 small stories in one hour only.
12. If you give a crore or UN limited themes at times; he can write on all themes at the same time as your wish and
13. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages poetry within 30 minutes on the same
word for half an hour without stop. He has capacity of writing poetry as much as pages you can say.
14. If you give a single word he can write in cell phone 2 to 3 pages of poetry within 25 to 30 minutes in screen touch
mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
15. He can write 2 to 3 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and
exclamatory mark only.
16. He can write 2 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and
exclamatory mark only in screen touch mobile, by using only right hand thumb finger.
17. If you give a single character he can write 4 pages of short story within half an hour only.
18. If you give a single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes in screen touch mobile, by using
only right hand thumb finger.
19. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 1000 pages of novel or 5 pages story on this dialogue and he will end it with the
dialogue. but it not consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will
write 5 pages of story within 30 minutes and he can write 1000 pages of novel within 5 hours without any description.
20. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 4 pages of story on this dialogue and he will end it with the dialogue. but it not
consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will write 5 pages of story
within 30 minutes in screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
21. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial
22. He can write every day 50 books of poem series. Each poem book around 60 to 70 pages.
23. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression
in screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
24. If you give him single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in
screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
25. He can write 10 pages of drama within half an hour only.
26. He can write 5 pages of drama within half an hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only my right hand
thumb finger.
27. If you give a theme, he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an
hour only.
28. He has a unique quality like he can write 3 pages of story within half an hour only without taking any poss.
29. He can write on the land 40 to 50 meter lengthy story within half an hour only, by using chock.
30. If you give a theme he can tell orally 4 pages of novel or story within half an hour only.
31. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an
hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
32. If you give me a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel one page each within half an
hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his left hand thumb finger.
33. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an
hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand and left hand thumb finger. Means he writes one
page from right hand thumb finger and the same time he write another page from left hand thumb finger.
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34. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on
the spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the
novel right from foundation to climax. He can write 3 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
35. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the
novel right from foundation to climax. He will write 200 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
36. If you give a theme he can present 10 stories of different there in different style orally.
37. If you give a theme he can present only one theme in 10 different styles at a time.
1. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose
imagination is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it within 5 hours in a day only.
Then you can judge.
2. You just give me 50 themes of novels and give him only 10 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages
he will write and finish those novels only in 10 days he can write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as he drink
3. He asks you to call up a group of whole world writer’s one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script
on the other side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better?
4. He can write story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours. However you demand he can write in
that style in Hollywood. Example: if you give a subject likes ‘stone’ or ‘stick’ or any other think or you just show
anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4
hours in a day only by pen or he tell it orally as your wish. He can write as you say within 4 hours in a day. And he can
direct Hollywood movie without script, it’s my confidence. If you provide an opportunity to write a Hollywood story
with any theme he can write it in front of you spontaneously without giving time for thinking. Lonely without
anybody’s help. He can write that Hollywood script within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax. And
for creating my first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years so anyone can guess
how many years they take for full movie screenplay?!
5. He can work on writing as like a floor mill work. If you give a theme to write and after finishing it you can give him
another theme he can write spontaneously and continuously without stop.
6. If all the people of the world comes together and builds a short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or
Novel with the help of their imagination, then he can make the story alone comparing to the people of whole world,
then you can decide who have build the short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or Novel better. And he
can defeat Hollywood script writers only in my small finger. And his imagination power creates a story for every
second and a Hollywood story for every minute.
7. He has a deep imagination power at the time he was studying 5 th standard. The proof for this is the only novels he has
written when he was in the 8 th and 9th standard. But, here, there is no provision to explain the summary of said novels.
The scope of his imagination can understand the only those people who have studied his novels, because that novels
contains the series of imaginations and subjects that the Hollywood films can also take inspiration from this work. The
translator feels tough to translate his imaginations in English language.
8. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist
of rest of the whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering,
software engineering and other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left
hand pointing finger. And he has capable of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the
help of his left hand middle finger only. He can work as a software engineer easily, but he has not software engineer.
Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams easily. How many talented works are there? He can do all that work.
Especially he has interested in doing operation of Kidney, Heart and Brain etc.
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9. You will give 7 hours time on a day any subject he will write novel on that subject. Example any materials or any
things. And you may give him 200 – 300 numbers of pages he will write definitely only for noble prize. He will write
any type of novels that is social theme, science fiction, discoveries and etc.
10. If you give a theme of any animal or bird he can write novel on this theme. For example he has already written a
beautiful novel on “Fish”. He can write a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 400 pages.
11. If you provide him hundred crore stenographers he will engage the entire hundred crore stenographer at a time
in writing different novel to every stenographer.
(I mean he will give work hundred crore different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in
hundred crore different styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce
hundred crore different novels.)
12. To write big novel he take only 5 days to complete. (500-600 pages novels. If he writes slowly with rest and play then
he can write 500 -560 pages in an only one week) he can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period
of one and half day. If he writes slowly with rest and play then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
13. In the age of 14 - 23 he has written 9 lengthy novels in publishing stage. These novels are approximately it will be
364 to 600 pages. 1) Jeevanmukthi – 500 to 600 pages. 2) Meenina Hejje – 370 to 400 pages, 3) A new universe 0000 –
2; 400 pages, 4) Uru usabari takkondu mullasab soragiddanante – 350 to 400 pages, 5) A new universe 0000 – 1; 400
pages, 6) Ee savu nyayave – 350 to 380 pages. 8) Nenapideye? – 350 to 400 pages. 9) Hittalina hunase mara – 300 to
350 pages.
14. He has written books in six months are; 17 = 13 novels and 4 short stories.
15. In the age of 23/24/25/27 he has written 35 novels, 1 book of drama and 5 short stories. And 7, 00,000 books of
poem series. 35+10,00,000+5+1
16. He can to know that somebody from around the world have made world records in writing novels or short stories
within stipulated period, If he can be offered by someone to break these records; I am sure he can break these records
and he can do it within less time.
17. At a time he can talk with someone and can keep writing the novels in same time. While talking on phone, with
someone, he can keep writing novels with quite concentration in talking and in writing. He can do both work at the
same time with full confidence and capacity. Means, he hold phone in one hand and talks, and in the other hand he
keep writing at the same time.
18. He has written 2 book of poems of 70 pages without any stanza continues.
19. If you give a single word he can write 150 pages poetry within only an hour.
20. If you give a single word he can write 1 pages of poetry means A4 size paper within 2 minutes only.
21. He wrote or his girl friend about miracle book of poem in idioms style means kind of poetic in first time in this
22. When he was in 5 rd – 7th standard he wrote two dramas, and two film stories, and also he have written lyrics. He
also has prepared puppets and also he use draw pictures. (Whatever the dramas he have written during 5 th – 7th
standard d has not published, so far, because of some reason but played that two dramas in the my village, 2 cinemas
stories and lyrics also not became cinemas, so far. Now a day’s rarely we can see puppets and clay models, but he can
make that puppets and clay model in front of you, at anytime. He has a good skill and interest in making of puppets.)
23. When he studying at 8 and 9 th standard he wrote 4 lengthy novels. But they not published at that time. It was
published when he was 22. The first novel consist 1)A New Universe 0000 - 364 pages, second2) Black Cobra - 253
pages and third one 3) Atithi Devo Bhava! - 251 pages. The remaining one novel is not published; (title:
39 Faithfull Certificates
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1. After his matriculation he knocked the door of Kannada film industry. There he cheated by film writers, directors and
technicians. In at the age of 17 – 20 he has written 2 scripted and directed 1 film as assistant director. In 2012 through
NGO one Kannada movie got take up he was the director but because of some problems if got stopped.
2. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language which consist 7 parts
means 67 chapters. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9 th standard, but it was published when he
was 22.
3. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” 364 pages demy size in book layout. This
novel contain the words are 63,109. And in whole character (no spaces) 5,02,019. And characters (with spaces)
5,63,985. And this novel contains 3,471 paragraphs. And lines are 8,128. This novel contains 10,66,004. words or
characters. Otherwise in this novel many more characters are there but the characters are missed by print.) And he
has written this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
4. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language; it consist 13 – 20
themes. These themes are, 1) Science fiction, 2) Fantasy, 3) Love (4 part), 4) Sociological (3 part), 5) Sex, 6)
Disseveration, 7) Spiritual, 8) corruption, 9) murder, 10) theft, 11) fraud. 12) Historical 13) Etc… And he has written this
novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
5. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language; there are 90 to 100
characters (roles) in the novel. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9 th standard, but it was
published when he was 22.
6. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Black Cobra”. 281 pages demy size in book layout. This novel
contains 45,374words. And in whole character (no spaces) 3,76,748. And characters (with spaces) 4,23,194. And this
novel contains total 1,759 paragraphs. And lines are 5462. This novel total contains 7,99,942 words or characters. And
he has written this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
7. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Atithi Devobhava!” 224 pages crown size in book layout. This novel
contain 33,648 words. And in whole character (no spaces) 273,800. And characters (with spaces) 308,510. And this
novel contains total 1,356 paragraphs. And lines are 3,979. This novel total contains 5,82,310 words or characters. And
he has written this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
8. If writers from different countries are being called upon a single stage and given a subject to write on the same. He
is being a candidate of India will defeat all writers around the world in writing competition his small finger.
9. Whoever breaks his imagination of his first Hollywood movie is the only No. 1 script writer of Hollywood.
10. When he was studying in 9 th standard he had written the novel “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. Whoever breaks up his
record of writing this novel with the level of imagination is the No. 1 Novelist. Who breaks the record of this novel is
the only no 1 writer. Hollywood writer takes 25 years to break up imagination chapter 6th and 7th his novel. He is sure
if the 6th, 7th chapter becomes Hollywood cinema he is sure he will get Hollywood cinema Oskar award. But because of
fantasy theme I don’t know they Oscar academy consider it or not.
11. Aiming at Hollywood cinema he wrote first novel named “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. He that novel he is wandering to
direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 14. He was able to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 18. But his family
background was not good. In this novel we have scenes which make remember us Hollywood cinema, and some of
them are beyond the Hollywood cinema. This is not my comment this is readers comment.)
12. If story writer from all over the world writes five lines, he writes a word. If they write 10 line stories, he will write 1
line. If they do 100 scene of Hollywood cinema, he will do 5 scenes within fraction of seconds.
13. He will write the screenplay for every type of whole world traditional movie within one hour only. You can keep
explaining story, he will be writing screenplay and dialogue on the spot.
14. If people come from whole world he has the capacity to write a dialogue to each person on the spot.
15. You can provide him any theme; he can present the same in 500 ways. It’s his capacity.
16. Who holds the some world records biggest companies of having written highest novel at the age of 24 – 25 in the
world? He can break these records.
17. He has written a novel since 10 – 15 days especially for getting noble prize. Suppose if keep writing a novel for a
month it will bifurcates into 3 to 5 novels within that novel. So he tries to complete it in less than 10 – 15 days period.
We think this time is much for him. Not only noble prize. We mean which are prizes in this world which he gets
definitely. Already he has completed for 9 novels and 15 novels noble and international prizes. This was written when
he was 22 – 23. But due to some technical problem of translation from Kannada language to English.
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12 MEASURABLE Certificates
(His writing strength can be compared to the age of 16 – 19.)
1. He can write world fastest 400 pages of novel within 24 hours.
2. He can write world fastest 80 – 100 pages of novel in five hours in a day.
(you just show anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic 80 – 100 pages in five hours only by
pen or he tell it orally as your wish.)
3. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write 90 - 150 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person
finishes that and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will
be having full of knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write world fastest
around 100 to 150 pages)
4. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 1500 pages of novels within 24 hours.
1. If you give him a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give him
any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 80 - 100
2. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., He can write a novel of 80-100 pages within seven hours
on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he
can write same as told above.
3. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
4. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
5. If you give him 10 to 20 themes at times; He can write on all 2 to 3 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
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6. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 2 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 3 to 4 days. Then you can judge.
7. You just give him 30 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write 100-150 pages of 30 novels it is as easy as he drink
8. He is ask you to call up a group of 8 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if
9. If you provide him 10 stenographers he will engage the entire 10 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 10 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 10 different
styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 6 different novels.
10. He can write a drama of 10 hour in 45 hour only.
11. To write biggest novel he take only one 10 days to complete. (300-400 pages novels. If he write slowly with rest and
play then he can write 300 -400 pages in a only one week)
12. He can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of 3 days. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
22 BREAKABLE Certificates
1. He is the world most only one person in this world to works in all professions; these professions are: 1) Dramatist, 2)
Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10)
Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17)
Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24)
Priest, 25) Fashion designer, 26) Managing director of company, And 27) Director of the movie.
2. He is the world most only one person in this world to studied in all professions means he has studied PhD books; And
he has written a 21 books for PhD about these; these books are; 1) Ladies, 2) Soul, 3) God, 4) Physics, 5)
Anthropology, 6) Sexology, 7) Film, 8) Novel, 9) Love, 10) Fate and 11) Philosophy and 12) death 13) astrology 14)
psychology 15) engineering 16) World records 17) poetries 18) short stories 19) Hollywood scripts 20) acting.21)
beauty. Whenever he write any book, it is based on him experience and himself knowledge. And he will not keep any
PhD books in his home. He never contacted any university or any lecturer or suggestion.
3. He had conducted a world most research on Physics, Geography and Geology and he has written a book on this when
he was 25 year.
4. He has written world largest 55 principles and 15000 great universal golden truths and he wrote two daily principles
and 3 organs and 8 lady principles and some theories when he was 25.
5. We are thinks nobody has his name Sarahu Nagarazan in this world. Because his name is two specialization. There is
no name in this world ‘Sarah Nagarajan’. Expect some ladies name in India. In abroad we saw ‘Sarahu’ names only. But
his name is not like in this world. He is the only one man the name ‘Sarahu Nagarazan’. It is mine defend opinion. Also
in his name ‘Nagarazan’ the last letter ‘z’ instead ‘J’. Apart from that his name “Sarahu Nagarazan” is consist of his
farher’s name that is Sanna phakkirappa and R- Rathnamma, his mother. Hu for Hullatti, his village name and his name
Nagarazan. Combining Sarahu and Nagarazan it becomes Sarahu Nagarazan. So it’s peculiar name because it consist of
four names so it is peculiar around the world.
6. His imaginations are world most super natural it can’t think as logical. And his ways of thinking are different. It’s not
easy to comprehend. His imaginations are endless and infinite. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to
know it in 3rd standard and this is because of his horoscope. His horoscope consist specialty like that.
7. He is in the world most 2nd position in the world who have achieved at the age of 25.
8. He has world most worked in almost all professions and he is the No. 1 in every field in this world. He is the only one
person in this world to works in all professions.
9. He is the world most 2nd person in super natural power in this world.
10. He is in the world most 1st rank in this world in fastest writing.
11. He is in the world most 1st position in the world in writing strength.
12. He is in the world most 1st in other types of writing work in this world.
13. He is in the world most 3rd person in the world who has done great advantages having less education.
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14. He can’t put the imaginations on the paper as fast as it comes in his mind. His mind works fast than his pen. So he
often feels pain in fingers while he tries to match the speed of his mind to the speed of his writings.
15. While he sits to write a novel, and keep developing it, this novel spreads into two novels, and both becomes separate
fully fledged novels. Whenever he uses to write Hollywood script it always becomes two separate full-fledged scripts
with different themes.
16. He has no patience to explain the story to the technicians and he doesn’t have a habit of writing scripts on the paper.
He makes the ready in his mind scene by scene with dialogues. And he uses to tell the producers and technicians only
5 -6 scenes only, on that basis they understand the whole script and his imagination strength. This is his custom of
Hollywood movies.
17. When he uses to write novels or movie script his pen starts trembling.
18. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist
of rest of the whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering,
software engineering and other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his
pointing finger, Thumb and small finger.
19. Daily if he won’t write one line of a novel he get headache. Sometimes he suffers from headphone due to the full of
imagination in his head. Because of that he uses to write cinema script and novels in his cell phone.
20. Writing small novels is just like allergy. So he prefers to write lengthy novels. If he writes small novels people thought
of me that he is a small, common novelist. That’s why he prefers to write lengthy novels.
21. Once he finishes the writing and he don’t have habit to glance again, it’s his confidence. That his writing is correct and
perfect. If tried to re-glance or editing it will be formed 2 stories or novels. But he checks the spelling after being typed
in DTP.
22. A writer formally takes 5 to 6th months to write a novel. But he writes the same within 5 hours, and it consist the
quality as you, found in the novels which are being written in 6 months.
31 STANDARDISABLE Certificates
1. In common we have seen two types of writers in this world. One, is drinker or smoker and the other is fallen is love
having sexual lust. He is too come in this. But he is not drinker and smoker. He get inspiration most from girls beauty,
secondly music next nature, and from long journey. He is give most importance to beauty, For Eg, if there is beautiful
girl in front of him he is get more inspiration to write, even she is nude either dressed up. Self-confidence is his
inspiration. And his happiness is his encouragement.
2. His mind works fastest than computer. If he start to work on computer, due to abundant and fast use of the computer
itself may harm, he work like as computer. But his mind has no limited and specified Ram. You can ask him about
whatever saved in his mind then he can recapitulate and tell you on the spot.
3. He never write a novel in a weak or more, and he will not write the same in a weak in future also mostly he write a
novel in 5 to 6 days only. In addition in the same span to time if he writes slowly then he will be 400 to 500 pages
within 5 hours, 7 hours, and 2 days or 5 to 7 days he can complete a lengthy novel, because he don’t have patience to
write slowly. Whenever he writes novels he has a habit of mentioning the time, date and even minutes and seconds.
4. He wants to tell one fact here that when he was in 6 th and 10th class, he just listened to the teaching by the teacher
and passed in 1st rank, 2nd rank and first class. But he hadn’t bought any text books. In exam times he is the first
student to complete the paper before the stipulated time.
5. His mind works in a peculiar manner. If a common man reads anything he can keep in mind at least 10% when he
reads second time he can retain 20%, but when he read once he can retain 75% in his mind, if I read second time the
retention will be 100%.
6. If you provide him civil service examination books, he will study the whole books in a weak and surely he will get rank
in the said examination.
7. He can tell about the character and psychological behavior of a person when he is see him at first sight, but he take
fraction of seconds to analyze about him and finalize. Whenever he talks on phone to any unknown person he can tell
about that person and situation of the place from where he is talking. Whatever so far he has analyzed about this
comes true.
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8. His feelings are antique. At a time one side his feelings are talking or involved with somebody, the other feelings
works on some other matter which forms a novel. And his feelings can’t be understood by anybody it can be easily
understand by the one and only God.
9. He has not read any novels or any stories. Because he has no patience and time and interest to read others novels or
stories or articles. And he will not kept – any books in his home. He is abundant of many knowledge of writing. He
read rarely the about God only.
10. He always in imagination in sleeping and also use to keep ear phone and thinking about many matters. He is not free
mind at any time. But he will not write these stories on the spot, he keeps it in his mind, and he will use it whenever
and wherever necessary while writing.
11. Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can
write novel on a paper. Typing the kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language.
12. He is sometimes not writes a complete novel, instead he write a time of a novel as a reference because of shortage of
time. He makes DTP of it on that time he take that one line of reference and on the basis that line only he can
elaborate the novel. He can write any time novels or script in his mobile phone and in his mind.
13. He tells the sentences of novel with the help of his memory power, and typewriter keeps writing whatever he tell.
Now a day he is writing novels in this way only.
14. Anybody says sometimes or instructed it will remain in his memory forever, it can’t be deleted ever. If you ask any
incident happened before 100 – 200 years or past life events he can recall and about that incident in detail.
15. As he write 300 pages in an hour, so many people NGO’S, press and TV media came to examine his writing strength,
they given him a topic to write in 15 to 20 minutes. He did the same within that time. All these short stories now
became a book of short story.
16. He has much anger, but it spoils within fraction of seconds. But now he is mild man and changed man. No bad words
come out of my tongue, pride, arrogance, selfishness and anger all these have presented to the god. That’s why living
beings are different but the hunger is the same, isn’t it?
17. He can prepare so many movie story stories but he will not explore all those things, instead he will display, which is
required for the people or world.
18. Every night there are so many stories flashes in his mind, so thinking on this, he could sleep only 4 to 5 hours daily at
night. If he can’t think, he can’t sleep the whole night.
19. The attitude and behavior of writers are strange and different, but he prefers to be live like a baby. So whoever treats
him as a baby he live with them every time. Because he is a sentimental and emotional person.
20. If he is to be No. 1 writer, you must have to check his all writing strength. If he is writing the novels and short stories
fastest than any other; then it’s doesn’t mean that he is No. 1 writer. There is quality and speed of his writing strength
make him No. 1 writer in the world.
21. This world is being ad ministered by the only two groups of people. The scientist and the writers. They are nothing
but twins. First one writers there after scientist.
22. There is only are god lord Shiva in this universe. And other gods are next to him. In the same way. He wants to be the
only one writer and other should be next to him.
23. When he writes, or his inspiration gets motivation from many things.
24. While writing movie screen play first he write the dialogue then he write the story after that write the one line order
and screen play.
25. Today talented and advanced countries are not playing cricket, whereas if you give him a bat and offered me to play
cricket in national or international matches he can easily face the ball.
26. He has learnt directing the films by watching cinemas, not by working in film industry. He learnt script writing by
listening by someone for a minute or two.
27. He had great ambition of writing Hollywood stories and directing while studying of 5 standards. He would love to write
novels and Hollywood movie stories. It is dead easy write Hollywood movie stories and novels.
28. Only having head phone in his ear and listening music he get inspiration to write the stories as well as novels. Or he
write easily well and inspiration even woofer is on.
29. He never tells a lie. Whenever he thinks of talking his tongue sleeps and whole body shivers because of terror of lie. So
he never talk lie with anyone in his whole life.
30. Suppose God gave me a chance to administer 100 countries as a Prime minister; I have the capacity and power to
administer 100 countries at the same time.
31. As he told he uses to eat 50 – 100 grams of food in a lunch and dinner. He is the lover of non-veg. especially head of
the fish. Otherwise chicken. He has daily eating liquid foods, ice creams, bread and white rice and dhal. And he has
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very sensitive, he can’t bear cold, even he can’t bear too much heat of sun. He often suffers from dust allergy, when
weather changes then also the fall sick. So he visits once or twice to hospital for his health checkup. And he was
innocent and simple. If anybody hurt him, it will take one week to overcome from that pain or grief.
27 VERIFIABLE Certificates
1. His enemy is death. So he will fight against death and find remedies to death. He will write many more novels about
this. When he was five year old he was suffered from fever he went hospital with his parents, he saw lot patients in
the hospital. He saw drinkers lying down on the roads. Mean while he went to coffee estate. When he is studying 5th
standard his grandfather was died by natural death. And when he is studying 8th standard his cousin was died by
heart attack when he was 8 year old. From then ‘death’ left serious effect on him. It effects on him and he tried finding
remedy for death by writing the lengthy novel by name “black cobra”, at the age of 14 years.
2. When he was returning from coffee estate to home when he was 5th standard, his grandfather died. He can’t even
able to see his dead body. These all social evils and incidents impact him seriously. In the same way he failed find the
solution for death. Some here he may got remedy for death; he is not able to find out the solution for death. With this
he tried to stop prostitution, because Mukta one of his Aunt from karwar district Mundgod, he fell in love with her;
she also started to love him. She has two children 1 boy and 1 girl. After some day he came to know that she is a
prostitute woman. But still he is not able to forget her. Because he is emotional boy. That’s why he started to stop
prostitution. But after some day he understands what prostitution. It is not wrong. It is one of the manners. There are
two types of prostitution. One is because of lust, secondly for money. In fact prostitution for money is not wrong it is
their job. Prostitution is wrong which one for fulfillment of physical desire is.
3. Having experience of these all; sometimes he think that its better if flood destroys the whole world, sometimes he
think of disappear from eyes of the people, sometimes his eyes become full of tears and he walk alone for a long
distance. But finally when he was 22 he got illumination of world. And At the age of 22 when he is writing the novel
“joy of self-realization”, a 500 pages novel. He was enlightened about god.
4. His imaginations are world most super natural it can’t think as logical. And his ways of thinking are different. It’s not
easy to comprehend. His imaginations are endless and infinite. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to
know it in 3rd standard and this is because of his horoscope. His horoscope consist specialty like that.
5. He is in the world most 2nd position in the world who have achieved at the age of 25.
6. He has world biggest worked in almost all professions and he is the No. 1 in every field in this world. He is the only one
person in this world to works in all professions.
7. He is the world most 2nd person in super natural power in this world.
8. He is in the world most 1st rank in this world in fastest writing.
9. He is in the world most 1st position in the world in writing strength.
10. He is in the world most 1st in other types of writing work in this world.
11. He is in the world most 3rd person in the world who has done great advantages having less education.
12. He can’t put the imaginations on the paper as fast as it comes in his mind. His mind works fast than his pen. So he
often feels pain in fingers while he tries to match the speed of his mind to the speed of his writings.
13. While he sits to write a novel, and keep developing it, this novel spreads into two novels, and both becomes separate
fully fledged novels. Whenever he uses to write Hollywood script it always becomes two separate full-fledged scripts
with different themes.
14. He has no patience to explain the story to the technicians and he doesn’t have a habit of writing scripts on the paper.
He makes the ready in his mind scene by scene with dialogues. And he uses to tell the producers and technicians only
5 -6 scenes only, on that basis they understand the whole script and his imagination strength. This is his custom of
Hollywood movies.
15. When he uses to write novels or movie script his pen starts trembling.
16. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist
of rest of the whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering,
software engineering and other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his
pointing finger, Thumb and small finger.
17. Daily if he won’t write one line of a novel he get headache. Sometimes he suffers from headphone due to the full of
imagination in his head. Because of that he uses to write cinema script and novels in his cell phone.
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18. Writing small novels is just like allergy. So he prefers to write lengthy novels. If he writes small novels people thought
of me that he is a small, common novelist. That’s why he prefers to write lengthy novels.
19. Once he finishes the writing and he don’t have habit to glance again, it’s his confidence. That his writing is correct and
perfect. If tried to re-glance or editing it will be formed 2 stories or novels. But he checks the spelling after being typed
in DTP.
20. A writer formally takes 5 to 6th months to write a novel. But he writes the same within 5 hours, and it consist the
quality as you, found in the novels which are being written in 6 months.
21. In common we have seen two types of writers in this world. One, is drinker or smoker and the other is fallen is love
having sexual lust. He is too come in this. But he is not drinker and smoker. He get inspiration most from girls beauty,
secondly music next nature, and from long journey. He is give most importance to beauty, For Eg, if there is beautiful
girl in front of him he is get more inspiration to write, even she is nude either dressed up. Self-confidence is his
inspiration. And his happiness is his encouragement.
22. His mind works fastest than computer. If he start to work on computer, due to abundant and fast use of the computer
itself may harm, he work like as computer. But his mind has no limited and specified Ram. You can ask him about
whatever saved in his mind then he can recapitulate and tell you on the spot.
23. He never write a novel in a weak or more, and he will not write the same in a weak in future also mostly he write a
novel in 5 to 6 days only. In addition in the same span to time if he writes slowly then he will be 400 to 500 pages
within 5 hours, 7 hours, and 2 days or 5 to 7 days he can complete a lengthy novel, because he don’t have patience to
write slowly. Whenever he writes novels he has a habit of mentioning the time, date and even minutes and seconds.
24. He wants to tell one fact here that when he was in 6 th and 10th class, he just listened to the teaching by the teacher
and passed in 1st rank, 2nd rank and first class. But he hadn’t bought any text books. In exam times he is the first
student to complete the paper before the stipulated time.
25. His mind works in a peculiar manner. If a common man reads anything he can keep in mind at least 10% when he
reads second time he can retain 20%, but when he read once he can retain 75% in his mind, if I read second time the
retention will be 100%.
26. If you provide him civil service examination books, he will study the whole books in a weak and surely he will get rank
in the said examination.
27. He can tell about the character and psychological behavior of a person when he is see him at first sight, but he take
fraction of seconds to analyze about him and finalize. Whenever he talks on phone to any unknown person he can tell
about that person and situation of the place from where he is talking. Whatever so far he has analyzed about this
comes true.
1. His feelings are antique. At a time one side his feelings are talking or involved with somebody, the other feelings
works on some other matter which forms a novel. And his feelings can’t be understood by anybody it can be easily
understand by the one and only God.
2. He has not read any novels or any stories. Because he has no patience and time and interest to read others novels or
stories or articles. And he will not kept – any books in his home. He is abundant of many knowledge of writing. He
read rarely the about God only.
3. He always in imagination in sleeping and also use to keep ear phone and thinking about many matters. He is not free
mind at any time. But he will not write these stories on the spot, he keeps it in his mind, and he will use it whenever
and wherever necessary while writing.
4. Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can
write novel on a paper. Typing the kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language.
5. He is sometimes not writes a complete novel, instead he write a time of a novel as a reference because of shortage of
time. He makes DTP of it on that time he take that one line of reference and on the basis that line only he can
elaborate the novel. He can write any time novels or script in his mobile phone and in his mind.
6. He tells the sentences of novel with the help of his memory power, and typewriter keeps writing whatever he tell.
Now a day he is writing novels in this way only.
7. Anybody says sometimes or instructed it will remain in his memory forever, it can’t be deleted ever. If you ask any
incident happened before 100 – 200 years or past life events he can recall and about that incident in detail.
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8. As he write 300 pages in an hour, so many people NGO’S, press and TV media came to examine his writing strength,
they given him a topic to write in 15 to 20 minutes. He did the same within that time. All these short stories now
became a book of short story.
9. He has much anger, but it spoils within fraction of seconds. But now he is mild man and changed man. No bad words
come out of my tongue, pride, arrogance, selfishness and anger all these have presented to the god. That’s why living
beings are different but the hunger is the same, isn’t it?
10. He can prepare so many movie story stories but he will not explore all those things, instead he will display, which is
required for the people or world.
11. Every night there are so many stories flashes in his mind, so thinking on this, he could sleep only 4 to 5 hours daily at
night. If he can’t think, he can’t sleep the whole night.
12. The attitude and behavior of writers are strange and different, but he prefers to be live like a baby. So whoever treats
him as a baby he live with them every time. Because he is a sentimental and emotional person.
13. If he is to be No. 1 writer, you must have to check his all writing strength. If he is writing the novels and short stories
fastest than any other; then it’s doesn’t mean that he is No. 1 writer. There is quality and speed of his writing strength
make him No. 1 writer in the world.
14. This world is being ad ministered by the only two groups of people. The scientist and the writers. They are nothing
but twins. First one writers there after scientist.
15. There is only are god lord Shiva in this universe. And other gods are next to him. In the same way. He wants to be the
only one writer and other should be next to him.
16. When he writes, or his inspiration gets motivation from many things.
17. While writing movie screen play first he write the dialogue then he write the story after that write the one line order
and screen play.
18. Today talented and advanced countries are not playing cricket, whereas if you give him a bat and offered me to play
cricket in national or international matches he can easily face the ball.
19. He has learnt directing the films by watching cinemas, not by working in film industry. He learnt script writing by
listening by someone for a minute or two.
20. He had great ambition of writing Hollywood stories and directing while studying of 5 standards. He would love to write
novels and Hollywood movie stories. It is dead easy write Hollywood movie stories and novels.
21. Only having head phone in his ear and listening music he get inspiration to write the stories as well as novels. Or he
write easily well and inspiration even woofer is on.
22. He never tells a lie. Whenever he thinks of talking his tongue sleeps and whole body shivers because of terror of lie. So
he never talk lie with anyone in his whole life.
23. Suppose God gave me a chance to administer 100 countries as a Prime minister; I have the capacity and power to
administer 100 countries at the same time.
24. As he told he uses to eat 50 – 100 grams of food in a lunch and dinner. He is the lover of non-veg. especially head of
the fish. Otherwise chicken. He has daily eating liquid foods, ice creams, bread and white rice and dhal. And he has
very sensitive, he can’t bear cold, even he can’t bear too much heat of sun. He often suffers from dust allergy, when
weather changes then also the fall sick. So he visits once or twice to hospital for his health checkup. And he was
innocent and simple. If anybody hurt him, it will take one week to overcome from that pain or grief.
25. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
26. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
27. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
16 GLOBAL Certificates
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(you just show anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic 80 – 100 pages in five hours only by
pen or he tell it orally as your wish.)
3. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write 90 - 150 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person
finishes that and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will
be having full of knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write world fastest
around 100 to 150 pages)
4. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 1500 pages of novels within 24 hours.
5. If you give him a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give him
any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 80 - 100
6. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., He can write world fastest a novel of 80-100 pages within
seven hours on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like
1, 2, 5, 9, he can write same as told above.
7. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
8. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
9. If you give him 10 to 20 themes at times; He can write on all 2 to 3 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
10. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 2 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 3 to 4 days. Then you can judge.
11. You just give him 30 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write world fastest 100-150 pages of 30 novels it is as easy as
he drink water.
12. He is ask you to call up a group of 8 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if
13. If you provide him 10 stenographers he will engage the entire 10 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 10 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 10 different
styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 6 different novels.
14. He can write world fastest a drama of 10 hour in 45 hour only.
15. To write biggest novel he take only one 10 days to complete. (300-400 pages novels. If he write slowly with rest and
play then he can write 300 -400 pages in a only one week)
16. He can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of 3 days. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write world fastest 300 -340 pages in a day.
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6. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write world fastest a novel of 150-200 pages
within seven hours on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and
numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can write same as told above.
7. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
8. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
9. If you give him 20 to 40 themes at times; he can write world fastest on all 3 to 4 themes at the same time as your wish
and demand.
10. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 1 to 2 days. Then you can judge.
11. You just give him 50 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can world fastest write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as
he drink water.
12. He is ask you to call up a group of 15 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if
13. If somebody gives him a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on
the spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the
novel right from foundation to climax. He will write world fastest 100 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
14. If you give a theme of any animal he can write world most novel on this theme. For example he has already written a
beautify novel on “Fish”. He can write world fastest a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 200 pages.
15. If you provide him 20 stenographers he will engage the entire 20 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 20 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 20 different
styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 10 different novels.
16. He can write world fastest a drama of 10 hour in 40 hour only.
17. To write world biggest novel he take only one 10 days to complete. (500-600 pages novels. If he writes slowly with
rest and play then he can write 500 -560 pages in a only one week)
18. He can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of two days. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write world fastest 300 -340 pages in a day.
19. He can write world fastest 4 to 5 pages of drama within 20 minutes.
20. Largest Organization…
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Getting Titles
18 Foundations
o ORG NAME: Sarahu Divine Research Astro Administration®
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Finally, It was declared a winner of the New 9th Wonder of the World (2018-19) initiative.
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Here are some of the most important and pertinent documents; and the combination of all these records made it the new 10 th
Wonder popular in the World. Sarahu’s Writings and World Records of achievement has been proclaimed and declaration is that
to the 2018, 2019 as the 10th most Wonder in the world, with the likes of some audience, public opinion and the likes of some
companies, social systems and Sarahu’s 18 Foundations and their 200 Employees. The 18 organization was founded for the same
Sarahu was awarded 2,400 Different Awards. These Are Google Human Awards, Super Human Awards, Faithfull Awards,
Awards, GLOBAL Awards, BASED ON ONE VARIABLE Awards And THE BEST IN THE WORLD Awards, when he was
29. And this is world’s 10 th most impressive world wonder. And based on these, different types of awards are sorted in different
world records, new awards.
All of his writing skills have led him to become the world's third greatest wonder. One of his writing abilities is records that
cannot be broken. Thus, his writing is so innovative that they are so human that he was awarded two thousand four hundred
awards in recognition of his writing. It became the world's third wonder. Also He has been writing story, poetry, fiction, drama
as well as cinema and film since his third grade. *He can write 1000 pages of novel within 24 hours which attributes to his
quality of world fastest writer. *You can give Hundred crore or UN limited themes (no limitation) at a time he can write on
every theme one after another without stopping the pen. He can write on the spot it without giving any time for thinking. He can
start writing on the given theme frequently without thinking or sketching about the theme. *If you provide 2 stenographers he
will write world fastest 450 – 500 pages of novel within 2 hours in a day. (First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer
and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that and continues writing with third Para, second
stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of knowledge and having standard quality presentation.
Like this in 2 hours he can write around 450 to 500 pages) In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 4500 to
5000 pages of novel within 24 hours.
1. We are thinking nobody has his name Sarahu Nagarazan in this world. Because his name is two specialization. There is
no name in this world ‘Sarah Nagarajan’. Expect some ladies name in India. In abroad we saw ‘Sarahu’ names only. But his
name is not like in this world. He is the only one man the name ‘Sarahu Nagarazan’. It is our defend opinion. Also in his name
‘Nagarazan’ the last letter ‘z’ instead ‘J’.
2. Apart from that his name “Sarahu Nagarazan” is consist of his farher’s name that is Sanna phakkirappa and R-
Rathnamma, his mother. Hu for Hullatti, his village name and his name Nagarazan. Combining Sarahu and Nagarazan it
becomes Sarahu Nagarazan. So it’s peculiar name because it consist of four names so it is peculiar around the world.
3. People are thinking that ‘Sarahu’ as his pen name, but it’s not his pen name; actually his pen name is his girlfriends
name as “Uma – Suma”.
4. Now he is 30 years old. Birth date 01 – 06 – 1988, his father died on 25 – 08 – 2012. Now his family consists of two
members his mother and itself. We don’t know what race or religions he belongs to, but you can identify his by name, that to
which race or religion he belongs to. Basically he is from Hullatti, Hanagal – Tq. Haveri District, Karnataka state, India. And his
mother tongue is Telugu. He, his mother, his relations and communicates in Telugu in his home and his village. But he studied in
kannada medium school in Karnataka. He has studied matriculation. He is not any graduate or post graduate, but people thought
him that he might be M.A or other graduate by seeing his writing works. He had dropped out from school after his 7 th standard,
but his mother admitted in hostel forcibly, that’s why he studies till matriculation. His mother’s ambition is to give good
education to him but because of his family economic problem, he stopped his education and he went to capital city Bangalore.
Before that when he was in 4th and 5th standard his father often beat me because he remain absents from school. At this age he
uses to watch TV serials and films in neighboring. On those days there was only 4 or 5 TV’s in that big village. He has to do
work in their homes and then they allowed us to watch TV. On those days his imaginations took shape.
5. Apart from this he was willing to read further but because of critical conditions of his home and two important aims of
novels and making cinemas, had made him to stop his education. He got supernatural power by his birth, but he came to know it
in 3rd When he was in 3rd standard he got illumination of writing. And finally in 2000 while he was studying 6 th standard he got
illumination of writing novel. On August 14, afternoon 3 ‘0’ clock in the class room.
6. He hasn’t went for 1 and 2nd standard, directly admitted to class 3 rd, his knowledge of writing started from that moment.
When he was studying 3rd and 4th standard he use to go to coffee estate in Chickkamagalore district and Madikeri, Kodagu
district Karnataka state, India. Due to economic problem his community people use to go coffee estates for work. Nature of that
coffee estate was beautiful and peaceful. The talent of writing movies story was improved from here.
7. When he was 5th standard he wrote a drama of 3 hour. And when he was completed 7 th standard he wrote another drama
of 4 hours, and also he acted in both dramas. Which arranged by itself in our street.
8. There was pre-primary school in his village by name “Balwadies”. When he was in Balwadi he learned acting. There
was cultural activity programme use to hold often in balwadies. As he was in 6 th and 7th standard the skill of acting in itself was
matured more. As he admitted to hostel, he performed dramas with hostel – mates, also wrote and directed dramas and plays in
hostel as well as school. He has the experience of writing and performing dramas right from pre – primary school up to 8 th At the
age of 5 – 6 he had prepared statue of Ganesh by mud, also made some puppets and statues by using mud. He loves to make
Ganesha using mud.
9. Usually he is free minded person that he wouldn’t attend class daily, he used to roam with his friends in forest. When he
was 4 and 5th Once HM and teachers came to his home and took him to school, he scared them by showing knife and made
them go back. Once early morning some friends came and tied him through rope and took to school. He admitted to Loyola
private hostel, he used to Government school only. He completed 6 and 7 th in his home town. After that he shifted to karwar
district Mundagod“Loyola Private school” and hostel to complete his high school, completing 8 th, he couldn’t adjust to the
environment of that school, so again came back to home town, finished his 9 th and 10th in Bychavalli which is 6 km far from his
10. When he was studying in primary and high school stage he draw the pictures of gods and natures seen and others
pictures and also he make statues and puppets by using clay. He was perfect in art also from 5 th class onwards. He was much
interested in sports in elementary level he participated in 100 meter running and relay and always he came first.
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11. Mom is his god and she is the navigator for his every step in life, she is his inspiration. The world should be in his hand.
He is only wanted to be the kings of king for the world. Whatever he tells should be final and binding. Nobody can change or
disobey his words. He must be the kings of king, his wife the queens of queen and his mother should be goddess.
12. Day by day his writing strength is on development; writing style and vocabulary is also is developing rapidly. He can’t
imagine to what extent his writing strength and speed will improve. Within 2 to 3 years his writing speed how much increases I
don’t know.)
13. He can write 1000 pages of novel within 24 hours which attributes to his quality of world fastest writer.
14. World Most Super Human 24 hours continuously world fastest and faster writings of novels, short stories, poetries,
dramas and Screen play of Hollywood and dialogues and stories.
15. World faster than fastest writer. If you want to examine his ability, you can observe him sitting in front of him. He can
write in even noisy place, he can write keeping headphone and listening songs.
16. He can write sitting in front of stereo sound with woofer sound, and even he can write sitting in isolation, it’s his
routine. He can write without using headphone. However you tell he can write. Whatever he writes it’s purely in Kannada
language only. Writing novels in Kannada language is quite difficult where as in English it is very easy.
17. Once he put the pen on the paper, he won’t stop writing. He won’t stop a bit for thinking. If you give any single word,
he can write on the same without any stop. He never stops in between to think while writing. There are so many ways. As God
knows everything by his supernatural power; in the same way inspirations and idea comes into his mind spontaneously while he
writes novels. Ex, if you offer him a pen or stone to write a novel, the novel format, foundation and even climax I mean who
sketch of the novel comes into his mind within a fraction of seconds. By chance if he starts to write novels holding pen with lots
of imagination the story of novel will be changed. Suppose holding pen in fingers and writing novel with consuming more time;
even he doesn’t know in what way it leads him to. There are no instances of writing by thinking in his career ever. So now he is
a Mystic and clairvoyance, which means he can speak directly to the almighty.
18. You can give Hundred crore or UN limited themes (no limitation) at a time he can write on every theme one after
another without stopping the pen. He can write on the spot it without giving any time for thinking. He can start writing on the
given theme frequently without thinking or sketching about the theme.
19. Whichever place you tell he can write the novel in that place and situation only. There is no specific time for me to
write the novels. Whatever he have written here, it has been written honestly and truthfully. You must initiate a theme to write
novels, then he sit along with you and here he promises you that my challenges will surely come true.
20. When he was in class 5th and 6th he was having a 3 important dreams that is becoming an astronomer or a doctor or a
Hollywood film writer and director or Actor but he is now 1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6)
Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14)
Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21)
Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest And 25) Director of the movie, 26) fashion designer; instead of all these he
had one important aim to solve the problem of death. Having full spirit and madness regarding to this, till now whichever novels
he have written, among them 4 to 5 novels have the answer and salvation for death. He can write Hollywood story screen play
within only one hour in a day. Sometimes he can write a Hollywood script within a half an hour. Means, however his sense
works, he write in the same way. Sometimes when he is feeling trouble, it takes a day to write Hollywood script. You give any
theme of Hollywood film script he can write within two hours in front of you spontaneously without taking time to think with
nobodies help, he can write Hollywood scripts within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax, and to create my first
scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years!
21. If all the people of the world comes together and builds a short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or
Novel with the help of their imagination, then he can make the story alone comparing to the people of whole world, then you can
decide who have build the short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or Novel better. And he can defeat Hollywood
script writers only in his small finger. And his imagination power creates a story for every second and a Hollywood story for
every minute.
22. He has a deep imagination power at the time he was studying 5 th standard. The proof for this is the only novels he has
written when he was in the 8th and 9th But, here, there is no provision to explain the summary of said novels. The scope of his
imagination can understand the only those people who have studied his novels, because that novels contains the series of
imaginations and subjects that the Hollywood films can also take inspiration from this work. The translator feels tough to
translate his imaginations in English language. So after his completion of his first Hollywood movie, he itself translates his work
in English language within 2 years. And also he will write English novels.
23. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
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whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left hand pointing finger. And he is capable
of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the help of his left hand middle finger only. He can
work as a software engineer easily, but he is not software engineer. Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams easily. How
many talented works are there? He can do all that work. Especially he is interested in doing operation of Kidney, Heart and
Brain etc.
24. He can write 300 pages of novel within five hours in a day which qualifies his trait of world fastest writer.
25. You just show anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic 300 pages in five hours only as your
wish. In fact he writes 350 to 400 pages in 5 hours, but because of finger pain he limited his strength to 300 pages.
26. He can write world fastest 7 to 10 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
1. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 450 – 500 pages of novel within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write around 450 to 500 pages)
2. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 4500 to 5000 pages of novel within 24 hours.
3. If you give a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give any title or
line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 300 pages.
4. If you give a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write a novel of 400 pages within seven hours on the
said topic, even if you give a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can write same as
told above.
5. He can write one small story 5 to 7 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
6. He can write in my cell phone 3 pages of novel or short story within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using only
my right hand thumb finger.
7. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages of poetry within 30 minutes.
8. He can write in cell phone 2 pages of novel within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using only his left hand
thumb finger.
9. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 100 pages of poetry within 2 hours in a day.
10. He can write in computer 5 pages of novel within half an hour. (Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but
he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write novel on a paper. Typing the Kannada language on computer in
more difficult than typing the English language. He doesn’t have computer system in his home. He do his work done whenever
he visit computer centre.)
11. He can write 6 to 8 small stories in one hour only.
12. If you give a crore or UN limited themes at times; he can write on all themes at the same time as your wish and
13. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages poetry within 30 minutes on the same word
for half an hour without stop. He has capacity of writing poetry as much as pages you can say.
14. If you give a single word he can write in cell phone 2 to 3 pages of poetry within 25 to 30 minutes in screen touch
mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
15. He can write 2 to 3 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and exclamatory
mark only.
16. He can write 2 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and exclamatory
mark only in screen touch mobile, by using only right hand thumb finger.
17. If you give a single character he can write 4 pages of short story within half an hour only.
18. If you give a single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes in screen touch mobile, by using
only right hand thumb finger.
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19. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 1000 pages of novel or 5 pages story on this dialogue and he will end it with the
dialogue. but it not consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will write 5 pages
of story within 30 minutes and he can write 1000 pages of novel within 5 hours without any description.
20. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 4 pages of story on this dialogue and he will end it with the dialogue. but it not
consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will write 5 pages of story within 30
minutes in screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
21. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression.
22. He can write every day 50 books of poem series. Each poem book around 60 to 70 pages.
23. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in
screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
24. If you give him single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in
screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
25. He can write 10 pages of drama within half an hour only.
26. He can write 5 pages of drama within half an hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only my right hand
thumb finger.
27. If you give a theme, he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
28. He has a unique quality like he can write 3 pages of story within half an hour only without taking any poss.
29. He can write on the land 40 to 50 meter lengthy story within half an hour only, by using chock.
30. If you give a theme he can tell orally 4 pages of novel or story within half an hour only.
31. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
32. If you give me a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel one page each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his left hand thumb finger.
33. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand and left hand thumb finger. Means he writes one page from right
hand thumb finger and the same time he write another page from left hand thumb finger.
34. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He can write 3 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
35. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He will write 200 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
36. If you give a theme he can present 10 stories of different there in different style orally.
37. If you give a theme he can present only one theme in 10 different styles at a time.
1. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it within 5 hours in a day only. Then you can judge.
2. You just give me 50 themes of novels and give him only 10 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 10 days he can write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as he drink water.
3. He asks you to call up a group of whole world writer’s one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on
the other side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better?
4. He can write story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours. However you demand he can write in that
style in Hollywood. Example: if you give a subject likes ‘stone’ or ‘stick’ or any other think or you just show anything around us
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by pointing finger, he can write on the topic story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours in a day only by pen or
he tell it orally as your wish. He can write as you say within 4 hours in a day. And he can direct Hollywood movie without
script, it’s my confidence. If you provide an opportunity to write a Hollywood story with any theme he can write it in front of
you spontaneously without giving time for thinking. Lonely without anybody’s help. He can write that Hollywood script within
fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax. And for creating my first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will
take around 20 to 25 years so anyone can guess how many years they take for full movie screenplay?!
5. He can work on writing as like a floor mill work. If you give a theme to write and after finishing it you can give him
another theme he can write spontaneously and continuously without stop.
6. If all the people of the world comes together and builds a short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or
Novel with the help of their imagination, then he can make the story alone comparing to the people of whole world, then you can
decide who have build the short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or Novel better. And he can defeat Hollywood
script writers only in my small finger. And his imagination power creates a story for every second and a Hollywood story for
every minute.
7. He has a deep imagination power at the time he was studying 5 th The proof for this is the only novels he has written
when he was in the 8th and 9th standard. But, here, there is no provision to explain the summary of said novels. The scope of his
imagination can understand the only those people who have studied his novels, because that novels contains the series of
imaginations and subjects that the Hollywood films can also take inspiration from this work. The translator feels tough to
translate his imaginations in English language.
8. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left hand pointing finger. And he has
capable of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the help of his left hand middle finger only. He
can work as a software engineer easily, but he has not software engineer. Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams
easily. How many talented works are there? He can do all that work. Especially he has interested in doing operation of Kidney,
Heart and Brain etc.
9. You will give 7 hours time on a day any subject he will write novel on that subject. Example any materials or any
things. And you may give him 200 – 300 numbers of pages he will write definitely only for noble prize. He will write any type
of novels that is social theme, science fiction, discoveries and etc.
10. If you give a theme of any animal or bird he can write novel on this theme. For example he has already written a
beautiful novel on “Fish”. He can write a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 400 pages.
11. If you provide him hundred crore stenographers he will engage the entire hundred crore stenographer at a time in
writing different novel to every stenographer.
(I mean he will give work hundred crore different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in hundred crore
different styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce hundred crore different novels.)
12. To write big novel he take only 5 days to complete. (500-600 pages novels. If he writes slowly with rest and play then
he can write 500 -560 pages in an only one week) he can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of one and
half day. If he writes slowly with rest and play then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
13. In the age of 14 – 23 he has written 9 lengthy novels in publishing stage. These novels are approximately it will be 364
to 600 pages. 1) Jeevanmukthi – 500 to 600 pages. 2) Meenina Hejje – 370 to 400 pages, 3) A new universe 0000 – 2; 400 pages,
4) Uru usabari takkondu mullasab soragiddanante – 350 to 400 pages, 5) A new universe 0000 – 1; 400 pages, 6) Ee savu
nyayave – 350 to 380 pages. 8) Nenapideye? – 350 to 400 pages. 9) Hittalina hunase mara – 300 to 350 pages.
14. He has written books in six months are; 17 = 13 novels and 4 short stories.
15. In the age of 23/24/25/27 he has written 35 novels, 1 book of drama and 5 short stories. And 7, 00,000 books of poem
series. 35+10,00,000+5+1
16. He can to know that somebody from around the world have made world records in writing novels or short stories within
stipulated period, If he can be offered by someone to break these records; I am sure he can break these records and he can do it
within less time.
17. At a time he can talk with someone and can keep writing the novels in same time. While talking on phone, with
someone, he can keep writing novels with quite concentration in talking and in writing. He can do both work at the same time
with full confidence and capacity. Means, he hold phone in one hand and talks, and in the other hand he keep writing at the same
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18. He has written 2 book of poems of 70 pages without any stanza continues.
19. If you give a single word he can write 150 pages poetry within only an hour.
20. If you give a single word he can write 1 pages of poetry means A4 size paper within 2 minutes only.
21. He wrote or his girl friend about miracle book of poem in idioms style means kind of poetic in first time in this world.
22. When he was in 5rd – 7th standard he wrote two dramas, and two film stories, and also he have written lyrics. He also has
prepared puppets and also he use draw pictures. (Whatever the dramas he have written during 5 th – 7th standard d has not
published, so far, because of some reason but played that two dramas in the my village, 2 cinemas stories and lyrics also not
became cinemas, so far. Now a day’s rarely we can see puppets and clay models, but he can make that puppets and clay model in
front of you, at anytime. He has a good skill and interest in making of puppets.)
23. When he studying at 8 and 9th standard he wrote 4 lengthy novels. But they not published at that time. It was published
when he was 22. The first novel consist 1)A New Universe 0000 – 364 pages, second2) Black Cobra – 253 pages and third one
3) Atithi Devo Bhava! – 251 pages. The remaining one novel is not published; (title: NENAPIDEYE?
39 - Faithfull Awards
1. After his matriculation he knocked the door of Kannada film industry. There he cheated by film writers, directors and
technicians. In at the age of 17 – 20 he has written 2 scripted and directed 1 film as assistant director. In 2012 through NGO one
Kannada movie got take up he was the director but because of some problems if got stopped.
2. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language which consist 7 parts
means 67 chapters. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
3. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” 364 pages demy size in book layout. This
novel contain the words are 63,109. And in whole character (no spaces) 5,02,019. And characters (with spaces) 5,63,985. And
this novel contains 3,471 paragraphs. And lines are 8,128. This novel contains 10,66,004. words or characters. Otherwise in this
novel many more characters are there but the characters are missed by print.) And he has written this novel when he was
studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
4. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language; it consist 13 – 20 themes.
These themes are, 1) Science fiction, 2) Fantasy, 3) Love (4 part), 4) Sociological (3 part), 5) Sex, 6) Disseveration, 7) Spiritual,
8) corruption, 9) murder, 10) theft, 11) fraud. 12) Historical 13) Etc… And he has written this novel when he was studying in
9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
5. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language; there are 90 to 100
characters (roles) in the novel. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9 th standard, but it was published when he
was 22.
6. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Black Cobra”. 281 pages demy size in book layout. This novel
contains 45,374words. And in whole character (no spaces) 3,76,748. And characters (with spaces) 4,23,194. And this novel
contains total 1,759 paragraphs. And lines are 5462. This novel total contains 7,99,942 words or characters. And he has written
this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
7. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Atithi Devobhava!” 224 pages crown size in book layout. This novel
contain 33,648 words. And in whole character (no spaces) 273,800. And characters (with spaces) 308,510. And this novel
contains total 1,356 paragraphs. And lines are 3,979. This novel total contains 5,82,310 words or characters. And he has written
this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
8. If writers from different countries are being called upon a single stage and given a subject to write on the same. He is
being a candidate of India will defeat all writers around the world in writing competition his small finger.
9. Whoever breaks his imagination of his first Hollywood movie is the only No. 1 script writer of Hollywood.
10. When he was studying in 9th standard he had written the novel “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. Whoever breaks up his
record of writing this novel with the level of imagination is the No. 1 Novelist. Who breaks the record of this novel is the only no
1 writer. Hollywood writer takes 25 years to break up imagination chapter 6th and 7th his novel. He is sure if the 6 th, 7th chapter
becomes Hollywood cinema he is sure he will get Hollywood cinema Oskar award. But because of fantasy theme I don’t know
they Oscar academy consider it or not.
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11. Aiming at Hollywood cinema he wrote first novel named “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. He that novel he is wandering
to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 14. He was able to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 18. But his family
background was not good. In this novel we have scenes which make remember us Hollywood cinema, and some of them are
beyond the Hollywood cinema. This is not my comment this is readers comment.)
12. If story writer from all over the world writes five lines, he writes a word. If they write 10 line stories, he will write 1
line. If they do 100 scene of Hollywood cinema, he will do 5 scenes within fraction of seconds.
13. He will write the screenplay for every type of whole world traditional movie within one hour only. You can keep
explaining story, he will be writing screenplay and dialogue on the spot.
14. If people come from whole world he has the capacity to write a dialogue to each person on the spot.
15. You can provide him any theme; he can present the same in 500 ways. It’s his capacity.
16. Who holds the some world records biggest companies of having written highest novel at the age of 24 – 25 in the
world? He can break these records.
17. He has written a novel since 10 – 15 days especially for getting noble prize. Suppose if keep writing a novel for a
month it will bifurcates into 3 to 5 novels within that novel. So he tries to complete it in less than 10 – 15 days period. We think
this time is much for him. Not only noble prize. We mean which are prizes in this world which he gets definitely. Already he has
completed for 9 novels and 15 novels noble and international prizes. This was written when he was 22 – 23. But due to some
technical problem of translation from Kannada language to English.
18. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
19. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
20. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
21. Best Novel – Baduki Sathanthe!
22. Best Novel – Halooru Kariyappa
23. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-1
24. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -1
25. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -2
26. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -3
27. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -4
28. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -5
29. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -6
30. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -8
31. Best Novel – Meenina Hejje
32. Best Novel – Haluru Kariyappa-2
33. Best Novel – Uru Usubari Thakkondu Mullasab Soragiddananthe!
12 - MEASURABLE Awards
(His writing strength can be compared to the age of 16 – 19.)
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3. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write 90 – 150 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write world fastest around 100 to 150 pages)
4. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 1500 pages of novels within 24 hours.
5. If you give him a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give
him any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 80 – 100 pages.
6. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., He can write a novel of 80-100 pages within seven hours
on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can
write same as told above.
7. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
8. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
9. If you give him 10 to 20 themes at times; He can write on all 2 to 3 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
10. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 2 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 3 to 4 days. Then you can judge.
11. You just give him 30 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write 100-150 pages of 30 novels it is as easy as he drink water.
12. He is ask you to call up a group of 8 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
13. If you provide him 10 stenographers he will engage the entire 10 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 10 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 10 different styles. In the
same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 6 different novels.
22 - BREAKABLE Awards
1. He is the world most only one person in this world to works in all professions; these professions are: 1) Dramatist, 2)
Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11)
Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil
engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest, 25) Fashion designer, 26)
Managing director of company, And 27) Director of the movie.
2. He is the world most only one person in this world to studied in all professions means he has studied PhD books; And
he has written a 21 books for PhD about these; these books are; 1) Ladies, 2) Soul, 3) God, 4) Physics, 5) Anthropology, 6)
Sexology, 7) Film, 8) Novel, 9) Love, 10) Fate and 11) Philosophy and 12) death 13) astrology 14) psychology 15)
engineering 16) World records 17) poetries 18) short stories 19) Hollywood scripts 20) acting.21) beauty. Whenever he
write any book, it is based on him experience and himself knowledge. And he will not keep any PhD books in his home. He
never contacted any university or any lecturer or suggestion.
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3. He had conducted a world most research on Physics, Geography and Geology and he has written a book on this when
he was 25 year.
4. He has written world largest 55 principles and 15000 great universal golden truths and he wrote two daily principles
and 3 organs and 8 lady principles and some theories when he was 25.
5. We are thinks nobody has his name Sarahu Nagarazan in this world. Because his name is two specialization. There is
no name in this world ‘Sarah Nagarajan’. Expect some ladies name in India. In abroad we saw ‘Sarahu’ names only. But his
name is not like in this world. He is the only one man the name ‘Sarahu Nagarazan’. It is mine defend opinion. Also in his name
‘Nagarazan’ the last letter ‘z’ instead ‘J’. Apart from that his name “Sarahu Nagarazan” is consist of his farher’s name that is
Sanna phakkirappa and R- Rathnamma, his mother. Hu for Hullatti, his village name and his name Nagarazan. Combining
Sarahu and Nagarazan it becomes Sarahu Nagarazan. So it’s peculiar name because it consist of four names so it is peculiar
around the world.
6. His imaginations are world most super natural it can’t think as logical. And his ways of thinking are different. It’s not
easy to comprehend. His imaginations are endless and infinite. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to know it in
3rd standard and this is because of his horoscope. His horoscope consist specialty like that.
7. He is in the world most 2nd position in the world who have achieved at the age of 25.
8. He has world most worked in almost all professions and he is the No. 1 in every field in this world. He is the only one
person in this world to works in all professions.
9. He is the world most 2nd person in super natural power in this world.
10. He is in the world most 1st rank in this world in fastest writing.
11. He is in the world most 1st position in the world in writing strength.
12. He is in the world most 1st in other types of writing work in this world.
13. He is in the world most 3rd person in the world who has done great advantages having less education.
14. He can’t put the imaginations on the paper as fast as it comes in his mind. His mind works fast than his pen. So he often
feels pain in fingers while he tries to match the speed of his mind to the speed of his writings.
15. While he sits to write a novel, and keep developing it, this novel spreads into two novels, and both becomes separate
fully fledged novels. Whenever he uses to write Hollywood script it always becomes two separate full-fledged scripts with
different themes.
16. He has no patience to explain the story to the technicians and he doesn’t have a habit of writing scripts on the paper. He
makes the ready in his mind scene by scene with dialogues. And he uses to tell the producers and technicians only 5 -6 scenes
only, on that basis they understand the whole script and his imagination strength. This is his custom of Hollywood movies.
17. When he uses to write novels or movie script his pen starts trembling.
18. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger, Thumb and small finger.
19. Daily if he won’t write one line of a novel he get headache. Sometimes he suffers from headphone due to the full of
imagination in his head. Because of that he uses to write cinema script and novels in his cell phone.
20. Writing small novels is just like allergy. So he prefers to write lengthy novels. If he writes small novels people thought
of me that he is a small, common novelist. That’s why he prefers to write lengthy novels.
21. Once he finishes the writing and he don’t have habit to glance again, it’s his confidence. That his writing is correct and
perfect. If tried to re-glance or editing it will be formed 2 stories or novels. But he checks the spelling after being typed in DTP.
22. A writer formally takes 5 to 6 th months to write a novel. But he writes the same within 5 hours, and it consist the quality
as you, found in the novels which are being written in 6 months.
1. In common we have seen two types of writers in this world. One, is drinker or smoker and the other is fallen is love
having sexual lust. He is too come in this. But he is not drinker and smoker. He get inspiration most from girls beauty, secondly
music next nature, and from long journey. He is give most importance to beauty, For Eg, if there is beautiful girl in front of him
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he is get more inspiration to write, even she is nude either dressed up. Self-confidence is his inspiration. And his happiness is his
2. His mind works fastest than computer. If he start to work on computer, due to abundant and fast use of the computer
itself may harm, he work like as computer. But his mind has no limited and specified Ram. You can ask him about whatever
saved in his mind then he can recapitulate and tell you on the spot.
3. He never write a novel in a weak or more, and he will not write the same in a weak in future also mostly he write a
novel in 5 to 6 days only. In addition in the same span to time if he writes slowly then he will be 400 to 500 pages within 5
hours, 7 hours, and 2 days or 5 to 7 days he can complete a lengthy novel, because he don’t have patience to write slowly.
Whenever he writes novels he has a habit of mentioning the time, date and even minutes and seconds.
4. He wants to tell one fact here that when he was in 6th and 10th class, he just listened to the teaching by the teacher and
passed in 1st rank, 2nd rank and first class. But he hadn’t bought any text books. In exam times he is the first student to complete
the paper before the stipulated time.
5. His mind works in a peculiar manner. If a common man reads anything he can keep in mind at least 10% when he reads
second time he can retain 20%, but when he read once he can retain 75% in his mind, if I read second time the retention will be
6. If you provide him civil service examination books, he will study the whole books in a weak and surely he will get rank
in the said examination.
7. He can tell about the character and psychological behavior of a person when he is see him at first sight, but he take
fraction of seconds to analyze about him and finalize. Whenever he talks on phone to any unknown person he can tell about that
person and situation of the place from where he is talking. Whatever so far he has analyzed about this comes true.
8. His feelings are antique. At a time one side his feelings are talking or involved with somebody, the other feelings works
on some other matter which forms a novel. And his feelings can’t be understood by anybody it can be easily understand by the
one and only God.
9. He has not read any novels or any stories. Because he has no patience and time and interest to read others novels or
stories or articles. And he will not kept – any books in his home. He is abundant of many knowledge of writing. He read rarely
the about God only.
10. He always in imagination in sleeping and also use to keep ear phone and thinking about many matters. He is not free
mind at any time. But he will not write these stories on the spot, he keeps it in his mind, and he will use it whenever and
wherever necessary while writing.
11. Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write
novel on a paper. Typing the kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language.
12. He is sometimes not writes a complete novel, instead he write a time of a novel as a reference because of shortage of
time. He makes DTP of it on that time he take that one line of reference and on the basis that line only he can elaborate the
novel. He can write any time novels or script in his mobile phone and in his mind.
13. He tells the sentences of novel with the help of his memory power, and typewriter keeps writing whatever he tell. Now
a day he is writing novels in this way only.
14. Anybody says sometimes or instructed it will remain in his memory forever, it can’t be deleted ever. If you ask any
incident happened before 100 – 200 years or past life events he can recall and about that incident in detail.
15. As he write 300 pages in an hour, so many people NGO’S, press and TV media came to examine his writing strength,
they given him a topic to write in 15 to 20 minutes. He did the same within that time. All these short stories now became a book
of short story.
16. He has much anger, but it spoils within fraction of seconds. But now he is mild man and changed man. No bad words
come out of my tongue, pride, arrogance, selfishness and anger all these have presented to the god. That’s why living beings are
different but the hunger is the same, isn’t it?
17. He can prepare so many movie story stories but he will not explore all those things, instead he will display, which is
required for the people or world.
18. Every night there are so many stories flashes in his mind, so thinking on this, he could sleep only 4 to 5 hours daily at
night. If he can’t think, he can’t sleep the whole night.
19. The attitude and behavior of writers are strange and different, but he prefers to be live like a baby. So whoever treats
him as a baby he live with them every time. Because he is a sentimental and emotional person.
20. If he is to be No. 1 writer, you must have to check his all writing strength. If he is writing the novels and short stories
fastest than any other; then it’s doesn’t mean that he is No. 1 writer. There is quality and speed of his writing strength make him
No. 1 writer in the world.
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21. This world is being ad ministered by the only two groups of people. The scientist and the writers. They are nothing but
twins. First one writers there after scientist.
22. There is only are god lord Shiva in this universe. And other gods are next to him. In the same way. He wants to be the
only one writer and other should be next to him.
23. When he writes, or his inspiration gets motivation from many things.
24. While writing movie screen play first he write the dialogue then he write the story after that write the one line order and
screen play.
25. Today talented and advanced countries are not playing cricket, whereas if you give him a bat and offered me to play
cricket in national or international matches he can easily face the ball.
26. He has learnt directing the films by watching cinemas, not by working in film industry. He learnt script writing by
listening by someone for a minute or two.
27. He had great ambition of writing Hollywood stories and directing while studying of 5 standards. He would love to write
novels and Hollywood movie stories. It is dead easy write Hollywood movie stories and novels.
28. Only having head phone in his ear and listening music he get inspiration to write the stories as well as novels. Or he
write easily well and inspiration even woofer is on.
29. He never tells a lie. Whenever he thinks of talking his tongue sleeps and whole body shivers because of terror of lie. So
he never talk lie with anyone in his whole life.
30. Suppose God gave me a chance to administer 100 countries as a Prime minister; I have the capacity and power to
administer 100 countries at the same time.
31. As he told he uses to eat 50 – 100 grams of food in a lunch and dinner. He is the lover of non-veg. especially head of
the fish. Otherwise chicken. He has daily eating liquid foods, ice creams, bread and white rice and dhal. And he has very
sensitive, he can’t bear cold, even he can’t bear too much heat of sun. He often suffers from dust allergy, when weather changes
then also the fall sick. So he visits once or twice to hospital for his health checkup. And he was innocent and simple. If anybody
hurt him, it will take one week to overcome from that pain or grief.
27 - VERIFIABLE Awards
1. His enemy is death. So he will fight against death and find remedies to death. He will write many more novels about
this. When he was five year old he was suffered from fever he went hospital with his parents, he saw lot patients in the hospital.
He saw drinkers lying down on the roads. Mean while he went to coffee estate. When he is studying 5th standard his grandfather
was died by natural death. And when he is studying 8th standard his cousin was died by heart attack when he was 8 year old.
From then ‘death’ left serious effect on him. It effects on him and he tried finding remedy for death by writing the lengthy novel
by name “black cobra”, at the age of 14 years.
2. When he was returning from coffee estate to home when he was 5th standard, his grandfather died. He can’t even able
to see his dead body. These all social evils and incidents impact him seriously. In the same way he failed find the solution for
death. Some here he may got remedy for death; he is not able to find out the solution for death. With this he tried to stop
prostitution, because Mukta one of his Aunt from karwar district Mundgod, he fell in love with her; she also started to love him.
She has two children 1 boy and 1 girl. After some day he came to know that she is a prostitute woman. But still he is not able to
forget her. Because he is emotional boy. That’s why he started to stop prostitution. But after some day he understands what
prostitution. It is not wrong. It is one of the manners. There are two types of prostitution. One is because of lust, secondly for
money. In fact prostitution for money is not wrong it is their job. Prostitution is wrong which one for fulfillment of physical
desire is.
3. Having experience of these all; sometimes he think that its better if flood destroys the whole world, sometimes he think
of disappear from eyes of the people, sometimes his eyes become full of tears and he walk alone for a long distance. But finally
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when he was 22 he got illumination of world. And At the age of 22 when he is writing the novel “joy of self-realization”, a 500
pages novel. He was enlightened about god.
4. His imaginations are world most super natural it can’t think as logical. And his ways of thinking are different. It’s not
easy to comprehend. His imaginations are endless and infinite. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to know it in
3rd standard and this is because of his horoscope. His horoscope consist specialty like that.
5. He is in the world most 2nd position in the world who have achieved at the age of 25.
6. He has world biggest worked in almost all professions and he is the No. 1 in every field in this world. He is the only one
person in this world to works in all professions.
7. He is the world most 2nd person in super natural power in this world.
8. He is in the world most 1st rank in this world in fastest writing.
9. He is in the world most 1st position in the world in writing strength.
10. He is in the world most 1st in other types of writing work in this world.
11. He is in the world most 3rd person in the world who has done great advantages having less education.
12. He can’t put the imaginations on the paper as fast as it comes in his mind. His mind works fast than his pen. So he often
feels pain in fingers while he tries to match the speed of his mind to the speed of his writings.
13. While he sits to write a novel, and keep developing it, this novel spreads into two novels, and both becomes separate
fully fledged novels. Whenever he uses to write Hollywood script it always becomes two separate full-fledged scripts with
different themes.
14. He has no patience to explain the story to the technicians and he doesn’t have a habit of writing scripts on the paper. He
makes the ready in his mind scene by scene with dialogues. And he uses to tell the producers and technicians only 5 -6 scenes
only, on that basis they understand the whole script and his imagination strength. This is his custom of Hollywood movies.
15. When he uses to write novels or movie script his pen starts trembling.
16. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger, Thumb and small finger.
17. Daily if he won’t write one line of a novel he get headache. Sometimes he suffers from headphone due to the full of
imagination in his head. Because of that he uses to write cinema script and novels in his cell phone.
18. Writing small novels is just like allergy. So he prefers to write lengthy novels. If he writes small novels people thought
of me that he is a small, common novelist. That’s why he prefers to write lengthy novels.
19. Once he finishes the writing and he don’t have habit to glance again, it’s his confidence. That his writing is correct and
perfect. If tried to re-glance or editing it will be formed 2 stories or novels. But he checks the spelling after being typed in DTP.
20. A writer formally takes 5 to 6 th months to write a novel. But he writes the same within 5 hours, and it consist the quality
as you, found in the novels which are being written in 6 months.
21. In common we have seen two types of writers in this world. One, is drinker or smoker and the other is fallen is love
having sexual lust. He is too come in this. But he is not drinker and smoker. He get inspiration most from girls beauty, secondly
music next nature, and from long journey. He is give most importance to beauty, For Eg, if there is beautiful girl in front of him
he is get more inspiration to write, even she is nude either dressed up. Self-confidence is his inspiration. And his happiness is his
22. His mind works fastest than computer. If he start to work on computer, due to abundant and fast use of the computer
itself may harm, he work like as computer. But his mind has no limited and specified Ram. You can ask him about whatever
saved in his mind then he can recapitulate and tell you on the spot.
23. He never write a novel in a weak or more, and he will not write the same in a weak in future also mostly he write a
novel in 5 to 6 days only. In addition in the same span to time if he writes slowly then he will be 400 to 500 pages within 5
hours, 7 hours, and 2 days or 5 to 7 days he can complete a lengthy novel, because he don’t have patience to write slowly.
Whenever he writes novels he has a habit of mentioning the time, date and even minutes and seconds.
24. He wants to tell one fact here that when he was in 6th and 10th class, he just listened to the teaching by the teacher and
passed in 1st rank, 2nd rank and first class. But he hadn’t bought any text books. In exam times he is the first student to complete
the paper before the stipulated time.
25. His mind works in a peculiar manner. If a common man reads anything he can keep in mind at least 10% when he reads
second time he can retain 20%, but when he read once he can retain 75% in his mind, if I read second time the retention will be
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26. If you provide him civil service examination books, he will study the whole books in a weak and surely he will get rank
in the said examination.
27. He can tell about the character and psychological behavior of a person when he is see him at first sight, but he take
fraction of seconds to analyze about him and finalize. Whenever he talks on phone to any unknown person he can tell about that
person and situation of the place from where he is talking. Whatever so far he has analyzed about this comes true.
1. His feelings are antique. At a time one side his feelings are talking or involved with somebody, the other feelings works
on some other matter which forms a novel. And his feelings can’t be understood by anybody it can be easily understand by the
one and only God.
2. He has not read any novels or any stories. Because he has no patience and time and interest to read others novels or
stories or articles. And he will not kept – any books in his home. He is abundant of many knowledge of writing. He read rarely
the about God only.
3. He always in imagination in sleeping and also use to keep ear phone and thinking about many matters. He is not free
mind at any time. But he will not write these stories on the spot, he keeps it in his mind, and he will use it whenever and
wherever necessary while writing.
4. Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write
novel on a paper. Typing the kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language.
5. He is sometimes not writes a complete novel, instead he write a time of a novel as a reference because of shortage of
time. He makes DTP of it on that time he take that one line of reference and on the basis that line only he can elaborate the
novel. He can write any time novels or script in his mobile phone and in his mind.
6. He tells the sentences of novel with the help of his memory power, and typewriter keeps writing whatever he tell. Now
a day he is writing novels in this way only.
7. Anybody says sometimes or instructed it will remain in his memory forever, it can’t be deleted ever. If you ask any
incident happened before 100 – 200 years or past life events he can recall and about that incident in detail.
8. As he write 300 pages in an hour, so many people NGO’S, press and TV media came to examine his writing strength,
they given him a topic to write in 15 to 20 minutes. He did the same within that time. All these short stories now became a book
of short story.
9. He has much anger, but it spoils within fraction of seconds. But now he is mild man and changed man. No bad words
come out of my tongue, pride, arrogance, selfishness and anger all these have presented to the god. That’s why living beings are
different but the hunger is the same, isn’t it?
10. He can prepare so many movie story stories but he will not explore all those things, instead he will display, which is
required for the people or world.
11. Every night there are so many stories flashes in his mind, so thinking on this, he could sleep only 4 to 5 hours daily at
night. If he can’t think, he can’t sleep the whole night.
12. The attitude and behavior of writers are strange and different, but he prefers to be live like a baby. So whoever treats
him as a baby he live with them every time. Because he is a sentimental and emotional person.
13. If he is to be No. 1 writer, you must have to check his all writing strength. If he is writing the novels and short stories
fastest than any other; then it’s doesn’t mean that he is No. 1 writer. There is quality and speed of his writing strength make him
No. 1 writer in the world.
14. This world is being ad ministered by the only two groups of people. The scientist and the writers. They are nothing but
twins. First one writers there after scientist.
15. There is only are god lord Shiva in this universe. And other gods are next to him. In the same way. He wants to be the
only one writer and other should be next to him.
16. When he writes, or his inspiration gets motivation from many things.
17. While writing movie screen play first he write the dialogue then he write the story after that write the one line order and
screen play.
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18. Today talented and advanced countries are not playing cricket, whereas if you give him a bat and offered me to play
cricket in national or international matches he can easily face the ball.
19. He has learnt directing the films by watching cinemas, not by working in film industry. He learnt script writing by
listening by someone for a minute or two.
20. He had great ambition of writing Hollywood stories and directing while studying of 5 standards. He would love to write
novels and Hollywood movie stories. It is dead easy write Hollywood movie stories and novels.
21. Only having head phone in his ear and listening music he get inspiration to write the stories as well as novels. Or he
write easily well and inspiration even woofer is on.
22. He never tells a lie. Whenever he thinks of talking his tongue sleeps and whole body shivers because of terror of lie. So
he never talk lie with anyone in his whole life.
23. Suppose God gave me a chance to administer 100 countries as a Prime minister; I have the capacity and power to
administer 100 countries at the same time.
24. As he told he uses to eat 50 – 100 grams of food in a lunch and dinner. He is the lover of non-veg. especially head of
the fish. Otherwise chicken. He has daily eating liquid foods, ice creams, bread and white rice and dhal. And he has very
sensitive, he can’t bear cold, even he can’t bear too much heat of sun. He often suffers from dust allergy, when weather changes
then also the fall sick. So he visits once or twice to hospital for his health checkup. And he was innocent and simple. If anybody
hurt him, it will take one week to overcome from that pain or grief.
25. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
26. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
27. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
16 - GLOBAL Awards
3. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write 90 – 150 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write world fastest around 100 to 150 pages)
4. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 1500 pages of novels within 24 hours.
5. If you give him a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give
him any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 80 – 100 pages.
6. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., He can write world fastest a novel of 80-100 pages within
seven hours on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5,
9, he can write same as told above.
7. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
8. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
9. If you give him 10 to 20 themes at times; He can write on all 2 to 3 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
10. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 2 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 3 to 4 days. Then you can judge.
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11. You just give him 30 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write world fastest 100-150 pages of 30 novels it is as easy as he drink
12. He is ask you to call up a group of 8 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
13. If you provide him 10 stenographers he will engage the entire 10 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 10 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 10 different styles. In the
same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 6 different novels.
3. If you provide him 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 150 – 200 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write around 100 to 150 pages)
4. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 2000 pages of novels within 24 hours.
5. If you give him a glass of water, he can write world fastest novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it.
If you give him any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 200
– 250 pages.
6. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write world fastest a novel of 150-200 pages
within seven hours on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1,
2, 5, 9, he can write same as told above.
7. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
8. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
9. If you give him 20 to 40 themes at times; he can write world fastest on all 3 to 4 themes at the same time as your wish
and demand.
10. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 1 to 2 days. Then you can judge.
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11. You just give him 50 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can world fastest write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as he drink
12. He is ask you to call up a group of 15 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
13. If somebody gives him a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He will write world fastest 100 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
14. If you give a theme of any animal he can write world most novel on this theme. For example he has already written a
beautify novel on “Fish”. He can write world fastest a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 200 pages.
15. If you provide him 20 stenographers he will engage the entire 20 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 20 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 20 different styles. In the
same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 10 different novels.
Getting Titles
18 Foundations
o ORG NAME: Sarahu Divine Research Astro Administration®
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Here are some of the most important and pertinent documents; and the combination of all these records made it the new 11 th
Wonder popular in the World. Sarahu’s love of achievement has been proclaimed and declaration is that to the 2018, 2019 as the
11th most Wonder in the world, with the likes of some audience, public opinion and the likes of some companies, social systems,
Sarahu’s 18 Foundations and their 200 Employees. The 18 organization was founded for the same reason.
Lord Sarahu was awarded 2,400 Honorable Certificates. These Are Google Human Certificates, Super Human Certificates,
Faithfull Certificates, MEASURABLE Certificates, BREAKABLE Certificates, STANDARDISABLE Certificates,
VERIFIABLE Certificates, ONE VARIABLE Certificates, GLOBAL Certificates, BASED ON ONE VARIABLE Certificates
And THE BEST IN THE WORLD Certificates, when he was 29.
And this is world’s 11th most impressive world wonder. And based on these, different types of Certificates are sorted in different
world records, new Certificates. He has been writing story, poetry, fiction, drama as well as cinema and film since his third
grade. *He can write every day 50 books of poem series. Each poem book around 60 to 70 pages. *If you give him 5 to 10
characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in screen touch mobile, by using
only his right hand thumb finger. *If you give him single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes only
Act of facial expression in screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger. *He can write 10 pages of drama
within half an hour only. *He can write 5 pages of drama within half an hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only
my right hand thumb finger. *If you give a theme, he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages
each within half an hour only. *He has a unique quality like he can write 3 pages of story within half an hour only without taking
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any poss. *He can write on the land 40 to 50 meter lengthy story within half an hour only, by using chock. *If you give a theme
he can tell orally 4 pages of novel or story within half an hour only. *If you give a theme he will present same theme in 4
different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right
hand thumb finger.
Once a new world record is made, the record holder has the opportunity to win the Honor Award. If the holder applies the new Honorable
Award after making his world record, he will be eligible for the Honorable Award. But it won’t be a PhD. But if it exceeds a thousand world
records, it will of course be won by a new amazing third grade.
His writings deserve the Honorable Award and New 11th Wonder of the World
27. We are thinking nobody has his name Sarahu Nagarazan in this world. Because his name is two specialization. There is
no name in this world ‘Sarah Nagarajan’. Expect some ladies name in India. In abroad we saw ‘Sarahu’ names only. But his
name is not like in this world. He is the only one man the name ‘Sarahu Nagarazan’. It is our defend opinion. Also in his name
‘Nagarazan’ the last letter ‘z’ instead ‘J’.
28. Apart from that his name “Sarahu Nagarazan” is consist of his farher’s name that is Sanna phakkirappa and R-
Rathnamma, his mother. Hu for Hullatti, his village name and his name Nagarazan. Combining Sarahu and Nagarazan it
becomes Sarahu Nagarazan. So it’s peculiar name because it consist of four names so it is peculiar around the world.
29. People are thinking that ‘Sarahu’ as his pen name, but it’s not his pen name; actually his pen name is his girlfriends
name as “Uma – Suma”.
30. Now he is 30 years old. Birth date 01 – 06 – 1988, his father died on 25 – 08 – 2012. Now his family consists of two
members his mother and itself. We don’t know what race or religions he belongs to, but you can identify his by name, that to
which race or religion he belongs to. Basically he is from Hullatti, Hanagal – Tq. Haveri District, Karnataka state, India. And his
mother tongue is Telugu. He, his mother, his relations and communicates in Telugu in his home and his village. But he studied in
kannada medium school in Karnataka. He has studied matriculation. He is not any graduate or post graduate, but people thought
him that he might be M.A or other graduate by seeing his writing works. He had dropped out from school after his 7 th standard,
but his mother admitted in hostel forcibly, that’s why he studies till matriculation. His mother’s ambition is to give good
education to him but because of his family economic problem, he stopped his education and he went to capital city Bangalore.
Before that when he was in 4th and 5th standard his father often beat me because he remain absents from school. At this age he
uses to watch TV serials and films in neighboring. On those days there was only 4 or 5 TV’s in that big village. He has to do
work in their homes and then they allowed us to watch TV. On those days his imaginations took shape.
31. Apart from this he was willing to read further but because of critical conditions of his home and two important aims of
novels and making cinemas, had made him to stop his education. He got supernatural power by his birth, but he came to know it
in 3rd When he was in 3rd standard he got illumination of writing. And finally in 2000 while he was studying 6 th standard he got
illumination of writing novel. On August 14, afternoon 3 ‘0’ clock in the class room.
32. He hasn’t went for 1 and 2nd standard, directly admitted to class 3 rd, his knowledge of writing started from that moment.
When he was studying 3rd and 4th standard he use to go to coffee estate in Chickkamagalore district and Madikeri, Kodagu
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district Karnataka state, India. Due to economic problem his community people use to go coffee estates for work. Nature of that
coffee estate was beautiful and peaceful. The talent of writing movies story was improved from here.
33. When he was 5th standard he wrote a drama of 3 hour. And when he was completed 7 th standard he wrote another drama
of 4 hours, and also he acted in both dramas. Which arranged by itself in our street.
34. There was pre-primary school in his village by name “Balwadies”. When he was in Balwadi he learned acting. There
was cultural activity programme use to hold often in balwadies. As he was in 6 th and 7th standard the skill of acting in itself was
matured more. As he admitted to hostel, he performed dramas with hostel – mates, also wrote and directed dramas and plays in
hostel as well as school. He has the experience of writing and performing dramas right from pre – primary school up to 8 th At the
age of 5 – 6 he had prepared statue of Ganesh by mud, also made some puppets and statues by using mud. He loves to make
Ganesha using mud.
35. Usually he is free minded person that he wouldn’t attend class daily, he used to roam with his friends in forest. When he
was 4th and 5th Once HM and teachers came to his home and took him to school, he scared them by showing knife and made
them go back. Once early morning some friends came and tied him through rope and took to school. He admitted to Loyola
private hostel, he used to Government school only. He completed 6 and 7 th in his home town. After that he shifted to karwar
district Mundagod“Loyola Private school” and hostel to complete his high school, completing 8 th, he couldn’t adjust to the
environment of that school, so again came back to home town, finished his 9 th and 10th in Bychavalli which is 6 km far from his
36. When he was studying in primary and high school stage he draw the pictures of gods and natures seen and others
pictures and also he make statues and puppets by using clay. He was perfect in art also from 5 th class onwards. He was much
interested in sports in elementary level he participated in 100 meter running and relay and always he came first.
37. Mom is his god and she is the navigator for his every step in life, she is his inspiration. The world should be in his hand.
He is only wanted to be the kings of king for the world. Whatever he tells should be final and binding. Nobody can change or
disobey his words. He must be the kings of king, his wife the queens of queen and his mother should be goddess.
38. Day by day his writing strength is on development; writing style and vocabulary is also is developing rapidly. He can’t
imagine to what extent his writing strength and speed will improve. Within 2 to 3 years his writing speed how much increases I
don’t know.)
39. He can write 1000 pages of novel within 24 hours which attributes to his quality of world fastest writer.
40. World Most Super Human 24 hours continuously world fastest and faster writings of novels, short stories, poetries,
dramas and Screen play of Hollywood and dialogues and stories.
41. World faster than fastest writer. If you want to examine his ability, you can observe him sitting in front of him. He can
write in even noisy place, he can write keeping headphone and listening songs.
42. He can write sitting in front of stereo sound with woofer sound, and even he can write sitting in isolation, it’s his
routine. He can write without using headphone. However you tell he can write. Whatever he writes it’s purely in Kannada
language only. Writing novels in Kannada language is quite difficult where as in English it is very easy.
43. Once he put the pen on the paper, he won’t stop writing. He won’t stop a bit for thinking. If you give any single word,
he can write on the same without any stop. He never stops in between to think while writing. There are so many ways. As God
knows everything by his supernatural power; in the same way inspirations and idea comes into his mind spontaneously while he
writes novels. Ex, if you offer him a pen or stone to write a novel, the novel format, foundation and even climax I mean who
sketch of the novel comes into his mind within a fraction of seconds. By chance if he starts to write novels holding pen with lots
of imagination the story of novel will be changed. Suppose holding pen in fingers and writing novel with consuming more time;
even he doesn’t know in what way it leads him to. There are no instances of writing by thinking in his career ever. So now he is
a Mystic and clairvoyance, which means he can speak directly to the almighty.
44. You can give Hundred crore or UN limited themes (no limitation) at a time he can write on every theme one after
another without stopping the pen. He can write on the spot it without giving any time for thinking. He can start writing on the
given theme frequently without thinking or sketching about the theme.
45. Whichever place you tell he can write the novel in that place and situation only. There is no specific time for me to
write the novels. Whatever he have written here, it has been written honestly and truthfully. You must initiate a theme to write
novels, then he sit along with you and here he promises you that my challenges will surely come true.
46. When he was in class 5th and 6th he was having a 3 important dreams that is becoming an astronomer or a doctor or a
Hollywood film writer and director or Actor but he is now 1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6)
Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14)
Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21)
Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest And 25) Director of the movie, 26) fashion designer; instead of all these he
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had one important aim to solve the problem of death. Having full spirit and madness regarding to this, till now whichever novels
he have written, among them 4 to 5 novels have the answer and salvation for death. He can write Hollywood story screen play
within only one hour in a day. Sometimes he can write a Hollywood script within a half an hour. Means, however his sense
works, he write in the same way. Sometimes when he is feeling trouble, it takes a day to write Hollywood script. You give any
theme of Hollywood film script he can write within two hours in front of you spontaneously without taking time to think with
nobodies help, he can write Hollywood scripts within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax, and to create my first
scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years!
47. If all the people of the world comes together and builds a short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or
Novel with the help of their imagination, then he can make the story alone comparing to the people of whole world, then you can
decide who have build the short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or Novel better. And he can defeat Hollywood
script writers only in his small finger. And his imagination power creates a story for every second and a Hollywood story for
every minute.
48. He has a deep imagination power at the time he was studying 5 th standard. The proof for this is the only novels he has
written when he was in the 8th and 9th But, here, there is no provision to explain the summary of said novels. The scope of his
imagination can understand the only those people who have studied his novels, because that novels contains the series of
imaginations and subjects that the Hollywood films can also take inspiration from this work. The translator feels tough to
translate his imaginations in English language. So after his completion of his first Hollywood movie, he itself translates his work
in English language within 2 years. And also he will write English novels.
49. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left hand pointing finger. And he is capable
of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the help of his left hand middle finger only. He can
work as a software engineer easily, but he is not software engineer. Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams easily. How
many talented works are there? He can do all that work. Especially he is interested in doing operation of Kidney, Heart and
Brain etc.
50. He can write 300 pages of novel within five hours in a day which qualifies his trait of world fastest writer.
51. You just show anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic 300 pages in five hours only as your
wish. In fact he writes 350 to 400 pages in 5 hours, but because of finger pain he limited his strength to 300 pages.
52. He can write world fastest 7 to 10 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
2. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 450 – 500 pages of novel within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write around 450 to 500 pages)
38. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 4500 to 5000 pages of novel within 24 hours.
39. If you give a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give any title or
line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 300 pages.
40. If you give a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write a novel of 400 pages within seven hours on the
said topic, even if you give a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can write same as
told above.
41. He can write one small story 5 to 7 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
42. He can write in my cell phone 3 pages of novel or short story within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using only
my right hand thumb finger.
43. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages of poetry within 30 minutes.
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44. He can write in cell phone 2 pages of novel within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using only his left hand
thumb finger.
45. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 100 pages of poetry within 2 hours in a day.
46. He can write in computer 5 pages of novel within half an hour. (Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but
he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write novel on a paper. Typing the Kannada language on computer in
more difficult than typing the English language. He doesn’t have computer system in his home. He do his work done whenever
he visit computer centre.)
47. He can write 6 to 8 small stories in one hour only.
48. If you give a crore or UN limited themes at times; he can write on all themes at the same time as your wish and
49. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages poetry within 30 minutes on the same word
for half an hour without stop. He has capacity of writing poetry as much as pages you can say.
50. If you give a single word he can write in cell phone 2 to 3 pages of poetry within 25 to 30 minutes in screen touch
mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
51. He can write 2 to 3 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and exclamatory
mark only.
52. He can write 2 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and exclamatory
mark only in screen touch mobile, by using only right hand thumb finger.
53. If you give a single character he can write 4 pages of short story within half an hour only.
54. If you give a single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes in screen touch mobile, by using
only right hand thumb finger.
55. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 1000 pages of novel or 5 pages story on this dialogue and he will end it with the
dialogue. but it not consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will write 5 pages
of story within 30 minutes and he can write 1000 pages of novel within 5 hours without any description.
56. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 4 pages of story on this dialogue and he will end it with the dialogue. but it not
consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will write 5 pages of story within 30
minutes in screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
57. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression.
58. He can write every day 50 books of poem series. Each poem book around 60 to 70 pages.
59. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in
screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
60. If you give him single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in
screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
61. He can write 10 pages of drama within half an hour only.
62. He can write 5 pages of drama within half an hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only my right hand
thumb finger.
63. If you give a theme, he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
64. He has a unique quality like he can write 3 pages of story within half an hour only without taking any poss.
65. He can write on the land 40 to 50 meter lengthy story within half an hour only, by using chock.
66. If you give a theme he can tell orally 4 pages of novel or story within half an hour only.
67. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
68. If you give me a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel one page each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his left hand thumb finger.
69. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand and left hand thumb finger. Means he writes one page from right
hand thumb finger and the same time he write another page from left hand thumb finger.
70. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He can write 3 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
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71. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He will write 200 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
72. If you give a theme he can present 10 stories of different there in different style orally.
73. If you give a theme he can present only one theme in 10 different styles at a time.
23 - Super Human Honorable Certificates
12. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it within 5 hours in a day only. Then you can judge.
13. You just give me 50 themes of novels and give him only 10 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 10 days he can write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as he drink water.
14. He asks you to call up a group of whole world writer’s one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on
the other side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better?
15. He can write story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours. However you demand he can write in that
style in Hollywood. Example: if you give a subject likes ‘stone’ or ‘stick’ or any other think or you just show anything around us
by pointing finger, he can write on the topic story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours in a day only by pen or
he tell it orally as your wish. He can write as you say within 4 hours in a day. And he can direct Hollywood movie without
script, it’s my confidence. If you provide an opportunity to write a Hollywood story with any theme he can write it in front of
you spontaneously without giving time for thinking. Lonely without anybody’s help. He can write that Hollywood script within
fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax. And for creating my first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will
take around 20 to 25 years so anyone can guess how many years they take for full movie screenplay?!
16. He can work on writing as like a floor mill work. If you give a theme to write and after finishing it you can give him
another theme he can write spontaneously and continuously without stop.
17. If all the people of the world comes together and builds a short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or
Novel with the help of their imagination, then he can make the story alone comparing to the people of whole world, then you can
decide who have build the short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or Novel better. And he can defeat Hollywood
script writers only in my small finger. And his imagination power creates a story for every second and a Hollywood story for
every minute.
18. He has a deep imagination power at the time he was studying 5 th The proof for this is the only novels he has written
when he was in the 8th and 9th standard. But, here, there is no provision to explain the summary of said novels. The scope of his
imagination can understand the only those people who have studied his novels, because that novels contains the series of
imaginations and subjects that the Hollywood films can also take inspiration from this work. The translator feels tough to
translate his imaginations in English language.
19. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left hand pointing finger. And he has
capable of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the help of his left hand middle finger only. He
can work as a software engineer easily, but he has not software engineer. Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams
easily. How many talented works are there? He can do all that work. Especially he has interested in doing operation of Kidney,
Heart and Brain etc.
20. You will give 7 hours time on a day any subject he will write novel on that subject. Example any materials or any
things. And you may give him 200 – 300 numbers of pages he will write definitely only for noble prize. He will write any type
of novels that is social theme, science fiction, discoveries and etc.
21. If you give a theme of any animal or bird he can write novel on this theme. For example he has already written a
beautiful novel on “Fish”. He can write a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 400 pages.
22. If you provide him hundred crore stenographers he will engage the entire hundred crore stenographer at a time in
writing different novel to every stenographer.
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(I mean he will give work hundred crore different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in hundred crore
different styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce hundred crore different novels.)
24. To write big novel he take only 5 days to complete. (500-600 pages novels. If he writes slowly with rest and play then
he can write 500 -560 pages in an only one week) he can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of one and
half day. If he writes slowly with rest and play then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
25. In the age of 14 – 23 he has written 9 lengthy novels in publishing stage. These novels are approximately it will be 364
to 600 pages. 1) Jeevanmukthi – 500 to 600 pages. 2) Meenina Hejje – 370 to 400 pages, 3) A new universe 0000 – 2; 400 pages,
4) Uru usabari takkondu mullasab soragiddanante – 350 to 400 pages, 5) A new universe 0000 – 1; 400 pages, 6) Ee savu
nyayave – 350 to 380 pages. 8) Nenapideye? – 350 to 400 pages. 9) Hittalina hunase mara – 300 to 350 pages.
26. He has written books in six months are; 17 = 13 novels and 4 short stories.
27. In the age of 23/24/25/27 he has written 35 novels, 1 book of drama and 5 short stories. And 7, 00,000 books of poem
series. 35+10,00,000+5+1
28. He can to know that somebody from around the world have made world records in writing novels or short stories within
stipulated period, If he can be offered by someone to break these records; I am sure he can break these records and he can do it
within less time.
29. At a time he can talk with someone and can keep writing the novels in same time. While talking on phone, with
someone, he can keep writing novels with quite concentration in talking and in writing. He can do both work at the same time
with full confidence and capacity. Means, he hold phone in one hand and talks, and in the other hand he keep writing at the same
30. He has written 2 book of poems of 70 pages without any stanza continues.
31. If you give a single word he can write 150 pages poetry within only an hour.
32. If you give a single word he can write 1 pages of poetry means A4 size paper within 2 minutes only.
33. He wrote or his girl friend about miracle book of poem in idioms style means kind of poetic in first time in this world.
34. When he was in 5rd – 7th standard he wrote two dramas, and two film stories, and also he have written lyrics. He also has
prepared puppets and also he use draw pictures. (Whatever the dramas he have written during 5 th – 7th standard d has not
published, so far, because of some reason but played that two dramas in the my village, 2 cinemas stories and lyrics also not
became cinemas, so far. Now a day’s rarely we can see puppets and clay models, but he can make that puppets and clay model in
front of you, at anytime. He has a good skill and interest in making of puppets.)
35. When he studying at 8 and 9th standard he wrote 4 lengthy novels. But they not published at that time. It was published
when he was 22. The first novel consist 1)A New Universe 0000 – 364 pages, second2) Black Cobra – 253 pages and third one
3) Atithi Devo Bhava! – 251 pages. The remaining one novel is not published; (title: NENAPIDEYE?
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38. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language; there are 90 to 100
characters (roles) in the novel. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9 th standard, but it was published when he
was 22.
39. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Black Cobra”. 281 pages demy size in book layout. This novel
contains 45,374words. And in whole character (no spaces) 3,76,748. And characters (with spaces) 4,23,194. And this novel
contains total 1,759 paragraphs. And lines are 5462. This novel total contains 7,99,942 words or characters. And he has written
this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
40. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Atithi Devobhava!” 224 pages crown size in book layout. This novel
contain 33,648 words. And in whole character (no spaces) 273,800. And characters (with spaces) 308,510. And this novel
contains total 1,356 paragraphs. And lines are 3,979. This novel total contains 5,82,310 words or characters. And he has written
this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
41. If writers from different countries are being called upon a single stage and given a subject to write on the same. He is
being a candidate of India will defeat all writers around the world in writing competition his small finger.
42. Whoever breaks his imagination of his first Hollywood movie is the only No. 1 script writer of Hollywood.
43. When he was studying in 9th standard he had written the novel “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. Whoever breaks up his
record of writing this novel with the level of imagination is the No. 1 Novelist. Who breaks the record of this novel is the only no
1 writer. Hollywood writer takes 25 years to break up imagination chapter 6th and 7th his novel. He is sure if the 6 th, 7th chapter
becomes Hollywood cinema he is sure he will get Hollywood cinema Oskar award. But because of fantasy theme I don’t know
they Oscar academy consider it or not.
44. Aiming at Hollywood cinema he wrote first novel named “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. He that novel he is wandering
to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 14. He was able to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 18. But his family
background was not good. In this novel we have scenes which make remember us Hollywood cinema, and some of them are
beyond the Hollywood cinema. This is not my comment this is readers comment.)
45. If story writer from all over the world writes five lines, he writes a word. If they write 10 line stories, he will write 1
line. If they do 100 scene of Hollywood cinema, he will do 5 scenes within fraction of seconds.
46. He will write the screenplay for every type of whole world traditional movie within one hour only. You can keep
explaining story, he will be writing screenplay and dialogue on the spot.
47. If people come from whole world he has the capacity to write a dialogue to each person on the spot.
48. You can provide him any theme; he can present the same in 500 ways. It’s his capacity.
49. Who holds the some world records biggest companies of having written highest novel at the age of 24 – 25 in the
world? He can break these records.
50. He has written a novel since 10 – 15 days especially for getting noble prize. Suppose if keep writing a novel for a
month it will bifurcates into 3 to 5 novels within that novel. So he tries to complete it in less than 10 – 15 days period. We think
this time is much for him. Not only noble prize. We mean which are prizes in this world which he gets definitely. Already he has
completed for 9 novels and 15 novels noble and international prizes. This was written when he was 22 – 23. But due to some
technical problem of translation from Kannada language to English.
51. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
52. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
53. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
54. Best Novel – Baduki Sathanthe!
55. Best Novel – Halooru Kariyappa
56. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-1
57. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -1
58. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -2
59. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -3
60. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -4
61. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -5
62. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -6
63. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -8
64. Best Novel – Meenina Hejje
65. Best Novel – Haluru Kariyappa-2
66. Best Novel – Uru Usubari Thakkondu Mullasab Soragiddananthe!
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12 - MEASURABLE Honorable Certificates
(His writing strength can be compared to the age of 16 – 19.)
4. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write 90 – 150 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write world fastest around 100 to 150 pages)
14. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 1500 pages of novels within 24 hours.
15. If you give him a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give
him any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 80 – 100 pages.
16. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., He can write a novel of 80-100 pages within seven hours
on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can
write same as told above.
17. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
18. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
19. If you give him 10 to 20 themes at times; He can write on all 2 to 3 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
20. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 2 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 3 to 4 days. Then you can judge.
21. You just give him 30 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write 100-150 pages of 30 novels it is as easy as he drink water.
22. He is ask you to call up a group of 8 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
23. If you provide him 10 stenographers he will engage the entire 10 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 10 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 10 different styles. In the
same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 6 different novels.
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15. He can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of 3 days. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
22 - BREAKABLE Honorable Certificates
23. He is the world most only one person in this world to works in all professions; these professions are: 1) Dramatist, 2)
Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11)
Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil
engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest, 25) Fashion designer, 26)
Managing director of company, And 27) Director of the movie.
24. He is the world most only one person in this world to studied in all professions means he has studied PhD books; And
he has written a 21 books for PhD about these; these books are; 1) Ladies, 2) Soul, 3) God, 4) Physics, 5) Anthropology, 6)
Sexology, 7) Film, 8) Novel, 9) Love, 10) Fate and 11) Philosophy and 12) death 13) astrology 14) psychology 15)
engineering 16) World records 17) poetries 18) short stories 19) Hollywood scripts 20) acting.21) beauty. Whenever he
write any book, it is based on him experience and himself knowledge. And he will not keep any PhD books in his home. He
never contacted any university or any lecturer or suggestion.
25. He had conducted a world most research on Physics, Geography and Geology and he has written a book on this when
he was 25 year.
26. He has written world largest 55 principles and 15000 great universal golden truths and he wrote two daily principles
and 3 organs and 8 lady principles and some theories when he was 25.
27. We are thinks nobody has his name Sarahu Nagarazan in this world. Because his name is two specialization. There is
no name in this world ‘Sarah Nagarajan’. Expect some ladies name in India. In abroad we saw ‘Sarahu’ names only. But his
name is not like in this world. He is the only one man the name ‘Sarahu Nagarazan’. It is mine defend opinion. Also in his name
‘Nagarazan’ the last letter ‘z’ instead ‘J’. Apart from that his name “Sarahu Nagarazan” is consist of his farher’s name that is
Sanna phakkirappa and R- Rathnamma, his mother. Hu for Hullatti, his village name and his name Nagarazan. Combining
Sarahu and Nagarazan it becomes Sarahu Nagarazan. So it’s peculiar name because it consist of four names so it is peculiar
around the world.
28. His imaginations are world most super natural it can’t think as logical. And his ways of thinking are different. It’s not
easy to comprehend. His imaginations are endless and infinite. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to know it in
3rd standard and this is because of his horoscope. His horoscope consist specialty like that.
29. He is in the world most 2nd position in the world who have achieved at the age of 25.
30. He has world most worked in almost all professions and he is the No. 1 in every field in this world. He is the only one
person in this world to works in all professions.
31. He is the world most 2nd person in super natural power in this world.
32. He is in the world most 1st rank in this world in fastest writing.
33. He is in the world most 1st position in the world in writing strength.
34. He is in the world most 1st in other types of writing work in this world.
35. He is in the world most 3rd person in the world who has done great advantages having less education.
36. He can’t put the imaginations on the paper as fast as it comes in his mind. His mind works fast than his pen. So he often
feels pain in fingers while he tries to match the speed of his mind to the speed of his writings.
37. While he sits to write a novel, and keep developing it, this novel spreads into two novels, and both becomes separate
fully fledged novels. Whenever he uses to write Hollywood script it always becomes two separate full-fledged scripts with
different themes.
38. He has no patience to explain the story to the technicians and he doesn’t have a habit of writing scripts on the paper. He
makes the ready in his mind scene by scene with dialogues. And he uses to tell the producers and technicians only 5 -6 scenes
only, on that basis they understand the whole script and his imagination strength. This is his custom of Hollywood movies.
39. When he uses to write novels or movie script his pen starts trembling.
40. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
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whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger, Thumb and small finger.
41. Daily if he won’t write one line of a novel he get headache. Sometimes he suffers from headphone due to the full of
imagination in his head. Because of that he uses to write cinema script and novels in his cell phone.
42. Writing small novels is just like allergy. So he prefers to write lengthy novels. If he writes small novels people thought
of me that he is a small, common novelist. That’s why he prefers to write lengthy novels.
43. Once he finishes the writing and he don’t have habit to glance again, it’s his confidence. That his writing is correct and
perfect. If tried to re-glance or editing it will be formed 2 stories or novels. But he checks the spelling after being typed in DTP.
44. A writer formally takes 5 to 6 th months to write a novel. But he writes the same within 5 hours, and it consist the quality
as you, found in the novels which are being written in 6 months.
31 - STANDARDISABLE Honorable Certificates
32. In common we have seen two types of writers in this world. One, is drinker or smoker and the other is fallen is love
having sexual lust. He is too come in this. But he is not drinker and smoker. He get inspiration most from girls beauty, secondly
music next nature, and from long journey. He is give most importance to beauty, For Eg, if there is beautiful girl in front of him
he is get more inspiration to write, even she is nude either dressed up. Self-confidence is his inspiration. And his happiness is his
33. His mind works fastest than computer. If he start to work on computer, due to abundant and fast use of the computer
itself may harm, he work like as computer. But his mind has no limited and specified Ram. You can ask him about whatever
saved in his mind then he can recapitulate and tell you on the spot.
34. He never write a novel in a weak or more, and he will not write the same in a weak in future also mostly he write a
novel in 5 to 6 days only. In addition in the same span to time if he writes slowly then he will be 400 to 500 pages within 5
hours, 7 hours, and 2 days or 5 to 7 days he can complete a lengthy novel, because he don’t have patience to write slowly.
Whenever he writes novels he has a habit of mentioning the time, date and even minutes and seconds.
35. He wants to tell one fact here that when he was in 6th and 10th class, he just listened to the teaching by the teacher and
passed in 1st rank, 2nd rank and first class. But he hadn’t bought any text books. In exam times he is the first student to complete
the paper before the stipulated time.
36. His mind works in a peculiar manner. If a common man reads anything he can keep in mind at least 10% when he reads
second time he can retain 20%, but when he read once he can retain 75% in his mind, if I read second time the retention will be
37. If you provide him civil service examination books, he will study the whole books in a weak and surely he will get rank
in the said examination.
38. He can tell about the character and psychological behavior of a person when he is see him at first sight, but he take
fraction of seconds to analyze about him and finalize. Whenever he talks on phone to any unknown person he can tell about that
person and situation of the place from where he is talking. Whatever so far he has analyzed about this comes true.
39. His feelings are antique. At a time one side his feelings are talking or involved with somebody, the other feelings works
on some other matter which forms a novel. And his feelings can’t be understood by anybody it can be easily understand by the
one and only God.
40. He has not read any novels or any stories. Because he has no patience and time and interest to read others novels or
stories or articles. And he will not kept – any books in his home. He is abundant of many knowledge of writing. He read rarely
the about God only.
41. He always in imagination in sleeping and also use to keep ear phone and thinking about many matters. He is not free
mind at any time. But he will not write these stories on the spot, he keeps it in his mind, and he will use it whenever and
wherever necessary while writing.
42. Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write
novel on a paper. Typing the kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language.
43. He is sometimes not writes a complete novel, instead he write a time of a novel as a reference because of shortage of
time. He makes DTP of it on that time he take that one line of reference and on the basis that line only he can elaborate the
novel. He can write any time novels or script in his mobile phone and in his mind.
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44. He tells the sentences of novel with the help of his memory power, and typewriter keeps writing whatever he tell. Now
a day he is writing novels in this way only.
45. Anybody says sometimes or instructed it will remain in his memory forever, it can’t be deleted ever. If you ask any
incident happened before 100 – 200 years or past life events he can recall and about that incident in detail.
46. As he write 300 pages in an hour, so many people NGO’S, press and TV media came to examine his writing strength,
they given him a topic to write in 15 to 20 minutes. He did the same within that time. All these short stories now became a book
of short story.
47. He has much anger, but it spoils within fraction of seconds. But now he is mild man and changed man. No bad words
come out of my tongue, pride, arrogance, selfishness and anger all these have presented to the god. That’s why living beings are
different but the hunger is the same, isn’t it?
48. He can prepare so many movie story stories but he will not explore all those things, instead he will display, which is
required for the people or world.
49. Every night there are so many stories flashes in his mind, so thinking on this, he could sleep only 4 to 5 hours daily at
night. If he can’t think, he can’t sleep the whole night.
50. The attitude and behavior of writers are strange and different, but he prefers to be live like a baby. So whoever treats
him as a baby he live with them every time. Because he is a sentimental and emotional person.
51. If he is to be No. 1 writer, you must have to check his all writing strength. If he is writing the novels and short stories
fastest than any other; then it’s doesn’t mean that he is No. 1 writer. There is quality and speed of his writing strength make him
No. 1 writer in the world.
52. This world is being ad ministered by the only two groups of people. The scientist and the writers. They are nothing but
twins. First one writers there after scientist.
53. There is only are god lord Shiva in this universe. And other gods are next to him. In the same way. He wants to be the
only one writer and other should be next to him.
54. When he writes, or his inspiration gets motivation from many things.
55. While writing movie screen play first he write the dialogue then he write the story after that write the one line order and
screen play.
56. Today talented and advanced countries are not playing cricket, whereas if you give him a bat and offered me to play
cricket in national or international matches he can easily face the ball.
57. He has learnt directing the films by watching cinemas, not by working in film industry. He learnt script writing by
listening by someone for a minute or two.
58. He had great ambition of writing Hollywood stories and directing while studying of 5 standards. He would love to write
novels and Hollywood movie stories. It is dead easy write Hollywood movie stories and novels.
59. Only having head phone in his ear and listening music he get inspiration to write the stories as well as novels. Or he
write easily well and inspiration even woofer is on.
60. He never tells a lie. Whenever he thinks of talking his tongue sleeps and whole body shivers because of terror of lie. So
he never talk lie with anyone in his whole life.
61. Suppose God gave me a chance to administer 100 countries as a Prime minister; I have the capacity and power to
administer 100 countries at the same time.
62. As he told he uses to eat 50 – 100 grams of food in a lunch and dinner. He is the lover of non-veg. especially head of
the fish. Otherwise chicken. He has daily eating liquid foods, ice creams, bread and white rice and dhal. And he has very
sensitive, he can’t bear cold, even he can’t bear too much heat of sun. He often suffers from dust allergy, when weather changes
then also the fall sick. So he visits once or twice to hospital for his health checkup. And he was innocent and simple. If anybody
hurt him, it will take one week to overcome from that pain or grief.
28. His enemy is death. So he will fight against death and find remedies to death. He will write many more novels about
this. When he was five year old he was suffered from fever he went hospital with his parents, he saw lot patients in the hospital.
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He saw drinkers lying down on the roads. Mean while he went to coffee estate. When he is studying 5th standard his grandfather
was died by natural death. And when he is studying 8th standard his cousin was died by heart attack when he was 8 year old.
From then ‘death’ left serious effect on him. It effects on him and he tried finding remedy for death by writing the lengthy novel
by name “black cobra”, at the age of 14 years.
29. When he was returning from coffee estate to home when he was 5th standard, his grandfather died. He can’t even able
to see his dead body. These all social evils and incidents impact him seriously. In the same way he failed find the solution for
death. Some here he may got remedy for death; he is not able to find out the solution for death. With this he tried to stop
prostitution, because Mukta one of his Aunt from karwar district Mundgod, he fell in love with her; she also started to love him.
She has two children 1 boy and 1 girl. After some day he came to know that she is a prostitute woman. But still he is not able to
forget her. Because he is emotional boy. That’s why he started to stop prostitution. But after some day he understands what
prostitution. It is not wrong. It is one of the manners. There are two types of prostitution. One is because of lust, secondly for
money. In fact prostitution for money is not wrong it is their job. Prostitution is wrong which one for fulfillment of physical
desire is.
30. Having experience of these all; sometimes he think that its better if flood destroys the whole world, sometimes he think
of disappear from eyes of the people, sometimes his eyes become full of tears and he walk alone for a long distance. But finally
when he was 22 he got illumination of world. And At the age of 22 when he is writing the novel “joy of self-realization”, a 500
pages novel. He was enlightened about god.
31. His imaginations are world most super natural it can’t think as logical. And his ways of thinking are different. It’s not
easy to comprehend. His imaginations are endless and infinite. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to know it in
3rd standard and this is because of his horoscope. His horoscope consist specialty like that.
32. He is in the world most 2nd position in the world who have achieved at the age of 25.
33. He has world biggest worked in almost all professions and he is the No. 1 in every field in this world. He is the only one
person in this world to works in all professions.
34. He is the world most 2nd person in super natural power in this world.
35. He is in the world most 1st rank in this world in fastest writing.
36. He is in the world most 1st position in the world in writing strength.
37. He is in the world most 1st in other types of writing work in this world.
38. He is in the world most 3rd person in the world who has done great advantages having less education.
39. He can’t put the imaginations on the paper as fast as it comes in his mind. His mind works fast than his pen. So he often
feels pain in fingers while he tries to match the speed of his mind to the speed of his writings.
40. While he sits to write a novel, and keep developing it, this novel spreads into two novels, and both becomes separate
fully fledged novels. Whenever he uses to write Hollywood script it always becomes two separate full-fledged scripts with
different themes.
41. He has no patience to explain the story to the technicians and he doesn’t have a habit of writing scripts on the paper. He
makes the ready in his mind scene by scene with dialogues. And he uses to tell the producers and technicians only 5 -6 scenes
only, on that basis they understand the whole script and his imagination strength. This is his custom of Hollywood movies.
42. When he uses to write novels or movie script his pen starts trembling.
43. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger, Thumb and small finger.
44. Daily if he won’t write one line of a novel he get headache. Sometimes he suffers from headphone due to the full of
imagination in his head. Because of that he uses to write cinema script and novels in his cell phone.
45. Writing small novels is just like allergy. So he prefers to write lengthy novels. If he writes small novels people thought
of me that he is a small, common novelist. That’s why he prefers to write lengthy novels.
46. Once he finishes the writing and he don’t have habit to glance again, it’s his confidence. That his writing is correct and
perfect. If tried to re-glance or editing it will be formed 2 stories or novels. But he checks the spelling after being typed in DTP.
47. A writer formally takes 5 to 6 th months to write a novel. But he writes the same within 5 hours, and it consist the quality
as you, found in the novels which are being written in 6 months.
48. In common we have seen two types of writers in this world. One, is drinker or smoker and the other is fallen is love
having sexual lust. He is too come in this. But he is not drinker and smoker. He get inspiration most from girls beauty, secondly
music next nature, and from long journey. He is give most importance to beauty, For Eg, if there is beautiful girl in front of him
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he is get more inspiration to write, even she is nude either dressed up. Self-confidence is his inspiration. And his happiness is his
49. His mind works fastest than computer. If he start to work on computer, due to abundant and fast use of the computer
itself may harm, he work like as computer. But his mind has no limited and specified Ram. You can ask him about whatever
saved in his mind then he can recapitulate and tell you on the spot.
50. He never write a novel in a weak or more, and he will not write the same in a weak in future also mostly he write a
novel in 5 to 6 days only. In addition in the same span to time if he writes slowly then he will be 400 to 500 pages within 5
hours, 7 hours, and 2 days or 5 to 7 days he can complete a lengthy novel, because he don’t have patience to write slowly.
Whenever he writes novels he has a habit of mentioning the time, date and even minutes and seconds.
51. He wants to tell one fact here that when he was in 6th and 10th class, he just listened to the teaching by the teacher and
passed in 1st rank, 2nd rank and first class. But he hadn’t bought any text books. In exam times he is the first student to complete
the paper before the stipulated time.
52. His mind works in a peculiar manner. If a common man reads anything he can keep in mind at least 10% when he reads
second time he can retain 20%, but when he read once he can retain 75% in his mind, if I read second time the retention will be
53. If you provide him civil service examination books, he will study the whole books in a weak and surely he will get rank
in the said examination.
54. He can tell about the character and psychological behavior of a person when he is see him at first sight, but he take
fraction of seconds to analyze about him and finalize. Whenever he talks on phone to any unknown person he can tell about that
person and situation of the place from where he is talking. Whatever so far he has analyzed about this comes true.
38. Every night there are so many stories flashes in his mind, so thinking on this, he could sleep only 4 to 5 hours daily at
night. If he can’t think, he can’t sleep the whole night.
39. The attitude and behavior of writers are strange and different, but he prefers to be live like a baby. So whoever treats
him as a baby he live with them every time. Because he is a sentimental and emotional person.
40. If he is to be No. 1 writer, you must have to check his all writing strength. If he is writing the novels and short stories
fastest than any other; then it’s doesn’t mean that he is No. 1 writer. There is quality and speed of his writing strength make him
No. 1 writer in the world.
41. This world is being ad ministered by the only two groups of people. The scientist and the writers. They are nothing but
twins. First one writers there after scientist.
42. There is only are god lord Shiva in this universe. And other gods are next to him. In the same way. He wants to be the
only one writer and other should be next to him.
43. When he writes, or his inspiration gets motivation from many things.
44. While writing movie screen play first he write the dialogue then he write the story after that write the one line order and
screen play.
45. Today talented and advanced countries are not playing cricket, whereas if you give him a bat and offered me to play
cricket in national or international matches he can easily face the ball.
46. He has learnt directing the films by watching cinemas, not by working in film industry. He learnt script writing by
listening by someone for a minute or two.
47. He had great ambition of writing Hollywood stories and directing while studying of 5 standards. He would love to write
novels and Hollywood movie stories. It is dead easy write Hollywood movie stories and novels.
48. Only having head phone in his ear and listening music he get inspiration to write the stories as well as novels. Or he
write easily well and inspiration even woofer is on.
49. He never tells a lie. Whenever he thinks of talking his tongue sleeps and whole body shivers because of terror of lie. So
he never talk lie with anyone in his whole life.
50. Suppose God gave me a chance to administer 100 countries as a Prime minister; I have the capacity and power to
administer 100 countries at the same time.
51. As he told he uses to eat 50 – 100 grams of food in a lunch and dinner. He is the lover of non-veg. especially head of
the fish. Otherwise chicken. He has daily eating liquid foods, ice creams, bread and white rice and dhal. And he has very
sensitive, he can’t bear cold, even he can’t bear too much heat of sun. He often suffers from dust allergy, when weather changes
then also the fall sick. So he visits once or twice to hospital for his health checkup. And he was innocent and simple. If anybody
hurt him, it will take one week to overcome from that pain or grief.
52. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
53. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
54. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
16 - GLOBAL Honorable Certificates
4. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write 90 – 150 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write world fastest around 100 to 150 pages)
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14. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 1500 pages of novels within 24 hours.
15. If you give him a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give
him any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 80 – 100 pages.
16. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., He can write world fastest a novel of 80-100 pages within
seven hours on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5,
9, he can write same as told above.
17. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
18. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
19. If you give him 10 to 20 themes at times; He can write on all 2 to 3 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
20. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 2 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 3 to 4 days. Then you can judge.
21. You just give him 30 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write world fastest 100-150 pages of 30 novels it is as easy as he drink
22. He is ask you to call up a group of 8 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
23. If you provide him 10 stenographers he will engage the entire 10 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 10 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 10 different styles. In the
same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 6 different novels.
4. If you provide him 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 150 – 200 pages of novels within 2 hours in a day.
(First paragraph will be given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that
and continues writing with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of
knowledge and having standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write around 100 to 150 pages)
16. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write world fastest 2000 pages of novels within 24 hours.
17. If you give him a glass of water, he can write world fastest novel on it. If you give him a pen, he can write novel on it.
If you give him any title or line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write world fastest a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 200
– 250 pages.
18. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write world fastest a novel of 150-200 pages
within seven hours on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1,
2, 5, 9, he can write same as told above.
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19. He can write world fastest one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
20. He can write world fastest 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
21. If you give him 20 to 40 themes at times; he can write world fastest on all 3 to 4 themes at the same time as your wish
and demand.
22. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 1 to 2 days. Then you can judge.
23. You just give him 50 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can world fastest write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as he drink
24. He is ask you to call up a group of 15 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
25. If somebody gives him a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He will write world fastest 100 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
26. If you give a theme of any animal he can write world most novel on this theme. For example he has already written a
beautify novel on “Fish”. He can write world fastest a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 200 pages.
27. If you provide him 20 stenographers he will engage the entire 20 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.
(We mean he will give work 20 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 20 different styles. In the
same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 10 different novels.
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18 Foundations
o ORG NAME: Sarahu Divine Research Astro Administration®
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Here are some of the most important and pertinent documents; and the combination of all these records made it the new 12 th
Wonder popular in the World. Sarahu’s love of achievement has been proclaimed and declaration is that to the 2018, 2019 as the
12th most Wonder in the world, with the likes of some audience, public opinion and the likes of some companies, social systems
and Sarahu’s 18 Foundations and their 200 Employees. The 18 organization was founded for the same reason.
He wrote 101 lengthy novels when he was 28. All these novels approximately 400 to 500 pages. And even he has written 1500
philosophies, organs, Golden truths, Principles. Apart from that he established new micro nation, new religion and New
Constitutes. Each 21 lengthy Philosophy books are around have 800 pages. These philosophy books are belongs to new
Even, he received ‘50’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the Nobel Prize, and has received Sarahu Awards for his research
works in Novels, Biography, Short Stories, Poetries and some of Philosophies.
Apart from, He received ‘38’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the ‘Oscar’ Prize when he was around 28 years, Sarahu film fare
has awarded him for his magnificent scripts for 1. Baduki Sathanthe! 2. Hello Nikitha, and 3. The Soul is perfect. Even he wrote
these are and makes when he was 24 to 27.
Also, Sarahu film fare has awarded him for his magnificent 35 Hollywood film scripts.
He Received 38 Film Awards from “Sarahu Film Fare Prizes and Media Foundation”
He wrote and Received these are when he was 25 to 29.
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Books Category:
Short Stories
Film Category:
Note: He can write Hollywood scripts within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax, and to create his first
scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years! You can anyone can guess how many years will
they take to create a full movie screenplay? Till now we have explained 10% of his Hollywood Writing Ability 90% is yet to be
Philosophies Category:
Golden Truths
Universal Principles
Universal Organs
Golden Truths – 02
Three Most Organs
Ladies Principles
New Religion
New Constitutes.
New Holy Book
Books Category:
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We make no distinction in CASTE, CREED, RACE, POPULARITY AND AGE as such! We only are in search of good
Authors. The books that you submit to us need not only be in a published form, we also accept in DTP format. WE
DON’T ACCEPT ANY HANDWRITTEN MANUSCRIPTS. But, this is only once in a year opportunity.
Novels Category:
Short Story Category:
1. Nanna Kalpane - 01
2. Nanna Kalpane - 02
3. Nanna Kalpane - 03
4. Mooka Vishmitha
5. Mooka Bhavne
Poetry Category:
: Not Displayed*
Film Category:
We don’t have any barriers towards language as such in scripts, but kindly do submit us a translated version in
English. After are core team discuses and agrees the script, we will take care of making the movie. But, we choose
only one script in different of the category/genre, and it’s only once in a year opportunity.
Cool Sarahu facts -
1. Baduki sathanthe!
2. Hello Nikitha
3. The Soul is Perfect
4. 01 to 38 Hollywood Films
Note: He can write Hollywood scripts within fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax, and to create his first scene of
the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years! You can anyone can guess how many years will they take to
create a full movie screenplay? Till now we have explained 10% of his Hollywood Writing Ability 90% is yet to be explained.
Philosophies Category:
Golden Truths
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Universal Principles
Universal Organs
Golden Truths – 02
Three Most Organs
Ladies Principles
New Micro nation Category:
New Religion
New Constitutes.
New Holy Book
(Descriptions are there couldn’t Displayed)
Please Visit:
18 Foundations
o ORG NAME: Sarahu Divine Research Astro Administration®
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Finally, It was declared a winner of the New 12th Wonder of the World (2018-19) initiative.
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Here are some of the most important and pertinent documents; and the combination of all these records made it the new 13 th
Wonder popular in the World. Sarahu’s love of achievement has been proclaimed and declaration is that to the 2018, 2019 as the
13th most Wonder in the world, with the likes of some audience, public opinion and the likes of some companies, social systems,
Sarahu’s 18 Foundations and their 200 Employees. The 18 organization was founded for the same reason.
Lord Sarahu Nagarazan received 300 different Honorable Doctorate Certificates, 300 different Honorable Doctorate Record
breaking certificates, 300 Honorable Doctorate different Honorable Doctorate certificates and 300 Global Honorable Doctorate
different Award certificates when he was 29. His writing abilities have been so well received by him that he writes every single
line of essay because he writes very well in his writing ability and in the world without anyone else. Since one writing title is a
world record and is later framed as an essay, his writing world records have been announced by PhD. and since one writing title
is a world record and is later framed as an essay, his writing world records have been announced by PhD. He studied one of his
writing World Records for 28 consecutive years, composing a dissertation and his years of experience as a PhD. His writing was
declared the sixth wonder in the world, along with a declaration of Ph.D.
Apart from, He is the only one person in this world to studied in all professions means he has studied PhD books; And
he has written a 21 Essay for PhD. These Essay are; 1) Ladies, 2) Soul, 3) God, 4) Physics, 5) Anthropology, 6) Sexology,
7) Film, 8) Novel, 9) Love, 10) Fate and 11) Philosophy 12) death 13) astrology 14) psychology 15) engineering 16) World
records 17) poetries 18) short stories 19) Hollywood scripts 20) Acting. And 21) Beauty. Whenever he write any Essay, it is
based on him experience and himself knowledge. He never contacted any university or any lecturer or suggestion.
These are already Published through Online Journal to worldwide.
He Received 900 Honorable Doctorates Certificates and 21 Different PhDs Certificates from “Sarahu World Records
University” and 18 Sarahu organizations.
This is the World’s 13th most impressive World Doctorate Honorable Wonder. And based on these different types of Doctorate
Honorable Certificates are sorted in different Records, Doctorate Honorable Certificates.
1. World faster than fastest writer. If you want to examine his ability, you can observe him sitting in front of him. He can
write in even noisy place, he can write keeping headphone and listening songs.
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2. World fastest writer he can write sitting in front of stereo sound with woofer sound, and even he can write sitting in
isolation, it’s his routine. He can write without using headphone. However you tell he can write. Whatever he writes it’s purely
in Kannada language only. Writing novels in Kannada language is quite difficult where as in English it is very easy.
3. Once he put the pen on the paper, he won’t stop writing. He won’t stop a bit for thinking. If you give any single word,
he can write on the same without any stop. It’s not his habit of thinking while writing. There are so many ways. As God knows
everything by his supernatural power; in the same way inspirations and idea comes into his mind spontaneously while he writes
novels. Ex, if you offer him a pen or stone to write a novel, the novel format, foundation and even climax I mean who sketch of
the novel comes into his mind within a fraction of seconds. By chance if he starts to write novels holding pen with lots of
imagination the story of novel will be changed. Suppose holding pen in fingers and writing novel with consuming more time;
even he don’t know in what way it leads me to. There are no instances of writing by thinking in his career ever. So now he is
Mystic person and clairvoyance man. Means he can directly speak to almighty.
4. You can give Hundred crore or UN limited themes (no limitation) at a time he can write on every theme one after
another without stopping the pen. He can write on the spot it without giving any time for thinking. He can start writing on the
given theme frequently without thinking or sketching about the theme.
5. Whichever place you tell he can write the novel in that place and situation only. There is no specific time for me to
write the novels. Whatever he have written here, it has been written honestly and truthfully. You must initiate a theme to write
novels, then he sit along with you and here he promises you that my challenges will surely come true.
6. Day by day his writing strength is on development; writing style and vocabulary is also is developing rapidly. He can’t
imagine to what extent his writing strength and speed will improve. Within 2 to 3 years his writing speed how much increases
we don’t know.
7. World Fastest writing 1000 pages of novel within 24 hours.
8. World Most Super Human) 24 hours continuously world fastest and faster writings of novels, short stories, poetries,
dramas and Screen play of Hollywood and dialogues and stories.
9. He can write World fastest writing 300 pages of novel within 5 hours in a day.
10. You just show anything around us by pointing finger, he can write on the topic 300 pages in five hours only as your
wish. In fact he writes 350 to 400 pages in 5 hours, but because of finger pain he limited his strength to 300 pages.
11. He can write 7 to 10 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
12. If you provide 2 stenographers he will write 450 – 500 pages of novel within 2 hours in a day.(First paragraph will be
given to the first stenographer and second Para to the second person while the first person finishes that and continues writing
with third Para, second stenographer writes the fourth Para so like this novels will be having full of knowledge and having
standard quality presentation. Like this in 2 hours he can write around 450 to 500 pages.)
13. In the same way if you provide 2 stenographers he will write 4500 to 5000 pages of novel within 24 hours.
14. If you give a glass of water, he can write novel on it. If you give a pen, he can write novel on it. If you give any title or
line titles, he can write novel on it. He can write a novel in only 5 hours in a day of 300 pages.
15. If you give a single word like love, friend, death and etc., he can write a novel of 400 pages within seven hours on the
said topic, even if you give a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can write same as
told above.
16. He can write one small story 5 to 7 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
17. He can write in my cell phone 3 pages of novel or short story within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using only
my right hand thumb finger.
18. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages of poetry within 30 minutes.
19. He can write in cell phone 2 pages of novel within half an hour in screen touch mobile, by using only his left hand
thumb finger.
20. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 100 pages of poetry within 2 hours in a day.
21. He can write in computer 5 pages of novel within half an hour. (Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but
he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write novel on a paper. Typing the Kannada language on computer in
more difficult than typing the English language. He doesn’t have computer system in his home. He does his work done whenever
he visit computer centre.)
22. He can write 6 to 8 small stories in one hour only.
23. If you give a crore or UN limited themes at times; he can write on all themes at the same time as your wish and
24. If you give a single word he can write about love, and he can write 5 pages poetry within 30 minutes on the same word
for half an hour without stop. He has capacity of writing poetry as much as pages you can say.
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25. If you give a single word he can write in cell phone 2 to 3 pages of poetry within 25 to 30 minutes in screen touch
mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
26. He can write 2 to 3 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and exclamatory
mark only.
27. He can write 2 pages of short stories within 25 to 30 minutes without full stop, but he used comma and exclamatory
mark only in screen touch mobile, by using only right hand thumb finger.
28. If you give a single character he can write 4 pages of short story within half an hour only.
29. If you give a single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes in screen touch mobile, by using
only right hand thumb finger.
30. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 1000 pages of novel or 5 pages story on this dialogue and he will end it with the
dialogue. but it not consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will write 5 pages
of story within 30 minutes and he can write 1000 pages of novel within 5 hours without any description.
31. If you give a ‘dialogue’ he will write 4 pages of story on this dialogue and he will end it with the dialogue. but it not
consist any description, however how much character you give by using that character, he will write 5 pages of story within 30
minutes in screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
32. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression.
33. He can write every day 50 books of poem series. Each poem book around 60 to 70 pages.
34. If you give him 5 to 10 characters he can write 5 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in
screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
35. If you give him single character he can write 3 pages of short story within 30 minutes only Act of facial expression in
screen touch mobile, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
36. He can write 10 pages of drama within half an hour only.
37. He can write 5 pages of drama within half an hour only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only my right hand
thumb finger.
38. If you give a theme, he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
39. He has a unique quality like he can write 3 pages of story within half an hour only without taking any poss.
40. He can write on the land 40 to 50 meter lengthy story within half an hour only, by using chock.
41. If you give a theme he can tell orally 4 pages of novel or story within half an hour only.
42. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 4 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand thumb finger.
43. If you give me a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel one page each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his left hand thumb finger.
44. If you give a theme he will present same theme in 2 different styles story or novel 2 to 2 pages each within half an hour
only in screen touch mobile phone, by using only his right hand and left hand thumb finger. Means he writes one page from right
hand thumb finger and the same time he write another page from left hand thumb finger.
45. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He can write 3 pages of novel within 25 minutes only.
46. If somebody gives a matter or topic on anything on phone from any part of the world, he will build the novel on the
spot, and you may record it. He will tell even punctuations. You may record it or you may write it. He tells you the novel right
from foundation to climax. He will write 200 pages in only 5 hours on any theme.
47. If you give a theme he can present 10 stories of different there in different style orally.
48. If you give a theme he can present only one theme in 10 different styles at a time.
49. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 1 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it within 5 hours in a day only. Then you can judge.
50. You just give me 50 themes of novels and give him only 10 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 10 days he can write 100-150 pages of 50 novels it is as easy as he drink water.
51. He asks you to call up a group of whole world writer’s one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on
the other side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better?
52. He can write story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours. However you demand he can write in that
style in Hollywood. Example: if you give a subject likes ‘stone’ or ‘stick’ or any other think or you just show anything around us
by pointing finger, he can write on the topic story, screen play, dialogues and scene paper within 4 hours in a day only by pen or
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he tell it orally as your wish. He can write as you say within 4 hours in a day. And he can direct Hollywood movie without
script, it’s my confidence. If you provide an opportunity to write a Hollywood story with any theme he can write it in front of
you spontaneously without giving time for thinking. Lonely without anybody’s help. He can write that Hollywood script within
fraction of second’s right from foundation to climax. And for creating my first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will
take around 20 to 25 years so anyone can guess how many years they take for full movie screenplay?!
53. He can work on writing as like a floor mill work. If you give a theme to write and after finishing it you can give him
another theme he can write spontaneously and continuously without stop.
54. If all the people of the world comes together and builds a short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or
Novel with the help of their imagination, then he can make the story alone comparing to the people of whole world, then you can
decide who have build the short story, Hollywood story, Hollywood screen play or Novel better. And he can defeat Hollywood
script writers only in my small finger. And his imagination power creates a story for every second and a Hollywood story for
every minute.
55. He has a deep imagination power at the time he was studying 5 th The proof for this is the only novels he has written
when he was in the 8th and 9th standard. But, here, there is no provision to explain the summary of said novels. The scope of his
imagination can understand the only those people who have studied his novels, because that novels contains the series of
imaginations and subjects that the Hollywood films can also take inspiration from this work. The translator feels tough to
translate his imaginations in English language.
56. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his left hand pointing finger. And he has
capable of completing in half an hour, the work of 1000 software engineers with the help of his left hand middle finger only. He
can work as a software engineer easily, but he has not software engineer. Even he can draw the civil engineering diagrams
easily. How many talented works are there? He can do all that work. Especially he has interested in doing operation of Kidney,
Heart and Brain etc.
57. You will give 7 hours time on a day any subject he will write novel on that subject. Example any materials or any
things. And you may give him 200 – 300 numbers of pages he will write definitely only for noble prize. He will write any type
of novels that is social theme, science fiction, discoveries and etc.
58. If you give a theme of any animal or bird he can write novel on this theme. For example he has already written a
beautiful novel on “Fish”. He can write a novel in only 7 hours in a day of 400 pages.
59. If you provide him hundred crore stenographers he will engage the entire hundred crore stenographer at a time in
writing different novel to every stenographer.(I mean he will give work hundred crore different stenographer of same topic. He
will present the same novel in hundred crore different styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer
and produce hundred crore different novels.)
60. To write big novel he take only 5 days to complete. (500-600 pages novels. If he writes slowly with rest and play then
he can write 500 -560 pages in an only one week) he can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of one and
half day. If he writes slowly with rest and play then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
61. In the age of 14 – 23 he has written 9 lengthy novels in publishing stage. These novels are approximately it will be 364
to 600 pages. 1) Jeevanmukthi – 500 to 600 pages. 2) Meenina Hejje – 370 to 400 pages, 3) A new universe 0000 – 2; 400 pages,
4) Uru usabari takkondu mullasab soragiddanante – 350 to 400 pages, 5) A new universe 0000 – 1; 400 pages, 6) Ee savu
nyayave – 350 to 380 pages. 8) Nenapideye? – 350 to 400 pages. 9) Hittalina hunase mara – 300 to 350 pages.
62. Marcel Proust contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters (each letter counts as one character. Spaces are also counted,
as one character each) in the year 01/02/1912 he wrote longest novel and did Guinness world record. And to break up his
Guinness world record. But he will write a longest novel having one crore characters. (Each character will contain a dialogue or
a sentence). If you give him any theme he will write it in only a month.
63. He has written books in six months are; 17 = 13 novels and 4 short stories.
64. In the age of 23/24/25/27 he has written 35 novels, 1 book of drama and 5 short stories. And 7, 00,000 books of poem
series. 35+10,00,000+5+1.
65. He can to know that somebody from around the world have made world records in writing novels or short stories within
stipulated period, If he can be offered by someone to break these records; I am sure he can break these records and he can do it
within less time.
66. At a time he can talk with someone and can keep writing the novels in same time. While talking on phone, with
someone, he can keep writing novels with quite concentration in talking and in writing. He can do both work at the same time
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with full confidence and capacity. Means, he hold phone in one hand and talks, and in the other hand he keep writing at the same
67. He has written 2 book of poems of 70 pages without any stanza continues.
68. If you give a single word he can write 150 pages poetry within only an hour.
69. If you give a single word he can write 1 pages of poetry means A4 size paper within 2 minutes only.
70. He wrote or his girl friend about miracle book of poem in idioms style means kind of poetic in first time in this world.
71. When he was in 5rd – 7th standard he wrote two dramas, and two film stories, and also he have written lyrics. He also has
prepared puppets and also he use draw pictures. (Whatever the dramas he have written during 5 th – 7th standard d has not
published, so far, because of some reason but played that two dramas in the my village, 2 cinemas stories and lyrics also not
became cinemas, so far. Now a day’s rarely we can see puppets and clay models, but he can make that puppets and clay model in
front of you, at anytime. He has a good skill and interest in making of puppets.)
72. When he studying at 8 and 9th standard he wrote 4 lengthy novels. But they not published at that time. It was published
when he was 22. The first novel consist 1)A New Universe 0000 – 364 pages, second2) Black Cobra – 253 pages and third one
3) Atithi Devo Bhava! – 251 pages. The remaining one novel is not published; (title: NENAPIDEYE?
73. After his matriculation he knocked the door of Kannada film industry. There he cheated by film writers, directors and
technicians. In at the age of 17 – 20 he has written 2 scripted and directed 1 film as assistant director. In 2012 through NGO one
Kannada movie got take up he was the director but because of some problems if got stopped.
74. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language which consist 7 parts
means 67 chapters. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
75. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” 364 pages demy size in book layout. This
novel contain the words are 63,109. And in whole character (no spaces) 5,02,019. And characters (with spaces) 5,63,985. And
this novel contains 3,471 paragraphs. And lines are 8,128. This novel contains 10,66,004. words or characters. Otherwise in this
novel many more characters are there but the characters are missed by print.) And he has written this novel when he was
studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
76. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language; it consist 13 – 20
themes. These themes are, 1) Science fiction, 2) Fantasy, 3) Love(4 part), 4) Sociological(3 part), 5) Sex, 6) Disseveration,
7) Spiritual, 8)corruption, 9) murder, 10) theft, 11) fraud. 12) Historical 13) Etc… And he has written this novel when he
was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
77. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “A new universe 0000” in Kannada language; there are 90 to 100
characters (roles) in the novel. And he has written this novel when he was studying in 9 th standard, but it was published when he
was 22.
78. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Black Cobra”. 281 pages demy size in book layout. This novel contain
45,374words. And in whole character (no spaces) 3,76,748. And characters (with spaces) 4,23,194. And this novel contains total
1,759 paragraphs. And lines are 5462. This novel total contains 7,99,942 words or characters. And he has written this novel
when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
79. He has published in a one of novel 2010 named “Atithi Devobhava!” 224 pages crown size in book layout. This novel
contain 33,648 words. And in whole character (no spaces) 273,800. And characters (with spaces) 308,510. And this novel
contains total 1,356 paragraphs. And lines are 3,979. This novel total contains 5,82,310 words or characters. And he has written
this novel when he was studying in 9th standard, but it was published when he was 22.
80. If writers from different countries are being called upon a single stage and given a subject to write on the same. He is
being a candidate of India will defeat all writers around the world in writing competition his small finger.
81. Whoever breaks his imagination of his first Hollywood movie is the only No. 1 script writer of Hollywood.
82. When he was studying in 9th standard he had written the novel “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. Whoever breaks up his
record of writing this novel with the level of imagination is the No. 1 Novelist. Who breaks the record of this novel is the only no
1 writer. Hollywood writer takes 25 years to break up imagination chapter 6th and 7th his novel. He is sure if the 6 th, 7th chapter
becomes Hollywood cinema he is sure he will get Hollywood cinema Oskar award. But because of fantasy theme I don’t know
they Oscar academy consider it or not.
83. Aiming at Hollywood cinema he wrote first novel named “A NEW UNIVERSE 0000”. He that novel he is wandering
to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 14. He was able to direct a Hollywood cinema at the age of 18. But his family
background was not good. In this novel we have scenes which make remember us Hollywood cinema, and some of them are
beyond the Hollywood cinema. This is not my comment this is readers comment.)
84. If story writer from all over the world writes five lines, he writes a word. If they write 10 line stories, he will write 1
line. If they do 100 scene of Hollywood cinema, he will do 5 scenes within fraction of seconds.
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85. He will write the screenplay for every type of whole world traditional movie within one hour only. You can keep
explaining story, he will be writing screenplay and dialogue on the spot.
86. If people come from whole world he has the capacity to write a dialogue to each person on the spot.
87. You can provide him any theme; he can present the same in 500 ways. It’s his capacity.
88. Who holds the some world records biggest companies of having written highest novel at the age of 24 – 25 in the
world? He can break these records.
89. He is the only one person in this world to works in all professions; these professions are: 1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3)
Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12)
Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer 15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer,
19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest And 25) Director of the movie.
90. He is the only one person in this world to studied in all professions means he has studied PhD books; And he has
written a 20 books for PhD about these; these books are; 1) Ladies, 2) Soul, 3) God, 4) Physics, 5) Anthropology, 6) Sexology,
7) Film, 8) Novel, 9) Love, 10) Fate and 11) Philosophy and 12) death 13) astrology 14) psychology 15) engineering 16)
World records 17) poetries 18) short stories 19) Hollywood scripts 20) acting. Whenever he write any book, it is based on
him experience and himself knowledge. And he will not keep any PhD books in his home. He never contacted any university or
any lecturer or suggestion.
91. He had conducted a research on physics, geography and geology and he has written a book on this when he was 25
92. He has written 55 principles and 15000 great universal golden truths and he wrote two daily principles and 3 organs and
8 lady principles and some theories when he was 25.
93. World Largest Super Power Human all these records It means 300 world records.
94. We are thinks nobody has his name Sarahu Nagarazan in this world. Because his name is two specialization. There is
no name in this world ‘Sarah Nagarajan’. Expect some ladies name in India. In abroad we saw ‘Sarahu’ names only. But his
name is not like in this world. He is the only one man the name ‘Sarahu Nagarazan’. It is mine defend opinion. Also in his name
‘Nagarazan’ the last letter ‘z’ instead ‘J’.
95. Apart from that his name “Sarahu Nagarazan” is consist of his farher’s name that is Sanna phakkirappa and R-
Rathnamma, his mother. Hu for Hullatti, his village name and his name Nagarazan. Combining Sarahu and Nagarazan it
becomes Sarahu Nagarazan. So it’s peculiar name because it consist of four names so it is peculiar around the world.
1. His imaginations are super natural it can’t think as logical. And his ways of thinking are different. It’s not easy to
comprehend. His imaginations are endless and infinite. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to know it in 3 rd standard
and this is because of his horoscope. His horoscope consist specialty like that.
2. He is in the 2nd position in the world who have achieved at the age of 25.
3. He has worked in almost all professions and he is the No. 1 in every field in this world. He is the only one person in this
world to works in all professions.
4. He is the 2nd person in super natural power in this world.
5. He is in the 1st rank in this world in fastest writing.
6. He is in the 1st position in the world in writing strength.
7. He is in the 1st in other types of writing work in this world.
8. He is in the 3rd person in the world who has done great advantages having less education.
9. He can’t put the imaginations on the paper as fast as it comes in his mind. His mind works fast than his pen. So he often
feels pain in fingers while he tries to match the speed of his mind to the speed of his writings.
10. While he sits to write a novel, and keep developing it, this novel spreads into two novels, and both becomes separate
fully fledged novels. Whenever he uses to write Hollywood script it always becomes two separate full-fledged scripts with
different themes.
11. He has no patience to explain the story to the technicians and he doesn’t have a habit of writing scripts on the paper. He
makes the ready in his mind scene by scene with dialogues. And he uses to tell the producers and technicians only 5 -6 scenes
only, on that basis they understand the whole script and his imagination strength. This is his custom of Hollywood movies.
12. When he uses to write novels or movie script his pen starts trembling.
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13. Pertaining to the writing works, he can defeat the writers of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger. And he
can rotate the literature world in his pointing finger. And pertaining to the science works, he can defeat the scientist of rest of the
whole world by only his Thumb finger. And pertaining to the other technical means civil engineering, software engineering and
other talented works, he can defeat the peoples of rest of the whole world by only his pointing finger, Thumb and small finger.
14. Daily if he won’t write one line of a novel he get headache. Sometimes he suffers from headphone due to the full of
imagination in his head. Because of that he uses to write cinema script and novels in his cell phone.
15. Writing small novels is just like allergy. So he prefers to write lengthy novels. If he writes small novels people thought
of me that he is a small, common novelist. That’s why he prefers to write lengthy novels.
16. Once he finishes the writing and he don’t have habit to glance again, it’s his confidence. That his writing is correct and
perfect. If tried to re-glance or editing it will be formed 2 stories or novels. But he checks the spelling after being typed in DTP.
17. A writer formally takes 5 to 6th months to write a novel. But he writes the same within 5 hours, and it consist the quality
as you, found in the novels which are being written in 6 months.
18. In common we have seen two types of writers in this world. One, is drinker or smoker and the other is fallen is love
having sexual lust. He is too come in this. But he is not drinker and smoker. He get inspiration most from girls beauty, secondly
music next nature, and from long journey. He is give most importance to beauty, For Eg, if there is beautiful girl in front of him
he is get more inspiration to write, even she is nude either dressed up. Self-confidence is his inspiration. And his happiness is his
19. His mind works fastest than computer. If he start to work on computer, due to abundant and fast use of the computer
itself may harm, he work like as computer. But his mind has no limited and specified Ram. You can ask him about whatever
saved in his mind then he can recapitulate and tell you on the spot.
20. He never write a novel in a weak or more, and he will not write the same in a weak in future also mostly he write a
novel in 5 to 6 days only. In addition in the same span to time if he writes slowly then he will be 400 to 500 pages within 5
hours, 7 hours, and 2 days or 5 to 7 days he can complete a lengthy novel, because he don’t have patience to write slowly.
Whenever he writes novels he has a habit of mentioning the time, date and even minutes and seconds.
21. He wants to tell one fact here that when he was in 6th and 10th class, he just listened to the teaching by the teacher and
passed in 1st rank, 2nd rank and first class. But he hadn’t bought any text books. In exam times he is the first student to complete
the paper before the stipulated time.
22. His mind works in a peculiar manner. If a common man reads anything he can keep in mind at least 10% when he reads
second time he can retain 20%, but when he read once he can retain 75% in his mind, if I read second time the retention will be
23. If you provide him civil service examination books, he will study the whole books in a weak and surely he will get rank
in the said examination.
24. He can tell about the character and psychological behavior of a person when he is see him at first sight, but he take
fraction of seconds to analyze about him and finalize. Whenever he talks on phone to any unknown person he can tell about that
person and situation of the place from where he is talking. Whatever so far he has analyzed about this comes true.
25. His feelings are antique. At a time one side his feelings are talking or involved with somebody, the other feelings works
on some other matter which forms a novel. And his feelings can’t be understood by anybody it can be easily understand by the
one and only God.
26. He has not read any novels or any stories. Because he has no patience and time and interest to read others novels or
stories or articles. And he will not kept – any books in his home. He is abundant of many knowledge of writing. He read rarely
the about God only.
27. He always in imagination in sleeping and also use to keep ear phone and thinking about many matters. He is not free
mind at any time. But he will not write these stories on the spot, he keeps it in his mind, and he will use it whenever and
wherever necessary while writing.
28. Nobody taught him operating computer and typing but he can type Kannada words in computer, as fast as he can write
novel on a paper. Typing the kannada language on computer in more difficult than typing the English language.
29. He is sometimes not writes a complete novel, instead he write a time of a novel as a reference because of shortage of
time. He makes DTP of it on that time he take that one line of reference and on the basis that line only he can elaborate the
novel. He can write any time novels or script in his mobile phone and in his mind.
30. He tells the sentences of novel with the help of his memory power, and typewriter keeps writing whatever he tell. Now
a day he is writing novels in this way only.
31. Anybody says sometimes or instructed it will remain in his memory forever, it can’t be deleted ever. If you ask any
incident happened before 100 – 200 years or past life events he can recall and about that incident in detail.
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32. As he write 300 pages in an hour, so many people NGO’S, press and TV media came to examine his writing strength,
they given him a topic to write in 15 to 20 minutes. He did the same within that time. All these short stories now became a book
of short story.
33. He has much anger, but it spoils within fraction of seconds. But now he is mild man and changed man. No bad words
come out of my tongue, pride, arrogance, selfishness and anger all these have presented to the god. That’s why living beings are
different but the hunger is the same, isn’t it?
34. He can prepare so many movie story stories but he will not explore all those things, instead he will display, which is
required for the people or world.
35. Every night there are so many stories flashes in his mind, so thinking on this, he could sleep only 4 to 5 hours daily at
night. If he can’t think, he can’t sleep the whole night.
36. The attitude and behavior of writers are strange and different, but he prefers to be live like a baby. So whoever treats
him as a baby he live with them every time. Because he is a sentimental and emotional person.
37. If he is to be No. 1 writer, you must have to check his all writing strength. If he is writing the novels and short stories
fastest than any other; then it’s doesn’t mean that he is No. 1 writer. There is quality and speed of his writing strength make him
No. 1 writer in the world.
38. This world is being ad ministered by the only two groups of people. The scientist and the writers. They are nothing but
twins. First one writers there after scientist.
39. There is only are god lord Shiva in this universe. And other gods are next to him. In the same way. He wants to be the
only one writer and other should be next to him. When he writes, or his inspiration gets motivation from many things.
40. While writing movie screen play first he write the dialogue then he write the story after that write the one line order and
screen play.
41. Today talented and advanced countries are not playing cricket, whereas if you give him a bat and offered me to play
cricket in national or international matches he can easily face the ball.
42. He has learnt directing the films by watching cinemas, not by working in film industry. He learnt script writing by
listening by someone for a minute or two.
43. He had great ambition of writing Hollywood stories and directing while studying of 5 standards. He would love to write
novels and Hollywood movie stories. It is dead easy write Hollywood movie stories and novels.
44. Only having head phone in his ear and listening music he get inspiration to write the stories as well as novels. Or he
write easily well and inspiration even woofer is on.
45. He never tells a lie. Whenever he thinks of talking his tongue sleeps and whole body shivers because of terror of lie. So
he never talk lie with anyone in his whole life. Suppose God gave me a chance to administer 100 countries as a Prime minister; I
have the capacity and power to administer 100 countries at the same time.
46. As he told he uses to eat 50 – 100 grams of food in a lunch and dinner. He is the lover of non-veg. especially head of
the fish. Otherwise chicken. He has daily eating liquid foods, ice creams, bread and white rice and dhal. And he has very
sensitive, he can’t bear cold, even he can’t bear too much heat of sun. He often suffers from dust allergy, when weather changes
then also the fall sick. So he visits once or twice to hospital for his health checkup. And he was innocent and simple. If anybody
hurt him, it will take one week to overcome from that pain or grief.
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6. If you give him a single word like love, friend, death and etc., He can write a novel of 80-100 pages within seven hours
on the said topic, even if you give him a single letter like A, B, R, F or any from alphabet and numbers like 1, 2, 5, 9, he can
write same as told above.
7. He can write one small story 2 to 3 pages in 15 to 20 minutes.
8. He can write 4 to 3 small stories in one hour.
9. If you give him 10 to 20 themes at times; He can write on all 2 to 3 themes at the same time as your wish and demand.
10. Just bring on all famous writers from the world and give same theme for all of us, you can find out whose imagination
is better. If they take 2 week for writing 200 to 400 pages. He just finishes it off in 3 to 4 days. Then you can judge.
11. You just give him 30 themes of novels and give him only 20 days’ time and you may give 100-150 numbers of pages he
will write and finish those novels only in 20 days he can write 100-150 pages of 30 novels it is as easy as he drink water.
12. He is ask you to call up a group of 8 writers one side, and ask them to write a novel or Hollywood script on the other
side he will write the novel on the same theme. Later you can judge who has scripted better and taken less time if anybody.
13. If you provide him 10 stenographers he will engage the entire 10 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.(I mean he will give work 10 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 10
different styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 6 different novels.
14. He can write a drama of 10 hour in 45 hour only.
15. To write big novel he take only one 10 days to complete. (300-400 pages novels. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write 300 -400 pages in a only one week.)
16. He can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of 3 days. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
17. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
18. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
19. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
15. If you provide him 20 stenographers he will engage the entire 20 stenographer at a time in writing different novel to
every stenographer.(I mean he will give work 20 different stenographer of same topic. He will present the same novel in 20
different styles. In the same way he can give different topic to every stenographer and produce 10 different novels.
16. He can write a drama of 10 hour in 40 hour only.
17. To write big novel he take only one 10 days to complete. (500-600 pages novels. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write 500 -560 pages in a only one week.)
18. He can write the novels on all kinds of themes within a short period of two days. If he writes slowly with rest and play
then he can write 300 -340 pages in a day.
19. He can write 4 to 5 pages of drama within 20 minutes.
20. World largest 10 lakh books of poem series for love – Each poem books has 60 to70 pages.
21. World biggest 36 world records for love and from love when he was 22 years.
22. World largest 1500 pages epic book for love when he was 27.
23. World most super human in fastest and faster writings novel, poems short story and Hollywood stories.
24. World most 55 golden truths when he was 25.
25. World biggest 1500 pages of epic book for love.
26. World largest 10 years penance for love.
27. World largest poem series titles 1 to 50,000 (2) parts for love.
28. World largest poem parts 30,000 parts about love.
29. World largest GW records denied for 25 times (rejected) when he was 25 to 26.
30. World largest poems and stanzas about his love.
31. World largest upload 46 videos in six months to YouTube about love when he was 28.
32. World largest submitted to Record Setter (America) about love for 30 times in two years.
33. World largest philosopher and philosophies 15,000 philosophies from love – when he was 26 years.
34. World most and biggest world 20 PhDs books written for love when he was 25.
35. World largest 20 professional jobs performed from love when he was 25.
36. World first time established the cloister of world big principality about his love.
37. World first time and largest every day distributes divine water, Divine coconut and praline to devotees for love when he
was 27.
38. World first time established big Uma Suma memorable charitable trust of love when he was 25.
39. World most and first time changed his village name Hullatti to Shivaalaya Love.
40. World largest 55 lengthy novels when he was 24 years. In Outstanding and underwriting stage 100 novels when he was
41. World first time he is telling astrology fortune for love.
42. World first time and biggest Shiva lingam statue established for his love.
43. World most and biggest Hollywood stories and screen plays from love.
44. World largest and first time 4 lakh books of poem series he wrote for aunty.
45. World first time beautifully lord shiva temple established for love.
46. World largest and first time 4 lakh books of poem series wrote for girl.
47. World largest poems 30 lengthy papers for example it’s like in textiles shirting role. Every page consists of Width 49
inches and length 38 to 40 inches and 114 to 120 lines are there in a single page (20 papers) for love.
48. World largest Architecture diagrams for love.
49. World longest written its some poems especially in 20 lengthy papers for example it’s like in textiles shirting role.
Every page consists of Width 49 inches and length 38 to 40 inches and 114 to 120 lines are there in a single page (20 papers).
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50. World largest 100 lengthy novels when I was 24 years. In Outstanding and underwriting stage 100 novels for love.
51. World most and smallest lord Shiva statue established for love.
52. World largest managing designated post in a company for love.
53. World largest recommended letters and collected for love.
54. World largest notary by affidavit witness for love wonder.
55. World most designers/ maker in Homa Havana for love.
56. World largest Homa Havana numbers of 100 only in six months from love.
57. World largest world record company including many more deeds.
58. World most Goddess Shri Chowdeshwari statue established for love.
59. World largest 09 World record LLP companies and worldwide some organizations for love. These are…
1) Sarahu World Records.
2) Sarahu World Philosophical Organization.
3) Sarahu Awards.
4) Sarahu World Records University.
5) Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration. “Sisbra”
6) Sarahu Online Story Reading.
7) Divine power master Om Shri Sarahu Naga Yogi Cloister of world big Principality – Society.
8) Uma Suma Memorial Charitable Trust.
9) Sarahu Divine Astro-Vision organization.
10) Sarahu Movie Direction.
11) Sarahu Press.
12. Sign-Micronation-Sanahi.
13. Sarahu Film Fare Media And Foundation.
14. Sarahu Associates.
15. Sarahu New 07 Wonders of the World.
16. Sarahu New 06 Universal Wonders.
17. Sarahu Philosophical Research Administration.
18. Sarahu New 07 Human Wonders of the World.
1. World most When he was studying in primary and high school stage he is draw the pictures of gods and natures seen
and others pictures and also he make statues and puppets by using clay. He was perfect in art also from 5 th class onwards. He was
much interested in sports in elementary level he participated in 100 meter running and relay and always he came first.
2. World most super talented; usually he is free minded person that he wouldn’t attend class daily, he used to roam with
my friends in forest. When he was 4 th and 5th Once HM and teachers came to his home and took me to school, he scared them by
showing knife and made them go back. Once early morning some friends came and tied him through rope and took to school. He
admitted to Loyola private hostel, he used to Government school only. He completed 6 and 7 th in his home town. After that he
shifted to karwar district Mundagod “Loyola Private school” and hostel to complete his high school, completing 8 th, he couldn’t
adjust to the environment of that school, so again came back to home town, finished his 9 and 10 th in Bychavalli which is 6 km
far from my home.
3. World most pen name; people are thinking that ‘Sarahu’ as his pen name, but it’s not his pen name; actually his pen
name is my girlfriends name as “Uma – Suma”.
4. World most when he was 5th standard he wrote a drama of 3 hour. And when he was completed 7 th standard he wrote
another drama of 4 hours, and also he acted in both dramas. Which arranged by itself in our street.
5. World most he was willing to read further but because of critical conditions of his home and two important aims of
novels and making cinemas, had made him to stop his education. He got supernatural power by birth, but he came to know it in
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3rd When he was in 3rd standard he got illumination of writing. And finally in 2000 while he was studying 6 th standard he got
illumination of writing novel. On August 14, afternoon 3 ‘0’ clock in the class room.
6. Now he is 28 years old. Birth date 01 – 06 – 1988, his father died on 25 – 08 – 2012. Now my family consists of two
members my mother and myself. He doesn’t know what race or religions I belong to, but you can identify me by him name, that
to which race or religion he belongs to. Basically he is from Hullatti, Hanagal – Tq. Haveri District, Karnataka state, India. And
his mother tongue is Telugu. He, his mother, his relations and communicates in Telugu in his home and my village. But he
studied in kannada medium school in Karnataka. He has studied matriculation. He is not any graduate or post graduate, but
people thought me that he might be M.A or other graduate by seeing his writing works. He had dropped out from school after his
7th standard, but his mother admitted in hostel forcibly, that’s why he studies till matriculation. His mother’s ambition is to give
good education to him but because of his family economic problem, he stopped his education and went to capital city Bangalore.
Before that when he was in 4th and 5th standard his father often beat me because he remain absents from school. At this age he
uses to watch TV serials and films in neighboring. On those days there was only 4 or 5 TV’s in that big village. We have to do
work in their homes and then they allowed us to watch TV. On those days his imaginations took shape.
7. He hasn’t went for 1 and 2nd standard, directly admitted to class 3 rd, his knowledge of writing started from that moment.
When he was studying 3rd and 4th standard he use to go to coffee estate in Chickkamagalore district and Madikeri, Kodagu district
Karnataka state, India. Due to economic problem his community people use to go coffee estates for work. Nature of that coffee
estate was beautiful and peaceful. The talent of writing movies story was improved from here.
8. There was pre-primary school in our village by name “Balwadies”. When he was in Balwadi he learned acting. There
was cultural activity programme use to hold often in balwadies. As he was in 6th and 7th standard the skill of acting in himself was
matured more. As he admitted to hostel, he performed dramas with hostel – mates, also wrote and directed dramas and plays in
hostel as well as school. He has the experience of writing and performing dramas right from pre – primary school up to 8 th At the
age of 5 – 6 he had prepared statue of Ganesh by mud, also made some puppets and statues by using mud. He loves to make
Ganesha using mud.
9. For create his first scene of the Hollywood movie other writers will take around 20 to 25 years! You can anyone can
guess how many years will they take to create a full movie screenplay?
10. His ambition is to become a world number one novelist and script writer of Hollywood. Now he is about to become
world number one novelist. Then World will tell who is the number one script writer after watching his first Hollywood cinema.
11. World largest Work Experience Jobs: 1) Dramatist, 2) Author, 3) Novelist, 4) Poet, 5) Physicist, 6) Scientist, 7) Geo
physicist, 8) Philosopher, 9) Sexologist, 10) Anthropologist, 11) Actor, 12) Script writer, 13) Astronomer, 14) Cinematographer
15) Psychiatrist, 16) Architect, 17) Software engineer, 18) Civil engineer, 19) Astrologer, 20) Painter, 21) Farmer, 22) metallic
polisher, 23) Yogi, 24) Priest And 25) Director of the movie.
12. He can write Hollywood story screen play within only one hour in a day. Sometimes he can write a Hollywood script
within a half an hour. Means, however his sense works, he writes in the same way. Sometimes when he is feeling trouble, it
takes a day to write Hollywood script.
13. Practical Experiment of World: When he got enlightened about god he must practical experiment of world. There are
so many ways; first he did experiment of death, Born Prostitution, Pain, Poor, and Rich after Ladies, Soul, God, Physics,
Anthropology, Sexology, Film, Novel, Love, Fate and Philosophy. And he has done for these subjects PhD. Apart from
that I am doing fortune astrology and practical experiments of world. But that is yet not endless. Every day he is
practical experiment of world.
14. Writing Capacity: he has written a novel since 10 – 15 days especially for getting noble prize. Suppose if keep writing
a novel for a month it will bifurcates into 3 to 5 novels within that novel. So he tries to complete it in less than 10 – 15 days
period. He thinks this time is much for me. Not only noble prize. He means which are prizes in this world which he gets
definitely. Already he has completed for 9 novels and 15 novels noble and international prizes. This was written when he was 22
– 23.
15. His enemy is death. So he will fight against death and find remedies to death. He will write many more novels about
this. When he was five year old he was suffered from fever he went hospital with his parents, he saw lot patients in the hospital.
He saw drinkers lying down on the roads. Mean while he went to coffee estate. When he is studying 5th standard his grandfather
was died by natural death. And when he is studying 8th standard his cousin was died by heart attack when he was 8 year old.
From then ‘death’ left serious effect on him. It effects on him and he tried finding remedy for death by writing the lengthy novel
by name “black cobra”, at the age of 14 years.
16. World lowest education he went to school from 6th standard directly. He spent his 3rd, 4th and 5th standard in coffee
estate with him parents. He got education for only 5 years.
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17. When he was returning from coffee estate to home when he was 5th standard, his grandfather died. He can’t even able
to see his dead body. These all social evils and incidents impact him seriously. In the same way he failed find the solution for
death. Some here he may get remedy for death; by writing the lengthy novel by name “remedy for death”, at the age of 14 years.
18. He is not able to find out the solution for death. With this he tried to stop prostitution, because Mukta one of his Aunt
from karwar district Mundgod, he fell in love with her; she also started to love him. She has two children 1 boy and 1 girl. After
some day he came to know that she is a prostitute woman. But still he is not able to forget her. Because he is emotional boy.
That’s why he started to stop prostitution. But after some day he understand what prostitution. It is not wrong. It is one of the
manners. There are two types of prostitution. One is because of lust, secondly for money. In fact prostitution for money is not
wrong it is their job. Prostitution is wrong which one for fulfillment of physical desire is.
19. Finally when he was 22 He got illumination of world. And At the age of 22 when he is writing the novel “joy of self-
realization”, a 500 pages novel. He was enlightened about god.
20. World lengthy novel for his father about death by writing the lengthy novel by name “EE SAAVU NYAYAVE”, at the
age of 21 years.
21. He has writes in a one of novel 2010 named “Jeevanamukthi” when he was 22. This novel contain the words are
63,109. And in whole character (no spaces) 5,02,019. And characters (with spaces) 5,63,985. And this novel contains 3,471
paragraphs. And lines are 8,128. This novel contains 10,66,004. words or characters
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21. ‘World fastest writer in poetries.’ He got title as when he was 23.
22. ‘World fastest writer in dramas’. He got title as when he was 23.
23. ‘World fastest writer in Hollywood/films stories.’ He got title as when he was 23.
24. ‘World fastest philosopher’. He got title as when he was 23.
25. ‘World best scientist.’ He got title as when he was 25.
26. World most super human of the world.’ He got title as when he was 22.
28. World largest record 300 certificates getting when he was 29.
29. World largest 300 awards when he was 29.
30. World largest 300 honorable certificates when he was 29.
31. World ‘faithful human’ he got when he was 29.
32. World ‘measurable’ human he got when he was 29.
33. World most ‘breakable human’ he got when he was 29.
34. World most ‘standards bale human’ he got when he was 29.
35. World most ‘verifiable human’ he got when he was 29.
36. World most ‘one variable human’ he got when he was 29.
37. World most ‘global human’ he got when he was 29.
38. World most ‘based on one variable human’ he got when he was 29.
39. World most ‘the best in the world human’ he got when he was 29.
40. World best novel or story reader he got title as when he was 25.
41. World most variable write when he was 28.
42. World most qualitable writer when he was 28.
43. World largest 300 Records when he was 27.
44. World largest 300 awards when he was 27.
45. World largest 300 honorable certificates when he was 27.
46. His mind work or running to thousand units at a minute.
47. World largest internet text subject to about his company.
48. He wrote 1000 TB text to unique words in a day only when he was 29.
49. Best Novel – Baduki Sathanthe!
50. Best Novel – Halooru Kariyappa
51. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-1
52. Hittalamane Shankranna -1
53. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -2
54. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -3
55. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -4
56. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -5
57. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -6
58. Best Novel – Hittalamane Shankranna -8
59. Best Novel – Meenina Hejje
60. Best Novel – Haluru Kariyappa-2
61. Best Novel – Uru Usubari Thakkondu Mullasab Soragiddananthe!
62. Best Novel – Jeevanmukthi
63. Best Novel – Ee Savu Nyayave?
64. Best Novel – Muttadiddare Nannane Geleya!
65. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-2
66. Best Novel – Atithi DevoBhava!-3
67. Best Novel – Hittalina Hunase Mara.
18 Foundations
o ORG NAME: Sarahu Divine Research Astro Administration®
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Finally, It was declared a winner of the New 13th Wonder of the World (2018-19) initiative.
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Here are some of the most important and pertinent documents; and the combination of all these records made it the new 14 th
Wonder popular in the World. Sarahu’s love of achievement has been proclaimed and declaration is that to the 2018, 2019 as the
14th most Wonder in the world, with the likes of some audience, public opinion and the likes of some companies, social systems,
Sarahu’s 18 Foundations and their 200 Employees. The 18 organization was founded for the same reason.
Lord Sarahu Nagarazan, discoveries expands over 200 in Physics, 100 in Astronomy, 50 in Geology, 50 Zoology, some of 100
Psychology, 50 Medicine, 50 Sexology, and 50 Anthropology and has a wide expanse of over 15,000 Scientific Philosophies
He received ‘260’ Sarahu Awards, in comparison to the Nobel Prize, and has received Sarahu Awards for his research works in
Physics, Psychology, Astronomy, Biology, Zoology, Medicine and Literature when he was 25. Sarahu has total fifty (50) awards
for ‘PSYCHOLOGY’ has been awarded by research alone. Also, he has total Hundred (100) awards for ‘PHYSICS’ are awarded
by research alone. Also, he has total Fifty (50) awards for ‘ASTRONOMY’ is awarded by research alone. Also, he has total 03
(three) awards for ‘GEOLOGY’ are awarded by research alone. Also, he has total 10 (Ten) awards for ‘BIOLOGY’ are awarded
by research alone. Also, he has total 10 (Ten) awards for ‘ZOOLOGY’ are awarded by research alone. Also, he has total 05
(five) awards for ‘MEDICINE’ are awarded by research alone. Also, he has total 01 (0NE) award for ‘COSMOLOGY’ and 05
‘Sexology’ and 05 ‘MEDICINE’ is awarded by research alone.
Even he written some of Thesis for Science; these are all have the Ph.D. These are all Published Online Journal.
13. The Sarahu Honorary Doctorate Sexology of Woman’s Under Commercial Sexiest
14. The Sarahu Honorary Doctorate Humanity and Soul activity of after death Causes
He Received 260 Science Awards from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Psychology Category:
1. 50 Psychology Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Physics Category:
2. 100 Physics Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Astronomy Category:
3. 50 Astronomy Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Biology Category:
4. 10 Biology Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Zoology Category:
5. 10 Zoology Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Geology Category:
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6. 03 Geology Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Cosmology Category:
1. 01 Cosmology Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Sexology Category:
2. 05 Sexology Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Medicine Category:
3. 05 Medicine Awards he received from “Sarahu International Space and Bio Research Administration and
Sarahu Awards”
Architecture Category:
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Astrology Category:
He Received 20 Astrology Science Awards from “Sarahu Divine Astro Research Administration”
Philosophy Category:
He Received 100 Philosophical Research Awards from “Sarahu Philosophical Research Administration”
Piece Category:
He Received 100 Piece Awards from “ Sarahu Philosophical Research Administration and Sarahu
18 Foundations
o ORG NAME: Sarahu Divine Research Astro Administration®
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“Research Projects”
Birth of living beings originated based on the Earthy weather conditions on trees, plants, bushes running rivers air rain floods
all related movements universal livings and non-living, humans failures and singes, accidents, weak mental state, father, mother,
mother in laws father in law fatal deaths.
Frequently changes in speech tongue of humans and after black and white human’s evolution also for days, night’s month’s
planets and Astro signs. So life on Mars and other planets life as had Mars having living beings sustaining. In the beginning of
Earth formed by the rejection of chemicals matters lined by inhaling carbon dioxide and loosed on masses. Livings being on
Earth were varying not seen by man and vibration.
Living beings on Mars do not accept radio signals and technical messages send to Mars from Earth. Living beings on Mars are
invisible to the bare eyes. Microscopes and any X rays they losses Mars are like devils invisible beings similar to their negative
charge change seen unseen on Earth.
In separation masses can happiness unsatisfied wheatear the pollution of a place for black magic, defeat in horoscope appear to
be effect of Banamathi (black magic). But it is not that it is the effect of defeat ill effects of planets and weakness.
In the common man also have divine power, there are mainly 4 verities on the same we see two types of learners lot difference
between common man divine power and mantras or Earthy aspect divine power and Maya. Devils and demon have more
power than god they are bad spirits. They are aspect between devils and characters and have more powers, have in the fight with
soul. Devils and gods, devils only get victories, power aspected by demon are stronger then strengthen aspect God.
Out of four godly spirits first one understands all the past, future and present happening. Where in nature secret is hidden. In the
seconds one there will be brittle knowledge about past, future and present and nature’s hidden strength divine power missing out
of Tung 3rd here is little difference from first two powers. We get idea in dreams about powers is hidden in words. First one
power appears like cinemas pictures, 3D knowledge this 3d knowledge is called extra super power. 4 th power is chanting mantras
of pooja and worship daily this will energize in your body. In common man 3rd and 4th divine powers seen in the common man.
First two divine power emerging from mantras and Maya what were called special divine power first is related to god and second
to divine power of saint and Sadhu’s.
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Astrologers who predict future do not relate to person they predict the whole summary based on 12 names of Moon planets of
mid-day Asc, stars and Zodiac signs in which they came this type of prediction applies to very few out of thousand. If carefully
study is one on Asc, Stars, Planets position etc. 80% of future is prediction is covered.
Few will get result from god and some does not get results, then naturally they become ominipetaninet. What is the reason a
disciple can and prays to god to tell him his difficulties of life. God who accepts that request or the any such hundred problems
may bless is disciple or not may be one out of hundred get blessings other may not.
For ex: I will use my own experience tried enough to get my fiancée, I lost hope in all direction, I took the help of my gods to
get my fiancée by chanting of mantras, but my god failed to get fiancée and there family member is getting married. All gods
failed in getting my fiancée and family member, brother, father to accept my love and marry to my fiancée. Apart so many three
crore gods failed found is impossible.
But devotees got blessings from God in the sadhana instantly, the year on new Moon or full Moon day 11 th or 12th or such other
auspices day disciple were blessed with help of star and star singe and such other horoscope the same thing happened in my life.
I was not blessed by even three crore gods my small prayer was not cleared.
Crores of disciple at a time with the knowledge of stars planets and astronomical routes get blessings from gods souls of saints
and Sadhu’s have spirits of gods in their heart and spread all over their body to get blessings from gods we have to wait.
For a man or animal to show anger astronomical both forces are influence and position are responsible for man or animal to
exhibit anger ex: Moon on Venus makes anything to exhibit anger on their land Venus look at Moon, the same anger will come
down and feels same for what has happened. Such cases or same in these will cause such situation.
Planets are high power they are god, air, fire, water storm and all bad elements also in nature. Special elements and molecules in
nature make special creatures reason for this in nature which changes continuously by means nature and planets depend and react
on each other. Birth of anything has far and opposite effect and become cause of new life which is a bad effect on us planets
appear in and around.
Planets are around would have been square or otherwise if it were to be square there it would be evoke behave and no survival of
beings. Because they are round because of some unknown spirits because of this they rotate in fixed path and remain stable in
their surface of the planets become round then if it here not circular because of rotation whatever extra out of roundness was
there has gone out and burnt.
Planets have their own gravity attraction to attract each other in such a way neither they came together not get away from each
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When Mercury planet causes in comes in Purva Bhadrapada pada Star pada (stage) 4 will indulge in illegal sexual activity there
will be illegal sex with servants and third class persons.
In Aries Ashwini star pada (stage) 2 and Saturn in Uttara Bhadrada pada (stage) 4 and Mars looks at there will be airplane
A solitary, Chaturdashi (4th place in lunar) new Moon or full Moon on Dasami (10th place in lunar) new Moon or full Moon day.
On this hypnotism, accident defeat losses will occur in the month of February, March, May, August October, November,
December, Stars and mantras will get more energy.
Stars dates, weeks, Tithi (lunar day) are important they are basic there will be differ and gaps in the intelligence between the
people of the country and other country.
They are responsible of birth of handicapped children.
For getting cheated birth and death everything depends on planets.
That days stars Tithi (lunar day) planets and time are responsible for the disturbance of mind or success of work achievement
responsible for loose and talks which are not dependable
For all the success months that days Asc Tithi (lunar day) are good February, March, May, August October, November,
December, also full Moon to new Moon day are precious.
Pregnant of woman give birth that calculated date for some woman delivery will be delay some delivery will be early some may
have to undergo caesarean such things will depends on lagna and movement of planes this happens till Moon goes to particular
sign or stars and touches its orbit for this reason woman will know together suffer from interrupted pain or both continuously or
today’s or even more..
Project summary: example: On the 10/03/2014 Moola Nakshtra 2 falls Krishna paksha 2 nd Tithi(lunar day), a pregnant
woman gets delivery pain delivers in her house delivery took place in hospital or house does not matter what matters is birth
place altitude and latitude to decide about fate of the baby born. In this moola Nakshtra day it falls in Sagittarius (Dhannusa
Rashi) based on this two or three Nakshtras cover one Rashi.
Apart from Rashi signs we have to take lagna into account we have to note these aspects at the time of birth of a baby, Nakshtras
Rashi and lagans, here birth of baby then if a woman suffer from pain to deliver, has tolerate till particular Nakshtras Rashi and
lagna aspects the birth of a baby in normal course this does not apply in case of caesarean delivery.
For a woman delivery pain starts say at 10 am but actual delivery takes place when moola Nakshtra falls in Sagittarius
(Dhannusa Rashi) and lagna as pada the Rashi. Till such time any pregnant woman had to suffer from delivery pain till such
Earth and other planets or asteroids and constellations are integral parts of the Sun. Rahu (north lunar node solar eclipse) Kethu
(southern lunar node, lunar eclipse) lagan (ascendant) is also an integral part of the Sun.
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The planets are moving from one direction to the other, and are trapped in the sun. The sun's domination restrains them from
moving again. This is why colorful planets look different.
Colorful planets that is entertaining because they have different planets and come with moving planets, so different kinds of life
or living organisms. They are equally challenging to the humans.
There are also different planets orbiting humans as well as other life forms in the cosmos as well as other planets orbiting
humans. Back to their preferred location.
Planets only a few planets, such as the Sun's prime organs, are taken into account. The rest of the planets are not integral parts of
the Sun.
Planets, asteroids, and asteroids are being created in the same way that climatic life is taking place in our atmosphere. But there
is one lord of the respective planets that is created. Like a father mother for kids. They are integral parts of the respective planets.
As we have seen the diversity in life forms in terms of soil quality on the planet, we are also seeing diversity on the planets. New
planets are being created in a similar climate. But the planets are not created from the same particle at the source. Even in the
same way as man, there are different types of planets, asteroids, etc.
Compared to the people of China and the people of South Africa and its climate, there is a different climate and ancestry. But
one of them is different in intelligence than the other. Because of the climate in the respective countries and sectors. Also, Earth,
Mars, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter will be created according to the climate of the solar system. But they are not separated from
other planets. Separate planets do not appear.
Solar orbit must be studied intensively before the solar system is created from a single particle, or before the philosophy is
revealed. All that is seen here is pure magic. In that illusion, the physical elements were created. From this illusion, the solar
system and planets, asteroids, and stars are created. Just as the tree is created from the seed, the world is created by the particle.
In reality, some life forms and plants are being created from the illusion of the soil.
Piles (living organism) of life do not appear everywhere on our land. This is due to the fact that the soil fertility of the organisms
is causing the climate to rise. Different parts of life can only be found in certain areas. The reason is the soil and the climate.
There is a kind of climate in the country of China, and a kind of climate in the West Indies. The climate is fluctuating compared
to the climate of both countries. There is a variety of life there, similar to that climate. Similarly, Mars or Jupiter in the solar
system will be difference (enemies) different.
The Moon is an integral part of the Earth. But the moon is not separated from the earth. A moon can be called a species of earth
because its movement is so close to Earth. Once the moon is separated from the Earth, there is a significant difference between
the Earth's climate and the Moon's climate.
If the environment and climate of the pregnant woman was not good it creates Problems usually arise if she is staying in her
environment, there is difficulty in breathing or fetal development. Similarly, there is a problem with the growth of biomass or the
molecules there on Earth or any other planet.
We call it the absence of offspring (barren). And each person is like a planet. There are both males and females. If the both male
and female chromosomes were mixed, however, are left infertile if they are unable to produce offspring (barren). But infertility
can be eliminated by scientific technique or by God's will. The title of infertility of female can be eliminate, The living offspring
grows. Similarly, planets, even if they are soil-related, are unlikely to grow in a variety of life forms. Possible on some planets.
In many places on Earth, even in other climates, the lack of climate is a barrier to life
There is no house or planets with no children or germs. For example, some invisible forces are visible to the camera eye.
Unlimited powers are not visible yet. In such examples, God is not visible to the camera. This is a challenge. When the camera is
turned on to the idol statue on the way to the temples, neither the god nor the shape of the image is not visible to the camera.
Similarly, alien planets are invisible. Not appearing. Otherwise, he is annihilated and annihilated planets that are infertile.
So if the camera or micro wave were so powerful that the intellectuals could detect it, they should first capture the image of the
idol in the temples. And then there should be an attempt to capture alien planets. Until then he will remain ignorant.
The serpent bites the man is the reason for the constellation, stars, lunar mansions. Occasionally, the snake comes to the man and
returns but without biting. This is also because the planets and Lagan. How Jupiter, Mars should be in Lagan and Saptami (7 th
place in space) respectively. Or Saturn should be in Mars 5th and 7th. Or Saturn should be in the 12th house with the waning
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moon. Or Chandra Mercury should be the center of sight or other planetary. If this is the case, the man will become with a
mental illness. Similarly snake bites the man is also the because of their zodiacs and planetary and lunar mansions etc.
Planets have high strength they are god, devil fire, air, water and what not molecules, atoms etc… originated from
planets and nature. All planets including nature do change as time passes new lives come to existence. Equal and
parallel and opposite lives energize from time to time.
Planets and celestial bodies are round, how why they are not square or any other shape. If it all they were to be square or any
shape than round there would have been problem planets are round and have Earth.
Planets revolved and appeared if they were not round their revolution would not have been possible. Construction of planets as
round itself may evolution.
Not have been possible big mountain released form planets they have remained a mountain and mud only so the theory of
evolution of circular round bodies is not acceptable molecules and living cells are not exhibiting their presence. Scientific reason
for the evolution circular round bodies is not established. Therefore in eyes of god all the elements have blended properly. There
is no tree without seed there is seed without tree, there are trees without water, similarly no mother without baby no baby
without mother, who gives birth will die no water without Earth, no rain without sky no world without stars planets, effect of sun
and Moon and human beings, birds or animals and on Earth and other planets all the living beings are keep activated.
Each of the principles in the creation of the Supreme Being is correct. Intertwined with one another. There are relationships.
There is no air left in the trees. There are no trees left in the seed. Without water there would be no trees and biomass. Similarly
there is no child left by the mother. And must die on birth. The wrongdoer must be punished. There is no water left in the land.
There is no rain left in the sky. Planets are not worlds apart from stars (lunar mansions). If the life and life of any other living
organism were unrelated to the planet, the effect of the sun and moon would not have been to the earth or to other birds. How life
and life of planets, constellations and stars from the moon and the life of the moon move in the same way as the sun orbits the
science and life of the moon.
Both technical, magic (illusion) (mantras) and science are the same. Although technically magic (illusion) (mantras) phenomena
may appear to be scientific delusions, in the scientific and magic (illusion) (mantras) phenomena involve scientific thinking. The
scientific base is technological, magic (illusion) (mantras). The obvious explanation here is that scientific thought is a technical
and magic (illusion) (mantras) foundation that extends into one example or two in tricks, not realizing the real world.
Knowledge and ignorance originate in the mind from astronomy. That is, they are all related to natural laws. Every human being
or the thoughts of all living birds applies to the planet, star and mass. Planets, stars and constellations do not depend on the
activities of daily life of man. However, our daily activities theoretically resemble the planet, nakshatras (stars) zodiacs and
In The Physical world planets, ligands, stars, lobes, elements, dyes, piles, manes, parties, and lunar days, lunar mansion are the
main cause of every action that occurs in our physical layer and for every function of life, plant species and technology. And the
universe and the definitive information and research descriptions of creation in our world.
From the five physical elements are no longer created by magic (illusion) and time. However, time and again, the five physical
elements were created by the unique powers of magic (illusion). The five physical elements are created by the unique waves and
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influences of time and magic (illusion). Planets, nakshtras (stars), zodiacs are created in the same way. In addition, the
constellations of the stars are created by the unique energy functions of time and space. The air is running as long as possible
without water. Magic (illusion) perform his work accordingly. Planets are created in the same way that water, soil and air are
created by the actions of the illusion of time and again. Given the scientific reason why the planets were created by the five
physical elements, the big question arises as to where the five physical elements came from. Of course, confusion begins. Thus,
the five physical elements are created by the unique power of time and magic (illusion). And then the gradual creation of planets
and zodiacs, stars is not only the basis of science, but also the mythical divine power and the most profound study of the origin
of our world.
1. It is impossible for anyone to study the celestial things seriously or for perfect things. Some times that is impossible from the
Lord of Creation. If astrologers or scientists predicted the world or a person based on everyday astronomy today, it would be
irrelevant if applied to astronomical subjects in reality. It is only the hair of a man's head i.e. only the message (small portion) is
available. Astrologers and scientists today are all about summarizing future and past of the individual person and the world.
Today's time, i.e gradual ray, karan, stage, planet, planets crossing, lunar day, asteroids, zodiacs, planetary curvature, different
angles, triangle, vertical, reverse, horizontal, etc., are necessary to understand the day-to-day and transcendental awareness,
knowledge The perfect (manuscript) fate of man is becoming available. After checking the planets in 2015, planetary motion, the
constellation, stellar, lunar day (tithi), time, lagna, time, Maya(illusion), season, latitude, hour, and man's fate and again same
person fate can be checked in 2016, time, hour, time, If you study the planets of Asc, minute, stage, karana, season, day, mass,
star, position, curvature, horizontal, direct, angle of movement, seconds and more, it will change a lot of things. Also get
required information (Changed themes are available in the form of high utility.) This is because there is a gap of one year
between the planets in 2015 and 2016. Here is a brief case study of the history of the accident victim. The person was killed in a
car accident this afternoon, March 10, 2015 at 12 noon. He was a lorry in automobile trafficking. Only the driver of the car dies
there. But the lorry driver does not die. Why? Astrologers whose horoscopes are predicted to check the birth kundali for six
2. His birth Kundali consists of zodaics Taurus Mrigashirsha (lunar mansion), the beast star, Virgo Lagna is there. But the
Sagittarius zodaics and Sagittarius lagna are notoriously contrary to his birthmark. In addition, he also suffered the worst of the
month of March, and Wednesday evenings. The man who died in a car accident on March 10, 2015 at 12 pm, as his birth
Kundali clearly predicted, was in contradistinction to the zodaics Taurus Mrigashirsha (lunar mansion), the day of the death of
the person. (Because the person contradicts the day star Taurus, the beast star) If the astrologers have predicted or written made a
mistake in the brith kundali of the humans, then the astrologers are failed to write the birth kundali for the humans. And there is
lack of knowledge in the astronomical knowledge.
3. Neither the god of the home nor the worshiping deity of the home, the god fails to protect the devotee by accident. There are
many examples of this in our physical world. It is not possible for God to save his devotee by accident. Today many of them are
taking pilgrimage to temples. They are being put to death in the presence of God. This is because God also has a birth kundali.
The pilgrimage tours or pilgrimages of that kind are often under the influence of his birth Kundali. Some people fall off the bus
but do not. It is because of his birth Kundali influence.
4. Nine planets are full of stars and zodiacs, just as a human body or any other biomass is conveyed in the birth kundali. And they
are created by themselves. Nine planets, stars, zodiacs and nakshatras are circulating in the particle of man or any other biomass.
That is why there is so much planetary direction( dasa or period) in every human birth kundali
Planets Stars It is the research of astronomy and astronomers at that time but the planets, constellations and stars are also
changing as the number of stars changes every year. This type of planetary system is no longer visible in the B.C period.
Because the world is changing over time. Change in each biomass is observed. For example, homes or development at that time
matched their intelligence. But this is 21st century 2016, which is progressing. For example, movies and software were not
functioning at that time. These are the present time. The planetary trajectory does not change as time goes on, but progress is
going on. There is a shift in biomass. They did not know that there is a cinema, but astronomy is not known. Astrological fruitful
(results) is written just like today. As the foundation of the planetary home, but only for a few days, the house has progressed,
leaving the foundation of the house for a few days, the planets are also moving in their own path.
While it is clear that the life of humans based on the planets and the life of each of the billions of living things, i.e., the life of the
humans inhabited by the planet, does not draw the birth kundali. The Earth also orbits the same as the other planets in its orbit,
taking only the Earth into account
It is doubtful whether astronomers, astrologers, or previous astrologers are misleading in predicting the information based on
birth kundali, somewhere since the earth is not considering (utilized) in the birth Kundali
In what position is the earth? The influence of other planets in their orbit even though the earth has its own control and its orbit
and shadow of the earth falls on the earth position in that time of the earth position and the prediction of longitude and latitude of
the birth of the earth's rotation, regardless of birth Kundali or were receiving astronomical information with other planets or even
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earth at birth Kundali, including the birth of tomorrow's day or days to may be create predictions. When birth Kundali appears to
be untrue at some point, earth movement calculation can be very useful. While creating astronomy and astrology on the other
side of the earth, other planets and constellations could have explored the distance to the earth, and whether the birth kundali can
be created the fate of the day or tomorrow.
The rest of the planets, including the Earth, are rightly showing their influence on Earth. With their influence, kinetic reactions
are able to survive on billions of biomass on Earth. Except the earth Examples of other planets outside the Earth, such as Jupiter.
Earth, can be used to study Jupiter or astronomy. The impacts of our earth will be clearly seen from the profits and losses of our
planet to other planets.
If any organism resides in the planet Jupiter (guru) or the birth of a living organism, the entire kundali or the complete writing
fate is thus practiced and researched. But the position of Jupiter is Jupiter and Jupiter cannot be used to create birth Kundali. It is
like the extremes of the ancestors. But now the earth and Jupiter can be used to create the birth kundali. It is explained in the
following topics. When an organism resides in Jupiter, Earth's orbit and degree of shading are used like other planets. Also, the
house is first seen in the house. Once the earth is in the sun house, which is in the first house, Jupiter does not allow organisms to
survive. And when the Sun gets home, Jupiter's destruction of the planet and the opposite planets will lead to Jupiter's
destruction. Then the planet Jupiter will be loaded with earth. This is because the earth is orbiting forever. It is also used for birth
kundali or eternal prophecy. The answer then becomes the same and the supreme truth. It is then a glimpse of how much profit
and loss his current journey takes.
There is a dearth of molecules needed for living organisms or life on Mars, which is a problem for our planet. Just as the Earth is
abandoned to our birth pits, Mars is left to the piles of life on Mars. Even though notable leave earth (is left unchanged), the
molecules of Mars will gradually disappear as the Earth enters the position of Mars. If a planet is affected by any other planets,
such planets will have a problem and the life (living organisms) of the planet will be affected. Earth is also troubled by other
planets. Because of that problem, the biomass is depleted here and there are accidents.
If the birth Kundali was created considering our Earth, the Earth itself would be investigated by measuring the degree to which
the Earth and other planets rotate. Then there is the need for biomass to be useful and hazardous to the home where degrees are
available, like the Earth and other planets. Even though there are life particles on Earth, the day-to-day operation of the (shadows
of other planets) and other planets should be investigated by the waves of the Earth.
The earth is not being covered by any planets. If affected, life on the planet would be an obstacle to life. (The parrot would not
have been able to thrive on the planet.) This type of development is not possible in the earth but other planets are being affected
by the earth, and there is not much development.
If we take Earth’s rotation into account as to in which zodiacs sign Earth comes then determine the influence of vine on Earth
and makes research.
Planets have not affected Earth and its living beings otherwise these would not have been so many developments
“Using Earth as reference and prepare Birth kundali and living beings.”
1. Sun and Earth: Creates a favorable environment for life on Earth. Thermocouples can be effective enough for the orbits to
grow. Give way to free movement of biomass. An organism kills another organism and relieves its stomach. From the
combination of the sun and the earth, every living thing in our world today relies on one organism to another. They are also very
versatile in researching new technology. The life of darkness leads to lighting. Make life a solid foundation. Sharpens the
intellect. As well as being good for feeding trees. Due to of other planets, there is a lack of vegetation due to the lack of sun
combinations for the trees. Important for respiratory functions. Great for offspring of fresh new biomass.
2. Earth Moon: Earth's satellite is considered a moon. There are plenty of satellites in orbit around the Earth. But many scientists
and astronomers have failed to research them. The Janma Kundali (birth horoscope) is being conceived while considering the
lunar satellite. Lunar and Earth alignment are helping to make life more beautiful for life on Earth. Earth and Moon are moving
in the equator and are getting cooler climates as they orbit the Earth. Moreover, darkness is very beneficial to the sleep of the
creature's food. In addition, food is the source of action. Biomasses are learning to love each other from the combination of Earth
and Moon. Are learning to coexist. There is stiffness in the spoken pledge. For a minute the words are rolling in the tongue of a
man because of the distance between the earth and the moon.
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3. Venus Earth: The lust is bringing, Love is also inflicted on enemies. Are producing sperm. The men are drawn towards the
woman. Female love. Doing work tasks. Taking it from one place to another.
4. Jupiter Earth: The planet Jupiter is subtracting from Earth, but living organisms (biomass) has weak in knowledge in the
Jupiter. The tree is also drying up. This is because the tree has no water or nutrients. Water should be added to the tree. When the
water spour to the tree, the tree also germinates. The gobar (manure) or cow dung should be put thereafter. Then the tree grows
hardens. Then trees strengthen. Just like water and gobar is feeding to a drying tree, similarly Jupiter comes to the planet in
conjunction with planets. The level of intelligence is enhanced by the combination of Jupiter earth (lands). Wisdom ripens. New
research work begins.
5. Earth Mars: Earth is getting worse. The earth is shrinking with rotation. Bringing weakness in the biomass to life.
6. Pluto: Pluto responsible for the stupidity of biomass. But if Pluto is with other planets, there is no fool in the origin of life.
7. Earth Uranus: The lunar planet also has no light on living organisms on Uranus, which complicates the action of biomass.
Giving the creatures’ super strength and insight. Causing the movement of the seven chakras.
8. Earth Mercury: But the combination of Earth and Mercury is drawing towards the female attraction to the man. Are leading to
sexual harassment. Mantra attracts the mind towards energy, divine, religious, earth, business, building, solitude.
9. Neptune land: propagating biomass and theafting. Are taking them to the courts. Accidents are happening. They are breaking
their limbs. Grace the supernatural.
Based on only 9 planets available so much information. But there are many related planets in our sun orbit. Based on all of them,
Janma Kundali can clearly and accurately predict the future. Then blunders do not appear in the birth kundali.
The bus is moving. But the weight of the bus fell on four wheels. But there seems to be no bus action here. Four wheels are the
main reason for the bus moving. Just as the four wheels are responsible for the bus, so other planets are also cause of motions of
the earth, such as the nine planets it is a little difficult to create a birth kundali by simply covering the earth. The research also
reveals that the earth (land) should also be incorporated into the birth kundali structure. If the Earth is in contact with other
planets in orbit, it will act on the planets of other planets as well as on Earth. The land will not be abandoned. Earth is in
conjunction with each of the planets. Planets stick to each other like chromosomes. The Earth's climate is a bit chromosome but
on other planets.
Just like there was bus as (land) earth. But this scenario shows that the people on the bus are just like humans on the planet.
Earth orbits like other planets. Earth, like other planets, reacts to the planets of other planets when they come home. More
importantly, it also reacts to organisms on Earth.
Sun - Earth - Moon: Daylight is giving life to biomass on Earth. Are slowing the growth of biomass. Growing and ending. But
there are satellites on other planets, such as the Moon, where the night and day main problem is is the extinction of organisms.
Or is a problem for the origins. If the moon does not have light from other planets, it means there are other planets like the moon.
But like moon if the other sub planets doesn't have daylight, it would mean that life (biomass) on such planets would be
interrupted. Based on the available planets, the mystery of creation and the fate of man, there are many planets in the solar
system. If so, man does not know something is missing link in the solar system. Somewhere in the study he does. Probably
because of the suspicion that there is an offspring of organisms on other planets such as Mars or Jupiter, where there is no light,
such as the daylight we receive on Earth, there must be a problem with the organism.
No creature is created in the darkness. If there is a molecule facility but there is no daylight, the problem of living organisms is a
major problem on such planets.
In other planets there is infertility, as a woman who doesn’t gave birth to a child, the mother who gave birth to children. If one
follows the birth kundali in a mother here, there are strong reasons for infertility on other planets. They can be called birth
kundali. In each planet, infertility is centered on which planets do not have enough daylight and darkness. There is infertility, no
matter how many molecules there are. Here the mother gets food and her husband gets sperm but she is infertile. Because of the
birth of the planetary field in her birth Kundali.
On other planets, darkness is their life. Plants can live on photosynthesis or living organisms only by the light of stars. Life of
ours is the life of other planets. How people live in luxury in the light of life. Similarly the people will live the life in the hills
side and forest area and remote control area (darkness) same way the other planets also organism will lead their life.
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Is birth Kundali based on a planet that has only been considered in our solar system? But there are still plenty of planets orbiting
the sun.
1) The earth is in Aries: a lot of him in the tongue is locking with heat. Then the words in the tongue of a human roam for a
minute and also they become sordid. Accidents happen when the earth is in Aries and the person survives. However, the shadow
of a neighbouring Taurus can cause a person to have an accident if it falls on the Aries. But to help this, the first thing the people
in Ashwini nakshatra in Aries will do the destruction or cause problem.
All the planets together lead to the development of biomass. But piles are indicative of the function of the biomass from the edge
to the edge. But it is the stars themselves that make the life of the roosters clear. In accordance with the orbits of the stars, the
stars are accompanied by asteroids and are eternally living according to planetary conditions.
Twelve-zodiacs, 27 nakshatras are known as birth kundali or astronomy using only 15 lunar days the stars that appear every
night are other solar system suns. When they enter our solar system, they will only be stars but they will not be suns.
If birth kundali is not believed, then the full moon should not be believed. Also, the full of energy increases during the new
mood day full moon, eclipse, and lunar day. Why is this?
If the birth kundali is measured based on the earth and moon. Then there are many other satellites in our solar system, such as
the lunar earth satellite using only the Earth satellite? That means each planet has satellites, they are not used in the birth kundali.
There are many micro-organisms, which are not visible to the eye or to the telescopes of the camera. They are visible to few
extraordinary humans only.
Male and female fluctuate in thinking power. Male desire for female and vice versa. (Female desire on male.) Thoughts are the
same, the moods are moving slightly differ. Minor changes in activity; occur at least in the imagination. This is a great
prasadam/Boon given by the planets.
When TV or radio gets troubled, we repair it and listen and watch it. When the person is not healed, we go to the doctor. Then it
will heal. But there is a remote to listen to or watch the song on TV or radio. But that remote is at the launch of the original blue
satellites. We only do repairs just for name sake. Similarly, there is a physician and technician for temporary relief or survival
for humans or life. This is all because of planets and is filled of everything. Although there is only one satellite in the sky, it has
helped with radio and other technology. But they don't have a similar TV radio in their house. There will be different types of
TV radios. But watching news or pictures on TV or radio is only possible with a satellite launched from the sky. Similarly,
humans are different from one another, like a TV-like species, but as a basic satellite, zodiacs, planets are a star and a
To form a planet that indicate the house zodiacs, star, Asc similarly for constructing the house we need walls, doors, windows
etc... Same thing As well as the branches of a tree. If the tree is a planet, if the tree become a planet in that its twig branches are
the zodiacs, star that gives results.(If a planet indicates a house of construction, the constellations of the constellation signify the
side of the construction house, the window doors. As well as the branches of a tree. If the tree is a planet, its twig branches are
the star fruits.)
The human body or body of any living being is created by planets, asteroids, Asc, zodiacs, stars etc. That is, the body is filled
with planets, constellations, lunar and stars, and it starts working. We also call them the order of organism's creation by the five
physical elements; these are the five physical elements, planets, zodiacs, Asc the constellations, the planets and the stars. Every
particle in the body is a planet, asteroids, lunar, stars.
No planets are destroying the body of any life on Earth. From time to time, if the bodies of the biomass are being destroyed, you
will have to search somewhere that the Holy Spirit is hiding somewhere. However, the supernatural planets do not have a
definite body-destroying mechanism for life. The bodies of any biomass are gradually decaying from the five physical elements.
But the planets are moving in their own orbit. But the soul in the body of the pile of life does not age there. Only five physical
elements are destroying the bodies of living beings.
A person invents a nuclear bomb or computer. But a nuclear bomb or a computer machine works faster than a man found. He
does not have the power to control a computing machine or a nuclear bomb. Similarly, the planets, Solar System here are created
by Vidhatha/Almighty or sometimes it could not able to control it.
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If the soil of the earth is placed on Mars or any other planet and tested for any of its seeds, it should be seen whether or not the
seeds are created for the tropics or the tropics. Or try to bring the soil of Mars or any other planet back to the earth and sow seed
in it. This will detect the exact climate of each or every planet on Mars.
Other planets on Earth have more intelligent life than man. But they look different only in appearance.
Lives which are on Mars are not accept any technology, Radio waves sent by man who is on the Earth, living beings on the Earth
are sensitive they are not seen by our naked eyes microscope or x rays, spirits which are not seen by camera, devils something
similarly spirits of Mars planet may be seen or not seen.
(Investigation 4 years)
During Rahu, Kethu (planets) union period love affairs do not remain where they started they lead to go lot of pain.
Jupiter and Mars in Asc and 7 th place respectively or Saturn in Asc, Mars in 5 th, 7th or Saturn with weak Moon in 12 th house,
Moon and Mercury in Centre or other Union of other planets. In the horoscope of a person above such condition occurs he will
become mad then Taurus sign physically handicapped.
(Horoscopes of a person for tell his achievements as well are future in advance.)
The foundation of a house is predicted by the engineer or the people who laid the foundation. Similarly, if one looks at the
power or the perfect seed in a tree, the future seed will sprout and grow into a tree. Similarly, the birth kundali of a man is
like the foundation of a house or the seed of a tree.
A question arises of course here. That is, if the person prophesied by observing the motion of the planets at the time of birth,
the motion of the zodiac, the motion of the planets, the motion of the stars, would the planets, asteroids, lunar, stars be
associated with the birth of the person today? Yes As we have used a tree seed for example, the tree will continue to grow in
the following days. Before the seed had sprouted, we had a future in which the seed would grow and reproduce. And
similarly in the birth kundali of humans.
True, the eyes that see it today are the seed of a tree, growing in a tree. Season, time, planetary motion, energy, mass, Asc,
lunar day using of these observing and studying and then the seed before the growing a tree, we predicted it, of that Season,
time, planetary motion, energy, mass, lunar mansion, lunar day and its capable of zodiacs, Asc, lunar day and then using of
these observing and studying compare with past and present, planets of motion. This result will say that it’s true. This means
that the movement of the planets (zodiacs, Asc, the energy, the asteroid, the Asc, the lunar day) of the present day depends
on the (germinate or sprout) tree which grows. If the seed is scratched it is like humans birth kundali was removing. The
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birth kundali of a man becomes the basis of the kundali of the seed. Like the relation of the seed and the tree, the birth
kundali is related to the movement of the planets of today and the planet, the constellation, the Asc, lunar day of the past
(birth time). The planetary motion of today's days, the energy, the mass, zodiacs the Asc, the lunar day is prediction of the
future. It is a precious gem found in the human’s clan. Human is virtuous.
A person receives fate or (complete the fate) only when he pass the youngness to the adult age and to the older age to last
breath. (Is out of breath due to his or her condition.) Until then, incomplete content is available. Until then man is ignorant
and not wise in astronomy or knowledge. Clear information is available when a person writes anecdotal accounts of his life,
until he breathes his last from a youthful situation. And then he or she will observes the fate and get the clear information
until then, man has no fate. And those who have fate that was not written in birth kundali (of that person but it is not
created.) Naturally the planetary fate is written as accordingly.
A person's having fate writing is perfectly available in his birth kundali but cannot be studied by astrologers or by God or
himself. The events of yesterday's life are just like fate written. Because celestial stuff is impossible for humans.
Most of yesterday's events are available. But for most of tomorrow's events, the astrologers or God predicted will be much
less - because neither astrologers nor God will not have perfect astronomical information. When writing the birth kundali
somebody wrote about a problem in the (or make mistake) kundali or writing horoscope.
The god or saints we see today are actually gods with us today, now today what we have mantras are because of the satirical
power of rushimuni (sages) in the early times and importantly they are not into of research of science. And also they made
the incomplete information written in the book by the rushimunis (Sages) and left the world or the universe. Rushimunis
(Sages), though, they had not done any penance about God. The seven unique chakras in the body of man began to work for
the purpose of meditation and penance, as they were practiced in meditation. It enlightened them. Seven chakras of penance
and continuous meditation become awakened by the special ray waves known as cosmetic in nature. They then created the
mantras and filled them with the special divine power that created the gods and brought them to life. That is why the Hindu
scriptures reveal that the essence of the deities is hidden in the mantras.
In another way, the gods were created and this is how the complete man become step by step from the monkey and similarly
the time and Maya (magic), hidden powers or the natures will do his work accordingly and these are not visible to the
humans eyes, this is and all because of nature not the god OR (By the peculiar power of Maya (magic) and time, just as man
was created from monkey to complete human being by step by step. Even today, it is not visible to us but is functioning to
its fullest. This is because of creation, not God)
The creation of the gods that are visible to humans today is different from the creation of the gods of that time and of the
creation of Maya (magic). Today, ghosts sometimes appear in the eyes of man. It is sometimes invisible to the eye. God is
likewise a god that has arisen from the peculiar power of time and Maya (magic) or the gods created by Maya (magic) or the
saints, who appear once and for all to the eyes of humans. Wandering like Maya (magic). And they are spontaneously
Demons or devils do not belong to the soul at all times to humans. As I have expanded many times before, the ghostly
demons penetrate into the soul of man in a very special time. Sometimes a small problem can occur if a man becomes
possessed by the demons or gods. But the demonic demons are also linked to the planetary, asterisk, star, time, and
nakshtras to infiltrate humans.
A sensitive question arises from where the clothing worn by a man comes from. The clothes the man wears are from yarn.
That, too, is the most common fact. Again, the yarn is from cotton. But again, a subtle question arises as to where the cotton
comes from. The answer, of course, comes from the fact that cotton comes from seed. But? The special question again arises
where the seed came from. Then the suspicion that the seed may have arisen from God is created. But in reality it will not be
a suspicion or conundrum. That sounds realistic. The truth becomes.
The train moves. The train moves on its hinges. If the moving railway is a bit slippery, the rolls fall to the ground. Or may
fall into the abyss. So much so that people can die. So many people can be hospitalized. Our Earth or other constellation or
other planets of our solar system are moving smoothly in their orbit. If the constellation or planets from the respective orbit
escape the orbit, then there will be a problem to the earth (will be deadly.) Such examples are few and far between. The
planets may fall apart or fall apart, but the planets will not fall apart. No trajectory from the orbit. If a train has a problem
with it moving, one of its passengers falls off. Vice versa.
A town or city can be constructed. It may or may not look gorgeous. But there are also similar houses in the town or town
that are built in their own unique structure and colors. Thus, a house can be built as a town or a city. (Planets are created in
the solar system as its own the method. That is, the houses are the buildings; the stars and the city are built. How a city looks
at such a group of stars as a city or city counts) Planets are created in the solar system as its own the method that is
nakshatras, zodiacs this is like how the city and town were formed from the construction of the buildings and its unique
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similarly the stars, nakshatras, zodiacs, lunar days group of stars as a city or city counts. We make a city or city map.
Similarly, we shoot clusters of stars in the solar system. We'll name it afterwards. We give them a unique name, depending
on their structure. Thus Aries, Taurus (Vrushaba) and Gemini (Mithuna) are designated according to their respective
“We receive light from the sun, but there should have some unknown force to the sun.”
Explanation: The Lord created the creatures just as he created the food for the creatures. Man and God differ enormously.
The Father is just like any other son; if human is authorized to create the world, he first created the creatures and subsequently
created food for the environment.
If the ball is thrown up, it comes down again. This is because, we say, there is a force of gravity on the earth. But in reality, this
is all name sake. Even a saint can do this. He uses the supernatural power of his own to keep the ball up in space. So there are
innumerable planets and suns and moons without shelter, and they feel the power of such saints. The saint is practicing this kind
of trickery, perhaps because of the supernatural power of the Lord that there are countless planets in the universe. This is the
A boy has a ball (pellet) in his hands which means he wants to break it or it’s left to its decision. And the earth is not particularly
long life. When the bird flies in the sky, the soul is snatched away by the body of the Lord (god), and the physical body falls
down similarly, the life of the earth may be over only by the complete dismantling of the spirit of life on earth. Once again, he
creates a physical body on another planet and provides the soul to that body.
Our planet or earth cannot have the same biomass, home or, province or country. As well as planets, zodiacs, biomass.
Despite of many years of rain, seas, rivers and lakes on the surface, the earth is not affected. If the same human was built, they
would have been struck and causes problems. This is the inner state of a planet.(strength of planet)
Organisms like ours must be living in every solar system, at least on the planet.
A house is on fire which can cause a fire in the neighborhood. Similarly, if the Earth were to be caused problem, its incubation
would also affect other neighboring planets.
On any planet, they may have been observing the Earth's narrative with their supernatural powers.
The dead humans (persons) may go to some other planet and live there.
The idea of man has no end; thinking about the universe like that will not end. This is called "Vidhata/Almighty Creation".
Never before had there been any kind of biomass on Earth. Perhaps we should have come from other planets, because there are
different peoples, languages, colors, climates and cultures on different continents and countries on earth.
Planets have no shelter in the universe, which means the force of gravity. It is evident that the involvement of Vidhata/Almighty
is moving. But there must be a reason for frequent meteorites and celestial crashes on Earth or on another planet. This is due to
the vidhata/Almighty. If a ball (pellet) is placed on the ground, it rests there neutral. But when we turn it around and play ball
(pellet), it breaks down at once. This is creation of the Lord, and must have been. This is why life must have been brought to
Earth by other planets.
If extraterrestrials come and live on earth, survival is hard enough. That is why Vidhatha/Almighty is divided the soul and body
into two separate parts. But the soul does not depend on the soil of that ground.
The tree grows from seed. But is it possible for a man to cultivate a tree by his ingenuity? Once he succeeds in this task, all the
things he has taken for seed preparation are from the five physical elements.
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When a stone is throw at the sea, it falls back into the sea. This does not mean that gravity is too strong for sea water. When we
land (at edge of sea) and throw the same stone to the sea, it falls back into the water, or beyond the sea, in proportion to the force
we have thrown. So similarly when we stand on the ground and lift or throw the stone to up, it returns to the earth and the earth
does not fall out of the ground. But when we throw the same stone at the edge of the earth, it can move to another planet. Or
when a person lifts a heavy stone, it rolls back to him, and does not roll over.
If there was a steel component or iron ore on the ground, there would be no vehicles moving on the ground. Similarly, stone clay
was drawn to the presence of steel and the objects are attracting towards it. Earth objects cannot move anywhere without
returning to Earth.
If a stone was lifted up or throw, it would come to life after some time in the sky. Because the stone is an inanimate object, it
rolls back into place. We want to leave the stone still standing in the sky, letting it move forward. But it is not possible. Because
man's power or energy is so great. The same can be said of a spectacular show when we hover over a bird. It flies in the sky for a
while and then comes back to Earth. Because the bird is a living thing.
Because plants have life, they grow day by day. Grow and become wood. The flower will leave. After that the fruit then
becomes a nut. After some time, the tree dies. There is no difference between man and tree.
Humans on Earth have their own special language and special knowledge for even the most living organisms on earth. For
example, if we stand a lizard in front of a human, we will see the lizard as a clumsy animal.
The creation of the earth just 450 million years ago meant that the son was born just after the birth of the father only. The unborn
child does not even know age. The mother tells her the baby she was born with. It is therefore not correct to take into account
that our planet has been intersecting for 450 billion years. The builder can calculate mud, brick, and estimate the price of the
house he built. But the children living in that house would not be able to equalize the price of the house his father built. But you
can easily estimate and calculate the household size.
Example: Take sea water in a tube using sponge take and sea water by dipping it we are left with pure water in tube squeeze
the slated water from the sponge into a glasses expose this water sunlight this water gets converted to salt, this is called science
special knowledge.
“For the success and failure of a man planets Zodiac, Stars, Tithi (Lunar day) week, month, and date are
Both time and Maya (magic) are the embodiment of the shedding of a man's bankruptcy. When Maya (magic) invade on man
and any animal then there is a danger. This is what we call the Kalachakra/Timeline. Those who are aware of the importance of
time will never do wrong. But Maya (magic) engulfs them again. Like the twin cousins of time and May. The creation of a new
kind of organism on Earth is inherently a form of writing (naturally fate were written) and moving forward. Once they come into
existence, karma is not attained and no salvation is achieved. This is known as the delusion of Maya (magic). Any activity that
man speaks or does, with the direct planets for action, is mired in life chaos. This is mainly due to the fact that the months,
asterisks, weeks and lunar days are the most important. Whatever man does or does wrong, it is due to the sins of the old birth
and the planets, the asteroids, the lunar days, the month. This is what we call a fate of creation paradigm. It is as if a man's life
was intertwined. The natural instinct is to grow naturally by divine law. As it grows, it naturally grows with twigs, branches, and
connects to the trap. That is, like a chain. When the chain link is lost, the life of the man also leaves. It is only pretence that man
is united here. Upon leaving the earthly body, he receives the next body according to the sin deeds of the earthly birth. This is
also due to the fact that planets, masses, dates, and months are more likely to be lunar days. Here the body is only temporary and
the soul immortal.
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As the baby steps from the mother's womb to the earth, his feminine writing (fate were written) is formed there and moving
forward. That was in his birth kundali. The infant baby is easily moved from the mother's womb to the earth in accordance with
zodiacs, lunar days Week, Date and Month, according to the sinful rituals of his old birth.
The karma fruitful of his birth and the list of accomplishments to be attained is very easy. Once the child was born in his birth
kundali first place have Sun, Jupiter, mars they are become most powerful person in the universe and they become most
succeeded people. If the birth child has Moola star then, it is born in the constellation Sagittarius. Born in the constellation Aries
or Ashwini Star. This is the supreme truth. Those who own Sagittarius deserve the respect and prestige of this world. The loss of
a father or mother in the home is a great tragedy for a husband or a woman born in this star. This means that the planets are the
proof that the planets create the fate of man.
If baby is born in moola Star comes in Sagittarius (Dhanusa Rashi) those who give birth ashwini or bharani Star came in
Sagittarius (Dhanusa Rashi), baby loses their parents that mean planets play important.
“Planets are also creatures in the billions of biomass that have challenged man in the world.”
It is only in living things that man can make something new and present to the world today. When man cannot invent anything
inanimate (non-living things), we do not take it into account. Soil, for example, has come naturally to mean that a plant can grow
in that soil; many trees can be obtained from a single tree-seeded product. Because the soil is naturally created, it is divinely
inspired. We get many uses from that soil. And where did water even come from? Is it possible that there is such a large amount
of water in the earth? We only get rain from the sky, in the rainy season. Even if it rains the rest of the day, it doesn't count. For
this we need to study the forces of nature. Thunder and lightning caused while the clouds collide in the sky, it causes rain only in
the months of May, June, July, August, September and October, and then the monsoon winds, beginning of winter and finally
beginning to summer.
So who made rules that rain, sunny, winter and in particular months and seasons? In addition to the mantras, also can use only in
particular months, lunar day, full moon and new moon and who made these rules, Where did the water in the sky come from, It
is said that rainwater accumulation inside the earth is, of course, the appearance of water in the earth. But in reality there is no
water in the sky; not even the sky Also, from time to time, rain, wind, flower in the tree, and the fruit of the fruiterer, it is
perhaps this is because of Vidhatha/Almighty there is no doubt at all.
The divine power of every particle of matter in the universe above all worlds, and without His law, nothing works here. If I want
to make it easy for God to show up again, I need to reiterate that Mantras, Piles, Weeks, New Moon, Full Moon and lunar day
and again it has to be emphasized once again.
Is it easy to create stones, mud, and water? Not possible. When a father is responsible for the birth of a child, shouldn't you be a
source of water, stone, mud, petrol and diesel?
Planets need to be expanded, considering the earth. There are many species of trees, water, rock, soil, and alien life on our land.
But is it possible for a man to grow a tree in an inanimate object? Once that was possible he had to plant or drains the plant
naturally into inanimate matter. However, this work is shown by a very eloquent yogi. He grows a plant without watering the
soil and seed in a tray. But this is not possible for the common man. When driving a vehicle, he uses gas, fuels such as petrol or
diesel to drive the vehicle. But if he was intelligent, he would have to leave the divine blessings and make vehicles or drive them
with water. But this is an impossible task. The same yogi performs this work very well. This is the difference between the Lord
divine and humans.
Well, the common man does not know what is hiding in the solar system, because he uses such things as electricity, train,
automobile vehicles, home factory solar etc. But man does not invent solar and he could not become a scientist. While he was
researching the solar and getting the sun's energy, he had to research the sun from whence it came.
When planets orbit around the sun, will there be no harm to other planets from the sun? When we think about it aloud, we
become aware of the truth that it is nothing more than divine power. The tragedy of man-made vehicles, driving and its leads to
crashing and it cause of death. For example, (air passengers or) aircraft may be interrupted by air or may be some birds or some
technical reasons and this leads to accident and causing many passengers leads to death. But the divine created man, animal, and
bird are thus inflicted, and do not bring disrespect to the divine. There are no more tragic examples of divine inspiration today.
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Planets are also biomass, as different species of birds, humans, green trees, ponds, sea, river, rocky soils are moving from day to
day to create intellectual evolution.
The saint creates a man with divine power in himself, without any weapons from the five physical elements worlds. Or by
creating a body out of clay or that is, five physical elements it gives life to its amazing power. The longer the creature broods, the
more intellectually it goes forward. But scientists or I am right the one who gets the stuff from the five physical elements and
makes the human robots or other electrician's vehicle and introduces it to the world. Neither I nor the scientist have to wonder
where the five physical elements came from which robot humans or other electric vehicles were made came from. But in reality
they or I. I will achieve such a large scale that the answer will be trapped in the original birth kundali. But a saint does a miracle
because he cannot perform miracles at all times of the year. Or he may not be able to perform miracles for three consecutive
years. He is performing a miracle only if the planetary condition of his birth Kundali is good.
In the same way, it is not possible for man to be fruitful at all times, whether in the presence of the saint or in God. The seven
months of the year are gradually yielding in February, March, May, August- month, October, November and December. Even
God or saints see such a time and try to perform miracles. Prayers for the consecration of God or saints are not effective for all
devotees. This is because the planetary condition is good, only in the birth kundali of the person who wants the fruitful.
Otherwise the planetary status of the rest of the devotees will be better off. Thus, the months and years pass by without saints or
deities. However, it is impossible for the saints and even the gods to try and change the birth kundali. Thus, they are able to bear
fruitful if the planetary status of the devotee is good. Otherwise, the saints, god will not yield to the devotees, and the saints will
despise God and lose faith in God. But saints can only produce fruit from the saints OR god if they are inspired by the birth
kundali of the devotees to give godly fruit to the saints. Miracles emerge when the saints are from God. Otherwise, there will be
no indication of fruitful from the saints and God, but it will spread like mercury. Then Janma Kundali lies and a man commits
A man or boy is Trying to get a girl out of the power of Maya (magic) or the use of banamathi scare (black magic)or through the
transit But in that case of such people, not everyone will be able to do so. Banamathi or Hypnotism Project is not successful.
Some people only benefit from using it.
In addition to this, the person who is practicing sorcery with the power of Maya (magic) and sorcery is better if the presence of
the moons in the celestial sphere is good. Than only the Banamathi scare or Hypnotism is get success or people benefited,
Otherwise they would be the exception, of course, as the mesmerizing use of Banamathi or Mantras is false.
For example I am and my fiancée (Umadevi) and here is a short introduction to my life. I have never seen the fiancée (Umadevi).
The groom did not love to see. But I didn't know her name. But the fortune of seeing her name and her was rewarded with a
mesmerizing experiment of spells (summoning) or manthras. This is my virtue. My fiancée didn't accepted me and recited the
mantra chanting at the suggestion of astrologers in just a month. I started chanting 2 hours in the morning and in the evening,
both in the morning and in the evening, hoping to get her back of my fiancée. I started the recitation of the Hypnotism chants in
the month of September 2015. Planet status was good for me in 2015, but it caused me severe peril. Because the planets in my
birth Kundali were in some inferior position, the fiancée ( Umadevi) had to cheat and a great opportunity to create great poems
and having chance to travel foreign according to birth Kundali. But even when I was aware of my birth Kundali, only when my
the fiancée was cheated me and after 5 months I’m aware of that knowledge, Until then, my birth Kundali did not saw or didn't
Well, reciting the Hypnotism or Banamathi( Black Magic) mantras was not for me the Hypnotism (Black Magic) experiment in
the month of September. As I said earlier results is only in seven months of the year are effective, but the chanting of the mantra
is not got the results, but again I can recite the consecutive September month of the month of October. Again I didn't get the
results. But the same mantras were held only in the early morning hours of the month of November. And finally my I got my
fiancée, because in the month of November 2015, the week, minute, asteroids, star, Stage, nakshatra, karana, and planetary
motion was in good position.
Whatever we do today, the activities will affect the environment around us. They bind us in the consternation of lunar day, the
week, the constellation, the constellations and the planets, and give us the next birth. Whatever we get today, we are getting it
from the command of God. Light, Water, Air, and Soil The food that a living organism needs is created by the divine creature in
its own right. Even a living (organisms) here today is not living fasting.
Without the planets, it would not have been possible to identify human’s fate or knowledge of the world. Planets are the
foundation of human’s fate and reveal about the world. It is not possible for humans to show all his wonders and tricks.
We get the seed from the particle, the seed from the tree, and the seed from the same species. Is it possible to get several kinds of
trees from a single seed tree? There was only one seed, and there was only one tree on earth. Seed creation from the soil is not
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possible at all. Work that can get stone out of the soil but not the organism. Is it possible for all the wonders to take place even in
the mud? Where did the father, mother come from? If so, then the word divine origin arose on human creation. Until then, man
did not know what the word divine was. His thoughts clenched from day to day, strengthening his thoughts and becoming aware
of the Divine, and then uplifting his intellect. Divine, impersonal; it is through this energy that the divine energy can flow into
the particle and become a challenge to man, just as the universe grows into a rosy flower.
Vidhatha/Almighty completes his creation, looking into the earth and many such modern planetary planets, and perhaps singing
to all the voices of those creatures in the houses I have created, in the desire to see the creatures live in the houses. This is the
poignant truth.
Just as a dwarf, a tall, a black, a red one can be different from one another, so are the planets are also different. The life structure,
according to their intellect, is improving. There are no creatures on the planet like Mother infertile.
Just as man has painted and decorated to his house many days after he built it, he pleases his children with a variety of toys, and
satisfied his child and the Lord renews the planets he likes in this universe, giving man a variety of thought. Renewing his home
is giving the man a surprise. But it is not possible to demolish a house once it’s built. Man has been creating new houses and
vehicles from day to day. However, the Lord is giving the planets, diets and new kinds of creatures far beyond what we can
imagine. We are following him.
There are so many planets and sub-planets, at least for the Sun that the universe is so vibrant and so colorful. How many suns,
millions of planets and sub-planets are there for each of the sun, and the planets in the cosmos are creating and growing so
colorful and endless. The sun and the planets are again creating new-style creatures on the planets, just as man is building a new,
new paradigm from day to day. On those planets, modern-style creatures must have a human-like culture. But surely this is not a
challenge for the scientific world, that is, for humans. In order for a man to find such colorful planets, he must first study the
solar system and look into another solar system after realizing the reality of his home on Earth. Otherwise there is no doubt that
the man is awkward and sings for his life. This is the punishment that nature has imposed on us.
Thus, when there are so many suns in the universe and there are colorful planets, there should be no doubt that there must be a
tremendous hidden movement.(vidath/Almighty) There are so many colorful suns and planets that cannot be created as a particle
blast. As well as growth in the burned area; there are no wetlands.
Scientifically the universe or the order of our Earth formation, it is hard to believe that there are so many colorful planets,
billions of suns, etc., from a single particle to a blast of gas. Leaves ignorant. It is hardly equal to believe it. But the study of the
forces of nature by nature, the creation of the universe or the creation of our earth or the creation of life on earth, can be traced or
compare back to a mother and we will get results. There are still many higher planets and beings in our universe or our solar
system than our Earth.
This is how the earth and man were created. After the earth was created, man and animal birds were created after the earth was
created so that kerosene fires could be ignited, such as when the ovules of the wife is mixed with the sperm of the husband, then
a child will be born, After the creation of the earth, man and animal birds were created according to their respective soil and
climate. But humanity was more reserved than any of these animals, and his sense of religion was his specialty. Because man is
able to perform the work with his intelligence. Depending on the weather and soil conditions, the physical development of a man
changes karmas. As he made his way to Earth, the vine grew and moved, creating the planet, the star and the constellation. This
is the most mysterious mystery hidden from time to time. But all of them are subordinate to the Holy Spirit. The Supreme Being
is the most mysterious force here. It is because of this power that the intellectual world today has a lot of illusions. But the
Supreme Being is not virtuous; the devotee is to be seen as the virtuous person through the devotion of man. It is omnipotent. All
that is visible to our eyes in the universe is a game of the Supreme Being. And everything is pervaded by the Lord himself. But
man can bypass this illusion and by his own wise guidance. He does not need to mourn for the next day. His wisdom and
experience give him access to salvation. We are divisions of the Supreme Being because the power of the Holy Spirit is flowing
in every particle of life. In reality, the Lord is not aware of the activities that man undertakes here on earth; there is no mouth to
speak; but the body is full of eyes. Investigating the world from an angle to an angle and looking at it is filled with zero. If the
world looks at the construction from another angle, the world is something special. But really, this world is not untrue. The Maya
(magic) Power, the Supreme Being, is doing its job. As it progresses there, man is making progress in his economic path, i.e. the
man is still alive, under his guidance. Here are all the deities found on earth, every particle of soul/some energy. All these gods
are subordinate to the Supreme God. And they are not yet written human fate. In reality, man has no control over fate;
Comparing man's fate to a vine the reality of the world is unknown. If a vine grows on a tree, it will create its own impression on
the tree. If the same thing grows on a house, it also creates its own impression. Similarly, if the same vine grows on the water,
the vine will grow on its own impression over the water. And it proceed further the vine grows in different ways and produces
fruit. OR
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Depending on the climate in which it was grown, it may eventually die. As the trail continues to grow along its paths, different
life forms. Also, contact with different types of lumps can impede growth. The palm or tree grows and decays in the same way
as the palm or tree. Likewise, the life of man grows into a trap, and he is unaware of the effects of the trap or the obstacles that
come before him. As soon as a twig passes through, another trap comes in and accelerates its growth. Afterwards, it takes only a
few days for the affected trail to grow. Or he can make a different kind of life there by making contact with that new kind of
network. But in reality, it is difficult to explain in detail how much the man or the tree grows. But a woman or a man can
elaborate on the events of her life in the past. But it is impossible for anyone to say that the same trap grows in front of it. The
parent does not have knowledge how his children is growing in upcoming days. Or he or she may be caught into some hurdles or
obstacles, these are not aware of that. So this is the same knowledge of vine and human was growing path.
I'm thinking of building a house. But I only know the idea of building that house. Usually a man can find a tree or a growing tree
and predict that the tree or vine will grow. This is the same astrological science. But the reality is that he can't even imagine the
whole plan of building a house. This leaves it impossible for the Sadhu saints at once. Because everything is the glory or game of
the time. Dita also created the period, the original source; everything is pervaded by the Lord.
But for the sinful acts, karamas of the early birth, the person is dead and reborn is truth, it is the Supreme Lord. He (lord) created
the time. That is, the Supreme Lord. But in reality, in all the beautiful worlds created by the Lord himself, there is no such thing
as culture, people, animals and birds. They create the planet, star, and constellations, but they do not know it. Had they known,
man would never have faced the threats of suicide. They are helpless in such matters. They didn't even know that they are fire;
kerosene. They didn't know the fact that, I, fire kerosene when it fires. Likewise, the planets, stars, nakshatra/Star, zodiacs and
the constellations. This is the same world confidential report.
“Asteroids, stars, lunar mansions and months are responsible for man's death or crimes.”
If a man commits sin though is ignorance that days, month, week, day time, star and Zodiac sign are the cause, in a day of 12
Asc which change according to man Kundali accidents happen, let see a person in the horoscope Flexible chakra/Wheel
accident being month star, Zodiac death and accident happen.
Sagittarius (Dhanusa Rashi) Star Moola, Bharani Star came and hit, death and injury occur. Planets are responsible for any
disease and accident planets are the centre of a rich girl love a poor boy and many ran away, from the escape of in front of
parents and marry. Planets are responsible.
“For the birth of physically handicapped child’s Zodiac and Nakshtras (Stars and zodiacs) are responsible.”
Those born in Taurus are vulnerable to destruction; they have to live life alone, not in their growth or economic development.
This is the same constellation that gives birth to the offspring.
Those who were born in the pile of Gemini will be destroyed. The same asterisk is the reason why babies born in that brood do
not die immediately or with much effort and prosperity.
Pisces born in the pile of mourning are not only bad, but also vulnerable to one or the other and also face lot of problems one
after the other in the family issues.
But a human does not know all these things. The cause is darkness; some people do not know them, but they are performing in
the fields of cinema, politics, sports and other fields. Because of their birth instincts, the constellations of the constellations of
the stars are instantly drawn. But others do not know of such opportunities and are immersed in other affairs and are destroying
their lives.
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These are the reasons why some people feel disappointed the results (tip) that came in hand went out of his mouth (that the piece
of paper has not reached their mouths). I want to give my own beautiful example. My career was cinema and literature and I was
born on this earth I know this through my birth kundali. But I have come to know this only recently. That means at my 22 nd age.
While I was working in the field of fiction, fiction and cinema in general, Janma Kundali was my definitive masterpiece...
Whatever it may be, my goal is only to be a director and a hero in the Hollywood film industry. While I was doing my best to
write a book and novel in the shortest time and I was searching to create a Guinness World Record, the next day of the Guinness
World Records, in terms of astrology or birth kundali indicated that I would get a chance in the Hollywood cinema. The only
person who were in the Guinness World Record, originally from London. They don't even know this. This is because all of the
planets, constellations and constellations are already predicting our fate. But unfortunately on May 21 and 22, 2014, I was not
able to make a Guinness World Record. The reason I was interrupted at that time was no one else but my star and zodiacs.
Moola star and Sagittarius. On May 21 st and 22nd, I got a chance to be in the Hollywood cinema, which is where the Guinness
World Records submits me from the Department of Kannada and Culture. Of course the Kannada and Culture Department itself
did not know the real news that the Guinness World Record submits me. All I know through astrology. But there is a different
reason for this. The fights started as Kethu planet entered into my star and pile that year. Because when Kethu enters the
constellation and the star, there were interruptions started. They creates problems one above the other. On the 21st there were
both Saptami (7th place on horoscope) and Ashtami (8 th place in horoscope) both lunar day, lion zodiacs. Also May. 22 nd was
(Navami) 9th lunar day and Sagittarius. Lunar day, lunar mansions (Tithi’s) are more important than piles. Here's a sketch of me
and the movies as well.
I am
The people who were with me during this time were cut off from my contact and were reconnected at 7 pm on the 22nd. That
was, by the time they got together, it was already over.
After that, he returned from Hawaii to give me a chance to enter the Hollywood cinema. But unfortunately for me here in the
month of August, the Guinness World Record did not allowed this was also the cause of my star, zodiacs, star piles. Here's a
sketch of it.
I am
Book Authority
But in reality, if I had observed astronomy, I would not have chance of Hollywood cinema in May 2014 and October 2014.
Astronomy was equally unknown to any astrologer who predicted me, or even to God himself, that I had the opportunity and
foreign travel yoga at the time. Because, astronomy never fails. They can be said to be temporary or manifest as illusion to the
astrologers or gods by the waves of Maya (magic) for a period of time.
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But in my birth Kundali, my career is being referred to as Hollywood cinema, so again the opportunities are slowly flowing from
the Hollywood cinema. Such is the story of every man's life
Like that So many people are not aware of such golden opportunities. I did all the research work for my fiancée the most
emotional love affair between me and my fiancée is like this. One of the astrologers heard my love affair and predicted that the
two of you will be married in November 2013. But the only thing they have predicted for me is seeing the planets. Well, the two
of us fell in love with each other during the month of August even though the love story was going smoothly. That is, according
to Janma Kundali, there is some obstacle in the august month. It is ironic that not only this one episode, but also from my birth.
Partner, has been causing a problem in August. Well, as the astrologers predicted for me when the fiancée broke away from me,
our wedding was not held in November 2013. But one thing to note here very nicely is that she is a different species and I am a
different species. If our wedding took place in the month of November 2013, as expected by the astrologers, there would be no
obstacle or caste interference in the marriage of the lover's house. . But as time went on, my comprehension was not equal; she
and I separated away and I went elsewhere. This is what happened with me and Hollywood movies. Not only is this my case, but
it is also the case that such disasters or the golden age in people's lives did not go unnoticed.
These planets, apart from Earth, have a special mythological background. In addition, the 9 planets discovered in Kali Yuga and
rushimunis(sages) had already been incorporated into the Puranas in the Dwapara and Treta age... also, if we think in the form of
mythological that planets and few nakshtras indicates that they are gods of angles in the books that means in the kaliyuga it is not
unusual for a scientist in Kaliyuga to say that the Navagrahas (9 planets) and certain stars are deities, or that the planets that have
been invented by the Kundali or scientists have already come to fruition have already come to fruition. The scientific world
remains challenging again.
The mind, asthma, star, nakshtras, zodaics, planet, and moreover, time is also responsible for distracting the mind and making it
a success or task. These are the main reasons why a man can talk to a person, just talk smoothly and hide his words for a few
moments. That is the day of Lagna, lunar day and month. Only seven months of the year is fine, And whatever man
accomplishes, he can do within those seven months. They are: 1) February 2) March 3) May 4) August 5) October 6) November
7) December. There is only the full moon to the new moon. But from the time of new moon to full moon, it will be fruitful on
the day of some of the major lunar days - Ekadashi, Navami etc. May not be available. But from the full moon to the new moon,
the days are a boy tries to seduce his girlfriend by means of Maya (magic) or witchcraft. Here is a short description of it. An
astrologer, though, is expected to observe the deadliest and auspicious days, chanting mantras or homam Havana, in accordance
with the birth kundali of the lover. This is where a small love story begins. Most importantly, he loves his girl without seeing her
face and tries to manipulate such a witchcraft or chanting of his lover when his love affair breaks While he does not see the girl's
face, and does not know her family or even her name equally. Through the mantra Maya (magic) or sorcery or mesmerism, the
day as I have noted above the seven months was most important and also the star, nakshtra, lunar day, lunar mansions will most
importantly bear fruit. The sweet lover gets his fiancée through or sorcery. This is the most awe-inspiring miracle or the creation
of the Supreme Being who challenges the scientific world.
Normally in these seven months, Kethu, Rahu, the Exponential planets according to Janma Kundali, and the bad planets which
entering into ours zodiacs, nakshsatras during that time whatever man's mind does, he does not stand firm. The depiction of a
person's birth kundali is as follows. It is only when he has conquered it that he can cross over this wall or realize his dream or
achievement. One of a pair of the chromosomes of the male and the female matches than the birth of the child is occurred. If he
is born in Aries, bharani nakshatra, he is having obstacles in the month of September, in addition to this Taurus, Scorpio
Aquarius zodaics are bad. Jupiter, Saturn planets are bad, and then Gemini Sagittarius, cancer zodaics are friendly. Remaining
days are to be considered is bad and good days are to be taking to the account. We need to consider that have both bad and good
planets and make life through the thorny fence in order to conquer the ominous planet.( He was born in the constellation Aries,
in the month of September, he was in conjunction with the month of September, Vishnu, Taurus, Kumbha/Pisces, Jupiter,
Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Sagittarius, Karka allies and one has to make life through the thorny fence in order to conquer the
ominous planet.)
Usually above 7 months are good Rahu, Kethu are malefic planets when these planets enter into Rashi Nakshtras man’s mind
becomes unstable, a man kundali is as follows if he can come out of the malefic effects of the planets gets success his dream
came true if man has23 cells out of which are pair of cell combined together with a female, baby is born if birth day of that
baby falls in Aries(mesha Rashi) Bharani Nakshtra ,September in the malefic month along with Scorpio(Vrscika Rashi), Taurus
(Vrsabha Rashi), Aquarius (kumba Rashi) malefic Jupiter and Saturn are malefic Gemini(Mithuna Rashi) Cancer (Karka Rashi)
Sagittarius (Dhanusa Rashi) friendly behaves good and bad days accounting good and bad planets accounting has to go lead life
going barbed wire.
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“Asteroids, stars and planets are also responsible for cheating in friendship, marriage, and
Once get name and fame in his early age another in his middle age and other in his old age reason for this if sin is in birth house
gets name and fame in his early age depends upon his occupation selected.
Afterwards Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu in line. For others after sub in the middle or at the end enters to their Zodiac gets name
and fame.
That means sun planets plats important role in any body’s life this is the reality.
The mass, planet and stars are the reason why what we worship affects our minds.
Asteroids, planets, and stars are the cause of man's nightmares or even the weakening of his mind.
“Mental disorder of a man, Zodiac planet star and activities of man are responsible.”
Human activities are the cause of man's mental disorder. This is also due to the mass, planet and stars star, zodiacs. This is called
fallacy yoga.
Jupiter, Mars accordingly in Asc and 7th lunar day (Sapthami) respectively. Or Saturn is in Asc then Mars 5 th or 7th. Or Saturn
should be in the 12th house with the waning moon. Or Moon, Mercury should be the center of sight or other planetary. If this is
the case, the person will become mentally ill.
Because of the planets and zodiacs (and asteroids) Venus is in high heap of pieces (its highest state). Jupiter is (in its highest)
high heap of cancer and (is in its highest mass) and Saturn is high heap of Libra. They will get plenty of money (Dhana Lakshmi
yoga is occurs) and he becomes a rich.
In the Asc in Jupiter seen 3rd part of the house, sun 10th place is moon, 6th place is Saturn and mar sand 4th place is mercury, is
there is no accidents, obstacles during the time of journey. No matter what the obstacles, accidents don't happen. Once these
positions are reversed, accidents occur during travel.
Jupiter is there in the lagna remaining planets are in the 2 nd and 11th positions. Or the Mercury is in the 2 nd position, sun is in the
3rd, Venus is in lagna. Or the Sun is in lagna, Saturn is in 6 th, moon is in 10th position OR Saturn is in lagna, sun is in 10 th position,
Mercury, Venus, 3rd 11th, 6th is in Saturn, mars or Jupiter then there will be success. Defeat doesn’t happen to them this is called
jaya yoga.
Jupiter is in lagna, 10th or 11th positions are sin planets is there. Mercury, Venus is in 7 th position, Moon is in 3rd position. In this
situation those who do travel competition in this state get benefit.
Venus is in 6th position, Jupiter is in lagna, moon is in 8 th position, mercury, Venus are in 4th position OR mercury, Venus, moon
are in the 7th position then they get raja yoga (kingdom).
Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus from the Lagna 1,4,5,7,9,10 in these positions there must be at least any 2 planets should be there.
OR if 3 planets is there in these positions. They become Adhiyoga if there is only one planet, it will be yoga.
6 Moon, Venus, Taurus zodiac they are strong in the auspicious and if they are looking marriage proposals for a girl and this will
be achieved. And moon, Venus if have same zodiacs they are very strong, envision is there on the lagna then marriage benefits to
the groom.
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If Jupiter is in 7th position, Mercury is also in its same state, and those born at that time they become traders (businessman). But
if one is not a trader, then one or more astronomical scientists or astrologers have discovered that astronomical knowledge of
planetary positions are in problems.
Lagna is in the lord of lagna and Jupiter or in conjunction with planets or Jupiter has envision 4 th position in these zodiacs who
were born having the advantage of planets.
If the lord of 5th is in the center of triangle and envision of Jupiter panchamadhipati (5 th place in space) is in the same zodiacs
(pile) and the Jupiter envision is there. They get pregency yoga. If the husband is in a central triangle (threekona) with a lord in
the center, the offspring will be unconscious.
Saturn is the lord of these zodiacs, from the Capricorn to Aquarius zodiacs 5th son position they will be only one child. And again
no male child is born again.
The 2nd 7th and 12th lunar days or rituals come on Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday and that day will be a Dwapushkara (lots money)
Yoga if there are Dhanishtha (lots money), Chitta star or mrigashirsha nakshtra star. Doing any activity in this yoga will have to
do the same thing over and over again. Accidental death may occur at this time. Death may occur again in a short time. If
something is stolen from home, again after few days steal the things from home. If new ornaments are made in this yoga, and
again few days after new ornaments will have to be made.
Jupiter and Mars should be in Lagna and Saptamai (7 th lunar day) respectively. Or Saturn is in lagna Mars is in 5 th and 7th
position. Or Saturn should be in the 12th house with the waning moon. Or Moon, Mercury should be the center of sight or other
planetary. If this is the case, the person will become mentally ill and go crazy. Taurus is then mentally and physically defective.
Asc is also ominous (malefic) zodiacs, Sagittarius or Taurus is there, envision of the sin planets occurs, who has a hairless head
(if they have an illusory planetary vision.)
Most of the sinful (malefic) planets are in the 8th house of Mars, which occupies an ominous space, causing community death.
This results in accidental death of the individual in the group. The result of this yoga is earthquake, mining, sinking. Many
people die from landslides, sunburns, tornado, blizzards, vehicle accidents and flight, rail accidents.
Moon in the 10th position, Mars in the 7th position, Saturn in 2nd position with Ravi are in the disability. This causes the person's
organs to become crippled. Disability is caused by trauma, accident, paralysis, and aortic injury.
If the 6th is lord of house with Venus, OR sun, Saturn or Rahu in the brutal 6 th, the person or any animal is killed. Or even the
death penalty.
Lord of the lagan is having envision, Moon is in the 6 th house, with Saturn is in 6th or 8th position. Or and Saturn, Mandi or Rahu
are friends. Then the person or animal will be killed. Accidents, poisoning, slaughter, stabbing, death by wild animals. Or
degradation by humans to animal birds. Or snake bites that cause human or animal death.
If Mars is in the sixth or eighth position of the lord or 3 rd position of the lord, Saturn or a brutal (man) house or plants, man or
person dies in battle. Or animal birds die abnormally in their case. If a man who died in battle is credited with this, his life is not
If Jupiter is in 7th position, Mercury is also in its Navamsha (7 th place in space) those born at that time will surely become traders
(business people). This is the reality.
Saturn is the lord of these zodiacs, from the Capricorn to Aquarius zodiacs 5th son position they will be only one child. And again
no male child is born again.
Mars is in high heap (high position), from the lagna is in the 5 th position. Then there will be three or more sons were born. Jupiter
is in fifth position from the Lagna and his zodiacs (if it is his heir) then there will be multiple sons are born.
Three or more daughters are born when Saturn is in the constellation of Capricorn and the 5 th position from Lagna. Venus, Moon
or mercury if one is in the position of a son. Then there will be daughter is born.
Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter will be dissolved by Saturn. from the Jupiter the position of the son 6 th, 8th OR in the 12th zodiacs,
Lord of the lagna is in adultery, then there is no pregnancy, It also happens in the life of animal birds. Again, Saturn and the Sun
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are in 7th day of lunar (sapathami) karma position of the Jupiter, envision of the moon is having them. Then there is pregnancy.
Sun, Saturn, and 6th positions in lord and moon is in the 7 th position envision of mercury on them then there is no pregnancy
Lord of the lagan with Rahu, Saturn in the 7 th position with Saturn having the blindness of envision, it cause of death by snake
bite, this also happens in the life of other animal birds.
There are sinful planets in the lagna and there are no auspicious planets in the center. Short-term yoga causes weakness.
Similarly, if the Moon is in the 8 th and 10th position planets with the sinful planets, Mars, Saturn, sun, moon 8 th of the zodiacs
then there will be short term life causes.
The lord is in the eighth position in the twelfth pile from Lagna, lord of the asthmadipathi (8 th place in horoscope) asthmadipathu
threekona and the tree will fall and die. It can also be tested on any other biomass.
A person or any animal that accidentally falls into a well or a lake or they die this yoga is called koopagata (Yoga – adoption of
the son) this happens if the Moon is in the 7th zodiacs, Mars in the 10th zodiacs, and Saturn in the 4th zodiac, this scenario
If the lord of lagna is in 5 th position lord of the Panchami (5 th day of lunar) is in same position than adoption of son yoga is
coming. But this is only found in the life of man.
From the Venus 5th or 9th is in Jupiter OR from the Jupiter moon is in 5 th, Moon in the center of sun and they are obsess and.
Becomes the best speaker, commentator. Business man.
From the lagna have 2nd position of Moon, Mercury, and lord of lagna is also with Venus (are both in conjunction with Ravi),
then the person is born blind or later blind. It also happens in the life of animal birds.
If the moon of the planet, 2nd position of the lord is very cruel, or when the enemy is in navamsha or the sinful planets have the
envision (limelight, or in the sight of the inferior planets) they are the last to lend a hand to others. Live under the protection of
another. It is also sometimes found in the life of any other biomass.
If there is a Mandi Rahu in the second position from the Lagna, there is the fear of snake bites for such persons or animal birds.
But if the person is free from Rahu Mandi, there would be no fear of snake bites. The snake will come in its foot, but the snake
will not bite. However, Rahu is with 7th position with the lord of the lagna, Saturn will have blindness, they will die of a snake
bite, and even if the humans or other organism does not touch the snake also they die.
The mass of snake bites is the reason for the zodiacs, star, and constellation. Occasionally, the snake comes to the man and
returns with lift the head, but without biting. This is also because the planets are in the Lagna. How Jupiter, Mars should be in
Lagna and 7th day of lunar (Sapthami) respectively. Or Saturn is in lagna Mars should be in 5 th and 7th position. Or Saturn should
be in the 12th house with the waning moon. Or moon Mercury should be the center of sight or other planetary. If this is the case,
the man will be subjected to a snake bite by the asterisk and asteroids, even if the person becomes mentally ill. But even the
snake will come back to him and return. This is also because of zodaics, nakshtras, and lagnas etc. and the planetary status.
Man has to face demons and they enter into the soul this is because of zodiacs, nakshtras and lagnas. If the moola star is in
Sagittarius, the demons will return back. They are often distracted by the fact that they are distracted. Demons also join to the
mankind (soul) according to planetary conditions. Sun, Saturn is in the 5 th position with Moon is become weakly conjunct in 7th
day of lunar (Sapthami) while lagna is in Rahu Jupiter, 12th zodiacs. The children are destroyed by the curse of ghosts. Ghosts
are spirits that are not released from this world away from the body. Those who have died, those who have not been buried, are
in a temporary ghost state. The influence of dead persons is on living persons.
If the Jupiter is in his own element or in the tower, and the sight of the asteroids, the knowledge of the Trikaala (three time
knowledge/supreme power) is available. It is the awakening of the seven chakras of man. Become a triologist. If the planetary
state is changed or exchanged then the seven chakars awakening cycles of man will be silenced. Only the two chakras are
In the 10th house, {lord of the sapthami (7th lunar day)} there are persons who are the lord and sovereigns of the house. They get
the people who do the prostitutes, they keep an extramarital affair.
If the strong lord of the Panchami (5 th lunar day) and lord of the shashthi (6 th lunar day) Saptapadipatti are combined with the
asteroids, they will not become children themselves. So they get children from an alien relationship. Neither woman nor husband
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will do this work. Or it can be found in prostitution. Lord of lagna and lord of the sapthami (7 th lunar day) they have multiple
wives, and mutual vision. It can also take place in a woman's life.
If sun is in the 6th, 8th, 10th position, the 8th is the lord, in the 9th position lagna is in 12th position lord of 6th is in 5th position, due to
this the death of the father before the child is born.
The 9th is the lord of the position good planets having envision which combines the other good planets. Have a tendency to
donate forever. They have good qualities when they are auspicious.
Jupiter is in lagna, Moon in 7 th position, from the moon sun is in 8 th position. Become efficient officers. The head of the town
will be the legislator.
In the lord of lagna, If Mars or Mercury is in the four or twelve of them, they get leprosy. Or even dermatitis.
Rahu is in 6th position, from the lagna center; lord of the lagna is in the 8th position. They are the victims get T B disease.
If lord of the lagna is in 6 th position, lord of the present center, or Saturn, Rahu or Kethu are in the center of the threekona or (the
triangle of the sixth lord), they surely the prison will be inhabited. Will be released soon after his arrest. But if the planets are in
good condition, they will be released quickly. If the position of the planets and the motion of the planet is changed, they will not
be able to live in prison. Or in the case of the inferior planets, they will be sentenced to death.
If the planets are in any of the 5 zodiacs, they will get good fortune. But they are worried that their friends and relatives will be
surrounded by money lenders. This creates a worry for the horoscope.
From the lagna there are ominous planets in the second position of the planet, and the evil planets in the house, the second ruler
is brutal and others with poisonous eyes will poison them. Such a person will be poisoned by enmity, jealousy and hatred.
Sudhaksha Yoga is the most daring condition. This is where children die in front of a horoscope. If sun is in the 5 th position of
his zodiac or her planet, or is in the constellation of Capricorn, or among the evil planets, the children die from the curse of their
Lord of the Ashtami (8 th lunar day) is in Panchami (5 th lunar day) and also vice versa, moon is in 4 th position and 6 th position,
the children will die due to mother curse.12 zodaics, 12 lagnas, apart from lion and Aquarius and remaining all lagnas of father
and mother curse the children’s will die.
(If the octave is in the Panchami and in the fifth, the moon in the fourth, and in the 6th, the children of the mother curse will die.
The father and mother are cursed by the deaths of the father and the lion and the kumbha lagna in all the twelve and the twelve
“Frequent thefts, deaths and accidents are occurred due to planets are responsible”
The 2nd 7th and 12th lunar days or rituals come on Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday and that day will be a Dwapushkara Yoga if
there are Dhanishtha, Chitta or mrigashirsha nakshtra. Doing any activity in this yoga will have to do the same thing over and
over again. Accidental death may occur at this time. Death may occur again in a short time. If something is stolen from home,
again after few days steal the things from home. If new ornaments are made in this yoga, and again few days after new
ornaments will have to be made.
Planets also have effects on plants, trees, stars, stones, grass etc... Work on five physical elements. Let suppose a tree growing
from a seed and soil there is a produce of germination, (have a tree is dependent on planets, Zodiacs, stars etc. has been
Explanation Details:
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We also consider the practice of monkey to human. In the current days of being a monkey-to-human, it is questioned why the
monkey is not bringing back the human form. But it is enough scientists to argue that it has lost motivation in these times and it’s
clear. But even the proven scientists who argue that it is hardly aware of the fact that the apes are human. But the human elf from
the monkey has to accept the argument and clarity of some scientists. In addition, the discovery that the monkey has lost the
temptation to take on human form in recent days must also be accepted. However, the species of monkey that are visible today
are different from the monkey species that have been creature of humans.
Trees vibrate at one another from this wind is generating. Organisms get oxygen from it. Is it possible for wind to produce barely
vibrating trees? There is. The power of the Holy Spirit has flowed to every particle in this world, like how a bulb turns on a wire
touch from a main switch. So what's the point of generating energy? That is how power is generated at the power generating
stations, such as the jog, which flows into the major grids of Hubli Earlier, we would not be able to get power directly from
Jogu, as the collection for the Hubli (city) Grids and then the towns would be supplied to the villages. Planets should be studied
on the basis of the five physical elements, before the study of the planets or the study of the TCs in the towns. Similarly, if you
want to find God, you must first find the Guru. Then the Guru is our Lord
If the pile is the same as the construction and maintenance of a house from top to bottom, the function of the stars is to extend
the functions of how the house is built and how it is built. While stars are invisible, they are subtle and equally special. The
Janma Kundali time-based calendar is written based solely on the new planets. However, no other planetary sub-planets except
the Earth's satellite moon have been used for Hindu calendar and time constraints. But it is inevitable that they will be used for
alignment and timing. Because they orbit the sun like the earth's moons. There are crores of souls here. A small test of those
spirits some spirits move within the body of man, some soul’s bird, some souls move towards animals. The rest of the souls
remain pure souls. This is because the bodies depend on the spirits found or the perception of the bodies allowed to be
incorporated into the body.
Souls, planets characters, planets condition (and are planetary features and its situation.) Female bodies join when planetary
conditions are female and negative. Then, of course, feminine feelings emerge in the woman. But of course, the planetary
features and the status of the planet are positively masculine.
There are many planets in the solar system. The Hindu calendar timescale is based on the only visible planets. The alien, the
distant sun, is still staring at us. In addition, only one of them is used for globe Hindu calendar and birth kundali. The 12 zodiacs
are 27 nakshtras apart. The constellations of the stars, nakshtras in our solar system braided time (Hindu calendar) and with birth
kundali is identified. 27 stars, 12 piles are like microbes on the new planets - because no one knows the outside world. The
planets are only looking outward.
Every daylight in the sky affects every living thing on earth. They also nest inside the body of the organism.
The spacing of life and mass of stars is similar. Life piles are living beings. It's a creature. Similarly in the astronomical piles, the
origin of living organisms on any planet is called heap. It is the duty of the stars to radiate it. OR Rashis and Nakshtras maintain
their gap, life of Rashis means total life group.
To black magic and energy of mantra all the time in year are not suitable.
To experiment a black magic on somebody and energy by mantras basically planets should be in proper state, in the absence of
good planets position whatever energy mantras and black magic done and those experiments fail. Example: Saturn Rahu and
Kethu according to birth kundali malefic planets aspire all trials will lead to fail and what we may have in hands may not reach
our mouth. To conduct black magic or energizing mantras we to study planets aspects good yoga, good mantras etc. and to be
calculated other whatever experiment we make fail.
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conditions, molecules and species of human beings were born. For example, it is believed that if our country is hit or killed by
the cobra, snake curses will come. The works are unfinished, Annoying confusing. The mind is not comfortable. Failure or
negligence does not occur only if the cobra is struck or killed. It also occasionally comes from planetary error. Or if a member of
the household is killed or killed by ancestors, or once or in the present place, the loss or negligence of the victim becomes a
matter of experience but this is not the case, perhaps, or literally, in China or some other country. They have the same expertise
as the people of our country. They are not suffering from neglect or care. Because that is the state of the planets there. The
importance of the field there. But all at once, or even planetary spheres. But the truth lies far behind.
I will take my own birth kundali for the help after my birth Kethu planet took 7 years and ruled, next Venus planets ruled my
life for 20 years next, Sun ruled for 6 years, after Moon dasa (Period) 10 years, means from Kethu entering Jupiter, the
beginning of Jupiter dasa (Period) from 1988 to 2055 means 68 years completed again beginning of Jupiter dasa (Period) is
2055, Jupiter planet for 16 years and gives what to Saturn planet will rule then Saturn planet will rule for 19 years after Saturn
planet Mercury dasa (Period) starts and rules for 17 years.
If you count from the entering of Jupiter counting Mercury planets rule 52 years over if we add 68 years to 52 years it comes to
10 years. But man’s duration only from 60 to 90 still planets remain and like chain can get kundali again. Here we have not
counted duration, Neptune, Uranus planets in case from Kethu, Venus. Sun, Moon, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune,
Uranus, planets period and lives more years, again like chain Kethu planets accounts starts, like this by chanting mantras we
can increase planets periods.
Gods whatever we worship we get energy of planets by chanting mantras, gods also have kundali, by this gods kundali we see
miracle depending upon strength of planets, we have to fight against malefic energy, these malefic planets have kundali we don’t
account strength of god and malefic energies, either gods strength are more or malefic energy strength is depends on planets
Athma(Soul) is one it occupied the body which it enters gets difference planets , Rashis Nakshtras are the basics, each of them
starts working depending on their body, its similar to change of one sim form one mobile to another mobile, in the same way
male and female have superior inferior through planets, five physical elements and Rashis.
Every year Rashis, planets, Nakshtras are in thousands develop and show changes in their capacity changes planets cause defeat
and age decreases thousand times. According to astronomer studies planets like living being age changes, age of planets ends
one more planet energies by its side.
The sun is like a light bulb used in everyday homes. Similarly, a house has a lot of electrically controlled bulbs. Similarly in the
solar system there are bulbs like electric bulbs. That means there are so many suns. After the tungsten wire in the bulb is gone
we will buy another new bulb. Similarly, there is another sun created before the death of the Sun, before his death. The sun will
gradually disappear like a bulb.
“Theory of sunlight crossing Earth, new planet, Nakshtras, Rashis, solar system is created depending upon
atmosphere whether changes.”
Are the rays of light reflected from the sun reflected on the moon and falling on the earth? There is Sunlight is reflected on each
of the planets, and then reflects on other celestial bodies. It is hardly believable that the light reflected from the sun falls on the
moon and then falls on the earth. In particular, light from the sun shines on every celestial body in its orbit. Our Earth is one of
those. The simple fact is that when an electric bulb is turned on, it passes over a wall and then lights up the home or room. The
light is caused by the emitted ray and its enormous shedding (impact) from the electric bulb. And then passing the wall and
lighting the room is another thing.
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The other thing is that males and females have 23 chromosomes. The fact is that it is present in every animal. But if an organism
has to take the seed, it is important. It has already been clarified above that the tree does not grow without seed. But seed
creation was a necessity. There is someone who creates its Vidhatha/Creator. But if the organism is to be taken only by the male
or female, or by the species of one species, it is not only the sex. It is something else. When the male sperm and female ovum are
mixed together, an organism produces the seed for fertilization. The chromosome, then, becomes the antagonist responsible for
sperm and ovulation. The most important question here is whether the planet or the constellation gave rise to the stars than the
Vidhata/Creator. Haunted. Just as a baby is born with sperm and an ovum, it is a planet, star or asteroid that is created in the
same way as the birth.
“Reasons for the death of parents, father in law and mother in law.”
The 1st charan of the Maghya nakshtra, the Moola nakshtra, is born in 1, 2, 3 charan and takes death of his father-in-law.
Ashlesha Nakshtra is born in 2, 3, 4 charan. Born in the eldest charan, it takes the wife's older brother. Similarly, if the Vishakha
nakshtra is born in the 4th charan, brother of wife will sacrifice herself. The bride's birth Kundali has to be noted in terms of
marriage. If Mars is in the position of 1-4-7-8-12 in her birth Kundali, the husband will surely die. Similarly, if the man is also in
the kundali, the wife dies.
Girl is born in Moola nakshtra 1, 2, 3 charan, sacrificed (die) her father-in-law. A girl born in the Ashlesha nakshtra 2, 3, 4
charan girl and mother in law will die. In addition, the girls born in the 4 th charan of the eldest nakshtra, the husband of the elder
brother 4th and the birth of the Visakha nakshtra in the 4 th charan, sacrificed her brother in law also, she who is born in this yoga
i.e. sun, Mars, Saturn’s, Kritika, Ashlesha, Sattatara nakshtras when Dwitiya, Saptami, Dwadashi lunar days are added to poison.
She is poison girls (vishkanya) and she kills her husband.
Astro scientist states that Nakshtras, sun in night are sun that means astronaut’s, astrologer’s aspect each stars is 27 stars are
suns, according to astrologer, only sun is found in our solar system true is scope for only are sun, can even if there is scope for
the existence another sun then as per the study of astrologer is because of deference all the study came all these days it occurs
Another sun in this orbit will be resolving definitely there is harm, if 27 stars, are stars only and sun. Astrologer somewhere are
gone wrong, stars seen in the night are stars only, they are not seen by the telescope study similarly Rashi stars have no shapes.
If they have no shape it is proved they are sun.
Planets have attraction each other they have like magnets and so they revolve and there because loss in their magnet power they
rotate irregularly, magnet power is imaginary.
"Without divine law, such colourful planets could not have been created."
If the planets were created naturally, the planets would have to be swept away. Once the planets are created naturally, we need to
explore the meaning of the word natural. Are children born without a parent? There is. As well as the natural word meaning.
This is called natural. Another meaning of the natural word is the wish of the Lord. Otherwise the word "natural" would have
gone away. A man builds a house. . He wants to live in the house after the house is built. Or he may make a fortune in the house
he built for his children, and he himself will be blessed. And the Lord has created this beautiful world. He built and gave us a
home to live in. There are also different planets, and even bean just like how humans differ from one another. But that's not all
that is visible to our eyes. If man were intelligent, he would have to leave the soil on the ground and try to create a new soil with
his good work. But it's not possible. Whatever he gets, he receives from the five physical elements, built by the Lord. One makes
a pitcher. He then sells it. After a few days, that pitcher gets hit. The buyer then repairs the damaged pitcher and re-uses it. It's all
about being a scientist or a doctor. He is a scientist and physician who has reaped the physical body that God gave him and made
it better. Where then did he get the tools to cut the body? Where did the soil come from to build a house? That is, all that is
visible to us is the creation of the Holy Spirit. He is the leader of the universe. Or where did this earth come from? Where did the
soil come from? One has to wonder where the sun and moon and stars came from. But the humans is not really intelligent; If he
were wise, he would have to create something new and leave behind what God had given him. It doesn't. It's just a waste of time.
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We don't even know the time point is a small point of the universe. Because divine law is like that. Otherwise the word divine
would not even have meaning. The question arises as to where the worn clothes also came from. The cloth worn is from yarn.
The yarn is from cotton. Is from cotton wood. The tree is from seed. The seed is from Maya (magic). Maya (magic) has been
around since time immemorial. The time has come from the Lord.
But where mud was brought to construct the house, that means what all we see in the creation of god and he is the head of the
universe, otherwise we have to think that where we will get, from where did we get Earth, Sun, planets, Zodiac, Stars and soil,
man is not that intelligent if so he would prove his efficiency by creating new things don’t know small dot.
Gods policies are like that we have to question? As how we get cloths we wear, this cloth can from the thread which came from
the cotton and this cotton came from the tree, which came from the seed, seed came from illusion. Illusion came from kala
(timeline, time), time birth place has a special status.
If I had not born in Haveri, Hullatti village definitely planets, place would have definitely changed local time and birth time
would have changed, to the time I gave birth in same another country they would have had my achievement and intelligence, this
is not possible because of my birth place.
1. Born on 01/06/1988 for 6 hours and 37 minutes on Wednesday, the planets condition and my activates and karma is compared to
the present that means now I am in 2016. Planets condition now that my activity is related to the state of the planets. Lots of
young people are on the path to progress. How can the birth force or planetary influence be able to function during this period,
i.e., in 2016? Yes, when the baby is born, the positions of the planets and the constellations and the yoga of the planets are
observed while giving birth. Not only the Yogas of 2016 but also the life of the same planetary life will continue till the death of
the person as Janma Kundali has proposed. But there is a link to the birth planet of the day and the stars of today's planet. This is
because the same planets, stars and lunar piles lead to the birth of Kundali.
2. As man grows ever more, his creative power is also growing. But the soul is always created with the power of grace. When it
joins the body from the five-physical elements and it joins the body, the soul behaves similarly to that body. In addition to the
planets, the constellations of the stars, the, the constellations of the body, which are in need of the body of the five five-physical
elements`, the star and the energy of the day. Once in the infantile childhood system, the body of the five-physical elements of
energy has to be known as the influence of planets, constellations and stars. For example, if I had predicted my birth based on
Kundali, As the first place in Kundali ie Jupiter in birth place and sun in second place I would have started writing and drama at
my early age because of Janma Kundali in the first place. But I didn't have the ability to hold the world in my hands. This is due
to the body of the five physical elements. Planets and constellations grace the gradual increase of man's energy.
Premature death at birth Kundali i.e premature death at the age of 20 or 30 years. But the birth kundali does not persist if a
person suffers premature death in the world. However, if the person dies prematurely, the birth kundali persists, and the
astronomical knowledge of the birth kundali is proved to be incomplete.
If the doctor does it right, the doctor has the power to disrupt a planet. Of course, the physician does not have the power to
destroy the planets. Regardless of what treatment the patient has to treat, the other senses have the power to dissipate, that is, to
heal. If there is a sinful planetary of envision it would not be possible for a physician and also the god.
The word is changing frequently, every two hours in the tongue of humans from the day and night and the twelfth day, as well as
the day. Here is its justification. Lagnas are calculated from the time of sunrise every month. Just as there are twelve piles per
day, there are twelve lagnas a day. 24 hours a day is allocated to 12 piles. Each pile has a specific time.
1) When Aries enters while talking or performing work - the person's tongue or words of accomplishment are rolling. Or the task of
doing it runs smoothly. Or if it is a discussion of cereals, then the function will be executed. Compared to other content, it's a
little late. Its duration is Aries - 1 hour and 36 minutes.
2) When the Taurus enters while speaking or working, the path of destruction is exacerbated by the act of destruction in the
person's tongue. However, there will be activities of destruction. Its duration is Taurus - 1 hour and 48 minutes.
Yes, astronomy says since the planets act as a clock every day, in the birth Kundali, the perfect fate of man, has been foretold.
I was born on June 1, 1988. Does that mean that the status of the 2016 planets will be different from 1988's? There is.
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The foundation of a house is predicted by the engineer or the people who laid the foundation. Similarly, if one looks at the power
or the perfect seed in a tree, the future seed will sprout and grow into a tree. Similarly, the birth kundali of a man is like the
foundation of a house or the seed of a tree.
A question arises of course here. That is, if the person prophesied by observing the motion of the planets at the time of birth, the
motion of the zodiac, the motion of the planets, the motion of the stars, would the planets, asteroids, lunar, stars be associated
with the birth of the person today? Yes, as we have used a tree seed for example, the tree will continue to grow in the near future.
Before the seed had sprouted, we had a future in which the seed would grow and grow again.
True, the eyes that see it today are the seed of a tree, standing in a tree. Season, time, planetary motion, energy, zodiacs, mass,
lagna, lunar day, use of these and is predicted to be true, as we said previously that seed sprouted (tree) before that we predict the
future of the seed. When we plant a seed during this time of the planets, zodiacs, stars, date, time, lunar days of the situation…
etc. and the present time of the planets, zodiacs, stars, date, time, lunar days then we analyzed it and we predict the future of the
tree same thing as in the humans also. If we scratch the seed it’s like removing the birth Kundali of humans it is like relation
between the seed and the tree similarly to the birth Kundali between the planets, Zodiac, Asc, lunar days (lunar mansions) etc.
we can predict the future by considering the present planets. It is a precious gem found in the human’s clan. Man is virtuous.
(Capable, zodiacs, lagna, lunar days. As predicted before the dawn of time, nowadays the season, time, planetary motion,
potency, mass, lagna, lunar day is used to predict the future of today's planetary movement, energy, mass, lagna, lunar days. This
means that the movement of the planets of the present day depends on the standing tree, which grows, the energy, the asteroid,
the Lagna, the lunar day. The birth of a man becomes the basis of the kundali of birth. Like the relation of the tree to the tree, the
birth kundali is related to the movement of the planets of today, the planet, the constellation, the lagna, and the lunar day. The
planetary motion of today's days, the energy, the mass, the lagna, the lunar day is predicted in the east. It is a precious gem found
in the human’s clan. Man is virtuous.)
A person receives full fate is only that when a person is in young (adolescence) to the adulthood to the breath, until then he
won’t receive fate (incomplete content is available). Until then man is ignorant and not wise in astronomy or knowledge. Clear
information is available when a person is in adolescence to the last breath; he writes anecdotal accounts of his entire life, (until
he breathes his last from a youthful situation.) Until that the person fate is analyzed and gives clear information, till this there is
no fate. Those who have fate for them birth kundali was not written. Naturally the planetary cord similarly the fate is created or
written naturally (written as a cord.)
A person's having full fate and is perfectly available in his birth kundali but cannot be studied by astrologers or by God or
himself. The events of yesterday's life are just like writing. Because celestial stuff is impossible for man.
Most of yesterday's events are available. But for most of tomorrow's events, the astrologers or God predicted will be much less -
because neither astrologers nor God will have perfect astronomical information. When writing the birth kundali somebody
makes a mistake while the writing horoscope.
The deities or saints we see today in reality are the gods and goddesses who are with us today. Mantras are available today
because of the infallible power of Rushimunis (sage) in ancient times. Most importantly, writing astronomy science was written
in texts which in incomplete knowledge and kept in libraries and they went (disappear). Rushimunis, though, had not done any
penance about the god seven unique chakras in the body of man began to work for the purpose of meditation and penance, as
they were practiced in meditation. It enlightened them. The seven chakras of penance and continuous meditation were awakened
by the distinctive ray waves known as the cosmetic, which were dissolved in nature and became aware of temporal knowledge.
They then created the mantras and filled them with the special divine power that created the gods and brought them to life. That
is why the Hindu scriptures reveal that the essence of the deities is hidden in the mantras.
How the gods were created in another way, as man was created from monkey and to complete formation of man to human being
by step by step. They all created by the peculiar power of Maya (magic) even today, it is not visible to us but is functioning at its
best. This is because of creation creatures, not God.
The creation of the gods that are visible to man today is different from the creation of the gods of time and of the creation of
Maya (magic). Today, ghosts sometimes appear in the eyes of man. It is sometimes invisible to the eye. God is likewise a god
that has arisen from the peculiar power of time and Maya (magic) or the gods created by Maya (magic) or the saints, who appear
once and for all to the eyes of man. Wandering like Maya (magic). And they are consensual Everywhere Span. (Ubiquitous).
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Demons do not belong to the soul at all times to man. As I have explained many times before, the ghost demons penetrate into
the soul of man in a very special time. Sometimes a small problem can occur during the time of walking of demons and god’s,
humans can face problems in between them. But the demonic demons are infiltrate humans this is reason of the planetary,
asterisk, stars, time etc.
A sensitive question arises from where the clothing worn by a man comes from. The clothes the man wears are from yarn. That,
too, is the most common fact. Again, the yarn is from cotton. But again, a subtle question arises as to where the cotton comes
from. The answer, of course, comes from the fact that cotton comes from seed. But? The special question again arises where the
seed came from. Then the suspicion that the seed may have arisen from God is created. But in reality it will not be a suspicion or
conundrum. That sounds realistic. Becomes the truth.
11. Aquarius - For merchants gets profit and they are good.
13. But man does not know about these things. The cause is darkness; some people do not know them, but they are performing in the
fields of cinema, politics, sports and other fields. Because of their birth instincts, the constellations of the stars are instantly
drawn. Others, however, do not know of such opportunities and are immersed in other affairs and endangered lives.
14. These are the reasons why some people feel disappointed that the results came in hand went out of his mouth. I want to give my
own beautiful example. My career was cinema and literature and I was born on this earth. But I have come to know this only
recently. That means at my 22nd age. While I was working in the field of fiction, fiction and cinema in general, Janma Kundali
was my definitive masterpiece... Whatever it may be, my goal is only to be a director and a hero in the Hollywood film industry.
While I was doing my best to write a book and novel in the shortest time and I was searching to create a Guinness World
Record, the next day of the Guinness World Records, in terms of astrology or birth kundali indicated that I would get a chance in
the Hollywood cinema. The only person who were in the Guinness World Record, originally from London. They don't even
know this. This is because all of the planets, constellations and constellations are already predicting our fate. But unfortunately
on May 21 and 22, 2014, I was not able to make a Guinness World Record. The reason I was interrupted at that time was no one
else but my star and zodiacs. Moola star and Sagittarius. On May 21st and 22nd, I got a chance to be in the Hollywood cinema,
which is where the Guinness World Records submits me from the Department of Kannada and Culture. Of course the Kannada
and Culture Department itself did not know the real news that the Guinness World Record submits me. All I know through
astrology. But there is a different reason for this. The fights started as Kethu planet entered into my star and pile that year.
Because when Kethu enters the constellation and the star, there were interruptions started. They creates problems one above the
other. On the 21st there were both Saptami and Ashtami both lunar day, lion zodaics. Also May. 22nd was (Navami) 9th lunar
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day and Sagittarius. Lunar day, lunar mansions (Tithi’s) are more important than piles. If I had contacted the Kannada and
Culture Department, they would never have come to Guinness from London to Bangalore within 24 hours of writing submission.
After the Guinness record, I had chance at a Hollywood cinema... But the people who were with me during this time were cut off
from my contact and were reconnected at 7 pm on the 22nd date. That was, by the time they got together, it was already over. My
birth kundali and zodiac star and lagna were the reason for not getting a Guinness record or a Hollywood movie in those days.
Because in my birth Kundali was meant to give way to travel foreign and in love affairs. But even though I was a lover at the
time, I could not compose any poetry related to love. In the month of May 2004, Hollywood movies were not available. After
that, returned from Hawaii to give me a chance to enter the Hollywood cinema. Unfortunately, the people did not come to the
Guinness World Record in August. This was also the cause of my star piles. I contacted the book authority in Bangalore but did
not submitted to the Guinness record the saint Shri Sai Baba had predicted that Hollywood movies would be allowed by the
Love Record. I followed his fate and compiled five poems about the fiancée. So again I contacted the Bangalore Book Authority.
But this time I was given the opportunity of Hollywood cinema by a love affair in Hawaii. If we had been promoted to the
Guinness Book of Records, he would have been recommending to Hawaii's love affairs. But back in October 2014, I missed the
Hollywood Cinema opportunity. I didn't get Hollywood cinema there. If the book authority submits the five love poems I wrote
to Guinness, then Guinness would recommend them to the love company of Hawaii. But the writing of the times was different.
At the end of 2015 I have created over 16,000 love poetry books, as I am not aware of the amazing Kriya Shakti (creative power)
in Janma Kundali, which promotes love affairs. And then opportunism came from the Hollywood cinema
15. But in reality, if I analyzed the astrology and astronomy, I would not have had Hollywood cinema in May 2014 and October
2014. Astronomy was equally unknown to any astrologer who predicted me, or even to God himself, that I had the opportunity
and foreign travel yoga at the time. Because, astronomy never fails. They can be said to be temporary or manifest as illusion to
the astrologers or gods by the waves of Maya (magic) for a period of time.
16. But in my birth Kundali, my career is being referred to as Hollywood cinema, so again the opportunities are slowly flowing from
the Hollywood cinema. Such is the story of every man's life.
17. So many people are not aware of such golden opportunities. I did all the research for my fiancée. The most emotional love affair
between me and my fiancée is like this. One of the astrologers heard my love affair and predicted that the two of you will be
married in November 2013. But the only thing they have predicted for me is seeing the planets... Well, the two of us fell in love
with each other during the month of August even though the love story was going smoothly. That is, according to Janma
Kundali, month of august. It is ironic that not only this one episode, but also from my birth partner, has been causing a problem
in August. Well, as the astrologers predicted for me when the fiancée broke away from me, our wedding was not held in
November 2013. But one thing to note here very nicely is that she is a different caste and I am a different caste. If our wedding
took place in the month of November 2013, as expected by the astrologers, there would be no obstacle or caste interference in
the marriage of the lover's house. But as time went on, my comprehension was not equal; she was gone away from me and I
went elsewhere. This is what happened with me and Hollywood movies. Not only is this my case, but it is also the case that such
disasters or the golden age in people's lives have come to light.
18. There are strong reasons for Rahu, Kethu and Lagna to consider these three planets. They are invisible Maya (magic) and are so
sensitive. Have emerged as planets that have the most impact on biomass. Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto, together with the planets under the sun, are predicted by Rahu, Kethu and Lagna.
Nature was created male and female groups we can see then differently in nature, we see enough difference in both if and if no
difference existed in them there was no reason for birth of male and female on Earth.
For example if I take my birth kundali for reference and draw a female birth kundali highest and lowest intelligence would
Janma Kundali prophesies according to humans. A human is a kind of species. But this combination of planets cannot be
compared to the animal. This is because the genus Kundali predicts on one species. The tiger lion, for example, are similar
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species, but have similar planets. But this combination cannot be compared to a yoke or bear. Different kinds of lives have
different kinds living, so their future is different. Similarly, different kinds of birds have different life and planets it is not
possible to expand it here. The research notes of all those types are explained in another section.
Here, which of these piles, how they work, and their physical and mental state have been explained. And if the piles indicate the
attributes of man's performance, then the stars express the secret of life.
31 properties are created in one heap (zodiac). The organism carries about 31 properties in man or in any other biomass. Each of
the 12 piles has different properties. Man or any other life pile of living depends on those qualities.
The life of art is also evolving in the person in accordance with the seven Chakras. Art in one person is not found in another
person. Seven chakras have a lot of sense in which one has all kinds of art. This mainly depends on the status of the planet and
stars. . The Seven Chakras are the cause of the different creativity or ingenuity of each human being as the Seven Chakras
function in man. The power (energy) in one person is not found in the other person. The reason for this is the chakars. Let me
give you a bike example. Here all bikes are not similar, each bikes are different. Diversity wheels work the same way as riding a
bike. But the engine is only faster than a single function. And there is the difference.
Whether of humans or animals memory recall is occurred because of shading (rays) of the planets. For example, for example, in
my birth Kundali, when the sun shines (high rays) on the moon, its rays of rage extinguish me to get angry, when the rays of the
sun fall down (reduces) or fall on me, the anger soon subsides. Also, I repent of sin. So many years ago, a person who had been
acquainted with us for many years or for a long time left us, suddenly and again we recalled him. Here every action is caused
because of planets and its situation. In my birth Kundali, the sun's rays of light on the moon and when the sun's rays fell on
Venus completely this leads to uniformly recurring in the memory of the fiancée Umadevi, who left years ago or completely.
There is an object lying in front of our eyes. Or there may be money or some other thing or thorn is thrown away. According to
research or scientists' calculations, neurons in the brain are known to walk or pull a thorn. Or the study of anthropologists or
astrophysicists giving me the impression that there is much work to be done with the influence of the piles in the human body.
But all that is found in the calculations of scientists or the study of astrophysicists is only illusion. They may be superficial
processes. But it is indeed the study of astronomers that inspired the research of astronomers and the characteristics of the stars
and the planets of the individual humans.
According to common sense, a man or a boy or a girl has no father or mother, has died prematurely, i.e. death at the age of half
of humans. "If a man or a boy or a girl does not have a father, according to my research, either the birth or kundali of a boy or a
boy should be recognized as Moola star karna 1or Ashwini star charan 01 or Magha star stage 01. Otherwise, the mother has to
make a convincing case of Moolastrarana charan 2 or Ashwini star stage 2 or Magha nakshtra charan 2. But all that is visible to
us must be conveyed that it’s only memories.
Some measure a person's life by chromosomes or genetic molecules. Still others recognize life with their blood drops. But then
again few people will measure human life by using of the planets and knows pros and cons of life. But in reality blood or gene
chromosomal molecules are created from planets. Identifying a man's life by blood or by chromosomes is not the same. This is
because blood or chromosomes are created from the original planets. Calculating and identifying life from planets at an angle is
easy to find. Humans know that such a time will occur when the planets period (dasha) and its situation. We can know the life
through the situation of planets, blood, or chromosomes. (This is because life is interpreted as the planetary state of the blood or
chromosomes.) The question then arises wondering if there is any other way to know the life style or life of the human being
again than blood, chromosomes or planets. But neither the blood nor the chromosomes predicted the future of the planets. I will
explain the small illustrations here.
Example: Many sinful planets are in the constellation of Mars in the 8 th house of Jupiter, and occupy sinister categories. That
means group deaths. The death of the group occurs when the planets of Ravi, Rahu and Saturn are in the asthmadipathi (8th
lunar day) ominous aspect of the octave. A death is caused by earthquake, tsunami, ship, roll, bomb explosion, aircraft, factory
etc. The only people who have been killed here are traveling by air, ship, train etc. Those who do not have a death sentence
escape death from these factors. But even for those who are injured, planetary vision is torn. If all the planets are in good
condition, they will not eat any of the above from their birth. But it is not said by chromosomes or blood droplets.
When there are billions of planets in the universe, is it possible to identify only 9 planets, as well as the fate of man or life? It
hardly feels right. Or do astrological scientists today calculate man-made writing (fate) from planets found only in our solar
system orbit? Or are there only 9 planets in orbit? There is. The birth of Kundali was written on the New Planets and the future
is being predicted. There are many planets that are not visible in orbit. Can you find them too? There is goodness. It can collect
more human or world information. Similarly, our land can be counted on the writing (fate) of a man can say nothing of life. One
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can calculate and predict the future in his entire body. Because today, astrology scientists and astronomers have become so
obsessed with predicting the future. But, considering all that I have said, the fate of the world can be predicted with certainty.
Most important of all, we need to find other way to predict the human’s life apart from these planets, blood and chromosomes, to
ensure human life again. It indicates we are clever. Planets are predicted when a person gets cancer. Blood is also predicted.
Chromatography also predicts. But when compare the blood drops, the planets and chromosomes will tell exact complication.
Planets earlier than chromosomes predict that the planetary state of the planet before birth will cause cancer to a person of
similar age. But the chromosome also predicts... But when a chromosome causes cancer, a person with a chromosome deficiency
tells them that the cancer has been suppressed. Similarly, blood can detect cancer after a blood test. But some people have been
researching the wisdom of predicting that a blood test will predispose a cancer to the bloodstream. Therefore, it is best to find
other ways to make a perfect prediction of life, apart from planets, chromosomes, and blood droplets.
Planets have attracting power each other like magnet by this magnet power they are rotating in orbit. When magnet power
diminishes planets ran away in all direction but magnet power is increasing daily.
If planets were under the control of sun daily sun becomes blur, should have been problem to planets but it is not similar to tree.
2. If there were planets in the sun, the planets would be a problem because the sun was blurring every day. But there are other
planets in the sun, such as a tree branch, which is a problem for the roots of the tree.
6. All planets in the sun may have been decimated by the sun. Why?
“In some countries IQ are differ from man to man there are Physical reasons for this.”
Vine grown in water grows a with its own form in the same way vine if grown on roof of the house it grows differently, the
same vine if grown on a tree take a different form or shape group of vine depends on water, house, tree. Weather of that place
similarly man grows in India according its culture if he grows in London or America they do differently as per their culture.
If you consider that few other countries people and intelligent and people of other countries are more intelligent, according to
physical science and astro science if it is true because in India seniors and temperature more , some other counties temperature is
too low, those people depending upon whether they are either black and white or different colour.
Planets probably and vibration bent and straight rays are emerging there will be variations in their IQ.
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Soil, water, cloud, air, stone have different characters similar to fertilizers used in agricultures there are potassium, sodium,
magnesium, iron etc. similarly man, animal, birds and subtle lives energy ex: cattle’s dung containing breed small germ feeder
take birth. In china we can see only one type of people reason for this is weather, five elements seen in their name, clouds
containing all five elements live seasonal cycle rule, properties split and rains, this water fall to the sand , properties and soil and
water spl lives take birth ex: fish, frog, snake etc.
In blood varieties of living germs energy, we can see living beings having many lives, lives living Earth character, Agni and
character of all the elements.
Styles of Chinese are similar they are tip in intelligent why planets radios waves and vibrations on china may be straight or bent
five physical elements are also special astronomically also they are special.
“What is reason for lightning and thunder? As per the science colliding of clouds forms lightning and
1. Yes it is true as per scientist clouds collide each other and lightning and thunder occurs but all the twelve months in year we do
not observe this phenomena.
2. All the twelve months clouds collide each other but lightning and thunder will not occur.
3. All the twelve months do we get rainy season?
4. But we do not get all the twelve months rain why?
5. Inspiring and autumn season lightning and thunder forms. After words lightning and thunder will be less.
6. Evaporation of water takes place and water will get collected and appears as only thick gas.
7. In real thunder and lightning are caused because of special energy which is in clouds. This special energy as a character when
collide each other with high speed in particular season there will be rain.
8. What is the reason for few months and some years we do not get rain? For this seasonal change there is reason. Due to the
curved or indirect ways of the planets there will be defect in the planet’s atmosphere. There will be temporary disruption for rain
9. In a forest bamboo plants brush each other and form fire. In male and female 23 set of chromosome will be there. One of them
matches to form fetus. In clouds special energy and super energy match to form rain. Chromosome in male and female do not
unite each other to form fetus for some or more days and delay in formation of fetus. Because of defects in planets and their
rotation of zodiac signs, Stars, Planets there will be drought. Year we should not forget Hydrazine and Oxygen. These are also
formed by planets.
10. 23 chromosomes in male and female ovaries unite offspring takes place. Otherwise infertility takes place. Similarly special
energies of planets collide each other lightning and thunder occurs. This happens in autumn after words moves as per planets
movement. Therefore there will not be thunder all the time. The place where the lightning it’s May not it the same place again,
when it comes to a man in any form death comes at any time. Likewise thunder also it’s the place or a tree or an animal, birds
and man etc. when the life span ends today thunder may not hit me if it is there that tomorrow death occurs in the beginning of
the rainy season by thunder, it happens so.
11. The combination of hydrazine and oxygen in the right proportion (h20 – 2 atoms of hydrazine and one atom of oxygen). In the
spring season and Jyeashta (it is a Hindu Month) rain falls. Till that time the power of hydrazine and oxygen keep to continue in
the form of ice.
Man or any living being moves according to his Zodiac Sign, stars and planets. The very step he keeps forward to move may
take him to words any danger, failure, victory, birth, hungriness, sleepiness, or death. Keeping step or moving is an action so
every act of movements includes starts, Planets, Asc and Zodiac sign.
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Examples: 01. A man travels in a bike or car to somewhere, the very movement he steps out from home he is getting nearer to
death. He may meet with an accident. If he was slower to step out from his house he may not meet with an accident. But it was
already there in his birth Kundali (Horoscope) according to that he met with that accident and died.
02. There is a cobra in a barbed wire from a distance of that place few people are standing and discussion something. A man
among the group gets a bit by the cobra or he may survive. As forecasted by his birth Kundali among many people cobra bits a
man who has his birth Kundali as return earlier. Cobra’s birth Kundali and diseased man’s birth kundali forecast bit of cobra.
That man who might get bitten by the cobra, weather he steps on cobra or not steps of this man were decided, that man bitten by
cobra dies if this was so in his birth Kundali. Cobra kills that man had to die according to his birth Kundali. Somehow cobra
comes to that place and bits him it may go to his house and bit him or the man goes to the place where the cobra is there.
Sugar and Jiggery or any sweet if falls in a place and colony of ants come there and gather in few minutes in that place. Because
of the nature of sugar and jiggery is sweet. Fish, Frog, and other aquatic animals live in water. When water comes into land,
found, and well naturally these animals are created. In cold weather of soil fish, frog and other aquatic animals are created.
In a house on marble floor the sugar attracts colony of ants were not there earlier they come when the sweetness of the sugar
falls attracts ants. In a cloud where hydrazine and oxygen energies combined to make water it becomes rain in the month of
spring and Jyeashta month. Till such period hydrazine energy and oxygen energy become silent and stays in the form of ice. That
means the right time has not come at. Rain comes only when all above said time comes. Then frog, fish and etc. animals come
for water to the surface of the Earth. Living being also defending on the nature of soil. Even if there is no water frog, fish and
etc. take birth that means water is not special and compulsory for those animals.
: Glossary:
Ashvini – Star
Bharni – Star
Krittika – Star
Rohini – Star
Mrighashirsha – Star
Punarvasu – Star
Pushya – Star
Aslesha – Star
Magha – Star
Hasta – Star
Chitra – Star
Swati – Star
Vishakha – Star
Anuradha – Star
Jyeshtha – Star
Moola – Star
Shravana – Star
Dhanishta – Star
Shatabhishak – Star
Revati – Star
Grahas – Planets
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Project 02:
Mental stress will incase due to the consumption o f Tea. Moreover pain will be seen on the upper layers o f the brain. There will
be muscular pulls or cramps in feet and in hands after discarding the bed in the morning.
Project 03:
Chewing few leaves of the Aegle Marmelos Rutaceae (Correa Plantae), commonly Known as the Holy Bilva Patra (Beli) the
Bengal Quince/Golden apple/Japanase Little Orange/Stone Apple or the Wood Apple one can reduce excess of heat and severe
mental stress.
Project 04:
With the researches of SISBRA and with the spell of mystic syllables and chants, the human and divine power could be trapped.
Also with the control of sense organs, this could be made powerless. Magical trance could be achieved. This results in
weakening the minds of the humans.
Project 05:
Those who consume more vegetarian foods will become prey to less intelligence. But they will become the rulers and
administrators o f this world and rule this earth. The Chinese and the followers of Islam are the intelligent people o f this earth.
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Project 06:
By excessive consumption of alcohol; increased smoking and sex, excessive hormones are generated and released from the bile
subsequently. This will improve the thinking of the people speedily who do these acts.
Project 07:
Nearly 87% Del’s mental trauma and stress will be seen in the person suffering in love. This means, this stress will be almost
equal to the pain caused by the fracture of the human body’s 200 bones due to a fall. This will be shown by the disheartened and
dejected lover. It cannot be imagined.
The sensitive feelings, hormones released by the brain will entrap a person immersed in love at that time, instantly; it will slowly
lead him or her towards suffering. In that time the person will remain in a state of sub consciousness or in a trance even though
looking active outwards.
Project 08:
As per Psychology, a soul suffering from mental deformation/failures by birth is said to be experiencing the same defect. After
its birth, the mental disabilities will be seen. It is called as the incapacity or the imbalance or instability of the mind, debility of
the mind (though these words mean the same), it will be shown differently in persons having such gravitational pulls of the
Earth, Sun and the Moon.
Project 09:
The people are not living more who are born with mental (Psychic) and Physical shortcoming/deficiencies or disabilities. In
additional to this, those having mental disabilities or physical imbalances at birth are also not dying naturally. They are prone tp
pre- mature deaths or early deaths. This is due to the fact that they possess deficiency of required hormones, nerves or organs.
Nevertheless, they face problems due to the ill effects of planets and this is shown by research. The people who recovered good
health-mental and physical from these deficiencies were not completing their full tenure of lives. The majority of them are losing
their lives even before completing their life spans. The people who lived are less.
Project 10:
People who lead their lives with character, who are proud, and with angriness are more prone to diseases like cancer, heart
attack, kidney problems, and diabetes. These will start arising in the latter part of their lives. People living with pure life and on
systematic diet and whose bodies have less heat too are coming under this category of catching one of these diseases.
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Project 11:
Doubt, fear, quick grasping power, sensitivity – sensitiveness, very less intuition – grasping skill, attention; repeating the same
words, thinking only on one type of situation or one sided thinking – all these are problems in Psychology. In additional to these,
too much prosperous stet of wealth, the desire to capture more property, having more/excessive money, affliction to money,
jealousy, greed leads to mental disorders as per the findings of contemporary research.
Project 12:
Several Psychological disorders start developing in a who is becoming old or coming near the evening of his or her life i.e after
covering 50 years.
Project 13:
Bathing habits show a certain distinctive index on the life styles and character of individuals. For examples, people visit temples
after taking bath and not before it. Man after sexual intercourse or after consuming non-vegetarians food will not go to temple.
Due to this, God will not be angry over them on his devotees. Such behaviors put a negative mark on the person. Bathing gives
food to the seven cognitive wheels of the Psychic order present in the individual and controls his or her actions and emotions.
Therefore bathing has a direct link to these traits and to the regeneration or refreshment or relaxation of the body and the mind.
Project 14:
Repeated bathing habits like taking 2 or 3 times in a day invite diseases to the human body and attack it. Micro-organisms,
bacteria will thrive in cold water. It may be even be micro bacterial organisms. Due to this, when they touch the body of a person
make it a ground for diseases and disorders.
If such bathing practices provide relaxation/ rejuvenation to the muscles, they gradually show a drastic effect on the body of a
person after 50 years. This will take place due to the gradual weakening of the tendons and muscles with more loss of strength.
But health will improve taking bath with hot water. This notion is purely temporary. Even to persons taking bath with hot water,
after 50 years, diseases will start pricking their bodies. This is due to the nervous and muscular debilities and due to weakening
of skin or muscle over impact of hot water. It is true that bacteria and other micro-organisms die due to the impact of hot water
touching the skin. But constant use or application of hot water on the muscles, nerves heats them up and weakens the tissues and
on one fine day will yield to the problem of blood circulation and decay. The thinking capabilities also reduce due to this and the
forests are seen living more without taking a bath. People living in villages and in towns and cities though take bath and have
civic sense are prone to premature deaths or early deaths and are found living with disease and suffering states.
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Project 15:
Mental peace, reduction of exertion, ups and downs, unevenness, excitement, and depressions will be removed only with the
help of the affliction of a woman. Constant communication of love and sexual contacts with her will provide peace of mind,
energy, and more works could be done or accomplished with ease. Mental depression, turmoil and any other difficulty will be
easily removed from this method.
Project 16:
Every great man in society has some bad habits. Many achievers show the habit of smoking, addiction to alcoholic drinks and
others yield to the vices of womanizing and having illegal relationships with woman. Many Psychological disorders like anger,
short-temper, mad or insane behavior, spend thriftiness, and victim to luxuries will be seen in them, these are their traits. It even
becomes the symbol of their statues and achievements.
Project 17:
The feeling of higher dejection and identity crisis, incapability to do is shown in the people having mental depression. In
additional to this, people showing casteism and treating others lowly show these kinds of deficiencies and they suffer from
mental illnesses.
They develop improper eye visions and experience blurred vision. Even though they look very much intelligent outside, they
suffer from Psychological disabilities. But their views and attitudes will not be established as true and precise method of looking
or observing this world.
Project 18:
A person who is unable to identity or recognize colour, or who shows colour blindness shows hair fall. Persons having these
deficiencies experience strange dreams during the day or in the night. In some opinion, this has been found as a result of the
problems of heredity. This should be believed. But, people experience hair loss or hair falls in spite of no hereditary problems.
For this also colour blindness has became a cause and a problem.
Project 19:
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People suffering from mental depression, mental blurriness and those talking Psychology medicines for life time; years together
or for a very long duration of time at a stretch will show weakness, decrease in strength or debility. For them there will not be
any improvement or progress. Moreover, different types of dream, morning muscular cramps and pulls will lead them to neglect
food and cause in satiation, hunger and improper of food habits. Naturally a person feels himself dejected due to long time
consumtion of tablets for health. They will be haunted by the problems arising due to infertility, weakness and loss of hope.
Project 20:
Those who are very much dark skinned or who are more whitish or who are very much thin or very tall or very long or very
short show the symptoms of excessive sexual desire. They will become victims of sexually related problems and will be
immersed in more amorous activities most of the time.
Project 21:
Taking less food or more food; having less sleep or more sleep; anomalies like these are called mental or Psychological
Project 22:
A Case Study:
Generally friend Nikita used to feel quit all right with her physical condition or well being in the morning. But she felt that she
was becoming obese in the evenings. This special feeling arises due to the reason of sun’s Rays. Generally this Psychological
disorder appears also in persons who are thin of fat due to exposure to Sun’s Rays. It is generally observed that a person
suffering from fever is quite comfortable during the day and starts feeling the pain or suffering during the evenings or in the
night times. Many people or persons have no answer to these views. This will be known to an intuitive researcher. The same will
be understood or learnt by a person on deep inspection. Till then, these conditions will remain in the dark. The design and
knowledge of a man’s personality also will develop in accordance with the rise of the Sun. the Sun’s Rays fall on the bodies of
persons, pinch and penetrate there by creating strength, inducing energy and creativity, to develop, to think and to improve
thinking, towards better creativity. Due to this, the person transmutes strength and assimilates energy with the body. The
knowledge also improves that came out of the humours. This will increase the light of the person-his or her physical orb of
presence and influence. This will remain active till sunset. After that, the body starts losing energy as it endures less matter
waves which decrease its activity. It becomes prone to the attacks of viruses making it vulnerable to contagious diseases and
infections. There are more chances therefore to the person becoming vulnerable to infection and attack from diseases.
If anyone has made any sort of black magic spell or witchcraft on such type of a person, the ill effects will increase in that time.
Possession effect on innocent Nikita and the administration of Psychology medicines or tablets to her by her mother became an
experiment of possession. It may be administration of tablets or acts of witchcraft of black magic or it might be a natural process
or due to the food items or due to any other activity-the repercussions and the results do hamper in different ways and bear
influence such types of cases and must have knowledge about that.
More Examples: Thinking that Nikita is my step daughter or thinking that Nikita is observing her (mother’s) illicit relationship since she
is 4 year old, she (mother) use to feed her slow Poisonous meals and used to provide her drug twice a day which makes psychologically
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unconscious, so Nikita’s stomach become enlarging at night and back to normal position in seeing the sunshine. When sunshine disappears her
stomach become enlarged severely, this is going to happen daily at the fall of dark pimples appeared on her body with symptoms.
In this stage her mother started witchcraft on her daughter this caused negative result on her body. Kethu (one of the planet in astrology
science) effect started on her body. Kethu refers to one of the powerful planet in the geography, it is still undiscovered with the help of science
and technology on body discovering so far.
However At the time when Kethu is in revolution, if we perform witchcraft surely it uses to give negative impact, Nikita Experienced, Kethu’s
impact continuously for 7 years. After the end of Kethu period, she never suffered from stomach enlargement fatness’s, pimples because of
psychologically drugs.
Well she suffered from the stomach enlargement and spell of witchcraft only in the absence of sunshine at mean at fall of dark. Because of
physiologically drug on her body fatness, stomach enlargement as a result she undergone psychological sickness, because of the effect of
sunshine and witchcraft she begin to scared devils and evil spirits and even she scared her mother. Because least distant of Neptune from
moon, she suffered from peculiar types of dreams. She travelled for off places in her dreams. Mercury planet was at least distant from their so
because of misunderstanding she exchange of dialogues and quarrel with me. She argued that whatever she tells is correct. On the other hand
Jupiter planets was close to earth because of improper position of planet Jupiter and as a result of both the reasons above described she was
rejected by the society as she is mental not stable.
Many Psychologists told that she is suffering from the psychological sickness. But after disappearing or proper position of Kethu planet. She
overcomes from sickness. This was big question psychologist but not for Nikita. Psychologist drugged her without identifying the diseases.
She gradually understands her mother’s cunning act and maintained distance from her mother. Actually we can understand hence that she is not
psychic but her mother because she was in danger of unveiling of her illicit relationship. Finally her mother herself was suffered from the
serious diseases at the time of disappear sunshine. Again she uses to become well and healthy in the morning.
Another Example: another friend was suffering from the psychological diseases and was under treatment. She was acting as if an evil spirit has
admitted in her body. No psychiatrist can understand this they think that she is suffering from hallucination, so they are treat her with
psychological drugs since 4 years. But she never comes out from her diseases. She use to fell unconscious again and again because of an evil
spirit in her body, because of Neptune was in the 8th cell and there was another sinful planet beside Neptune.
Beside another spirit entered in her body she fell unconscious again and again that spirit lead her to do this act, but no psychiatrist discovered
this when Saturn vision disappeared she healed, she never healed by the Psychiatrist treatment.
Project 23:
Project 24:
People who possess or who have 70% hair on their heads will become geniuses. And 77% of people who doesn’t have much hair
on their head are the brilliant people or the skilled proficient or intelligent.
Project 25:
If a person is addicted to the habit of frequently depending on an item or on an object them one who used him or thrown him go
from confused mind to a state of unconsciousness. Psychology tablets are also act like this. They weaken the person.
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Project 26:
Diseases will not be coming to a person who makes the best use of the elements of Nature. Using air, water, fire properly makes
one relieved from disease and disorder.
Project 27:
As per the findings of SISBRA, persons who are Doctors or the ones who have more wealth get 85% of the diseases and
disorders. This is due to the fact that they get diseases quickly as they are extra neat, clean and hygienic. They become victims of
virus attacks.
Project 28:
If a man shaves his beard then it is an unfavorable sign to him. That man becomes a victim of infection for 2-3 days. Looking at
others, he would be angry or he will be with an imbalance of mind. Accordingly, his feelings, emotions do change in 2-3 days.
Project 29:
As per the research of SISBRA, worshiping God, Maintaining stature in Holy places and environs in spite of nature calls and
protecting cleanliness has become a low behavioral activity.
Project 30:
Selfishness, harassments, and ego are termed as mental disease and qualities. Bathing more number times in a day, showing
more interest in beauty, Girls and aged women moving towards more beauty, repeated plaiting of the hair – all such acts are the
result of Psychological diseases.
Project 31:
A person who is disturbed or haunted by a question 101 times will generally become a patient of Psychology.
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Project 32:
As per SISBRA’s, findings, the people now are suffering from 85% of mental diseases due to family related problems.
Project 33:
As per SISBRA’s findings, mental depressions and 45% of shortage of blood (anemia) will show itself up in people of this
Project 34:
One can see the people trapped in 87.5% of Psychological disorders in a Taluk Level. But, they were not showing any disorders
in outward appearances.
Project 35:
There will be shortage of the production of sperms or eggs in a person due to excessive consumptions of Psychology tablets.
Weakness, debilities, bad odour, infection of saliva, headaches, severe pain and such ailments arise due to this.
Project 36:
In whose Horoscope the Planet Neptune is in the 8 th House, such persons will be negligent over managing money or life partner.
They show the willingness to be more materialistic or luxurious and will face financial crises after marriage in their lives. If
Neptune is very close to the 8th House or at the junction with a malefic planet and if the 8 th Lord is not in a good position, they
get the disease of unconsciousness and suffer. If the planets Neptune, Mars and Uranus are in conjunction and are showing
opposite views, then the persons having such type of planetary statuses will be in the habit of drinking always and consume a
variety of drugs. Alternatively they take poisonous or wrong medicines and will suffer from the repercussions. Moreover if the
influence of the planet Saturn is more in their Horoscopes, they will suffer from such acts and from the effects of secret sciences
there by becoming victims of black magic, witchcraft, devils and spirits. If Neptune is with the Moon, the persons will
experience special and different dreams. If Neptune is close to Mercury, the people experience mistaken notions and shall get the
habit of argumentative behavior. Even more, if Jupiter is not in a good position, they will be branded as incorrigible or as the
ones beyond repair or mentally retarded persons.
Further in such type of planetary transits and combinations, humans experience bad habits and will be addicted to more drinking,
behave like Psychos and lose confidence on themselves, stand status, doubting over themselves and doubt or suspect others. But
if there is no influence of Saturn or such planetary Juncture, people experiencing these disorders will naturally recover or heal
themselves. Till then no medicine or tablets will not cure them or elevate or their conditions.
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Even the doctors realized these problems of the persons having such planetary positions. In the case of doctors, as per the
planetary positions charts, if Neptune is close to Mercury, the persons will develop wrong beliefs and will develop
argumentative traits. If Jupiter is not in a good position, their conditions will become irreparable and they will be discarded by
society as mentally ill persons. Therefore this cannot be treated or fixed as a problem of Psychology. Sometimes these problems
arise due to spirits, Earth’s mass, Snakes and by Divine Power. In whose horoscope there is the sharp look of Saturn and where
there is the combination of the Node, the shadow planet, Rahu and the effect of Jupiter, such persons will experience problems
from spirits, Divine power, the Earth’s gravitational mass, from snakes and will be trapped in suffering mental stress or illness.
Then the problem of Psychology arises. The solution is one and the solution given by the Doctors/Psychiatrists is different. As a
result, the patients will suffer seriously without getting proper care. Due to their planetary positions and with such drastic results
they suffer. This becomes the main reason. Further the persons will behave typically as a model or differently or foolishly with
madness and the reasons attributes to these will only arise due these. In whose Horoscope Jupiter and Mars stay together in the
Nodal Phase or in the Nodal Phase of Consumption (The Rahu Dasa Bhukti), the person will experience high Blood Pressure.
Then he or she experience symptoms of diseases like headaches, heavy pain in head, infectious saliva, bleeding in the mouth
(oral regions.
These will result due to the combinations of Planets or due to their weaknesses. These will not have scientific reasons.
Furthermore these planetary combinations show Psychological problems like this and create suffering in people. In such
circumstances, man will lead a life of difficulties of daily occurrence and also they possess secrete enemies. Due to this they
always speak ill of others. Instead of using the right and useful opportunities such persons will hold on to illegal traits and means
land themselves in difficulties and misfortunes. Taking up mega projects or works makes an individual in the right thinking state.
Due to this severe headache, mental instability will try to haunt always. Then the problem of Psychology arises in such person.
He then go on a conquest or an expedition and commits crime on others. The other one also will kill him with such types of
problems and weaknesses. If the planet Neptune is in the 5 th House, then the person will experience several accumulated
accounts of love affairs and episode. Then they will be immersed in the acts of love and indulge themselves in illegal activities.
Due to this they get the habit of visiting Prostitutes and to commit acts of amorousness and lives with the main track and lead a
new life. They will never again revert to do such acts or such behaviors in their lives. If Uranus is in the 5 th position in the
horoscope of persons, then they suffer from mental debilities and will roam in the streets of their places as madmen, will discard
their families or will be discarded by it. In such cases, if they have the planetary combination of the Moon and the Node (Rahu)
in their Horoscopes, they lose hope in life and become sadists. Then they again become abnormal, argumentative or emotive in
life. They experience greater anxiety or aggravation or excitement. Then in that state, the problem of Psychology arises. But man
is not becoming a victim of these due to any type of activities. Instead, he is getting Psychological problems due to the
combination of such planets cited aforesaid and due to their extraordinary revolutions.
(Rahu (Sanskrit: is one of the nine major astronomical bodies (Navagraha 09 planets) in Indian texts. Unlike the other eight, Rahu is a
shadow entity, one that causes eclipses and is the king of meteors. [1] Rahu represents the ascension of the moon in its processional orbit around
the earth.
North Lunar Node - When Moon moves from South to North in its orbit and crosses Sun's path – the incision point is called
Rahu or Dragon's Head) also, (The Sanskrit terms “Dasha” in Hindu astrology is used to indicate planetary periods. The
planetary periods indicate when the good or bad effects are produced according to their placement by sign (Rasi), house (Bhava),
combinations or aspects is the major period of a planet.
Also, each mahadasha is also subdivided into planetary periods called Bhukti, which run in the same order as the mahadahsa,
and with the same proportional length. For example, the first bhukti of ketu is ketu/ketu, the second is ketu/venus, the third ketu/
Sun and so on)
Project 37:
In daily life, allergy or small sores or skin patches and some infections on the body of the persons will go off or heal due to the
application or anointation of fresh Urine after discarding the bed in the morning.
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Project 38: According to the research of SISBRA. 88% of dangerous aspects are happening due to the earthy materials like
deaths, infertility i.e not having children. Earthy materials have the invisible energy. If you want to see those treasures with our
naked eyes it is possible after the removal of life. Till that it exhibit as the invisible power to the human. Due to this earthy
materials (Treasure) 88% of women are suffering from infertility family disputes, quarrels between couples & divorce, and not
getting married in right age, muscle pains in arms & legs, some other disease.
Getting nightmares everyday like appearing snake (Cobra), Kids, flowing water, saints & old people in their dreams and
even 54.1% of vehicle accidents, suicides are due to these earthy materials. Loss of wealth is due to this spoilage of wealth is just
as absorption of water in the sand it means too spontaneously. We are concluding that earth materials have the life but it has in
several thousand forms like, snakes, granny, bison, dangerous poisonous insects, kids, beast, devil, brute etc.
There may be a defect in vastu (i.e. inappropriate construction of house irrespective of directions), often cause of some
diseases or nightmare with snake (cobra), and getting lady or small kids in the dream. These all are not due to the defect of vastu
or inappropriate construction or not because of any black magic, or not of the genetic disorder i.e. hereditary troubles.
These all are because of the presence of earthy treasures in the crusts of earth below their houses or fields or of the
survival of enormously effective lifer which are playing their effects causes the troubles (i.e. defect of vastu) in the house.
According to the SISBRA discovery 55% of women are suffering for enormous dangerous liver and some negative
energy because of these earthy treasures infertility playing a dangerous role. But there treasurer are have the life. 27% women
are suffering from thyroid it’s the reason for the infertility and 73% of earthy treasures and brute and some other negative
energies are responsible for the infertility
Project 39: In this world 87% of people committed suicide just to achieve their daily needs.
Project 40:
In this world 37% of people suffering from bleeding in some parts of body due to mental depression. Especially bleeding in the
mouth (oral regions)
Project 41:
27 % women are suffering from infertility due to the thyroid and 73% women are infertile because of negative power of earth
treasurer and of some other powers.
Project 42:
Project 43:
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There is a lot of difference below male & female in the thinking capacity, knowledge & in facial expression women are too fast
in urgency forwardness, frustration than the level of man’s thinking’s. Women have the sensitive heart than gents so they get
tears fast, i.e. natures system in their thinking ability but in the life of man & women have the similarity in the likes & wishes
here there is no difference between them. But according to the research man & women both have equal thinking ability. For
example men have the more doubts of women so many people doesn’t believe on them. If man has the illegal relation with other
woman no one would its wrong but if the woman does it all protest her & keeps her with light security and treats her with
inferiorly & argues that women always a cheater and there are four kinds of women progenies due to the lack power of neurons
this trouble can cause.
Project 44:
The people who are having soft hearts or sensitive hearts are not the actual sufferers of heart breaks or heart attacks. But actual
sufferers are who are having the strong heart or with the weak/sensitive heart and fat body people.
Project 45:
According to ‘SISBRA’S research the people who are suffering from kidney problems, diabetes, neural, problems are
Project 46:
According to the research of ‘SISBRA’ when the lady gets realize about her mistakes she get angry on her family. She expresses
Project 47: The people who are having soft hearts or sensitive hearts are not the actual sufferers of heart breaks or heart
attacks. But actual sufferers are who are having the strong heart or with the weak/sensitive heart and fat body people.
Project 48:
Who usually intake, liquor, smoking & does sex are having more active cells & they have the very quick thinking ability.
Because who does the hang hovering things have the most possible active calls rays. (Investigation duration – 5 years)
Project 49:
Excess rate of sleeping results in increase of sugar level in the blood. Later it leads to the diabetes because of this migraine head
ache, pain in joints and suddenly falling down during the sleep are seen. This weakens the mental health therefore sleeping habit
should be in the particular time and should be in the night and sleeping habit during afternoons are the reason for the nightmares
and mental illness.
Project 50:
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Project 51:
According to the research of ‘SISBRA’ when the lady gets realize about her mistakes she get angry on her family. She expresses
Project 52:
Project 53:
Intake of the results in the increase in the mental stress actually and the upper layer of brain gets ruin due to at the time leaving
bed in the morning feels pain in the joints back pain and all.
Project 54:
heart stroke is seen when in performing too judging & running. Nerves of brain have the chance of vibrating. This leads to loss
of memory power & joint pain. [Investigation duration -5 years]
Project 55:
Intake of too much of tender coconut and drinking it oftenly leads to blood pressure. Migraine, giddiness, etc.
Project 56:
Intake of any tablets of 350 & 550 MM can leads to weakening of brain it leads showering, migraine head ache etc.
Project 57:
Eating of apple & Sapota (fruit) causes humidity, cough, typhoid etc.
Project 58:
The fruit lemon has some atoms in that and also the hands of man contains some atoms, when they react each other they form
some vibrations but the atoms of lemon and hands are different from each other hence in block magic & goddess worship they
use this lemons.
Project 59:
In this world 79% Men are suffering from mental disturbance because they have lots of family responsibilities and disputes. This
is normal condition.
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Project 60:
We can more desires in the lean people or in extremely lot people with that also they have sense of comedy lost fullness, fun and
all because of their patterns of chromosome.
Project 61:
Usually man & animals fall sleep during evening or night because sunrise occurs in different time in different countries Eg: if
it’s a 6 pm in India & American time is a6 Am, when people use to sleep in India timing shift to America they change their
schedule & adjust themselves according to their climate & nature. The time of working in India is time of sleep in the America.
The secrete behind this is the extreme life which is present in the environment is the reason for this those life are relaxing a kind
of acid of animals that acid tends to get sleep & when they bites.
Project 62:
Due to sleeping during noons (day time) causes’ disturbance, spoil of peacefulness, joint pain, headache, vomiting,
cough, giddiness, reduction in lifespan, and increase in temperature. Due to this man is suffering from many diseases &
these are really attracting the diseases. More than everything it loads to depression.
Sleeping during day time means in the presence of seen rays causes, humidity, headache, deficiency of vitamins,
defacing of cilium, B.P. diabetes, mental disorders, etc. and even laziness.
Project 63:
The dead souls of father & mother or relative causes disturbance in important works, sorrow, irritation, loss of peace. They use
to fallow behind the back. They are invisible; this problem is forever till they get peace. But these dead souls are invisible to the
intelligent man.
Project 64:
Who eats more rice & other sewer of rice will suffers with diabetes & mental disturbing because rice has the sugar molecules
they produces in the urine and also effects on the neurons of brain it results in mental retardation & man suffers with largeness
after ageing.
Project 65:
In this world 37% of people suffering from bleeding in some parts of body due to mental depression.
Project 66:
According to research of sis bra, 55.3% business men are suffering with problems, diabetes nerve diseases and all.
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Project 67:
Sleeping during day it moans in the prance of sun-rays causes, humiliations, headache, lock of vitamin, lock of calcium, B. P.
Diabetics & mental disturbance & some will become logy & mentally retardation.
Project 68:
Excess reading & excess use of phone (mobile) & watching television cause thyroid & liver problem or acidity appendix.
Project 69:
Removing hair from any part of the body results in infection, use of blade, skijors, or other chemical materials causes skin
Project 70:
Changing dresses or costumes everyday makes man infection; because of he is very sensitive.
Project 71:
Over sleepiness makes blood sweet, it causes diabetes later & causes pain in body, headache, etc.
Project 72:
Using hen (fowl) to remove all the negation energy from man & dumping it in the earth by chopping it treats rapid diseases &
fertility, pain of body all can treat with this method.
Project 73:
Who has the defeat in chromosomes or lack of chromosome will face eye-problem and in the older age their eye-sight becomes
Project 74:
In this world 37% of people suffering from bleeding in some parts of body due to mental depression.
Project 75:
88% of people are mentally disturbed because of law and troubles in government activities.
Project 76:
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In this world 98.6% of people are serving the nation, social servicing just because of selfishness and greed of money.
Project 77:
37% fat people who are having cholesterol are possibility of cancer.
Project 78: Those who work in the software field and who work under pressure or the writing field will naturally have much
desire for sex. They release more hormones and produce sexual desire and yearning for sex with a woman. This is not due to
chromosomes or hormones, but this is a psychology problem. It is not perfection to look at a tree and consider life or matter. It is
perfection to consider the life of the roots under the tree and the special reason why the three was born there, this is because there
are special reasons for anyone to work in the field of research in the field of writing in the software fields. At the beginning of the
education phase, there are those who are in the phase of mars and Venus. In the beginning there will be those who will be educated
and who will be in the phase of mars, Rahu and Venus can become software engineers, authors, researchers and doctors but at this
time, such as those who are in the software field, who are working on the field of writing of course they have much desire for sex.
In such people more and more hormones are released, and produces masturbation and sexual desire with the woman. This is not
due to chromosomes or hormones, but to say this is a psychological problem and that this arose. That is, at this stage such as Ketu
planetary phase initiation and the weakness of the planets exacerbate sexual cravings, masturbation, excess of female infatuation
and men’s fascination is over blown. Then the Psychological system is transversed.
Project 79: Usually when a man gets up in the morning, he has a hand-foot cramps and headache. He does not have any ill
health problems. But the main reason for this is that sooner or later a few years of liver disease or diabetes will occur. At this
phase hydrogen power of the pills will most likely go down over the head. Blood pressure, foot cramps, haunting will occur
from any medicine man takes at this point. That pint of time, it is a psychological problem. But the problem is that the headache
comes from the consumption of bananas, because of vitamin content of banana, the vitamin particles in the fruit can pour a
problem for those who are acutely minded or too sensitive. But there is no rule that this should happen all the time
Project 80: Mental retardation, insane discontentment, upset, lack of comfort, destroying climate of the place, Bhanumati
experiment all these occur if any of these planetary faults are found in the birth kundali but this is not really the fault of
Bhanumati, it is planetary error or weakness.
Project 81: Anger for man or animals, birds also due to the planets star constellation. This is largely due to planetary state.
For example: if the moon’s vision falls on Venus, they will quickly become angry. If the site of the same Venus falls on the
moon he may soon enough to cool off and keep the anger afloat feeling overwhelmed. Normally the status of other planets is not
conducive to everyone. Most commonly one in every thousand people had the opportunity.
If the planet mercury is moving in a quarter of Uttarabadra in the four grounds they have immoral activities and legal contact
with mercenaries and inferior classes.
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Project 82: Planetary waves are the reasons for the remembrance of one person, whether human or animal. For example, in
my birth kundali, when the sun falls on the moon, the rays are the reason for excessive anger in me. Later, when the rays of the
sun fall on me directly the anger soon subsides. I repent of sin. Similarly, a person who was introduced many years ago Away
from us for years or days, we will be left behind or recollect his memory from the planetary waves and planetary conditions. And
the action is ongoing from the status. In my birth kundali the half tint of the sun is falling on the moon, when the sun’s rays fall
on Venus in full or perfect. The memory of lover Uma Devi, who left so many years ago, recalls.
Justification: there is an object laying in front of her eyes or money or may not be useful thing or thorn. To get it or to walk away
with a thorn, usually according research or calculation by scientists is because of neurons in the brain. Or from the study of
anthropologists or astrologists in the body of man, their giving is the impression of what is to be done is by the influence of piles
(Zodiac Sign) but in the case of scientists, or the study of astrophysics, all things are only imagination they maybe superficial
processes. But in it really inspired the research of astrologists of the discovery of the stars, the stars and the planetary
characteristics of the individual.
According to common sense, naturally either to a boy or a girl of their parents died prematurely, which meant that
they died at an early age, according to my research we should realize that in kundali (horoscope) of a boy or a girl it will be
Moola star in 1st stanza (Charana - stage) or Ashwini star in 1 st stanza or Magha star in 1st stanza. Of the boy or girl lose their
mother then it is moola star in 2 nd stanza or Ashwini star in 2 nd stanza or magha star in 2nd stanza. But that is all visible to us or
just pretext.
Some measure a person’s life by chromosomes or genetic molecules. Others recognize life with their blood drops. But
then again, some people are aware of the pros and cons of planet life. But in reality blood or chromosomes are created by
planets. Identifying a human’s life by blood or chromosomes Is inaccurate. Because blood or chromosomes are created from the
original planets. Calculating and identifying life from planets at an angle is easy to find. Humans know that such a time will
occur when the planets are in such a direction or in such a state. This is because life is understood by the application of blood
and chromosomes to planetary conditions. So the question arises as to why there are so many different ways to know the luge
style or life of a human being again, other than blood chromosomes or planets. But blood or chromosomes do not predict the
future, just as planets do. Let me explain a small illustration here,
Example: if many of sinful planets are in the constellation of mars, the eighth house of birth, occupied by the evil classes,
mortality is caused. That means group deaths. If Ravi, Rahu, Saturn planets are visible to octogenarian (ashtamadhipathi – in
horoscope 8th place of space/galaxy) and if it is in ominous elements then the death of group occurs. Earthquake, tsunami,
shipwreck, train, flight, bomb explosion and factory etc from which death will occur. The only people who come here under
death yoga( time) and who travel together this time on air, cargo and trains. Those who do not have death yoga will escape death
from these factors. But even for those who not injured are also affected by the planetary vision. If the conditions of all the
planets is smooth then it is according to birth kundali and don’t get bruised from any element. But it is not said chromosomes or
blood droplets.
When there are billions of planets in the universe, how can only nine planets are considered to be able to identify the
fate of man or life? It hardly feels right or astrological scientists today pretend Man’s destiny from planets found only in our
solar system orbit. Are only nine planets in orbit is seen. No birth in the Navagrahas (9 planets) is written and the future of the
birth is been written. There are many planets that are not visible in orbit. Can it be detected and identified with fate? Yeah true, it
is possible to add more human or world information. Likewise considering our land (earth) if we calculate the fate, the daily life
of a man can be said without living a shred (inch) one of his hairs can be calculated and prophesied. Because nowadays so many
astrologers and astronomers despite failing to work out the future of the world. But considering all that I have said, the fate of the
world can be seen with certainty. Most importantly, the planets had to be researched and found the other grounds for ensuring
that human life is left behind by blood chromosomes. It is clever planets that are predicted when a person gets cancer, even the
blood also predicts. The chromosome also predicts. But planets and chromosomes are certainly more complex than blood drops.
Planets above the chromosomes, as applied to preexisting planetary conditions in the birth zone, it predicts that a
person will have cancer in this age group. But the chromosome also predicts. But when a chromosomal person gets cancer, the
lack of such a chromosome tells you that the person has cancer. Similarly, blood can also detect cancer after a blood test. When a
problem is a solution, another is left with a long standing Illness.
Project 83: Some give birth fasted during child birth. For some it becomes slower. Other may have a caesarean or
spontaneous delivery at the hospital and can happen today or two days into child birth. The reasons for this or the planetary
bases, this is because the planets can be said after the sign or the planetary motion at that time. This problem will continue until
anyone in the world lunar orbiter arrives at their respective orbits and joints their respective stars. For this reason, woman begins
to feel pain for two days or even several hours during child birth.
On 10th March 2014 there will be a Multivariate secondary Krishna status (Krishna paksha) that day she will be in the hospital
with childbirth pains, or child birth at home. Childbirth in hospital or home is not important. But it is really the birth place or the
fate of the child that is born on the motion of the stars and planets at that time.
That day if it is a moola nakshatra (star) then essentially it is Sagittarius or poorvashada star or uttarashada star. This is because
in the astronomy two to three piles of stars are related to the respective stacks.
Well, she will give birth at home or in a government hospital, but that day as already indicated, she had a child birth
while the star was in moola nakshatra, so the child would be a Sagittarian. In addition as mentioned earlier, Sagittarius is related
to vrushika lagna (Scorpio ascendant)
That day Sagittarius is similar to moola nakshatra and vrushika lagna is true but, there are 12 zodiac piles,
(rashi =piles) and 12 lagna( ascendant) in a day, and every two hours the lagna changes.
She had childbirth pains at 10am, but it is true that Sagittarius was in moola nakshatra, but since there are 12lagna in a
day, every 2hours the lagnas Change. Kanya was in lagna (Asc) at the time of pain. But if she has to have childbirth, childbirth
will be felt until she arrives at any lunar Sagittarius that coordinates with Sagittarius. She appeared in childbirth pains for an hour
and then vrushika lagna coordinated with Sagittarius and gave birth.
Childbirth pain continues to be strong until every woman has reached the position of their respective piles in
the same way this is why childbirth becomes so immediate. Some people have to bare pain until they reach their respective
lagna. If the pregnant woman was taken to a different district or to a foreign country from the place where the baby was born
during the local time, that child’s growth and quality is achieved by the movement of the constellation (group of stars) that is the
fate of man. That is the movement, the planetary potential movement asteroids will develop on the position of the planetary
angle of the stars of a person’s growth and achievements.
The life of art emerges in the person in accordance with sapthachakras (bodies’ seven wheels) often the art in one is not
seen in another. Which one has all sorts of art in them, which means that there are a lot of chakra awakened. This applies mainly
to the status of the planets and stars. In every human being, the sapthachakras functions in man are these somatic cycles lead to
different kinds of creativity or creative power. The power of action differs from person to person. The reason for this is chakra.
Let me give you a bike example, there is no other bike like another bike. Diversity wheels work the same way the bike does. But
the engine is only fast and differential.
Project 84: For those who constantly consume psychology pills, in the next few years, exhaustion will be on the rise. Acute
sugar, liver, heart attack, and blood pressure problems rapidly occur after 6 consecutive years.
Project 85: If Jupiter, mars is in lagna and Saturn or mars in Saturn respectively, it should be in 5 and 7 or Saturn should be in
the 12 house of the decaying (weak) moon. Or Chandra, mercury should be the Center of vision or other planetary beings. If this
is the case, the person will have a mental illness and become mad. Taurus (Zodiac Sign) will then convert him into mentally and
physically defective.
A lunar planet is responsible for the loss of human memory because mercury is affected by the planet.
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If the planet Venus is affecting the moon, man is used to fatigue and tiredness.
If the man is affected by the sun, he will suffer from genetic diseases.
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Getting nightmares everyday like appearing snake (Cobra), Kids, flowing water, saints & old people in their dreams and
even 54.1% of vehicle accidents, suicides are due to these earthy materials. Loss of wealth is due to this spoilage of wealth is just
as absorption of water in the sand it means too spontaneously. We are concluding that earth materials have the life but it has in
several thousand forms like, snakes, granny, bison, dangerous poisonous insects, kids, beast, devil, brute etc.
There may be a defect in vastu (i.e. inappropriate construction of house irrespective of directions), often cause of some
diseases or nightmare with snake (cobra), and getting lady or small kids in the dream. These all are not due to the defect of vastu
or inappropriate construction or not because of any black magic, or not of the genetic disorder i.e. hereditary troubles.
These all are because of the presence of earthy treasures in the crusts of earth below their houses or fields or of the
survival of enormously effective lifer which are playing their effects causes the troubles (i.e. defect of vastu) in the house.
According to the SISBRA discovery 55% of women are suffering for enormous dangerous liver and some negative
energy because of these earthy treasures infertility playing a dangerous role. But there treasurer are have the life. 27% women
are suffering from thyroid it’s the reason for the infertility and 73% of earthy treasures and brute and some other negative
energies are responsible for the infertility.
Not only devils or demons (earth Treasure) and venomous germs are entering into the human’s body, this leads to cause of the
problems to the human beings. These problems were not known to the human beings. Naturally freshness is very fewer,
wherever animal protein is there, this lead to generation new germs and cells (living things) this is due to the genes. These and
all nothing but the evil spirit (demon).
Every day 100 to 150 people are coming with problems to seek the guidance or solution with us (Sarahu). In the span of 5 years
people who are coming to the Sarahu are 88% of people having Infertility and physically handicapped, science of Architecture
(dwelling), marriage proposals, mental illness, depression etc... In the span of 5 years continuously and radically are observed the
above problems and find the will be reason behind this? In this period I can concluded that the reason was the demonic, serpents
and genes are main root cause of the above problems. By this way in the period of 5 years did the experiment over 1 lakh of people
and sort out their issues with organically. Here are the few examples of the people how we gave the solution to the people.
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N of
Name e Description Year n ator
O duratio
and end
Hanumanthi Sarahu
01 Malagi There was 23 There was a serpent 2014 - Mala Nagaraza 05
no 2018 gi n Years
in her body
And not
and Sarahu
different 2017- Gulb 05
Vishalakshi There was a treasure Nagaraza
02 31 2019 arga Years
and a demon in her n
A strange body
Suma She had no children 2015 - Gana Sarahu 05
03 She was 29 2019 eshp Nagaraza Years
And the children died
. married for 5
soon after birth. Because ura n
There was a treasure
years but had and a demon in her
no children
Lakshmavv Morning hand In her body was a serpent 2015 - Gana Sarahu 05
pain and body and treasure
04 a pain have been 40 2018 eshp Nagaraza Years
. present for 6 ura n
Fareena She had no children 2016 - Yella Sarahu 05
05 She was 26 And the children died soon 2019 pur Nagaraza Years
. after birth. Because There n
married for 5
was a treasure and a
years but had demon in her body
no children
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had no
had no
12 years but
had no
had no
had no
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had no
Project 02: 77% of people who doesn’t have much hair on their head are the brilliant people or the skilled proficient or
Project 03: According to the ‘SISBRA’s discovery 95% of prevaricates of falsify (i.e. not telling the truth) are we can see in
the advocates and court.
Project 04: According to 99% of people are liars in the world because of their welfare they are leading their life with the lies.
Project 05: According to the research of ‘SISBRA’ 85% of people are getting richer or wealthier by their lies and cheating
and 15% of people are getting richer with the legal activities.
Project 06: 100 out of 100 minute lives are present in the planets spread in the single drop of blood these planets are none
other than (the celestial body that revolves around a sun.) only the similar planets have the capacity of donating blood to others.
Or else who receiver blood from the other planetary person’s blood causes the expansion of body, head ache, pain in the legs and
arms and some other characteristics are seen death can also happens.
Project 07: Excess rate of sleeping results in increase of sugar level in the blood. Later it leads to the diabetes because of this
migraine head ache, pain in joints and suddenly falling down during the sleep are seen. This weakens the mental health therefore
sleeping habit should be in the particular time and should be in the night and sleeping habit during afternoons are the reason for
the nightmares and mental illness.
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Project 08: 97% of people suffering with the diseases due to the water and the particles of water humiliation, diseases like
cold and coughs are seen.
Project 09: 97% of animals and birds are suffering from the various diseases which are causing through water and its
Project 10: With the effect of seven circles man suffers oftenly with cold, humidity, danger, inferiority complex. Incase if the
seven cycles stopped its junction then “death” is only the thing which all world could face. According to research of ‘SISBRA’
man has the lifespan based on the how much hair he has on has on his head. If one hair gets fallen shows the one day of his
lifespan is completed. Every day with the imbalance of seven cycle’s man is losing thousands of hair per day. It means he is
getting death sooner.
Project 11: according to the research of ‘SISBRA’ the power of soul of man is greater than the power of God & goddess.
Project 12: In whose Horoscope the Planet Neptune is in the 8th House, such persons will be negligent over managing money
or life partner. They show the willingness to be more materialistic or luxurious and will face financial crises after marriage in
their lives. If Neptune is very close to the 8 th House or at the junction with a malefic planet and if the 8 th Lord is not in a good
position, they get the disease of unconsciousness and suffer. If the planets Neptune, Mars and Uranus are in conjunction and are
showing opposite views, then the persons having such type of planetary statuses will be in the habit of drinking always and
consume a variety of drugs. Alternatively they take poisonous or wrong medicines and will suffer from the repercussions.
Moreover if the influence of the planet Saturn is more in their Horoscopes, they will suffer from such acts and from the effects of
secret sciences there by becoming victims of black magic, witchcraft, devils and spirits. If Neptune is with the Moon, the persons
will experience special and different dreams. If Neptune is close to Mercury, the people experience mistaken notions and shall
get the habit of argumentative behavior. Even more, if Jupiter is not in a good position, they will be branded as incorrigible or as
the ones beyond repair or mentally retarded persons.
Further in such type of planetary transits and combinations, humans experience bad habits and will be addicted to more
drinking, behave like Psychos and lose confidence on themselves, stand status, doubting over themselves and doubt or suspect
others. But if there is no influence of Saturn or such planetary Juncture, people experiencing these disorders will naturally
recover or heal themselves. Till then no medicine or tablets will not cure them or elevate or their conditions.
Even the doctors realized these problems of the persons having such planetary positions. In the case of doctors, as per the
planetary positions charts, if Neptune is close to Mercury, the persons will develop wrong beliefs and will develop
argumentative traits. If Jupiter is not in a good position, their conditions will become irreparable and they will be discarded by
society as mentally ill persons. Therefore this cannot be treated or fixed as a problem of Psychology. Sometimes these problems
arise due to spirits, Earth’s mass, Snakes and by Divine Power. In whose horoscope there is the sharp look of Saturn and where
there is the combination of the Node, the shadow planet, Rahu and the effect of Jupiter, such persons will experience problems
from spirits, Divine power, the Earth’s gravitational mass, from snakes and will be trapped in suffering mental stress or illness.
Then the problem of Psychology arises. The solution is one and the solution given by the Doctors/Psychiatrists is different. As a
result, the patients will suffer seriously without getting proper care. Due to their planetary positions and with such drastic results
they suffer. This becomes the main reason. Further the persons will behave typically as a model or differently or foolishly with
madness and the reasons attributes to these will only arise due these. In whose Horoscope Jupiter and Mars stay together in the
Nodal Phase or in the Nodal Phase of Consumption (The Rahu Dasa Bhukti), the person will experience high Blood Pressure.
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Then he or she experience symptoms of diseases like headaches, heavy pain in head, infectious saliva, bleeding in the mouth
(oral regions.
These will result due to the combinations of Planets or due to their weaknesses. These will not have scientific reasons.
Furthermore these planetary combinations show Psychological problems like this and create suffering in people. In such
circumstances, man will lead a life of difficulties of daily occurrence and also they possess secrete enemies. Due to this they
always speak ill of others. Instead of using the right and useful opportunities such persons will hold on to illegal traits and means
land themselves in difficulties and misfortunes. Taking up mega projects or works makes an individual in the right thinking state.
Due to this severe headache, mental instability will try to haunt always. Then the problem of Psychology arises in such person.
He then go on a conquest or an expedition and commits crime on others. The other one also will kill him with such types of
problems and weaknesses. If the planet Neptune is in the 5 th House, then the person will experience several accumulated
accounts of love affairs and episode. Then they will be immersed in the acts of love and indulge themselves in illegal activities.
Due to this they get the habit of visiting Prostitutes and to commit acts of amorousness and lives with the main track and lead a
new life. They will never again revert to do such acts or such behaviors in their lives. If Uranus is in the 5 th position in the
horoscope of persons, then they suffer from mental debilities and will roam in the streets of their places as madmen, will discard
their families or will be discarded by it. In such cases, if they have the planetary combination of the Moon and the Node (Rahu)
in their Horoscopes, they lose hope in life and become sadists. Then they again become abnormal, argumentative or emotive in
life. They experience greater anxiety or aggravation or excitement. Then in that state, the problem of Psychology arises. But man
is not becoming a victim of these due to any type of activities. Instead, he is getting Psychological problems due to the
combination of such planets cited aforesaid and due to their extraordinary revolutions.
(Rahu (Sanskrit: is one of the nine major astronomical bodies (Navagraha 09 planets) in Indian texts. Unlike the other eight,
Rahu is a shadow entity, one that causes eclipses and is the king of meteors. [1] Rahu represents the ascension of the moon in its
processional orbit around the earth.
North Lunar Node - When Moon moves from South to North in its orbit and crosses Sun's path – the incision point is called
Rahu or Dragon's Head) also, (The Sanskrit terms “Dasha” in Hindu astrology is used to indicate planetary periods. The
planetary periods indicate when the good or bad effects are produced according to their placement by sign (Rasi), house (Bhava),
combinations or aspects is the major period of a planet.
Also, each mahadasha is also subdivided into planetary periods called Bhukti, which run in the same order as the mahadahsa,
and with the same proportional length. For example, the first bhukti of ketu is ketu/ketu, the second is ketu/venus, the third ketu/
Sun and so on)
Project 02: Research says every individual are controlled by the lord of death Yama, after the death also they characters and
nature remains same. They remain till they get new body. Snakes also do the same as human. Man facing much of the troubles
due to this. Any life of the world goes into the authority of Yama’s after the death. They reach are enter into the Yama authority
within 3 days. There in the authority of Yama the dead people get only 20gms of food at 2 times with the enquiry they get the
suitable punishment. But when are in the rest they fall on land in the form of air and also in different appearance to see their
beloved and also appear in their beloved bodies according to their plant system and in case of death of elder people they could
see their dearth before they get the notification of earlier only after dearth they will be in the care of Yama. Sometimes they
appear in land they would be the reason of accidents, irritations, for work, trouble in weddings & other problems they all are the
rules of nature. Usually the soul of common people are authorized by Yama but only the saints and same special powered people
have capacity to overcome from that caught. But at initial stage they also caught by Yama only. Even the Swamiji’s saints soul
can also converts as devils. They are under nature.
Project 03: according to the research of ‘SISBRA’ the reason for decrease in life span & early dearth are the character of the
Man & also current function of the man. And also less usage of current technologies can also help in the good life span. In this
physical world the invisible lives have the more energy than visible life because of them world is facing various diseases,
accidents, irritation, confusion cheating loss floods etc.
Project 04: Usually man & animals fall sleep during evening or night because sunrise occurs in different time in different
countries Eg: if it’s a 6 pm in India & American time is a6 Am, when people use to sleep in India timing shift to America they
change their schedule & adjust themselves according to their climate & nature. The time of working in India is time of sleep in
the America. The secrete behind this is the extreme life which is present in the environment is the reason for this those life are
relaxing a kind of acid of animals that acid tends to get sleep & when they bites.
Project 05: cobra is (snake) visible to some people in the night they use to see the continuously. They are 2 kinds of cobra one
is common cobra & another one is energized cobra. Only the common cobra are visible to the eyes but the energized cobras are
invisible if the people suddenly saw this snakes accidently, they will be definitely appear in the dreams. Then they suffer with
body ache. There is a chance of horrible effects but those are temporary.
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Project 06: sometimes man feels pain in his body. That doesn’t mean he has lack of vitamins, it many due to the invisible
energy or else the power of back – magic. But usually doctor suggestion is incorrect its completely due to effect of snakes, block
magic, and through some negative energies and even it is reducing with help of continuous observation of doctor but sometimes
it’s not clarified.
Project 07: Snakes mean cobra keep grudge or angry and bites the people its true basically they have less memory power but
they can easily identify the man by the smell of toes of man. It means the every particle of the body releases the sweat it reacts
with earth & it help to identity. Even dogs can also fallow the same procedure. But some of the snakes wait for that particular
person where he had disturbed it & till he comes back it easily recognize affect the year. But a snake loses their eyesight when
they see the pregnant women. They suffers from it till the delivery.
Project 08: They are too many characteristics in the world. How the man is of character even the every creator, plants,
oceans, rivers there is a specialist in every character it flows as river & reaches ocean. Man is different than other creator. Even
the plants are of characters even the Zodiac signs and stars are also of characters even the invisible energy is of this there are
formed with character of soil. Some are from air they use to fly all the time.
These are named as Penta - aspects these are plants. It means air, water , soil, sky, all the visible things called Penta-
aspect they are get existed by the research so many invisible –power also created by them. Because of them many problems like
accidents dangerous incidents etc. Eg: The bike caught for the accident. It doesn’t under go for accident there is reason behind
that is Penta- aspect.
In the ancient days the saints & geologists used to say that man is of Rajo Guna ( superior) & Devils from Thamo Guna
(inferior). How the people god devils are born with the character & many greaters are of different character. Even the gods are
also living things. Micro organisms but they are invisible. God is devils are invisible so they have more power than man so that
we are fallowing them. They are present in every nation city, town, they are leading life. The organisms which have the more
mental energy are invisible & which are not visible they have less power.
Project 09: Who eats more rice & other sewer of rice will suffers with diabetes & mental disturbing because rice has the
sugar molecules they produces in the urine and also effects on the neurons of brain it results in mental retardation & man suffers
with largeness after ageing.
Project 10: Souls travel faster than light. They travel with the light frequency even they can shift to the planet in only a
second. Eg: man souls after death can move to the America with a second or even it goes to fetors a women can’t be a pregnant
before seals reaches to her womb. How the calls are available where there is no network sane as if the woman doesn’t attracts the
soul she doesn’t be a pregnant. This is also another kind of reason for infertility.
Project 11: The death of a man is nothing but out coming of soul from the body how the five emits the shadow & it absorbs
after some time. The body of second man is quiet in the initial stage so the truth is soul is present. There are no foregone without
Project 12: According to research of sis bra, 55.3% business men are suffering with problems, diabetes nerve diseases and all.
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Project 13: Sleeping during day it moans in the prance of sun-rays causes, humiliations, headache, lock of vitamin, lock of
calcium, B. P. Diabetics & mental disturbance & some will become logy & mentally retardation.
Project 14: Excess reading & excess use of phone (mobile) & watching television cause thyroid & liver problem or acidity
Project 15: Removing hair from any part of the body results in infection, use of blade, skijors, or other chemical materials
causes skin infection.
Project 16: Changing dresses or costumes everyday makes man infection; because of he is very sensitive.
Project 17: According to the research of sis bra 95% of advocates are present in the courts.
Project 18: According to the “sisbra” research people are living to each other jest because of their selfishness.
Project 19: According to “sisbra” research people are becoming rich by living & cheating are of 85% & 15% people are
following the legal way.
Project 20: S00 out of 100 living organisms consisting of planetary contents in their blood. Opposite planetary people can’t
donate their blood. Only the like planetary people can donate their blood. Or else it leads to the expansion heart, pain in body,
migraine, etc it finality leads to the weakening of mind.
Project 21: Over sleepiness makes blood sweet, it causes diabetes later & causes pain in body, headache, etc.
Project 22: Using hen (fowl) to remove all the negation energy from man & dumping it in the earth by chopping it treats rapid
diseases & fertility, pain of body all can treat with this method.
Project 23: Man is changing is tongue (i.e. changing his words) without minutes due to the distant between moon & earth and
if there was no rotation of planet. There was no monument of life. Whole life will be constant.
Project 24: Who has the defeat in chromosomes or lack of chromosome will face eye-problem and in the older age their eye-
sight becomes burr.
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Project 25: In the physical world of us so many people failed in hunting of earth treasure and only few people were
succeeded, reason behind this below.
Of there is a thing written with the proof of their date of birth & time is mentioned with treasures they definitely get it.
Every single piece of rice is named with is no need of black magic, negative energy etc.
To get that treasure the person should be blessed with that particular season time, minute, folic song, star, month, week,
date & seasons then only he get that. Till that person doesn’t get it with any kind of hard work. Every treasure is named with that
person as written on the rice.
We can’t say that the baby who is burned to the parent is of other, as same this the treasure also has the particular owner
if the baby is given as adeptly but still birth give parents are the real father & mother. Same as this the birth aspects are the real
reason for writhing.
Of anybody wants change those aspects, the people like saints, God, Scientist it won’t, how the main pillars of house of
house is removed the house get distract, the date of time of birth decides factice sun and all these are the pillars.
The earth has creator because of presence of molecules so even the beneath the earth of life is exit. There inner life
disturbs the life on the earth sometime they are invisible to naked eyes. They are too sensitive and dangerous. Eg: the treasure in
the earth also has the special kind of art. It also leads life it too has life. That’s why when man tries to grab the treasure it kills
him & taken his life away.
Project 26: There are 99% of invisible power is present on earth, only 1% of invisible strength is we are seeing.
Project 27: In the world the negative energy is attracting women more than man, 97.3% of women are attracting them,
because the emotionally, feelings, looks are more attractive.
Project 28: The blood which bleeds from a tree every month has the negative energy. Its negative to the god they are totally
opposite to each other but it doesn’t appear negative to the man.
Project 29: In the world the girls or women are achieving in the field of education more than men.
Project 30: man is feeling sorrow & non- resistant in every one hear & he is typing to smile every 2 minutes.
Project 31: Who earth more oily foods & junks usually suffer with weak sense of mind. Because it contains cholesterol, it
makes his brain weak it makes him confuse, it contains more fat it help to increase the weight even it affects the brain so then it
weakness the nerves of brain, hence it leads to laziness, acidity, later in the age of 60 years it causes mental disorder, it loosens
the skin & causes headache, eyes problem, diabetes, ear problem.
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Project 32: The dead souls of father & mother or relative causes disturbance in important works, sorrow, irritation, loss of
peace. They use to fallow behind the back. They are invisible, this problem is forever till they get peace. But these dead souls are
invisible to the intelligent man.
Project 02: 77% of people who doesn’t have much hair on their head are the brilliant people or the skilled proficient or
Project 33: According to the ‘SISBRA’s discovery 95% of prevaricates of falsify (i.e. not telling the truth) are we can see in
the advocates and court.
Project 34: According to the research of ‘SISBRA’ 85% of people are getting richer or wealthier by their lies and cheating
and 15% of people are getting richer with the legal activities.
Project 35: Excess rate of sleeping results in increase of sugar level in the blood. Later it leads to the diabetes because of this
migraine head ache, pain in joints and suddenly falling down during the sleep are seen. This weakens the mental health therefore
sleeping habit should be in the particular time and should be in the night and sleeping habit during afternoons are the reason for
the nightmares and mental illness.
Project 36: 97% of people suffering with the diseases due to the water and the particles of water humiliation, diseases like
cold and coughs are seen.
Project 37: 97% of animals and birds are suffering from the various diseases which are causing through water and its
Project 38: With the effect of seven circles man suffers oftenly with cold, humidity, danger, inferiority complex. Incase if the
seven cycles stopped its junction then “death” is only the thing which all world could face. According to research of ‘SISBRA’
man has the lifespan based on the how much hair he has on has on his head. If one hair gets fallen shows the one day of his
lifespan is completed. Every day with the imbalance of seven cycle’s man is losing thousands of hair per day. It means he is
getting death sooner.
Project 39: according to the research of ‘SISBRA’ the power of soul of man is greater than the power of God & goddess.
Project 40: In this world man performing his routine activities succeeding 94.3% alone.
Project 41: In this world 37% of people suffering from bleeding in some parts of body due to mental depression.
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Project 42: In this world 87% of people committed suicide just to achieve their daily needs.
Project 43: In this world 99.3% of people are losing faith in god and other people and trust & interest in neighboring people
due to their weak plant system.
Project 44: 27 % women are suffering from infertility due to the thyroid and 73% women are infertile because of negative
power of earth treasurer and of some other powers.
Project 45: In this world 98.6% of people are serving the nation, social servicing just because of selfishness and greed of
Project 46: There is a lot of difference below male & female in the thinking capacity, knowledge & in facial expression
women are too fast in urgency forwardness, frustration than the level of man’s thinking’s. Women have the sensitive heart than
gents so they get tears fast, i.e. natures system in their thinking ability but in the life of man & women have the similarity in the
likes & wishes here there is no difference between them. But according to the research man & women both have equal thinking
ability. For example men have the more doubts of women so many people doesn’t believe on them. If man has the illegal
relation with other woman no one would its wrong but if the woman does it all protest her & keeps her with light security and
treats her with inferiorly & argues that women always a cheater and there are four kinds of women progenies due to the lack
power of neurons this trouble can cause.
As like as human beings convicted and sentenced to death by a government and, kept in a prison, similarly animal birds can also
be imprisoned. They are punished by humans or by five physical elements (panchaboothas). Only by the seeing of them does the
man kill them and eat, or even they kept in a cage. No matter what crime the birds, animals are guilty. The animals, birds are
also in a tangle cage. They too are committing crimes as like human beings, and they also practicing law. Humans can also be
punished by humans himself or by five physical elements. How man is in a unique position.
There are also having horoscope or birth kundali to the animal, birds like human beings or other living organism or alien life.
They too have plantetray like human beings or (resemble man-made planets and mass stars. Is planetary life.) (Investigation
duration: 3 years)
The zodiac and the constellations of the birth kundali or horoscope is there for every living thing found on the earth, are similar
to human beings. Every human being that is found or recognized in the world today, in the same manner the other living
organisms can be treated which is found on the earth. A birth kundali is applicable for all of them... But the human assumes that
they do not have the birth kundali or (seem to be born to life piles today.) For example, if a man is stands in front of a lizard, the
man will look distorted for the lizard. Similar way if a person stands in front of a turtle or any micro-organism, for they man look
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like distorted and vice-versa. But the language of animals, birds is unknown to human beings. Language is not perceptible. They
are stronger language than the language of humans. Regional dialect is also applied to human beings by their respective
There are fears of death as a human being, even for the world's living organisms. Demolition is happening.
Humans can be born again from the death or become a ghost without peace. This may be time scale of the humans expired
(dead) or the result of a previous birth. The invisible spirits of a person are capable of realizing the same. There are far more
invisible forces that are visible to the animal than to humans. This meant that the animals had stronger powers than humans.
Still, billions of living things have their own unique and highly sensitive language.
According to research animal, birds are far cleaner than human beings. There are only 25% of humans are clean.
Biomasses or (other living organisms) in the world are also dying and reborn. They can be born a human being or a
human can be born in a host of microbial life.
Human being is only a dead spirit or a human who is called a devil. Yes, as a human being, with the billions of living
beings in the world, these can again born into a devil? Or some other form. Similarly as human beings, there is lot of
other living organism of their horoscope or birth kundali once they die they can become a devil or they can be any other
form, it depends on their birth kundali. When humans are only born in the earth today, sin is not practiced. Animal, birds
are also stealing. The same birds also is hunted to other Biomasses and killed. The birth of humans is nothing special.
The human being is more intelligent rather than any other animals, birds in the creation of nature. The human body is
called because of shape of the body which is available to the humans. The body of this man is of great importance. This
same body is taking on the most important and ghostly, magic creatures called ghosts.
Planets, stars and piles are unraveling like human beings even to the soul. It is very similar to God. (Investigation duration – 8
If God has to perform a trick or magic in the presence of people or a devotee to fix a problem he has to deal with, then the
planetary situation of God and the devotee must be applied there….Subsequently the devotee's star must be justified whether it is
similar to the star of God.
Otherwise the trick or the devotee will not get the benefit of a believing God. But at some point the believer's star (zodiacs’) will
be very hard, but the planetary situation can solve the problem of believers. Here the soul is God. There is no doubt, then, that
the soul is like the planets.
The human being is dead and haunted by ghosts, along with any other influential varieties, the ghosts are haunted by
other ghosts. It's like a very delicate wave.
Is a very delicate matter. But this is not equally visible or (sense) to the humans.
For example, there may be a structural problem in a house, or other illnesses that are plaguing one by one, or a snake can
see in dream, a girl's can visible in dream, or a young child's is visible in dream. There may not be a vasthu (science of
archicture) or structural problem of house, nor is there any magic spell, nor is it a genealogy or a chromosome. It can be a
hidden object in the basement of their home or their land, or any other type of influencer. As mentioned above, any other
influential ghosts and powers are possessed. The dog also becomes a ghost, according to the actions of the dead (or
karma). A herd, a buffalo, and a bird also carry this birth. Only one species can endure their own birth or attain salvation.
Humans or a number of other biomass knows their birth kundali from the stars and planets.
The asteroids, stars, and planets give effect to each other. They do not have the same effect on all species, i.e., the world's
biomass. Likewise, the planets provide the same kind of intelligence for the rest of the biomass as human species. This is
also the influence of a star, asteroids and planets. That is, the constellations and planets give birth to their respective
variants. Again they exhibit their corresponding activity. For example, a man is suspicious of his wife. But in any of the
other biomass varieties, one can indulge in any females. They are not suspicious. The man gives makes money. But other
types don't make money. It is the life of a variety of planets, stars and planets. But there are a few.
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A man born in Aries usually draws people with extraordinary personality power. There are great pros who want
challenges, bold and enthusiastic, they are admired by everyone and are honest and buoyant. But the hen, tortoise,
elephant, dog, ox, etc., born in the same Aries have similar qualities. Their age group is also different. Their activity is
also different. Even the soul cannot die. It is not spontaneous but omnipresent. The Lord alone has power. But if it is the
soul, then the body, according to the constellation, star and birth kundali will act in the same way as the human body.
Similarly if the same spirit enters the body of the hen, it will act in accordance with the body of the hen. But in the
constellation of Aries moon sign, the mother or father of man is subject to the death similarly to any animal, whether a
foot 1 or a foot 2 in the star (Aries or Ashwini zodiacs ashwini Nakshtra pada1, pada2). Similarly, the mother of the
animal's father is also involved in the accident.
What and all diseases causes while the birds, animals were born in the zodiacs’
(Generally, humans born in Aries has heat and acidity diseases, and even a bird born in Aries has similar types of illnesses. Here
we couldn’t specifically mention exact name of mammals or There is no such thing as a bird or animals of course, this kind of
sickness becomes tied to animals, birds when Aries relies.)
1. Birds, animal’s beasts and beasts born in Aries are as hot and brittle similarly as humans. And the mind is constantly
wobbled like humans.
2. Animals and birds born in Taurus are a blood-related disease, often with abdominal pain.
3. Animals and birds born in Gemini (Mithuna's) pile are hemorrhoids, neurological disorders.
4. Animals and birds born in the cancer sign (kataka) are known to cause blood related disease, hemorrhoids and sputum.
5. Animals and birds born in the lion, strain causes blood related disease, blood pressure, eye deformity, and tyrosis.
6. Animals and birds born in Virgo, are prone to skin disease, abdominal pain, indigestion, acidity, and anemia.
7. Animals and birds born in Libra are prone to bowel problems, drowsiness, and irritability.
8. Animals and birds born in the scrotum have hemorrhoids, air rashes, dermatitis, and frequent fever.
9. Animals and birds born in Sagittarius are suffer from nervous weakness, inflammation, acidity associated with the throat,
10. Animals and birds that are born in Capricorn are stems from health problems such as pain, nausea, nervous weakness, etc.
11. Animals and birds born in the Aquarius may have eye problems, abdominal pain, and headache problems.
12. Animals and birds born in the Pisces have the Blood borne illnesses, neurological problems, eye problems.
Special: But animal birds, rather than humans, are rapidly recovered from deadly diseases or smallpox. (Or From the five
physical elements)
1) If the animals or birds was born in the Aries, if the same was entering into the female body then how would have the
characteristics of an animal or bird (if it were a female body.)
2) Or if it is a husband, it is a man of high spirits and charming personality that every woman can dream of.
Maintains stamina and courage during difficult times.
A tough, strong sportsman and a restless man.
The name and fame gains in the Middle Ages.
The most intelligent and resourceful prosperity doubles.
Dedicated spirits who have a long life.
Working in business enterprise wants to be completed quickly.
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Those born in this pile (zodiacs) are wise, but it’s true, over-intelligence can boast of being self-intelligent. The fascination
begins with their soul or (heart). The fickle nature leads to mental deterioration in his life. It can reduce mental well-being but
also sleep thirst. Mental depression does not hold up. The ritual is minimal. There is lot of enemies, there is no hiding in them.
But he succeeds with artistic skill and imagination. You have to be careful about every issue. Slightness or stamina is found in
both. Even if an ostentatious gentleman or a silent on the go, sooner or later he is not good. They count even every one rupee,
even though they have some health issues they won’t shown outside or though in the mind, does not look outside.
Man looks different from an animal compared to a man born in an Aries and an animal. There are many different kinds of
animals. There are planets and stars like every other human being, and the soul is the same. But when the soul is transferred from
one body to another, the soul must act in accordance with that body.
Both herds and cattle are of the same breed. But if the ox or herds are male and female, both the buffalo and tiger are different.
Again, the stars are acting like a man. If the strains are to be found directly, the planets, like man, depend on the star
constellation, Kundali, of the species.
"Which are animals, birds that were born in the zodiacs can live in a cage of man?"
Summary: The man bred a pigeon or a parrot in his home cage. Or cobra breeds snake, bear, deer, etc. Or at the Bird Zoo or
Zoo where some of the animals are on display, the reason for this is their birth kundali or horoscope. The first one is that
Ascendant (lagna) and the result of the eclipse after the asterisk or (Asterism) (Nakshtras and other planetary).but apart from this
which are all zodiacs entering into planets (grahas) ((laying of holdorseizing) and which are all planets (grahas) (laying of hold
or seizing )and zodiacs’ Nakshtras (lunar mansions) entering or which pada, ghati and opposite lunar mansions movement any
birds and any animals will caught with humans or they will die from the humans or they will ride on the humans or Become
fatal. O they caught with the humans or they escape from the cage.
For example: here is some useful information about the birth kundali or horoscope of some animal birds as I have presented my
birth kundali.
1) Example of a tiger: Tiger breeds born in any mass, star, Asterism, lunar mansion and they caught with humans lagoons
are living in a tangle cage or a zoo, just like humans.
2) Tiger breeds born in any asteroid, star, and lagna (Ascendant), Asterism, lunar mansion, like humans, are infested with
man or other animals during the Mars and Rahu (sub-periods). When a tiger attacks an animal or a human being, the tiger
is killed by any other animal, or animal that has been killed by the tiger for a period of time, as indicated by his or her star
and lunar birth kundali. When it comes to yoga (time), it is possible to attack a tiger and other animals.
3) again the tiger is caught with humans and living the cage or in the zoo and it can be escaped from the cage or from the
zoo this and due of the their birth kundali and the lunar mansion, ascedant, stars and zodiacs’ and other planetary motions
4) Parrot Example: Parrots born in any asteroid, star, lunar mansion, ascedant, stars and zodiacs and other planetary motions
are the main cause of parrots caught with humans and living in the cage or in the zoo or they try to escape from these.
( and lagoon are living in tangle cages or zoos in man's hands ) during the Saturn sub-period, the Sun sub-period.
5) In any zodiacs, lunar mansion and any of the ascendant, Saturn (Shani period) and sub shani period, Rahu(north lunar
day) and mars (mangal) during that time the deer will be die from the humans, here the human was trying to kill the deer
and the human time and his kundali along with the deer birth kundali should match than only that specific deer will die.
(Although there are plenty of deer, only the deer that have died in that group are the victims of human shootings.)
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Animals, birds are disorganized in the same manner of humans also disorganized. (Investigation Duration – 8 Years)
1) As like human beings in the world the other living organisms also have Moolanakshtra, Magha Star, Ashwini Star,
Charana 1, those who born, in this their father will die. The mother dies if she gives birth in the charan2; this means that a
man can be caught in any form, trapped in moving vehicles, or immune to any disease. But if the birth of Moola
Nakshtra, Magha Star and Ashwini star charan 3 is a life-threatening, birth for a child and a mother of a father, the lack of
food can lead to a life of food-hungry conditions. But if born in the 4 th charan respectively, the creature and the parents
who are born will have no shortage of food and will live to the end without the other beasts. At the end of the first
nakshtra star, the beginning of the moola star, if the life piles are born at the end of the first nakshtra star, i.e. the first 2
hours of the moola star, the birth pits and parents will die. Through by an accident. Or other brutal beasts being attacked
or by the tress fallen down.
2) There is a shortage of food for the parents and the parents who have given birth to both Ashlesha, the elder and the charan
2 in the stars of Revathy. In addition, other life piles are encountered. And live in a cage or museum. However, in the 3rd
charan, the mother of the living piles of birth is destroyed. Born in the 4th charan, the father will die.
3) In Pushya 2 and charan 3, Mughanakshtra is in the 1 st charan, Chitra star is in charan1 and 2 and in Poorvashadda 3 rd
charan, a male is born to a father and a mother. The mother will going to die.
4) I was born on Wednesday 01/06/1988 for 6 hours and 37 minutes, at the same time an ox and a bird, hen gave the birth.
But I am in the body of a man. The ox is in the body of the ox. The cock is in the body of the hen. Mine is Sagittarius
zodiacs Moola nakshtra(star) is a Virishika Lagna. Udaya Lagna is also a star, Sagittarius Moola star. Likewise, the hen is
also nakshtra (star), Sagittarius moola. But the actions of the mutual ox, the hen, are similar but the behaviors are
different... Here the bodies are different and functions as well. Biomass in the world and the same mass of man has the
same nakshtra (star). Nevertheless, the constellations and stars similar to man have a different effect on man's body. Also,
the age of the animal birds is much higher than the human. Some animal birds live longer than man. That is, there are
examples of some animals living more than two hundred years, compared to a man's average age of 100 years.
5) As man grows ever more, his creative power is also growing. But the soul is always created with the power of grace.
When it joins the body of the five-physical elements, the soul behaves similarly to that body. In addition to the planets,
constellations, stars, the planets, asteroids, stars, and the energy of the body, which is required for his body, which is a
five physical elements. Once in the infantile childhood system, the body of the five-physical elements of energy has to be
known as the influence of planets, constellations and stars. For example, if I had predicted my birth based on Kundali, I
would have started writing novels and dramas at my early age because of Birth Kundali in the first place was Jupiter
(guru) and second place was surya (Ravi). But I didn't have the ability to hold the world in my hands. This is due to the
body of the five physical elements (Panchabuthas.) Planets and constellations grace the gradual growth of man's energy.
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Project 02: Research says every individual are controlled by the lord of death Yama, after the death also they characters and
nature remains same. They remain till they get new body. Snakes also do the same as human. Man facing much of the troubles
due to this. Any life of the world goes into the authority of Yama’s after the death. They reach are enter into the Yama authority
within 3 days. There in the authority of Yama the dead people get only 20gms of food at 2 times with the enquiry they get the
suitable punishment. But when are in the rest they fall on land in the form of air and also in different appearance to see their
beloved and also appear in their beloved bodies according to their plant system and in case of death of elder people they could
see their dearth before they get the notification of earlier only after dearth they will be in the care of Yama. Sometimes they
appear in land they would be the reason of accidents, irritations, for work, trouble in weddings & other problems they all are the
rules of nature. Usually the soul of common people are authorized by Yama but only the saints and same special powered people
have capacity to overcome from that caught. But at initial stage they also caught by Yama only. Even the Swamiji’s saints soul
can also converts as devils. They are under nature.
Project 03: according to the research of ‘SISBRA’ the reason for decrease in life span & early dearth are the character of the
Man & also current function of the man. And also less usage of current technologies can also help in the good life span. In this
physical world the invisible lives have the more energy than visible life because of them world is facing various diseases,
accidents, irritation, confusion cheating loss floods etc.
Project 04: Usually man & animals fall sleep during evening or night because sunrise occurs in different time in different
countries Eg: if it’s a 6 pm in India & American time is a6 Am, when people use to sleep in India timing shift to America they
change their schedule & adjust themselves according to their climate & nature. The time of working in India is time of sleep in
the America. The secrete behind this is the extreme life which is present in the environment is the reason for this those life are
relaxing a kind of acid of animals that acid tends to get sleep & when they bites.
Project 05: cobra is (snake) visible to some people in the night they use to see the continuously. They are 2 kinds of cobra one
is common cobra & another one is energized cobra. Only the common cobra are visible to the eyes but the energized cobras are
invisible if the people suddenly saw this snakes accidently, they will be definitely appear in the dreams. Then they suffer with
body ache. There is a chance of horrible effects but those are temporary.
Project 06: sometimes man feels pain in his body. That doesn’t mean he has lack of vitamins, it many due to the invisible
energy or else the power of back – magic. But usually doctor suggestion is incorrect its completely due to effect of snakes, block
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magic, and through some negative energies and even it is reducing with help of continuous observation of doctor but sometimes
it’s not clarified.
Project 07: Snakes mean cobra keep grudge or angry and bites the people its true basically they have less memory power but
they can easily identify the man by the smell of toes of man. It means the every particle of the body releases the sweat it reacts
with earth & it help to identity. Even dogs can also fallow the same procedure. But some of the snakes wait for that particular
person where he had disturbed it & till he comes back it easily recognize affect the year. But a snake loses their eyesight when
they see the pregnant women. They suffers from it till the delivery.
Project 08: They are too many characteristics in the world. How the man is of character even the every creator, plants,
oceans, rivers there is a specialist in every character it flows as river & reaches ocean. Man is different than other creator. Even
the plants are of characters even the Zodiac signs and stars are also of characters even the invisible energy is of this there are
formed with character of soil. Some are from air they use to fly all the time.
These are named as Penta - aspects these are plants. It means air, water , soil, sky, all the visible things called Penta- aspect
they are get existed by the research so many invisible –power also created by them. Because of them many problems like
accidents dangerous incidents etc. Eg: The bike caught for the accident. It doesn’t under go for accident there is reason behind
that is Penta- aspect.
In the ancient days the saints & geologists used to say that man is of Rajo Guna ( superior) & Devils from Thamo Guna
(inferior). How the people god devils are born with the character & many greaters are of different character. Even the gods are
also living things. Micro organisms but they are invisible. God is devils are invisible so they have more power than man so that
we are fallowing them. They are present in every nation city, town, they are leading life. The organisms which have the more
mental energy are invisible & which are not visible they have less power.
Project 09: Who eats more rice & other sewer of rice will suffers with diabetes & mental disturbing because rice has the
sugar molecules they produces in the urine and also effects on the neurons of brain it results in mental retardation & man suffers
with largeness after ageing.
Project 10: Souls travel faster than light. They travel with the light frequency even they can shift to the planet in only a
second. Eg: man souls after death can move to the America with a second or even it goes to fetors a women can’t be a pregnant
before seals reaches to her womb. How the calls are available where there is no network sane as if the woman doesn’t attracts the
soul she doesn’t be a pregnant. This is also another kind of reason for infertility.
Project 11: The death of a man is nothing but out coming of soul from the body how the five emits the shadow & it absorbs
after some time. The body of second man is quiet in the initial stage so the truth is soul is present. There are no foregone without
Project 12: According to research of sis bra, 55.3% business men are suffering with problems, diabetes nerve diseases and all.
Project 13: Sleeping during day it moans in the prance of sun-rays causes, humiliations, headache, lock of vitamin, lock of
calcium, B. P. Diabetics & mental disturbance & some will become logy & mentally retardation.
Project 14: Excess reading & excess use of phone (mobile) & watching television cause thyroid & liver problem or acidity
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Project 15: Removing hair from any part of the body results in infection, use of blade, skijors, or other chemical materials
causes skin infection.
Project 16: Changing dresses or costumes everyday makes man infection; because of he is very sensitive.
Project 17: According to the research of sis bra 95% of advocates are present in the courts.
Project 18: According to the “sisbra” research people are living to each other jest because of their selfishness.
Project 19: According to “sisbra” research people are becoming rich by living & cheating are of 85% & 15% people are
following the legal way.
Project 20: S00 out of 100 living organisms consisting of planetary contents in their blood. Opposite planetary people can’t
donate their blood. Only the like planetary people can donate their blood. Or else it leads to the expansion heart, pain in body,
migraine, etc it finality leads to the weakening of mind.
Project 21: Over sleepiness makes blood sweet, it causes diabetes later & causes pain in body, headache, etc.
Project 22: Using hen (fowl) to remove all the negation energy from man & dumping it in the earth by chopping it treats rapid
diseases & fertility, pain of body all can treat with this method.
Project 23: Man is changing is tongue (i.e. changing his words) without minutes due to the distant between moon & earth and
if there was no rotation of planet. There was no monument of life. Whole life will be constant.
Project 24: Who has the defeat in chromosomes or lack of chromosome will face eye-problem and in the older age their eye-
sight becomes burr.
Project 25: In the physical world of us so many people failed in hunting of earth treasure and only few people were
succeeded, reason behind this below.
If there is a thing written with the proof of their date of birth & time is mentioned with treasures they definitely get it. Every
single piece of rice is named with is no need of black magic, negative energy etc.
To get that treasure the person should be blessed with that particular season time, minute, folic song, star, month, week, date &
seasons then only he get that. Till that person doesn’t get it with any kind of hard work. Every treasure is named with that person
as written on the rice.
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We can’t say that the baby who is burned to the parent is of other, as same this the treasure also has the particular owner if the
baby is given as adeptly but still birth give parents are the real father & mother. Same as this the birth aspects are the real reason
for writhing.
Of anybody wants change those aspects, the people like saints, God, Scientist it won’t, how the main pillars of house of house
is removed the house get distract, the date of time of birth decides factice sun and all these are the pillars.
The earth has creator because of presence of molecules so even the beneath the earth of life is exit. There inner life disturbs
the life on the earth sometime they are invisible to naked eyes. They are too sensitive and dangerous. Eg: the treasure in the earth
also has the special kind of art. It also leads life it too has life. That’s why when man tries to grab the treasure it kills him &
taken his life away.
Project 26: There are 99% of invisible power is present on earth, only 1% of invisible strength is we are seeing.
Project 27: In the world the negative energy is attracting women more than man, 97.3% of women are attracting them,
because the emotionally, feelings, looks are more attractive.
Project 28: The blood which bleeds from a tree every month has the negative energy. Its negative to the god they are totally
opposite to each other but it doesn’t appear negative to the man.
Project 29: In the world the girls or women are achieving in the field of education more than men.
Project 30: man is feeling sorrow & non- resistant in every one hear & he is typing to smile every 2 minutes.
Project 31: Who earth more oily foods & junks usually suffer with weak sense of mind. Because it contains cholesterol, it
makes his brain weak it makes him confuse, it contains more fat it help to increase the weight even it affects the brain so then it
weakness the nerves of brain, hence it leads to laziness, acidity, later in the age of 60 years it causes mental disorder, it loosens
the skin & causes headache, eyes problem, diabetes, ear problem.
Project 32: The dead souls of father & mother or relative causes disturbance in important works, sorrow, irritation, loss of
peace. They use to fallow behind the back. They are invisible, this problem is forever till they get peace. But these dead souls are
invisible to the intelligent man.
Project 02: 77% of people who doesn’t have much hair on their head are the brilliant people or the skilled proficient or
Project 33: According to the ‘SISBRA’s discovery 95% of prevaricates of falsify (i.e. not telling the truth) are we can see in
the advocates and court.
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Project 34: According to the research of ‘SISBRA’ 85% of people are getting richer or wealthier by their lies and cheating
and 15% of people are getting richer with the legal activities.
Project 35: Excess rate of sleeping results in increase of sugar level in the blood. Later it leads to the diabetes because of this
migraine head ache, pain in joints and suddenly falling down during the sleep are seen. This weakens the mental health therefore
sleeping habit should be in the particular time and should be in the night and sleeping habit during afternoons are the reason for
the nightmares and mental illness.
Project 36: 97% of people suffering with the diseases due to the water and the particles of water humiliation, diseases like
cold and coughs are seen.
Project 37: 97% of animals and birds are suffering from the various diseases which are causing through water and its
Project 38: With the effect of seven circles man suffers oftenly with cold, humidity, danger, inferiority complex. Incase if the
seven cycles stopped its junction then “death” is only the thing which all world could face. According to research of ‘SISBRA’
man has the lifespan based on the how much hair he has on has on his head. If one hair gets fallen shows the one day of his
lifespan is completed. Every day with the imbalance of seven cycle’s man is losing thousands of hair per day. It means he is
getting death sooner.
Project 39: according to the research of ‘SISBRA’ the power of soul of man is greater than the power of God & goddess.
Project 40: In this world man performing his routine activities succeeding 94.3% alone.
Project 41: In this world 37% of people suffering from bleeding in some parts of body due to mental depression.
Project 42: In this world 87% of people committed suicide just to achieve their daily needs.
Project 43: In this world 99.3% of people are losing faith in god and other people and trust & interest in neighboring people
due to their weak plant system.
Project 44: 27 % women are suffering from infertility due to the thyroid and 73% women are infertile because of negative
power of earth treasurer and of some other powers.
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Project 45: In this world 98.6% of people are serving the nation, social servicing just because of selfishness and greed of
Project 46: There is a lot of difference below male & female in the thinking capacity, knowledge & in facial expression
women are too fast in urgency forwardness, frustration than the level of man’s thinking’s. Women have the sensitive heart than
gents so they get tears fast, i.e. natures system in their thinking ability but in the life of man & women have the similarity in the
likes & wishes here there is no difference between them. But according to the research man & women both have equal thinking
ability. For example men have the more doubts of women so many people doesn’t believe on them. If man has the illegal
relation with other woman no one would its wrong but if the woman does it all protest her & keeps her with light security and
treats her with inferiorly & argues that women always a cheater and there are four kinds of women progenies due to the lack
power of neurons this trouble can cause.
PROJECT 47: As like as human beings convicted and sentenced to death by a government and, kept in a prison, similarly animal
birds can also be imprisoned. They are punished by humans or by five physical elements (panchaboothas). Only by the seeing of
them does the man kill them and eat, or even they kept in a cage. No matter what crime the birds, animals are guilty. The
animals, birds are also in a tangle cage. They too are committing crimes as like human beings, and they also practicing law.
Humans can also be punished by humans himself or by five physical elements. How man is in a unique position.
There are also having horoscope or birth kundali to the animal, birds like human beings or other living organism or alien life.
They too have plantetray like human beings or (resemble man-made planets and mass stars. Is planetary life.) (Investigation
duration: 3 years)
The zodiac and the constellations of the birth kundali or horoscope is there for every living thing found on the earth, are
similar to human beings. Every human being that is found or recognized in the world today, in the same manner the other living
organisms can be treated which is found on the earth. A birth kundali is applicable for all of them... But the human assumes that
they do not have the birth kundali or (seem to be born to life piles today.) For example, if a man is stands in front of a lizard, the
man will look distorted for the lizard. Similar way if a person stands in front of a turtle or any micro-organism, for they man look
like distorted and vice-versa. But the language of animals, birds is unknown to human beings. Language is not perceptible. They
are stronger language than the language of humans. Regional dialect is also applied to human beings by their respective
There are fears of death as a human being, even for the world's living organisms. Demolition is happening.
Humans can be born again from the death or become a ghost without peace. This may be time scale of the humans expired
(dead) or the result of a previous birth. The invisible spirits of a person are capable of realizing the same. There are far more
invisible forces that are visible to the animal than to humans. This meant that the animals had stronger powers than humans.
Still, billions of living things have their own unique and highly sensitive language.
According to research animal, birds are far cleaner than human beings. There are only 25% of humans are clean.
Biomasses or (other living organisms) in the world are also dying and reborn. They can be born a human being or a
human can be born in a host of microbial life.
Human being is only a dead spirit or a human who is called a devil. Yes, as a human being, with the billions of living
beings in the world, these can again born into a devil? Or some other form. Similarly as human beings, there is lot of
other living organism of their horoscope or birth kundali once they die they can become a devil or they can be any other
form, it depends on their birth kundali. When humans are only born in the earth today, sin is not practiced. Animal,
birds are also stealing. The same birds also is hunted to other Biomasses and killed. The birth of humans is nothing
The human being is more intelligent rather than any other animals, birds in the creation of nature. The human body is
called because of shape of the body which is available to the humans. The body of this man is of great importance. This
same body is taking on the most important and ghostly, magic creatures called ghosts.
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Planets, stars and piles are unraveling like human beings even to the soul. It is very similar to God. (Investigation duration – 8
If God has to perform a trick or magic in the presence of people or a devotee to fix a problem he has to deal with, then the
planetary situation of God and the devotee must be applied there….Subsequently the devotee's star must be justified whether it is
similar to the star of God.
Otherwise the trick or the devotee will not get the benefit of a believing God. But at some point the believer's star
(zodiacs’) will be very hard, but the planetary situation can solve the problem of believers. Here the soul is God. There is no
doubt, then, that the soul is like the planets.
The human being is dead and haunted by ghosts, along with any other influential varieties, the ghosts are haunted by
other ghosts. It's like a very delicate wave.
Is a very delicate matter. But this is not equally visible or (sense) to the humans.
For example, there may be a structural problem in a house, or other illnesses that are plaguing one by one, or a snake can see in
dream, a girl's can visible in dream, or a young child's is visible in dream. There may not be a vasthu (science of archicture) or
structural problem of house, nor is there any magic spell, nor is it a genealogy or a chromosome. It can be a hidden object in the
basement of their home or their land, or any other type of influencer. As mentioned above, any other influential ghosts and
powers are possessed. The dog also becomes a ghost, according to the actions of the dead (or karma). A herd, a buffalo, and a
bird also carry this birth. Only one species can endure their own birth or attain salvation. Humans or a number of other biomass
knows their birth kundali from the stars and planets.
The asteroids, stars, and planets give effect to each other. They do not have the same effect on all species, i.e., the
world's biomass. Likewise, the planets provide the same kind of intelligence for the rest of the biomass as human
species. This is also the influence of a star, asteroids and planets. That is, the constellations and planets give birth to
their respective variants. Again they exhibit their corresponding activity. For example, a man is suspicious of his wife.
But in any of the other biomass varieties, one can indulge in any females. They are not suspicious. The man gives
makes money. But other types don't make money. It is the life of a variety of planets, stars and planets. But there are a
“What and all diseases causes while the birds, animals were born in the zodiacs”
(Generally, humans born in Aries has heat and acidity diseases, and even a bird born in Aries has similar types of illnesses. Here
we couldn’t specifically mention exact name of mammals or There is no such thing as a bird or animals of course, this kind of
sickness becomes tied to animals, birds when Aries relies.)
1. Birds, animal’s beasts and beasts born in Aries are as hot and brittle similarly as humans. And the mind is constantly wobbled
like humans.
2. Animals and birds born in Taurus are a blood-related disease, often with abdominal pain.
3. Animals and birds born in Gemini (Mithuna's) pile are hemorrhoids, neurological disorders.
4. Animals and birds born in the cancer sign (kataka) are known to cause blood related disease, hemorrhoids and sputum.
5. Animals and birds born in the lion, strain causes blood related disease, blood pressure, eye deformity, and tyrosis.
6. Animals and birds born in Virgo, are prone to skin disease, abdominal pain, indigestion, acidity, and anemia.
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7. Animals and birds born in Libra are prone to bowel problems, drowsiness, and irritability.
8. Animals and birds born in the scrotum have hemorrhoids, air rashes, dermatitis, and frequent fever.
9. Animals and birds born in Sagittarius are suffer from nervous weakness, inflammation, acidity associated with the throat, ears.
10. Animals and birds that are born in Capricorn are stems from health problems such as pain, nausea, nervous weakness, etc.
11. Animals and birds born in the Aquarius may have eye problems, abdominal pain, and headache problems.
12. Animals and birds born in the Pisces have the Blood borne illnesses, neurological problems, eye problems.
Special: But animal birds, rather than humans, are rapidly recovered from deadly diseases or smallpox. (Or From the five
physical elements)
1) If the animals or birds was born in the Aries, if the same was entering into the female body then how
would have the characteristics of an animal or bird (if it were a female body.)
Or if it is a husband, it is a man of high spirits and charming personality that every woman can dream of.
Maintains stamina and courage during difficult times.
A tough, strong sportsman and a restless man.
The name and fame gains in the Middle Ages.
The most intelligent and resourceful prosperity doubles.
Dedicated spirits who have a long life.
Working in business enterprise wants to be completed quickly.
Though grumpy, the temper tantrum is minimal.
There is a tendency to like new projects, new people, and new interests. Distrust over pessimists. Not tolerated.
Sometimes a woman (sexually) who is of great activity and of a spiritually temperamental attracted.
If they are not satisfied, their focus shifts to another.
They are appearing to be aggressive in the love issues and that leads to misbehaves aggressively.
They also want to get outside relationships about sex.
at the time aggressive and the time of work they act like cruelly.
Man looks different from an animal compared to a man born in an Aries and an animal. There are many different kinds
of animals. There are planets and stars like every other human being, and the soul is the same. But when the soul is
transferred from one body to another, the soul must act in accordance with that body.
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Both herds and cattle are of the same breed. But if the ox or herds are male and female, both the buffalo and tiger are
different. Again, the stars are acting like a man. If the strains are to be found directly, the planets, like man, depend on
the star constellation, Kundali, of the species.
"Which are animals, birds that were born in the zodiacs can live in a cage of man?"
Summary: The man bred a pigeon or a parrot in his home cage. Or cobra breeds snake, bear, deer, etc. Or at the Bird Zoo or
Zoo where some of the animals are on display, the reason for this is their birth kundali or horoscope. The first one is that
Ascendant (lagna) and the result of the eclipse after the asterisk or (Asterism) (Nakshtras and other planetary).but apart from this
which are all zodiacs entering into planets (grahas) ((laying of holdorseizing) and which are all planets (grahas) (laying of hold
or seizing )and zodiacs’ Nakshtras (lunar mansions) entering or which pada, ghati and opposite lunar mansions movement any
birds and any animals will caught with humans or they will die from the humans or they will ride on the humans or Become
fatal. O they caught with the humans or they escape from the cage.
For example: here is some useful information about the birth kundali or horoscope of some animal birds as I have presented
my birth kundali.
1) Example of a tiger: Tiger breeds born in any mass, star, Asterism, lunar mansion and they caught with humans lagoons are
living in a tangle cage or a zoo, just like humans.
2) Tiger breeds born in any asteroid, star, and lagna (Ascendant), Asterism, lunar mansion, like humans, are infested with man or
other animals during the Mars and Rahu (sub-periods). When a tiger attacks an animal or a human being, the tiger is killed by
any other animal, or animal that has been killed by the tiger for a period of time, as indicated by his or her star and lunar birth
kundali. When it comes to yoga (time), it is possible to attack a tiger and other animals.
3) again the tiger is caught with humans and living the cage or in the zoo and it can be escaped from the cage or from the zoo
this and due of the their birth kundali and the lunar mansion, ascedant, stars and zodiacs’ and other planetary motions etc,
4) Parrot Example: Parrots born in any asteroid, star, lunar mansion, ascedant, stars and zodiacs and other planetary motions are
the main cause of parrots caught with humans and living in the cage or in the zoo or they try to escape from these.( and lagoon
are living in tangle cages or zoos in man's hands ) during the Saturn sub-period, the Sun sub-period.
5) In any zodiacs, lunar mansion and any of the ascendant, Saturn (Shani period) and sub shani period, Rahu(north lunar day)
and mars (mangal) during that time the deer will be die from the humans, here the human was trying to kill the deer and the
human time and his kundali along with the deer birth kundali should match than only that specific deer will die. (Although there
are plenty of deer, only the deer that have died in that group are the victims of human shootings.)
Animals, birds are disorganized in the same manner of humans also disorganized. (Investigation Duration – 8 Years)
1) As like human beings in the world the other living organisms also have Moolanakshtra, Magha Star, Ashwini Star, Charana 1,
those who born, in this their father will die. The mother dies if she gives birth in the charan2; this means that a man can be
caught in any form, trapped in moving vehicles, or immune to any disease. But if the birth of Moola Nakshtra, Magha Star and
Ashwini star charan 3 is a life-threatening, birth for a child and a mother of a father, the lack of food can lead to a life of food-
hungry conditions. But if born in the 4 th charan respectively, the creature and the parents who are born will have no shortage of
food and will live to the end without the other beasts. At the end of the first nakshtra star, the beginning of the moola star, if the
life piles are born at the end of the first nakshtra star, i.e. the first 2 hours of the moola star, the birth pits and parents will die.
Through by an accident. Or other brutal beasts being attacked or by the tress fallen down.
2) There is a shortage of food for the parents and the parents who have given birth to both Ashlesha, the elder and the charan 2 in
the stars of Revathy. In addition, other life piles are encountered. And live in a cage or museum. However, in the 3rd charan, the
mother of the living piles of birth is destroyed. Born in the 4th charan, the father will die.
3) In Pushya 2 and charan 3, Mughanakshtra is in the 1 st charan, Chitra star is in charan1 and 2 and in Poorvashadda 3 rd charan, a
male is born to a father and a mother. The mother will going to die.
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4) I was born on Wednesday 01/06/1988 for 6 hours and 37 minutes, at the same time an ox and a bird, hen gave the birth. But I
am in the body of a man. The ox is in the body of the ox. The cock is in the body of the hen. Mine is Sagittarius zodiacs Moola
nakshtra(star) is a Virishika Lagna. Udaya Lagna is also a star, Sagittarius Moola star. Likewise, the hen is also nakshtra (star),
Sagittarius moola. But the actions of the mutual ox, the hen, are similar but the behaviors are different... Here the bodies are
different and functions as well. Biomass in the world and the same mass of man has the same nakshtra (star). Nevertheless, the
constellations and stars similar to man have a different effect on man's body. Also, the age of the animal birds is much higher
than the human. Some animal birds live longer than man. That is, there are examples of some animals living more than two
hundred years, compared to a man's average age of 100 years.
5) As man grows ever more, his creative power is also growing. But the soul is always created with the power of grace. When it
joins the body of the five-physical elements, the soul behaves similarly to that body. In addition to the planets, constellations,
stars, the planets, asteroids, stars, and the energy of the body, which is required for his body, which is a five physical elements.
Once in the infantile childhood system, the body of the five-physical elements of energy has to be known as the influence of
planets, constellations and stars. For example, if I had predicted my birth based on Kundali, I would have started writing novels
and dramas at my early age because of Birth Kundali in the first place was Jupiter (guru) and second place was surya (Ravi). But
I didn't have the ability to hold the world in my hands. This is due to the body of the five physical elements (Panchabuthas.)
Planets and constellations grace the gradual growth of man's energy.
ISSN: 2395-5252
Peeled coconuts (Brown coconuts) or without peeled coconuts (Green or dry coconuts) are living organisms (germs, or cells), if
we kept the both of the coconuts in the water for a few months and kept in the soil, watering and nourishing them in some
months can cause the process of breeding and sapling.
In addition, both coconuts have strong gravity. And water also has the force of gravity. (also a tree branch)With the help of
these, we can easily detect the presence of water in the earth, and poisonous creatures and other unknown powerful forces
(unknown living organisms) within a maximum distance of about a thousand miles of earth. It has a higher gravitational force
than the magnet. But this same experiment is not possible with any technologies, radio waves, ultra scanners, gold detector
machines. Because of the strongest forces, and treasures in the earth and underground are powerful, they are not visible to any
Just as the radio waves sent to Mars, the missiles are not able to disperse the information from those, the forces on the ground are
just as powerful and sensitive as Mars, and their brief and much information is not available to the wise.
It’s impossible to get the information of the mars through the radio waves, or some other technology similar way that the forces
on the ground are just as powerful and sensitive as Mars, and their brief and much information is not available to the wise.
Similarly, 88% of the Earth's treasures (Earthworm), such as earthquakes, are causing hazards, deaths and infertility of women,
around the world today. Earthworm is also an invisible force. It can only be seen in the naked eye as a toxin (dead) in the earth.
Until then, it remains a invisible force for man Infertility, nervousness, divorce, handicapping, non-marriage, body diseases and
nightmares appear in the form of cobra, grandchildren, flowing water, swamijis (gurus), guru, grandparents. This also results in
wastage of wealth, 54.1% of automobile accidents and suicides are attributable to this same land (in the Earth). The wealth of the
rich is getting worse as the water in the sand goes down. Research has shown that geothermal is also a toxin. But that organism
is like a thousand forms. The serpent, giraffe, mud, chamber, other germs, worms, rodents, small children, and so on are all
different forms. With 8 years of research, the same etiology is causing problems such as handicaps, headaches, massage
addiction, quarrels, eye problems, nightmares, irritability at home, and not getting married. Since it is an invisible force, not
enough earthworms are easily trapped by man. There are only a few! Because it can be said that it is their Yoga or fate or
Not only the earthworm (germs, living organisms) but also some of the poisonous germs that enter the human body. And the
above factors to the humans are causing problems. Of course there is the creation of some genes where meat is present and
where there is meat impurity. Genes means it's a demon. There may be architectural problems (Vasthu problem) in a house or
other illnesses on the one above the other, or a snake dream, a girl's dream, or a young child's dream. Nor is there any magic
spell (witchcraft), nor is it a genealogy or a chromosome. This appears to be an architectural problem in a home that is hidden in
the basement of a home or in their land, or in the presence of any influential species. According to Sisbra, 55% of women have
infertility due to certain poisonous spirits or evil spirits. Earthworm is also toxic. 27% of women have infertility from thyroid
problems. 73% suffer from infertility and ghost and other forces
Practical explanations: The life of a man remains normal since it is usually not visible of unknown forces to the common man.
But if everything was visible to man, he would get a reference to every living thing on earth. The content was clearly getting in
the gamut of realism. Farmers, or the general public, get this technology in their fields, in their dwellings, or in other areas to
water source the bore well for water problems. In the village side or rural areas, as mentioned above, tiger pellets, peeled
coconuts, or without peeled coconuts, water in one mug and water with the help of the other five physical elements and make the
point (identifying the water resource). Then the water falls when the earth is drilled. Sometimes may not fall. These are the
reasons why water is not falling. Underground, when there is a treasure within the earth, there is a great deal of water for the
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person who comes to the treasure with its treasure, demons, ghosts, and other tremendous forces, the Maya Serpents, to test the
waters, with the help of peeled coconuts, water, and other things, He does. But the water does not fall. Because there are
treasure, serpent, demon, and other tremendous forces in place of water, the water points to the water pointers (to the human
being). But the water does not fall when the bore well is drilled. What they do not know is that there are treasures here, Treasures
and snakes. But if you don't leave the same place and see the point again, the water will drill down, if the place does not live in
one place. Here is how the energies in the womb are invisible and how the energies on Mars are invisible to the radio waves
transmitted from Earth. The life of Mars is very sensitive to any technology or radio waves transmitted from Earth to man, and
he does not come to himself. The living organisms on Mars are so sensitive and invisible, that they are sometimes barely visible
to the eye or even microscopic or any radiation. The powers of Mars are invisible, such as how on earth there are sometimes
ghosts, or how the invisible forces are sometimes seen by the camera or human being.
Basically, not everyone will have these experiments. There are reasons for this. These efforts are possible only for those who are
born in the stars of Moola Nakshtra, Magha, Ashwini, Revathi, Ashyala and none are born on the mouth. But once a Nakshtra
exists, such as a dog or a serpent, a cat can bite and these could not happen. Here are a few of the things I have experimented
with and researched in some of these experimental the reality is described here.
Wate Investiga
S. The one The tool
who makes r Issue tion start Investig
N Age Town Result
the water used drille Description Year and ator
O d
point end year
01 Chandra Coconut 27 There 2014 - Chigall Nagara Fail
shekhar and 500 was a 2018 i zan
water feet treasure
mug and a
demon in
Coconut 500
Chandra and feet There was 2017- Chigall
Nagara Pass
02 shekhar water 27 a no 2019 i
mug problem zan
Practical Experiments 01: Chandrasekhar came to the monastery once. Knowing that he sees the bore well point
(water point), he watered in a packed bag (one mug of water) as his wish and ordered him to search water point in the monastery.
He placed the jug of water in his right palm and moved around in the monastery. But there was also an earthworm about five feet
into the ground where I was sitting. Chandru does not know that. But Chandru began to turn around and lifted himself up as the
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water jug started to spin and Fallen. Then I headed back to the backyard of the monastery. There was also an earthworm. Even
there he was spin off and thrown. He argued the same amount of water here. But it wasn't.
Finally, he took him to his hometown. Because in his yard was the idol of God Mastheamma, nearly eight feet below the earth.
But there was also treasure with the idol of God. It came to God for its salvation. The idol of God, the treasure, and the
everlasting thing can move around. Because the earth is in a state of rotation. As the ocean water resembles the sun and moon,
the treasures of the earth's surface begin to move as the ocean water level rises again during the day when the oceans are
reduced. In his yard, I saw God and the demon in my vision and ordered Chandru to give him a water bag (one mug of water)
before powering it up. He did the same thing there and turned him on the hill. The body showed no energy at all. He said, "Here
is water." But I have water here and there is a treasure with the idol of Goddess here. Many times you have the same treasure,
demon, snakes, and invisible poison. When he dug up the soil and checked him again, he was struck again. But when the soil of
both feet was dug, the idol of God was lost and the treasure fell to the stone and turned into stone. But it was only a stone-shaped
colour for people watching.It seemed like a treasure to me. When Chandru was finally checked again in the button, he did not
show any signs of doing so. Instead, he was drawn to the fallen stone and caught with the highest gravity and attraction. To me it
was like a magnet and it was just a stone and a treasure. But if this same experiment was carried out on the lifeless gold, it would
not give this effect. Not even a stone was given.
Experimental Experiments 02: Bringing Chandrasekhar back to another field crop and pointing to the bore well, he
turned the girder up to a similar water level. But there was no water there. Finally called the Borewell vehicle where the water
was drilled and drilled at about 500 feet. Again, Chandrasekhar was given water in the mug, and the coconut was replaced by a
coconut, to see if it was water or not, and he turned the treasure around the same bore well point. He said he has water here. But
the water did not fall.
Experimental Experiments 03: Another person was taken to a similar trial. There, the person also observed the water level in the
chin with peeled coconuts. On one hand, he seemed to have low water levels. I said it was true that there was water there. He
again observed that the water level was low, even though he again observed coconut water. On the other hand, he felt the water
level was too high. He could not stop there. He said the water is high here and I checked the place and there is a demon. The
water fell near the first point of bore well drilling at both locations, which he did not see. But the water did not come near the
second point. Despite drilling at about 400 feet, no water came. When the man was again asked to test the water with a coconut,
he again showed that there is water there.
Practical Experiments 01: Chandrasekhar came to the monastery once. Knowing that he sees the bore well,( he is the
water source finder in the earth ) he watered in a packed bag (mug of water) as his wish and ordered the water point in the
monastery. He placed the jug of water (mug of water) in his right palm and moved around in the monastery. But there was also
an earthworm about five feet into the ground where I was sitting. Chandru does not know that. But Chandru began to turn around
and lifted himself up as the water of jug started to spin and fallen. Then I headed back to the backyard of the monastery. There
was also an earthworm. Even there he was thrown ( mug of water spin off) and thrown. He argued the same amount of water
here. But it wasn't.
Finally, he took him to his hometown. Because in his yard was the idol of God Masthemma, nearly eight feet below the earth.
But there was also treasure with the idol of God. It came to God for its salvation. The idol of God, the treasure, and the
everlasting thing can move around. Because the earth is in a state of rotation. As the ocean water resembles the sun and moon,
there is a treasure of ocean water to rise in the daytime.
In my yard, I saw God and the demon in my vision and ordered Chandru to give him a water bag ( mug of water) before
powering it up. He did the same thing there and turned him on the hill. The body showed no energy at all. He said, "Here is
water." But I have told them that, water source is available here and there is a treasure with the idol of Goddess here. Many times
you have the same treasure, demons, serpents, invisible poisonous creatures and so on. When he dug up the soil and checked him
again, he was struck again and having the same kind of previous experience. But when dig the soil of about 2 feet, the idol of
God was lost and the treasure fell to the stone and turned into stone. But it was only a stone-shaped colour for people watching.
It seemed like a treasure to me. When Chandru was finally checked again, he did not show any signs of doing so. Instead, he was
drawn to the fallen stone and caught with the highest gravity and attraction. To me it was like a magnet and it was just a stone
and a treasure. But if this same experiment was carried out on the lifeless gold, it would not give this effect. Not even a stone
was given.
Experimental Experiments 02: Bringing Chandrasekhar back to another field and pointing to the bore well, he turned
the girder up to a similar water level. But there was no water there. Finally called the Borewell vehicle where the water was
drilled and drilled at about 500 feet. Again, Chandrasekhar was given water in the mug, and the coconut was replaced by it, to
see if it was water available or not, and he turned the treasure around the same borewell point. He said he has water here. But the
water did not fall during digging(machine).
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Sponsor Experiments 03: Another person was taken to a similar Experiment. There, the person also observed the water
level in the chin with peeled coconuts, on one hand; he seemed to have low water levels. I was observed that there is water
source. He again observed that the water level was low, even though he again observed with peeled coconut. On the other hand,
he felt the water level was too high at the other place. He could not stop there. He said the water is high here and I checked the
place and there is a demon. The water fell near the first point of borewell drilling at both locations, which he did not see. But the
water did not come near the second point. Despite drilling at about 400 feet, there is no water came. When the man was again
asked to test the water with a peeled coconut, he again showed that there is water.
International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 18-24 ISSN: 2582-6018 DOI: 10.35629/5252-45122323 | Impact Factor value 6.18 | ISO 9001: 2008
Certified Journal Page 18
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Getting nightmares everyday like appearing snake (Cobra), Kids, flowing water, saints & old people in their dreams and
even 54.1% of vehicle accidents, suicides are due to these earthy materials. Loss of wealth is due to this spoilage of wealth is just
as absorption of water in the sand it means too spontaneously. We are concluding that earth materials have the life but it has in
several thousand forms like, snakes, granny, bison, dangerous poisonous insects, kids, beast, devil, brute etc.
There may be a defect in vastu (i.e. inappropriate construction of house irrespective of directions), often cause of some
diseases or nightmare with snake (cobra), and getting lady or small kids in the dream. These all are not due to the defect of vastu
or inappropriate construction or not because of any black magic, or not of the genetic disorder i.e. hereditary troubles.
These all are because of the presence of earthy treasures in the crusts of earth below their houses or fields or of the
survival of enormously effective lifer which are playing their effects causes the troubles (i.e. defect of vastu) in the house.
According to the SISBRA discovery 55% of women are suffering for enormous dangerous liver and some negative
energy because of these earthy treasures infertility playing a dangerous role. But there treasurer are have the life. 27% women
are suffering from thyroid it’s the reason for the infertility and 73% of earthy treasures and brute and some other negative
energies are responsible for the infertility.
Not only devils or demons (earth Treasure) and venomous germs are entering into the human’s body, this leads to cause of the
problems to the human beings. These problems were not known to the human beings. Naturally freshness is very fewer,
wherever animal protein is there, this lead to generation new germs and cells (living things) this is due to the genes. These and
all nothing but the evil spirit (demon).
Every day 100 to 150 people are coming with problems to seek the guidance or solution with us (Sarahu). In the span of 5 years
people who are coming to the Sarahu are 88% of people having Infertility and physically handicapped, science of Architecture
(dwelling), marriage proposals, mental illness, depression etc... In the span of 5 years continuously and radically are observed the
above problems and find the will be reason behind this? In this period I can concluded that the reason was the demonic, serpents
and genes are main root cause of the above problems. By this way in the period of 5 years did the experiment over 1 lakh of people
and sort out their issues with organically. Here are the few examples of the people how we gave the solution to the people.
S. Investig Investi
Patient Ag Issue Tow Investig
N Problem ation gation
Name e Description n ator
O start of
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and end
Hanumanth Sarahu
01 i Malagi There was 23 There was a serpent 2014 - Mala Nagaraz 05
no 2018 gi an Years
in her body
And not
different Sarahu
2017- Gulb 05
Vishalakshi There was a treasure Nagaraz
02 A 31
and a demon in her
2019 arga
strange body
Suma She had no children 2015 - Gana Sarahu 05
03 She was 29 2019 eshp Nagaraz Years
And the children died
. married for 5
soon after birth. Because ura an
There was a treasure
years but had and a demon in her
no children
Lakshmavv Morning hand In her body was a serpent 2015 - Gana Sarahu 05
pain and body and treasure
04 a pain have been 40 2018 eshp Nagaraz Years
. present for 6 ura an
Fareena She had no children 2016 - Yella Sarahu 05
05 She was 26 And the children died soon 2019 pur Nagaraz Years
. after birth. Because There an
married for 5
was a treasure and a
years but had demon in her body
no children
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had no
but had no
12 years
but had no
but had no
but had no
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but had no
PROJECT 02: According to SISBRA Research says that 77% of human beings (Humans) who have more hair on their
head are great intellectuals. (More Intelligent).
DESCRIPTION: After five consecutive years of research, whoever has the maximum hairs on the head is naturally the
genius and they are sharp. From the other angle the chromosome advice is not available for people with most hairs at their head.
From one angle it becomes a natural or a creationism. For a Maximum of people, those with short hair in their head are not
excluded as strident. But five consecutive years of research has proven that those with furthermost hairs in their head are the
most intelligent in this world. Generally, artists, astrologers, scientists and yogis are having furthermost hairs on their head. But
it's not considered fun or fashionable. It is also the magic of creation (witch). With the help of Chromosome advice does not
identify those are Intelligent or without hair in the head, and thus cannot be identified as acutely intelligent.
PROJECT 03: 27% of Human beings on the earth are having BP, Tension, acidity and diabetes this is due to the consumption
of Banana. DESCRIPTION: There is no shortage of vitamins in the Banana. However, form the past five years of research on
the same banana has shown that a maximum of people is causing of BP, Tension, acidity, and diabetes. if a person consumes
Three bananas a day for three consecutive days, there will be no shortage of white blood cells or ABCD vitamins. It is ironic that
tension, acidity, BP and diabetes occur. Because of the high consumption of banana, it causes mental stress, which in turn causes
blood pressure and gradually worsens the symptoms of acidity and diabetes. There are a few reasons for this. The consumption
of bananas is naturally very cold and humiliating (lack of decency), and it is supplemented with a large number of vitamins. And
because its digestion is so delayed, it gradually becomes acidic through the abdomen, resulting in mental stress, blood pressure,
eye pain, and diabetics and so on. However, although each of the vitamins or proteins in the banana which is feasible to eat by a
human being, it is also harmful to a Maximum of people is about 27% of them. However, for Maximum human beings are
having sufficient of vitamins even though for them is often a risk of consuming it.
PROJECT 04: Blood becomes sweetened from too abundant sleep. It is leading to sugar syndrome one fine day. Symptoms
such as limb cramps, headache, and falling asleep. It weakens the mind. Sleeping in the afternoon can be boring and frustrating.
In addition, there is stillness, joint pain, headache, vomiting, sputum, bile, nervous system, fatigue effect, decreased intensity,
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and temperature rise and so on. Some other Diseases soon attracted to the human beings. Above all, it is also causing mental
depression. So, sleep should be limited and nocturnal. All the weaker or bad dreams come from sleep in the afternoon. Because
in the Law of Creation, every living thing depends on sunlight. But as sunlight fades, Human beings or other life forms are still
suffering from ailments. Quite often, Humans suffers from night sickness rather than daylight, and suffers accidental heart
attacks and deaths. But this problem is less likely to be in the same sunlight (day). It is not a matter of getting a "D" vitamin from
sunlight or rays. But since the sun's radiation is hidden from Humans achievement and his life, the sun is dependent on Humans
and life. However, indulging in the sun can alleviate all these diseases. These problems do not even occur to those who use
sunlight. There is a lack of social consciousness as people in the forest are left with slight radiation from the sun. Increased
incidence of cardiac arrests at night. Deaths occur at night. Excessive sleep, such as sleeping during the day except at the night,
means that man sleeping in the sunlight can cause heat, headache, disease, vitamin deficiency, calcium deficiency, BP, diabetes
and mental stress. Moreover, such people are becoming sluggish. And these reasons can be clearly quantified.
PROJECT 05: Daily consumption of Aegle marmelos leaves can reduce severe mental stress or heat. The Aegle marmelos
has the power to alleviate heat stress and mental stress. The Aegle marmelos has properties that reduce the brain pressure of the
human beings and the pressure of neurons. There is a vitamin component. Consumption of this will gradually decrease the body
mass and stress, making it easier for the body to absorb and send it out. And excretes the poisonous elements in the body. Such
power is in Aegle marmelos. This is not to say that there is an ABCD vitamin in the Aegle marmelos. It has a high potency of
vitamins. OR Chewing few leaves of the Aegle Marmelos Rutaceae (Correa Plantae), commonly Known as the Holy Belva Patra
(Beli) the Bengal Quince/Golden apple/Japanase Little Orange/Stone Apple or the Wood Apple one can reduce excess of heat
and severe mental stress.
PROJECT 06: Mental stress will be caused due to the consumption of Tea. Moreover, pain will be seen on the upper layers
of the brain. There will be muscular pulls or cramps in feet and in hands after discarding the bed in the morning. Eating too
abundant of rice or eating foods that are made from rice can cause mental illness or diabetes. Because of the rice having the
characteristics of sweet urine-producing elements, mental illness is a serious problem. This is the reason why a human is become
elder. It also declines with age and gradually Blood cells also decrease. Blood pressure problem is caused by excessive tender
coconut water intake or repeated binge drinking. Or headaches, nausea and migraines are such a problem is happening.
DESCRIPTION 01: Sugar and tea powder are substances and ingredients that can be extremely stressful. And that too is a
force factor. After the human has consumed tea, the mixed content of sugar and tea is immediately spread into the particle of
humans (blood cells). This creates acidity and stress without causing diarrhea. This stress is also causing severe headaches for a
day and often pain in the upper part of the head. Any substances are not digested in the humans and that gives stress to the
humans. Such ingredients include sugar, tea. Blood pressure is caused by excessive tender coconut water intake or frequent
binge drinking. Or headaches, nausea and migraines are such a problem, symptoms are appearing. Because it’s characters and by
nature. Sugar also has an adhesiveness and stress factor. Tea powder also has a glumness and stress factor. Excessive
consumption of tea can lead to temporary tingling or numbness, but it can also cause hand cramps, knee pain, and back pain
when gradually leaving the bed in the mornings.
DESCRIPTION 01: People in the jungle or wild people, do not suffer from any diabetic syndrome as they consume
bamboo rice, or tubers, sweet potato instead of rice. In the northern part of India, people in villages and farmers are consuming
corn bread and wheat bread instead of rice. Due to this they won’t get diabetic disease.
PROJECT 07: In the world "87% of men Heart are softer and more sensitive than women’s heart." (Investigation Duration:
5 Years) In this world, men ached due to of women are being cheated in everyday life. Women will get all kind of support in this
nature. But research shows that the heart of a man is softer and softer than the heart of a woman. Here we are having few
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reasons. Naturally there is a huge difference between (great deal of distress for) a man and a woman in the power of thought,
understanding and humor. Women tend to be quicker, more aggressive, more impulsive, and quicker to judge than their male
counterparts. Also, the heart of the female is more sensitive and more flexible than the heart of the men. That is why they are
shedding tears very quickly. Because that is the magic of creation (by Nature). Female neurons had lagging energy (power). This
gives them a little bit of thinking power. There is a difference in thinking power between a man and a woman. But in life, both
male and female aspirations and tastes are similar. The quality of the female is not very low here. Because some people think
that women have less power. But research shows that males and females are equal in power. For example, the husband is very
skeptical on the female. Not all people believe her. If a male has an illicit relationship with another woman, he will not say he
has done anything wrong but the woman will exclude her if she does wrong. Watch over her. They look down on her. The girls
always argue that they are cheated. In addition, they were four types of females; this problem arises from the lack of excess
power of the neurons. In some of the situations and circumstances where females and males may observe some of the short life
in which they are still living, or those who have done so, will be greatly affected by the research.
PROJECT 08: Jogging should be limited to humans because excessive jogging or running can cause heart attacks, or brain
strain. In this case there will be a nervous problem. The power of memory decreases. Headache, knee pain begins as the adult
PROJECT 08: People with very dense, very tinny ones usually have mental disorders. Along with a sense of humor, the
desire for lust, the fun can also be strong. Because they look like chromosomes. And, where the fat content is high, special
sound, fuming, heart attack, lust, fun, gambling, volatility, alcohol, thirst is growing. Sleep is also high. Also, blacks have a great
sense of humor. This is because blacks may or may not have a chromosome. This is where the sense of humor is strong. Also,
hearts that are soft and sensitive do not have a rapid heart attack. Anyone whose heart is hard or thick, but whose heart is fast,
has a heart attack. In addition, 37% of people in the world who are obese are soon got cancer.
DESCRIPTION: In that case, there is usually more than one person to another person are different in the creation of nature.
As much as they are different and they are, psychopaths (mental disorders). The attitude is similar to that of these psychopaths.
There are both kinds of sources for binge, there are two main reasons. First of all, the life of man and the life of the biomasses
are also covered by the planets. But because man is responsible for this important cause and faces the chromosomes and cells,
there is a need for scientific research to support chromosomes. Often people who are very thick, very thin, usually have mental
disorders when looking at a man and his behavior over the course of five years of life. Along with a sense of humor, the desire
for lust, the fun can also be strong. Because they look like chromosomes. And, where the fat content is high, special sound,
anger, heart attack, lust, fun, gambling, volatility, alcohol, thirst is growing. Sleep is also high. Also, blacks have a great sense of
humor. This is because blacks may or may not have a chromosome. This has a strong sense of humor, and soft and sensitive
hearts do not have a heart attack. Anyone whose heart is hard or thick, and whose heart is sensitive, is often found to have a heart
attack. Again, we have to give the same chromosomes or planetary basis. Personal developments are not the main cause here.
And for this reason, 37% of fat people in the world, including those who are obese, get cancer quickly.
PROJECT 09: Hemorrhoids can be prevented from ice while doing with a lot of research. This means that for those who
suffer from hemorrhoids, the ice is placed in the rectum for a short time so that the blood from the anus immediately stops. It
prevents leakage. Step by step, it freezes and helps prevent severe hemorrhoids.
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PROJECT 10: 55.3% of the world with the reference of SISBRA has more kidney, diabetes, and neurological problems for
the business magnets.
PROJECT 11: By reading too much, using a mobile phone, watching TV causes a thyroid or liver problem. Or it could also
lead to acidity and appendix.
PROJECT 12: Hair removals in any part of a man's body is infected with the help of any methods, there may be a blade, a
Caesar, or any chemical technique. Also, changing clothes every day is poisoning humans and causing Diseases, this makes him
very sensitive, Also, those who suffer from frequent ailments, heat, colds, heart attacks, and stomach problems in pursuit of
‘SISBRA’ do not die quickly. Usually, a man removes hair any part of his body and leaves the admirable on the face for up to
three days. This inherently impairs the strength of the Sapta chakras. Then there is a fluctuation in man's temperament, and anger
in his behavior. Other acts of aggression, anger at oneself, and other activities are found. Blade or Caesar, when it touches to any
part of a human's body, causes the nagging effect on the Sapta chakras and blood cells, nerves, and of course the nagging effect
on the chakras and nerves and blood cells. Then the above instincts are created in man. For example, when any part of a man's
body is wound, iron or man touches it, it is naturally toxic. Removing hair from any part of a man's body is like getting infected.
There may be a blade, a Caesar, or any chemical technique or any other methods.
Along with man changing clothes in everyday life he is instinctively moving. He doesn't really know that. Usually if the clothes
are not changed it will be poisonous if it persists for several days. But the problem with this is that the man is atrocious. That is,
with each day the change of clothes becomes subtle and his body poisoned. The way his blood cells move is going awry. This
makes sick spices more dangerous.
For example: in forests, hills, and villages, people are constantly threatening this problem. There is a vast gap between them
and the people who have lived in cities and towns. Soon, this incident is leading to premature death and the big sickness. But in
the wild, in the hills, in the villages, people are very vulnerable to this solitary problem.
PROJECT 13: When the Sapta chakras in the body of a man are weakened, there is frequent colds, heat, danger, accident,
tingling can cause. If the Sapta chakras are not functioning, the man dies instantly. For this reason, the worlds vastly man dies.
Accidents are on the rise. According to ‘SISBRA’, a man has only the hairs on his head. If a hair strand falls, that means a day's
life is shrinking. Thousands of hairs fall from the head of a man every day, at least not every day, due to the carelessness of the
Sapta chakras. This is causing death very quickly.
PROJECT 14: Consumption of grapefruit can increase mental stress and sleep and drowsiness. This is because the vitamins
in grapefruit squeeze the yeast into the neurons in the human brain, creating more drowsiness and stress other than lemons. BP,
head sling symptoms are more.
The muck water or mud water or any other kind of our eater is mixed to form (converted) to that muck water. It may be any
other kind of water or pure water.
The shape of the brain is also distorted when a lemon juice is poured on the brain and it’s removed from the body of a man and
touches the brain with a lemon juice. Color also varies. But when a man overindulges in the consumption of lemons or grapes,
the above-mentioned emotions or current symptoms give him a different effect.
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That is, when the grapefruit touches the body of the yeast and the process of transferring it to the brain the muck water or mud
water or any other kind of our eater is mixed to form(converted) to that muck water. It may be any other kind of water or pure
water. However, the head weight or softener, or sling symptoms, are less severe than BP.
PROJECT 15: Those who are consuming the meat are more intelligent. And they can be rulers of this line. Christians, Islam
and the Chinese are the most intelligent of this line.
In this world, 27% of women have infertility from thyroid problems. 73% suffer from infertility and demonic and other forces.
Description: According to SISBRA research, 88% of the Earth's treasures, including earthworms, today are causing hazards,
deaths and infertility. Earthworm is also an invisible force to humans. It can only be seen in the naked eye as a toxin in the earth.
Until then, it remains an invisible force for man. 88 per cent of the women are infertility, divorce, handicap, non-marriage, body
pains, cigars, grandchildren, flowing water, swamijis (gurus), grandparents are occurring or appearing. 54.1% of automobile
accidents and suicides are attributable to this same earthworm (unknown germs, or masses). This also results in wastage of
wealth. The wealth of the rich is getting worse as the water in the sand goes down. Research has shown that geothermal is also
an organism. But that germ is also a thousand forms.
There may be architectural problems (Vasthu) in a house, or other illnesses that are plaguing the upside, or in the dream of a
snake, in a girl's dream, or in young children's dreams. Nor is there any magic spell, nor is it a genealogy or a chromosome. This
appears to be an architectural problem (Vasthu Problem) in a home that is hidden (earthworms or masses) in the basement of the
house or in their land, or in the presence of any influential species. According to ‘SISBRA’, 55% of women have infertility due
to certain poisonous spirits or evil spirits. Earthworm is also toxic. 27% of women have infertility from thyroid problems. 73%
suffer from infertility and ghost and other forces.
PROJECT 16: “Anyone whose brain is sweet will listen to music all the time."
DESCRIPTION: Generally, one person to another person are different in the creation of nature. As much as they are different and they
are, psychopaths (mental disorders). The attitude is similar to that of these psychopaths. There are both kinds of sources for binge, there are
two main reasons. First of all, the life of man and the life of the biomasses are also covered by the planets. But because man is responsible for
this important cause and faces the chromosomes and cells, there is a need for scientific research to support chromosomes. When looking at man
and man's behavior over the course of five consecutive years of life and life, there is instinct and specialty in the power of thought. But the
shape is the same.
Just because the brain is sweet means it feels something. This means that the brain's visual and thinking sensations are more intense and intense
for the hearts and minds of listening to music. That means a little edgy. The brain of those who are so accustomed to the music or singing of
the mind is constantly moving. So, if one gets a note on the planets, for them they should have Mercury, Venus in Yoga and Dasha (Planet
Period) is in the mind of everlasting music. In this case, the human brain begins to look sweet.
Of course, not everyone's brain is the same but the look and movement of the inside is what makes one's brain sweet and bitter.
Finally, It was declared a winner of the New 14th Wonder of the World (2018-19) initiative.
“About us”
There is a special here. Here is a special care. Special care means our organization is writing a new preface here in the Universe
through a new search. Sarahu did not just set up all its kind of foundations here for selfishness. Sarahu did not count on her
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wonders here and did not try for the fame at the World or in the Universe. Sarahu built this media together with the Universe
Foundation to remain a mark in the People's Heart as an index.
Our web portal should always be the same as a Wonder Thousands of World Records. And if Thousands of World Records are a
wonder then the Universe Wonder to arise when such things are and at the first five wonders. Will happen.
Sarahu Nagarazan
Neither I nor myself, nor the management directors of our organization, have ever intended to have any of our own
goodies in our organization's mission. Most of the time I look at this world in wonders just for the world, when I
have discovered the wonders in the Universe, I feel like I'm not going to throw out new talents to such an
unprecedented work. This work affects my childhood life. This dream has come to a close since recently.
Netar. G:
I had a lot of dreams in my childhood life. Life was chased by the climate of the world, quite a bit. As I chase life
with the world's climate, the childhood boyfriend who grew up with me in my family, the son of the uncle, was
watching his mind and creativity in his mind. I was a little motivated to his dreams. But not the perfect motivation.
But then the time for his feats was very low; did not God Get Grace? But Sarah is a Divine Man. He is the source of
God. Sarahu Universe is one of those moments’ dreams.
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Anand D.G
Managing Director and Chief Press,
If we look at our Uncle Sarahu's writing and writing system and the New World Records achievement, I think the
Universe should not be so spectacular that the world is just wonderful. Yes, his achievements are not always wound
up. With his Universe brilliant mind, there are many other types of this kind that can only be in the Universe in our
world. It may be alien planet creatures. In such a line Sarahu is also an alien planet creature. But we cannot
measure his art with modest power.
Right, Sarahu Universe is not the one I need to conjure up to be a Universe wonderful person. Because the truth is,
the world is clear. Or like him, if we have all kinds of types in our world, we'll be able to make the Universe
“Privacy Policy”
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The Sarahu New 07 Human Wonders is a global source of information and commerce services. This privacy policy applies
to all brands and services within the 7 symbols of the Peace Family.
Here is a link to your privacy and to comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws. This privacy policy ("Policy")
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this policy. "Personal data" means information relating to you or another identifiable individual.
We will give you additional privacy information that is specific to a product or service in this policy and other notices that you
may use while using our products or services. If there is a difference between such notices and this policy, the notices must be
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Software on your device may access your information. Our nature services may contain links to, or may be embedded within,
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This site contains links to other sites. Sarahu 07 human Wonders is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of
such websites.
1. No fake Evidence, fake arguments "AOWWME" does not acceptable. Because The Sarahu New 07 Human Wonders of
the world organization is a special part of the universe.
2. The World Record at any International Level of such Things or Record Title must be recorded before any wonder.
Process must be taken up for aftermarket historical.
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3. World Records Organization is a Wonder Process and must be patented by the World Record Organization at Least 5 or
More Organizations.
4. Means Wonder is not attached to any organization or organization for selfish purposes. Moreover, it should be viewed
as a center point in the world. And with all kinds of convenience to become a tourist place.
5. Do not look at any of these benefits at this stage.
6. Our Export Team reviews natures, small tourist locations, temples, empire building, rivers, and make the after spot
verification of the result.
7. 1. If your 1000 world records get passed then surely that will become wonder.
1. If your 1000 world records get passed then definitely that will become wonder.
2. To become wonder you should have strong witness, audience observance letters also you should have collect witness
3. If anybody makes 1000 world records in mass that will not be considered as wonder.
4. To become a wonder you should also have an organization or company you should have established.
5. The above organization or company should have minimum 200 employees.
6. Among the employees of the company a minimum of 200 employees should have given recommendation letters.
7. The wonder should be permanent variable, measurable and qualitable.
8. Above 1000 world records must contain many amazing things.
9. All records will not become wonders. Should have made 200 employees and some audience observation of 1000 world
records which are measurable such records will be accepted as wonders.
10. You have to use all types of witness forms which are given in SWR. You should keep all your witness forms dually
filled and exhibit in your website.
11. There are ways to accept as wonder in the following areas e.g. Ancient subject, or new modern subject, cultural
activities achieve, love subject, civil architectures and any other subject.
12. If the total world records should be more than 1000 not even single world record is please it will not be taken to for
consideration as wonder.
13. If your world records to be considered as wonder you should follow SWR guidance and should use them. And all the
parts should be tested before processing completely.
14. All evidences should be true and not fake. These witnesses’ forms or recommendation letters of employees and
audience should have been approved by notary affidavit.
15. Your achievements made doesn’t have notary affidavit then they will lose waitage and you will not be considered for
16. You have to write a mini note of about hundred pages covering all the information regarding wonder.
17. This should have comments, likes by schools, colleges, trust, societies, NPO, NGO’s and other some audience opinion
for recommending about wonder.
18. At least 1000 people should make like, comments about your wonder things. But it’s should not have been published in
social media.
19. One of your nearby villagers should have made likes and recommendations about the achievement of wonder.
20. Your wonder should be big and special similar to established company which is also big and special.
21. Every employee’s must have recommended your wonder with a signature and stamp. The stamp should be in the name
of employee who puts his signature.
22. Your website should contain special page showing the wonder and have the highlighted recommendation letters and
wonder things.
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Copyright: Copyright 2019, Sarahu 07 Wonders of the Universe on behalf of the New 18 Wonders Foundation. All
Rights Reserved.
See intellectual property owners and communications department for publications and other communications.
Sarahu 7 Wonders of the Universe respects the intellectual property of others and we ask our users to do the same. If
you believe your work has been copied to copyright infringement or your intellectual property rights, please contact us.
If so, the Terms and Conditions do not apply to the Sarahu 07 Wonders of the Universe. However, the Terms and
Conditions are slightly applicable as Sara's 07 new wonders are here a central point. If so, then 2019 and 2020 are often
replaced by the year.
Information about the Web Domain Privacy Policy and Terms will apply to the Terms and Conditions.
All of this is common in social media. The privacy policy, terms and conditions are in the same line. However, the
offering is different.
There may be important subjects; there may be important nuances, not one side. They are the world's most important
policies and regulations. That is, the trademark or Foundation's All Policy Conditions are committed to our Foundations
This media always gives answers to the third party cues for any obstacles. And, all of them, such as fine particles, ideas,
and words, are in such a good way.
Nothing can be done against the section here. Because it's a law.
There is nothing more. Because it is a famous reflection of the world. Specially, these issues do not require much
conditioning and terminology.
“Indian Employees”
Sarahu Nagarazan
Founder, Chief Editor, MD, CEO, Designer and Psychic Guide
Netra .G. B
Managing Director, Sub Editor, Head CEO of Psychic guidelines
Anand D.G
Managing Director, Chief Press, Head CEO of Psychology counseling and Trustee
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Head CEO of Charity Services
Head CEO New Record and Breaking Records
Head CEO of News Press
Lakshmi Ingalaki.S
CEO Head Software Engineer and Civil/Architecture services
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Head CEO of Business Solutions and Database
Marketing import and Export Manager and Head CEO
Head CEO of Honorable Certificates
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Head CEO of Awards
Head CEO of Reality Shows
Head CEO of Documentary
Head CEO of Fashion Designs
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Head CEO of Writings and Skills
Head CEO of Implement/Business Units
Head CEO of Monthly Magazines
Shambhu.Kademani (Gejjehalli)
Research/Science/Project and
Providing Services/Database
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Head CEO of Science and Research Technologies
Head CEO of Logo Designs and Designs
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Head CEO of Online and Offline books Publish
Head CEO of Implement/Commercial Allied Activity/Planning/Maintain services
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Head CEO of Marriage and Engagement and comedy programs
Head CEO of TV Media and Broadcast
Vandana Aanand
Janhavi Vadeyar
HR Manager
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HR Manager
HR Manager
HR Manager
Abhilash M.R
HR Manager
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Megha A Karadagi
HR Manager
Neelavathi K. Naragundamath
HR Manager
Ashwini Hurakadli
HR Manager
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Manjula N. Goudappagoudar
HR Manager
Parvathi J. Pujar
HR Manager
HR Manager
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Shivanand Bhadravati
HR Manager
Vidhya Kulkarni
HR Manager
Vinay Kundapur
HR Manager
Gurunath Masur
HR Manager
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“Abroad Employees”
Parveen Madaynadavar
Collaborator – Malaysia
Prashanna Hirematha
Collaborator – Malaysia
Ramesh Bndare
Collaborator – Bangkok
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Collaborator – Bangkok
Collaborator – Bangkok
Devaraj Mathad
Collaborator – Malaysia
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Velshantta Malaysia
Collaborator – Malaysia
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“Our Partners”
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